FBC Daily Devotional – November 17, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word.


Well, good Wednesday morning to you. I trust your week is going well. We're in the middle of our work week already and Getting over the hump.
So today we're reading in Acts chapter 7 and this is really
Like kind of a hard passage to read in the sense that you know, what's coming I mean if you read it before you know, what's coming now today's reading only covers the first 29 verses of Acts 7 where Stephen is standing up before the
Sanhedrin the judges who are going to eventually stone him. He's standing before them and delivers a kind of like a rehearsal of Israel's history and So so this part of the passage is really, you know pretty good because we're remind we're being reminded of what's happened in Israel's history to this point, but let me ask you this before we look at that passage.
Do you ever get a little Frustrated or impatient with seeing
God's promises fulfilled and maybe you're you're praying for someone you've been praying for for a long long time and You're just not seeing anything happen
Now I don't we don't know what's going to be the outcome of a particular prayer request or person we're praying for But sometimes we know what
God has promised. We know what God Intends to do for his people
But it seems a long time in coming. You ever get impatient with that and Some of the things you realize
God has promised We may never see you know the Word of God promises
Jesus is coming again and The word indicates that that coming is imminent.
It means it could happen at any time Well, I I think maybe the older we get and the more
Declared decline we see in our culture in our society The more we long for that the more we're crying out with John at the end of Revelation, you know
Even so come Lord Jesus and we can become a little bit impatient. Now the reason
I I went down that way down that road is that In the course of Stephen giving the rehearsal of Israel's history
There's this one verse that Really struck me when
God comes to Abraham a Stephen says, you know the Lord came to Abraham when he was still
Abram dwelling in the land of Haran and He told him to move and he and it says
That God gave him no inheritance in that land of promise to which he was taken him
He gave him no inheritance in it but he said he promised to give it to him this land of Canaan for a possession and To his descendants after him
Alright, so God comes to Abram and says to him I'm going to take you to a land that I'm going to give to you and to your descendants after you
Okay, so there's the promise But he goes on to say and this is the thing that's kind of sobering he goes on to say
God spoke in this way that his descendants would dwell in a foreign land and That they would bring them into bondage and oppress them 400 years 400 years and Then he says and the nation to whom they will be in bondage
God says I will judge and after that they shall come out and serve me in this place All right.
Now, here's the thing if you're that generation that is
Delivered from the bondage if you're the generation that watches God bring the judgment upon the oppressive
Egyptian slaveholders and Deliver you The the ones in bondage deliver you from that bondage.
Well, I mean, that's a pretty exciting thing I mean, can you imagine the thrill of that and you know, you said you saw you eat that Passover meal and And then the next night you're the next day you're told get out leave and you go and then you watch
God do this miraculous thing at the Red Sea and it parts and you cross over and you look back and you watch the
Egyptians Get you know drowned in that right? That's all a very exciting thrilling thing to happen if you're that generation that is delivered from bondage and Sees the fulfillment of this promise begin to occur
That God judges the oppressor and brings you out of bondage that's thrilling that's exciting
But what I want us to catch is that God gave the promise to Abram that that would happen 400 years
Prior and more than 400 years prior to their going into captivity
So there's all these years that go by The promise is held out there
But the people who are living during this time of Bondage and oppression they're longing for that promise to come and to be fulfilled and it's not happening
It's not happening They get up every day. They go out and work and making these crazy bricks they're getting beaten by the the slave holder the slaveholders whips the
Foreman's whips and all that kind of stuff make more come on and get at it, you know and they're just and at the end of a long grueling day, they go home they collapse and To sleep and they get up the next morning they do it all again day after day after day and they have children that are born into this kind of a life and They they watch as their children grow up and then they pass off the scene and their children are living under the same
Oppression and that's their children have children and they grow up under that same thing for 400 years all the while There's this promise held out there that your descendants are going to have this land and Yet generations come and go and they never even see that land so what
I want us to take from that is To learn to be more patient than we are to realize that Just because we're not seeing the fulfillment of some of the promises of God Doesn't mean
God isn't faithful to his word and his promises aren't going to be fulfilled the promises of God are often slow in coming and We need to be okay with that we need to trust our
God in that that he has a purpose and a plan and he has a Timetable and he operates according to his timetable and we need to submit to willingly submit to his timetable and Learn to have a measure of contentment
To be content with where we are in that timetable I'm not suggesting for a minute that that's always easy
But I am suggesting that it's important so Let's learn this from that one statement in Stephen's message to the
Sanhedrin Moments before he's going to be executed That we need to be patient For the promises of God to be fulfilled in their time in his time
So father, I pray help us with this because it's not always easy We can often get agitated.
We can get anxious. We can become impatient Help us. Oh Lord. I pray to wait patiently upon you to know to learn
How to be content even as we wait And this we pray in Jesus name.