Impressed with Trevin Wax - Gospel Coalition!

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you know, I I try very hard, you know, and and and I Work at it, you know, and I spend time thinking about you know,
I want to be a good person, right? I want to be a good person and I try very hard and I I sit here and I think you know
How can I be a good person today? And I think and I think and I think and that's that's all I think about all day every day
I think about how to be a good person and And Then you guys send me articles like this and I'm trying
I Promise I'm trying to be a good person But then you send me articles like this.
So thank you very much this time. It was Rhett Coppel Thank you very much. You ruined my
Attempt today to be a good person. Oh My goodness gracious Trevin wax, you know, this is this is where we're at, you know as as as as as evangelicals
Gospel coalition. This is where we're at. So This week we've seen some of the most
In your face just sort of like this is what we've become that we've had a we've had a look take a good look in the mirror moment this week and Every now and then we get one of these where it's like that like that like the curtain is is is pulled away and we get to see just sort of how
Disgusting as a nation we've become right and and this is the collective we I know we're not all engaged in this behavior
But as a as a nation We're taking a good look in the mirror right now and we had it started off with the
Matt Walsh report Which you know kind of showed just how how evil these people that are promoting
You to mutilate your children, you know And they and they relish in it and they make money on it and they just they're just like the prototypical sort of fat cat
That's just you know they're promoting this and pretending it's like the moral thing to do so that they can cash in on it and Anyone who has an objection will they be they've become now problematic and that you can see the play
We've always known this is the play. We've always known that these hormone Manufacturers are just they're loving this.
They're making bank off the suffering of others. We've always known this but but this week we got to see it very open obvious and all of that and Then later in the week we see
Stacey Abrams You know her thing with you know, hey, you know that that heartbeat that you hear when you go to your first You know appointment, you know at six weeks and you and you see the little flashing thing on the screen and you hear the boom
Boom you hear that that's actually fake. That's not a that's not real. That's not a heartbeat at all and so we saw that and and and and we see that like it's we knew that Stacey Abrams was a ghoul and a demon but but just to see the lie just so plain because I mean
Millions of parents have heard that sound and seen that sound right? And of course, we understand that the baby's not fully developed because we're not brain dead, right?
We understand that We understand that the heart is not fully developed, but that's what the heart is at that stage.
We get that I saw Twitter trying to fact -check this Well, it's not really a heartbeat because the hearts not fully formed.
These people are so sick, right? They'll lie. They'll say any lie because they're of their father the devil
Stacey Abrams is of her father the devil So she lies all the time and and she's doing this all the time
But this one was just so in -your -face so bombastic So obvious anyone that's had a child hasn't knows that this is a lie.
So anyway So these two things happen and we've get this like it's just this obvious moment that every day that passes 80
Robles gets further and further justified in what he said last year or two years ago that that people
Christians who vote Democrat should be excommunicated. It's just so obvious at this point.
It's so obvious at this point and so Gospel Coalition, of course has to do damage control because because the demons revealed themselves just a little too much
They showed just a little too much. And so Gospel Coalition the dutiful little servants that they are they got busy
And so they're putting out articles now about how it's still okay to vote Democrat because if because proper
Discernment requires that you you you don't eviscerate Christian freedom so so if one of your
Christian brothers thinks it's still okay to vote Democrat, even though They they they lie in order to kill babies.
They love killing babies. They love mutilating the genitals of little children. They promote The castration of little children and all of this kind of stuff even though they do all that and a lot more
It's not just that those are just the most disgusting things that we We got a little lesson on this week
Even though there's no redeeming quality to the entire party every plank goes against the
Word of God They're at a they're in at war with God. They're in a disagreement with nature
God's creation Not only his revealed law but also his natural law the Democrats are at war with God's revealed holy righteous law and Also the natural law
God created nature God created everything and natural law is also his so that's the thing
We need to recognize that revealed law is God's and also natural law is God's and the Democrats every party platform every plank of their platform rather is at war with God and at war with his anointed and so Even though we got the lesson in How how ghoulish these people are?
Excuse me this week Trevin wax is dutifully just saying hey, don't worry.
It's still okay to vote Democrat. I saw JD Greer, too This is this is not a partisan issue. Oh Wow, it's not a partisan issue
You're right because you know lots of Republicans want to kill children and mutilate children as well, right?
It's not a partisan issue So thank goodness I can avoid Christian naturalism and still it's still safe to vote
Democrat. Here's the reality Gospel coalition thinks that this is going to work
It is not It will be destroyed just like everything else
God sees the wicked and he sees them You know, and they're there they're there they're gnashing their teeth at the righteous, right?
You know because if you come out and say yeah, you know Actually, there is a fetal heartbeat. There is a baby has a heartbeat at six weeks.
They're gonna mock you They're gonna gnash their teeth at you. They're gonna call you a Christian nationalist, right? If you say what is obviously true that it is a sin for a
Christian to vote Democrat to support the Democratic Party in their war against God It is a sin to support a political party that is at war against God and that's what their intentions are
They're intending to go to war with God and they're going to war with God It is a sin to support that if you say something obvious like that The pagans will gnash their teeth and the wicked will gnash their teeth at you but God is in heaven and he laughs at them because he sees that their day is coming and so Trevin, I Hope you enjoy your reward
You'll get some pats on the back and maybe listen Trevin if you if you keep writing this way You might end up with an article at the
Atlantic You might end up being one of those fact -checkers like you ever notice how how the AP has these certain doctors that they go to Every time they need someone to say something stupid like every time they need to deny reality
They have a certain Rolodex full of doctors that's ready to go and say yeah. Yeah, that's not a fetal heartbeat.
That's up That's um, that's cardiac activity, but the heart isn't fully formed yet So they have a
Rolodex of fact -checkers that'll say stupid things Trevin Maybe if you keep this up, you'll be on their
Rolodex of stupid fact -checkers every time they need a stupid Christian opinion They'll call you up Trevin.
I know that's that's a lofty goal. You're no Tim Keller. You're no Russell Moore I get that I get that but if you work hard enough, maybe you'll be on the
AP's Rolodex whenever they need a brain -dead Christian opinion I hope you have a great weekend. I hope you enjoyed this video.