John Piper on Critical Theory REAL Finale!

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, well let's finish up this John Piper critical race theory thing and all of that kind of stuff
I've got some important stuff to get to you I want to talk about the the report from the Jerusalem Post about aliens and UFOs and also apparently
China Did a mission to the moon, but of course we have no videos of it
I want to talk about this stuff because I said some things about NASA the other day I stand by them, and I want to talk about a lot of this
These weird stories coming out about aliens UFOs NASA the whole thing because I think there's a point to them
And I want to want to chat with you about that But before we do let's finish this John Piper thing And I wanted to say that I did get a message from a friend that was critical of my take on John Piper here's what he said.
He said swing and a miss AD. This is how my friends talk to me Swing and a miss AD. How could you of all people say
Christians should agree with Purdue's generic definition of critical race theory quote Critical race theory scholars attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race
And how they are able to represent themselves to counter prejudice Christians this is his comment
Christians seek to understand the facts of a case not undefined quote -unquote Systemic racism this generic definition is completely antithetical to biblical theology now
I didn't understand what he was saying so I I asked him about it and His point was that the definition itself assumes systemic racism
And that's inappropriate for a Christian a Christian first has to establish whether or not systemic racism is real and then they can learn about or study it and he makes a good point because because you know critical race theory assumes systemic racism is endemic to everything and It starts there and it's not the question is not if you're racist the question is how you're racist
That's what critical race theory is all about and so he's saying, you know The idea is that if you first try to prove systemic racism, well that takes you out of critical race theory
I agree with that It makes a good point and so I was actually giving the definition a little bit too much credit and I shouldn't have yeah
Systemic racism can be real and has definitely been real in the past But a
Christian ought to determine first if it is and if you just assume that systemic racism is real then that's a problem
That's something that a Christian cannot sign on for. Thank you for noticing that brother. I appreciate it.
Let's get into it. Let's go back These are quotes from mainstream critical race theory or its proponents in Christian circles number one quote
We cannot be anti -racist if we are homophobic or transphobic
Here's the second DC don't care Those that's just gobbledygook anyway, so I guess
I'm not anti racist big deal statement and this time from a
Christian conference moving in step with mainstream critical race theory quote
Biblical inerrancy and infallibility are orthodoxies of white supremacist thought close quote
Now my guess is that most of you hearing this are
Bamboozled by those two statements speed this up. Sorry about that guys. I forgot to do it
We'd got to get through this quicker. What what?
How do they get there? That has been the most illuminating question for me, how did they get there?
So let's take those statements one at a time and ask that question because it gets us to the root of the issue
So here's the first one. We cannot be anti racist if we are homophobic or transphobic
Let's make sure that we are clear here about what mainstream critical race theorists mean by homophobic and Transphobic they don't just mean the fear and hatred of people who try to change their sex or People who have sexual desires for people of the same sex.
They mean still so slow homophobia transphobia includes the
Christian view that Homosexual behavior is sinful and that trying to change your
God -given sex is sin, right? That's definitely true And so and so the you know We have to understand that people who are bought into these kinds of categories and critical race theory critical theory trans
You know, whatever sexual theories Feminism all this kind of stuff. They cannot be trusted with definitions.
And so So much of what is called racism these days is just as real as so much of what is called transphobic these days is real
It's not real at all. And so that's why we cannot just simply be like, you know
Enslaved to this idea. I don't want to be racist, you know You're racist and white supremacist and all that kind of stuff the minute people use those words
You need to make sure that they're defining them correctly And so often they're not especially by big evil leaders big evil leaders play fast and loose with the word racist all
A day long and they're starting to do it with more frequency when it comes to gender and sexual identity as well
So what they're trying to say then is this you you John Piper. Are you evangelical?
You can't hold these historic Christian convictions and be anti racist so the question is why not or How did they arrive at that conclusion because they don't define
Anti -racism the way a normal human being ought to they're they're coming up with their whole little system
And here's my answer and it's my deepest problem with critical race theory.
They arrive at this conclusion because at root they believe a person's essential identity is self -chosen
Self -constructed not God -designed or God -given or another way to say it would be that when it comes to our own
Identity we are our own God We do not acknowledge or submit to any divine truth or morality or theory as above us constraining or limiting our own self -definition our own
Self -construction, this is this really isn't true. I mean I you know
Think think about myself, you know people will deny me the status of you know
Latino or black or whatever because of what I believe so it's like no no It's not that they they think you're a self -made person like not and not just anyone can identify as black
That's not how critical theory works It's it's way more basic than that.
It's just standard Racism at least critical race theory. Oh Gender sex is different, but it's all nonsense.
Anyway Who's to be a woman though? God made me a man.
I am right to do so No, God, no morality. No religion. No ideology can replace me as the self -determining self -defining self -deifying sovereign of my own
Identity now you may be asking as I did. Well, how does that Explain the statement.
We cannot be anti racist if we are homophobic or Transphobic and I think the answer from critical race theory would be something like this
When you say Piper, let's just say Piper when you say John Piper that a person is wrong
To claim to be a woman if he was born a man And when you say that it's wrong for people to act on their homosexual desires
You Piper are wielding Ideological power to oppress two groups of people who have freely and rightly chosen their identity
Call it what you will you are exerting your supremacy to marginalize a vulnerable group and the reason people like you
Piper Who do that can't be anti racist is because the same position of ideological supremacy
From which you presume to denounce and marginalize a transgender person or a sexually active
Homosexual person is in essence the same position of power and privilege and supremacy
From which you will justify your superiority as a dominant race over others
When God is out of the picture what's left to determine right and wrong and What our true identity is what's left is personal autonomy self -definition
Self -determination self not exactly not exactly. I don't I don't actually agree with this.
I think what's left is the power of the state See the state determines these things the state gets to decide
Who's who and what they get and who and what justice is and stuff like that. That's what these these people want
They'd actually don't want Individual autonomy they want to grant to the state The power to do and decide and to determine these things.
That's why every critical race theorist Jamar Tisby Razzle pastor
Razzle, whatever These their status as well If you notice there's no consistency to it whatsoever.
They're all status that's why if you drew a Venn diagram of critical race theorists in the church, and then also
You know one circle is a critical race theorist and the other circle was was people that are pro mandatory vaccine pro mask -wearing pro cancelling
Church, it would be almost a one circle There's so much overlap there.
That's why these people vote Democrat. They're state worshipers. It's not exactly right I mean
I have a I have obviously there is a lot of personal autonomy taught in these circles I don't want to like come at John Piper that you know that aggressively here because he's right
But it's really about granting the state the powers of that you that that that normally would be ascribed to God and if a person like me say rejects such personal autonomy as the final arbiter of right and wrong well within the framework of God evicting critical race theory the only explanation left for my behavior
John Piper's behavior is your own will to power Piper That's all that's left
If you reject autonomy and God is not in the picture and a Bible is not in the picture There's one thing left and we know you're guilty of it will to power therefore if you reveal your rejection you
Piper if you reveal your rejection of human autonomy self -determination self -definition in regard to homosexual behavior or sex changing you show yourself guilty of Governing all your relationships by a will to power
Rather than a respect for autonomy for those are the only two options left where God and his word
Are out of the picture which leads as you can see Directly to the roots of the second baffling statement namely quote biblical inerrancy and infallibility are orthodoxies of white supremacist thought now
Why would a person say that what's the root issue behind that statement? the root issue is that the claim to have an infallible
Bible undermines the fundamental assumption of critical race theory in its main line
But it's actually worse than that because and I agree with this. That's why I haven't said much in a while This is all this is all good stuff, but it's it's it's more than just claiming you have an infallible
Bible It's actually treating it as if it is infallible because here's the thing This is what most critical race theorists and critical race friendly
Southern Baptists for example say well I believe in the Baptist faith and message that the Bible is infallible and it's it's completely
Accurate and everything that it teaches but then they'll go and they'll say yeah But you got to have blacks around and women to understand the
Bible perfectly and even if they understand it in a way That's completely contradicted in the scripture
Like that doesn't seem to matter to people and so yeah, you can believe that the Bible is infallible all day long
But then if I come to you and say well, you know, I know that slavery isn't Like the ultimate sin in the
Bible because you know, God doesn't say so it's not the ultimate sin You know and then then you call me a white supremacist.
Why are you calling me a white supremacist? Well, cuz that's exactly what the white supremacist would say and you're treating it
So I'm treating the Bible as if it's actually infallible and then I'm called the white supremacist But it's like well, yeah, but but I'm not a critical theorist because I believe the
Bible's infallible. You're just interpreting it wrong Well, how do you interpret it? Right? Well, you got to get some black people and some lens some and some women and some and some maybe some trans people in there
To understand the Bible correctly and it's like we get to this standpoint epistemology thing So it's like yeah, you need to have an infallible
Bible, but you also need to actually, you know Do what it says and treat it like if it's infallible No, that's see that's what most people get wrong.
And that fundamental assumption is that human identity is Self -constructed not
God -given any group therefore that claims to have access to an infallible word of God that dictates human identity and human right and wrong is a
Manifest threat to human autonomy and within the frame of reference of Critical race theory can only be understood as a group trying to seize power in this case white power
Since most of the confessions of faith in the history of the church that espouse biblical infallibility
Have been written by white men so in conclusion and summary critical race theory in its
Generic definition as a quest for understanding the history of oppression in race relations and the
Present attitudes and structures that continue that oppression is a worthy quest, right?
and so that it is a worthy quest so long as you're not buying into the Narrative of just assuming these things like the next time a black guy gets shot in the street
You know, you don't just assume that that's racism and then study, you know The effects of it or whatever you actually actually have to get to the bottom of it
You need two or more witnesses and stuff like that That's what that guy was criticizing me in the comment section about before and he was right
It's a worthy cause to study if oppression exists and then the effects of it
What's not a worthy cause is to just say well, you know, it's not about if this is racist
It's about how it's racist. So let's study how it's racist. That's a very very different thing It's a small change in wording, but it's a completely different project.
That's inappropriate critical race theory in its more essential definition including its mainstream assumptions and conclusions is a manifestation of the age -old enslavement of the fallen human heart to self deification
I will be my own God and self -definition I will define my own essential identity and self
Determination I will decide my own truth my own morality without reference or deference to any authority outside myself and therefore to try to make progress in racial justice and racial respect and racial harmony by absorbing the assumptions and categories and conclusions and strategies of Critical race theory is a dead -end
Street or as I said earlier Critical race theory is not a problem because It raises the challenge of racial justice and racial harmony and racial respect and racial glory
Racial glory Whatever that fails us as we try to take up these challenges in a hopeful
Christ exalting way Inside critical race theory. God is small and negligible
Inside critical race theory the Bible is small and negligible truth is small and negligible
And evil is big and there's no answer for it. None It's a hopeless path
Tragically hopeless, but inside that infallible word called the
Bible There is an absolutely Explosive redemption and blood -bought reconciliation and Christ exalting harmony and The failures of the church historically and today cannot cancel it
It is there and if we would be more saturated by God's Word and more broken and humble and Submitted to that word in all of its radical ramifications.
There would be hope. Oh, there is Hope and that's my prayer a
Lot rides on this. Thank you pastor. No, man. It sounds like a white supremacist to me. I mean You can't really refute me because I'm a minority
But yeah, so, you know, I'm not gonna comment too much on that the last four minutes or so, I'm not really sure
Exactly what I think and so I'm not gonna comment too much. I have a few Questions in my mind
And so I'll share those with you I'm not making any definitive statements here but I wonder I wonder if he's kind of missed the boat here a little bit because this is about critical race theory and to me what critical race theory says about race is
Objectionable enough it's it's false enough on its own But what Piper seemed to want to do was say well, it's wrong
But because of these things over here with homosexuality and gender identity and I'm not entirely sure why he did that like To me, it's it's obvious enough to say well, you know
If you're white you need to repent of your sins that goes against the scripture Obviously like that's that's objectionable enough.
We don't need to we don't need to bring in You know all this stuff about gender identity and homosexuality and stuff like that I'm not sure why he did that and To me it almost misses the mark a little bit and I have to think about this a little bit more
Like I said, so so if you have thoughts on this and why I'm wrong, please share them But I almost think that takes away from the conversation about critical race theory and and furthermore, you know
The prop that one of the main problems for me with critical race theory in the church is that people are attempting to syncretize
Things assumptions and and conclusions and tools that critical race theory brings with the scripture and so this whole idea of Self -determination and and a
God that is small or deifying man Like there are people in the church right now
Razul Barry, you know, Jamar Tisby these these guys Eric Mason Thabiti Anyabwili they're attempting to syncretize the two and so they can still use a lot of the tools and the
Assumptions while having a big God so there is a solution to these people to the problem of sin
But they're still bringing in Evil methods right and and and this is why?
Gospel coalition is spreading such evil stuff right now That's this is why Tim Keller is saying such evil things about white people he's bringing in critical race theory and Merging it with a high -minded view of the gospel so he can write the prodigal
God Which is a great book and then he can also likewise say if you're white repent of your sin of enslavement
Or whatever it was that he had said That's the big problem like the syncretization and so Pastor John to me.
I mean again, this is I have to think about that last piece. It's a little bit You know, it's a little bit a little bit heady for me
So so this is not a final determination, but it it's certain my first reaction here Is that John Piper kinds kind of punts on this a little bit?
I'm glad he says that critical race theory is is is bad. He did not equivocate.
That's very good But he almost punts on the actual issues at hand by pointing to the homosexuality stuff and the gender transgender or whatever
I'd like to see him tackle like why is Keller telling me to repent if I'm white? Why is the beady on you really saying we await your repentance for killing?
Dr. King white people like why is that happening in the church with your buddies like that is bad enough
We know that the homosexuals are doing bad things as well Like we get the feminists are also doing bad things like but that but this is about critical race theory though That's what
I don't get it almost. I'm good again. I'm grateful that he said that it's bad and it's not compatible with the
Bible But he almost seems to punt on the actual issues.
I mean had did anyone else feel that way? Let me know what you think in the comments below. Let me know if you think I'm wrong
I know some people probably will Let me know why you think I'm wrong and how this is a great great statement from John Piper to be honest
I'll say this as well. Like I mean, this was pretty decent It was okay
But I don't see why Doug Wilson is like so enthusiastic about this. I really don't Missy it must be missing something.
I don't know. I'm just a layman. I don't really know much Anyway, I'm gonna go think about aliens some more.