Viewer Is Mad About My Chandler Video

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is a response to a viewer comment. She claims to have been a village church member. Sadly...this is the collateral damage of his teaching on prophecy. Originally I was sharing my screen...but I deleted that part. Sorry if it doesn't make as much sense.


All right. Well this morning I woke up and I saw that my best -performing video to date, which is the
Matt Chandler Jump -the -shark video Got a few comments Long comments in them and I wanted to respond to one of them and I'm not intending this channel to become a anti charismatic
Channel, that's not what this is all about that was sort of a one -off topic, but I figured since there were some people that showed confusion or Concern about that video that I'd kind of clarify what
I meant And and you know, there's really two kinds of comments to that video the one kind that this is the more prevalent kind people will say well you took
Matt out of context and They don't give any more information besides that. Well, that's not very helpful.
I mean, I appreciate you watching. I appreciate you commenting I'm not saying to stop commenting if that's how you feel. That's that's how you feel but What I would say is that when you say you took him out of context and then don't provide the context that would change his message
That's not really helpful for something like me So let's just say I was wrong about about Matt Chandler speech, which I don't think I was
But let's just say I was and you could prove it Why don't you show me how I was wrong rather than saying that you're insane rather than saying that you just you took him out
Of context. Why don't you provide the context that you think changes the message? It would make my response to it inappropriate a couple of you have and so I'm gonna respond to one person who did
But when you just say, oh you took him out of context. You're in sin. You're you're jealous of Matt Chandler like that I I love the comments.
I like seeing that kind of stuff However, it's it's not very helpful and it's it's just too easy to respond in a snarky way, which
I do So if you say if you say hey, you're you're in sin for for disagreeing with Matt Chandler publicly
Well, I'm just gonna respond to you. You're in sin for disagreeing with me publicly. See that's not how we do this
That's not how we do this at all. But anyway, let's switch the screen because I want to show you this particular comment
It's long and I want to respond to it because this person actually took some time to tell me why I was wrong and I appreciate that so if you think
I'm wrong on any of my videos feel free to tell me why or we can have a Conversation on hangouts and we can put it on YouTube and you can tell me all about how wrong
I am All right. So here is my Matt Chandler has jumped the shark video. I Appreciate all of the thumbs up.
Let's give myself a thumbs up here. I like that and no, I appreciate all the the play this is getting and I'm glad it's resonating with people and You know, we've got a lot of comments here.
A lot of them are very encouraging. They agree. Some of them are not Here's an example of the kind of comment I was talking about if you watch the sermon you'll see this commentary cook
Chandler completely out of context But you see doesn't she doesn't provide any Information about why I took him out of context or how same thing with this guy
Javier his critiques of passages are out of context Not well done. I love this comment because I do appreciate the fact that that he's commenting
But again, it doesn't really help me. So if I'm wrong, I'd like to know why I'm wrong But anyway, this person here
I said the same thing I took him out of context and struck a nerve and I'm angry and this and that so but I Challenge this person to can you please explain to me?
Why? What about the context makes this snippet more correct and she actually does and so I do appreciate that very much
So let's here's the comment. I want to read it and we'll respond to it She says first of all,
I wish we could have this more discussion more privately like email or private chat I'm not gonna do that Unless it's
I might do chat, but I just I'm not really interested in in long Written backs and back and forth right now nothing against you
Just not something I'm interested in doing and she says I hate get into philosophical debates over a wide forum because it comes less
Conducted conducive overall. I disagree with that. That's okay She says however YouTube does not seem to lend that option if there is let me know
I also wasn't about to put my email or Skype address for all to see I totally understand that All right,
I Posted a good portion of this up cable and let's just get to it There's nothing taught in this sermon that I find contrary to scripture
Especially since he is teaching from 1st Corinthians Corinthians 14 where it is taught about prophecy and tongues in the
New Testament He clarifies towards the beginning of the sermon that in that the days of quote thus saith the
Lord are over the canon is closed He is saying that there is a place for prophecy that is different than Old Testament prophecy so actually
Christie that is actually the point because Matt Chandler in this video gives you a definition of prophecy.
That is not in the Bible I know you're saying that he's preaching from 1st Corinthians 14, which he is attempting to But the definition of prophecy that he gives there is not what 1st
Corinthians 14 says My my my claim is that when when when Paul talks about prophecy?
He's talking about the kinds of prophecy that we all agree on the kind of thus saith the Lord prophecy now
I realize Matt Chandler is not talking about that but there is no other prophecy in the Bible to really talk of if If if a prophet is speaking or a word from the
Lord that is thus saith the Lord. That's the whole point So he's making up a definition of prophecy that is not in Scripture and he's saying it is in Scripture.
It isn't you cannot find a distinction between Thus saith the
Lord prophecy and a prophecy in the New Testament because when the New Testament writers spoke You know the
Word of God through there through their pen and it was all written Along and they were carried along by the Holy Spirit that held the authority of thus saith the
Lord And so when the old when the New Testament talks about prophets They're speaking the Word of the Lord the same way the
Old Testament prophets were and so that's that's the whole point I know he clarified that that's not what he's talking about.
But the problem is what he's talking about doesn't exist There isn't this new kind of prophecy that is not authoritative that is not directly from God and that's the point she goes on She says he is saying there's a place for prophecy.
That is different than the Old Testament prophecy We just refuted that he approaches it with humility by saying to approach it as quote
I think God is telling me XYZ to tell you does this mean anything to you? I'll be it a little goofy and that I can agree probably could have been approached most differently
But you have to understand that apart. This is a part of his personality Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't if it doesn't if he's talking about doesn't make sense.
Maybe it does Maybe it doesn't make sense if it doesn't okay move on He is saying step out in faith and be open about what
God is trying to work through you Right.
Well, that's the point though because again, this is this maybe God speaking. Maybe he isn't
That's not in the Bible because of prophets when they prophesied You know in the
New Testament and the Old Testament. It was clear that God was speaking through them And that's the whole point of this so so in other words
When when Paul penned first Corinthians or when when Peter wrote, you know, first Peter or something like that They that was
God's Word. They were writing God's Word. They knew they were writing God's Word. It's not like this Well, maybe
God maybe is maybe he is maybe he isn't And the whole the whole point of it being goofy is is just adds extra silliness to it
But the reality is anything like this would be goofy because if you're saying I think God's speaking to me and he wants me
To say this word to you, but you're not sure about it. That's goofy in itself. And so that that's the whole point
She says consider also that he starts a sermon with a personal experience with her pastor friends spoke a prophetic word to him quite some
Time prior to when he was diagnosed in battling cancer and during that time God reminded him of that word Well, I mean that might be true and all but the thing is like the prophecy that he talks about this guy giving him was
Not hey, Matt, you're going to get cancer and this and that no It was just sort of you're gonna be circumcised and so that could mean anything.
So if if I said to you Commenter if something's gonna happen in your life
It's gonna change your life in the near future and then in a month or two something does happen Does that mean
I prophesied to you? No, it's just very it's a cold reading If you look up cold readings of what they are because pagans do this all the time and it supposedly works
He said she says did it did he is not saying that every random thought that comes to your head is from God That is definitely fake taking things way out of context
He never said that even in his experience with the word being shared to him by a previous pastor He shared that the pastor prayed about it and sought counsel about it before it was shared to him but you see that's the point though because Yes, he didn't technically say every word that comes to you is from God But he did say that when you pray to God to give you a word for someone to encourage whatever pops into your mind
That's that word. He specifically said do not Think don't do not try to figure out if it's real or not specifically do not discern it
He said just do it. Let's just go with it If it's a pirate ship and that doesn't make sense just go with it and that is horrible advice very horrible advice because Imagine Some young man at your church said
God. I'll give me a word for someone. Okay. Okay. Okay a word for for for for Jennifer What's what's the word and then
God says you're gonna marry Jennifer Is that a word from the
Lord, I mean that could be very dangerous He says as I said before sometimes he can give a goofy example and that's just his personality and always has been but it does
Not take away from the overall truth. It actually does take away from the overall truth because when your example is so preposterous
It's very difficult to take the truth seriously Because if he's saying that a word from the
Lord can be pirate ships sharks and cannons Then what what couldn't the word of the Lord be? You know, what are the limits at that point?
There are no limits Once you say that the Word of God can be pirate ships cannons and sharks and you don't even try to discern it
You just go with it There are no limits at that point if that's the if that's the case then the Word of God can be anything
And so that's the point She goes on she says you say that he shows partiality in his affirmative action position first That is not even discussed in this video at all.
And so I'm not sure where you pulled that from in the context of this Sermon. Well, I pulled it from something else. He said so if you you probably don't watch my channel and that's totally fine
But I've criticized Matt Chandler for his affirmative action of hiring practices when he's looking for a new pastor for his church
So that's where that comes from Second I have attended the village for almost nine years moved and still listen to his messages
I have heard all his social justice sermons and all of them are about seeing all people in the image of God Not only that I have heard him preach since my youth
All right, sorry about that I just had to go help my kids She says not only that but I've heard him preach since my youth
So I'm very familiar with his style and also with the heart behind his messages his point is that we have to tear down the dividing wall and our race and ethnicities and Recognize areas we have caused harm and seek repentance forgiveness and reconciliation.
I'm not sure what's wrong with that Well, there's nothing wrong with that until you start making the applications that he does and we'll talk about more about that in a minute
In fact in a later comment, I posted reference Micah 6 as a s1 what we do about those in terms of social justice
What do we do about those in terms of social justice and racial reconciliation? I'm not gonna go into that before you go assuming anything
I am a white woman saying that I agree that we have a long way to go in Recognizing our privilege in and ways we may have hurt our brothers and sisters of other ethnicities.
Well before you go assuming anything I'm not white And so I'm not really sure what that means We do have privilege more privilege than many others have and maybe it's our time to use our privilege to build others
Who have not had the luxuries that we have had I believe that his point in the part of the message you reference regarding?
A person of color being a quality he is looking for in hiring staff, which has nothing to do with this particular message another example of taking things out of context again
I'm not I wasn't referring to this sermon when I was referring to that I was referring to something else So it's not taking it out of context
But the problem is that when you use skin color as a qualification for pastor
That goes against scripture because the scriptures give us very clear qualifications for pastor
There's like ten qualifications and none of them are skin color or ethnicity And so I know he's his heart is he's trying to solve racial reconciliation
But you can't solve sin with more sin and so if you say well We've been partial in the past and so white people if you say white people have been partial in the past And so therefore we're gonna be partial to black people in the present that doesn't work and that's the whole point
So I have no problem with him trying to solve some ethnic reconciliation issues That's I have no problem with that.
My problem is with him doing it in an ungodly Sinful way again, you cannot solve sin with more sin
She says I don't see where you're accusing him of taking the Lord's name in vain anywhere in this message at all He is urging people to be open about what the
Lord may want to say to them and through them but actually that is what taking the Lord's name in vain is because if you say
God said something to you and God didn't say Something to you then that is taking the
Lord's name in vain. You might not know that You might think that taking the Lord's name in vain is about cursing or saying bad words or saying
GD or something like that And it is about those things but it's also about speaking presumptuously, it's also about Doing things and saying things that are ungodly
Unscriptural applying the scriptures incorrectly all of those things are taking the Lord's name in vain You should have heard that sitting under Matt Chandler for nine years
I'm not sure why you haven't heard that sitting under Matt Chandler for nine years and so if you are saying that you heard from the
Lord and then you actually had it because Matt Chandler actually says You shouldn't even try to figure out if it's real or not
So in other words you pray you say, okay I'm gonna pray for Brian and then you get the pirate ships in the cannons and he says don't even try to question it
Just step out in humility and faith and say well, I think God said pirate ships cannons and sharks Well, if he didn't say that then that is taking the
Lord's name in vain. That's a third commandment violation again You should have heard this sitting under nine years of Matt Chandler.
I'm not sure why you didn't He's urging people to be open about the Lord the Lord may want to say to them and through them and that's the problem because You don't know if God said it or not
He's saying it's for the point of building up and encouraging our brothers and sisters as the scripture says it is Not to tell someone they should make a crazy move or rebuke them or anything like that again
Well, that's the problem because Old Testament and New Testament prophecy book has both encouragements and rebukes and and and and Prophecies of judgment and so when you limit it like Matt Chandler does to only encouragements you're talking about something else
It's not prophecy anymore. Look at the Old Testament prophecies. There's tons of judgment and wrath in those look at the
New Testament prophecies There's tons of judgment and wrath in those and so when Matt Chandler says well This is a new kind of prophecy that no one's ever heard of before and it's only about encouragement.
He's lying That's actually a third commandment violation. He's taking the Lord's name in vain right there Okay, I know
Matt is for the things of God he has never taught against Jesus I agree He has upheld the major doctrinal tenets of Christianity as far as I can observe and continues to do so Well, he does sort of but then he also takes the
Lord's name in vain by saying that God spoke speaks to him in pirate Ships cannons and sharks that is taking the
Lord's name in vain Until a major shift happens that you deny the Trinity denying Christ denying the sufficiency of scripture, which
I don't see here at all I see no need to be this divisive Well, I'm not sure how divisive you think I'm being
I Affirmed his Christianity. I agree. He's not denying the Trinity. He's not denying Christ I think he would think he's not denying the sufficiency of scripture
But he actually ends up doing it in this sermon By saying we need these extra words from the Lord in order to encourage we do not all we need in order to encourage is
Scripture, that's all we need It's sufficient to encourage God's Saints and when you say we need something else to encourage
God's Saints that denies the sufficiency Of scripture, it doesn't deny the scripture
But it did not deny its sufficiency because you need this other stuff to encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ He even said it in this paragraph.
And so that's the problem. And so I didn't say that he wasn't a Christian I didn't say they shouldn't be a pastor.
I just said I wouldn't recommend him Okay God does speak to us and lead us in ways that are not necessarily explicit in the
Bible For example, what career we should have what our who our spouses might be etc And God told me
I'm gonna marry you. That's what I was thinking there. I know you're not saying that but that just came to mind However, we can test everything that God does tell
However, we can test everything that God does tell us according to scripture because it'll always be confirmed by the scripture in some way
It will never be contrary to scripture well, that's the point though because I agree with that Anything that you feel prompted to by God has to be confirmed by the scripture
So for example, if you felt prompted to leave your husband or your wife For no reason just because you thought
God wanted you to that we could go to scripture. We could say, okay Well, that is actually not scriptural. So that's not from God But the problem is that Matt Chandler says that these prophetic words like pirates cannons and sharks, which cannot be confirmed by scripture
I mean we'd have to be honest about that pirate ships can't its cannons and sharks cannot be confirmed by scripture
But he says don't even try to discern it he specifically said that in this sermon don't try to figure out is it
God Is it bad chicken? Is it just because I was thinking about this guy? He says don't do that.
Just step out in faith and in humility and do that. And so again, that is Absolutely against what you're saying right here.
I agree with you We got to confirm things against scripture, but Chandler saying pirate ships cannons and sharks Don't even try to confirm that with scripture
Just go ahead and say and say God's and say God might have a word for you That's taking the Lord's name in vain. That's a third commandment violation
Okay, I believe this so do I Perhaps we should consider that he is open to what the Holy Spirit wants to do instead of cramming him to a box and limiting
Him like so many and brothers and sisters want to do and that sentence that you've just said there Commenter that opens the door for all kinds of insanity that opens the door for people to bark like dogs at the church service
That opens the door for people to run around acting drunk And saying it's the
Holy Spirit that opens the door for people to toke the ghost you've seen that kind of stuff I'm sure how could how could you how could you reject that because you know what if you reject toking the ghost and acting like a
Drunk and fool and saying it's the Holy Spirit. Well, you're just putting God in a box You see that's the problem that once this door is open
You can't stand against anything because I could just say well God put it on my heart to do this video How could you deny it?
How could you deny what I said? I did this video and God put it on my heart. Tell me how you would refute me.
All right Did it the Holy Spirit is still a part of the Trinity the Holy Spirit? Spirit still points us back to Jesus the
Spirit is still moving in and through all of us We need to stop treating the Holy Spirit like the weird uncle at a family gathering as some describe him.
I agree Christy I agree. That's why the Holy Spirit isn't telling you pirate ships cannons and sharks
You know what? I mean? He's not the weird uncle the Holy Spirit makes sense The Holy Spirit is clear.
The Holy Spirit has spoken definitively and authoritatively through the scripture We don't have to discern pirate ships cannons and sharks
That's the whole point though See, this is this comment is a whole mishmash of contradiction and I don't blame you because you sat under Matt Chandler's teaching for nine
Years, and that's a shame. This is this is you are part of the collateral damages You're a part of the reason why
I stand against this so much because you're very confused here and I'm sorry about that Okay, the spirit
Oh, we need to stop treating the Holy Spirit like the crazy uncle as the family gathering as some describe him in fact First John 4 says do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the
Spirit you must test them to see if the spirit they have Comes from God. I agree. So why is Matt Chandler Chandler telling you not to test it?
He said don't even worry about it It's not bad chicken. It's not just because you were thinking about pirate ships and cannons recently
No, no, no Just step out in faith in humility and say well I think God might be speaking pirate ships and cannons to you and you're telling me we need to test those spirits
Okay, I will I just tested it by the scripture. It's not in there It's not in there.
Therefore. I reject it. I think maybe you should start doing that Yeah I think you need to take your own advice here because Matt's Chandler telling you is to not discern the spirit as long as it's
Meant to encourage doesn't matter what it says no matter how much sense it makes then just say it and it's from God That's Testing that's that's that's breaking the third commandment.
That's a third commandment violation. That's taking the Lord's name in vain Saying God spoke where he has not spoken
Okay, I can guess how you might apply this Well, I just did and I'm sure that's what you guessed and tell me how that doesn't apply.
I Would apply it to a word of encouragement given by someone It doesn't necessarily mean the person is off their rocker and trying to lead you astray
It could mean that in some ways, but I think it also applies to in a less severe way Also, there is an incredible defensiveness apparent in your response that comes across almost bully -like and self -righteous through challenging anyone who responds to you
That they are just who responds to you to call out the areas of context by saying no one has yet Well, that's the point.
Yeah, I mean that's there's no there's no bullying there If someone tells me I'm taking him out of context. I'd like to know how
I think that's pretty fair I mean you had the courage here to tell me tell try to tell me how
I'm taking them out of context But you've actually shown that I'm taking him exactly in context and so I appreciate that because it's actually very helpful for everyone else
Perhaps they are not wanting to stir up a fight. Well, then why comment? I mean, I'm not saying they're trying to serve a fight I'm just trying to find out how
I'm wrong because if I'm wrong I'd really like to know about it because I don't want to be wrong anymore. You know what
I mean? That's that's that's how you encourage someone like me you tell me look you're not being scriptural and here's how you're not being scriptural
I will receive that and I'll take it seriously and I'll thank you In fact, I thank you for this comment because you're taking the time to try to explain to me how
I'm wrong I think you've failed and so I don't think I'm wrong but I appreciate you caring enough about me to tell me how
I'm taking him out of context or how I'm not being scriptural because That means you actually care about me and I appreciate that people who just say well, you're wrong.
You're a jerk Like if people say that that's doesn't really do anything for me. But anyway
Perhaps they're just wanting to let it be I don't think they are because they're commenting Anyway in all of this,
I wanted to respond even though it's contrary to my preferred method of discussing things I mean all things with do all due respect and Equally do not want to fight if there is a way to discuss this in a private chat forum
I'd much rather prefer that I'd be willing to chat Text or or or on on Google Hangouts potentially.
Well, we'll see I'm wondering what deep wounds might be triggered through all of this I don't know if you're talking about me or not
But I do not have any any wounds from charismatic circles as I said in my video my whole family comes from charismatic circles
I love them very much. They've never done anything evil to me In fact, I credit them for how
I was brought up in the faith. So I appreciate that very much Your reaction demonstrates something is going on No Nothing's going on What I'm not sure that would be up to you to figure out overall though This video does not uplift or encourage the body of Christ and can qualify as defamation and slander equally ungodly behavior
Well, it actually is encouraging the body of Christ because I've gotten so many Responses about this in an encouraging positive way
They're grateful for me to stand up to this kind of thing and I'm happy to do it And again, I'm not gonna make this a charismatic channel, but I'm happy to continue doing this as long as it's necessary And so it defamation or slander
I think that's actually slander because Slander means that it's not true. I'm saying something about Chandler It's not true
And actually everything they said about Chandler or even according to your words are true I say he's breaking the third commandment by claiming to speak where God hasn't and you're saying here that God may or may not have spoken.
So that's the third commandment violation I said he's Every he doesn't even try to discern if it's from God or not doesn't even try to discern if it's bad chicken or not
And you confirmed that here that is a third commandment violation In fact,
I see nothing here about the context that actually changes what he said He said pray and then whatever pops into your mind go to that person and say
I think God is speaking this to you cannons pirates and sharks And yeah, you've confirmed that as well.
So I appreciate your effort I appreciate you reaching out and taking the time to write this but I don't think you've proven anything and Anyway, god bless.