Acts 14, What Are You Willing to Go Through?

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Acts 14 What Are You Willing to Go Through?


Acts chapter 14 hear the word of the Lord Now at Iconium they entered together into the
Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks Believed but the unbelieving
Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers So they remained for a long time speaking boldly for the
Lord who bore witness to the word of his grace Granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands, but the people of the city were divided
Some sided with the Jews and some with the Apostles When an attempt was made by both
Gentiles and Jews with their rulers to mistreat them and to stone them They learned of it and fled to Lystra in Derbe cities of Lyconia and to the surrounding country and there they
Continued to preach the gospel Now at Lystra there was a man sitting who could not use his feet
He was crippled from birth and had never walked He listened to Paul speaking and Paul looking intently at him and seeing that he had faith to be made
Well said in a loud voice Stand upright on your feet And he sprang up and began walking and when the crowd saw what
Paul had done They lifted up their voices saying in Lyconian the gods have come down to us in the likeness of men
Barnabas they called Zeus and Paul Hermes because he was the chief speaker and The priest of Zeus whose temple was at the entrance of the city brought oxen and garlands to the gates and Wanted to offer sacrifice with the crowds
But when the Apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their garments and rushed out into the crowd crying out men
Why are you doing these things? We also are men of like nature with you and we bring you good news that you should turn from these vain things to a living
God who made the heaven and The earth and the sea and all that is in them in past generations
He allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways Yet he did not leave himself without witness for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons
Satisfying your hearts with food and gladness Even with these words they scarcely restrained the people from offering sacrifice to them
But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and having persuaded the crowds They stoned
Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing that he was dead But when the disciples gathered about him
He rose up and entered the city and on the next day He went on with Barnabas to Derbe when they had preached the gospel to the city and had made many disciples
They returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch strengthening the souls of the disciples encouraging them to continue in the faith and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God and When they had appointed elders for them in every church with prayer and fasting they committed them to the
Lord in whom they had believed Then they passed through Pisidia and came to Pamphylia and when they had spoken the word in Perga They went down to Italia and from there they sailed to Antioch where they had been commended but to the grace of God For the work that they had fulfilled and when they had arrived and gathered the church together
They declared all that God had done with them and how he had opened a door of faith to the
Gentiles and they remained no little time with the disciples May the
Lord add his blessings to the reading of his holy word. Well, what are you willing to go through?
To get what you want long hours of studying or work hard training pushing yourself beyond exhaustion
Running miles and miles and 90 degree heat If you had to move somewhere To make it so you had to move somewhere far away.
Maybe some foreign place work every day 16 hours a day for years
If someone said to you That's what you're gonna have to go through To make it to finally achieve a comfortable life
Maybe and you won't get there until maybe you're sometime in your 50s or 60s Would you be willing to do that What are you willing to go through Opposition if you want to win some people are going to try to stop you.
Do you try anyway? Or do you wilt under opposition? You know the past couple of weeks.
I've seen them a few in NBA playoff games I've seen the Golden State Warriors down by 18 in two games down by 17 and another
Looking is that they're gonna lose. They're gonna lose this game for sure But they went through being behind Undeterred and in each game they climbed out of the hole and won
Are you willing to go through? Maybe disapproval You know if you say
That whatever it is something something, you know that these other people don't want to hear you will be disapproved of you
Will be rejected you'll be thought of as a as a bigot a hater and intellectually benighted buffoon not to be paid any attention to Do you then hold back
Well, you know maybe you know There are such thing as manners not all opinions need to be shared Someone said that opinions are luxury items
You can only have as many as you can afford if you're offending people because you just say obnoxious things
Like how much you hate their favorite football team or that their political opinions are stupid then you're just being obnoxious
Okay, you're not being persecuted for the faith. You're just being a jerk, but Are there some opinions some beliefs?
Though that you will say Even if it cost you dearly You're willing to endure the disapproval
Or will you edit yourself? Censor yourself You know hold yourself back
You know communicators of all kinds they know what gets them better reactions
More positive reactions and what gives them more negative reactions and if they're not willing to go through disapproval
They will pitch to those positive reactions They will edit themselves to take out the negative and add in more positive
How can I get more people to like me so they'll buy my book or come to my seminar or listen to my sermon?
That question will drive them. It will determine how they censor themselves
So we have many churches today where the message is often being determined by what will get the most approval
And you think about it an altar call is an immediate indicator It's kind of like a poll the more people you can get to come forward the more successful you are
The worst thing would be I would guess You know to have begged for people to come forward for 12 verses of just as I am and still no one to come forward
I'd be awful, but it you don't want to go through that You don't want to go through being popular and rejected
You won't be standing up there. Please come just as you are, you know, you don't want to go through being Small numbers you want to have those big numbers that prove your success and you deserve the big dollars
So you'll be tempted to edit the message Won't you to take out a little something that you know is just is offending people that driving them away
And you edit a little raise the incentives Lower the cost if you come forward say this easy prayer, you'll be eternally secure
You never need to doubt it. You never need to examine yourself. No matter how you live after this you can you have a
License to sin and then you'll go to heaven and we even will even throw in a free burial plot out back while supplies last
Right. That's what some preachers will say if if people think they can avoid
Resistance if you know, they just they can just earn popularity. They can skip whatever is hard.
They'll edit out The rebukes of the popular sins, you know, there's some popular sins you're not supposed to rebuke
Sure, they'll let you know. They maybe even expect you to to scold a few sins
They'll give a license to hunt a few selected sense It used to be sexual immorality and drunkenness
You expected the preachers to just rail on that That's what they're there for this is call down fire and brimstone on sexual immorality or drunkenness but not racism
Not teaching the kids by example that God comes after sports by having them out of church And traveling teams half the year don't don't touch that They might as one mom of a traveling team kid once told me they might feel attacked and then they'll go elsewhere
For generations preachers in this culture learn that they could succeed that they could thrive that they could become
Well -respected big shots if they only edited the message a little bit How else do you think that racism and segregation?
live side by side in this culture in this area with churches for over a century
Well, they edited what they were saying didn't they they later learned to censor the message to redact it You know to black some things out
So that they could preach about a Savior whose second greatest commandment was love your neighbor as yourself
While they lived in the midst of a culture where legally hating your what some of your neighbors anyway was fine
And they preachers lived in that culture and oddly enough They never mentioned it
Just yesterday. I learned about there was such a thing as they published during slave days. What call a slave
Bible They had special Bible just for the slaves. They they edited this Bible. Guess what they took out anything that might make the slaves think that Slavery maybe is not for them
Philemon was cut out, you know where Paul tells On SMS you should free your slave that kind of stuff.
They edit it out That's how That's how racism slavery live side -by -side with the church in this area and they were rewarded for editing the message and if a few oddballs
Didn't go along If they actually dared to name the sins that you're not supposed to name
Well, they were dealt with So we shouldn't be surprised that now other sins some of the same sins that used to be popular
You know some of the same things that used to be railed against now, we're told now it's now it's in poor taste to expose and renounce those sins
They might feel attacked You know, they come in living with her girlfriend and you rail against sexual immorality.
They might feel attacked Now it's different sins that are being edited out, but it's the same principle
Nothing really has changed just that we've just switched sins is all we give the customer what he wants a positive affirming message
That makes me feel good about myself that I can have the easy life now heaven later. No fuss.
No muss that's what people want to hear and if they think they can they can have that and They don't have to go through anything hard They don't have to sacrifice anything.
They don't have to suffer any afflictions Well preachers will cater to that But can you?
Can you? not go through resistance Through disapproval and hardship.
Can you? Bypass affliction. Is there a detour route past affliction on the way to heaven?
Well, we see the answer to that here in three major parts first the resistance second the revolution third the return
What are you willing to go through First there's the resistance
Paula Barnabas there on we're in the middle here we started last week in chapter 13 on the what's called the first mission their first missionary journey and Before the end of chapter 13, they were pressured out of a city of Antioch another
Antioch they started in Antioch in Syria and And now just now they've been pressured driven out of an
Antioch and would now call Turkey The city in Antioch gets called the end of chapter 13 So they go next to they're turning east now kind of back in the way they came from I'm not but not they won't go that far back to Iconium not back to they're going to it for the first time
Excuse me. They follow the same pattern that they followed before They have a they have kind of a routine a strategy that they're following They go to the synagogue and they share the gospel and they get the same result as they have in the past first There's a lot of converts
Who believe the gospel both Jews and Greeks Gentiles And so it's a mixed congregation from the start and they get lots of also the same pattern
They get lots of opposition the unbelieving Jews don't like the competition They don't like the they don't like that Paul and Barnabas are winning people away from them to believe in the gospel and so in verse 2 they they poisoned the minds of People against the
Christians. I was they slandered them They made up stories about Paul and Barnabas and we're not told exactly what you can imagine whatever it was
We know later that the Romans would accuse Christians of being cannibals That's what they're doing in their secret meetings
They're cannibals, but since they talked about eating the body of Christ and drinking his blood in the
Lord's Supper the Romans didn't get that it was Symbolic or maybe they did get it and they just didn't care
They heard the Christians talking about their love feast with their brothers and their sisters and then they accused them of having incestuous orgies
It didn't have to be true Understand they're poisoning minds. It only had to be effective
There are people today and you can meet them over the internet who don't use the internet to learn the truth
But to spread whatever slander it is That they want to poison the minds of people against whatever they want to poison it against One anti Calvinist just recently like a week and a half ago
I saw claim that the reformer John Calvin had a man named Michael Cervantes a false teacher at that time
Had him burned at the stake No, he didn't I've heard that modern translations like the
ESV which I read from earlier or the NIV have verses taken out of them No, they don't
I've heard that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest has been quote taken over by leftist.
No, it's not People have an agenda and they will say whatever is useful
To achieve that agenda Here their agenda is to oppose the gospel to be the resistance to the church
So the people don't believe They'll say whatever it takes to achieve that agenda
Here Paul and Martin must have a choice though. Is there they're dealing with this Campaign of poison minds against them.
They have a choice now They've won it says a great number of believers and now they can keep them
They can keep this great number and then fight out whatever it is provoking this resistance. Why are these people?
Against us. Maybe it's the stuff about Jesus fulfilling the law Because they still want us to keep the law or that the name of Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved
That there is no other way. Maybe it's the part about us being sinful by nature That you that you bear bad fruit because you're a bad tree
What you need to do is to be made a good tree and you can't do that yourself. You must be born again
People don't like to hear that. They like to think they can save themselves find out whatever it is. That's causing this opposition
It's agitating the people that's making you unpopular What's provoking the resistance what's causing you to be rejected find out what that is and edit it out
Drop it, right Just teach the popular parts be positive encouraging while eliminating everything that causes offense
That makes the people angry the opponents angry. It turns people away. Why suffer disapproval?
Why suffer rejection? Why go through resistance? Surely you can avoid it.
Can't you? well, but they They don't do that. They don't edit it out anything out
They continue through the opposition the poisoning the minds against them continuing to give their opponents fuel for their fire stuff that Whatever they were saying that couldn't make the people think that they're there's they're weird
There's some kind of cult maybe that maybe it's their talk about the resurrection Maybe it's her talk of the moral standards of Christians to be a
Christian live a certain way The sex outside of marriage is forbidden or against divorce that it was it should be only for adultery in verse 3
They remained at Iconium a long time through resistance but refusing to Change their message to suit the critics
They didn't change it at all they were speaking boldly for the Lord in the face of Resistance and the
Lord gave Paul and Barnabas signs and wonders as to affirm the message But that didn't silence the critics.
They didn't they didn't believe after that. They kept resisting they kept slandering it kept filling the ears of whoever would listen to them with whatever they could fill it to make them suspect
Paul and Barnabas and The result was that over time The people there in Iconium were divided.
There was no middle ground anymore Everyone is on one side of the other some believe the Apostles and then some resisted them and hated them you either believe them or You've rejected them and finally the resistors concocted a plot to abuse and stone
Paul and Barnabas But the word got out to them and so they figured well now it's a good time to move on to the next city
Lystra and There they go in Lystra from from resistance to revolution
At Lystra one of the in the audience is listening to Paul One man there was a crippled man crippled from birth and Paul looked right ahead of him in verse 9.
He saw saw somehow That the that he had faith to be healed He believed that Jesus was his
Savior and his healer and so Paul shouted out stand upright on your feet And he sprang up started walking around This sounds familiar, doesn't it?
It's a lot like that miracle in Acts chapter 3 Where we're Peter remember that man begging crippled from birth also begging and Peter says
I don't have any money on me What I have I give to you and in the name of Jesus rise and walk and he
Same thing a man crippled for birth and so just like we saw last week Paul is continuing the same message as Peter and now the same signs the signs of an apostle and When the people saw this miracle they were amazed they shouted out in their native language
Lycanian which Paul Barnabas apparently don't know They're not speaking Greek speaking
Lycanian, whatever that is the gods have come down to us and the likeness of men Paul Barnabas didn't know what they were saying.
So no, they don't know what's going on at first They probably just assume the people are praising God for the miracle instead.
Of course, they were praising them Paul and Barnabas They thought Barnabas was Zeus since Paul did most of the speaking.
He was the messenger of the gods. He was Hermes and Now these people had a Understand these people had a myth about their ancient history that Zeus and Hermes somewhat sometime way back
Had come to town to our little town here Lystra disguised
Incognito looking like regular men Zeus and Hermes had had come here and had come to check out who here in Lystra is hospitable and they found that no one would let them in this is the way the myth goes right that Obviously not true, but Zeus and Hermes came to town looking like regular men looking for hospitality
No one would let them in. No one would host them. Everyone was selfish and inhospitable and so Zeus and Hermes Destroyed their homes with a flood
Okay, that's the myth they probably all the people there in that town I've probably grown up with that since they're little children they'd learn that in in in school and so now these two strangers come to town and Immediately they heal this man that everyone knew had been crippled from birth
Well, why they must be the gods and we sure don't want to make the mistake.
Our ancestor did way back They think they made them way back. And so they they're going to fall all over themselves to be hospitable to These two men who they think are
Zeus and Hermes So that's what's going on here and it helps of course that there's a temple To Zeus right there at the entrance of the city
So the priest of Zeus comes out and people donate some oxen There's garlands and they're gonna have a sacrifice to welcome and worship
Zeus and Hermes Only then do Paul and Barnabas catch on to what is happening now
What do they do? Well, they could they could use this couldn't they imagine if you're Paul and Barnabas's situation
They're offering the sacrifices. They think we're gods We should use this to our advantage
Can they do that they could accept it? They could turn it into a tool to win the whole town connect
You know, what if they said? Thank you very much for the sacrifice. I really like barbecue myself.
It's really good for the respect. Thank you very much for the Let's not call it worship.
Let's call it veneration and now we've come To tell you about an even higher
God than us What come to tell you about Jesus and now if you believe in us?
Me Hermes and my friend here Zeus believe in the greater God the
Lord of heaven and him we declare to you Would that be clever that'd be useful
Save themselves some trouble. Maybe perhaps they could even win the priest of Zeus with that tactic Sounds smart to you
Well, the major debate on bringing the gospel to Chinese people is what to do with Chinese ancestral veneration
Winning them away from Buddhism and Taoism Is it that difficult? I don't think it's but getting them to abandon ancestor veneration is a huge Hurdle when
Catholic missionaries first came to China many of them or at least the Jesuits anyway taught that they could assimilate ancestor veneration they could just make it a part of Their version of the
Christian life that asking people they thought asking the Chinese people to forsake the burning of Jostik's Offering food to their ancestors the hungry ghost offerings the funeral rites and the hell money and all that the ancestral tablet
Asking them to do that was was too much. It was asking for a revolution in their culture that they would resist so instead of requiring people the
Chinese people to reject it they had tried to Christianize it and you can imagine from a
Catholic perspective Why that would be and why they would seem easy because after all burning
Jostik's to the ancestors It's really not that much different than lighting a candle to the
Saints Catholics already had a category that they had made up not found in the Bible But a category called veneration in which you can supposedly bow to an image and you can pray to it
Whatever it stands for and offer candles and incense and they say well It's not worship. That's veneration
Why not then extend that same category of what can be venerated? Beyond the
Saints beyond first Mary than the Saints extend it to your ancestors It's quite easy. And so with that approach, but a compromising assimilating what in theology is called syncretizing
Not not rejecting not replacing not demanding a revolution in the culture
Catholicism was growing and accepted in China To somewhat in the 17th and 18th centuries under the
Qing Dynasty with the Emperor Kong C Issuing an edict that it was to be tolerated and that Catholic churches were to be protected
The evangelicals who came later about 200 years later like Hudson Taylor had a harder time
When they came because they would not compromise with ancestor veneration like Paul here.
They won a lot of converts But they also sparked a lot of opposition. They were called often an ancestor denying religion
They made the choice stark You either worship Jesus or your ancestors.
You can't do both in the long run That's the faith that continued to grow and still is continuing to grow
Here Paul and Barnabas could take that Assimilation approach the syncretism they could tell them
Hey, you could keep your Zeus and Hermes as long as you recognize that the Lord is supreme that Jesus is
Lord You know, they could be like c -3po in the Star Wars return to Jedi ever seen that very mediocre film
Okay, not certainly recommending. It's kind of But they could be like there that let the
Ewoks think you're a god, you know Luke Skywalker tells c -3po They'll get us out of a jam if they do
Obviously Paul and Barnabas won't do that there's no compromise with paganism or with ancestor veneration or Even the short -term use of their superstitions to make life more comfortable for them when they realize
Finally Paul and Barnabas realized that these people in this town are setting up a sacrifice for them in verse 14
Says that they tear their garments way of expressing just the outrage And then they ran into the crowds declaring the verse 15, you know men.
Why are you doing these things? We also are men of like nature with you In other words, we're mortal.
We're mere humans. We're sinners and we bring you good news That you should turn
That is repent put away Put the sacrifices to idols the the jaw sticks the hell money the food left to the kitchen
God Turn from that from those vain things Vain these means empty useless
It's like shooting an arrow with them at the stars thinking you can hit the star. It's it's it's a waste of time
It's useless Sacrificing the idols is a waste Ancestor veneration is for nothing
Instead they say turn To the Living God. He's not just a statue.
He's the living God He's not a statue or a dead relative turn to a living God who made the heaven
The universe and the earth and the sea and all that is in them created everything that's a true
God who's vast and infinite and creative in verse 16 in past generations
He God allowed all nations like you people to walk in their own ways
To develop your own mythologies and customs and funeral rites and sacrifices your own temples and all that stuff.
He You know, he lets you drift yet Paul says he did not leave himself without witness
There was a witness to him What's God's witness? to these pagan
Gentile people What's the witness? What is testifying to the existence of this vast?
Infinite Creator God who should be worshipped rather than your vain things. What's his witness?
Scripture But these people don't have Scripture. They don't know it whether they've even heard of it
Maybe they've heard a little bit of it from Jewish neighbors, but it wasn't part of their culture in The last chapter
Paul preached to the Jews in a synagogue and he filled his message with Scripture Quotes it often but now he's speaking to people who have no exposure to Scripture.
They don't know it if I Do they have a witness? What's their witness? Do they have something that tells them about God?
Yes the witness of nature in verse 17 for he
God did good to You right by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons satisfying your hearts with food and Gladness God did that for you, even though you didn't worship him.
You didn't you you sinned against him He gave you all the good things of life that you have.
He's in control of them He could have withheld them, but he didn't he gave them to you. That's the witness It's what theologians called common grace.
That is the blessings of nature that God gave commonly to all people
Nature is a witness to God Both that he exists and that he's good
Many Christians don't today don't understand this that they talk and argue and try to evangelize as if God is not speaking to nature
I think because they're used to a culture where most people know something about Scripture and they can't imagine how to now
Communicate with people who don't know anything about it Many of them think it's odd if you try to use science to persuade non -christian people, which you actually can do easily for example
Well, so off my little bit of science the first law of thermo thermodynamics Says that the universe has no capacity to create matter and energy
It's the first law what a second law Shows us by implication anyway that matter and energy was created the universe came into existence at a certain time
So that means think of those two things together. The universe was created But it has no ability to create
Therefore There must be a creator beyond the universe and This we call
God That's arguing from nature like what Paul is doing here If you're trying to win people who don't know of the
Bible and don't believe the Bible You really can't start with the Bible you hope to get them to the
Bible eventually But you have to start with something that they already know something they can see here
You know, look you've been given food. You've been given happiness. You've been given a good life. You've been satisfied
God is in control of all that He gave that all to you and you so you're supposed to think so God has given them to me
I should worship him and Paul is saying here that the true God the one Creator God did that not these empty myths
Not Zeus not Hermes, but even with that After all that they still almost the people of the town almost went ahead and offered the sacrifice to them
So Paul begins where they're at so they can understand it but he demands a revolution in their culture your whole religion
He's saying it is vain. It's worthless Turn from it to the true
God Well, they turned all right, but they turned against him the revolution he called for now throw out the old religion
The revolution turned on him Some of the same people who drove them out of the nearby
Antioch Pisidian Antioch and Iconium come to Lystra where they had first here
They had been hailed as gods and they poisoned the minds of the people So they stoned
Paul and dragged him outside the city in verse 19 probably unconscious Thinking that he had killed him and they intended to kill him and you know, let's think about it
They were trying to murder him And Now imagine though that Paul has gone from being worshipped as a god
There's some popularity for you to being hated and stoned and dragged out of town unconscious.
Do you wonder as he's? Being pelted with rocks whether he thought to himself
What did I say wrong? You know, what did I do wrong? But the crowds are fickle
Popularity is fleeting if you ask them for a revolution in their culture forsake your ancestor veneration or your
Racism your slavery or maybe now your sexual immorality your moralistic therapeutic deism forsake your
Individualism, you're the captain of your own soul And no, you don't have to submit to anyone if you if you ask for that kind of revolution in their life
They might break out in a revolution. All right a revolution against you Making the church or the preacher that was popular
Now declared an enemy of the people haters and bigots or a cult or whatever. They want to say ancestor denying
It's a horrible thing That so often now We measure the success of our churches and ministries by numbers by popularity
Not by faithfulness Well, Paul has got to be bruised and gashed been knocked out been dragged outside of the city a
Victim of their revolution. They're turning on a dime from worshiping him to hating him. But as the believers around him
He gets up. He even has the nerve to go back into the same town to spend the night there Next is the return that was the revolution now the return starting at verse 21
Paul and Barnabas make a return trip Back to Iconium back to and they're gonna go originally back to where they came from to Antioch They travel in the kind of hook this whole trip
If we have a map somewhere in your Bible, you can see they sort of a hook like it's like a sideways J First they they they went east and then they went north and then they curved around back
No back east first they went west and then north and east. Yeah like that. Whatever need a map No map is worth a thousand words
But anyway where they are they you could think logically Well, you could just continue going east and you would be looping around and you could come back
To where you started to Antioch and you go through all new territory On your way back going home that way, you know and Paul likes to go to new places
But they also knew that they needed to go back to the believers that they had left behind in these in these towns
And so Paul and Barnabas aren't just evangelizing Individuals they think of that here
They're they're not just content sharing the gospel of individuals. They say a prayer. They they say they believe they're not just doing that They're planting churches
Biblical evangelism is about growing local churches communities of believers
And so they go back where they came Retracing their steps back to Lystra where Paul was stoned and to go back to the town where you were stoned in back to Iconium Well, they have been driven out by a threat of being stoned
Back to Pisidian Antioch and so forth back to every little town and they did it It says to strengthen to confirm them to follow up the people who had believed and they encouraged them in verse 22
Encourage them to continue in the faith How do you think they encouraged them? You know by being always positive and encouraging
By telling them that you need now you've now you've believed life is going to be rosy.
It's gonna be comfortable All you got to do is say the right words claim the right promises and don't forget to send us a seed faith offering every month
Is it stuff like that? No, everything's gonna be great. No problems. They'll live long and happy prosperous lives and everyone will love you
Is that how they encourage them? How would you be encouraged to continue in the faith?
Look at verse 22 They said To strengthen them now they said this to encourage them be encouraged
Be encouraged through many tribulations through hardships afflictions. We must enter the kingdom of God be encouraged
There's many afflictions coming Do you think that's strengthening? encouraging Well as a veteran of some long runs
It's good to know how long the race is going to be When you start out, you know, it was good to know where the hills are
Where it's particularly tough how steep those hills are If you're told oh, this is an easy mile or two
No problem, and it turns out to be long and hard and steep and it gets hot
You're much more likely to be discouraged and to give up and if you're told but but it but if you're told what's coming
The hard times you're going through Are just got a part of it and you're gonna have to go through some difficult times
And you better be prepared to go through them If you're told that will you be ready when it when it comes and you'll know this is part of it.
I understand Paul and Barnabas want them to know this following Jesus is difficult.
Sometimes You'll have to go through afflictions Many of them notice they say that through many
Tribulations, it's not always hard now He might the Lord might occasionally lead you through green pastures
Besides still waters, but there will be some hard times some of them will be some of those hard times will be precisely because You chose to believe in the
Lord not just kind of in general like everyone goes through some hard times But it will be because you believe
What the world says is offensive it's hateful as bigoted or stupid and you might get rejected for your faith unless of course
You edit those parts out You know thinking as many people do there's no reason to go through affliction.
Is there to go through rejection? But there is It's through many afflictions.
They say you must Enter the kingdom of God Of course that assumes that what we go through afflictions for the kingdom of God is worth the afflictions
For those who seek first the kingdom who want it like it. It's a pearl.
It's worth all the jewelry in the world Like it's a hidden treasure for those Any affliction is worth it
Well, Paul and Barnabas told the believers that you know told them that you're gonna have to go through many afflictions so they didn't do her through the hard times and then it
Says they appointed elders in verse 23 That they prayed they fasted for them and they appointed elders for for every church so that the elders
Would lead them Through those many hard times while the
Apostles were gone and it's the same today. We have elders who lead Now that the Apostles are gone, of course
Under the word, of course, and now we have the writings of the Apostles to help us now reform
People like to point out from this and argue that this teaches that what called the plurality of elders that in other words
More than one elder because I'm noticed that it's plural. They appointed elders plural and in every town and then that's true
At least that's the pattern. There's there's not actually a command Doesn't say that thus says the
Lord you must have multiple elders. So it's not mandatory, but it's ideal Assuming that there are qualified men who are called to be elders there
But it seems to me that the real issue today in our culture in our situation Isn't about whether to have multiple elders instead of just one
But whether it have at least one instead of none in My opinion many churches today
In this culture Don't in reality Have any elders?
Not one. Oh, they may have a title of elder or pastor given to a man or multiple men
But if we don't respect them, we don't listen to them and I'm not talking about blind obedience But we give them we give them weight
We give their leadership the benefit of the doubt if when someone leaves we just react by automatically assuming
That dumb pastor did something wrong again if someone criticized the pastor falsely accusing him of this or that with no evidence and we just believe it because we just We just know he's wrong.
We think that he just has to take those accusations. That's just part of his job It's just something has to go through.
It's an affliction. He has to endure through many false accusations from us Pastor you have to go through really to be falsely accused by members of the church from the world
That's something else from the church really Suspected doubted his teaching rejected disregarded
Someone accused me of putting a kid in a headlock And I was thinking what
I don't you know, I didn't even know what he's talking about there's no such incident so some say
Well, you just have to go through that. I Think they think that because they're just acclimated in this culture.
There's this that's the situation many churches are they Pastors often accused of everything and they'd have to take it because they don't have any choice because that's our culture, but no biblically, no
You know, if that's our situation in that case our problem is that we have no elders
We have no pastor We just have someone with a title Maybe he comes up with a sermon for our entertainment
Maybe it's not so entertaining, but whatever he helps administer the church So the rest of us don't have to be bothered with it, but that's not a pastor or elder
Our major problem today. Isn't that we have too many churches with only one elder. That's a problem
I agree, but it's a minor problem Our major problem is that we have too many churches with no elders at all
We have churches where no one can lead No one who's respected under the word can reprove rebuke and exhort with all authority and can't be disregarded
Think about it eldership is introduced here in acts To show us that that they that elders are needed for encouraging believers to persevere to endure
Many afflictions because they're going to have to go through them. We must There notice that word must we must there's no other way
Enter the kingdom of God other than through Afflictions and the elders are supposed to help you lead you through that Paul and Barnabas on the return trip appointed elders because the flocks need leadership through those afflictions
They don't need just administrators or entertainers or speakers with the title
So Paul and Barnabas return all the way back to Antioch Syria where they started this missionary journey
It's there that they had at the beginning of chapter 13 Remember they had been commended to the grace of God now
We're told that again in verse 26 for this work and now they had they had fulfilled it this missionary journey
They had finished the church's first ever Missionary journey and they had left behind a trail
Not just of individual converts But of churches Back in Antioch your home base
They gathered the church together and they report all that God had done through them in verse 27 Especially how
God had quote had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles That's why so many were that's why so many were coming in God had opened the door and they've been coming in ever since God did the action open the door to eternal life and Gentiles people like us
Go through it and they've been doing that ever since different Gentiles during different seasons first the
Greeks the Europeans and then more recent times the
Chinese and they've been flooding in the number of Protestant Christians in China has been growing about 10 % a year since 1979 that means that Christians in China are about a doubling about every seven years and they're on track
China is on track to have the world's largest population of Christians of any country by the year 2030
So just in 11 years and now God's opened the door to Africans a century ago
There were only 9 million Africans are giving 9 million Christians in Africa.
Now, there are 380 million God opens the door and By his grace nations are eager to come in.
Well, what are you willing to go through? God has opened the door for all kinds of people to believe
He shows you that he's it is good that he provides food and gladness and every good thing that you have
Every good thing even to people who don't know him who don't worship him. So, you know
The kingdom of God is the treasure worth suffering anything you have to suffer for to have it
It's a pearl we're selling everything you have to get it going through poverty to get it he opens the door