I Tried a New Bait and Rig - Huge Results! - Yum! Warning Shot Catches Fish!

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This strange looking lure is an absolute fish catching machine This video is about Learning something new and just being completely blown away by it the drop shot
Something I learned from the realistic fishing YouTube channel Which I definitely recommend you subscribe to is that when the fishing is tough
You should try something new to see if maybe you're just not doing the right kind of presentation or the right kind of lure
And the fishing was pretty tough lately the last time I went out before this I think
I caught two fish one of them was very kind of sickly looking both of them were really small Two fish in like I don't know three and a half hour or something like that, so I decided to try this drop shot and You'll see idea of the drop shot is simple basically you have a weight at the bottom at the end of your line and then about a foot up from the weight you have a hook that is kind of Tied to the side of the line
And then you put a lure on there and the idea is that the drop shot brings the lure down to the bottom and when you twitch your rod tip you get this weird action that kind of looks like a dying fish or an injured fish and I had no idea that this was such an effective way at catching bass
I tried this for the first time on Friday. I caught 15 bass in just a couple of hours I tried it again today and caught 12 bass in a couple hours
It's just unbelievable how well this works. Here's a video about the fish that I caught using the drop shot so you kind of let it sit at the bottom and You twitch the rod tip you know as you reel in just to kind of give it a little bit of that action that you
Saw in the video beforehand nice So at this time
I was using a kind of like a white colored pearl colored fluke. This is a zoom super fluke
And that I wanted to try this color because I'm just I'm comfortable with white and all of that and I got a fish
Really on probably my first five casts, so I was pretty pumped about it And but I had no idea what was coming in in this video first fish of the day pretty quickly
I Think I brought some some earthworms with me some real worms And so I switched
I think to a live worm here on the same rig so it was a drop shot with a Nightcrawler attached to it and this got the job done, too
I Thought I had lost him when he jumped there because I didn't feel the pressure on the rod anymore
But he was still there. He just wasn't fighting very little guy much little guy on a worm and Teeth are killing me weirdly the smaller the fish the sharper the little teeth are so you end up getting like a
Kind of a gnarled up thumb when you catch a lot of bass and the little ones. They're like needles I Think I'm still on an earthworm here because it worked pretty well
I was trying to catch some something besides a bass I think there's walleye in here, and there's some shad in here
So that's why I was trying the the worm just to see if I could get a different species You got to be quick on the net sometimes you really do
We get you you're pissed
I get it Got one.
I don't know what it is It seems small Probably another bass looks like another bass.
Yeah Small bass Up into this point all the fish that I've caught are really small
So I've caught you know up to almost four pounds in this area a lot of two pounders three pounders, so These are all kind of small, so I'm I'm trying to find you know where the big ones are at and so I Kind of sound bored, but I'm definitely not bored.
I love catching even small fish But that's that's why it might sound a little bit like I'm like I'm bored
So I bought these lures Like I think in the winter time And they were on sales like five five get five free, and I just kind of picked them on a whim they looked interesting
They were a little bit weird, and I knew at some point I wanted to try a drop shot and these were designed for that they're designed for drop shotting
The color is called bold bluegill, which I don't normally go for these flashy colors for bass
But I figured I'd give it a shot and so I have no idea what is about to happen here
But I'm very happy that I brought these and I tied them on because you're about to see this sleigh fest that commenced
Very strange how this water is behaving right now. I don't know if I like it The current here is not normally like this
It's it's almost like a little bit of a whirlpool like the the water wants to go downstream But there's also kind of a turn and it's just very it's unsettling.
It's a little bit It doesn't look like it here, but it's just a little bit It makes me feel like I'm not stable and that's what
I was referring to there the little guy six fish all tiny
Getting smaller. Yeah, there's a bird feeding over there.
That means I gotta go over there. I Promise you that it doesn't always work this well but the last time
I fished where the birds were I got a lot of good fish and I'm heading towards the birds again with this miracle lure and We'll see
Another little guy. I swear drop shots can catch big ones.
That's what I've heard There's birds all around here, so let's fish where the birds are fishing
According to my strategy So if you can see how I like I twitch the rod
I kind of jerk it around a little bit and that's where you get most of the action for the drop shot as I'm reeling it in I twitch it let it drop to the bottom twitch it again and That's basically
Big boy Oh Yes, all right, all right, all right
I get you I get you nice fish here see what we got
I I'm experimenting with a head mounted camera. Actually this morning.
I filmed a bunch of fish with it So hopefully you'll be able to see the fish that I lose better I'm about to lose another one and it jumps
I swear like four and a half feet in the air and I lose it as it hits the water and So with the chest mounted camera, you can't really see it
You can see the splash and you know, it's a big splash But I'm hoping that with the with the the head mounted camera
I can kind of give you a better view so you can get better fish. That's what I'm doing right now I'm experimenting with different different filming techniques
I Lost him when he hit the water It's it still hurts to lose a fish even when you're catching a bunch of fish every time you lose one
It hurts, but if you're gonna lose one It's cool to at least lose it as it does a spectacular jump in the air
Like I said four and a half feet easy this thing jumped in the air one thing that's been happening to me
Maybe this is just because I'm a beginner at this But I have to retie the rig quite a bit quite a bit more than other rigs that I use
So it's kind of annoying but I found a way to do the drop shot. That's relatively easy I don't know how to do the
Palomar knot people Tell me that the Palomar knots the way to go. I found an easier way
Yeah, but it's a kind of maybe that's the reason why I'm having to retie so much. I don't know. I Don't know if you saw that but I I put the rod tip in the water
I like jammed it down there And the reason I did that was because the last fish I lost when it jumped and this fish looked like it was about to Jump, so I wanted to pull it down into the water.
So it wouldn't jump I don't know if that works or not But I did it because I didn't want I really didn't want to lose this fish again
If you know how to fish in the comments Let me know if that's the the right thing to do when a fish is about to jump
This is a pretty strong fish, this is this one started pulling going under the boat and you can see the rod tip bending
Pretty extensively actually caught one this morning. That was even more strong. It was unbelievable.
It wasn't like a huge fish It was like two and a half pounds something like that, but I've never felt a stronger fish
I mean, it fought me for a good probably good minute Anyway, this is it's really exciting stuff Unfortunately, the camera is not working
The camera died there and I didn't notice so you don't get to see the rest of it, but I ended up catching this is the fish that I just caught ended up catching two more after that and All in all 15 fish
I mean It's hard to believe that this weird looking lure that I just kind of bought on a whim because it was buy five get five free
Has worked so well, I went back to Dick's to get some more and I was lucky There was only one package left.
So got lucky on that one So, yeah, thanks for watching and I'm gonna upload like I said,
I got about 12 fish this morning or exactly 12 I don't know how many I got on camera, but I'm gonna upload those catches as well again
Dropshot is just completely killing it. My average went from like three fish per day
So in the last few days, it's averaged what I guess that's 13 In the same amount of time fishing.
I can't believe how effective this is So if you've never tried the dropshot look up online how to tie
Actually, I'll probably do a video of how to tie it easily and quickly and all that kind of thing But anyway, hope you get a big one.