AD Interviews Man Who David Platt's Team Banned From Worship

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Sal's channel:


We are live. Hello. We've got a few people here logging on.
Thank you for your prayers, guys. I'm feeling fine. So I woke up two nights ago with a fever, and I haven't had a fever since I had swine flu, which during the whole swine flu craziness,
I lived in New York and I got the flu that summer. And so I haven't had a fever since then, and I had one the other night, but I feel fine.
But besides that, I'm a little bit congested, but have my taste and all that kind of stuff.
So thank you for your prayers, though. We'll get started in just a minute.
All right. So I'm going to reveal my guest here. This is
Sal, and I'll let Sal introduce himself in just a moment. But the reason why
I wanted to do this conversation, I don't know if people that are watching right now read
Reformation Charlotte, but Sal had sent over an article from Reformation Charlotte about what's been going on with him and all of that, and I thought it was so crazy.
So I just asked him a few questions about the situation, and he answered them. And I thought, this is something that we need to let people know about what's going on.
And so I'm sure there'll be things, Sal, that you don't want to talk about or maybe not don't want to, but can't.
But we'll just get to the bottom of whatever we can here, and I'll kind of give you the floor a little bit. But Sal, why don't you introduce yourself?
You're not just some random guy, or maybe you are. It's nice to think of myself as just a random guy.
I've been a part on and off of McLean Bible Church for 38 years, but I'm a
Christian. I profess the evangelical faith with kind of reformed leanings, because I had a
Presbyterian background. By profession,
I'm a molecular biophysics researcher. I'm published in secular venues, and I teach apologetics.
I'm a creationist. I'm YouTube's number one YouTube creationist, and my life story is in the prestigious scientific journal
Nature, the cover story, and a very secular venue, April 27th, 28th, 2005.
So, but I think the most meaningful thing I've ever done in my life is I took care of my widowed and disabled mother, according to 1
Timothy 5, for 18 years after my dad died. In the last seven years, while I worked from home,
I took care of her 24 -7. She passed away this past April, and it's kind of interesting that I had a dual membership at Occoquan Bible and McLean Bible, and the elders at McLean Bible said, when your mother passes, you have to return to McLean, and I've returned, and then
I got kicked out. So that's a little bit of my story. I had a time that I nearly left the
Christian faith about 20 years ago, and it was my study of science that brought me back. I have five science degrees, including a
Master of Physics from Johns Hopkins University. It is my study of science that brought me back, and so that's how
I got involved in Christian apologetics and research. While mom was, the last seven years of her life, as I said,
I worked from home. I worked for a world -famous geneticist who was an atheist and became a
Christian, and I did research for him, and so now I'm not doing so much.
I'm still doing research, but I'm not doing outreach. A lot of our outreach was to PhDs, and only 30 people on the planet understood what we were writing, so my involvement in McLean is kind of an oddball because I'm not really like a very ...
I'm not the most public site personality like UAD, so you don't have to worry about any competition from me.
You've got the charisma. I'm probably the most plain vanilla guy you'll ever meet, so thank you for having me on.
Let me just stop you for a second, Sal. So you've got a number of science degrees. You were taking care of your mother when she was widowed.
You're a churchman. You were submissive to your elders who wanted you to come back to the church after your mother passed, which, sorry for your loss, by the way.
Thank you. In other words, you seem like a real troublemaker. Oh, yeah, definitely. No, I just want to point out, the elder,
Mark Gottlieb, who informed me of that, he left the elder board, and I think he was one of the ones
I still to this day admire. So there's been a change of leadership. So yeah, yeah, real troublemaker.
Yeah, a real rabble rouser, rabble rouser. People correct me on that one, rabble rouser. Yeah. Anyway, so okay, okay, got it.
So I saw a few of your videos in the past. Well, why don't you take me through the story because I don't know exactly the timelines of everything as well as you do,
I'm sure. But I do remember seeing a video you produced about Pastor Mike Kelsey saying something about white people and torching them or something.
So just normal stuff. But if you can have the floor and just kind of take me through kind of what's happened and why is it that a longtime member, churchmen,
I'm joking that you're a troublemaker, obviously not, were now led to a point where you can't attend worship anymore.
So how did we get here? Okay, if you could show my graph, I mean my screen, that was me in my younger days.
I was sent off to pilot school by my employer. So before I got in creation science, I -
Brother, you haven't aged a bit out of younger days. You look the same. Oh, thank you. So let me just kind of maybe give a summary of everything and let me point something out.
I want to show my family here because I'm going to talk just a little bit about Black Lives Matter. You could see there's my mother there.
She's in the wheelchair. This is at my sister's wedding. She was widowed. And then her husband there also lost his wife.
They met late in life. He's African -American. So I will touch on the
Black Lives Matter thing because I don't want people accusing me of being racist or not.
Black lives do matter to me, but it's the movement I have problems with. And that's how I got in trouble.
So maybe I could show if I have the graph here. This is the fundamental problem at McLean.
This is kind of a nice timeline of history just so you know everything that's going on. And I know this isn't this is a satire graph, but the numbers are relatively accurate.
So you could see that 1960 the church was founded and then it grew under Lon Solomon.
But then you could see the effect. You could see what happened when David Platt became and Mike is like one of the senior pastors and Wade Burnett.
OK, so this is meant to be provocative. But if I should I've been I worked hard at trying to summarize what the problem is at McLean.
To me, this says it's the change in management. So now I'll give the timeline. The timeline is this is
June 30th year. And I, you know, this is
I was still recovering from my mother's passing. And God bless her. There she is right there.
And someone said, hey, Sal, can you help us? There's bad things happening at McLean. And I broke the story that this this pastor who's an associate pastor with David Platt, his name is
Mike Kelsey. He I got pictures of him with the Black Lives Matter movement.
I was the one that broke the story because I got him on a public interview, public interview, but just no one noticed saying it's difficult for me not to torch all white people, particularly white evangelicals and Christians.
And shortly after he said that, he got promoted. And I said, I need to break this story. This is not right that our congregational meetings are being shut down.
And we cannot confront elders publicly based on First Timothy chapter five about these sort of activities.
And we wanted I wanted to say on what grounds do the elders promote a pastor that has that attitude toward his own congregation?
Right, right. And what had happened was that this is
September 19th. That's Pastor Wade Burnett with the Black Known Black Lives Matter activists right there in the lobby of McLean Bible Church.
So I'm sure I'm sure he was rebuking him and telling him to, you know, OK, you know,
OK, so I can't go to this church. I will be under threat of arrest.
Right. But right. OK, but you see the sort of people and the sort of pastors that are welcome there.
Just open arms. All right. Yeah. And they can preach there. I can't I can't even go there to take communion and celebrate supper.
Just as a side note, you know, I've heard a bunch of people kind of, you know, defend Pastor Kelsey and say, well, you know, he was just using a figure of speech about he wasn't really talking about torturing them.
He was talking about, like, you know, ripping them, yelling at them, stuff like that. And and, you know, in all honesty,
I don't understand how anyone would defend it that way because it doesn't make it better. It's like whether he means yelling at them or doing violence to them, he's talking about just doing it to all of them because they're white.
Like, it doesn't actually make it better if he meant it in a rhetorical way, you know.
So I just figured I'd throw that out there because, you know, I could see someone probably commenting on this video saying, well, he didn't really mean that.
Well, it doesn't actually matter because, you know, whether you want to yell at or hurt all white people, it's still pretty racist.
Yeah. So I have a white brother in law. He's not pictured here because he's sick.
But, you know, I have white relatives and you have someone here from Iran and my cousins are half
Chinese. So this isn't about, you know, that I don't like people of all races.
This is the fact that I felt that was the most that was a very racist attitude just to see someone white.
Yes. And you want to torture them. And I said, leadership, this is problematic and it's expressing itself in the sermons.
But I'll go on. What happened was that on June 30th of this year, we had that infamous vote.
There was security there. And I have a video that you played it on your channel.
I did. We were threatened with arrest and everything. OK, that was June 30th.
There was a tumultuous vote. We feel that that was a legitimate vote, but then they wanted to redo it because they lost the vote.
And so we have July 18th here of this year. And they held a congregational meeting right in the middle of a worship service.
Someone demanded a point of order. There he is right there. And you could see how that was handled.
He was escorted out by it's pictured there only three armed security. There are actually five at least.
OK, so then. Another troublemaker. I could definitely tell. All right.
So then I had my turn to be escorted by armed security this past Sunday. So that's why
I'm calling it McLean Banana Republic Church. I know that's such a mean thing to say, but I'm trying to circulate that meme now because that's how it feels like because we're not allowed to talk.
It says in First Timothy, we can and should rebuke elders publicly before all.
We are not given that chance. That is not biblical. And we keep being suppressed. The reason some of us have been tempted to shout out is saying this is not right.
And so Jim Powers here, his name is well known now, especially thanks to you,
Eddie and the Lord. He spoke out. He said this is constitutional for me to do a parliamentary move.
And you did just a fabulous job of pointing out he was well within the spirit of parliamentary rules.
Sure. So that's a little bit of the timeline. And if we can go on into some more details, and I will just let you kind of lead me in what your interest is.
Yeah. Well, so you mentioned, OK, so this video here that you have on the screen, this is him being escorted out by security guards.
And anyone who hasn't seen that video, it's still on my channel. You know, he was forcefully but politely insisting on a point of order.
It's not like he was making threats. It's not like he was screaming like a lunatic. It was a parliamentary kind of point of order that you would get at any business meeting in any organization.
And so they didn't appreciate it. And so eventually he was escorted out. Now, Sal, you mentioned kind of in passing that you also had your opportunity to be escorted out by armed security this past Sunday.
So were you shouting and raving? I mean, you're obviously, again,
I can tell you're a troublemaker. But what were you doing? I walked into the sanctuary and I was going to do a count of the number of people and gather evidence for future congregational meetings.
So I wasn't getting in anyone's face. I politely sat down at about 9, 10 a .m. or 9, 15 at the 9 a .m.
service. A gentleman came up to me very politely, said, we'd like to have words with you.
We'd like to speak to you, sir. And I said, sure. And I just insisted it be in a public place.
And they said, sure. And they brought me before the sheriff. And they're right there in the lobby.
They're utmost polite. And before I go any further, I would like to extend my gratitude and sympathy for the security at McLean.
I know you guys are in a tough spot. You have leaderships that are telling you to do things I know that bother your conscience.
I don't take it personally. And I want to personally thank you all for your service in protecting the congregation.
So that out of the way, I was treated with utmost respect. And they said, sir, we've received notice that you've been trespassed.
You're banned from the property. You'll have to leave. Otherwise, you'll be subject. And that was kind of the end of the matter.
One of them, one of the security guys said, I explained to him, I'm here to do an independent count for congregational meetings because we have a drastic drop in attendance.
And we have five campuses in McLean. This morning,
I was at the Loudon campus because that was one that we hadn't had very much information on as far as their attendance.
And I was there to actually see what was going on. And so one of the security staff said,
I've seen your videos. And I just laughed. Sir, if I didn't thank you for watching it.
Thank you very much, sir. And the sheriff said, hey, let me give you some information.
If you come back to the property, McLean is going to contact me and we'll have to do something.
Charges be filed. You might have to go to jail. He said, I really don't want to do that. See if you could find another way to try to resolve this issue.
And so I said, there'll be no problem. And so here I am on AD's channel.
So Sal, so, okay. So, and again, we don't have to harp on this too much, but I do actually want to ask a few questions here.
So you've been banned from the property. Now, have you been church disciplined?
Like have you, the Matthew 18 process, confronted directly, confronted with a few people, brought it to the elders, brought it before the whole congregation.
Like has any of that happened as far as from your perspective? Oh, absolutely not.
Okay. Absolutely not. And then some funny things are that on July 18th, even in the middle of this rancorous congregational meetings, a couple of the elders came up to me very politely and had a conversation.
One of them said, you're, you strike me as a fear man, but I will point out right after I released the
Kelsey video on July 16th, a couple of days earlier, I had to scoot out of the sanctuary.
Word got to me that they were looking for me. I found out later they were circulating my photos with the security staff and the staff.
I'm just like, what's that about? Okay. You don't have to do this to me and kind of let security feel like I'm the bad guy.
So absolutely not knowing it. I have not gotten any emails or anything. The only thing I got in addition to emails and my trespass order was
I got a federal express letter, federal express package with a letter saying this letter is to officially notify you that you shall not go upon any of the listed properties.
Failure to comply with this request will result in the criminal charge of trespassing being brought against you, which is in violation of code, whatever.
A copy of this letter has been sent to police agencies, which are responsible for the above locations.
And that's all I've gotten. So the funny thing is I don't know if I'm still on the church member roles, which would be really funny.
Right. So for the record, you were escorted out on Sunday.
You have a federal express. I'm sure it's a notarized letter that you're not allowed to be at any of the properties.
But as far as you know, you've never been confronted or contacted because of a sin issue.
Um, any of the steps of Matthew 18 have not been taken with you. That is correct.
And just to clarify, they obviously have my address. They obviously have my email because I got that same letter in an email.
Right. I've not gotten a letter from any of the elders or pastors. When I was there in the
McLean lobbies at the various campuses, no one came up to me and said, hey, Sal, you know, your behavior looks really suspicious.
Yeah. And the grounds of the trespassing is based on your observed behavior at McLean Bible Church.
On multiple occasions, you are hereby notified that you're forbidden to go on all properties where McLean Bible Church holds meetings, including the following addresses.
So that's all I'm sure. I'm sure you have some suspicions of what they mean by observed behavior, but do you know, have they told you what the observed behavior is?
No. Okay. So we could probably guess, but you don't know.
They haven't actually confronted you with that. No. Okay. And I should point out, it was, this happened last week,
September 30th, I released a video that showed that graph. The graph with the attendance plummeting, right?
Right. And I said, I don't think they're going to be happy with this. So I don't know if that's correlated, but.
Yep. Okay. So I'm going to, I'm going to make some comments. Yeah, Sal, you don't have to agree with these comments or not, but I'm just going to make some comments here because to anyone who's watches my channel, you know, it's focused on social justice.
And, you know, I've made the case that social justice is not biblical justice. In fact, I've made the case that it often overturns biblical justice, but, but there's a, there's a, there's a principle in the
Bible when it talks about people who are elder candidates, you know, and it's, it's, it's, it says, you know, they have to manage their household well, right?
Because if they can't manage their household well, then obviously they're not going to be able to manage other things very well, including the church, you know, or whatever.
And, you know, oftentimes when people are thinking about who to elect for politics, you know, they look at their family life, you know, and this was one knock,
I think that was a very fair knock on Donald Trump because, you know, multiple times divorced as far as I remember.
And I remember somebody saying, I forget who said this, but like, you know, if you'll betray your wife, I mean, you'll betray anybody, you know?
Like, so that's a, that's a serious thing to consider. And so, so, so, so guys like the
Matthew 18 process, there are parts of the Bible that are complicated, but this is not one of them.
It's very clear. You know, if you have a problem with somebody, you have to talk to that person about the problem you have.
And it doesn't matter if you're uncomfortable, it doesn't matter if you don't like his face, it doesn't matter if you think he's very dangerous looking, like Sal is obviously very dangerous looking.
You look, you look like, you know, you'd bite someone's head off if they came in over to talk to you, but obviously not.
But the point is like, it doesn't matter. Even if he did look like that, like you have a duty to that person to go to them.
And the next step is very clear. And the step after that is very clear. And, and when somebody's excommunicated from the church, the purpose of that is, is so that not only they will kind of see the error of their ways and, and, and repent, but also so that the congregation can see that and fear and fear the
Lord. And, and, and, and it certainly seems to me and, and Sal, you don't have to agree or disagree, but it seems to me that whatever has happened here, whatever they think they're doing in their discipline, it's all happened in secret.
So, so much so that you're not even aware of it. Yes. And you can't trust someone like this.
Just one point. You can't trust someone who is, who is so willing to just overturn simple things in God's law.
You can't trust people like that to, to, to, to interpret the complicated, more difficult things in God's law.
And so anyway, just a side note, sorry, Sal, to interrupt you there. No, and I need to point something out to the rest of the audience.
You mentioned president Trump, president Trump visited McLean Bible. We have a lot of people, senators, congressmen, cabinet members going to McLean Bible, including the vice president, president of the
United States. I need to point something out just, you know, also partly because my reputation is being kind of trashed by McLean, by this trespass order.
This is me and Sandy Pigeon on July 16th of this year.
Sandy Pigeon is a retired Navy SEAL. We built a friendship.
He came to my mother's funeral, by the way. He, he was on the security team and he's led security teams when
Donald Trump came to McLean Bible. If he knew there was something really wrong with me, he would have let the security team there.
No. Now he left, not surprisingly, McLean Bible because partly because he didn't, you know, his wife didn't like what was going on and he felt he should always worship the
Lord wherever she is. And they went on to another excellent church. But I'm just pointing this out.
It's not like I don't have people in the McLean that don't know that, you know, they know that I'm not a bad guy.
And it was one of their own, you know, one of their top security guys. And I think it was provident that we built this friendship because otherwise
I'd just be vulnerable. McLean could say anything they want if I didn't have a witness like Sandy.
And he's been on my YouTube channel, which by the way, is evidence and reasons for the Christian faith. You can Google it. By the way,
I'm not going to be competing with you, AD. I teach a lot of molecular biology and physics on my channel.
Really boring stuff. I'm all about it. Good stuff.
No. So yeah. And I think Sandy has commented on some of my videos. So God bless. God bless him and his wife as well.
Yeah, definitely. And, you know, at the end of the day, like my whole purpose in this is just this is an upside down way to run a church where, you know, conceivably
I could see maybe if someone was an imminent threat, you know, maybe you don't go through the steps of Matthew 18.
You know, someone's coming in there threatening people, you know, wielding a knife or something. Yeah, you just got to tackle them.
You don't go through Matthew 18. That's different. But in your case, there's nothing like that.
Obviously, obviously, in my opinion, this is just my opinion. They don't appreciate the videos that you're doing. They feel like they're being undermined by you.
That's my opinion. I haven't spoken to anyone over there, so I don't know. So in those situations, it's like there's no imminent threat.
There's no there's no reason to not do Matthew 18 there. There's no reason because I have a feeling,
Sal, that you're the kind of guy that if they were taking you through church discipline and they eventually excommunicated you, you probably wouldn't show up to church the next day.
You know what I mean? Like you probably would respect that and move on. And by the way, just for the record, they did ask me if I had any weapons.
I said, no, no, sir, I don't. And I didn't accept that. You know, there's a saying the pen is mightier than the sword.
And I did have a pen and I was taking notes. I mean, that's about it. You know, and the security staff actually looks surprised.
It's like, gee, you know, you're not quite the bad guy you're being made out to be or something.
I mean, that's just my own perception. I can't imagine what it feels like to have to know that people were passing around your picture as if you were some kind of a terrorist or something like it.
I'll tell you something else. There's another data point that's disturbing. Whenever I went, there are five campuses that are geographically separated by a lot of distance.
And I was driving around visiting them. They were keeping track of me. And I found out they were keeping track of people that I talked to like Big Brother knew.
And the reason it got back to me is they said they were approached by one of them informing he was approached by security.
They said, we saw you with Sal out there in Prince William. And OK, so you're, you know, and there was a yeah, this is like,
OK, so you're keeping track. Are you keeping tabs on people, your own congregation? And so this reminds me,
I don't know if you watch any TV because, you know, listen, you probably don't have time for it doing the kind of content you do.
So but I used to watch with my wife stuff on Scientology. It reminds me of that a little bit where people are kind of tracked and followed.
And if you're talking to the wrong people, you get hauled into the principal's office and and stuff like that.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is ridiculous. This is creepy that they knew what campus I was on.
You know, it seemed like red alerts were coming on whenever I visited. So can
I ask you a question? So, you know, you were there on Sunday and you were going to count the people that were there.
Why were you doing that? Why was that important to you? I could probably it's easier to show.
Yeah, let's do it. First off, this is the Association of Management, because some people actually don't realize that we've lost a lot of congregation.
One of the reasons is we went from five services at the Tysons campus just down to two.
So people that just go like, say, to the 9 a .m. and their newcomers, they wouldn't realize the carnage. That's the first thing.
The other thing is I needed to confirm for myself that we've really lost this many people. Right. So I was going to present this at one of the congregational meetings.
Actually, recently, they tried to have one, but for a variety of reasons, they didn't.
I was going to present it. And then we're getting this from Larry Cooper in our congregational meeting
September, quote unquote. It's debatable. It's very debatable whether it was a legitimate one because it was held online.
No way to establish quorum. Right, right. Up here is Larry Cooper, and he's the chairman of the
Board of Elders. So I'm going to try to answer your question here. He said there,
I hope that you're as energized and as excited as I am about where we are. And he said, and where we're headed.
I mean, I'm just like, so why am I doing this? I needed to gather evidence, and I was going to write.
Actually, when I was driving on my way to Loudoun, I said, I'm going to write the Elder Board. I said, guys, do you know that this is the state?
What they're also doing is the solid lines are from their official congregational report, but they're including the online counts there.
What they're not doing is separating out the brick and mortar. The brick and mortar is down here.
So probably earlier in the history, this was really more or less brick and mortar. Yeah. And now we're inflating the numbers because of the online.
And I'm like, this is a very serious situation. I think the numbers could be even as low as 3 ,200 now.
Yeah. So basically, you care for the same reasons that anyone would care about the numbers.
There's issues as far as quorum. There's issues as far as leadership and funding and where that money's going, what the priorities are.
Basically, anytime anyone takes account of a church's numbers, there's reasons for, and those are the same reasons that you would care.
Okay. There's a little bit more, and it ties to the financials. Okay. So this is our...
Larry Cooper said also on September 30th, this, that is our Elder Board, consisting of Larry, David, Mike, Wade, the people in the picture, plus some more.
He said, it's a high point. And I'm like, I mean, only if you kind of, maybe from your perspective, you're kind of upside down.
You think we're at a high point here. Okay. This is real satire. All right. So this is how
I vent, because I don't scream and yell. This is kind of how I express myself. Well, I get it now. I get it.
By anyone's definition, it's not a high point. Okay. So this, again, these are pictures of the congregation.
This is the Arlington campus meeting at Tyson's. Just to give me some context, pre -COVID,
I mean, what would this have looked like? They're meeting at Tyson's because they're under construction at their actual
Arlington. Sure. I actually don't know, but let's say we've pre -COVID, going back to the graph, it'd be about four times larger, three or four times larger.
Yeah. And I need to point out, people say the pandemic, the pandemic. I said, well, why is it the churches around the area that are, by the way, getting a lot of ex -McLean?
So we've had a lot of people that have left, obviously. They've gone to other churches. They're breaking records now in terms of their attendance.
So even though that is a data point, I have that countering data point. That's right.
Many churches grew during the pandemic. Yes. And let me just say this too, just for anyone in mind, church growth is not necessarily a sign of a healthy church.
There's lots of unhealthy churches out there that have a lot of members. That's not what I think Sal is saying or what
I'm saying, but there clearly is something to address and the rhetoric and the speech doesn't match the reality clearly.
Yes. And it's like, if you're going to be shepherd of the congregation, you level with them where we really are.
Yeah. And I wouldn't, I'm not calling that out yet.
I'm just saying this is just not wise. So these, I use the color coding here partly to conceal their privacy and also it helps me count.
So each of the colors are groups of 10. So I get accurate counts when I have the photographs.
That's the orange. There's a mind of a scientist, by the way. I would never have thought to do that. This is the
Prince William campus. And of course, when I got there and I was counting here, I got, I raised alarms, just a carnage because I also had witnessed that this used to be packed.
Yeah. And you could see a lot of the empty spaces and there's something really funny here.
This is September 19th. Okay. This is like in the last few weeks. Do you see that sign there? It says overflow seating.
And I was like, you guys, either you're trying to cover up the lack of attendance or you're just delusional.
Right. Because there's no way in the 9 and 11 a .m. service that there's enough. I was counting, you weren't even at like 50 % capacity at the 9 a .m.
service. What's the deal here? And something really funny. This is, we have two auditoriums.
This is the Smith Center auditorium that hosts the Spanish service. I'm going to point out something funny.
What they did is they told all the Spanish -speaking people that day, that Sunday, they were coming in there to hear their service in Spanish.
And they said, no, we have to close this down because we need it for overflow seating. And so I'm trying to diagram here.
If you could see it, if you could see my mouse, there's that Smith Center here and here's the main sanctuary.
And so what they did is they said, let's shut this down. So we have overflow seating. So they herded all the
Spanish -speaking congregants into the English service. So that's why I showed this little boy.
He said, so let me get this straight. The Spanish -speaking people have to go to the English -speaking sanctuary because the
English -speaking sanctuary is already full. And when it's actually half empty.
It certainly seems to an outsider that they brought them in to make it look fuller.
Full. Yes. Yes. And the excuse doesn't hold water. There's, again, this is photographic evidence of what's going on.
And I mean, there's something financial here. We'll get to that. So go on. Yeah, let's get to some of that.
But it just, from an outsider's perspective, it just reeks of desperation. You know, I mean, obviously, you know, that excuse makes no sense, even if you think about it for two seconds.
But like, you know, that's what they came up with. And that's what you do when you're desperate.
You come up with nonsense, you know? So now probably kind of toward the end, this is what began, you know, so we have the
Black Lives Matter thing, which upset a lot of the congregation. We have the loss of numbers and then the financials.
So we have - Black Lives Matter really kicked off last year around June, July, right? The what?
The Black Lives Matter stuff really kicked off last year around June, July. May 17th, 2020.
Okay. Because it was an infamous sermon, everyone remembers. And a lot of people started submitting their resignations when
Mike Kelsey preached on it and started teaching in Sunday schools. Okay. So you remember the date like it's yesterday.
So that's May. I'm a numbers guy if you didn't - I picked that up. I picked that up. So that's the last time it was over 10K.
So May. Yeah. So you could see the gradual drop. If you could see it right here, this is
May of last year. And you could see the gradual decline with COVID. I mean, we sustained numbers, but it just kept going down, down, down.
Well, and let's just also keep in mind too that COVID started, well, when people started really freaking out was
March, if I'm not mistaken. So it looked like numbers in March and April kind of held for the most part.
Well, that was the Easter season and we did have good advertising. So the graph that I showed is really
May to May because - Got it. Got it. The Easter season kind of skews it a little bit. But I want to point out something that, you know, we had the graph here.
You could see that the peak point, that's 2014. And the low point is down here, 2020, 2021.
I'm sorry. So the May revenue, actually, it tends to be about the same year over year.
And you can see it actually slightly increased. I said, how can you be sustaining 80 % decline in attendance?
And you're reporting year over year revenue about the same. And that's when I got scared.
And when Larry Cooper was saying, we're in great financial shape. I'm excited. I'm just like, oh my goodness, what's going on here?
And I actually started to fear a little bit for my life. Okay. Because something is really kind of like not on the up and up and I hope
I'm wrong. I could be getting a visit from Guido, the mafia enforcer or something.
Right. Right. Well, that's why I also went public. I said, okay, if any, I did say on my channel, if anything happens to me,
I want this to be a matter of public record. Now I'm not the only one who's noticed this. And so I said, what
I was going to bring to the congregational meeting, I said, you got to level with us. At this rate, either the individuals are donating twice as much as they ever did for no reason apparent to me, or even up to five times as much to sustain this.
Yeah. Who's the big donor? Yeah. What deals have you cut to make this possible?
Who's doing this? Yeah. Yeah. And I said, we need to know. And I said, and they've been kind of, they've been suppressing the congregation meeting.
And I need to point something out. They haven't confirmed minutes, ratified them for like a year.
I mean, it's been kind of scary. And, you know, that's why I'm calling it a banana republic.
But this is the one that really caught my eye. And so when I got recruited to try to help
McLean after mom passed, I almost left the church. But I said, you know, I feel God's calling me to go back.
That was my sacred duty. And I said, I'll be there until they kick me out. Amen. And that's what
God has for you, then you got to do it. And the first thing that caught me, I said, what's the financial transparency?
They said, it's terrible. And I was asking for an hour, someone I said, you know, I really don't like to go against the elders.
And, you know, I just want to go away quietly. But, you know, tell me, tell me what's going on with the numbers.
I'm a numbers guy. And this bothered me. So kind of graphically showing what's happening.
See if I have it here. I'm just going to stretch this out. So what's happening is we had a crowded congregation 2014.
And by 2021, the fall, it's emptying out. There's not a lot of enthusiasm.
And yet we have the money either growing or kind of being the same. And I said, we need an explanation for that.
Yeah. You know, maybe there's nothing illegal, but someone just let me point this out. Why would someone be donating to a church?
It's obviously mismanaged. It's losing his congregation. Yes. Why are you throwing?
I mean, on the order of maybe tens of millions of dollars. Why? Listen, listen, listen. This is the thing.
So like, even if you make the argument, well, a shrinking church doesn't mean it's dying. Okay. But from an outsider's perspective, it appears to be.
So why would you be doing this without insisting on some kind of change in direction? Right.
Right. Right. It just, you know, it's like the congregation's entitled to some answers.
So let's say big donor decides I'm not going to help anymore. Right. Are we ready for that contingency?
So let's say we don't know exactly why. Maybe he was just happened to be generous that year. You know, is it reasonable to ask?
Is he going to keep flipping the bill for us? And if he is, it's like, okay, well. These are not like weird questions that you shouldn't be asking.
Like I've been on the board of, I serve as the president of the board of a pregnancy clinic.
And at our meetings, this is the kind of stuff we discuss. It's like, okay, so we grew in revenue this year.
Well, why did we? Oh, well, we had this person who just gave us a special grant. And so now we need to prepare that.
So we don't necessarily ruin our budget for next year. Counting on that, that might not come. Like these are conversations that are basic to have running any kind of an organization.
It's not like you're asking questions that you shouldn't be asking. Exactly. Right? Right. So you asked why
I was at church. I said, I needed to know that what the numbers really are because the gravity.
I needed to assess the vital signs of the church in terms of a purely business perspective. We could talk about the spiritual stuff too a little bit, maybe some other time.
But I said, just from a business perspective, this is very disconcerting.
And as a concerned member of a church, I've been a part of on and off for 38 years.
This is something important to me. And I think the congregation needs to hear, why isn't this being discussed? Why are we relegated to the internet to be doing this?
And kind of the irony, I wouldn't be on your show if they didn't kick me out. If they just let me just keep counting, this probably would have been silence.
Well, this is what always happens. I don't think that people that run organizations on iron fists and authority, they don't get this effect.
And on the internet, we call it the Streisand effect. The more you try to hide something, the less success you're going to have. So let me ask this question to you because I think
I know what I think is probably the answer. Somebody asked, why are the people that attending so quiet about everything?
I think I know probably why, but do you have any extra insight in there? The ones who have, okay, we're not able to get word out in congregational meetings, but the word is being passed kind of word of mouth.
Yeah. So in a sense, we're not totally quiet, but we're not having the mic. We don't have the mic in the floor, but we do have kind of personal connections.
And a lot of people have left. Yep. Yeah. Well, what I was going to say was that that's probably one thing.
A lot of people just end up leaving. So that's one reason. But I think, Sal, kind of what's happening to you, in my opinion, again,
I have no extra insight here. It's intended to try to scare people into being silent.
Oh, yes. Like the fact that they know who you're talking to and who you met with and who you said hello to in the parking lot.
They wouldn't be keeping track of that stuff unless they plan to use it. And they probably have used that information to their benefit many times.
That's just so weird. But the thing is, it has a chilling effect on people. So number one, I don't think people are silent.
I think many people that aren't probably have left at this point. And the ones that continue to not be, they're going to try to scare into silence.
I can't say that's absolutely their strategy, but it sure feels that way. Yeah. That's what it looks like from an outsider.
So some people said, I don't want to speak up because they might scrub me from the voter rolls like they were scrubbing people.
They scrubbed hundreds of people from the voter rolls before a congregational vote.
And they said, well, we don't want to out ourselves. So that's another way that they can be suppressed. And this is really my final slide.
I'm not going to get in the moral theological issues. Those are for a church. Those are really the most important. OK, but I'm just going to say this from a purely business.
And this is a more polite way of kind of like calling out the elders. More diplomatic. So this is like a restaurant that customers have been going to and they've signed up for memberships or whatever.
And then the new management comes in, they change the menu. Some people like it. Large numbers didn't.
They just leave. Right. And then specifically with McLean, it was more like a mega mall.
Right. They had so many little ministries like paintball ministries, skateboard ministry, ski ministry, single moms.
All those got canceled. So a lot of what made people very attracted to the church is they could meet people with similar values and likes and dislikes and tastes.
Just a great place to hang out. Now they have destroyed all those ministries. They want, you know, one product fits all kind of approach or a few products.
And that's just not going over very well. So that's kind of like the most kind of more of the polite way
I could cite some things. And I talked about the Black Lives Matter movement. There are people that are very concerned about the finances and then more minors.
You know, some people make it about the SBC affiliation or whatever. And, you know, not a lot of outsiders don't really get that because there are a lot of people that love the
Southern Baptist Church. From like 40 years ago, it had a great reputation. It's like, well, it's not quite that way today.
So before I, you know, before we close, I really want to thank you for giving me a chance to tell my story and thank you for all you've done for McLean Bible Church.
You've been the voice that we have sought that we can't get in our own church.
And I just want to say thanks. Yeah, well, you're welcome. You're welcome. You know,
I think, listen, at the end of the day, like, to me, what you just mentioned sort of about the menu and the different ministries that used to exist that maybe don't exist anymore, whatever, like all of that, these are all legitimate discussions to have.
If you don't like that stuff, then you can change it. Like, I'm not saying that that's off the table. To me, though, the lack of transparency, the lack of any kind of lines of communications that you're talking about here, and this is, you know,
I don't, I'm not a member, so this is all allegations as far as I know, but you've lived it. So that's, to me, is the most troubling thing.
Like, you know, you start asking too many questions and you get followed home.
That's what it seems like. It's like, it's like, what is that about? Like, that doesn't make any sense. The refusal to engage in any kind of responsible church discipline, that's troubling to me.
Just the whole idea of, you know, refusing to keep, to approve minutes and things like that.
These are all things that, like, they seem like small things, but why not do those things? Why not? If that's what you've agreed to do, do them, right?
That's what we should be doing. I don't know. That to me is, it makes you really wonder what in the world is actually going on here.
Again, I think that if you want to change the ministry approach, let's have that discussion and let's do it if it makes sense.
These are theological points that we should be talking about, right? But, you know, when it doesn't go your way, you know, you can't then call in your goons to like, hey, secretly follow that guy home.
You know, like that kind of doesn't make any sense. It is. It is creepy. And yeah, people are wondering why
I'm in a good mood after being treated that way. Actually, it's like, Lord, I'm getting really tired. I'm getting battle fatigue, just, you know, getting all the mean looks.
And when they trespass me out, I said, praise the Lord. I don't have to come back here for a while.
Yeah. And let me say this. It's just such a negative environment. Yeah, let me say this too.
And Sal, this is not your word, so you don't have to take any of the grief for this, but I know you expressed a lot of gratitude for the security guards there doing their jobs and stuff like that.
And I've actually had some interaction with McLean security as well. I had a back and forth with Pastor Joe Carter at one point, and they were super polite, super nice, super thorough, you know, talked gospel with me even.
It was great. I had a great interaction with those guys. But from me, and this is for me, not
Sal, eventually, if you're not comfortable doing something or you don't think it's right what they're doing, you eventually have to not do it.
And probably that time has passed. So don't do things that you're morally, you have an issue with just because your pastor or someone said they don't have the authority to get you to do something that you're not supposed to be doing.
So just stop. That's for me. But, you know, anyway. All right,
Sal, well, anything - There's one data point I want to, I'm sorry. Go for it. Go for it. McLean has been trying to plant
SBC churches. They boast at 37 to 50, like in the last, ever since David Platt came on board, maybe a little bit before that.
And I'm like, can you try to at least set your own house in order before you try to plant churches in the image of McLean?
This is another thing that just like, I don't get it, guys. How can you lose 80 % of your congregation and you're trying to plant more churches?
Yeah. Maybe figure out how to do church discipline before you go and export that to somewhere else. Yeah. I get it, man.
Well, Sal, thank you so much. We'll stop it there. And obviously, guys, if you have questions,
Sal's got a YouTube channel. It's called Evidence & Reasons. Is that right? Yes. Evidence & Reasons. You can just Google it.
Evidence & Reasons. Just say Evidence & Reasons YouTube channel. Oh, and I have an after show on my channel.
So as soon as we end, I'm going to start a stream. And we don't have open mics because we've gotten some people showing up and just posting pictures that they shouldn't.
Right, right. But I would be happy to entertain questions and discussions. I'll interact with people in the chat.
I hope someone will join me, either Emery, he knows who I am. Emery, if you want to join, you can.
I invited Dr. Sandy Pidgeon. So we might have a panel. If not, it's going to be a short show.
Yeah, go subscribe and ask him questions. Because I was going to say, if you have any questions, reach out to him. I'm sure he'll answer them.
And if you have any molecular biology questions, I'm sure he'd be glad to answer those as well. Organic chemistry, math, physics, population genetics.
I mean, OK, so like I said, AD, you don't have to worry about any competition from me.
Before I forget, I wanted to say your old nemesis, Rulon or someone. Ruslan, yeah.
Ruslan. And he was just talking about McLean like, dude. Oh, yeah, that was -
I don't think people know what's going on. I mean, you're just kind of repeating the leadership talking points.
And so I'm glad to have a chance to set Ruslan a little bit, like give him some information he hasn't heard before.
Well, I'll give him a lot of credit because Ruslan, he's a very polarizing figure on my channel.
But when I presented the evidence that I got, I think from you and one other person about what had actually happened, he was pretty gracious about being wrong.
And we were texting back and forth and he's like, man, like it's just so crazy. Like, you know, why would they lie?
Like he admitted it. I think he even edited his video. I don't think he like issued any kind of retraction, but he edited his video where he kind of made these misstatements.
So in his defense, he actually was pretty gracious about being wrong there. Oh, okay. Sorry. I'm sorry then
Ruslan. No, no, it's okay. It's okay. I'm sure, I'm sure. And if you're watching
Ruslan, you know, I hope, I'm happy to come on your channel too and tell my side of things.
Oh yeah, man. No, that'll help. I'll text him in just a minute. Alrighty. Sounds great.
All right, man. Well, God bless you. And I know you've been sick, AD. Oh yeah. Thank you for taking the time to give our congregation a voice.
Yeah, no, I feel fine. So it's, it's, it's, it's a pleasure to do this anyway, but God bless you. And maybe
I'll, I'll, I'll go subscribe. I'm already subscribed. Maybe I'll go log into live stream right now.
So have a good live stream. Alrighty. All right. Hope you guys found this helpful. God bless. All right.