Identity Christianity, Brandon Tatum and the Deity of Christ


Visit the store at Started off looking at the call for “discipline” of anyone who would dare to point out the completely appropriate, biblical example of “Jezebel” that Jesus Himself used in Revelation 2. The Woke Church’s departure from biblical orthodoxy is moving much faster than one would expect. But then I reviewed a 5 minute video by Brandon Tatum. I’m sorry, I had never heard of Officer Tatum before, and from looking at his video list, I imagine we would agree on a lot of things. But in this video he was promoting the worst of the arguments against the deity of Jesus, so we took the time to take his arguments apart, fully, especially his final comments about John 20:28

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Greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line on a blustery day here in Phoenix.
Got one more storm running through here. We had three of them run through pretty much in a row last week, which was really needed and very thankful for that.
But here we are, and it's not summer yet. So I got my, remember, this is a
Coogee that I got from my eBay friend, who said, who when
I tried to buy it, said, James White, there can't be too many people named
James White in Arizona that wear sweaters like this. I watched The Dividing Line, and then he gave it to me, so that was very kind of him.
So anyway, so we've got to wear it again today. That's the last fun thing for the day.
No, it is, I don't even know what to say.
Every day we're encountering so much that just makes us go, that's just not, that's not possible.
I mean, on the political and cultural level, people just doing things and saying things that would never have been done or said before, and very obviously, the new regime has no concern whatsoever about re -election.
Not that they don't think they're going to be re -elected. They already know they will be. That's the point. Look up HB1, House Bill 1.
Look up the enshrining in law of voter irregularity forevermore.
And of course, there's all sorts of stuff going on. It just makes us all just, if I had hair to pull out,
I'd be pulling it out. But then you look at the church, and it's pretty much as bad, and we now have,
I'm calling it identity Christianity. How's that? You can call it intersectional
Christianity, but it would be the same letters, so it really wouldn't make a difference. And anything cool today starts with an
I, right? iPhones and iPads and iRobot and all the rest of that stuff. So, identity
Christianity, basically what I'm seeing are people who once claimed, who we were in fellowship with and working together with 20 years ago.
Well, no, eight years ago. Don't even have to go back, don't have to go back 20 years, eight years ago.
And now, they not only want nothing to do with this, but they want segregated churches.
Segregated churches are starting again, but the impetus is all from one side.
It's all from the quote -unquote social justice side. So we have
Dwight McKissick on Facebook, Facebook, Twitter, pastors
Steve Swofford and Tom Buck have referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Jezebel, Swofford called her
Jezebel Harris. Calling on President J .D. Greer and Jim Richards, S .B .T .C.,
to repudiate these men, un -Christ -like statements and to initiate discipline against them now in all capital letters.
So repudiation, whatever that means, discipline, whatever that means. I don't know what any of that means from a denominational perspective.
Is this an assertion of some kind of violation of the Baptist faith and message, just a doctrinal thing?
I asked a question of Dwight, now Dwight and I tried to go back and forth a few times in the past, and eventually he wrote to me and said,
I'm just not gonna respond to it anymore. And if anybody can go back and look, it's because Dwight really struggles to do debate.
He struggles with the idea of categories and only using arguments against the other side that don't refute his own position.
This is just an issue that he has. And so we already read multiple times what
Tom Buck had originally said, and the focus upon the reality that what he was saying has to do with the worldview and moral character of the public actions of Kamala Harris, which as you know,
Kamala Harris was rated as the most leftist senator in the United States Senate.
And so on all issues that, again, 10 years ago, we all would have been united on in regards to the very nature of human life, human sexuality, marriage, reproduction, infanticide, euthanasia, all of it.
We all would have been together, at least these individuals, we all would have been together at that time.
And her perspective is one that is fundamentally, clearly, and indefensibly opposed to the
Christian faith. There is the teachings of Jesus as to what love is, what sacrifice is, what humanity is, the abiding validity of God's moral law, she's opposed to all that stuff.
Very plainly. And in fact, identifies as moral good that which
God's Word identifies as moral evil. So to say, to simply say to someone,
I doubt that Israelites would have pointed Jezebel as a woman in power and said, hey girls, emulate the woman in power.
Why? Because Jezebel is an example in Scripture of idolatry, corruption of power, just sinful life from beginning to end.
And her end was not a good end. And so here you have a,
I guess, I think I recall correctly, they've left the Southern Baptist Convention, but a
Baptist pastor calling on President J .D. Greer, who is the, for three years running now,
President of the Southern Baptist Convention, somehow. Jim Richards, I don't know who he is, SBTC to repudiate these men's,
I would assume men's, un -Christ -like statements. So it's an un -Christ -like statement.
And to initiate discipline against them now. So I asked, let me see if I have the, yeah, here, a little bit later,
I asked, I sent this, and well, let me click on this. Let me double check and see if there have been any responses.
Uh, no, no, no responses that I see from, well, man, what is, what is with these more responses?
Do you want to see other responses? Do you want to see responses that might be offensive, which are normally things like no, yes, something like that.
And getting really tired of how Twitter is trying to destroy conversations with, but only for certain people.
Yeah, I don't see any responses from Pastor McKissick on this.
I said, I wonder if Pastor DMACC, that's his Twitter ID, I wasn't being disrespectful, has a problem with Jesus using
Jezebel as an example when he had John write to the church of Thyatira. This is Revelation 2 .20
-ish, around there. Note that Jesus' focus was on the character and teaching, not upon the skin tone.
Aren't we supposed to imitate Christ? So, in other words, when
Jesus gives that revelation, and as a part of that revelation,
John is writing to the seven churches. When he writes Thyatira, there is reference made to a woman named
Jezebel. Now, most scholars would recognize that there probably wasn't a woman in the church specifically named
Jezebel, that this was in reference to the historical figure and someone fulfilling that historical figure's character.
So, it was a code word, a code word for a woman in power who is bringing corruption in their worldview.
In other words, Jesus did exactly what Tom Buck did, and Dwight McKissick is saying, kick him out.
Why? Because of her alleged ethnicity. Now, I don't—my understanding is that Kamala Harris' background, as if—it's just so sad we care about things like this anymore.
We have become a racist nation by going backwards because of wokeism.
Wokeism is creating racism. Wokeism is the driving engine of racism in the
United States today. Absolutely. But anyway, we're going backwards. My understanding is she is
Indian and Caribbean in her origination. Yeah, something like that.
Not quote -unquote African American. Now, of course, the
Caribbean was the primary destination of the slave trade from Africa.
Far more than the United States. Far more than the United States. So, still could have been—it would be
African Caribbean or something like that. But, oh my goodness. So, evidently, there is nothing mentioned in the
Book of Revelation about the ethnic heritage of whoever this false teacher was in Thyatira because it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter. No one in Thyatira could have had any clue as to what in the world the woke people running around today are screaming about.
So, I don't expect a response from Dwight McKissick, but it really, really needs to be said that this kind of divisiveness we warned about only starting three years ago.
Starting two years and 10 months ago was the first time—now, 11 years ago was when
I had Voddie Balcomon to talk about ethnic Gnosticism. That was 11 years ago. That was 2010. But I didn't get it yet.
I mean, I saw—I understood what he was saying, and we now have a broader vocabulary to even use to discuss this stuff.
He was talking about standpoint epistemology, ethnic Gnosticism. You can't talk about what's going on in my community unless you've actually experienced it in your part of the community.
So, it was 2018, however, when we really started seeing what this movement was trying to do and the theological ramifications of it, and that it was by bringing identity politics into the church, you are destroying the only foundation for the unity in the church.
And you'll remember a couple weeks ago, I made reference in responding to J.
Ligon Duncan to the Scythian test—the Scythian test, it's not easy to say—the
Scythian test, where you, in essence, say—what you do is you take someone's position and you transport it back into the early church and find out if it destroys the apostles' teachings and the situation near the church.
And obviously, the focus, the monomaniacal focus of the woke church on ethnicity and identity that is seen in Dwight McKissick's statements and in this utter unwillingness to just sit back and look at Kamala Harris's position.
Look what she has done. Look what she did as Attorney General of the State of California.
Look what she did as a senator. Look at the positions that she's supporting. Look at what this new regime is doing.
This new dictatorial regime. You know why I call it a dictatorial regime? Because Joe Biden said to.
What? Oh, yeah. Only last year, Joe Biden—yeah, it was
October of 2020, wasn't it? Just a matter of months ago. Joe Biden said, if you rule by executive order, you're a dictator.
And he has now wiped out, by orders of magnitude, the number of executive orders signed the same amount of time by all four of his predecessors.
Put together, combined. He is ruling by executive order, and he is doing evil by executive order.
I'll take a look at an example of that in just a moment. But so if you dare point to Kamala Harris's open, unapologetic promotion of sinful rebellion in the culture, then you need to have discipline brought against you.
Because of the tone of her skin. It's just so obviously racist.
I don't even know how to say it. Racist in the biblical sense of racism. In the biblical sense of using a person's race as relevant to the nature of their character.
We're right back there, except it's backwards now. That's what it is. And it's being defended in the church.
It's—I don't even know what to say. But, hey, shouldn't be overly shocked. Shouldn't be overly shocked.
Let me—there was a one down here. Let me see if I can find it. I was looking for it. Oops. No, that's not what
I was looking for. I wanted to find Biden's thing. Yeah, here it is.
Yeah, Joe Biden. Take a look at it in a second. Kyle J. Howard. Oh, good old Kyle.
Remember Kyle? Kyle also, almost three years ago now, blocked me on Twitter because he said he would be afraid to be with me alone in a room.
That's sort of slanderous. In fact, it's very slanderous, but that's Kyle J. Howard. And yet the
Kyle J. Howard of three years ago is not the Kyle J. Howard of today. Have you noticed the trajectory?
Trajectories don't just stay like this in a nice—no, they become more and more radical over time.
That certainly has been the case here. He says, I am Reformed and I am
Baptist. This was yesterday. But I am genuinely at the point where I don't believe the
Yahweh my theological formulations help me to better understand is the same
God of white evangelicalism. We don't have the same gospel, the same
Jesus, or the same God. I am
Reformed and I am Baptist, but I have a different God, a different gospel, and a different Jesus than white evangelicalism, whatever in the world that is.
Who even knows? No one can say what that is. Other than it's non -woke.
It's non -woke. It's whatever it is. So I said three years ago, it seems that what we're hearing from people is, well, you need to listen to our story means you need to start with the acceptance of our presuppositions.
And here it is about as plain. Your God is a
God for the oppressor. I mean, this is James Cone, by the way. This is just Cone speaking. Your God is a
God for the oppressor. Your Christ is the Savior of white power. Your gospel is good news for abusers and those who hate justice.
When I'm called an unbeliever by some of you all, it's a compliment. I receive it as Elijah received criticism from all worshipers.
There you go. I mean, there's the Scythian test on full display.
You bring in these foreign concepts, these foreign gods of critical race theory and critical gender theory and anything with a
C and a T at the beginning of the end, because that's designed, the C and the
T are designed to destroy what's between them by destroying unity.
The Christian worldview brings unity by seeing the purpose of God in all things.
There is no God in critical theory, hence there's no unity. You can only break things down into their constituent parts.
So you bring that in, you bring in wokeism, you bring in identity concepts, where instead of having one identity as redeemed son or daughter of Adam in Christ, now you have everything else that becomes the lens through which you must look.
If you don't look through that lens, you're not allowed. Get out of my church.
You're not worthy. There is no end game here.
There is no redemption. You're just guilty of being white. Doesn't matter whether you're white or not, but you're guilty of being white.
Here it is. Here it is. Don't even know what more to say.
It just seems so obvious. He's not Reformed by any stretch of the imagination.
And Baptist doesn't mean anything other than just how you view baptism to be performed and upon whom,
I guess. But this is not Reformed theology, not by any stretch of the imagination.
This is neo -Marxist theology. James Cone and John Calvin would not have gotten along very well in any world whatsoever.
So there you go. There's that. Joe Biden, to protecting women's health here at home and around the world.
Now, of course, we know this is a boldface lie. What he's doing will result in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of females being torn apart in the womb.
So he is only fully committed to his own power, not to protecting women's health. Here at home and around the world.
Around the world becomes our great national shame that our treasure, which is being taken from us by force, is being used to promote the murder of unborn children around the world.
That is our shame. That is absolute shame. We should be mourning this, the evil that is being done.
My comment directly to President Biden, which eventually the bots will get me.
I can run, but I can't hide. My what?
No, not the Matrix. That was Minority Report. Yeah, the little things looking for it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's Minority Report. This is moral perversity on full display.
Caesar crowing about making sure Romans can discard their children, the garbage piles to be eaten by dogs.
Historically, Christians scoured the dumps at night to rescue the perishing. That was my response to.
But then I happened to post that. And then you sort of see the thread.
The next, the very first tweet. Now, of course, it's going to be different for different people.
I know that depending on when you posted it and stuff like that. But the first tweet that I saw, saw beneath what
I'd done. It was someone named someone, Ellie, Eliana Rubin.
Another transgender person, quote unquote. Hi, President Biden. Thank you so much for doing this.
I'm wondering if you could adjust your wording from women's health care to health care for people who get pregnant and bleed.
I am a trans woman, but don't need these services. Thank you for your work.
And we recognize those of us who are still have a somewhat functioning worldview recognize just the amazing self -deception involved in something like this and the amazing arrogance of demanding that all the rest of us must change our language to bow down to the personal experiences of the small number of people.
All the rest of us, we just have to whatever you say. That's that's the arrogance.
It's a hubris. It's amazing. The whole the whole the whole pronoun thing. How dare you demand that I learned your pronouns?
How important are you? We all used to have the same pronouns. We all knew him and nobody cared anyway.
But just the the whole reality of this movement's utter disregard for the actual state of human existence, how mankind continues to exist as mankind on planet
Earth. But you see, we look at this and as one person and you sort of look at the picture and you
Okay. Wow. But it's not just with them anymore.
It's not just this this personal thing anymore. Because did you see I don't have it here in front of me.
But there was a official government statement. Oh, it was about the vaccines.
The vaccines that never had animal testing. Remember those vaccines, the vaccines that just look up A .D
.E. Just look up A .D .E. and prepare yourself for what may be coming in the future.
But anyways, the CDC and some of the other organizations were saying that pregnant women shouldn't take these.
But they didn't say pregnant women. Remember? Did you see? It was two days ago. Pregnant people. Pregnant people.
This is the depth to which we have. And you see, you and I, who still have common sense, realize this is the depth to which we have plunged.
But if you live in this, you live in New York City and you're surrounded by this, you think this is actual moral advancement.
You think this is great. That that you're having to sit there and try to remember people's pronouns.
And we're talking about pregnant people. They're, I don't know how much more clearly the evidence of God's judgment upon a culture and a nation could be, but it is really, really, wow.
So I just, this just popped up on my screen. Shout out to Britton, B -R -I -T -T -O -N,
Britton T. Wood on Twitter. Kind words showing a picture of the forgotten trinity, the new.
Well, relatively new. Forgotten trinity. Doing some study there and thanking us for our ministry.
And I appreciate that. Huh? Yeah, I will.
I will. Okay. Now, I don't know how this is going to work.
I do not like this. I, let me tell you right now, I detest Instagram.
I detest Instagram. I really do. I've never used it.
I actually have an account because for a while, pictures you post on Instagram went to your
Strava account. The only reason I had it was so if I could, if I took a picture on a ride, this was years ago, it would automatically end up posting to my
Strava. That was, that was it. Only reason. Oh man, and now
I, now I forgot the, I forgot the name. Earlier today,
Andre B. Is it Andre B? No, here it is.
Here it is. There is the, the Officer Tatum.
Join the Tatum Squad. I'm looking at, at YouTube videos here. There is a very popular black and I'm told conservative
YouTuber. And I'm looking at just a couple, couple videos here.
105 ,000 views on this one. 213 ,000 views on this one.
He's wearing a Trump 2020 hat. Okay. I, sorry, never heard him.
Never seen him. Don't know anything about him. But I was sent a video.
Well, actually I was, I was tagged in Facebook. And let me look here at, see if I've got anything here.
I made some comments. So I, yeah, basically Seiko sent this to me.
And Seiko Woods, I guess had challenged this guy to debate.
And the guy was like, ah, um, and linked me to this video.
I'm not, I can't play the video because when you do stuff on Instagram, the thing, the controls are way down here and the video is way up there.
And it doesn't fit on the screen. I I'll, I'll have to play the audio. I will have to plug in the audio.
Um, I don't know where this guy is coming from theologically at all.
I don't know anything about him. I'd never heard anything about him, but this kind of argumentation and presentation.
Okay. Let me, let me just, he's sitting in a leather chair in a t -shirt with a pillow.
Just talking there's, there's no, there's no study that's gone into it in a little bit.
I'm going to be playing some King James only stuff. I listened to this on a run yesterday.
Then I took the time today to put it into audio note taker and I've selected specific things to look at.
And that's not what this stuff is. It really seems that people today, you know, you just sit there and in your t -shirt and blather about theology and wow, that must be, anyway, um, the gentleman's sounds like he's either been influenced by Islam or black
Hebrew, Hebrew -Israelism. I can't tell. It's a, it's short.
It's only five minutes. Um, but he's denying the deity of Christ.
And just like with the later clip that we're gonna look at on King James only -ism, in that situation, you've got an individual who's got a good heart.
He's just as ignorant as day is long, just doesn't know what he's talking about. And here's an individual who's as ignorant as day is long and he doesn't know what he's talking about.
But the worst thing is he thinks he does. And when you exude confidence, that communicates to people,
I guess, evidently. So let's take a look. Uh, let's, let's listen.
Because like I said, it, it's Instagram and, and there's this big old black box.
And then the controls down at the bottom. I don't, I don't understand. I thought by 2021, we'd have this stuff.
Of course, by 2021, I thought we'd have flying cars. The Jetsons would be a reality. Doc and Marty.
Right. Okay. Right. I'm telling you, you don't know what
I put up with on the other side of that window. You just don't have it. It's, it's, it's how
I've learned patience. People ask me, how do you have so much patience when you're in debates? It's because I've been working here.
Okay. Anyway, that was, and I said that so quietly, there's no way that he could hear that. Anyway.
All right. Let's listen to, uh, let's, okay. I just got to start and stop it. Cause, and I don't even know if it's gonna start and stop well, but we'll do our best.
He was in the womb of a woman. He came miraculously from conception from above.
Okay. What's conception from above? Jesus very frequently talked about, I have come down. He talks about his preexistence.
So he is, he is preexistent in what state was he in? Was he angelic?
Was he, was he a creature? Um, what does the Bible tell us? The Bible does, but, uh, keep that in mind.
He came from conception from heaven. That's why they call him the second
Adam. That's why they said he's the second man. Okay. He's, he is incarnate.
There is no question about that. But was he human before incarnation?
Cause really the only options are he was created. That time came into existence. He was angelic before that time, or he was
God taking on human nature. Those are, those are basically the options that would be available to us.
One, the man from heaven. They didn't say the God from heaven. What is that supposed to mean? So, so he was a created man in heaven who became a man.
So he was a double man. What, what, what is that supposed to mean?
So he was a human being without a mother in heaven who took on a mother in.
How did, how can just a human being be put into the womb? What, what's the relation?
So is he two persons? What's this supposed to mean? Why did they say
God from heaven? Why didn't they say God from heaven? Well, he's,
I'm going to let him explain a little bit more here and then answer it.
Man, I'm telling you, when you see this, you're going to be just as like irritated as me. It's like, why do people, why are we misled so easily?
They could have called Jesus God a thousand times. Jesus has never been called
God in any scripture in the Bible. Really? When, when you use broad terms like any, all, ever, you are begging for refutation, begging for refutation.
The simplest refutation of this is simply to recognize that the
New Testament writers identified Jesus as Yahweh. They identified
Jesus as Yahweh. So in John chapter 12, when
John quotes from Isaiah's temple vision, Isaiah chapter 6, he says, Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and he spoke about him.
You go back to Isaiah chapter 6, who did Isaiah see sitting upon the throne? The center of worship of, of the cherubim, the seraphim,
Yahweh God. And so John identifies the one that was seen as Jesus.
He is Yahweh. Over and over again, the New Testament writers will take
Old Testament passages that were about Yahweh and apply them to Jesus in a unique pattern of fulfillment.
So Hebrews chapter 1 verses 10 through 12, but of the son, he says, and then he quotes from Psalm 102, 25, 27, which is about God's unique, unchanging immutability in comparison to the entire created order.
Create all things. You roll them up like a garment. They, they change. You don't change. Applies it to Jesus in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 10 through 12, straight out of Psalm 102 in the
Greek Septuagint. And so you've got John doing it. You've got the right of Hebrews doing it. At the end of the
Carmen Christi in Philippians chapter 2, which is a fragment of a hymn of the early church.
So all the Philippians would have known this. This is a part of their common faith. What do you have there?
A text from Isaiah where God says, every knee will bow to me. Yahweh says, every knee will bow to me.
Every tongue will confess. And who is that applied to? Jesus. To the glory of God, the father. There's no confusion between the two, but it's applied to Jesus.
So over and over again, we can go to first Peter chapter 3. We can go to all these texts and demonstrate that the new
Testament writers identified Jesus as Yahweh. So can we find places where they identify him as God?
Just simply the, the, the less specific term God, of course. Titus 2, 13, second
Peter 1, 1, John 1, 1, John 20, 28. They're all over the place. They're all over the place.
Romans 9, 5, Acts 20, 28. All over the place. But they're not actually as weighty as using the specific name of the covenant
God of Israel, Yahweh, which is applied to Jesus. You put those together and a statement like that is astonishingly bad.
Astonishingly bad. Never. They had a thousand opportunities to say,
Jesus, God. You are God. You are God. You mean like in John 20, 28?
When at the resurrection, Thomas says, my Lord, my God. Both applied to Jesus.
Don't even try. Don't even try to say that is addressed to Jesus and is addressed to somebody else.
There is no way on God's green earth and in the Greek language that you can distinguish those two things in that text.
That is pure eisegesis. You can't do it. So Thomas said, my
Lord and my God, right? So was Jesus his Lord and God? Yes or no?
He was. Do you need to have it repeated a thousand times before you get it?
Okay. God. God. You know, he tricked them the whole time.
He's telling them to pray to the Father in heaven. But he got the whole time. He's telling them to pray to the
Father in heaven. Okay. Jesus prayed to the Father in heaven because he's the incarnate man. The second person of Trinity took on a complete sinless human nature.
And he himself prayed to the Father. And yet, in John 14, 14, when
Jesus was talking about the time when he was going back into the presence of the Father, once he was back there, he said, if you ask me anything in my name,
I will do it. Future. When I'm up there. How do you do that? How do you do that once Jesus is resurrected from the dead, has ascended into the presence of the
Father? That's called prayer. First Corinthians chapter one, the Christians described as those who epikaleo on the anamiti to the name of the
Lord. Who's that? Jesus. What is epikaleo to pray? So there you go.
And again, if Jesus is the one seen, according to John chapter 12 on the throne, you don't think that is clear enough?
Technically, he don't want to answer their prayers. Technically. Okay. I guess he was just playing.
He picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple. Not anywhere in the scripture, it says they were going to stone him because he called himself
God. Oh, really? Someone does not know almost anything about the scriptures.
With all due respect. Sorry. That evidently is from John chapter 10.
Well, either John chapter eight. So the video has been edited. I don't think it's just freaking out on me.
It looks like it's been edited. So something longer was cut down to something that's shorter like this. So he may have given a reference earlier, but that would either be
John chapter eight. Where you have. Yeah, that's, that's what it is.
8 .59. So in John chapter eight, Jesus has already said in John 8 .24.
Unless you believe that Ego Aimi, you will die in your sins. Unless you believe that I am.
Ego Aimi is the Greek phrase for the Hebrew on a who, which is found in a number of times in the book of Isaiah as a euphemistic name for Yahweh.
He is the I am. And so not the I am of Exodus three. That's Ego Aimi HaOn.
But in Isaiah and some of the minor prophets, you have Ego Aimi and on a who in Hebrew being used his name of God.
And so he has already said to them, unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins. And this gentleman does not believe that Jesus is the
I am. So what is John 8 .24 mean? But in John 8 .57,
so the Jews said to him, you're not yet 15. Now back up just one verse, because this is important. Um, and you, uh, verse 54, if I glorify myself, my glory is nothing.
It is my father who glorifies me of whom you say he is our God. And you have not come to know him, but I know him.
And if I say that I do not know him, I will be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Now, here's the key.
Your father, Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad. Now, a lot of people have speculated.
What might that be in reference to? Um, I think it's in reference to what happened in Genesis 18 and 19.
And if you remember Genesis 18 and 19, you will recall that there were three who came to Abraham by the
Oaks of Mamre and they're identified as Yahweh and two angels.
And as Yahweh in the form of a man talks with Abram, the two angels are sent down to Sodom and Gomorrah.
And they're the two angels that bring Lot out. They're the two angels that come to his home. They're the two angels that the men try to break into the home to know them.
They strike everybody blind, take Lot and his family out, and get them out of Sodom and Gomorrah before the destruction takes place.
So you have one person left of the three walking with Abram. And then in Genesis 19, it says
Yahweh rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah from Yahweh in heaven.
So the Yahweh who's walking with Abram rains fire and brimstone from Yahweh in heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Oh, how could that be? Because Abram saw his day, rejoiced, and was glad.
Who was seen in the Old Testament? Jesus. He's on the throne, Isaiah 6.
He's with Abram in Genesis 18 and 19. Your father and rejoicing, they saw it was glad.
So the Jews said to him, you are not yet 50 years old, and you have seen Abraham. Jesus said to them, truly, truly,
I say to you, Prin abraam genestai, ego ai me.
Before Abraham was born, I am. And the
Jews picked up stones to cast upon him, but Jesus hit himself and went out of the temple. So why did they pick up stones?
Do you stone angels, sir? Is claiming to be an angel reason for being stoned?
What, according to the law, would cause stoning? Blasphemy. And that becomes patently obvious and clear only two chapters later.
In John chapter 10, when Jesus is talking about giving, he and the father giving eternal life to his sheep, and the
Jewish leaders were not his sheep, as he said. John 10, when I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
My father who is given to me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand. I and the father are one.
Now, that is a plural verb. I and the father, we are one. There is still a distinction made between the father and the son.
But they are one in giving eternal life to the people of God, which is the prerogative only of God.
So the Jews picked up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, I showed you many good works from the father. For which of them are you stoning me?
The Jews answered, for a good work we do not stone you, but for blasphemy.
And because you, being a man, make yourself out to be
God. That's exactly what you just said is nowhere in scripture. That's the second place where it has not taken much effort at all to demonstrate the user have no earthly idea what you're talking about.
None. It's just, I mean, this isn't even careful
Unitarianism. This isn't even, you know, I want to state this accurately
Unitarianism. This is just really, really bad argumentation from the start.
They didn't think Jesus said he was God. For Abraham, I am. Meaning that I am in the ladder of importance.
I'm before Abraham. Uh, I hadn't actually heard all of this yet.
I am in the ladder of importance more than Abraham. That's why they would pick up stones to stone him.
Right. Sure. And how about those uses of I am in Isaiah?
How about Isaiah 43 10? Sir, have you, have you looked at that? Have you looked at Isaiah 43 10 and seen that Jesus quoted that text of himself in John 13, 19?
Have you seen that, sir? Have you looked at any of the I am sayings of Jesus in John 8, 24, 8, 58, 13, 19, 19, five to six, any of those?
If not, my question is why not? Because in a little while, I did see you in essence, identifying yourself as a
Bible scholar. Abraham marveled at my day and he saw it and was glad.
I'm before Abraham. How did Abraham see his day? You didn't answer that.
What's this about being hiring him on a ladder that somehow means something? Not that I was, you know,
I'm God. Jesus was pretty much saying. That was one of the worst explanations I've ever, that's not even an explanation.
That was someone threw this verse at me. I've never seen it before. So I'm gonna come up with an excuse. That's all that was.
That's all that was. That was, that was not, I mean, the Unitarians in the audience are banging their head against the wall right now.
Okay. And look, Unitarians, um, don't sit there and say you're picking on low hanging fruit because that's what they always do.
Whenever you deal with, sometimes you have to deal with the popular stuff. And the reality is when you guys post stuff, you don't get near the views that these folks do.
Okay. Y 'all are just sort of a little on the boring side. And, uh, so you, you got to deal with what's, what's, what's actually out there.
So cool. Your jets. I'm greater than Abraham. Not that I was alive before Abraham.
See. Abraham rejoiced to see my day. Before Abraham was
I am. Why say that? Before Abraham was
I am. The Jews knew exactly what he was saying. That's why they picked up stones to stone him.
This is incoherent. Trying to come up with an explanation, something that you really hadn't given much thought to in the past.
I have the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has revealed these things to me. It's common sense.
You don't have to be hyper spiritual for God to show you reasonableness. You got to stop listening to false teachers and you will see it.
That there's really not much to say there because that's descriptive of himself. As anyone looking at the scriptures right now would be able to see because the scriptures and the
Holy Spirit are saying the same thing. He's saying something different. The scriptures. So that's pretty straightforward.
That man should have said, I think Jesus is God. Why did he say that? Why did the man that Jesus healed even think he was
God? He didn't even think he was God. I'm assuming, and again, I can only see to be able to control the video thingy.
I can only see half the video. I thought I saw a hitch there, like an edit.
So I'm wondering if there was a reference that was taken out there. Are we to John 9 now?
Where the blind man, when Jesus says, do you believe in the Son of Man? Who's the
Son of Man, sir? Look up the book of Daniel sometime. Look up Daniel chapter 7, okay?
Who's the Son of Man? Son of Man is a divine figure. And Jesus identifies himself as the
Son of Man. And he believes, okay?
So you can't get around that. If that's what is being referred to there, that's what my assumption is.
He said, I think he's a prophet. I think he's a prophet. That was mentioned in John 9 as well.
So yeah, but Jesus was a prophet. That doesn't mean he wasn't the incarnate Son of God. Doesn't mean he wasn't
Yahweh in human flesh. Unitarians keep saying, well, he can only be this.
No, he's a lot bigger than that. Not just Unitarians, Muslims and others as well.
Jesus did not have to be God to do what he said. Jesus' death on the cross had nothing to do with being
God or not. It had everything to do with God resurrecting him from the dead. Had nothing to do with him being
God or not. Well, that depends on whether you think what Paul said was true, that if the authorities and powers had known, they would not have done what?
What did Paul say? They would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Crucified the
Lord of glory. Who Paul has identified in the
Carmen Christi as Yahweh. Applied to him that terminology,
Romans 9 .5, Titus 2 .13, called him our great God and savior. Yeah, that same
Paul is the one who did all of these things. And so if you have a mere man dying upon the cross, and I haven't heard anything yet as to what he actually thinks, because he said the man who came down from heaven, so was he a man?
Was he angelic? What is it? I don't know. All I know is that what he's saying right now demonstrates a deep misunderstanding, a deep ignorance of the coherence of scripture itself and the original language's background, whatever else you might want to throw in there.
So whether you believe he was God or not is irrelevant to the cross because it was God that resurrected
Jesus. It wasn't his own power. Oh, really? It wasn't his own power, huh?
So God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. That's a true statement.
The Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. That's a true statement. And Jesus said what?
I have authority to receive my life back again. Father, Son, Spirit, we're all involved in the resurrection.
So why did Jesus say what he said? We're listening to a young man who has not been seriously challenged as to what he believes, or if he has been, he has not responded to those challenges or even listened to try to give a coherent response.
Jesus couldn't even resurrect himself. Jesus couldn't even resurrect himself.
Really? Where do you get that from? That's just a statement.
It goes against what Jesus said, that he had the authority to do so. He has the authority to take his life back again.
So who are you going to believe? The dude in the Instagram video or the inspired scriptures that have been preserved for us for 2 ,000 years?
He was dead. I'm giving scripture. We can—I just read the mediation that Jesus was the mediator between man and God.
See, there's a lot of editing here that makes it a little bit difficult to respond to some of this stuff. Obviously, it was a much longer thing.
And so now he's evidently making reference to 1 Timothy chapter 2. But I don't know what kind of application was being made.
People are still saying, he's still God too. Well, one thing's obvious.
He's assuming Unitarianism to prove Unitarianism. That everybody, whether you're a Muslim, Jehovah's Witness, Black Hebrew Israelite, doesn't matter.
You assume Unitarianism to prove Unitarianism. So when Yahweh is used of more than one person, then, well, it just can't be for that one because you assume
Unitarianism. That's probably what's going on here.
Somebody said, I'm preaching Jehovah's Witness doctrine. Should read. If you look at it in the
Greek, this is how it reads. Oh. Oh, you read Greek. I couldn't tell before.
I'm sorry. I don't believe it. I don't believe it.
Someone's got an interlinear. Yeah. I don't believe you. Let's get together and have a
Greek read -off together. How's that sound? In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the
Word was a God. I should have seen that one coming. I should have seen that one coming.
What is, what is, my wife just texted me and said, so glad you didn't blame me.
I'm not, um, hmm. Did I say something earlier where I could have blamed
Kelly? I don't, I don't know, but she said she was gonna be listening today. So I, hi there. Yes.
Yeah. Yeah. Rich is saying sometimes our wives ears burn. And so maybe that, okay. Okay.
So you just said you can read Greek and then demonstrated that you cannot read
Greek. Okay. Because that argumentation from Jehovah's Witnesses has been refuted so many times.
And it would be so enjoyable to, uh, to do what I, I told this story, actually this morning,
I was teaching church history, my dear brothers, uh, over in Germany.
Uh, and I told a story at that time about an encounter
I had, um, with Jehovah's Witnesses quite some time ago and, uh, uh, how a woman
Jehovah's Witness had given me about a two and a half minute pre -memorized speech on the significance of lack of the definite article in the third clause of John 1 .1.
And our Cain Halagas, Cain Halagas, Cain Halagas, Cain Halagas is the third section of John 1 .1.
And those who actually read Greek know that if the os had an article, then the os and lagos would be interchangeable.
So all the theos is lagos, all the lagos is theos, that would be modalism, that would be heresy.
And so since theos does not have the article, lagos does, it's the subject. You obviously have linking verb, and then you have your predicate nominative, theos.
So that's how you know it's the subject is the lagos. The lagos was as to his essence, as to his being divine, theos.
And so she gave me this pre -memorized thing, and I had, I didn't have this one, this is obvious 28th edition, back then
I would have had the 26th edition of the Nessiolan Greek text. And so I opened it up to John 1 .1,
and I handed it across the room to her when she got done. And I said, could you show me a
Greek article? Now, she has the Kingdom of the Linear, which I have down there.
It has English in it, stuff like that. There's no English in it, it's just Greek. And she didn't know which way to hold it, because she can't read a word of Greek.
Cannot read a word of Greek. So people hear things, they repeat them, but they don't know whether they're true or not.
And that's what this guy's doing. If you were to apply this idea that every noun that does not have an article should be indefinite, you wouldn't be able to get through 10 verses of the
Gospel of John without making it into utter gibberish. There is a man sent from a god, and his name was
John. A god. Because God doesn't have an article.
And the Greek article is the element of the Greek language that is least like the
English article of anything else. Of anything else. So there you go.
It's not saying, in the beginning was the Word. Because that's saying the
Word is eternal. As far back as you want to push the beginning, the Word's in existence. In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was prostanthean, with God, in eternal communion with God. That God's going to be identified as the
Father in verse 18. And the Word was as to his nature, God. That's what it's saying.
That's what John 1 -1 is saying. And so if this gentleman would like to read my book on the
Trinity, and read the exegesis I provided for John 1 -1 in that book, and then provide a counter -argument, he might want to check out some of the debates we've had with folks who've actually spent a lot of time doing this.
I don't get the feeling, given the attitude he's displaying in this video, the part of it that I can see, that he's really interested in doing that.
But Senseiko seems to have some connection there. Hey, you guys, go for it.
Do it. I would love to see it happen. But anyway, it's going to—the man's position's indefensible.
Let's just put it that way. Now, most people understand that it's not going to read a
God, right? It wouldn't be weird for a person to think that Jesus or you or I are considered a
God. In the Bible, it says that we are all gods. I'll show you that. Yeah, it's
Psalm 82, 6. And of course, that's cited by Jesus in John 10 as part of his condemnation of the
Jewish leaders for their false accusations against him. But the very next verse says, fall like any one of the princes,
I believe is the term. So the point is that that's not what
John 1 is talking about, because John 1 is placing this in eternity past, and we're not placed in eternity past.
And in the prologue, with verse 18 being the bookends to John 1, it says no one has seen
God at any time. Lots of people have seen God. The monogamous theos, the unique God who is by the
Father's side, he has exegeted him. He has made him known. So when you've seen
God, this is the one you've seen. That's Jesus walking in the Oaks of Mammar. That's Jesus on the throne in Isaiah 6.
This is consistency in Scripture, rather than just simply throwing stuff out for the fun of it.
We are all gods. We are not the God, but we are gods. I'll show you that in the Bible, because some of y 'all are probably looking at me crazy, because you ain't never read your
Bible that deep. Not y 'all, because y 'all are perfect until somebody else. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
So obviously, this is a compilation of portions of some kind of live
Instagram, YouTube something thing, where he's just talking off the top of his head.
And so people are throwing stuff out, and we're getting expert commentary.
Him was life, and life was the light of man. The light shined in the darkness, and the darkness knew it not.
I believe, and you can look at other scholars, they believe this. When you say other scholars believe this, generally you're including yourself in the group.
That people put the word him instead of it. Now, this is not uncommon amongst various Unitarians.
I don't think Jehovah's Witnesses have ever run with this one.
I could be wrong about that. But Muslims pick up on this as well.
And so what they're saying is, and apart from him, nothing was made that was made.
That which was made in him was life, and the life was the light of man. And the light shined in darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it, which is the light, of course.
But all this goes back to the Logos. If you're trying to turn the Logos into something that's impersonal, you've got a problem.
Because not only is the Logos prostantean, in communion with the
Father, but as I keep pointing out, this same Logos is the one that in verse 18, no one has seen
God in any time, monogenes theos. Now, there's a textual variant there. Most of the
Byzantine manuscripts have huyas, but the most ancient manuscripts of the Gospel of John, all the early papyri of the
Gospel of John, say theos. And some have ha monogenes theos. Look at p66, p75.
But monogenes theos ha on aiston kalpon tu patras ekinos exe geseta, the one who is at the bosom or the side of the
Father, position of intimacy. That one has exegeted
Him, has made Him known. That one is the one who reveals Him. So this is not an impersonal concept or idea that is being referred to here.
An impersonal concept or idea is not going to be the one who can reveal the
Father. Elsewhere, you go to Hebrews chapter 1, He is exact representation. Again, the perfection of the revelation the
Son makes of the Father, not possible for a mere creature. Because the
Word is inanimate. No. Light is inanimate. Darkness is inanimate.
All of these things are inanimate. But it's not something inanimate that became flesh. Ha lagas sarx eginata,
John 1, 14. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
That wasn't a concept. It wasn't the idea of active photons became flesh.
The lagas was in communion with the Father. The lagas is in the position of relationship to the
Father so that He can reveal the Father. And the lagas became flesh. That is
Jesus of Nazareth. Now you're the one, sir, who said He was the man who came down from heaven. So now you're saying it's an inanimate object that came down from heaven?
Which is it? What's it going to be? I see nothing coherent in your position whatsoever.
Nothing coherent at all. There's no reason to say it should be translated. There's a reason why he didn't say
Jesus. There's a reason why he's articulating and using the word light. Light shining in darkness.
Because you go back to the Genesis and these things are happening, right? Yeah, in Genesis, you go back to Genesis.
Yeah, you read the Gospel of John. He's telling us from the beginning who this Jesus is.
And then he's going to expand upon that throughout the book. So he's going to say in John 5, verse 18, that this
Jesus is truly God. Because the Jews are going to want to kill him in John 5 because he broke the
Sabbath and he called God his own Father, making himself equal with God. And then the rest of that chapter, he's going to explain to us the perfect unity of the
Father and the Son. So we have to honor the Son even as we honor the Father. I thought we were monotheists.
Well, we are monotheists. That's the only way to understand this, is to be a monotheist.
That's why the Doctrine of the Trinity is monotheistic. So in John 5, you have the deity of Christ revealed.
In John 8, you have the deity of Christ revealed. If you do not believe he's the
I Am, you die in your sins. John 9, he is the Son of Man. John 10, he and the
Father are one in the salvation of God's people. John 11, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.
John 12 is where you have John's own revelation that Jesus identifies as Yahweh from Isaiah 6.
Do I have to keep going? John 14, Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for us where he is.
We may be with him also. If you ask him anything in his name, he will do it after his resurrection. That's prayer to Jesus.
John 17, in praying to the Father, he says,
Glorify me with the Father with the glory which I had with you in your presence before the world was. He was glorious.
Not an inanimate object. The Logos of John 1 says in John 17 that he was in the presence of the
Father and was glorious in his presence. That's one person talking to another. You are babbling incoherently, sir.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You're misrepresenting the scriptures. Stop it. Repent.
Believe. Anyway, then you get all the way to John 20, my
Lord and my God. It's what John is all about. Even unbelievers recognize this.
Even Bart Ehrman says, well, obviously for John, Jesus is God. I mean, that's clear.
Yeah, it is. He doesn't believe it, but yeah, it's clear. These things are happening.
The entire plan of God was spoken in the beginning. I want y 'all to look at God's word like a fruit roll -up.
He said, touch my hand, believe. My Lord, my God. Now, wait a minute.
What was that? Did you understand what that was? I don't get it.
A fruit roll -up? Is that what it was? Oh, it got edited again.
Now he's got a cup in his hand. And so I don't know what's going on. But okay, now
I guess we're at John 20. That does not mean that Thomas is saying
Jesus is God. That does not mean that. Thomas is acknowledging
Jesus and God. He's acknowledging what he sees, my Lord and my
God. My Lord and my God. Just as, well,
I hadn't listened to the end. So just as I predicted. That is the lamest excuse that has ever been made.
All Unitarians have to use it. From Jehovah's Witnesses, they all have to use it.
They all have to. Can I take the time here? I'm going to do the King James thing on the next one. I said
I was going to do that. Don't have time to do it right now. We've gone long as it is. But here, let's put this baby to rest.
We've done it before. Let's do it again. Let's pull this baby up here.
And let's make sure everybody understands this is not possible.
All right. Here's the section that's being looked at. John chapter 20. You can grab that.
All right. Thank you. There it is. I told Toma, and he said to Thomas, Stretch forth your finger.
Odeh. Here. I noticed what
I emphasized there. So Thomas, Jesus knew somehow that Thomas said,
Hey, unless I touch his wounds, I'm not going to believe.
Jesus knows this. So when he appears the second time, reach here with your finger and see my hands.
Reach here your hand and put it into my side. Kai may ginu apistas.
And do not be unbelieving ala, Adversative form, pistas, but believing.
Don't be unbelieving, but believe. Apekrethe tomas kai aipen auto.
Auto, singular of autos, said to him.
Date of direct object. Thomas answered and said to him,
It's one phrase. You can't break it apart. This is all said to Jesus.
Hakuriasmu kai hatheasmu, my Lord and my God. You can't break that apart.
All of it is said to Thomas. If you're going to say, as he just said,
My Lord, my God, then you need to show me what in the context makes kai disjunctive rather than conjunctive.
And there is nothing. Nothing, especially when you continue reading.
Jesus says to him. Now, by the way, that's the same auto. So did
Jesus say part of this to Thomas and part of it to somebody else? Because you have seen me, have you believed?
Blessed are the ones who did not see. May itontes kai pistusontes, and yet believe.
So it is pure, disrespectful, heretical twisting of the pages of Scripture, of the words of Scripture to take the singular answer spoken by Thomas to Jesus, Hakuriasmu kai hatheasmu, cut it in half because you just don't believe what
Thomas said. That's what you're doing. You just don't believe it. I would much more respect someone say,
I just don't believe it. Don't even bother saying it's been changed because it hasn't.
But just saying, I think Thomas was in error. I don't believe in the inspiration of Scripture, whatever. But don't try to pretend you actually believe the
Bible and then reject what Thomas said to Jesus. Hakuriasmu kai hatheasmu, my
Lord and my God. There isn't any question about it. Because it says, Aipen auto.
He said to him. He said to him. That's all there is to it.
That's all there is to it. So I don't, like I said, I had never heard this gentleman before, don't know anything about him, don't have any way of being in contact with him or anything else.
But if you all want to share that portion of the program with him, please feel free to do so.
I would love to see him corrected and come to a knowledge of the truth, because right now he is spreading a tremendous amount of error and easily documentable error in the process.
So like I said, I have something else. I will just save it here and we will get to it in a future program.
I was sent a King James only guy. It seems like a nice guy.
Just your good old boy in a down -home Southern, doesn't have to be
Southern Baptist, probably an independent fundamentalist Baptist, but down South someplace you can tell by his accent. And he's been reading
Peter Ruckman and Gail Ripplinger. And so it wasn't high -end stuff.
In fact, I don't think in his entire presentation he even mentioned the Texas Receptus, because I'm not sure he even knows what it is.
But unfortunately, this is the most common stuff that gets passed around amongst our parents and grandparents and stuff like that.
And so sometimes you need to know how to respond to some stuff that's like, where did they get that idea?
And why do they keep saying, why did they change it? And all the rest of that kind of stuff. So anyway, we will hopefully get to it.
Who knows what the future could bring as to what would keep us from getting to it. But like I said, I've got it queued up.
And I've got other stuff too, because I've had on my list for probably two months now, William Lane Craig tried to address
Romans 9, and it was really bad. But I've still got the video
I need to get to it. It's just, we've had a lot of stuff going on these days. So just a little bit of stuff going on.
That's right, that's right. All right, well, there you go. Hope that was useful to you. We will, every time
I sign off now, I have to have in the back of my mind, given the censorship going on, we have said more than enough over the past 20 years to disappear.
So thank you for watching. Lord willing, we'll be back again. Hopefully see you then.