The Rancid Fruit of Getting Woke

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is a sad one to make.


Hey, you may have seen this video before, this is actually a re -upload of the video I put up a couple days ago or something like that.
And I wanted to make a couple of edits, nothing really in the content, just a few things that I said that I'm not 100 % sure about.
And so I just wanted to take them out because, you know, it's just not something that I'm comfortable with. You know, here's the thing, so I'm committed from a theological perspective, if somebody has a credible baptism, if someone professes
Christ, I want to take their word for it. But that doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion about their status as a regenerate believer.
So I take, I mean, there are people that are objectively in the covenant, they've got the covenant markers, they've been baptized into Christ, but they might not be a regenerate.
And that's a real category, I think, the visible church versus the invisible church, the eschatological church versus the local church, you know, that's a real category of people.
And my opinion on Allie is that she is in the church, she is a Christian, but she does not demonstrate any discernible biblical worldview, any signs of being regenerate.
And that's my opinion on her, and I wanted to make sure that that is clear. I don't do this very often,
I don't usually make that kind of an opinion known. If you've watched my video for any amount of time, you know that that's not something
I regularly do. And I hope I'm wrong about Allie, I really do, because I don't hate her,
I don't, I understand she's a real person with a real soul, and I want her to turn from her sin of partiality that she is seems to be given over to when you look at how she treats white people and how she talks about white people and things like that, it's really, really distressing.
Anyway, so this is a reupload. So if you've seen this already, no need to spend another 25 minutes watching it again, it's basically the same.
There's like three edits, and they're like two second edits. It's just something for my own, you know, integrity that I wanted to do,
I don't want to say something about anybody that I don't know for sure is true. And even in the video, initially,
I said this was my opinion, but I just wanted to be ultra clear. This is my opinion. I don't have, I don't have the right to judge
Allie's salvation or status as a Christian. That's a right that's reserved for her elders, and I'm not an elder, that is a fact.
God gives the keys to the kingdom, to the apostles and to the eldership, and they, if something's bound on earth, it shall have been bound in heaven.
If something's loosed on earth, it shall have been loosed in heaven. And that's not my responsibility. I used to be a pastor,
I am no longer a pastor, I just wanted to make that crystal clear before I present this video to you.
So anyway, thanks for watching, thanks for your support, God bless. So I wanted to do this video about this tweet thread from Allie Henney.
If you remember, Allie Henney is one of the admins of the Facebook group that I exposed in Social Justice Unredacted.
In fact, she's the one who comes up with all of these things that you need to do to deprogram and decenter whiteness and to atone for your whiteness or whatever,
I don't know. But she's the one that made all those assignments and different things that you need to do, and all those crazy rules about white silence and stuff like that.
This is the woman who did that, and she's in charge of that. If you notice here in the corner, she describes herself as, well, she's a contributor to The Witness, which is
Jamar Tisby's organization. And she describes herself as black, Christian, writer, womanist, in that order.
She used to describe herself as a feminist. I don't know why she changed that, probably because of the baggage that feminism has.
But she is a feminist, there's no question about it. And she also, as you can see, very helpfully puts her pronouns here, she, her, hers.
That's the kind of person we're dealing with here. And this is a serious video because this is a person.
This is a person made in the image of God with a soul that will go on for eternity.
And this is somebody who needs to be saved. This is somebody who needs to be reborn. This is somebody who
I cannot see how this person could have met Christ, given the things that she writes, the things that she's done in that Facebook group, and even this public
Twitter thread. This is not me exposing anything. This is just her stream of consciousness that she puts out there.
And I'm going to read through this and talk about it because this is serious. And I hope that if you're a social justice advocate yourself, or if you're, you know, you're not really sure how to believe in the social justice stuff,
I want you to see the damage that this worldview, this anti -Christian, anti -biblical, anti -Christ worldview, the damage that it does to your soul.
Because Allie's soul is not right before God. It isn't. She is wrapped up in selfishness and in vainglory and just all kinds of just evil, self -centered, childish mindsets that, you know,
Christians, you know, through the work of the Holy Spirit, they deprogram themselves from it. The Holy Spirit sanctifies you.
So you're not thinking about yourself all the time. You're considering others more important than yourself.
I used to read that every week at communion. I used to read that verse. But I'll just read it and we'll comment on it as we go, but we'll take it from there.
Okay, so it starts. So here it goes. Taking out the garbage, part one of I don't know how many. If you missed my tweet from earlier today, my family left our home church a week ago.
This is a quote unquote multi -ethnic church that has recently started claiming anti -racism. By the way, before I continue,
I want to let you know that I don't disagree with everything she says here. I think that she's on to a few things here from completely different perspective of mine.
Let's continue. She says, my husband and I have had a long history with this church. That's another long story.
We started attending again about two years ago after we had moved back home to Missouri. This is the quote unquote most diverse church where we live.
We started going there again because of our history there. The church as a whole was not always that diverse, but they started getting some black folks coming a few years ago and the pastor quote unquote has a heart for diversity.
The quotes aren't meant to be facetious, but to put terms and stuff into terms that aren't necessarily mine. In full transparency,
I knew that they thought they were further along than what they actually were. I knew the risks involved with that.
I had hoped that my history with the organization and my work would make a way for me to be able to help and lend strength to some weak areas.
Let's stop right there. Do you see this self -centeredness that this woman portrays here?
She says, she's like, I know better than the pastors, of course. I mean, obviously she does.
She knows better and she knows how far along they are in their woke and their diversity sanctification,
I guess. And she is a gift to this church. You understand, she knew that she could help in some weak areas.
And so, you see, she's not really looking to serve the church, but she's looking to make them better in the areas that they're weak at because she knows much better than they do.
I have to say, if you think that you're like God's gift to everybody or God's gift to your specific church, and then they need you more than you need them, that's the attitude that's being displayed here.
They need me more than I need them. I went there to help them. If that's your attitude, I don't even really know what to say about that.
It's just so un -Christian. It's an un -Christian attitude. Yes, you should serve your church, but it's like,
God, where can I serve here? What are my skill sets? What does the pastor see in me that God has gifted me with, and the people, things like that.
No, it's not like I'm gonna help y 'all. I'm a recruiter, and one of the most annoying things that candidates will sometimes do is they'll go to the website.
I'm an IT recruiter, so a lot of my candidates are IT techies. And they'll go to the website of the company they're gonna interview for, and they'll, in the interview, at the end of the interview, normally you get asked, okay, do you have any questions for me?
In the interview, they'll say, you know what? This is what's wrong with your website, and this is what's wrong with your product, and here's how I can help you.
It's like, excuse me? Now, if it's relevant to the job, okay, okay, that's fine.
But oftentimes it isn't. It has nothing to do with the job itself. It's just like, let me just show you why I'd be a gift for you.
Okay? But it's just, you can just see the mindset of this person.
Anyway, so she goes, I was there for a year, and no one really said anything to me about race, or if there was a conversation,
I was usually being talked at instead of talked to. Last summer I had the opportunity to do an internship at another church, part of my degree, and so I did it.
You know, one of the things I find helpful, let me step out of the thread for a second. Just accept everything she's saying.
I know that there's probably a lot of things that you could probably challenge here in this story because we're only getting one side of it, but I think it's helpful when people say things to you just to believe them, take them at face value and see if their arguments hold any water or see if there's anything
Christian about them whatsoever. Because Allie has done us a favor here. She's been very transparent here, and we'll see.
She says this, she says, my internship was great. It lasted about a year. My family continued to attend our home church, and I visited here and there.
Anyway, in March, I get a nasty gram from a member of the home church who was upset about something
I said on my Facebook writer's page. Y 'all, this woman who was a mid -level leader at the church was mad because I defined racism as prejudice plus power.
I told one of the campus pastors of the church about it. There were meetings. These folks wanted me to sit down with home girl.
I told them that I absolutely would not. She had bullied me, and I was not going to sit down with someone who treated me that way.
I said, this isn't how you do reconciliation. I gave them some advice on what needed to be done in this situation, and so it wouldn't happen again.
Let's stop there. Okay, so again, we're taking her at face value. Let's just say that this nasty gram that she got was really nasty.
Let's just say that it was inappropriate, and this mid -level leader at the church, which it's a woman, so mid -level leader, what does that mean?
She shouldn't even be in that position, but let's just take it at face value. She's a mid -level leader at the church, sent her a really nasty, inappropriate email about her definition of racism, okay?
What is Allie's responsibility? She went to her pastor, and she said, hey, you know, this woman sent me this email, and the pastor said, hey, let's all sit down and talk about it.
Sounds like a pretty smart guy to me, because what I always say, when someone has a problem with somebody else, and they come to me about it, what
I say is, have you talked to that person? Because that's the first step, and you see, what's required of Allie here is, if someone talks to you and has a problem with you, as a
Christian, you are required to talk to them. Now, let's just say this was as nasty as she says it is. I doubt it, but let's just say it was.
Let's say she was cursing her up and down, saying how evil she was, and stuff. Maybe in that situation, you don't wanna talk to them one -on -one,
I get that. That's actually something that you don't have to talk to them one -on -one if you don't feel safe.
So let's just say that she went to her pastor and said, hey, this woman sent me this nasty gram, and it really was nasty. The pastor said, you know what, let's talk about it, because, and we'll all do it together,
I'll be a mediator, because I want you to all feel safe about this. Is Allie required to sit down?
Yes, she is, as a Christian. But that's not what Allie thinks. The word of God is not her final authority.
She's her final authority. If you notice, in here, she says, I told the pastor what should be done.
I'm not sitting down with homegirl. But who, what's your role here?
I mean, you came to me, you said homegirl said something mean to me, or whatever it is you said, and I suggested, let's all talk about it, because that's what a smart person does.
You talk to the people that have offended you, or that you've offended them, or whatever it is. Whatever the controversy is, you talk about it.
You talk about it. And if you need a mediator, you get a mediator. You do whatever you gotta do. You be reconciled to that brother.
That is what reconciliation is. But no, not to Allie. She knows better, and it's not talking to homegirl.
No way, no way. That's sad, man. That's a sad place to be, where you're not willing to talk to your brother or sister in Christ, because you know better, you know better.
Sad. She goes on, she says, they had no paradigms for how to deal with this stuff. It sounds like they actually did have a paradigm for it, but you just didn't like it.
They said, what any smart, reasonable pastor would do, let's talk about this all together, because I don't wanna play this telephone game of he said, she said, let's talk about this, let's get on the same page, and let's figure out what's going on here.
That's what a smart person does. Allie says, they don't have a paradigm for it. No, they do, you just don't like it.
It's a Christian paradigm for it. How do you deal with conflict as a Christian? Well, the Bible tells us, you go to that person, and if not, you bring someone with you, and if not, you bring it to the church, and if not, they're a
Gentile to you. That's what the biblical paradigm is. Anyway, I went back there after my internship ended in June, because I was told that the church was taking a new anti -racist approach, and that I could be a part of helping to build that aspect of the church up.
You see why she returned. It's not because she's in submission to her elders, she's in submission to the people
God has charged to watch over her soul. It's not because of that. It's because they had an anti -racism program.
She thought she could, it's what can I use you for? You know, like what's -his -face said in that movie,
The Departed. What can I use you for? That's why she went back to the church, because she thought it was gonna be able to be twisted to her will, and it's not just because they were anti -racist, because she was gonna be a player in the anti -racism.
That's why she went back. It's really sad, man. This makes me sad, because I know that there are lots of people like this, and Allie influences people in this way, and it's just not
Christian, it's not. She said, I had concerns about all of this, which I started sharing with the leadership.
They were really concerned with getting buy -in from me. I told them that I was cool, but I was gone if they showed a pattern of prioritizing whiteness over black dignity.
Nothing could prepare me. You see what I'm saying? She's putting out her ultimatums, like, yeah,
I'll stick around as long as you do things the way I say so, the way I say so.
I want you to hear something, woke leaders and social justice advocates out there. I know a lot of you guys are trying to do the right thing.
This pastor in this thread, I don't know who it is, strikes me as someone who thinks he's doing the right thing.
It strikes me as someone who wants to do the right thing. But let me just tell you something. When you give in to unbiblical ideas, and really, a lot of times, anti -biblical ideas, it will never be enough.
Your idols always demand more and more and more and more, and the reality is,
Allie Henry will never have been satisfied here, and she actually reveals that in this thread.
Don't try to placate these people. They need conversion. They will never be placated.
They will never be satisfied. Nothing could prepare me, she says. I hadn't even been to church on a
Sunday yet, though I was leading a small group on Austin Channing Brown's I'm Still Here, when some white parishioner popped off with something racist on Facebook.
That's a long story. Anyway, this issue resulted in a group of black women having a couple of meetings with the lead pastor.
I know that a lot of you are thinking, it probably wasn't even racist what this person says, but let's just accept it.
Let's just assume that Allie's telling us the truth. I know there's really not much reason to trust her. I don't trust anything she says, of course, but let's just assume that it was true that this white person popped off at the mouth something really legitimately racist, okay?
Anyway, so here's where I'm gonna get even more broad, because I don't know how much of the garbage I wanna unpack. There were two meetings with the lead pastor.
They were both, well, they were, they were both, well, they were, they were both, well, they were,
I don't know. That whole thing about thinking they are farther along than they are, well, that showed up big in both of these meetings.
The fact that the church and the leaders and everything else needed work isn't why we left. We didn't leave because it looked like it would be hard work or anything like that.
We left because it became clear to me that there was not the necessary organizational self -awareness, and that lack of self -awareness had tremendous consequences for black women.
I sat in one of those meetings where a black woman leader was the subject of harsh stereotyping and policing.
It was couch and coaching, but it wasn't a healthy model of coaching, period. I am skipping over the whole lot of details here, but I saw racist stereotypes being weaponized against a black woman, and that woman penalized for others' racism.
When I called it out, I was told that they took what I said to heart, but then my friend was still penalized.
Me being charitable, me being charitable, wanted to get their perspective on what was happening and why they took the actions that they did, but nobody would meet with me.
Once again, there is so much that I'm not telling, but after all of that, I noped all the way the
F out of there because it was clear how much I was valued. It was traumatic. Also, secondary trauma is realer than a mug, realer than a mug.
So she got the F out of there. In case you're not sure what that means, she got the
F out of there because it was clear that they didn't do what she wanted them to do.
Let me translate that for you. It was clear to her that they didn't value her because they didn't do what she said, and so she got the
F out of her church. Sorry for cursing, but that's what she said.
Trust and believe that one day I will tell more of this. It's too fresh and new right now. Trust and believe that I have a lot more takeaways than what
I'm fitting to share here. I want y 'all to listen to me real hard. Yeah, Allie, we got that.
And it's not just you want us to listen. You want us to listen and do everything you say because that's why you're at a church.
You're at a church to help. You're at a church to be a mover and shaker. You're gonna lead that anti -racism thing.
The problem is, Allie, that you can't lead an anti -racism movement when you're a racist yourself.
Allie, you are a racist. All you have to do, guys, if you're questioning whether or not Allie's a racist, watch my social justice unredacted video.
She's an objective racist. She has racial animosity towards white people.
It's just that simple. It's just that simple. So anyway, she wants you to listen to her real hard. This whole name brand, multi -ethnic church thing is a sham.
Now, this is what I was talking about earlier. I don't disagree with everything Allie's saying here. I absolutely do not.
Let's hear her out. This whole name brand, multi -ethnic church thing is a sham. I don't care who is leading it.
It's shifting sand. People don't want deep work. They want quick results. They can get a piece in the local news about it.
It's like the church at Ephesus, a name that it's alive, but dead on the inside.
I'm not talking about my former church. I'm talking about the entire reconciliation movement that's taking place in evangelical churches.
Y 'all think you're doing something, but y 'all ain't. I agree with her here. I agree, it's a sham.
A lot of the time, it's a sham. For example, people have pointed this out many times. I'm not the only one who said this, but Matt Channel will talk about how you need to be aware of your privilege and maybe check your privilege and stuff like that.
It's like, well, Matt, maybe you should start. Before you tell other white people to give up their platform and stuff, why don't you give up your platform?
Why don't you give up your influence? Why don't you do that? Why don't you check yourself first? And when you do that, then maybe we'll think you actually believe it.
I think it's a sham. It's a way to get notoriety in a lot of times. Now, I'm not saying that's always the case, but a lot of times it is.
I think Allie's dead on here. Now, the problem though is that it is doing something. You see, the thing is, she's saying that the movement's not doing anything.
No, it is doing something. It's just not doing anything good, and good according to biblical standards. Anyway, she continues.
I'm not out here dissing nobody or nothing. Yes, you are, obviously. Let's just own that.
You gotta own that. Not out here dissing nobody or nothing. I'm not naming names. I'm not putting anybody on blast.
I'm just saying that this thing ain't what y 'all think it is, and y 'all are harming people because you won't divest in white power, according to what
Allie says. Black and white leaders care about placating whiteness more than they do about dignity, healing, and justice.
Y 'all want the photo op and not the work. And yes, I know that people have a heart or a call for this kind of work.
You can have the call, but you will do harm if you center and cater to whiteness. White people act like being called to something makes them impervious to correction or critique.
Nope. There's just not much commentary
I can make. This just speaks for itself. If y 'all can't give up your power and let those on the margins teach you and lead you, everything you do will turn to ashes in your mouth.
It might look good and feel good, but it ain't good, just like any other sin. You see, this is what she wants. She's revealing what she wants.
She wants a church to do what she says should be done. She already revealed that up there, but that was me interpreting.
Now she's being clear. She wants you to do what they say you should do. And if you don't, you're just centering whiteness.
That's what that is. You're centering whiteness. You see how evil and how divisive this ideology is? This has nothing to do with the scripture.
Does the scripture say anything like this? No, it does not. No, it does not. This woman is given over to the sin of partiality.
She's given to this sin. She's taken to it. It controls her every thought, her every move, and she loves it.
She loves it. And it's really sad, man. It's really sad. Watch my social justice unredacted thing to see a little bit more of a window into this woman's soul, into her mind, and how she thinks.
It's wicked. It's evil. If you're black, indigenous, or a brown person in this work, and you care about not hurting white people's feelings, more about not hurting white people's feelings and the truth and the dignity of your people, you are no better than your white colleagues.
At this point, y 'all can keep your name brand, y 'all can keep your name brand, multi -ethnic churches. Y 'all can keep the foot washing and the hand holding.
You can keep your book groups and your woke language. I'm not here for any of it unless black and brown indigenous folks are leading.
And if you notice, it's not black and brown indigenous folks that need to be leading. It's black and brown indigenous folks that do what
Ali says needs to be done. It's a complete power play. Ali will never be happy.
If I was in the leadership of her church, she would be dissatisfied. If a black person was in leadership in her church and didn't do everything that she says needs to be done, she would be dissatisfied because she is
God's gift to all y 'all fools out there. She knows what to do. Y 'all don't know nothing.
She's not under any authority. She's not under the authority of a pastor, and she's not under the authority of the scripture.
It's just that simple. You cannot tell her what to do. Nobody can, not even God. That's why
I said she's not regenerate. She's not regenerate. She says, I'm not gonna sit down with you even though the
Bible says specifically, sit down with those people that have things against you or you have something against them or something like that. That's how reconciliation works.
Ali says, no, that's not how reconciliation works. Homegirl, when
I say that black and whatever indigenous POCs are leading, I don't mean in some whitewash, white centered way.
I mean, when we can bring our full selves to the table and when we have the power to dismantle and rebuild, this is the goal.
She wants to dismantle the church of Jesus Christ and rebuild it in her image.
And this is an interpretation of what she's saying, but I think it's very defensible. And if you read her words and exactly why she thinks she was at a church and why she decided to stay and why she did, she wants the church to be rebuilt in her image.
Nobody can tell her nothing. Her pastor can't tell her nothing. Her pastor wanted a reasonable request.
I mean, we're not talking centering whiteness here. We're talking a reasonable request. You know, this woman and you have a problem with each other.
Let's sit down and talk about it. This is step one of reconciliation. This is step one. This is the basic prime step of reconciliation.
Talk about it. And she's like, mm -mm. She wants to dismantle the church and rebuild it in her image.
This is an unbeliever. I'm sorry, I don't do this very often.
I don't call people unbelievers very often, but that's the case here with Miss Henny.
So anyway, that's the super abridged version of why this month has been awful and why I've taken naps on most days the past three weeks.
My body is shutting down because I haven't been able to properly attend to the trauma. This is why
I have a therapist because I knew that in the work I'm doing, I need it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I do not have a mental illness, but it's these types of things that can create mental health crises for anyone.
Anyway, here's Wonderwall. That's kind of a funny joke. I like that. I appreciate that. But you see
Miss Allie Henry here, this social justice woke lion. She's a lion.
She's a leader in this movement. Friends with Jamar Tisby, platformed by all kinds of people, shared and liked and things like that.
This woman has no discernible Christian worldview, none. Basics of reconciliation.
This woman puts herself up as a racial reconciliation expert. And step one of any kind of reconciling is to talk it out.
And she's like, nope, that ain't racial reconciliation. Homegirl will not talking to her. She was bullied.
It's sad, man. This is really sad because I know she influences people. I mean, you just look at the quotes.
Oh, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry. And like 80 people like the original thing, 20 people like it, all this stuff.
It's not a lot. But this woman has influence. There's no question about it. This woman does not have a
Christian worldview. And the more people are remade into her image, the worse the church will be.
The worst the church will be. You woke leaders. This is, there is no end game to the game you're playing.
This is a person who will never be satisfied with what you do. Nothing you do will be good enough.
She hates her meager, pathetic efforts to try to get woke. She hates it. She hates it.
And she always will. Unless you do everything that she says, she will hate it and she'll put you on blast.
She's gonna put more of this stuff on blast. And I'm looking forward to reading it to see, because I'm taking her words at face value, but I guarantee you the stuff that she says, oh, someone said someone racist.
It's not really racist probably because she can't be trusted with this kind of stuff.
She doesn't have a biblical definition of racism. She doesn't have a biblical worldview in any way. So I'm looking forward to hearing more details on this, but this is just sad, man.
This is the anti -racism movement. This is the anti -racism movement. I suggest you watch my video,
Social Justice Unredacted to get more of a window into Ali's worldview and mindset. It's really sad, man.
It really is. And, you know, sorry for the downer here, but these are the people that I worry about.
These are the people that I really worry about. People that are influenced by a woman like Ali Henny, their souls are being damaged by her.
And so you pastors out there, man, you know better than to placate to a woman like this.
You have a God to respond to. You have a God to answer to. And so if a woman tells you that reconciliation is something that the
Bible doesn't say it is, you tell her to get out of there. Enough of your divisive nonsense.
You tell her to get out. This woman wants to deconstruct the church of Christ.
She said so. She wants to deconstruct it and rebuild it back up. And it's not to something biblical. If you notice, there's no
Bible verses in this. And there's very little Bible verses in any of this stuff. Because it's not biblical and they don't even use biblical categories.
And when you try to use a biblical category like her pastor did, you know, hey, let's talk this out. Nope. It's just real sad, man.
Anyway, we'll talk more on, I'm sure, on this kind of a topic.
And this is just kind of a quick response that I saw this and it just made me really sad.
I just wanted to put this out there because this is the fruit of, when you get really woke, this is the fruit.
People are hurt, people are damaged, and people's souls are at risk. And Allie's, it just makes me sad.