Destroying the "Flat Earth" With 1 Photo I Took From My iPhone - You Can Too

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


In an informative and engaging episode of the Didache podcast, Justin Peters debunks the Flat Earth Theory using simple observations and scientific principles. He begins by addressing the surprisingly large following this theory has among Christians, expressing concern for the ridicule it brings upon Christianity and the misinterpretation of biblical texts.


Want to easily and irrefutably debunk the Flat Earth Theory simply by using this picture that I took from my own iPhone?
I'm going to show you how to do it. Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today. I want to thank you so much for joining me.
Yes, the Flat Earth Theory is a thing. It has a surprisingly large following.
Many Flat Earthers are Christians, and I believe that many of them—not all of them, but many of them—are well -intentioned
Christians who erroneously believe that the Bible teaches the Earth is flat. It does not.
For some Christians who hold to the Flat Earth Theory, they are bringing unnecessary ridicule upon Christianity in general and the
Bible specifically. I want to show you how to debunk the
Flat Earth Theory just by this photograph that I took from my iPhone. I have been called a false teacher for a number of different reasons, but one of which, people have called me a false teacher because I believe that the
Earth is round. As you might suspect from the globes I have on my bookshelf back there, these are
MOVA globes by the way, M -O -V -A. Many people have asked, I've seen comments from folks asking me what those things are.
They're MOVA globes, and they operate by light. They've got magnets inside them, and light gets them to spinning.
Now my Earth there is not spinning like it should because it doesn't have enough direct sunlight on it, but at any rate, that's what those are.
So yes, I do believe that the Earth and all the other planets in our sun are spheres. Now the
Earth is not technically a perfect sphere. It's an oblate spheroid because the
Earth at the equator, the circumference of the equator is a little bit greater than the circumference of the
Earth going this way, pole to pole. That's because of the gravitational pull on the
Earth from the sun. A little interesting fact by the way, I learned this 12 or so years ago
I was preaching in Ecuador. Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is the tallest mountain on Earth if you measure from the exact center of the
Earth. It's not Mount Everest, it's Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador. It's actually about almost 7 ,000 feet further from the center of the
Earth to the top of Mount Chimborazo than it is from the center of the Earth to the top of Mount Everest because of that bulge around our middle.
The Earth's middle. So interesting little tidbit there. So next time if you're on Jeopardy and that comes up, that's the answer.
So anyway, so the Flat Earth Theory is a thing, unfortunately. Now basically this is what the
Flat Earth Model looks like. So we are living, according to the Flat Earthers, we are living on a giant manhole cover and the center of the
Earth is the North Pole and Antarctica makes the perimeter of the
Earth. And you might be wondering, well, can't people go to the edge of it? Well, Flat Earthers say, no, nobody can go to the edge of the
Earth because the military is down there and if you get close to those ice walls then the military will shoot you.
And so nobody's actually traversed Antarctica or been to the, they say the
South Pole doesn't even exist, which is just lunacy. But I want to give you a very easy, simple way to debunk the
Flat Earth. So this is the basic model. Now here I've got another picture of an image of it.
So we are on this giant manhole cover. Now there's the sun and I drew some little happy little clouds, happy little clouds, puffy little white little happy little clouds there.
Now all Flat Earthers, all of them will say that both the sun and the moon are above the clouds.
Now they don't have a consensus on exactly how far up the sun is.
I've seen estimates anywhere from about 30 miles, believe it or not, some of them actually say that, 30 miles, up to somewhere around 3 ,000 miles up above the ground here on top of our manhole cover.
So the sun is up there, but whether it's 30 miles or 3 ,000 miles, both the sun and the moon are above the clouds.
So if that is true, there is no possible way for the sun ever to illuminate the underside of the clouds.
Does that make sense? Now Flat Earthers will say, well, the sun just appears to set because it gets further away from us and from our vantage point it looks like the sun is going down.
But dear friends, according to the Flat Earth model, the sun is always, always, always above the clouds.
It has to be. It is above the clouds. So there's no possible way for the sun's rays ever to come up from underneath the clouds and illuminate the underside of the clouds.
All of us have seen this. We've all seen sunsets, right? And the underneath side of the clouds is illumined by the sun's rays.
But if the sun is on top of the clouds, there is no scenario for the sun's rays to get underneath the clouds and illuminate the underbelly of those clouds.
The only way this works is if the earth is round.
And so this is one picture that I took. Here's another picture that I took from my iPhone showing the same thing.
Clouds being illumined from underneath. So just a little bit of science here. The law of reflection states that on reflection from a smooth surface, the angle of the reflected ray is equal to the angle of the incident ray.
So in other words, if you have a smooth surface, a reflective surface, at whatever angle the incident ray is coming up, say it's at a 45 degree angle, when it hits the surface off of which it reflects, if it's coming up at 45 degrees, it will then be reflected back down at 45 degrees, illustrated with this little drawing here.
So all that to say, the only way that you and I can see the underneath side of the clouds is for light to be reflecting off of those clouds and coming back to these two orbs sitting in our skulls.
So the light has to be coming up from underneath the clouds to get back down to us.
That is only possible on a round earth. Now, here's a couple of more and more dramatic pictures.
I did not take these photos, but this is Mount Rainier in Washington state.
There's several pictures of this. You can see you can Google images easy. So you see the shadow that is coming from Mount Rainier and it is beautiful pictures.
Right. And so the shadow of Mount Rainier is being cast on the underneath side of the clouds.
That's because the sun's rays are coming. They're illuminating the underneath side of the clouds and also catching the top of Mount Rainier and casting that shadow on the same side, the underneath side of those clouds.
That is not possible on a flat earth, no matter how if you're on if you're looking at a flat earth model, no matter how far away the sun may move away from you, it always remains way above the clouds, way above.
So I hope this is helpful for you, dear friends. I'm not a scientist. I've got a little side interest in astronomy, but open and shut case, the flat earth model cannot account for this.
So if you're if you're one of those well -meaning flat earth Christians, please, please, please, please,
I implore you. Let go of it. The Bible doesn't teach it rightly interpreted.
The Bible does not teach a flat earth at all. And science absolutely refutes it, just common sense absolutely refutes it in simple observation.
So next time you see a sunset and the clouds are real pretty, think of that. The only way you can see that is if the earth is round.
All right, dear ones, thank you so much for joining me until our next time together. May the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of his Holy Spirit who created this round earth be with you all.