Host of topics | Apologetics Live 0040


Andrew covers a host of topics Apologetics Live 0040 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Support Matt Slick at Check out all of the great apologetic resources at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation on our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at Get Matt Slick’s books


This is Apologetics Live, with Matt Slick and Andrew Rappaport, part of the
Christian Podcast Community. All right.
We are live, Apologetics Live, glad to have you with us, but we are minus one, the slick one.
Folks, be praying for Matt Slick if you don't know. I hope I'm not spilling any beans, but his sister, or sorry, his brother -in -law, his wife's brother passed away this week.
And so I don't know if Matt's coming in or not. I have not heard from him in like actually a couple of days, like since I think yesterday.
So I don't know if he's coming in or not, but I figured I'd start on time. There's a chance we won't have him in here just because, well, he's got a lot to be planning.
They're not quite sure what's going to be going on, a funeral or what. He's actually did his other brother -in -law's funeral.
Folks who know, if you listen regularly, you know Matt's wife has a very rare disease and actually her and her siblings are the only ones in the world, unfortunately, that they all have this disease.
So she lost one brother already. Now she lost a second one. And so that is why we are at least minus Matt for now.
Maybe he'll come in later. I don't know. So I am Andrew Rappaport from strivingforeternity .org.
If you want to join us here in the discussion, you can go to apologeticslive .com,
apologeticslive .com. There is a link to join in there. And it is right now just me, which means we're going to end up doing, well, probably going to do a
Bible study because Matt's not here for me to ask him lots of questions. So folks, if you have questions, if you want to join, and I guess what
I could do is look at some of the questions that we do have in our Apologetics Live Facebook group.
I do know there was one we didn't answer from last week as I pull this up and look.
But one of the questions we had in Apologetics Live from last week that we didn't get to is,
I'm going to try to find it, but it had to do with whether, I'm trying to remember how, oh, is salvation a conditional gift is how it was worded.
Is salvation a conditional gift? And it's sort of a trick question.
I think many of the people there figured out the trick question. My answer is, my answer was only if God is a liar according to Romans 11 and verses 29.
Because he says he's not going to take away salvation there. But actually, many people said, yeah, it's conditional on the work that God did.
So, seeing in the chat, someone from Jersey. Kelly, you're from Jersey? Well, that's where this is being done at live right now.
So, I'm going to bring in, Cody came in. I'm going to bring Cody in since there's no banter this week between Matt and I or whoever would be our guest apologist because I don't have one.
So, maybe Cody's our guest apologist. Cody, you've now become the guest apologist. I'm honored.
But I'm kind of in the country working, so I don't have much of a signal. So, I don't know if I'm breaking up or not.
You're sounding fine so far. Okay. You're in Texas though, right? Yes, sir.
Yeah. There's an inside joke there, folks. How many times,
Cody, did you introduce yourself or reintroduce yourself to Matt and have to explain that you met him at the debates in Texas?
Yeah, it's an exhaustive process, but I can empathize to an extent.
And then he's really old too, so there's that, you know. You said that, not me.
It'd be too hard on the guy. Yeah. This getting old stuff isn't fun,
I'm just saying. So, did you have any questions tonight?
No. I just want to, not yet, I may think of something as the conversation develops, but I'll tell you,
James Watkins, I give a shout out to him for, he sent me a Scripture Alone shirt from Five Solas and some tracks for getting on a thing that he did, and I just want to give a shout out for that.
Well, he's here right now. And so I quoted him so he could just respond to you himself.
Glad you like him. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, James. I got the shirt. I just,
I haven't, I've been too dirty to put it on yet and take pictures and upload it to Facebook and all that stuff. Give you some props.
No problem. Thanks for the shout out. Yeah, man. So, here, you know, this is the thing, Cody, I love this, you know, if you know,
James is like all over the place, posting, promoting that he's given money to CARM for the shirts they sell.
You know, all the proceeds are going to help out CARM and all this. And then you get them on here and it's like, mention the website, maybe?
No, nothing. Nothing. How about a promo there? Don't forget the obvious, man.
Yeah. James, how about a promo for Five Solas Ministry?
Yeah, sure. So, for the month of July. So, that means that there's only, I don't even know what day it is.
I guess we have six days left in the month now. We're donating 15 % of all of our sales, the
Gospel Tracks t -shirts, phone cases, all to CARM. And you can get all of that at fivesolasministries .com.
That's the number five, solasministries .com. What's that website again?
Fivesolasministries .com. So, it's solas, plural, ministries, plural. Yes. Okay. Just checking.
Just checking. Was fivesolas .com taken? It was.
We tried a bunch of different ones, actually. The number five solas, number five sola.
At first we were like, maybe it's just like too simple of a web domain for them to sell off in.
But yeah, they were all taken. And one of the domains, they actually don't even do anything with it, but somebody's bought it.
Yeah. Well, that's what a lot of people do. They actually, they buy domains and then try to sell them. There's actually a guy
I know that that's what he used to do. When he saw people that were starting to become famous, he bought billclinton .com
and he sold it to Bill Clinton. So, he'd have all these, people would do this.
And for some of the people that are really well known that have the money, they, I guess, pay very well for that stuff.
Hey. They weren't going to get a lot of money for five solas. No one's going to pay a lot of money for five solas.
No. Well, somebody's holding out hope that they will. All right.
I added Andrew as well. Go ahead. I do have a question, Andrew. I was talking with a guy the other day who would identify himself while he grew up Southern Baptist.
Right. But now he identifies himself as Noah Hyde. As Noah Hyde?
Yeah. Remember that? I remember that. That is. Some type of Judaistic belief is basically what he holds to now.
He says, and his main argument comes from, and I can't give you the specifics, but maybe you're familiar with it and you can address it.
But what he talks about, I think it's in Daniel chapter 11, I think he says that, or maybe it is.
When he's talking about Atticus Epiphanes, that he was the one that fulfilled this particular prophecy, not
Jesus. Jesus didn't fulfill this prophecy and he's not the Messiah. And that was his argument, because this particular prophecy was clearly fulfilled in that period of time.
Have you heard a similar argument? Well, yes and no, whether it was fulfilled in that time.
One of the things with Old Testament prophecies is most of them, especially the ones that have a long -term fulfillment, something at hundreds of years later, they have a near term and a long -term fulfillment.
So what a lot of people think of with Isaiah saying a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, right?
You know, we'll call his name Emmanuel. Well, many people think that he was speaking of a virgin at that time, not that she would be a virgin, that it would be a virgin conception.
But so some see that as being something where there was a meaning of it at one point, and then later, a later fulfillment of it.
Now, that is common with prophecies. You think about the book of Daniel, and you have this law,
I mean, a fulfillment that he's saying is 490 years. Would we be able to say that Daniel was a false prophet until that was fulfilled?
No, you can't. How do they know he wasn't a false prophet? Because with that long -term prophecy, he gave a lot of short -term prophecies, some of which, you know, at Tiphany's, I can't pronounce it, but he actually did fulfill some of those prophecies that was also prophesied of Messiah.
But he didn't complete all of the prophecy, okay? And you'll often see that, like for the people who say, well, there was a virgin in Isaiah's time that gave birth to a son, and they called him
Immanuel. But that's okay, that wasn't as fully complete as what it is with Christ.
So you'll often see that, because how else do you know, if you think about it, how else do you know that a prophet is a false prophet unless the prophecies are fulfilled in his lifetime?
Well, you're not going to stone him if he's already dead, right? If you have a prophet that says, okay, in 2 ,000 years this is going to happen, that prophecy stays true until 2 ,000 years.
And so, you know, that would be the way to examine it, is to have a prophecy that you can compare against.
Look, these prophecies were fulfilled literally, then those would be. So I don't think it's a problem.
Well, clearly, I didn't think about it at the time. I was trying to listen and understand, and I was in the middle of doing something.
But, you know, he still thinks the Messiah is going to come. I mean, if that's his argument regarding that prophecy, he's still got the same problem.
If he believes that's a messianic prophecy, and he believes the Attaicus Epiphanes fulfilled that, then...
Then wouldn't Attaicus be the Messiah? Well, or, you know, or you throw it out as a messianic prophecy, but...
That's another option. But that doesn't negate all the other prophecies regarding Christ, even if you did that.
So I don't see how you... Yeah, I guess now that I think about it, that doesn't...
It's not consistent. But it brings up another interesting thing in regards to what you said.
Just real quick, and then I'll let somebody else go. That's good. In regards to hermeneutical interpretation, you know, we see...
You're talking about the different prophecies and how they don't mean... They mean something then, and then they mean something in the future.
It got me thinking about when Paul references repeatedly different scriptures from the
Old Testament out of context and throws them in in random areas.
It makes sense in the context of what he's saying, but it doesn't make sense in the context of what he pulled it out of a lot of times.
How do we reconcile that? Yeah, and there are... I don't know which ones you might be thinking of with Paul, but if you look in the book of Matthew, Matthew gives a number of references to the
Old Testament, and some of them are really problematic, okay?
And, you know, so some would see problematic where he says, "...a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and call his name
Immanuel." Because some would see an issue there. But the one that is more interesting with it is in Matthew 2.
It says in verse 13, "...Now they went and departed, and behold, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream, said,
Rise and take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child and destroy him.
And he rose and took the child by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod.
This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, quote,
Out of Egypt I called my son." Now that's really interesting.
Why? Because if we go to Hosea chapter 11 and verse 1, here's that context.
When Israel was a child, I loved him. And out of Egypt, I called my son.
So in Hosea, this is referring to the nation of Israel.
And in Matthew, this is referring to the person of Christ. Now this is one...
By the way, I mean, like, if the people who want to say there's contradictions in the Bible and stuff like that,
I always find it interesting that they take ones that are so easy to answer. Like, oh, one verse, it says, two blind people were healed, and the other one, it's one blind person, so that's a contradiction.
No, this one's mentioning two, and there were two, and the other writer's only focused on the one of the two.
Like, that's not hard to answer. These are actually the ones, if I was a professing atheist, these are the ones
I'd go to. These are a little bit harder. But because this is the thing that you end up seeing.
One, we do see here that it seems, like you said, out of context.
Now, we're going to say, okay, if God is going to give this a new meaning, he can do that.
If he understood a meaning we didn't know, he can do that. But when we look at this, passages like this, and this is where we get into some of our differences, if you're dispensational or covenantal or wherever you may be on this, because some of us are going to interpret these things a little different based on our backgrounds.
So I believe that you interpret first, so we're going to take the Hosea passage, we first interpret that in light of what he's saying here.
And so here he was speaking of Israel. And if we keep reading, they're talking about sacrifices and things like that.
So clearly he's speaking of Israel calling them out. Now, how do we reconcile that with what
Matthew says? Well, there's a couple of ways to reconcile this that are kind of easy to do. One, Matthew doesn't tell us which prophet he was referring to.
And not all of the prophets. For example, Matthew is going to refer to a prophecy that Jesus would be a
Nazarene. We don't have that in the Old Testament. What prophet was he referring to?
So there were prophets that they knew of oral prophecies that weren't part of Scripture, or prophets that may have said way more than they wrote in Scripture, and people know what was attributed to them.
And so that is one possibility in some of these. And the one where we don't have any record in the
Old Testament, well, that would be the assumption is he's referring to a prophet that they were aware of, having said that.
And by the way, that one is a little problematic, because it's referring to a Nazarite versus a
Nazarite vow. And so he's a Nazarite because he was born in Nazareth. But many would think of it that he's a
Nazarite because there is a Nazarite vow that, look at Samson as an example.
He held to the Nazarite vow, or he at least was supposed to. And so the
Nazarite vow had a couple things. You're not to drink anything from the vine, so no wine. You're not to touch anything dead, and you're not to cut your hair.
Now most people didn't do that vow for life. Paul did that, and Samson we see.
So it was around back in Samson's time, and he was a Nazarite as well.
Jesus was called a Nazarite for living in Nazareth, maybe. I mean, that's the context there, but he probably, we think, was also a
Nazarite vow, which is why the pictures you see of Jesus, he has long hair. So I would say with this one, it's a little bit harder to reconcile, unless maybe
Out of Egypt I Call My Son is something that was commonly known by one of the prophets that just didn't write that down, or one of the other prophets that didn't write scripture.
Not sure, because here Matthew doesn't tell us. And so these are ones that we end up saying, okay, we're going to take this.
Ultimately, we look at this and say, well, because we accept that the New Testament is inspired by God, then with God writing inspired scripture, then it is going to be accurate, because God can't lie.
So we may not fully understand it. And so that's how I, you know, each one of them might have to look.
I don't know which one's from Paul you're thinking of, but I know the ones in Matthew, and I actually knew someone, he did his doctorate thesis on just on these prophecies in Matthew, and he went through each one of them and had given lengthy, lengthy, like each one of these he had a book's worth of explanation for, and he sent me the full document, his full dissertation was like, oh, like 900 plus pages on each one of these.
So I could go try to look that up and get an answer, but I don't know I'm reading all 900 pages, Cody, during this time of the show.
Just saying. Does that help you at all? Or did I just get even more confused?
No, no, that was great. I appreciate it. Okay. That was definitely helpful. It's nice to know you're outside in nature.
I hear the birds. Indeed. Yeah. Thanks, man.
All right, Andrew, you're next in here. Do you know if you have any questions for us tonight or for me, since it's just me?
I do, actually. Did I have you? Yeah, your volume is up, I think, right? No, it isn't.
There we go. I'm sorry. Okay. You're right. Trying to think of the phrasing.
I was watching another of those clips with Amun -Ra, or Arun -Ra, sorry, demanding scientific evidence for God and then losing his mind.
I guess I was wondering what scientific evidence, what he would mean by scientific evidence.
It seems to me that's a word you can just throw something behind and look for the evidence.
There's a reason that you get people like him doing this. One, because it is an impossible question.
It's a logical fallacy. Therefore, it sounds like we have science on our side and you just have faith.
That's how he wants it to sound. But let's break down the question and examine it.
First, define science. Well, science is the study of the material world, the natural world, right?
Yes, totally. Let's define God. God is a spirit. That means he's immaterial.
He's not made of material things. Therefore, it is impossible to use science to study anything that's immaterial.
You can't use science to prove I love my wife.
Yes, that's exactly right. I've heard that one before. Science has limits. For example, the example
I always give is when people say we could use science to prove everything, I say, okay, prove to me scientifically that George Washington was the first American president.
And they have to appeal to history. Well, that's a different branch of study. You see?
Yes, that's the way I try and guide myself, yes. Yes, and so we're going to use, for something like that, we're going to use history.
Well, if we're going to study the nature and the immaterial, well, now we're going to get into philosophy because that's that study.
If you want to be scientific and do that of God, then we're going to get into religion and we're going to use that branch of study.
Because each of these is a separate branch of study. Now, when we get into religion, can
I, from religious studies, show objectively that which religion is true?
Yes, I can, objectively. And you may have heard me do this before,
Andrew, but for maybe some new listeners and viewers, there's only two religions in the world. There's a man -made religion and the divine religion.
Okay, so there's the one God set up and the one that men set up. And so the question is, how do we judge which one is man -made and which one is the one that God wants us to do?
And the way to do that is to recognize one simple thing about human nature. We always add our efforts to everything so we can claim some credit.
Well, that's what we have. And what we end up having is the fact that you can look at any religion and say, okay, if you add human works, now,
I know we have our Catholic friends who are watching. This is where I'm going to say they have a man -made religion because they have faith plus works.
Well, once you add that human work, that's man -made. If you have Islam, one good deed counts for 10 bad deeds.
Well, then you have works. If you want to do Second Temple Judaism, you can look at that and say, okay, that is doing
Torah, doing the law. So you end up having these different things that you look at this and just say, is there human effort added?
Any religion where human effort's added, man -made, done. What's the only one that doesn't have man -made that's in that category?
It's biblical Christianity where God does all the work at the cross. Okay? Now, objectively examine this and objectively say which category every religion's in.
Now, that tells us which religion is true. You could argue from philosophy and the philosophical argument would be to examine can you even reason about there being a
God without first having an ability to reason? No, you can't. You need the ability to reason first.
Okay. If we have an ability to reason, this is what so many people don't understand of Descartes when he said,
I think, therefore I am. He was being the ultimate skeptic. I mean, people should go and read the history of that.
They know that quote and think that quote proves that God doesn't exist and they don't even know that's a fallacy.
That's wrong because that's the thing he was trying to prove in his skepticism is that God doesn't exist.
And in that, what he ended up realizing is, I think, therefore I am. I think the fact that I think means that I have being.
The fact that I'm a being means God exists. I think therefore I am was Descartes' argument for the existence of God.
The fact that we have an ability to reason requires God. Yep. Right, because chemical reactions cannot produce an ability to reason.
Chemical reactions are. Right? Now, if we're going to argue from a creation science perspective, and now this isn't so much an argument for God, this is an argument against evolutionist view of a
Big Bang, you only have a couple options for the beginning of the universe. Either the universe always existed, the universe created itself, or someone or something created the universe.
Those are your three options. Einstein proved that the universe had a beginning, so it couldn't be eternal.
Okay, so that's science proving that. Logically, it couldn't have created itself because to create itself, it first must exist.
This is the reason that anytime you talk to an atheist and they want to argue, they always argue from the beginning of the universe having already existed, or life already existing.
They don't ask the question of the origin of it because that's where they have a problem. When you get to the origin of the universe, it did have a beginning, and it's logically impossible that it created itself because it would first have to exist, so what do we have?
Well, the only thing we have left is someone or something created the universe. And the question is, what is that someone or something?
Well, that's where we're going to look into philosophy. We're going to look into religion and realize the only plausible answer is
God because whatever created the universe is what we're calling
God because that is the creator. Okay, so which
God? That's where we go into religion, and we use my two religion argument. Which is pretty good, yeah.
So that's how I would do that. Hey, James Watkins, are you seeing the chat in here?
No, I don't see the chat. Well, you should because someone's telling you that there's a website that is available for you to go grab right now.
Uh -oh, is it Five Solas? Yes, it is.
I'll send it to you. Okay. Well, here's the thing, too. We've got to purchase another domain name because we got our
Glory to God Alone tracks in today and Shelby typed in the wrong web address. So I've got to go purchase that domain.
Well, I've done that before. So, okay, you know those CDs that I used to have?
Yeah. That, you know, they say... Most important messenger over here?
Yeah. So when they first were printed, it was done incorrectly.
Someone put Striving for Eternities Ministry or strivingforeternities .org.
And so I had to go buy that domain. That's a lot of eternities. Yeah, there were a lot of eternities.
Yeah. Well, she put Five Sola Ministries and not Five Solas. So I was like, well,
I guess worse things have happened in the world. Well, just as long as that one's available. Yeah, hopefully.
You know? And so... If not, somebody will be getting some free web traffic. Yeah. Awesome.
So I'm just letting someone know who's calling me and should be actually in here.
So I'm just telling him, hey, don't be calling me. Get in here and print. The person that was talking about R &R, the whole issue of he wants scientific evidence.
The thing about that is that whenever you ask them for the origin of life itself, they never can tell you where it originated from.
Rather, they go ahead and start with life itself. So whenever they can give a scientific explanation for what actually calls life in general without appealing to life first, then
I think we can get on the same level playing field. It's good to know that you've been paying attention when
I said that. Yeah. He was busy printing
T -shirts. No, I'm planning a trip to Ohio right now. So I'm a little... Yeah. All right.
Actually, what do you mean, put it together? That showed the clip that I'm talking about.
Say that again? What do you mean, the evangelist?
Urban evangelist. Oh, that clip that he has? Okay. Yeah, so he's got that clip.
So if you want to go and watch it, it's on his channel. Yeah. Arden Ra is...
There's some atheists I don't mind debating. I mean, there's...
Matt, I don't know if we're going to be doing it with the death in Matt's family, but he and I are supposed to be in Texas this weekend.
And, you know, we are going to try to set up to meet with Matt Dillahunty.
Which would be great and fun. Matt Dillahunty, I'd have no problem having a debate and dialogue with David Smalley.
You know, there's a lot of guys like that. But Arden Ra is just... He's not reasonable.
He's not... All it is, is a lot of an emotional appeal and talking over people.
That's exactly what it is. I agree with you. And the eyes. Yeah. And the guys who follow him love it.
But there's... I mean, there's people... Look, there's some Christian... I'm not going to make excuses. There's some Christians that do the same thing.
And there's people that just... It's like throwing meat, you know, you know, before tigers, you know, or putting blood in the water.
I mean, they just... They think that's the best. And they think someone made great arguments. But the people who actually debate and they listen, it's like you didn't actually make an argument there.
You just really loudly and with a lot of emotional appeal and wouldn't let anyone else talk.
And that's actually not a debate. Well, he gets really exposed in like moderated debates to where he can't interrupt or talk over.
He really gets exposed. Tyler Vella had one with him that Tyler did really well in where he couldn't interrupt him every two seconds.
Well, that's the thing. Yeah. Because if I'm going to do that, you know,
I'm going to be having a debate with a guy and it's coming up in September, I think 29th.
And that debate is going to be... And I love this. I mean, I was thrilled that they asked for this to be the topic.
Is secular humanism better than Christianity?
I was like, no. Brave science.
Think about it. Right? I'm not going to give away... No, and we win. Huh? Well, you know, you have to define what better is because if you...
No, and we win. There's a delay with you, Andrew. Sorry. Yeah, sorry.
I'm getting a delay with you too. I've just had my line fixed. It's because it's going all the way down under in Australia and coming back.
And, you know, it's amazing... We're doing something. We've got the
NBN, which is trying to do that. It's working. It's amazing with the flat Earth because I see the light coming in through the window over you.
And, you know, the Earth is flat. So it's like, how does that do that? That's amazing. Yeah.
I just tried that one with the Russian Air Force taking up people in MiG -31s and going right up into the thing and you actually see the curve.
Yeah, well... So there are... There are some ways. Actually, I had a guy in the church
I used to attend. He got really into flat Earth. And, I mean, he was all in.
Two of the other pastors just said, they were like, Andrew, can you... Because I was on my way out of the church and I was going to another church to help plant one.
And I literally... Two of the guys were like, could you talk to this guy? He's starting to get into this.
And he wasn't starting. He was full on. I mean, he convinced his cousin. And so he was full on.
And I was like, uh -oh. Because usually when they're full on, it's hard. But this guy was a... He's a teachable guy, which is the main difference.
A lot of the guys that believe that stuff just aren't teachable. He is. And he's just got a sweetheart.
So he doesn't want to be deceived. He wants to know truth. And so I gave him an experiment he could do to show whether the
Earth is flat or not. It's very simple things that you could do anywhere.
If you have a mountain range by you, just go to the mountain range at sunrise. Because if you think about a mountain range, if the sunlight is coming in a circle, then the light is going to hit us, hit the mountain range on a vertical and come across vertically.
So all you've got to do is go to the mountain range, watch the sunlight. If the light comes from the top of the mountains down horizontally, then it's coming over a sphere.
Because it's a rotation. If it's going in a circular motion over a disk, then it's going to be vertical.
So you could do that. If you want another experiment, you go to the ocean at sunrise. And what you do is you watch the sunrise standing up.
And you see it go and then quickly fall to the ground. Or actually, no, it's reversed.
Watch it from the ground and then you stand up. If you watch it when you're low and then you stand up, you get to see two sunrises.
And I actually did that because I was in Florida and trying to get a sunset.
I was trying to get the picture of the sunset. And I'm sitting there with the camera and I realized
I missed, like there was this great spot, but a cloud just kind of got in the way. So what
I did was I quickly fell to the ground and took the picture from there and I had another second or so to get the video.
That I wanted. So, a simple experiment. You know, and you can, the argument they usually have for flat
Earth is the fact that what you could do if you go on like a fall day over water, this only works over water, by the way, but we can only see,
I forget how many miles, like six or seven miles because of the curvature of the Earth.
And yet, there are times when we can see further. You know, like 14 miles.
How do you explain that? Well, the actual thing is, and you watch any of these flat
Earth things explaining this, they will always say, you could do this experiment. Do it on a fall day.
Why does it have to be a fall day though? I mean, because if the Earth was flat, we should be able to do that any time.
Not just first thing in the morning on a fall day. But see, on the first thing in the morning on a fall day with the water temperatures, because that's what it has to do with, when the water temperatures are warmer than the air temperature, as you start to see sun, you see that the light actually bends and reflects around the curvature of the
Earth and you can see further. You do that same experiment at a different time of the year or a different time of the day and it doesn't work.
So, if it was always working. Sorry.
I don't know if you're still there. My problem is, if the world's a disk, it's not going to roll. It's going to go like that.
Watch my finger. It's not going to go like a disk. It's going to go like this.
Well, no. See, the flat earthers believe that the Earth is a disk that doesn't move at all. It's the sun that moves around, not the
Earth and it doesn't spin at all. Yeah. They believe the Earth is fixed.
Right. Didn't Galileo destroy that? Yeah, well. Yeah, but didn't Galileo destroy that one?
Yeah. Sorry. He was Catholic, so that doesn't count, right? Oh, no. I just said that for a
Catholic traditionalist. That got him in all sorts of hot water with the
Catholic Church, didn't it? It did because of the fact that it went against what they thought, what the present -day scientists believed.
Mm -hmm. Yep. Okay, sorry. Catholic traditionalist is giving us a question.
No, and let me answer. I didn't see this earlier, so forgive me. His question is, you said you'd be debating some
Jew. By the way, Catholic traditionalist, I forgot your first name.
Sorry. But the term Jew is actually a derogatory name, just so you know. Many Jewish people don't like being called a
Jew, just so you know. People don't always know that. So he said, when will the debate be?
I'll watch it live. Would it be next week on Apologetics Live? It will be done here on Apologetics Live when we have that debate.
I haven't set up with him when I emailed him. Haven't heard back. He did ask me to give a phone call, so I guess when
I get back from Texas, I will be looking to give him a call and try to set that up.
That will be an interesting debate. Like, that's one. It's going to be hard for me to do some of the prep for that.
I just don't know how to prep for that. And one of the things is is that we've, you know, folks who are familiar or who follow me online, on Facebook and stuff, or Twitter, I put out on Twitter and Facebook that we're moving our email.
And so, from one G Suite account, to another. And so, we have no email.
Which means I've, you know, if you've been emailing any of us at Striving Fraternity, we didn't get it.
Okay. So, we got someone in chat saying he's got a question on Believer's Baptism.
Well, the thing to do is to join us and ask. And so, I'm going to drop the link right in here.
But you can always go to apologeticslive .com. That's the link to where you find the link to join.
And what I'm looking for is to answer our Catholic friends' debate. A question about the debate.
I'm looking for the email so I can tell you what the debate was supposed to be, what it is supposed to be about.
And I'm just trying to go through mail. But we have a ton of mail here. so, this is
William, who I contacted to try to debate Matt Slick. He wants to debate on Purgatory.
Okay, so this was the debate topic. The person wants to debate Judaism versus Christianity.
And he said Rabbinic Judaism side would argue reincarnation is true, is a truth.
Well, there we're going to agree, so I don't think there's much debate. And then the other is that there's no eternal hell.
Well, I've debated that topic before, so we could deal with that. I could argue from the Old Testament. Now, the one I don't know, and this is where if we're debating this,
I don't know how to answer, but he says we come back as animals. I don't even know the context there to be able to say yes or no to that.
And then he wants to argue Isaiah 7 and Isaiah 53 does not prove
Christianity. That'd be interesting because no one said that that's proof of Christianity. We would say the resurrection is.
So, yeah, I don't know. Jason. Say again.
I would have said Isaiah 53 5 proves it. Yeah. Well, that would be that would that would prove that the
New Testament, you know, that there's prophecy that was fulfilled. But I think the resurrection is what proves
Christianity. You know, as Paul makes the argument there in I want to say
Romans 15 or First Corinthians 15, I forget which. Jason Manning is asking where is the Slickster?
So, Jason, you came in a little bit late. But if others came in late and Charlie's here, maybe he may know more information.
But Matt's Matt's brother -in -law passed away this week. And so he is wrapped up.
I have not spoken to him. I talked to him yesterday for a bit.
I have not heard from him at all today. So I we started the show not knowing if if he was going to be here or not.
I didn't want to wait around because he may not have his phone on him. He hasn't been sleeping much this past week.
So and then he had the death of his brother -in -law. So he's not doing well.
Charlie is came in. I don't know if you have any more that, you know, if you heard more from Matt. No, I messaged him and called him and went to voicemail.
So I've had the same for four messages went to voicemail immediately.
No response to text. So, yeah. We did it a little bit.
We keep praying. We sent him a letter via snail mail. You sent him a letter by snail mail and you're expecting a response back?
No, not at all. Okay. No, we I seen it the other day when his wife posted about the passing.
So we sat down and wrote wrote a letter, you know, just trying to be a little bit more personal about it.
It's tough laws. Okay, so we have
I'm not sure if I'm going to pronounce the name right in chat. Aurelio I think is your name and you're saying that you're you're not sure how
Google Hangouts works. You said you're a reformed Baptist. You love the ministry grace and peace.
I'm trying to look what the question you said you had a question. Believers baptism. I just don't know what the question is.
So I can't answer it. But if you do want to join you just go apologexlive .com
There's a link to join. You click on it. It brings up the Google Hangout. And if you know if you're on a phone it automatically uses your phone and often the camera and the mic from the phone.
If not you need to have a mic of some kind not necessarily a camera but something that to talk through.
So so someone is saying that I would not be post -mill. I think
I don't think and Mr. Slick is Amil. So I would be pre -tribulational pre so pre -millennial pre -tribulational is my position.
I'm not dogmatic on a lot of these things. Matt has a very interesting Amil view.
So if you're familiar with Matt Slick he's got on CARM and I'm sure Charlie's going to pull this up before I even can say it because Charlie's just that quick but he's got an article that he often references on the two this world and the world to come and so that's where really that article helps in understanding his where he came about in his view his
Amil but what throws a lot of people off with Matt's view of Amil is he has some pre -millennial views as well and they're all mixed into that in other words
Matt believes in a future for Israel and that is something that most Amils do not and so Matt comes to the scriptures and he sees that and you know with a lot of this stuff it's not so easy to work out because it's still future to us and we think we got it all figured out but we don't always and so just like the first coming everyone thought at that time they had the first coming as the only coming and it turned out that there was another and so yes yes so Charlie posted that it's a it is if you go to karm .org
it is an examination of this age and the age to come on millennialism that's the title of it so if you want to go search that that will give you
Matt's view clearly I disagree with that but you know it's a thing
I have more concern I mean Matt and I disagree on that you don't see us have a problem with it and this is the thing a lot of people they just can't get along with people that have different views and if an end time seriously we don't get along on that that's not a big like yeah there's bigger bigger issues like you different answers but didn't hear you
Andrew I'm sorry sorry different has to split different hairs to split yes
Jamie no no no
I was agreeing with you just like bigger fish like where these people are going to spend eternity it's a little bit more prominent to me than end times not saying it's not important but I think we make it very primary a lot of times whenever it's very secondary wait wait wait wait wait
James can you can you say that again I think it sounded like folks maybe you could tell me it sounded like James said he agrees with me on something
James say that again I actually I agree with you on a lot more than I than I admit that is going to be
I'm clipping that I'm grabbing that James you're really going to enjoy what are we even doing here podcast and I think you're going to enjoy my my next podcast that I did
I had Jamal on so two guys who are who've been on your show regulars and we talked about your five solos podcast and you know they both you know have been guests on there unlike me and well hey
I do need to have you on for my series for August at some point on evangelizing the cults you know
I was I think the first guy you said you wanted to have on as a guest say what now
I was like the first guy you said you wanted to have on as a guest yeah waiting just which one do you want to do you want to do
Mormons you want to do Catholics look well look witnesses well
I think for Catholics you get traditional Catholic to come on I mean what he believes you guys could just like okay there you go folks work salvation there you go no but I mean you we did schedule for me to come on and you use some
I mean some lame excuse like that like a death of your grandmother I mean yeah I wanted evidence like I'm like an airline like you show me the proof give me obituary you know wow wow okay just took a picture of it it's coming to you coming to I thought you're going to put it on for everyone to see here yeah well
I'm on my phone so I don't know how to how to how to use it how to use your phone yeah don't really know how to use it too much but you just let me know whenever you get it well
I haven't gotten it I even opened up the opened it up so that way you can see that I was officiating the funeral as well well
I also don't know how you sent it so well I texted it over to you yeah okay well
I didn't get it you probably texted the wrong number the number that you sent it how to use it well
I know how to use it well I don't to use well
The only problem is I find it hard to believe that you'd actually be related to her. I mean she looks like a very nice -looking woman and then there's you.
Well she was about 90 years old. She aged very well.
So well all right so Melissa you're in here you came in I don't know if you have any questions
I added you to the broadcast. I do have a question. Can you hear me? Yes we can that was your question that was easy to answer.
I was thinking about well it says you shall not kill in the
Ten Commandments but then in the Old Testament God tells people to kill people.
I'm like isn't that a contradiction? No because it doesn't say thou shall not kill.
It says thou shall not murder. There is a difference between murdering and killing so you can kill someone capital punishment would be killing so when you have a case of murder it is you know there's it's basically whether it's a just killing or not a just killing.
So it would be capital punishment when God says to do it. Or warfare so yeah
I was just looking I'm glad she asked that question Andrew I was just looking at my Hebrew lexicon and it was showing me there that it's the
Hebrew is thou shall do no murder and then at the explanatory note would be the unnecessary taking of an innocent life would qualify as doing murder and that was forbidden.
Yeah and so the difference is the motive exactly in warfare that that could be a just killing in capital punishment that could be a just killing in self -defense that is a just killing but when you take a life in an unjust way so it comes down to the the reasons why and the motive then that becomes murder so it's that distinction that makes and you'll hear this often
Melissa by people that are a professing atheists and like who are trying to argue against argue against Christianity they they try to say oh see
God kills and yet he says that shall not kill. He says that shall not murder.
Yeah right that's an unfortunate English you know way of putting the expression which is a lot more precise when you look at it.
Yeah That's all I had to ask so thanks.
Good question thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. All right so anyone else here have some questions tonight and folks those who are watching live if you have a question just go to ApologeticsLive .com
you can join us in the hangout I know some people had some questions in the chat and you can certainly do that.
I still never got Arillo's question about he said he had a question about believers baptism but I never saw the question if any of you guys saw it just let me know.
I've got an observation on believers baptism. Okay. Yeah I know for one thing an unbeliever that gets baptized will end up all wet and that's about it.
You know let's so let's deal with one thing as folks know who watch regularly
Matt Slick would be a Presbyterian I would be a Baptist. We would have a differing view when it comes to baptism on the mode of baptism and who do get baptized.
Now Matt would be in favor of infants being baptized I would not. However this surprises folks there are some people who say to Presbyterians well you don't believe in a believers baptism.
False. Matt for example as most Presbyterians almost all Presbyterians I know do believe in a believers baptism.
In other words if you have an adult who who becomes a Christian they would get baptized as a believer not as an infant and so that there is this distinction that people
I think believers baptism is a bad name for it. Okay. Because the fact that's really what people are trying to just you know make a difference of is the infants being baptized as part of a covenant relationship they're not being baptized to save them they're not being baptized in Presbyterian view they're not being baptized the infants to to wash away sin.
The baptism view of the Presbyterian such as like Matt would have would be that they're baptized into a covenant relationship with God so not that they're saved but they're part of a family that of believers and they're they're going to reward get some of the benefits of that and it's just a covenant sign of that and that's not salvation.
Now there are some who would say that that child would go to heaven if he dies up until some age of accountability and then he's on his own okay that that would be some differences but when we say believers baptism it would be a baptism that is for people who are believers well
Presbyterians would hold to that as well and and so Aurelio says well I was just wondering how does a dispensationalist come to credo baptism just asking out of curiosity in a friendly manner which is good because sometimes you know when we talk about baptism you you can't really talk about that you know a friendly manner with some people
I'm trying to look I'm like debating whether I want to say what I'm looking for in calm to see if I can get there before my friend
Charlie because he doesn't know what I'm looking for okay well I did get to it
I was looking for credo baptism on calm to see if he had something and I figured
Charlie I'll now give the links and he has one paragraph that's it so short enough credo baptism is the practice of baptizing only those who are able to make a profession of faith the word credo comes from the
Latin Creed which is right credo baptism is also called believers baptism credo baptists maintain that it is improper to baptize infants since there is no account in Scripture where back infant baptist or infants are baptized credo
Baptist would also practice baptism by immersion now let me point something out with you if you take a look at that article
Matt has after what I've just said Matt's view would not be in credo
Baptist and yet he can accurately explain what it is now he doesn't give a whole lot of detail there
I bet he's got a link here also related pedo Baptists let's see if that has more yep there we go there's like what three four five five paragraphs so too much to read but he might be a little bias there but but a couple things point out one his definition is accurate
I prefer the term credo Baptist or credo baptism because of the fact that what you see there is as Matt says it's based on a creed a profession of faith and so the baptism is not to save a person it's not to it's not even to bring them into a covenant relationship with God I would say that happens when the
Holy Spirit indwells them and that's the sign of that covenant so I would argue that baptism is an outward sign of an inward change and that is why we end up having people give their testimony that's the creed that's the announcement of what happened to them so it's their testimony and now in a
Presbyterian Church I can't speak for all Presbyterian churches but at least the one that I was in when someone had a believer's baptism in other words they became a believer and was baptized that is going to be something where they didn't give a testimony again because they're being baptized into a covenant relationship with God covenant relationship does not mean salvation by the way so be clear on that and so that's something that you want to be clear on with with the terminology so I would hold to a credo baptist
I actually like credo baptism is a better term than believers baptism if that answers the question
Aurelio and so that's where I would end up holding and I'm glad I'm glad this is a good example where you could see you know just because Matt doesn't hold to a position on his website he can accurately define a position he doesn't hold to this is hard for some people to do it seems but yeah it is good to do that so Aurelio I hope that answered your question
I don't know I'm gonna look in the chat here to see if you had any more I guess you're you said you were wondering does a dispensationalist come to credo baptism
I guess I'm not understanding completely the issue dispensationalism is a way of interpreting scripture and it's a hermeneutical method and therefore it's it's not like most people think of systematic theology so Andrew I'm just gonna mute you because we're getting feedback from you if you want to unmute yourself later that's fine but so I hope that answers your question
Charlie did you have any you had any questions tonight so you came in I should have I should have asked you if you had any questions oh no and you did a fair representation of Matt's view of the pedo baptism as well yeah and I that's the thing that I think people
I mean I try to do that I pride myself on pride in a good way not a sinful way but I try to to represent other people's position well
I think that's why Matt and I can get along even where we disagree is there's things we don't agree on but we understand each other's definitions and how we come to those conclusions and so really
Oh is staying me too but but no it doesn't let me see okay he's just saying thanks a lot like your human hermeneutical videos so all right well that's good we have a
I'll mention what he's referring to we have classes on how to interpret the Bible that you can get at striving for eternity at or G if you go to the
Academy page we have them all on YouTube so you can watch them for free we have 20 lessons on how to interpret the
Bible called the school of hermeneutics and that's what he's referring to that he enjoyed and that helps people to understand how to interpret the
Bible just some basic tools to help you with that so you can check that out
I've just added Chad Pridmore he is one of our newest podcasters he's actually was had the his podcast around for a while on the
Christian podcast community he just wasn't putting out episodes for a while but not not to worry he still beat
Justin Peters who's had the podcast up for like a year almost and hasn't started yet but he's starting soon so Chad welcome thanks
Andrew can you see me I can't tell if it's working right or not yeah we can see you I mean okay that there's light behind you and so you you look a little bit more come on you know that's not good that has a good effect for you it's better than if you making your head glow and then it would look like you're an angel we wouldn't want that so Chad you're you got a new podcast you've just dropped three episodes on the way radio so you could go subscribe to that why don't you why don't let's talk a little bit about your podcast
I was I was thinking of bringing it up I was had someone on my on one of my podcasts so you want to be a podcaster podcast and she's very involved in celebrate recovery and I was just like oh here's a new podcast you and not tell her what it is or do
I tell her what it's about and that I mean that's a lot
I don't want it to be a lot of what the podcast addresses because my hope in this podcast is to really provide inspiration from God's Word to really edify you know the
Saints to share the gospel with people that don't know the Lord but obviously we do have to engage in apologetics when necessary and expose the unfruitful works of darkness and I've been in this recovery ministry for 10 or 12 years now and it's just amazing how many
Christians think that Alcoholics Anonymous and celebrate recovery well they think
Alcoholics Anonymous was Christian in its origins because somewhere along the line somebody said it was and nobody ever really checked but if you really look at how it was founded it was it was founded through a lot of occult practices a lot of spiritualism just strange stuff that the founder actually communed with demonic spirits via Ouija board so there's all kinds of weird stuff and then the writings of Alcoholics Anonymous directly contradict the gospel of Jesus Christ claiming that as you work the
AA program and the steps you will receive forgiveness of sins you'll be reconciled with your creator but Jesus is no part of it so it's it's a spiritual train wreck and then
Celebrate Recovery came along through Saddleback Church 15 or 20 years ago and they just took the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous tried to make them
Christian by mixing in some Bible verses and the Beatitudes from the
Sermon on the Mount and then marketed as a Christian recovery program but it's still just the 12 steps of AA it's void of the gospel and and my opinion
Celebrate Recovery is actually more dangerous than AA because with AA you know what it is
Celebrate Recovery is claiming to be Christian but it's actually not so you know I've had people that have contacted me who are
Christians that have you know gone through a period of backsliding and they've got a DUI and they've had to go to the court and the court has demanded that they attend a 12 -step meeting a program and they'll say listen
I either go to AA or Celebrate Recovery what should I do and I say go to AA you know it's evil it's right there in front of you it's very easy to see what's going on it doesn't have the sinister subtlety that Celebrate Recovery has and yeah
I just had to share that with somebody this morning on Facebook who was trying to promote CR to somebody that was looking for help.
Yeah so you know the thing is you're also a pastor there in Idaho and so you know you have your messages and your sermons things like that so and maybe
I'm gonna throw this question out to you as well we got someone gave a super chat so folks that may not know what a super chat is a super chat is for folks who are watching live on the video on YouTube there's a little dollar sign button you click that and you can donate money that money goes to CARM .org
I want I want clarity so people know we host this is the arrangement we have with CARM they get all the money and we pay for the show no that's sort of how it is but no the way it is is we we wanted to be able to monetize and because of something that we had we can't on Striving Fraternity we don't monetize and so CARM does so that we do the videos on there so that the money can go to CARM I say that to say if you want to help
Striving Fraternity who actually owns the show and pays for the show that you could do if you go to strivingfraternity .org
slash donate and donate there and that's how you could get money for for us to help put on the show but Justin gave $10 and I love this first part of it he goes my wife four week old son and I are watching tonight who needs cable okay we could just stop there
Justin and agree you know you really don't it's so much more stimulating than the
Kardashians there's just there's just a little more depth yeah I don't even know who they are okay so so okay
I forget where I was and someone like said to me there's so -and -so you don't know who the
Kardashians are no no I don't and then they said there's some reality
TV show I'm like well that's why I don't yeah I yeah
I'm pop culture illiterate what can I say but the thing is is that we end up seeing is you really don't need cable
TV to get good wholesome family entertainment you could you could just come here and so we're here
Thursday nights 8 o 'clock Eastern Time to 10 so so here's this question and he says is there scripture that we can reference for the activities we will participate in in heaven as we worship the
Lord and so I don't know where you go Chad I'm thinking I'm just looking at Revelation 21 and 22 and looking at those the idea also that we would see where Christ speaks of a marriage feast there are some references throughout
Scripture that we see both Old and New Testament that we would see some references but I'm really thinking that if we look at Revelation the question is scriptures that talk about what we will what activities will participate in in in heaven when we're worshiping the
Lord I know I'm just trying to look because I forget where exactly this is
I know that it says that we will work that may be to some so work isn't necessarily bad it's just that because of the curse it was changed but there is work that we would do what that work is
I don't know of of that and that's why I'm drawing a blank looking for the scripture verse that refers to that I forget where it is yeah see this is the thing like you know unless you have the mind like Matt Slick that just remembers every little detail of everything you've ever read you know yeah he helped me write the statement of faith for our church a few years ago and we're like writing these you know these paragraphs explaining what we believe and he's just providing the the supporting scripture out of his mind yeah are you even yeah yeah it's it's a good question but I agree with you
I think the wedding feast is is the best picture of it but I think it's one of those things that the
Lord left open because in my opinion I don't think our our finite limited human minds have the ability to comprehend what we're gonna be like in our glorified state oh yeah perfect it's gonna be you know when you look at you look at the description and it's you know describing what heaven's gonna look like and I don't think that's what heaven
I mean I think that is the best that God can do through John to explain it right you know
I don't think there he can really put it into words well enough for us to understand it but I like to think of heaven as I mean really it says there's gonna be a new heaven and a new earth heaven is gonna be here the earth is gonna be what it was designed to be before corruption before the fall and I think it's gonna be fascinating to see because because creation is so beautiful and so amazing it's so overwhelming the creation that we see now that's in a fallen state and that's what
I consider quite often what really bums me out being from Southern California and growing up surfing is it says there's not going to be a sea so so okay you hit right on the one that my wife one day
I don't know if she's in the other room or not I could get myself in trouble my wife one day was reading
Revelation and all of a sudden she goes oh I'm like what's wrong she goes
I just was reading that there's not gonna be a sea in heaven I'm like okay what's the big deal about that she goes no sea means no seafood obviously she's the seafood lover you see it the surfing aspect of it which we see the surfboard over your head there but yeah no
I was very upset but but maybe this will that maybe maybe this will put you at ease Chad okay maybe because my wife said she realized there may not be a sea but there is a river so she's holding out hope that there will be river food instead of seafood yeah and it's the river of life so it's gonna be massive so I just don't know if you can surf it you know yeah maybe would be really cool waves that you can surf one side and go up the other side and I mean we have back in heaven to a surfer you just go back and forth yeah it's that's one of my favorite things just to sit and sort of think about Todd Freel actually had a he did about a 15 or 20 minute talk a couple weeks ago on working in heaven working in eternity like you alluded to what is that going to be like it's really a fascinating topic to consider and I think it helps a lot of people because I know growing up in a
Christian family I used to sort of get bummed out because I thought heaven was just floating around with angels and how are we gonna do that forever you know and it's like sometimes it's allowed to right there with them huh you had to be floating on a cloud too yeah okay so we have another question from Jess how do you respond to a sinless perfectionist so you know sinless perfectionism is an interesting one the book that most of them go to is the very book
I go to when when talking to them because it's the very book that actually undermines their argument they go to first John okay now the reason they go to first John is because first John makes it seem pretty clear you are either in sin
I mean you're doing sin or you can't have any sin there's you know they would they would look at this and say that there's no you should be no darkness in you at all and so when you look at that the the thing you end up seeing is that you have to first ask the question anytime you study scripture you must ask the question of the first question is what you know what type of literature the other question is who's the author writing to and why so this is instructional literature written by the
Apostle John for the purpose of answering a question of Gnosticism and Gnosticism was this belief that you could anything physical was evil anything spiritual was good so Gnostics actually didn't believe
Jesus Christ came in the flesh that was one of the problems that's why so many of the writers have to say that Jesus came in the flesh that's why
Jesus had to remind everyone he was a son of man he was human because they doubted his humanity at the time and so that is something to keep in mind in this book now what were the
Gnostics doing Gnostics were believing that they could do they could there was the arguments they'd make that they could actually go and be with a prostitute and as long as they didn't give their spirit over they were okay it wasn't sin because their flesh was doing it not their spirit and they felt that that was then not a sin this is what you end up seeing with the
Gnosticism so he's answering that and if you look at John throughout that this book of first John he's making everything he's speaking of a pattern of life and everything is clear -cut it's either there's all light or all darkness nothing in the middle and people will turn to that and go
I'll see here this is what he's saying and therefore if you if you say you have sin in your life well then you you are not saved but then look at what he says to believers here this is in first John 1
I'll actually so we have context because context is always important I will start in verse 5 but the focus we want is 8 through 10 this is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you that is
God is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness we lie and do not practice the truth now let's stop here and if you remember
I've done this here on this podcast this show I've also done this on I did a episode on my rap report podcast which you should go and subscribe to there's two of them a daily and a weekly go but on the weekly one
I dealt with the issue of losing your salvation and I dealt with James too and I go through when someone asks a question and you're gonna look at what an answer to it it's good to know what the question is that they're answering
I mean just basic thinking right here's the question John is answering okay he says if we say that we have fellowship with Christ and yet we're practicing we're walking in darkness so we're saying we're believers but we're walking everything we do or the practice of our life is of the world then we don't practice the truth that's the question right that's what he's answering but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin now breaking this part down walking in light this is the pattern so we have a pattern of being with Christ okay then what we're gonna have we're in a fellowship with one another because of what
Christ did well the blood of Jesus that cleanses us when did that blood get shed back at the cross that means all of its future to all of our sin is all future to that event all of it for us and so back at the cross is when the blood was shed so back at the cross is when we are cleansed from all sin you say but I you know if I sin tomorrow yeah but it was paid for back at the cross now when you look at that passage when people try to argue well it's you know
I used to sin but now I'm saved I don't sin the issue is that sin you used to do in any other sin was all future to the cross when it was paid for but let's move on to the verses we need to look at verses 8 1st
John verse chapter 1 verse 8 and 9 and 10 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we say we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us two categories because this is what they tried to do the second category if we say we've not sinned they'll say ah so that's someone saying they've never sinned that's who he's speaking of well he is speaking of that but he's speaking of people who are doing sinful things but justifying those sinful things and he said and they're saying we haven't sinned make it more clear as verse 8 where he says if they if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves that's kind of clear if a sinless perfectionist is saying that they don't sin then what scripture says is that they deceived themselves and the truth is not in them because we still sin that's the point of that that's why we still confess our sins now they would try to argue that this is dealing with salvation that would be really strange when he's speaking to people that he calls in the very next two words from this my little children he's speaking to believers why would he tell believers that they would you know they need to confess their sin and be saved would it make sense so this is the book they go to because they don't understand its context its purpose and why it was written and those are the verses that I would go to Jess so I hope that answers since we have our a pastor here
I'll just ask him if Chad how would you deal with sinless perfectionism if if differently
I think you just nailed it beautifully and we actually being here in the
Boise area we're really close to the Northwest Nazarene University and they have quite a few professors out there that claim that they've never sinned it's part of that denomination but I think your explanation of it was about the best that I've ever heard
I always I like to go to you know Romans 3 10 through 12 no one seeks after God no one no one understands it's such a great picture of the fact that we're all sinners we all sin but I usually just go to the verses that you just spoke of right there and just try to break it down the way that you broke it down and show that and I it's one of those arguments that I struggle with because I don't want to sound arrogant but it just seems like such a ridiculous statement for and I and I've dealt
I've dealt with it within the last couple of weeks with someone who just they said I don't sin anymore you know and when somebody tells you that it's like do you even realize what sin is
I mean even grasp how prevalent sin is I mean it's in every fiber of us it's it's constantly attacking or not attacking us it's something that's always that we're always wrestling with like Paul writes in Romans yeah
I'm making sense yeah no and what that what a lot of them try to do is they wiggle around it by saying it's it's no willful sin and they add this word willful and so the issue is it's not a willful sin and which always gets it always puzzles me because here's the question
I ask what sin were you forced to do right right I mean every sin that you committed is willful exactly it's not like someone made you do it you know yeah and God's law is so perfect and that's what we really got to get across people the one little transgression of that law is a horrific sin you know and one one thing that I've I think
I talked to a couple young Mormons about this one time I almost laughed at him because they were claiming that they hadn't sinned because I you know
I asked them well if you died right now are you going to heaven what's your condition now have you done what you need to do to to go to heaven have you sinned today yeah and these kids are 18 years old we if you're a guy you've been 18 years old you know how messed up your mind can be with lust you know so if that kid happens to knock on a door and a pretty woman opens the door that kid just sinned that day you see the argument
I'm making and I've brought that up to them and you could tell that sort that got them because I told him
I said listen if you've lost it after a woman you've committed adultery in your heart you've committed the sin of adultery and that that has helped me get through to those young Mormon missionaries because you know that their minds are very susceptible to lust and the willful argument just to me it's absurd yeah
I mean you're up in that in Mormon country up there that's you know so there's a lot of Mormons there who also would would believe in this you know
I think the kind of funniest Matt did a debate with Jesse Morrell and Matt slick and which was very funny in this sense funny and sad at the same time
Matt was saying that he sins every day and they were aghast and you know
I I was watching the video so I couldn't see the audience I saw Matt and Matt was just like what
I mean don't you sin and I couldn't see it and I couldn't hear it but Matt said this like one woman got up and was like I don't sin and he's like and he said the whole room because they were all sinless perfectionists they were like all claiming they never sin and the irony here's the irony of it they're claiming they don't sin and in in the in the
Q &A there was they were taking questions from the web right so one of these sinless perfectionists guys who said he doesn't sin is taking questions from the web and I'm commenting that he's not asking any question from anybody who disagrees with his guy
Jesse Morrell he's only asking questions from people that he agrees with the question that he they kept wanting
Matt to answer they wanted Matt to answer the question of whether Matt thought Jesse was saved it was clear they asked it three times and they asked it twice and Matt brushed it off because that wasn't part of the debate and so it was very interesting because I'm asking them
I'm challenging I'm saying you are being biased you're only asking questions that support your guy
I said we have dozens of people here asking questions you need to ask one of our questions
I kept asking a question over and over again and so he ends up saying we have a question here from Andrew Rappaport so knowing that Matt knows me
Matt's more likely to answer do you think Jesse Morrell saved that was not my question he lied as he's telling that he's a he's never that he doesn't sin he lied to him and asked the question
I did not ask and so I told
Matt and Matt couldn't believe it I was like I forget the question now but I said this is the question that I asked and Matt was like that's not what he said
I was like yeah well they that some of those guys are because Hebrews 6
Hebrews 10 the the issue that people when they say that those passages are speaking that you can lose your salvation the thing is is that if you read those passages if you lose your salvation you can never be saved again it says it is impossible if you once tasted of the light to get it so if they believe that speaking of losing your salvation then once you lose it that's it you're done you can never get it back exactly right
Andrew the same word impossible is used of God in that it is impossible for him to lie so yeah they're they're done they're cooked yeah now now what that does is that's why they say they never sin because they'll say once that's why some say well willful sin that they play games with it at different times why because they have to try to excuse it away if they're gonna hold to Hebrews 6
Hebrews 10 now some people just ignore that part of Hebrews 6 and 10 they say yes that's speaking that you can lose your salvation but you can lose it and gain it and lose it and gain it and lose it and gain it but there's at one point there'll be a time you can never gain it back again what's that time we don't know but that if that's what that passage was speaking of that would say you can never gain it again
I think what that passage is speaking of clearly when we look at the context I have a paper on this if you just do a search for Hebrews 6 at striving for eternity org
I have a paper on this passage about losing your salvation and I've done a podcast episode with with John who's in here he and I did this we dealt with this topic and we went through that passage in Hebrews 6 and what you ended up seeing is that in the context is talking about false believers much like we're seeing in first John here people that are in the church claim to be believers but they're not and they've tasted of the truth because they've sat in church but they reject that truth and that's where if we look in in the same book here in 1st
John and we go a little bit further a passage we bring up often is 1st John chapter 2 19 which says they went out from among us because they went out from they went out from us but they were not of us for had they been of us they would have continued with us but they went out from us that it might be plain that that they were not of us so in other words they went out from among us because they were not believers they were false converts that stopped pretending and they left us to expose the fact that they were false converts that's what
I would say you have there and that's a consistent message we see in Scripture we see it right in this book that we were looking at earlier so I mean that would be the thing
I would see there so I think that I hope that answers that Jess for you
I'll ask John came in I don't know John if you have any questions we have about 30 minutes left in the show
I gotta say hi to John too I haven't seen him in a while good buddy it's good to see you good yeah good to see you too
I wrote on the side chat there concerning this sinless perfectionist how how you can lose your salvation and regain it again
I kind of you know said it with tongue -in -cheek I said you must be born again and again and again and again you know it's it's it's it's ridiculous you know that you know they don't take the simple words of Christ and say you know we are secured in our salvation you know and it's so annoying you know when you when you're confronting these kind of people yeah
I was so frustrated when I watched that Jesse morale debate with Matt and yeah it was it was heresy galore yeah so just asked a follow -up question on on this and it was asked just says do we have to confess our sins to others now our
Catholic friends watching here may get a little bit upset with this because no you don't have to unlike what the
Catholic Church says so let's look at the passages that deal with that James 516 therefore confess your sins one to another and pray for one another for healing now this is
James 518 is is the one that a lot of people would look to and there you can some people will see
Galatians 6 if anyone is caught in a transgression you who are spiritual restore him keep watch over yourself that you're not tempted bear with one another and so some of this is if you're if you're caught in transgression you should be confessing it the
James passage when we look at James again this is dealing in a passage the
James 5 when we look at this we're dealing with people who are struggling in prayer okay and there are times as this passage will end up dealing with that and there's my interpretation
I don't Chad may disagree but what I think you have here is people who are being so spiritually weak that they're at a point they cannot pray for on their own they're just so so struggling with whatever it is with the suffering maybe there's sin in their life and he goes through this is where he says call your elders to pray for you put oil on you the oil is is medicinal so if there's you've been being beaten that you're gonna rub oil in to for the muscles they were being beaten as Christianity was was being outlawed so there's some of the suffering that would be that way that's what it says in verse 14 where it says are there any sick any among you sick that word actually would be weak is there any among you weak so many people say oh if you're sick you call the elders and they they pray over you and then put oil yes they do that but it's it was the idea here
I think is that they were they were weak and I think the idea that I see here is that someone was so spiritually weak they can't even pray on their own and I don't know if any of you have experienced that I know
I have and I know others who have where you just you've gotten to a point that you're just you know
I think I actually think I don't know for sure but Matt right now is under so much stress he may be at this point where he's just so weak if there is a point where you can't pray
I've had that happen you just it's hard to even pray because you're just so so weak from you know suffering and turmoil and trials and things like that and so sometimes it is sin though and that's why
I think he says therefore confess your sins one to another because in this case if this is if your weakness if you're your spiritual weakness that is keeping you from prayer is something that's because of sin then then yeah confess it why do others well we always confess to God that's what first John would say but here confessing to others is because the others are coming alongside you to pray for you the whole idea here is that they're gonna come alongside you and pray where you cannot and I've I've been in the situation where I was just under such just a very dark time in my life where you know
I had I had to leave a church that I helped plant that I was in the beginning I was in the leadership there and we made a mistake of calling a man who is not qualified and I was just crushed
I was just crushed I didn't want to have to leave and I remember being so weak
I just I literally was with a friend and I could not pray I couldn't and I just was like we got together for prayer and I'm like I can't pray
I just don't have words and I said you know I need you to pray for me and as he started praying for me
I actually felt strengthened when he got done I was able to pray and I think that's what you see in this in this passage that this is dealing with people who are struggling so spiritually through suffering through turmoil through trials all this tribulation and just completely worn out you know called it a spiritual depression and Andrew this really helps me because I know
John's heard me talk about this before but one thing I always tell people about the ministry
I run recovery Reformation is it's an attempt to wake the modern church up to the fact that the church in most instances in the majority of instances is not being the church if the church was being the church and reaching sinners the way it's supposed to reach sinners and acting out prayerfully the way that's talked about here in James 5 13 through 20 my ministry wouldn't be needed but what happened the sinner comes in you know a drunk comes into a church a drug addict comes into a church goes up to the pastor says
I can't stop shooting heroin snorting coke drinking whatever it is can you help me and they said oh yeah we've got a 12 -step meeting right down the hall they take him into the 12 -step meeting they never hear the gospel they may or may not get sober if the church was being the church it would do exactly what's talked about right here in this portion of scripture
I mean I was writing this down as you were talking about because I thought I need to implement this helps explain and it's amazing how often you can read something in scripture and then it just clicks but this really helps me explain to people what we need to be doing to reach sinners whether they're saved or there's somebody like you said that's going through a period of a prodigal period or time of backsliding or just like you said a time of struggle where you can't pray and I can relate to last year was one of my worst years
I had just two horrific situations happen with with people that just got me to a point that I can relate to what you're sharing and what
I think Matt might be going through as well where you just get to the point where there's so much going on you can't pray it's like you become locked up but this is one of these things this is one of the parts of the church that's missing so much nowadays it's like I tell people you know
Alcoholics Anonymous does one thing very very well embraces people and provides fellowship and churches aren't doing that enough and I think a lot more people would would be set free from the sin or the depression or the struggles that they're going through if we acted out
James 5 13 through 20 like you were just talking about it's a beautiful portion of scripture yeah yeah and and and we need to you know what if it's not okay
I'm kidding Cody go for it I was talking about that but you know
I'm pretty sure that they probably look like Chad did whenever he was a model in the early 90s but he was an international supermodel but for you guys it makes me wonder and not to offend my
Catholic friends or the sinless perfectionist how serious you how grieved you actually are over your personal sin because you got to understand that confession for the believer like confession for the believer there there is no greater freedom than being known truly known to the heart level your desires all those wicked things be able to express those in a community of people that will still love you and accept you and then walk alongside you to fight those battles with you like you don't you don't know freedom if if if if that's all it is you still and in regards to that so like where the
Chad was mentioned the 12 steps and and you know a and all that custom where they get it right is that biblical concept of doing that however in that environment the shame and the guilt that comes with those sins is not absolved and I would argue for the for the
Catholic it's not absolved either right because you're still gonna rustle with it with that shame and guilt inside if you are truly grieved over your sin as a regenerate person is right you'll be grieved over your sin in such a way that that there is no there is only absolution and absolute forgiveness for in Christ absolute and total complete forgiveness there's only freedom from that shame in that environment and again
I would bring it back to you how serious do you take your shit and sin I mean if you're not you know if you're holding to one of those belief systems and you're not like Luther was in regards to climbing when he got to that whatever that church was that chaplain he was going up the steps to the to the tower and he was crawling on his knees yeah as some kind of punishment for himself because he knew how wicked he like if that's not your thought process regarding your sins
I would argue that you don't take them as seriously as God does and I think it comes down to it's obviously comes down to worldly grief versus godly grief
I preached on this a couple weeks ago and I saw this what Cody's talking about I saw it or I heard about it very vividly from my uncle my uncle is he's
Mormon he's very high up in the Mormon Church he's been clean and sober for like I don't know 45 years he helped me get sober when
I originally got sober brilliant guy he was an admiral in the Navy and it was so sad because my parents went down to Utah to visit him a few months ago and he kept asking him about what
I was doing what church was doing because him and I have always been pretty close but we sort of had a distance come between us since I've really gotten into ministry the last 10 or 12 years and my mom told him he said well does
Chad still go to meetings my mom goes no she said Chad hasn't been doing a meeting in like 14 or 15 years you know he's he's rejected all of that he's set free in Christ my uncle told her he said
I still carry around all the guilt and shame of my drinking you know because he committed adultery he did a lot of really bad stuff that's 45 years in the
Mormon Church and being sober and the guy still carries that that worldly guilt around you know and I think
Cody I think that really sort of exemplifies what you're talking about if I understood you correctly yeah you know that's the thing when
I when I do open air I I talk about that guilt because this son we don't often talk about so many people they commit sin they know what's wrong what do they do turn to drugs turn to alcohol turn to sex turn to work turn to a whole lot of things try to just forget about that guilt you know they turn to religion you know
Mormonism or others and you have that because people are trying to get rid of that guilt that only comes through forgiveness with Jesus Christ that's how you have it that's that's why you don't have that guilt anymore it's because Christ forgave you you know this is what the you know folks like this don't understand and it is why we we go out and we do what we do with in sharing the gospel and preaching is so people can have the forgiveness of sin and experience what
Chad you're talking about don't need to go to an AA meeting anymore don't need to worry about this because I'm freeing
Christ exactly so with that I'm gonna and let anyone have any other questions for tonight
John actually I was gonna I wrote something on the side there oh you did okay oh so you got topic change so go for it slightly just a topic change
I just want to go ahead and actually share with people how helpful Andrew's book what do we what do they believe you really helped me out a lot and it really you're breaking up maybe say again you're breaking up maybe turn your video down okay let me turn off my camera maybe that'll help try again because I didn't hear what you're saying yeah let me try that again so anyways
I just want to plug and let the other the listeners here know that I really recommend if you have not gotten the book yet what do they believe they really helped me out that that book particularly helped me out here about three weeks ago
I had JW's Jehovah's Witnesses come to my house and they hadn't been there for quite a while and and ever since the first time they came by I wasn't prepared it just was not prepared and so what happened was they showed up and I you know for the first time
I felt like I was I was totally prepared to actually confront them and actually talk to them and and really get what they were saying and it was just such a great conversation because once they realize that you know they're dealing with someone who knows the scriptures they really don't want to be there and so it was just a really great experience
I got to tell them about the gospel you know I asked him very poignant questions
I even asked him I go is Jesus God and they straight up for the first time ever I've never never heard them ever say this but they they straight up just said no
Jesus is not God and you know and then immediately I thought about well what do you think
Jesus meant when he says that he is the
I am you know it's like before Abraham was I am I mean what do you think that means and you know they were just completely you know unequipped to even answer that question
I did share with them the gospel I pointed them to 1st Corinthians 15 one through four and had them read it out loud you know and then as they're reading it they were like just completely like I can see the wheels turning in their heads you know that because that's funny because I asked them
I go what's gospel and I couldn't believe this they literally said
Matthew Mark Luke and John you're breaking up a little bit but I think we got we got that I appreciate that you know you had and it was breaking up the book that you were front of his book
I wrote called what do they believe you can get it at what do they believe book calm and to me that's a great testimony because I and Chad you and I were talking about this earlier
I think last week and I'll let you share what you had said but you know I wrote it in such a way that it is something to be a quick reference so you have them come to your door you don't have to read a whole book you could pull that out and just deal with a small section at a time you could read it with them and say is this what you believe is this what you're and I and you have all the references there to to look at and that's that's kind of you know so when
I hear testimonies like that it really it really makes me feel good that you know the what my goal was in the book was accomplished and Chad you had said things earlier as well yeah
I have it it's right here my house always keep it and I had just I had just read it and I had a couple
J or I had a JW come by a few weeks ago and same kind of thing I just I had read it and when this guy knocked on the door and we live in a neighborhood where I honestly
I rarely answer my door because we have people selling cookies people selling cable I mean
I couldn't I can't get anything done but I felt like I needed to answer it so I talked to this guy and and I just asked him
I said all right how do I how am I reconciled to God if I'm a sinner you know that's how I started the conversation and and then
I asked like John you know I said do you believe Christ is God and same thing he said no so we spent quite a while going through scripture and I was refuting that but what really stumbled the guy
I was talking to him we talked about 45 minutes at the towards the end of the conversation we had a decent rapport going
I said listen I don't mean to be insulting but I'm trying to get my head around how do you accept the fact that in the 70s they changed your number thing because you guys had been told that the hundred and forty four thousand in the book of Revelation were the
Jehovah's Witnesses that were going to heaven and then when you got so far over that number you guys had to change that and he goes well you know our religion was started by such -and -such and then some of the stuff he did wasn't exactly right so we've had to change it over the years and I go
I go man dude I know that's sad because they could change it next week and tell you guys that you're all going to hell you know and I said look at my
Christ my root my faith is the same from the start of Genesis to the end of Revelation Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever
I can have faith that it's never gonna change you know and that's when the guy got real uncomfortable and I gave him my card
I said I'd love to go to coffee with you you know we could talk further but you could tell that it sort of made his faith seem ridiculous
I mean how are you having faith in a belief system that they can change when the numbers don't work anymore you know or like Mormonism when you're pressured by the
NAACP or whoever it was to allow black people to hold positions in your church all of a sudden you're changing the way you look at black people but Andrews book definitely helped me a lot because I had a basic I had a basic understanding of what questions to ask them because I knew how they were going to respond and that's and that's see that's what
I want to do I want to tell you what they believe not how to refute them in that sense because then you you know you have the dialogue and look it's like having the answer key to a final exam yes yes dress yeah yeah and look
Andrew also has a new one out called what do the leftists believe and yes he has to do you have to subscribe for it because apparently there's new updates every week you must listen to the rap report this week that's gonna come out on Sunday I was
I was joined by Jamal brand bandy and that's exactly what we discussed we talked about definitions and how the left just they use the same words like racism and they just keep changing the definition of it to fit whatever they need it to be and you you're always a racist because they could just they just change the definition so yeah
I guess I gotta interrupt real quick on this I know you're limited for time he's the guy he's the black guy with the cool hair that sits on the podcast community right yes my friend this happened today my friend
Todd who you've talked to he's designing the website for me for the podcast he sends me a text
I'm out driving around with my wife and he goes dude we need to talk he goes I don't think
Andrew realizes who he's associated with he goes there's this black guy that is the most racist guy and he goes you need to check this out so my wife goes in a store so I pull up this video and I'm like what is this guy saying
I mean is it his is it his woke brother message yeah I'm like this
Andrew there's no way that he's agreeing with this guy so I told Todd I said
I said I'm not gonna call him now I said I got to get back to my office and I'll pull up the video so I can really pay attention and then when
I got back by the time I got back Todd text me he goes dude this has to be a parody he goes there's no way anybody believes we talk on the podcast parody because he it was hilarious he basically was doing a message of the way the woke people are but he did it with these things like he he ends up explaining that he saw some article that they said that you know black people are takes like 30 % more time to cross the street so he was like complaining that that the traffic lights there you got it shows the white privilege that they don't give enough time for blacks to cross the street because you see this fat because that is your race it's not because of what
I eat because it's cuz of you I mean it was okay so you've asked for it let's let's do it let's
I don't think it's that long of a parody let me bring up prescribed truth and if I could type correctly so his his his show is prescribed truth
I type prescribed truth but it still came up so let me see if I could find one of the the two he's got two of them let me let me bring this one up big and then
I will share my screen and what I got to do though is change the audio so you guys can hear it and this is what four minutes long so it'll be a great way to end the show
I don't know what he has two of them I don't know which one I'm grabbing here so we'll just watch whichever one it is so this one
I think was titled a message from a woke brother so you guys in here just give me a thumbs up if you can hear if you can hear it so y 'all been thinking it's a game the whole time you didn't get the message the memo that I sent last time now y 'all keep asking where's the injustice well
I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna reveal it to you y 'all are trying to go across this bridge on our backs and it ain't happening this racial injustice against my people cuz blackness is where it's at is where it's always been at I told y 'all wake up we ain't taking no more of your racism and your whiteness and what
I've come to realize is that this has been going on for years and it's showing up in many different ways
I told y 'all we woke it's a reason why y 'all sleep now
I'm gonna show you something I'm gonna show you some more proof that your whiteness is perpetuating an evil that your whiteness is hurting us in many ways and y 'all need to be held accountable and that's what
I'm here to do black men who experience racism age quicker than those who don't that's evidence see you know what you can't even see it right now but I got gray hair growing in my head and that's because of y 'all
I'm aging quicker I'm 30 I shouldn't have this gray hair in my head but we aging quicker
I know other black men who got gray hair at younger ages than that it's because of the racism having to struggle in life because of y 'all causing us stress told y 'all black people have to wait 32 % longer than white people to cross the road 32 % longer you telling me
I can't cross the road because of your racism man let me cross the road cross the road stop your car so I can walk across you do it for them white folks your car let me pass y 'all racism man isn't affecting us on the road racism among drivers so you one more thing we'll show you something racism making people fat look at this this ain't this ain't from eating everything and overeating this is from your racism is making people overeat y 'all don't even realize it take accountability for your white people oh we're sick and tired y 'all find a ways to kill us off and that's how y 'all doing it well give us all these diet plans no don't give us no more diet plans stop your racism stop hating on the black man then we'll see change then we can lose weight when all you got to do is stop hating on my skin
I told y 'all we ain't having it no more we done with this you got a decision to make
I told you next election you better vote different y 'all voted whiteness down with whiteness up with blackness this has been another message from a woke brother that is all parody it's funny because he had like Chad said he had some people who took him serious he had people didn't feel they'd think he went far enough that is there's
Jamal Bandy from the prescribed truth podcast yeah he's he is that was he's got two of them out there
I think he's planning to do another one and so yeah he's got a key you know
I would I would love for him to call Todd if you think you would you know oh we set that up you're your friends with you you're in the you know in the group with them go in the secret group or message them and you know
I will if he called Todd and just started going off on him about that I mean okay this is if Todd watches this we're in trouble it won't work but you get him to call up Todd and say you know it's because of you that I'm on Weight Watchers exactly you need to pay my membership this is reparations you need to pay my membership to Weight Watchers pay my bill to 24 -hour fitness hey we make that work so with that that's a great way to end the show yep so be checking out my podcast
Andrew Rappaport's rap report that's wrapped with two P's so you can just look for rap report if you want and this week's episode on my regular one not my daily one
Jamal beyond and we're gonna be talking about some of this stuff so you'll want to check that out so I hope you guys got some questions answered tonight be praying for Matt and his family his wife and their family as they're going through loss of Nick's brother and not in an easy year for them so if you would be able to give them you know bring them before the
Lord have a time of prayer for them that would be a good thing to do so so thanks folks who are here thanks folks who are watching you remember that you can help support this show at strivingforeternity .org
donate that's where this show is is who's paying for it so if you want to help us keep this going go to striving fraternity .org
donate and there's some gifts you get for donating you can see that on our patreon page and look there for for what it is you can use patreon