FBC Daily Devotional – October 15, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good Friday to you. Here we come to another end of a week. Isn't it amazing how quickly these weeks go by and here we find ourselves in the middle of the month of October already and Fall is definitely in the air and the leaves are gradually changing and Before you know it
Well, let's not go there. All right instead let's think about our passage of reading and actually
I'm going to skip ahead a day because I really think because of the What's going all that's going on in our world today?
That the passage in tomorrow's reading in John chapter 14 is one that we really want to We really want to have in our hearts
You know John 14 begins with Jesus making this statement. Let not your heart be troubled.
I don't know about you, but there's a News broadcast I watch every once in a while.
Don't catch it every day. Don't try not to watch the news every day It's too it's too disheartening but this news guy he ends his broadcast every time with that quotation
Let not your heart be troubled now sometimes after he's had a particularly disturbing
Broadcast he just says, you know kind of throws his hand up in the air He says my heart is troubled.
My heart is troubled, but try not to let your heart be troubled and So he appeals to this statement now
Surely there is an awful lot going on in our world today that can cause our hearts to be troubled we can be troubled by the
By the mess at the southern border of the United States we can be troubled with the fear of terrorist attacks we can be troubled over the overreach of the government and the suppression of freedoms and the mandates trying to you know, forcing people to do things that are a violation of their conscience and Threatening, you know that with their jobs and all the rest of those kind of all kinds of things
That can cause our hearts to be troubled. We can be troubled by the The the court cases before the
Supreme Court and how are they going to rule on these things we can be troubled by the inflation index and the the cost of living index we can be troubled by the threat of taxes and this multi -trillion dollar spending spree that some many in our government want to Send our country down and and oh just so many things we can be troubled by China's aggression toward Taiwan We can be troubled by our own country's leadership's weakness a
Lot of things that we could be troubled about but Jesus says don't let your heart be troubled
How can we not let our heart be troubled? Well, he he tells us
He tells us where's your faith? He says you believe in God believe also in me.
He's challenging us to To really exercise our faith.
We say we believe in God. Do we we say that we believe that God is omniscient?
He knows everything that he's all -powerful That he's everywhere present that none of this takes him by surprise.
We say these things We affirm that he is sovereign that his providential control is over everything
That that nobody does anything that is contrary to his his permissive will what he permits or what he ordains
So it do we do we really believe these things about our God or do we just say them well if we really believe them
Then would our heart be troubled? Do we really believe what we say we believe about Jesus that he is the
God man who came into this world and died on a cross to pay the penalty of our sin a Penalty that we would otherwise have to pay ourselves the penalty of eternal death damnation like a fire forever and ever
If I do I really believe in who Jesus is and what Jesus has done on the cross
Do I really believe what Jesus Jesus promised for the future he said
I'm going to prepare a place for you And when I've gone and prepared a place for you,
I will come and receive you to myself Do we really believe
Jesus is coming again? Do we really believe in meantime? He's preparing this place for us of eternal habitation.
Do we really believe that? If we really do That calms the heart when we remind ourselves of the things we know the things we believe that calms the heart and then there's this statement of Jesus that further
Encourages us Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life
So we really don't have to be troubled by all of these Competing voices out there that say things like oh, no.
No, there are multiple ways Or oh, no. No, there are multiple truths.
You have your truth. I have my truth and and There's all kinds of ways to have life live it now live it to the full it if I thought that That the key to Life was living life this life to the full
I'd have a lot of reason for my heart to be troubled but when I know that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and That no man comes to the father except through him and I have put my faith and trust in him
Then I I know whatever happens in this world if the worst -case scenario happens in this world and Those who hate
Christ Would also hate me and put me to death well that all that does is hasten my
Route to the father and to the place that Jesus is prepared for me. I mean, it's like in the end
I I really don't even have to be troubled about that That's why
Jesus said don't fear those who fear who can kill the body but can't do anything to the soul
Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Yep. You want to fear?
God you want to fear? So if you fear him if you believe in him your faith is in him
You don't have to have a troubled heart. I hope yours isn't today When you listen to the news and you feel your heart getting anxious
Let not your heart be troubled believe in God believe also in Jesus our
Father in our God. I pray that you would give us grace to do so in this troubled world
I pray that our hearts would be at rest. We pray in Jesus name and for his sake.
Amen All right. We'll have a good rest of your Friday and a wonderful weekend And again, if you can join us at the on the
Lord's Day 9 .30 for adult for Bible study time for children adults everyone 10 .30
for the morning worship service and then an evening service at 6 o 'clock. We'd be glad to have you.