Jesus’ Priority of Prayer


When you watch Jesus pray in the Gospels, what is your first response? Pray more? Or be thankful for such a prayer warrior?


Welcome to No Compromise Radio Duplex Gratia Radio Mike Apendrath here.
What is going on? Welcome Glad to see you Nice to meet you
All right. That was the weirdest intro that I've ever done. Oh Well, we just keep going What is new well sexual fidelity 31 day guide to purity updated revised
With more grace more law gospel more duplex Gratia My first run wasn't too bad for 10 years ago
But this is a better So the black covers out This snow on the mountaintop is in and you can get it on amazon .com
If you want to order bunches of them Gaggles of them you can email me Mike at no compromise radio calm
The cancer book shall be out pretty soon It doesn't just apply to cancer any kind of physical sickness, but I do talk about cancer some
I guess if I was a marketing Person I'd say well, how can you sell the most books? Then talk about physical sickness how to sell the least amount of books talk about dealing with leukemia
Some some specific thing So I think probably most of you know someone with cancer
And when you hear the words You have cancer It is a world changer
And if you hear the words your loved one your husband your wife your child your parents have cancer
It's amazing before I get in this message today sermon today the pod today I was pulling up some books because I'm taking some of my favorite books from my church study to my home study and I Have a lot of biographies that I like to read.
Here's one in front of me. John G. Payton king of the cannibals Jim Cromartie written in a pretty
I Don't know junior high high school level. I mean if you're older you can read it, too I did wrote read it when
I was older liked it remember Payton was gonna go to the cannibals
He's from Scotland and he's off to the New Hebrides or that's where he wanted to go and he's talking to the mission board and they didn't really like it and Cromartie writes
Another time an old Christian tried to discourage him from going by warning him the cannibals you will be eaten by cannibals
John replied by reminding him that he himself was an old man Who could expect to die soon to be laid in the grave where his body would be eaten by worms
John went on quote If I can but live and die serving and honoring the
Lord Jesus It will make no difference to me whether I'm eaten by cannibals or by worms And in the great day, my resurrection body will arise as fair as yours in the likeness of our risen
Redeemer Cromartie at that the old gentleman threw up his hands and despairs and walked in despair and walked out of the room with the words
After that, I have nothing more to say Pretty amazing. And by the way, obviously both are dead now
Eaten by worms eaten by bacteria, of course, we have the desire to live and You know, we're not trying to circumvent our life and just do something presumptuous or crazy but all of us have it coming and death is vicious and cruel and inevitable and It's appointed for man wants to die and then the judgment and so you'll either be judged
For your own sins, or you'll have Jesus as your mediator Be the one who receives judgment for you
Right as we look back to see what happened on the cross and you receive the benefits of Jesus by faith trusting in him
That's all we could do. I mean from for me had a few bouts with cancer and near death with kovat
The keyboard for near death in near death is near I Was oxygen deprived enough
I probably saw things Actually couldn't really read couldn't do much I listen to podcast and the
Bible all day and then at night I said to myself maybe after seven o 'clock. I Would turn on the
TV and I think it was football season So I wanted to watch some football games, but other than that, I don't remember what
I listened to. I Had a little note three by five card Written by my son because they they would bring me some protein bars and other things the hospital wasn't allowed to let that stuff in but they kind of schmooze the staff and There was my vermicton at the bottom of the blueberry
Dried blueberries from Trader Joe's and things like that. I dropped the cork wood and I don't remember what
I listened to But I remember the note my son gave me. I Will never leave you nor forsake you
Hebrews 13 Cried a lot looking at that thing. I will never leave you or forsake you
And for all of us, you know, we sometimes think is our faith enough As they're not fruit.
Do I have saving faith? And I think if you ask those questions, it's probably a good thing. I Laid there thinking.
All right, I'm gonna die and then what I I'm a
Bible teacher for a long time and I don't believe there are two gods. I don't believe that Jesus is still in the ground.
I I don't believe that the Bible's God errors I mean you just go down the list of things intellectually.
I'm fine Agreement I agree Whatever the Bible says it's true.
He from if I might not like the conviction it brings And then what about trust
I Don't know how I can be even more trusting I'm thinking to myself.
I'm Banking eternity on this if Jesus is wrong. I there's hell to pay because I know
God's holy and I'm sinful And so it's just kind of good to work through thinking about death
I just officiated a funeral for our dear friend for a Tebow here who was an elder deacon and many other things and it's sobering its reality and Thankfully a little faith a sin -tainted faith a weak faith in the right object saves
I Think Carson is the one that's made it popular these days da Carson, but Horatio Spooner basically said the same thing and maybe
Carson got from him. I don't know So I'll give both credit But if you can just imagine two men
Dad's children wife It is Passover and the death angel is coming and so you obey
God and sacrifice an animal you take the blood and with his a pew dab it over the doorpost and You wait for the death angel the one man trust the
Lord and he obeys and He goes to sleep
He's got a son, but he goes right to sleep the other man Fidgets is afraid
Double checks to make sure there's enough blood on the door and doesn't sleep all night
Staring at his son which son died with the death angel
Answer neither Because it's not about the faith and the quality of faith it's the blood
Right See how I'm pausing there. So I even have to talk to my own self. I write books on assurance
And sometimes I'm like, wait a second Is this a hangover that I've got from other so, you know, it's kind of self -righteous
Preaching that I You know have listened to on the internet or that I've done or some book that I've read or something
Wesleyan book Norman Shepard influence Richard Baxter stuff And where'd
I get these thoughts? I guess it's good to think about but My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.
I don't have any other hope and Therefore I just look at my life and I say, okay objectively
It's Jesus paid for my sins was raised from the dead and I believe in him subjectively the
Spirit of God has sealed me to the day of redemption and there is some hints of love and joy and peace and There are struggles and there are
Appetites and desires and a variety of other things So I'm wretched man that I am Romans 7 and no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus Romans 8 well, well, how did
I get it onto the subject? I have no idea. I just have the king of cannibals here And I needed to quote something
Later In the book it says when John Payton tried to persuade some of the chiefs to put a stop to the cruelty to women and Children one of the chiefs actually told him quote if we did not beat our women they would never work
They would not fear and obey us But when we have beaten and killed and feasted on two or three
The rest are all very quiet and good for a long time. Of course
Peyton is trying to show that's not loving your wife obviously Yikes, I don't want to laugh.
I want to just go. What are you doing? Whoo talking about the
Lord Jesus in Luke 4 And how when you read Jesus pray The first thing you shouldn't think of is
I should be a better prayer You can think of that but don't think of that first When you see
Jesus has prayer for a priority, you shouldn't immediately say The first thing
I think of is I'm convicted I don't pray enough Luther said I'm so busy. I had to pray for three hours every day
Obviously, I've said obviously three times now in the show and Avi once now that makes it twice
I said I'll be two three times now now that makes it four. How does that keep working? of course
Pray without ceasing, of course devote yourself to prayer with Thanksgiving Of course be anxious for nothing but with prayer supplication a request being a man doing unto
God, of course, of course, of course Ephesians 6 prayer Modeled prayers by Paul that you should pray model praises slash prayers that you should praise and pray
But what I want you to do when you're reading the gospel and Jesus is praying I want you to think he's my prayer warrior
He's the great prayer. He's the true man who truly prays That's what I want you to think of first Then I want you to think of the others, of course
Think of the others but not first Isaiah 53 Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many and he shall divide the spoil with the strong Because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors
Yet he bore the sin of many and makes intercession for the transgressors
Jesus is the ultimate prayer warrior and it was important to him to pray and when he was baptized
Luke chapter 3 He was praying And the heavens were open just looking in the gospel of Luke There are many opportunities before he chose the 12 chapter 6 of Luke.
He went off to a mountain and prayed He spent the whole night in prayer to God Luke 6 12
When he was going to ask his disciples something very important Luke 9 came about that when he was praying alone
The disciples were with him and he questioned them saying who do the multitudes? Say that I am
Mount of Transfiguration Luke 9 some Eight days after these saints it came about he took along Peter and James and John and went up to the mountain to pray
Luke 11 and it came about that when he was praying or while he was praying in a certain place after he had finished one
Of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples
He prays for Peter I prayed for you that your faith may not fail and you when once you have turned again strengthen your brothers
Luke 22, he's just in Luke Gethsemane father if you are willing remove this cup from me yet not my will but your will be done on the cross
Father into your hands. I commit my spirit After the resurrection Luke 24 it came about that when he had reclined at table with him
He took the bread and blessed it and breaking it. He began giving it to them Jesus prayed
He prayed a lot Should we pray if he prayed should we yes, and yes, of course
But I want you to remember that if your prayer life isn't good. This is a good motivation to make it better Jesus prayed
I want to pray but Jesus prayed even when I don't pray right Lee He prays even when
I fumble when it comes to prayer I've never met one person that said I think
I pray enough and the ones that do would never say it Of course
JC Ryle is right when he says we ought to see in all this the immense importance of private devotion
If he who is holy harmless undefiled and separate from sinners thus prayed continually
How much more are we who are compassed with infirmity if he found it needful to offer up supplications with strong crying and tears?
How much more needful is it for us who in many things offend? Daily a master like Jesus who prays can have no prayerless servants
Of course, we should pray Because Jesus prayed and modeled it remember
Jesus is more than example Remember he he pays for the sins of people if you just take
Jesus as example, you'll never make it You need Jesus as an atoning high priest as well
When you pray are you dependent upon God? You rely on prayer
Can't figure things out in your own self -reliance and you go to the Lord. Yes, that is a good reason to pray
When you say to yourself, you know, I waste a lot of time, but I'm never wasting time when I pray certainly
Amen Well, there's a point you can study and there's a point that you can't study anymore.
You should be praying. Yes Devote yourselves to prayer keep an alert in it with an attitude of Thanksgiving What are you devoted to?
Hopelessly devoted to you hopelessly devoted to prayer and it's true true true that we should pray
Somebody says well, what do you think you should probably do more pray? Like what's a blind spot it's often prayer
Some things I can just kind of do on my own in my own mind that I lie to myself for that and I don't pray
I was anxious about something this morning and I just said Lord. I'm just So sinful is kind of like put this on my shoulder
And not pray about it and not just give it to you and say your will be done. Why am I nervous?
Why am I? Why am I? Why? So we want to pray
You ought to pray But I want you to know that Jesus is a great prayer warrior. And when you read him, here's the point when you read him in the
Gospels When you think about him in Hebrews you ought to think
I have a great high priest He's my prayer warrior. If Job was to pray for his family as a priest for his family think about your high priest
And that's why when you see him pray You say to yourself, okay I'm thankful for that.
How would I ever make it without Jesus? He lives to make intercession for me and whatever it takes to get me to glory
He's gonna pray so when you watch Jesus pray you ought to say to yourself, thank you
Lord that I stand in Jesus and That he is my all -in -all and he has paid for my sins of prayerlessness
He has prayed on my behalf he's prayed like a man should pray and I get credit for that and Because of that because of my union with Jesus I'd like to pray more.
Would you help me to pray more? Would you convict me when I don't pray more? Jesus in Luke 4 is sent
Not just to pray although that's true Using the language of divine passive God has sent me
The incarnation Jesus has been sent by the Father for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that What he gave
He sent and Jesus goes around preaching in the synagogues of Judea people argue about oh, it's in Judea How can
Judea be Capernaum? It's just a general language. That's all it is the country of the
Jews Judea Right. It's simple If you if you want a technical commentary
Daryl Bach Some critics have charged Luke with a geographical error in speaking of Judea while Jesus is in the north
However, Luke is using the term in its broadest sense referring to all of Israel. So there's no error this use was not unique to you as it alluded to Luke as it appears in the
Eduicapta on coins of the Roman ruler Vespasian Iudaean he's preaching he's teaching
It's pretty dramatic Jesus praying Jesus preaching now, there's another passage that helps us understand this
Luke 4 passage and it's Mark chapter 1, but I don't know if I have enough time for Mark 1
I'm a little late last show What am I going to do? If you don't know what to do you go find it to quote in the book that you're reading
John tried to show them that if they were kind to their wives instead of beating them The women would actually work better and everyone would be happier
But the chiefs claimed that their women could not understand kindness Eventually a few of the chiefs agreed not to allow any more beating of their wives or a killing of widows when their husbands died
Isn't that interesting I mean Built into the chiefs built into the people in New Hebrides built into the cannibals
How do we motivate people by fear beating May that never be the
Christian way May the Christian way be we want to be kind to people and that motivates
God is kind to us and that motivates us guilt grace and Gratitude if you're kind to people the women actually work better and harder.
That's pretty amazing John found that the most effective way of getting the men to change their ways was to show them by example how
Christians should behave So whenever he needed any wood for the house, he would get several of his helpers to come along with them accompanied by their wives
Those helpers were Christians who had come over with their families to help the missionaries teach the people When they had finished cutting the wood each of the men would pick up a large bundle to carry
While John gave each of the women only a very small bundle On the way back whenever they met any of the local men
John would explain that this was the way that Christians treated their wives He said that this was like Christian families were happy ones with all the members loving one another and all taking a share in the work each doing the jobs
For which they were best fitted I Came in droth no compromise radio
Ministry and some and in time some of the men began to visit
John at night when no one else could see them Like Nicodemus who came to see the
Lord Jesus in the dark if John shut all the doors and drew all the blinds they would Stay for hours asking him questions about his new religion and learning from him the teaching of the
Bible One of the visitors told John I would be in a five -day man
That is a Christian were it not that all the rest would laugh at me that I could not stand Chrome already writes after a while the wife of one of these men died
The chief came to John and said he wanted to wrap his wife's body in a calico sheet and bury her in a proper grave
Just as he had seen John bury his wife Mary When John offered to attend the funeral and pray at the graveside the chief said no
Because if John came many of the villagers would stay away He said that the old chief now are had promised to take the service for him and pray to Jehovah the
God of the Christians This was the first funeral service ever held among the Tannies people and it caused a lot of interest
Afterward people began asking John questions. They were particularly interested in what he had to say about the resurrection from the dead
John and his friends seized every possible opportunity to tell them about the life and death of the Lord Jesus who had come to save men and women like them making them fit to go to heaven where they could live with him forever
Mike even drought no compromise radio Ministry. Yeah thinking about John Patton John Payton Amazing a story of what
God could use That is a person and I tell people all the time and I've said to people on the radio show if you listen all the time
Maybe you've heard me say it. Why does God listen? Why does
God listen well, that's a whole show why does God listen you think he just snuff us out why would he listen
Sometimes to our selfish prayers, why would he listen? Why should you read
Biographies to listen to them on audio to two things it motivates you to excel still more, right?
You see an example of these folks who are sold out and burnt, you know Burn their life out for the
Lord Jesus up into martyrdom even or just behind the scenes And it also makes me think if the
Lord could use that person. I mean there are sinners saved by grace I'm I'm like them. I mean there it's not like they're better in the sense that they're like an angel
Are there the member of the Trinity? there They're made of clay.
They've got a soul, you know made of dust Breathe in the Spirit of God give them life image bear corrupted by the fall
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and God can use people just like that because then you see the
Lord gets all the glory That's one of the reasons why there's not many mighty not many noble not many
Hoyt Not many mucky mucks to use the language of I think Tommy Nelson or is that s
Lewis? Johnson if I told Tommy Nelson, I didn't know if it was s Lewis Johnson Tommy who said that are you he would not be
Offended so if you want to get a book Mike Abendroth Recommends Jim Crow Marty's book king of The cannibals
I'm looking at this chapter now the sacred men have met their match That's interesting.
I'd like to go to cannibal Island when you don't speak cannibal ease Last story
Just then they all heard a roaring sound like that of a powerful engine rushing toward them as the tornadoes
Struck the strong winds swept the flames right away from the house So what's happening?
They're gonna try to kill John and they're yelling kill him kill him and he jumps out of the way
He pulls out his revolver Dare to strike me and my
Jehovah will punish you. He protects us and he will punish you for burning his church And try to burn the church down Then from the clouds above floods of torrential rain began to fall within a few minutes the that's rich of the house and all the
Surrounding area were soaking wet There was no question any longer of anyone being able to set fire to the building
For a few minutes the Warriors were stunned in the silence and some someone shouted that is Jehovah's Reign Truly their
Jehovah God is fighting for them and helping them. Let us away and with that they dropped their flaming torches and ran off In a panic if ever in time of need
God sent help and protection to his servants in answering to prayer He has done so tonight said mr.
Matheson. I came in Roth. No compromise radio ministry. Thanks for listening today You can write me
Mike at no compromise radio .com. Hopefully we can get a new website sometime soon.