Joe Carter Is Still At It - UFOs

AD Robles iconAD Robles



So, the first two books are going out to struggling and suffering Big Eva leaders that are part of the woke church movement in some degree.
Really it's more just about Big Eva because Big Eva is the official state -sponsored religion. They're the official, you know, water carriers for CNN and MSNBC and the powers that be.
Basically anything official they believe and anything unofficial they call sin. It's really a disgusting place to be and so what
I'm doing is I'm sending out books. If you've donated to the campaign, you're paying for 25 books to go out to Big Eva leaders.
I'm paying for the other 25 and we're going to get this in the hands of the people who need them most. If you have not considered purchasing
Social Justice Pharisees, please consider doing so and we will get on with today's video. Now what
I wanted to do is I wanted to revisit some of the Joe Carter content and me and Joe Carter have tangoed a few times on Twitter and since I deleted my
Twitter account, we haven't really had any run -ins, but he's still out there and he's still carrying water for the basically the elite.
Anything official, he believes. Anything unofficial, he wants you to consider sin or at least a squishy kind of type of thing.
Now here's the reality, like we've noticed many times that Joe Carter likes to come down hard on conspiracy theories, at least the ones that the people on the right promote.
And it really always falls in line with CNN. Like if CNN calls something a conspiracy theory, you better believe that Joe Carter is going to call it a conspiracy theory and that wouldn't be such a big deal.
But what he says is that if you believe these conspiracy theories, you're demonic and you should be, you know, church disciplined and all this kind of stuff.
And if you remember, I used to have a little fun with him on Twitter. I'd point out things that, you know, people used to call conspiracy theories, but they turned out to be true.
I said, hey, was it sin to believe this now or is it sin to believe it then or like, where's the sin? I mean, because your definition of sin changes according to whatever the propaganda is of the time.
Like, and he used to, he used to go back and forth with me a few times. And of course he would delete his tweets because that's what he always does.
But here's one of the articles about a year ago that I went over. And guys, like again, this is not innocent because what he's attempting to do is he's attempting to bind your conscience to basically believe whatever nonsense you're spoon fed.
And I even discovered something today that I thought was just so gross.
But you know, we'll talk about that in a minute. He wrote this about a year ago. So he was talking about conspiracy theories and the evil demonic conspiracy theory that Fauci is part of this deep state thing.
And he kind of knew about all this research and he kind of knew about how hydroxychloroquine could could could could help alleviate the symptoms of covid or cure scovid.
And like he called all that conspiracy theories and he says it's satanic to believe that kind of stuff. Well, of course, you know, now we know that Fauci knew a lot of things he didn't tell us about.
Fauci lied again and again and again, and he's probably still lying. I mean, he's definitely part of the the deep state, the the the group that is the powers that be, the people that move and shake and all this kind of stuff.
The more info that comes out about Fauci, the shadier and shadier he looks. And lots of us back in the day were like, yeah, this
Fauci guy, I don't know about this. He certainly seems to be pretty shady. But Joe Carter was like, no, no, that's a conspiracy theory.
Well, it turns out not only were we right, but it's probably actually worse than we were saying. But Joe Carter's still over here saying that carrying water for CNN, well, if you don't believe what
CNN says, then you must be a hateful, demonic, satanic conspiracy theorist. Do you remember that one time I got and I got into a thing with him about about the
Epstein situation? And I all I said was I didn't believe the Epstein story that I don't think he killed himself.
That's that's a ridiculous story. I don't believe it. And he kept trying to get me. Well, what are you saying happened?
What are you saying? You're a slanderer. You're satanic. Like, what are you saying, that the guards were in on it?
And I said to him at the time, I said, I don't know if the guards were in on it because I don't know the guards. But what I do know is that story that they told us about how he committed suicide in prison or jail.
That's not true. I don't believe that story. That's a ridiculous, preposterous story. So I don't believe it.
Well, you know, a year later, it turns out that the Epstein guards did falsify reports.
They did falsify their records. They didn't do the rounds that they said that they were doing. Now, are they part of it?
Are they a part of the conspiracy? I don't know. But they certainly were participating in some of the cover up.
You know, were they just sleeping on the job and they just didn't want to get in trouble for sleeping on the job? Maybe. Did somebody put some pressure on them to falsify records?
I don't know. It's not my story, though. You see, this is the thing. There's nothing wrong with doubting a ridiculous story, right?
Nothing wrong at all. But Joe Carter, since he carries water for the mainstream media, he carries water for the powers that be.
He wants you to think that it is wrong. It's satanic. It's demonic. And this is really evil to try to bind
Christians' consciences in this way. One of the easiest ones to sort of rip people like Joe Carter on is the
UFO stuff, right? Because if you remember UFOs, if you believed UFOs like five years ago, well, you're a wacky, you know, demonic, satanic conspiracy theorist.
There's no evidence of UFOs. But now everyone and their mother's talking about UFOs, and it's like, well, okay, so the government was either lying then when they said there were no
UFOs, or they're lying now when they say there are UFOs. So where did it switch, right?
Where did it become not a sin to believe in UFOs, and when was it a sin to believe in UFOs, and now what do
I have to believe? Because now the government is a proven lying entity. It's not just like, I think they're lying.
No, they're definitely lying because they're either lying then or they're lying now. And so when did it shift, right?
When did I become a satanic conspiracy theorist for believing the wrong thing? You see, man -made systems of law, man -made systems of morality, they're always capricious like this.
And so when a guy like Joe Carter, you know, promotes an article where he says that you're a satanic slanderer, look at this guy, you're a satanic slanderer if you believe a conspiracy theory.
Okay, how do you define conspiracy theory? Well, you know, basically whatever CNN says. Like, that's the thing, that's the tricky part, because yes, it is sin to spread lies about people, but it's not a sin to not spread lies about people that are unpopular, right?
Like if they're true, if it's truth, but it's not popular and CNN doesn't promote it, that's not a sin, and Joe Carter really wants to bind your conscience there.
But what I found so interesting about this is that he really does just carry water for the elite.
Because here's the reality, right? Like, he came down hard on right -wing conspiracy theories and, you know, if it's not official, then you can't believe it.
What's interesting about this is I want you to see how his tune changes as the official narrative changes, right?
Because 10 years ago, you're believing in UFOs, Joe Carter thinks you're satanic, but now what is he saying?
This is written this year, this is a few weeks ago. What are people saying about UFOs?
So now it's official, so good soldier Joe has to carry water for the narrative as well, and this is an article all about how legitimate the
UFO sightings are. Now could Joe Carter from 10 years ago have written such a thing?
Maybe, I suppose, I don't know. But what I find it so interesting that, again, he's carrying water for the mainstream media because what does the media want you to do?
They want you to be distracted by all this UFO talk, right? We get that. Because the thing is, guys, look, look at me.
I've believed in UFOs for a long time. There's no such thing as aliens, right?
There's no such thing as aliens. Look at me. There's no aliens, right? There's demons. Yeah, there's demons, there's angels, there's spiritual entities of various kinds.
We all understand that. There's no such thing as aliens. These are not little green men inside of a flying saucer, okay?
But, I think, I really do believe that this is the next play. They want us to really be nervous about aliens.
I have no proof of this, but this is what I think is going to happen. I think that they're trying to distract us with all this
UFO talk. I think UFOs, depending on the situation, they can either be demonic entities and lights and stuff like that, or they're just military craft that they've developed and here they are.
Or they're just completely made up, because here's the reality, the technology exists to fake things very well.
But this is the thing. This is what's so dangerous about Joe, right? Because Joe carries water for them.
What does he want you to believe? Well, let's go to the end of this article and get to the point, right? Listen to this.
Listen to this. He says this, ultimately, since belief in aliens is neither commanded nor forbidden in the
Bible, we should consider the issue one of, quote, disputable matters. While we may fruitfully enjoy discussing the issue, we should not let it divide us.
And so here's the reality. If the government is promoting a conspiracy theory, because let's just call it what they used to call it.
They used to call UFOs conspiracy theories, right? So back then, the government wasn't promoting it.
So that's satanic. You should church discipline people who believe those satanic, demonic lies about conspiracy theories.
The minute the government and the powers that be start promoting that same conspiracy theory, now he's like, well, let's not let it divide us.
The Bible doesn't say that aliens don't exist. So then maybe aliens do. Look, look at me.
Aliens don't exist. And so they're going to parade all kinds of evidence and want you to be really scared.
And they want you to give up more of your freedoms because we've got to protect us from the aliens and your shelter in place.
The aliens are coming. They're going to put light shows in the sky. Look, this is all my, this is all my speculation of what's going to happen.
I don't know if it's going to happen, but, but this is the reality. They want you. And I say they,
I mean the powers that be that I think Joe Carter carries water for. They want you to believe in aliens now.
And Joe Carter wants you to do it too. You see, this is the point, right? This is the point. Joe Carter, he's just official.
He's just official. I used to joke that maybe he's a CIA agent and I have no evidence of that. But the thing is he, if he was a
CIA agent, he couldn't be doing a better job. He is anything that's mainstream, anything that's promoted by the mainstream sources, you know, the media, the official governments he is for.
He wants, he doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it goes with the Bible, the aliens in the
Bible, right? But he wants you to think it's possible though. It's possible. He's just grooming you for that next scam that they're going to run on you.
I don't know what it's going to be because I am not part of it. They don't tell me. They don't put me a part of those meetings. I don't know.
But I do know that everyone in the power structure wants you to believe in aliens.
I don't know why, but they want you to believe in aliens. And so, of course, Joe Carter wants you to believe in aliens.
Here's the reality. Gospel Coalition and Big Eva in general, this is the official state sanctioned religion.
Anything that Fauci and those freaks, you know, Bill Gates and Elon Musk and all these freaks believe,
Big Eva is going to promote as well. They're going to do it in their Big Eva way. There's going to be a slight little spin on it. Maybe they'll have a few
Bible verses sprinkled in there for good measure, but they're not, there's no scruples there. They're just, they're just soldiers and they're taking their orders and all of that kind of stuff.
So this is why we don't take this nonsense seriously when you come down against conspiracy theories. No, no, no, no.
You're just against whatever the government tells you to be against. We can all see it. And that's all there is to it.
You see, this is, it's not, it's not innocent either. Like UFOs. Okay. No big deal. I mean, I think eventually they're going to run some kind of scam on us with aliens and all that kind of thing, but no big deal.
Harmless. You know, we can enjoy talking about aliens, Epstein, a little less harmless, right? But it doesn't affect the majority of us.
So I, but the thing is like, they're also lying to you about all kinds of stuff that does affect you. These vaccines, these, the masks, the inflation, inflation is just transitory, right?
Like the Fed would never lie to us, right? I mean, they've never lied to us before. Well, the Fed has lied to us before. Back, remember back in, in, in the 2008 financial crisis, the
Fed chairman used to say, Oh no, no, totally. Why? The subprime issue. That's totally contained.
It's not going to, not going to affect everybody. And you could say, Oh AD, maybe he was just wrong. He didn't know. No, no, no. He later in an interview, the
Fed chairman said, Oh no, I knew it was a big deal, but like I had to make sure that nobody panicked. That was part of the administration.
Like they lie all the time. But here's what Joe Carter wants you to believe. That if you don't believe their lies, you're satanic, you're demonic.
You need to be church disciplined, Jimmy crack corn. And I don't care, Joe, I don't care about your nonsense anymore.
We can all see it for what it is. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't put yourself beholden to the state sponsored religion.
They're trying to get you to worship the state rather than Christ. Don't do it.