Mike Todd On The Today Show Was A DISASTER!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Mike Todd is the pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We've talked about him a lot on this channel because, frankly, he's one of the most popular false teachers out there. He needs to be refuted.
People like him. People listen to him. In fact, his influence is beginning to spread outside of the Church as well.
He recently had an interview over at the secular news media program called The Today Show. What followed was a complete and total unbiblical disaster, and we're going to go ahead and review it today on this channel using
Scripture. So let's get right into it. Listen to this woman on The Today Show introducing Pastor Mike Todd.
Here it is. People not only line up down the block to listen to him speak, they actually have moved to Tulsa because of his church.
Anyway, he's got a book out and it's called Crazy Faith. It's only crazy until it happens.
Pastor Todd joins us now from VU Church in Miami. First of all, congratulations on this book.
It's everywhere. I keep seeing it everywhere. And I love it because you say some people have baby faith and some people have crazy faith.
And the only way you're going to make your dreams happen is to have that crazy faith. How did you come to that?
So she says that he's broadcasting from VU Church in Miami. And by the way, that's the church which is pastored by Rich Wilkerson Jr.,
who was the subject of one of my last videos, link in description. Rich is a trendy, seeker -sensitive pastor who lacks biblical wisdom and maturity in almost every way.
And of course, that's precisely the person Mike Todd wants to preach with because, after all, birds of a feather flock together, as they say.
But in any case, the woman introducing Mike Todd says this. You talk about baby faith and crazy faith, and the only way you're going to, quote, make your dreams happen is to have that crazy faith.
Notice the important framework of the question. This woman has read Mike's book and heard him speak, and the impression that she got was that the goal of his book was to tell you how to accomplish your dreams.
The goal was not to demonstrate the importance of following Christ, regardless of your circumstances. That's not what she got out of it.
The goal was not to call everyone everywhere to believe in Christ and obey His Word. Again, that's not what she got out of it.
No. The goal, very plainly and fundamentally, is to tell people how to accomplish their dreams.
But I need to offer a public service announcement here. The Bible isn't about your goals and your ideas, fundamentally.
It's about God's goals and God's ideas. God's goal may not be to give you the car or the house or the family situation that you want.
And if you can't accept that, it's probably because you've made an idol out of those things.
You are not in love with God. You are in love with God's blessings. And there's a very important distinction there that you must not miss.
In any case, Mike Todd has just been told by this woman that his book is basically about telling people how to accomplish their goals.
It's not about telling people how to believe in Christ and accomplish his goals for the glory of God. But now for the moment of truth.
Let's watch this and see if Mike Todd agrees with her description. Here's his response.
How did you come to that? I think it's been something that I've seen all my life through my amazing parents,
Brenda and Tommy Todd, the people that would just hope and have faith even in situations that were bad or traumatizing.
And then I continued to really find hope in the message of Jesus Christ.
As I'm a person of faith and I started trying to live that out in my everyday life.
And one of the things that I found is every day there's a reason why we can doubt. We can live in fear.
But every day there's also a reason why we can hope and be optimistic and be able to be someone that looks at what is and say this thing can be better.
And as I started moving in what I call baby faith and doing small things and little things day by day,
I always say it's progression, not perfection. And you continue to do that. Big things started happening in my life almost to where I was like, what is going on?
This is absolutely crazy. So he does not deny one word of what she said.
Pay attention to this. It's important. She said his book is about accomplishing human dreams. That's what it's basically all about.
It's a secular self -help book written by a pastor. And that's all it is. Just because you quote scripture in it doesn't make it biblical.
Remember, Satan himself quotes scripture in Matthew 4. But here's the point I'm trying to make. Mike Todd is effectively admitting that his message isn't biblical.
His message is about man, not God. He agrees with the assessment that this woman has given his book. He says it's passed with flying colors.
That's exactly what he meant. As Christians, our goal should be to make God's achievements bear out in the world in every way, not to hyperfixate on our own dreams.
But after Mike admits this, there's another interesting thing that happens here. He doesn't quote a single verse.
He's a pastor, and he's just been asked where he got the premise for his book. He's been asked, where did you get the main idea of this book?
What was the source of your inspiration, Mike Todd? Surely it shouldn't be hard to tell someone a single verse that provides a biblical rationale for your entire biblical book, especially when you've just been asked by a reporter where you got the idea.
But instead of giving us a chapter and verse, he offers a personal anecdote, a story, which is very typical for these kinds of pastors.
He says, well, I got the idea for my book from my mom and dad, and basically, I saw them have faith in God, and God did these crazy things in their life because of it.
Here again, we have him exalting the Lord's blessings without exalting the Lord. But you'll see that throughout this entire video, folks.
Trust me. Second Timothy 3, 16 through 17, on the other hand, says this, quote, All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Scripture is powerful, effective, and true. So I have one question. It's a pretty easy one.
If Mike Todd's message is so biblical, why doesn't he offer biblical support for it? People think his message comes from Scripture, but when he was directly asked where his message came from, he was asked that question, he plainly tells us that it had nothing to do with Scripture.
These are important questions that prosperity gospel preachers just frankly can't answer, because their heresy is finally being brought to light, and they really aren't ready to defend it.
They thought everybody was just going to buy it. So let's continue watching the video, shall we? Here's the next clip.
And as I started moving in what I call baby faith, and doing small things, and little things, day by day,
I always say it's progression, not perfection. And you continue to do that, big things started happening in my life, almost to where I was like, what is going on?
This is absolutely crazy. So Mike Todd says when he started exercising crazy faith,
God started doing big things in his life. But there's a sleight of hand trick happening here, and you have to pay attention in order to see it.
Most Christians will hear this and agree with the sentiment. They'll say, that's true, when God came into my life, big things did happen, and I agree.
There is a guarantee 100 % that amazing things will happen when you truly follow
God. Amazing things like salvation, sanctification, assurance, peace, joy, compassion, eternal life, etc.
But these aren't the big things Mike Todd is referring to. If you want to see what those are, you've got to keep watching.
Check it out. Right when all of the impact and influence was happening, we found out he was diagnosed with autism.
And he is six years old. He is nonverbal. His name is MJ, the cutest little boy in history.
And I have crazy faith that one day my son, who's right in the next room over, will be able to have a conversation with me and talk to me.
And I know some people think that that's completely outlandish, but I put my faith to action and I wrote it down.
And so the dedication of this book, Crazy Faith, is to my only son, Michael Alexander Todd Jr. You have given
Daddy a reason to believe God in crazy faith that goes beyond my ability to express in words.
I can't wait for us to have a conversation about how God did this miracle.
It's only crazy until it happens. Let me establish something. There's nothing wrong with him praying and asking
God to heal his son. My heart goes out to him in that, and I pray that his son would be healed too. The problem here is that Mike is suggesting that he's already believed
God's promise, in the past tense, that his son will speak again. It's not a question of if God will heal him, but when
God will heal him. He writes in his book that he's already believed God for this, and he can't wait to talk to his son about, quote, how
God did this miracle. Not whether or not God did the miracle, how he did it. It's already a guarantee that he will do it.
This isn't a humble request, folks. It's a command. He is demanding that God do this thing.
In Mike's mind, there is no chance at all that God would say the word no. God must do what you want in exchange for your crazy faith.
God owes it to you as a natural consequence of your strong, crazy belief in him.
And that, my friends, is a deeply dangerous idea. To suggest that God cannot accomplish what he wants to accomplish on his own, to say that God must do what you say he must do as long as you have enough faith, that is sinful and wrong.
1 John 5, 14 says this, quote, And this is the confidence that we have towards him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
Prayers are to be offered according to God's will. That's what the passage says, not our own will. They are to be answered according to God's will, not our own will.
God has the right to run the world in whatever way he sees fit, even if that means your son is not healed.
But that's not Mike Todd's view. No, in his view, God is bound by his very moral character to heal his son.
And there's no good reason why his son shouldn't be healed. Of course, he knows better than God. Therefore, it will happen.
It's practically already happened, and anyone who doubts this doesn't have enough crazy faith.
Philippians 4, 6 says, quote, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Our prayers, when we ask for things, are just that, they're requests, according to the passage.
They are humble requests before a holy and righteous God who is sovereign over all.
They are not a means by which we bargain with God in exchange for our faith. They are not an opportunity to speak things into existence in our lives.
No, they are requests. They can be answered with a yes, or a no, or a maybe, or whatever God sees fit in his will.
Mike Todd's version of prayer, though, is seriously flawed and unbiblical because it's prideful. It's all about you, you, you.
It's not about God's will, it's about your will. But let's keep watching to see exactly what Mike Todd means when he says that God's gonna do big things.
Right down, what I feel so impressed on my heart is coming out of me, and it said, this
Spirit Bank Event Center will be Transformation Church. And that's this huge arena that was built for $54 million.
We were in a converted grocery store at the time. But I wrote it down. I went to Google, I got an image of it,
I actually have it right here. And I wrote this down, I spelled transformation wrong, because that was the name of our church.
I said, Transformation. I don't even know what I was doing. It was early. And I was in my daughter's room, and I wrote the vision, and I made it plain.
And five years later, I held the keys to that building. And we paid it off in six months.
Now, I can't make this stuff up. So now we get down to the very bottom of things.
Now we see what Mike Todd really means. You see, when Mike says, when you have crazy faith, you will see
God do big things in your life, he's not talking about sanctification, or justification before a holy
God, or daily relationship with Christ, or the slaying of one's sin, or fellowship between believers.
He's not talking about any of those big things, which do indeed come when we have faith, and we should be thankful for them.
Rather, he's talking about more health and more wealth. Prosperity is his goal.
Just look at the two examples he gave to demonstrate the point of his book. He believes crazy faith will heal his son.
There's the health. He also believes that crazy faith helped him buy a massive arena. There's the wealth. All of this is draped in layers and layers of Christian language, but when you get down to it, it's not
Christian. Remember, in Matthew 15, 8, Jesus says, quote, this people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
On the outside, you probably think that Mike Todd is talking about faith in Christ to save you from your sins, something biblical.
In reality, he's talking about faith in Christ to get you health and wealth. In other words, the lips say
Christianity, but the heart says materialism. And that is the very essence of the prosperity gospel.
In Matthew 6, 19 -21, Jesus says the following, quote, do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So in conclusion, Mike Todd is one of the most popular pastors out there today.
His popularity grows with each passing moment. He admits that his new book isn't about Jesus or bringing him glory.
There may be some elements of that, but first and foremost, it's really about accomplishing your personal dreams.
In addition, he also admits that he did not get this idea from Scripture, rather, he got it from personal experience, and he later tried to affirm it using
Scripture. And finally, he shows us clearly that his true message is not about faith in Christ.
It's about faith in Christ in exchange for prosperity, and that's completely different. So Mike, if you happen to be watching this video, know that this video is not about hurting you.
It's about warning Christians and helping them follow God's Word. You have been spreading false teaching. But you can still repent of that and believe the truth.
There is more than enough grace in Jesus Christ to forgive you of this sin. So let's pray for Mike Todd that he would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.