Thank God For *White* Privilege

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Really just all kinds of privilege. White privilege is baloney anyway. Privilege is a blessing. Accept it. Don't abuse it. Be thankful for it.


So, I'm reading my favorite book of the Bible, Deuteronomy chapter 28, and something just occurred to me, and I don't know if I've talked about this before, and it might not be an original thought with me.
You ever have those thoughts where you're like, I don't know if, I don't know if like I'm thinking of this on my own, or if I've heard someone say this, and it's now coming to remembrance.
This is how I feel right now. Deuteronomy 28, the blessings for obedience.
This is where God outlines how he's gonna bless his people, right? You got the curses for disobedience, you got the blessings for obedience, and like we get these blessings, guys.
Like in the New Covenant, we get these blessings because Christ, we're Christ's body, right? We're in Christ.
Christ was perfectly obedient. Christ took the curse, you know what I mean?
The law, all that kind of stuff, right? And so these blessings, man, we can lay claim to this stuff, man.
We need to follow God, keep his covenant, you know, remain faithful in the covenant, you know, follow, obey
Christ, you know, abide in his love. How do you abide in his love? Well, you abide in his love by doing what he commands, things like that, right?
So, so we can lay claim to these blessings, and we should expect them. Listen, listen to these blessings, right?
He says, the Lord your God will put you far above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come and overtake you because you obeyed the law, the
Lord your God. You'll be blessed in the city, you'll be blessed in the country, your lands will produce, the offspring of your livestock, the baskets and kneading bowl will be blessed, you'll have abundant food, you'll have abundant resources.
Later down here, verse 11, the Lord will make you prosper abundantly with offspring.
The offspring of your livestock, the lands produce, and the land the Lord sort of give your fathers to give to you.
The Lord will open his abundant storehouses, give your land reign in its season, bless all the work of your hands.
You will lend to nations, but you won't borrow from nations. Like, there's financial prosperity here, if you obey
God, you follow his law, like God's going to bless that nation which obeys him.
And before you think this only applies to Israel, that's just not the case at all, because the blessings and curses, if you notice when he's judging other nations, whether it's
Egypt, whether it's Babylon, things like that, he's holding them accountable to this, and the same curses and blessings are in play.
And so it might work itself out slightly differently in the New Covenant, you know what I mean? But still, you have to understand that there are blessings that we can lay claim to.
And so the thing I never haven't thought about is a lot of these blessings, you know what it sounds like?
It sounds like privilege. You know, you're prosperous, you're not lending, you're not borrowing, you're the one lending.
It certainly seems like he's the blessings for obedience that Deuteronomy outlines.
Put the people that are receiving the blessings in a privileged position, advantaged to others.
And this is the thing that we're being told we need to feel shame about. Our privilege, our position of privilege, we need to feel guilty about that.
Shame and guilt for things that God says are a blessing.
That's twisted, man. That's twisted. We shouldn't feel guilt and shame for privilege.
We should be thankful for the blessing that it is. This might have come from Doug Wilson.
I don't remember. I'm pretty sure this did not originate with me. But I'm reading Deuteronomy 28 and it just struck me like what this world is saying you need to feel shame for, you need to set aside, you need to check your privilege.
God is saying it's a blessing. Let that bake your noodle for a minute.
That's twisted, man. That's evil. That's twisted.