Highlight: Implications of Roe Reversal


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this episode, we talked with our good friend, and constitutional attorney, Bradley Pierce. He discusses the after-effects of this landmark ruling. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D. catalog of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


Let's start with the case itself, Bradley. Can you explain to us, from your perspective, what could have been better about the response of the
Supreme Court? Let's talk about that because we talk about the fact that we are celebrating the fact that it's no longer an obstacle for us.
We're thankful for that. But what could have been better in terms of the response of the
Supreme Court to Roe v. Wade leading to its overturning? What ought to it have looked like? Yeah, well,
I mean, we definitely rejoice that they've overturned Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. So, you know, we have that.
And, you know, in our brief that we filed, that we had three sections. We had Section 1, it's your duty under the
Constitution and before God to overturn Roe v. Wade. Section 2, if you don't do that, it's the duty of the states and Congress and others to do their duty under the
Constitution and before God and to abolish abortion anyways. And then Section 3, the last section was, and it's not only your duty to overturn
Roe v. Wade, but it's also your duty to require states to provide equal protection of the laws because the 14th
Amendment to the Constitution says no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
A fetus is a person, so therefore they're required, you know, states are required to give them the equal protection of the laws.
That means that the laws that protect us as born people should be the same laws that protect them before birth.
And so that's what we were urging the Supreme Court to do. And that's what they did not do in this case.
They didn't go far enough. And, you know, Mississippi, the party that was kind of carrying the pro -life arguments, they never even asked for that.
You know, we urged it in our brief, but as far as the briefs of the parties, they never even asked the court to do that.
So that's where the court, you know, they were great as far as getting out of the way, you know, of telling states, hey, don't abolish abortion.
So that's good that they did that. But they had both the God -given and the constitutional authority to go further.
They had the authority to require states to provide equal protection and they chose not to exercise it. And it's kind of like, you know,
I argue it's kind of like a pilot, you know, when they come to come to, you know, they come bring
Jesus there and a pilot says, you know, hey, pilot says, you know,
Jesus tells pilot, you know, you would have no authority except if we're given to you by God. Right. So pilot has the authority to release
Jesus. Pilot says he's innocent. And yet pilot just washes his hands of it and says, hey, you decide, you do it.
And that's really what's happened here with the Supreme Court, although they have the authority to do it.
The states have given them that authority in the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court has just said, hey, you deal with it.
Wow, man, that is a powerful, powerful parallel. That is a power.
I hadn't even considered that. Pilot was God's office bearer, bearing magistrate with the responsibility to rule.
He recognized that he had authority to let him go, but he turned it over to the mob.
And isn't that interesting? Jesus says, you would have no authority over me unless it had been granted to you from above.
So Jesus, as the faithful office bearer, was reminding pilot that there was an authority above government, which is what
Christians should probably be doing. We should probably be saying that. Hey, are there any books on that?
Like Theonomy and Christian Ethics, anything like that out there? No, I don't think the Bible speaks to that, no. God and Government, something like that.
I don't know. I think people have written on that. Here's the thing. Look, I've even seen some beloved brothers saying, we shouldn't celebrate the overturning of Roe versus Wade because we still have so much work to do.
We need equal protection. And people saying things like, this was wrong. Well, we're acknowledging that.
Bradley Pierce just acknowledged that, that this is what it ought to have said. This is what ought to have been done.
This is really their responsibility. They didn't do it that way. However, God is the decrees the end from the beginning.
He declares the end from the beginning. He does whatever He pleases in heaven and on earth. And if God, even with a crooked stick, got
Roe versus Wade out of the way, I'm thankful. So Bradley, I'd like to talk about that.
Just that key issue. It's out of the way now. And so people are arguing, Bradley, that abortion is now banned.
It's banned. It's over with. We're done. Even trigger law States, no more abortion mills. Abortion is officially banned.
Is that true? Uh, it's definitely not. I wish that were the case. I mean, it's certainly in States that have pre -Roe laws still on the books or States that do have trigger bills, you know, even though none of those provide equal protection, right.
Abortion abortion doctors by large are, you know, closing up shop or at least, you know, closing up most of what they do.
And, and Hey, again, I've rejoiced in that. That's, that's a good thing. Uh, but abortion is by no means abolished in every state.
Abortion isn't abolished in any state, right? Because when we, when we use a term, what, what is it mean to abolish abortion?
What does abolition? I mean, I think it's very simple. It's like all abortions are illegal, are illegal. All abortions are illegal.
That would be abolishing abortion. Guess what? All abortions are not illegal in every state. In fact, in every state, um, abortionists are now illegal in those
States that have, you know, pre -Roe laws or trigger bans that make them illegal, but abortions are still legal.
You know, mothers can still, uh, have do it yourself abortions and get abortion medication, you know, pills and have abortions in most
States, maybe every state up till the moment of birth. Uh, so there's really, you know,
I, again, I'm grateful that, you know, that abortion clinics were shut down, Planned Parenthood's, you know, taking a hit.
I'm grateful for all that, but abortion is not abolished in any state, much less every state. Yeah. Good.
A good key point that might help to illustrate this for our listeners is, uh, this article here from Fox 10.
This is local to us in the state of Arizona. So very near and dear to our hearts. If you take a look at this article on the screen here, it says abortion now banned in most cases in Arizona, attorney general says, here's what to know about ARS 13 dash three, six zero three.
Now here's what you all need to understand in Arizona. Uh, we had two laws pre -Roe 13 dash three, six zero three, the one that's being referred to here.
This is criminalizing the abortion doctor for performing the abortion. And we did until last year have another law on the books pre -Roe.
Uh, it was 13 dash three, six zero four. That was the bill that criminalized the mother, the willing participant in abortion who brings the baby to the abortion doctor.
She was also criminalized in the state of Arizona. And I would like to remind all of our listeners, um, very humbly that in every case of abortion, every single one, every single case of abortion, all abortions, it is the mother who is carrying the baby to the abortionist.
Okay. Now are there cases where someone is being coerced into an abortion, say in sex trafficking?
Right. Yeah. Is that her fault? Nope. Not her fault. She's not guilty. If a woman's being forced to kill her child, uh, under threat and, um, uh, the threat of death or abuse, she's clearly not guilty, but let's be honest.
Let's be honest. 98 % of all abortions are at will for no reason at all.
And in terms of like nothing listed, this is just women who want to just execute their children. And it is always the mother's feet that are carrying the baby to the abortion mill.
Stats are like that. The stats all reflect that. And which gets to the point that Bradley's making is that abortion is not banned in any
States. If you have laws that restrict the abortion doctor from doing it, that's one thing.