Rewind: Characteristics of a Cult: Scripture Twisting
Rapp Report Daily episode 31 In this 2-minute podcast, we will address the first of five characteristics of a cult. The first trait of a cult is that they will twist Scripture to give new meanings and doctrines that they can use to their advantage while sounding like they are providing the truth. This podcast...
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- 00:23
- FindMassMoney .gov. That's FindMassMoney .gov. Welcome to The Rapid Bull, daily edition, where we provide a quick biblical interpretations and applications.
- 00:42
- This is a ministry of striving for eternity. This week we're going to be taking a look at what is a cult?
- 00:50
- And we're going to end up seeing that cults can be very dangerous to people, especially those who want to seek truth.
- 00:56
- One of the things we're going to notice is that a cult will be a controlling organization that purposely deceives, but they'll always have just enough truth to deceive.
- 01:06
- The very first characteristic that we're going to see out of five will be scripture twisting.
- 01:12
- You will always find a Christian cult will start with the Bible, but they will twist the scriptures to give it new meanings, or use language that sounds like it's biblical when in fact they're giving new meanings to things so that they can deceive.
- 01:27
- But they have to give just enough truth for the person to believe they're right, even though then they're going to change words or give new meanings.
- 01:37
- There has to be enough truth for them to be able to deceive people. So a cult will always have some element of truth in it, but that truth is never going to stay and remain fully that way.
- 01:51
- So they use scripture often with a disregard for context to justify unbiblical or extra biblical doctrines that they will have.
- 02:01
- When you start seeing this, that is a first sign, and it's important because this is what they're going to build the rest of their cult on, is the scripture twisting.
- 02:10
- They have to do that. If you see that, it's something to be avoided. If you want to get more information about a cult and other world religions, get my book
- 02:18
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- You might have checked before, but they're always updating the name. So check again. The Mass State Treasury has over $3 billion in unclaimed property.
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- 03:19
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