Colton From ‘The Bachelor’: “Being Gay Made Me Closer to God”

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
And if you send me a topic, quote, or clip to respond to, I'll be sure to give you a shoutout if I make a video on it.
Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So it was reported about four or five days ago that Colton Underwood, who starred in the
ABC reality TV show called The Bachelor, came out as gay. That's right. A guy who got famous for dating a bunch of women came out as gay.
We're living in the end times, people. He had some very interesting things to say, though, about his relationship with God after coming out.
For those of you who don't know, the show called The Bachelor is basically a show where one guy or girl gets a free pass to cheat on like 30 people.
In normal everyday life, having an emotional and physical dating relationship that is progressing heavily with dozens of people at the same time kind of means you're not a very good person.
But don't worry. If we film it and put it on TV, then it's actually not bad at all, apparently. But anyways,
I'm one of those lucky people who's only seen a few episodes of the show in passing. Still, I do know who
Colton Underwood is because he rose to fame for being the only virgin bachelor in the history of the show.
But he said that he had never had sex before because he had strong convictions and he was just waiting for the right girl.
But as it turns out, he was a virgin because he wasn't interested in girls at all. So much for having strong values.
He confessed all of this in an interview with Good Morning America, and I want to show you guys a few clips from the interview that are quite illuminating.
Here's the clip in its entirety. Were there specific things that you were able to do this past year that helped you get to this point?
I got closer to God this year. And I know even saying that now as a gay man, people are going to be like, how is that even possible?
And it's like, I don't think unless you understand, I used to wake up in the morning and pray for him to take the gay away.
I used to pray for him to change me. And I can now wake up and pray to God and I can actually have faith and I can go into church and be present.
But not have it be conditional on this topic of take this off my plate and I'll still worship you and I'll still be there.
You know, it's more. There are a few things to unpack here, but let's go over the first thing he says again. I got closer to God this year.
And I know even saying that now as a gay man, people are going to be like, how is that even possible? And it's like, he says he got closer to God by indulging in homosexual activity and then rightly says,
I know that there are some people who would ask how that's possible. Yes, Colton. I agree. I am one of those very people who is confused at the idea that someone could get closer to the
Christian God directly due to the fact that they are engaging in public unrepentant sin against the word of the
Christian God. But please explain to me how you think it is possible for that to happen. I don't think unless you understand,
I used to wake up in the morning and pray for him to take the gay away. Good. I used to pray for him to change me and I see no problems here.
He says this like it's a bad thing. Keep praying to take the gay away. Good. I think that's a good thing.
That's a biblical thing. I asked God to take away my sinful nature all the time. Why shouldn't we? My sins just aren't homosexual in nature, but that doesn't mean
I shouldn't pray them away. And seriously, folks, the whole pray the gay away thing is just a phrase that people made up to make fun of committed
Christians for holding to their values. They say you can't pray the gay away as if the fact that the statement rhymes automatically makes it true, which, by the way, is pretty much
Steve Furtick's whole preaching style in a nutshell. But I digress. I can understand why an atheist or an agnostic who does not believe in the
Bible would say that you can't pray away homosexual temptation. I mean, they don't even really believe that anything is temptation in the
Christian sense. They don't believe in the word of God in general. Now they're still wrong, but they're wrong for different reasons.
But to say that you are a Christian and to still agree with that statement is absolutely ridiculous.
And let me show you why. Practicing homosexuality is a sin according to Romans 1, 26 through 27, which calls it a quote dishonorable passion.
And tons of other passages echo the same statement. But Christians should pray against temptation as Jesus himself did in the
Lord's prayer when he says, quote, lead us not into temptation in Matthew chapter six. Therefore, the
Bible actually defends the practice of praying the gay away. And we should encourage our brothers and sisters who struggle with homosexuality to pray against the temptation that comes with that dishonorable passion.
That's the only biblical thing to do. So the first way Colton tells us that he was able to get closer to God was by not resisting temptation anymore.
OK, that doesn't sound like a great strategy to me, but let's see what else he's got. I used to pray for him to change me and I can now wake up and pray to God and I can actually have faith and I can go into church and be present, not have it be conditional on this topic of take this off my plate and I'll still worship you and I'll still be there.
You know, it's more. Oh, you don't say, Colton. That's a very interesting strategy. You guys hear that?
If you're struggling with a particular sin, all you have to do is just stop thinking it's a sin and then it just goes away.
Isn't that so convenient? This is like me saying, does your wife always yell at you when you commit adultery? No problem.
Just get a pair of earplugs and stop listening to her. Are you stressed out because you're currently having a heart attack?
No problem. Just pretend that it's a good thing when your heart stops beating. It's like that doesn't solve the problem,
Colton. Just because you ignore your fever doesn't mean you're not sick. If the Bible calls what you're doing a sin, the solution is not to pretend to live in a fairytale land where the
Bible never said that. The solution is to actually obey the command and change your ways.
Isaiah 520 warns against this kind of behavior when it says, quote, Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.
Simply declaring that something is not a sin doesn't make it so. The Bible is the standard of good and evil.
Psalm 119 verse 9 says, quote, How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.
God's word is not your problem, Colton. It is your solution. Your sinful behavior is the problem.
And that's what needs to change, not the Bible. And there's something I need to highlight here, because this demonstrates a very dangerous trend in the modern church.
Because many people believe that the issue of homosexuality is largely settled in the church today. But that is not the case.
According to the Pew Research Center, only 13 % of Christians between the ages of 18 -30 believe that homosexuality should be discouraged.
Thirteen percent. That means 87 % believe that either it should be encouraged or they don't know what their opinion is on it.
To my Orthodox and devoted brothers and sisters in Christ, I just want to let you know, we are becoming a very small minority in this country and in the world.
Every day, the number of Christians who affirm the behavior and views of people like Colton Underwood is growing.
Romans 1 verse 32 gives a warning, though, to anyone who quote, approves of those who practice homosexuality.
But when my generation has already decided that the Bible can just be changed and edited wherever it's convenient, then they can just choose to change or edit that command.
And that's why it's so important that we believe in God's Word wholeheartedly. That we take the entire thing as the
Word of God. Because when we stray from it, it's not just a little mistake, it's a slippery slope that leads all the way down to hell and unbelief.
How should we respond to this, though? Well, we need to rise up and fight for the truth of Scripture.
God has spoken very clearly on the subject of homosexuality. And as soon as we start letting people like this make us question our beliefs in order to be compassionate to them, we will end up with neither belief nor compassion.
So pray for Colton, that he would repent of his sinful behavior and turn to Christ. And shout out in all of my videos.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.