Who is the Christ of God Luke 9:18-27


August 13, 2023 - Morning Service Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, California Message "Who is the Christ of God" - Luke 9:18-27


We're here to worship the Lord, but together, right? it's good to see each one of you and it's good to know of your faithfulness to the house of the
Lord and to our Lord and we're glad to see you and We hope that today is a blessed day for you as we worship together our
Lord Have a couple of announcements and many of them. We repeat each Sunday, but tonight we have a prayer meeting at 6 o 'clock and Join us there.
We had a good group out even last Sunday evening It's always a good time of fellowship and also those of you who are involved but everyone is welcome to the summer
Bible study going through the book of Hebrews and They have that in the fellowship hall each
Friday evening at 530 so remember that time and everyone is welcome to that Bible study and And then we have the
Bible counseling courses continuing on and they meet the next one is the
August the 26th and they have been meeting on the 2nd and the 4th Saturday of each month.
So remember that the 2nd and 4th Saturday and the next one will be the 26th at 11 a .m
I also just wanted to mention the missionary of the month is Darcy Berglin and I just say a little bit about her her parents were missionaries in Indonesia And if you know anything about Indonesia, it is
About I think they say about 2 ,000 islands Darcy was raised there
Darcy was involved with new tribes mission and They have they had spent their all the missionaries you were going into tribes that had usually an unwritten language and there's
I there's a book about this thick that they've been trying to get put together not just missionaries, but anthropologists of every language that's in the world and so they go to an area and And Translate the language but then after they translate the language then with new tribes
They got involved with now you have to teach the people how to read the language that they have just written down And so that's what all is involved with this.
It's getting more and more with the computers and all this it's getting a lot better But I just read one note to you
Darcy is living right now. She was born and raised and spent most of her adult life in Indonesia, but she's now living in Sheridan, Wyoming taking care of her adult parent who spent their life in Indonesia But she's also every day working on translation with the team back in Indonesia and so her one girl that she taught and trained back in Indonesia is okey
And she's writing down in our newsletter that she sent this month. I have been working on getting as Much scripture ready to check as possible before my trip to Asia in the
Pacific in August So she's going to go over there in August and check with the teams that she's been working with Oki, the one who's working in Indonesia has been drafting the book of Joshua and has gotten nine or more chapters
Roughly drafted. I have been checking her Exegesis, which means is is the interpretation correct, you know?
Okie says well, this is how I think it goes then Darcy then she sends it to Darcy Darcy goes through it and checks and makes sure it's accurate with the scriptures and Then she sends it back and she'll make different changes and they've been going through these drafts and making comprehension
Checking questions. So you see kind of what they're up to. We were got to be close friends with her.
I Failed to say new tribes mission changed their name to ethnos 360 and we said what in the world?
What's that mean? You know, I mean well all of us are familiar with it well ethnos means people groups and I've even heard that term now and on secular you'll hear ethnos on secular and it's people groups and then 360 that's 360 around the world people groups around the world.
I Don't know that I had chosen that name, but Anyway, that's what so when you see ethnos 360, there's the old new tribes mission anyway
Thank the Lord for the individuals that we have a part with supporting and we as you think about Darcy remember her in prayer
So let's go to prayer Heavenly Father we come to you this morning. We thank you for your many blessings that you give to us
We thank you that you give us the strength to come out to worship you to sing praises to you
We would pray Heavenly Father when we leave we will say it's been good to be here today And we would thank you for it
Lord be with pastors. He brings your word. We pray that you would Give him the liberty to speak and say the things you've laid on his heart.
May you apply it to our lives. May we Be willing to accept the things that we hear from your scripture as they apply to us
Lord help us to live godly Lord We thank you again for the fact that we live in a country where we have liberty to worship you
We do pray for our leaders and uphold them before you We would pray Heavenly Father that you would be merciful and even give us
Godly leaders or people who respect you Lord, and we would thank you for that Now go before us as we continue on in the service be with those who are participating in the music
Bless each one of our hearts May we be a blessing to you as we lift up our voices to you and we'll thank you and pray in Jesus name
Amen. Good morning Hallelujah, Jesus loves me. He is King and God to me.
He is working salvation in the midst of the earth It is with him. We shall spend eternity In his
Beautiful are your works O Lord and you care for all of them and let's stand and sing to our
Creator our Heavenly Father Please turn with me to Luke chapter 9
Verses 18 through 27 Luke chapter 9 verses 18 through 27
And it happened as he was alone praying that his disciples joined him and he asked them saying
Who do the crowd say that I am? So they answered and said John the Baptist, but some say
Elijah And others say that one of the Old Prophets has risen again He said to them
But who do you say I am Peter answered and said the Christ of God and He strictly warned and commanded them to tell this to no one saying the
Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and Scribes and be killed and be raised the third day
Then he said to them all if anyone desires to come after me Let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it
But what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and is himself destroyed or lost?
For whoever is ashamed of me and my words of of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his own
Glory and his in his father's and of the Holy Angels But I tell you truly there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God This is the word of the
Lord Let us pray Father we're thankful that to us we have been
You have revealed to us Who your son is?
Thank you that it's not a question of Anymore, but that you have shown it to us through Jesus who died on the cross for our sin
So that the wrath that's for us has been poured upon him
In order that we may live we may be forgiven and we may be yours
We pray that you would help us to live according to the Messiah that we follow in Jesus name
And we've followed the trajectory of what's been happening up to this point which is that Jesus has been showing his authority and power over all sorts of created things and Now the question is right in front of us.
Who is Jesus Right. We have seen Jesus authority over the storm diseases
Thousands of demons and even death and we've also seen
Jesus authority to provide for thousands in the wilderness
Now Jesus asks his disciples Who do you think
I am and of course the Peter's confession
Answers the question of who is Jesus Jesus is the Christ of God He is the
Messiah of God. He is the chosen one of God in In Greek the word for Messiah, which is
Hebrew is Christ so we often take it for granted
Christ Being just closely tied to Jesus But when we say Jesus Christ Christ is not his last name.
That's his title. It's Jesus the Messiah The Messiah in the
Old Testament meant the anointed one the chosen one and This anointed one this language has been used for various kings of Israel right the chosen one because God chose
Kings of Israel to rule over his own people But of course in this context the
Messiah is actually the greatest King the greater Davidic King like to come to restore
Israel for once and for all not only Restore Israel in the Old Testament when you do get to Isaiah's text
You see that his restoration of Israel is more than just one nation It's global it's universal so this is
What the title Messiah or Christ? signifies and I Mentioned this mainly because we often take it for granted
What Christ is we many people think that it's just the last name, but that's not true to proclaim of Jesus to be
Christ is a huge Significance, it's it's not something we can take for granted now
Peter actually says What many of us and even the readers may have been thinking right?
He is Christ of God He's the Christ of God now, although Peter is technically correct
Jesus here unpacks the implications of what kind of Messiah he is and This is important because one can proclaim
Jesus to be Christ and still worship the wrong
Messiah I Give you a few examples
Mormons have no problem calling Jesus Christ, right? They they believe they will say that they believe in Jesus as the
Messiah yet They worship a false God because the implication of who their view of Messiah is
Extremely insufficient, right? They believe that both God the Father and God the Son Jesus all were created beings
Right they D God God Now liberal denominations claim
Jesus to be Christ as well But they have perverted the gospel and who
Jesus is so much That it is no longer the same
Messiah who saves according to the Bible Right, the the
Jesus that they worship the Jesus the Messiah that they proclaim to worship Does not even reflect
The same Jesus the Messiah that we worship according to Scripture now
For this reason Jesus Tells the disciples to Stay silent and he explains what he must go through and this is because your view of Jesus Affects how you follow
Jesus, right your view of Jesus affects how you follow Jesus I'll give you an example
Carl F Henry Most of us may not know who that is
But he was one of the leading evangelical leaders of the 20th century
He he was highly influential I'll show you some of his um,
I'll tell you of his some of his accomplishments and what he was known for He was a classmate of Billy Graham We all know
Billy Graham He was also the first editor -in -chief of Christianity Today when it was
Solid right when it was actually producing material against Liberal ideologies, but now it just echoes it
He taught at numerous Christian universities and seminaries And in fact many institutions are named after him
Carl F H Henry He was a huge he had a huge influence over the culture
If you know of DA Carson DA Carson looked up to Carl F H Henry and DA's Carson is
The most well -renowned New Testament theologian of our days
And that leads to this interview DA Carson in his younger days
Interviews Carl F H Henry as he is much much older, right?
And he asked this question. How have you remained humble for decades of such six of Doing decades of such successful ministry.
He's traveled all over the world He's held teaching positions and leading positions in different seminaries
He's written many books He's someone who's influenced the White House And the question is how how do you stay so humble?
Right, because of course the temptation temptation is when you become somebody especially in ministry, it's easy to just Let the power go to your head
It's easy to stumble. It's easy to rebel against God so the
Don Carson asked that question to Carl F H Henry and And he answers this in his old age decades of following Christ How can anyone be arrogant when he stands beside the cross
How can anyone be arrogant when he stands beside the cross? And that's because Carl F H Henry Whether you agree with his methods of ministry or not, right and his theology
He had the right view of who the Messiah is His view of Jesus was closely tied to the crucifixion and the resurrection
The humiliating death That he went through to deliver the world
And to him it just could not make sense How one could be even prideful
When you stand next to the cross It's Really shows that correctly following Christ depends on the correct understanding of Christ So the main point of today's text is when we follow the suffering
Messiah We must completely commit to Christ despite the worldly rejections
When we follow the suffering Messiah, we must completely commit to Christ despite the worldly rejections
First Jesus is the suffering Messiah who delivers his people through his death and resurrection
Jesus is the suffering Messiah who delivers his people through his death and resurrection Finally Jesus and his disciples find themselves away from the crowd.
Remember they were looking to be alone, but they were interrupted by the crowd Verse 18 and it happened as he was alone praying that his disciples joined him
Prayer in the gospel according to Luke always precedes important events that are about to unfold
So for example, Luke 3 verse 21, Jesus was praying right before his baptism
In which the Father and the Holy Spirit confirmed who he is to the whole world publicly right, that's an important event and that was preceded by him praying and In Luke 6 12 right before choosing the 12 apostles
Jesus also prayed right right before commissioning the Apostles who will relay the message of the gospel to the world
Right and in one sense. We're all here because of the Apostles Right.
The message was transferred from them first Jesus prayed and Really shows how
Jesus prior Prioritized and focused on God before each major event in his earthly ministry
Right. This was not just a willy -nilly Following the impulse
Now Jesus poses a question to his disciples that we have been asking for weeks, right
Who do the crowds say that I am And this question has been the ongoing question
Really all throughout chapter 9 if not also chapter 8 and remember in verses 7 through 9
King Herod questioned the same thing who is Jesus even the palace of Herod has to confront
That is confronted with the question. Who is Jesus right knowing what he's doing and what he's doing
What he's preaching It's inevitable to question who is
Jesus Now the disciples do report what they have been hearing from the crowds, right
John the Baptist But some say Elijah and others say one of the old prophets who's risen again
Now this is actually the same response that Herod was pondering upon right even in the same order
John the Baptist some say Elijah Maybe one of the old prophets, of course Herod according to the other synoptic
Gospels went with John the Baptist Now John the
Baptist was the prophet who came right before Jesus to announce the coming of Jesus and Unfortunately, he was executed by Herod And Elijah was the
Old Testament prophet who performed great miracles and in Malachi 3 and 4
God Promised the return of Elijah on in the last days. So Elijah was a figure that they were waiting for and Also during the intertestamental period that's between the end of the
Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament There was a view that one of the great prophets from the
Old Testament would come back and the list of Goes on with the
Jeremiah, it could be Isaiah or even Moses, right? It's their view was that before the
Messiah comes something great must happen that cannot be Just explained away
Now any of these prophets returning would have been wonderful and important to Israel Yet None of them reaches the same magnitude as the coming of Jesus The crowds in their limited knowledge regards
Jesus Respectfully, however, all of their options are far inadequate so Now Jesus asked the disciples the same question but Who do you say that I am?
Peter answered and said the Christ of God Christ here means the
Messiah as I've mentioned and he's the chosen one of God and While we live in a society that that automatically ties
Jesus title to Christ His title ought to his name
Even in our postmodern culture. The Christ title is assumed only to Jesus, right as We've probably have never heard anyone else called
Christ Now Peter's answer would have been surprising actually to the first century
Jews All those prophets that I mentioned John the Baptist Elijah and one of the old prophets
They're revered and highly regarded but The Messiah is on a different playing field or that's a different league
What Peter is proclaiming here is that Jesus is greater than the prophets?
All of them mentioned just now That he is superior He is none other than the
Messiah Christ of God The promised eschatological figure to restore all things
The one whom God is using he is God's king Right, the king that God has enthroned
That is something The Messiah is the promised
Davidic King who restores the broken nation of Israel He was the
Christ was the regal figure Prophesied in the Old Testament who will rule with authority and power that has never been seen before Right Christ rule would make
Solomon's reign Which probably was the greatest reign in Israel's history as a nation like a drop in a bucket
His reign would be geographically and temp temporary Temporally limitless.
There's just no end in sight right, that's the Messiah and Peter tells
Jesus You're the Christ of God Now what
Peter knows is that Jesus is not just Another messenger that points to the
Messiah But he is the Christ himself Right. Jesus is just Jesus is not just another signpost pointing to the
Messiah, but he is the real deal Now when any ancient
Israelites consider the regal position of the Messiah The most obvious view would be that the
Messiah would come and conquer all things and win Right consider some of the
Messianic Psalms Psalm 2 7 through 8 I will tell of the decree the
Lord said to me you are my son today I begotten you ask of me and I will make the nations your heritage and the ends of the earth your possessions
Right, the Messiah will have all God will make sure of it
And Also Psalm 110 1 the Lord says to my Lord the Lord Yahweh says to the
Lord Messiah Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool right the
Messiah will reign with the divine authority by sitting on the right hand of God the right hand the seat of authority and There will be no enemy going against this
Messiah So that's that those kind of Psalms are in the ancient Jews minds and especially
Peter's mind because he knows and You may think Peter's right answer would initiate a public proclamation of Jesus true identity now
We don't have to hide it anymore. Okay, go out again you 12. He's the Messiah. He has come
However, Jesus charges them to do the opposite and he strictly warned and commanded them to tell this to no one
Right now, why does Jesus command silence? Really?
the following verse tells us the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and Be raised the third day
The reason for the silence is because Jesus will not rule the world as how most
Would have expected in the first century Judaism He is not overthrowing
Rome. He is not kicking out the Sanhedrin the religious leaders
His most crucial act as king is in fact not to conquer but to be conquered
His most crucial act as the regal king of God is
To suffer and to die for the very people he came to save and in fact, that is how these people will be delivered and In his first coming the conquest and victory will not be through powerful armies and advanced weaponry.
That's what they're expecting But through his suffering and death He will be rejected and killed by the very people he came to save But he actually says he will not stay dead
That would be just losing Because he will be resurrected on the third day
Jesus suffering and death are Prerequisites to his global reign
Hence the early proclamation of Jesus identity would actually have led many to Misunderstand who he is.
That's why Jesus charges them. Do not tell anyone After all even the disciples despite Hearing from Jesus that he needs to die and rise on the third day and this will not be the first time
They'll hear it multiple times yet When it comes to Jesus crucifixion they would all misunderstand and Run away and hide in fear now
While the Old Testament hints at the suffering and death of the Messiah Such as Psalm 22, which was read today by Jim The New Testament authors make it clear that it is precisely through Jesus suffering that he rules
The New Testament makes it clear it reveals further on that Jesus rule
Has to be tied with Jesus Passion his suffering his death and resurrection
What this means is the path to Jesus victory is through the cross there is no other way
For example in Revelation 5 6 in the heavenly vision of the
Apostle John One of the elders proclaims the one who is worthy to open the scroll is the
Lion of Judah Right as the Apostle John is crying and weeping because They don't think there's anyone who is worthy to open the scroll the scroll of salvation and judgment the scroll that will resolve the history
God's history and one of the elders says do not weep the
Lion of Judah is worthy and when He John the the
Apostle John looks to the throne to look at the lion. What does he see?
He sees a slain lamb He hears about the
Lion of Judah who has conquered so that he's worthy to open the seal So that the world's history may come to a resolution according to God's intended end in salvation and also judgment
When the Apostle John looks at the throne There's a slain lamb.
How can this be? Jesus conquers as the Lion of Judah precisely because he died as the sacrificial lamb
Jesus overcomes his enemies precisely by dying at their hands Jesus wins precisely by hanging on the cross in all humility
By taking on the sins of the world upon himself Jesus freely redeemed purchased and delivered sinners from their death and Sin and their death
By experiencing God's wrath on our behalf He made it possible for God to freely and justly justify sinners
It is impossible to justly justify sinners without Christ It's impossible for sinners to be righteously forgiven
Without Christ taking on the punishment on our behalf and only through the death of this
Messiah God delivered his people from their sin once and for all there was no other way.
That was the prerequisite Through his wounds. We are
Restored through his rejection. We are received by God and any other view of this
Messiah any view of this Messiah with separated from his suffering is the wrong
Messiah if Your Jesus at the core of his ministry is not the crucified
Messiah Then it's an inadequate view of the
Messiah and as Jesus has charged
That type of Messiah is not worth proclaiming It's better to be silent but as Christians we worship the crucified
Messiah The conquering lion because he's also the slain lamb the victor
Who has died for his people That he redeemed Jesus shows us tells us
What kind of Messiah he is and until that full picture is there any other
Glimpse of that any other picture of the Messiah without the cross is not the true
Messiah Now what is the appropriate response of This suffering
Messiah's disciples, so what's the appropriate response by the followers of this suffering
Messiah? The disciples of the suffering Messiah must deny themselves and completely commit to him despite whatever hardship in it entails
The disciples of the suffering Messiah must deny themselves and completely commit to him despite whatever hardship it entails
Now after describing the nature of his Messiah ship Jesus explains the nature of his disciples
If anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me verse 23 gives us a concise summary of what
Christian discipleship Looks like what it looks like to be a Christian follower, right?
First he must deny himself Self -denial is not just the recognition
But a deep conviction that you are not enough
Now all over. I mean all over our culture. We hear you're enough You're enough.
You're sufficient. You're adequate Trust your heart follow your heart
That couldn't be further from the truth, right The first step to following Jesus is self -denial
It's that no, it's knowing that you cannot save yourself you're not enough Right self -denial means that you're utterly inadequate
You're extremely incapable of delivering yourself. And this also applies to Your plan as well, even after you believe right?
I can't save myself Only Jesus can save me your whole life has to be about you know, what my plan is not adequate
My will is not good enough right your plan your plan of salvation and Sanctification they fail you can't do it on your own
You must depend on God's plan of salvation and even sanctification through Jesus That's the point.
That's self -denial Set the second requirement is to take his cross daily
Taking up one's cross happened right before any Crucifixion in fact
Rome delighted in humiliating their criminals to the utmost extent right, they publicly made their criminals carry their own cross and This would display
What will happen to anyone who defy the Roman Authority? Right anyone who sees the person walk of carrying his cross that would be a huge reminder
This will happen to you, too Don't even think about it. It was a picture of the ultimate submission and humility
And what Jesus is saying here is that those who follow? This humble suffering
Messiah must expect to live the same way as their Messiah This is the fruit of the self -denial life
The true disciple must give up her independence her self -reliance her self -sufficiency and Submit humbly to God and his plan the third requirement is to follow him
This is a call to completely commit to Jesus after Complete completely denying oneself now you commit
There is a direction to all the suffering, right? It is not just suffering for its own sake as some
Catholic monks have chosen to do in history and even now Right. I'll just isolate yourself and then live eating really really really boring bland food for the rest of your life
Secluded in the wilderness somewhere in the forest up in the mountains
Now the suffering here actually has a purpose the suffering is in order to follow
Jesus It is to walk with him By suffering you commune with him you are with him
Because you're reflecting What kind of Messiah you serve? Right despite all the rejections you may incur by following Jesus That suffering has an intended purpose now verses 24 to 27 explain the implications of verse 23
These verses actually all revolve around Christ For whoever desires to save his life will lose it.
But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it These are the consequences of obeying or ignoring the command to deny oneself to follow
Christ the irony is that if you desire to control your own life because you did not deny yourself if You grip tightly to your own life because you do not trust
Christ You will lose Your life
That one life that you tried your hardest to keep you'll lose that That's the irony here
Christ will not save you because you rejected him to save Right you rejected him so that you could save yourself
And what Christ is saying that's not sufficient. That's not adequate However, if you deny yourself for Christ's sake
Right again, it's for Christ's sake If you drop everything only to hold on to Christ Your life will be saved
It is all about one's relation to Christ how he responds faithfully to Christ And verse 25 asks a rhetorical question illustrating the implication of responding through Christ's invitation
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and is himself destroyed or lost?
Right. This is a rhetorical question because obviously Jesus is not asking for the answer
What profit is there right? This is not a question asking for answer It's to show that there is no profit in gaining the whole world
Everything everything in the created realm if you gain the whole thing There's no profit if you lose your life you've lost your life if you
Did not trust Christ you've lost your life if you hold on to it. I'll try to control it
It completely ends one's ability to enjoy the world That's the irony
You tried your best to get out all the things that are enjoyable But you lose the most important thing in your life and what this shows is that there's a risk to not responding to Jesus Jesus invitation is not an optional question on the test where you don't lose points if you leave it blank
Right. It's the whole test It's your whole class
Everything depends on how you respond to Christ Your whole life depends on how you respond to Christ That's it.
And if you respond wrongly if you respond without faith, then you lose it all
You gave up the eternal life to of joy and peace for a temporary taste of comfort
Nothing and no one in the whole world can offer you The eternal life of joy and peace that Christ freely offers you
At the cost of his life Now verses 26 to 27 show the eschatological results of how one responds to Christ now
For whoever is ashamed of me and my words of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory
And in his father's in the Holy Angels Verse 26 actually shows us the judgment day right before the judgment throne of Jesus Those who have rejected
Jesus and his words will also be rejected by Jesus in front of the whole heavenly realm
It tells us a lot about what kind of Messiah this is this Messiah will also be the judge
Right, that is a powerful position He's more than just an agent who's being used by God For deliverance.
He's also the one that every one of us will have to come face to face Now verse 27 shows us the opposite but I tell you truly there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God and this is for those who deny themselves and follow
Christ The kingdom of God here does not mean the full Consummation of the kingdom as in when
Jesus comes back and restores all things new heaven and new earth but rather The the kingdom of God is the inauguration of his kingdom when
Christ died and rose from the dead It's the it's post death and resurrection kingdom
So after Jesus crucifixion and resurrection we have to actually consider the reality of the world actually shifted dramatically
Sin and death could no longer hold a human being down all throughout history
There have been a few Resurrections in the Old Testament right through Elijah through Elisha But all throughout history those people they arose to die again
It's that death just temporarily let it go through the power of God but the death
Grabbed them back Then comes Jesus and he proclaims
He's here to be killed but rise on the third day But notice that he's not dying again
Jesus is resurrected to live forever and That really is the sample taste of the kingdom of God For once in history post -genesis 3
There is a human being Who's also God Whom death has no control over whom the touch of death is just insignificant
That's the coming of the kingdom of God So what it's saying also, is that?
There's this glimmer of hope shining through the dark clouds Right for the first time in human history man can experience
God's salvation and his power in their lives
Right so in Christ By believing in the crucified and resurrected
Christ people can start to resist sin Instead of becoming more and irritable as people get older People of Christ can become more and more like Christ They're actually going against the decay of Moral decay they can be kinder they can be more patient more compassionate
That's what it means to bear fruit And you'll notice that when you do
Talk to people who have Been a believer
For over 50 years there are a lot of them here actually a faith Bible Church go talk to them after They're not crotchety right they're not irritable they're not complaining they're not murmuring
Right they're different They're different from just any old people that's because they've experienced the kingdom of God God has given them the power to resist sin
Right when I visit hospitals because of surgeries right and medical emergency
The nurses and doctors are amazed By You know
Richard Victor How friendly they are how kind they are how not entitled they are
Right they even tell me Right because they find out.
Oh, you're the pastor. That's the taste of the kingdom of God and they came after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and What Jesus is saying is that those who respond to him now?
Are not just blindly following him until the Judgment Day Rather they will taste the glimpse of heaven on earth
When they feel the shackles of sin crack open They will experience the power of salvation
There's evidence for that now how we respond to Christ now determines the destination of our lives
Ultimately people who choose the world the comfort the pleasures of the world by rejecting
Christ Will one day have to face the one whom they rejected and they will have to answer for all that they have done
Manipulations violence and even cruel acts in order to gain the world in order to take the world conquer the world and the sheer pride to reject
Christ His free offer of salvation It takes a lot of pride
To tell the only one who can save oh, I don't need him do it myself
You don't have to be a ruler to be prideful like that Someone who owns nothing can say the same thing to Christ.
I don't need you I'm just good enough, and that's a scary thing and the list will be colorful from Roman emperors to US presidents and unknown people unknown peasants from the
Middle Ages to unknown citizens of the United States and Christ warrants his disciples that gaining the world at the cost of losing
Christ is the most foolish trade one can make and For those who forfeit
Christ for the sake of the world will have a smoky exit interview and for Christians however when we experience
Rejection and suffering for choosing Christ We must remember this is the par for the course
It's actually almost a reminder of what kind of Messiah we are serving in fact
It is extraordinary that we live in a nation that does not physically persecute us for following Christ.
We're not there yet but When we do face rejections and mockery for our faith
We must ask ourselves How can we as followers of Christ expect a better treatment?
From the world that crucified my Messiah How can we as followers of Christ the suffering
Messiah expect to avoid his path? One theologian
Said this God has one son who hasn't sinned
God has no son who hasn't suffered. It's just a par for the course
That's what it means to follow the suffering Messiah And what this means is we need to be cautious of pastors who guarantee better lives now
Bigger bank account now better cars now more worldly influences now and it also means we need to be careful of how we encourage people who are suffering if Someone is mourning the loss of their job
That they might have loved and had for decades We have no right to promise them there's a better job coming
It doesn't help. It's a lie. You can't guarantee that there might be I don't know, but we can't promise that They're suffering and the best thing that you can do is to point them to Christ You have a
Messiah who also suffered too And he also grieves with you He grieves the injustice in the world that you've suffered
He grieves the loss And that's for any loss Christ tells us
That his disciples may lose everything They might lose everything becoming a
Christian doesn't mean your life gets better in a worldly sense but they will gain him and That is infinitely better Than gaining the world
Let us pray Father we're thankful that you have revealed to us.
What kind of Messiah your son is that we don't believe in a false Messiah, we don't believe in an
Antichrist, but we believe in the true Christ Who's precisely wins and conquers delivers his people through his suffering and death and resurrection and?
We pray that we would Live our lives make choices in our lives
That reflect what kind of Messiah we worship Help us to know that help us
To delight in that in Jesus name Amen, you know life is better when we trust and obey
God Jesus Christ is