FBC Daily Devotional – April 28, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well, good morning, a good Wednesday to you here we are in the middle of the week and the last few days of the month of April and We have had some
April showers and some flowers have already appeared and more May flowers are on the way we hope we trust and Enjoy the spring weather enjoy seeing the the greenery the colors coming out and the flowers and so forth
Well in our reading today in a scripture reading plan We have been in the book of Leviticus and read chapters in chapters 22 and 23 and a couple of things
I just want to point out in that passage and in chapter 22 verses 17 and following The Lord gave had
Moses give to the people of Israel some instructions about freewill Offerings these are offerings that were not mandatory but If somebody wanted just out of thanksgiving to the
Lord gratitude to the Lord or way of just Worshiping the Lord wanted to give an offering of an animal sacrifice they could do so but there were some stipulations in that sacrifice and You could kind of understand why these stipulations might come out
Let's so let me explain. So one of the major things of course was that it had to be totally of their own free will voluntary so any
There should not be there was not to be any coercion or pressure Placed upon people to give a freewill offering.
I think by the way, this is totally an aside that's instructive for our
Contemporary giving I I think it is. I think it's terribly egregious when
Preachers pastors, whatever or Tell evangelists and so forth will
Use tactics to pressure people to give Financially to the
Lord's work. I think it's it should be sufficient to present the need the opportunity and then as God Works in a person's heart to voluntarily give.
All right, so that that's an aside That's my little soapbox for today What I really wanted to focus on was the
Lord's requirement for these animal sacrifices that they be without blemish
They'd be without blemished and that Requirement of an unblemished sacrifice speaks of a few things that I just wanted to I just want to mention one of those is that in an unblemished sacrifice
An unblemished animal would render that to be truly Truly a sacrifice the giving of one's best
You know it and I think this guards against the attitude that you know, okay,
I have this I have this animal It's it's not it's not gonna be it's not healthy. It's not gonna grow to be, you know productive in any way so I just give that one to the
Lord and and not deal with it not have to mess with it This this this doesn't give any opportunity for that kind of a mentality
No, if you want to give a free will offering to the Lord Get an unblemished lamb an unblemished offering animal and offer that as a sacrifice.
And by the way, I think that I Understand that to be the problem with Cain's sacrifice.
You remember in Cain and Abel Cain's sacrifice was his offering was from the garden
Abel was Cared for the livestock and he brought an offering from the from the animals
Cain cared for the garden mostly and he brought a sacrifice from From the garden, but the indication is that the kind of stuff that Cain brought from the garden was
You know like overripe stuff the the stuff that you just really wouldn't want to put in your salad if you will and He said well,
I'll just give that as an offering to the Lord Not accepted and the Lord made that very clear.
So For for a sacrifice to be truly a sacrifice. I need to give him my best and and that Brings up a second point here.
And that is the fact that the Lord is worthy of my best He's worthy of my best if I If I'm you know giving him second rate second best
What does that tell me about my attitude toward him? And the third idea I wanted to point point out is that this
Unblemished sack animal would as a sacrifice point forward to Christ He the spotless the sinless lamb
That was sacrificed to atone for our sins he he had to be a sinless sacrifice a sacrifice without blemish only a
Spotless lamb would do for that sacrifice So just a few ideas that even as we read those requirements and we can get bogged down and oh boy
They really had a lot of rules to follow. Yeah, but let's let's pay attention and see what do those tell us?
What those guidelines teach us? The other thing I want to point out is that in particularly in chapter 23
The Lord set aside several different feasts for the people of Israel to celebrate every year
So let me just go through the list of them every week. There was the Sabbath That was one day out of seven.
They were not to do any work or anything like that. Then there was Passover And right after Passover was the feast of unleavened bread it was a week -long
Festival there was the feast of first fruits There was the festival of weeks was seven weeks after the the feast of first fruits
There was the feast of trumpets Then there was the Day of Atonement in the seventh month on the tenth day and then a week later after the
Day of Atonement Was the feast of tabernacles a feast of booths where people lived in these tents and the
Lord set these things aside No, I find interesting in all this. Is it almost all of these? special days
Were days that were set aside Where there was to be no ordinary work done in them
Some of them were week -long things so it's like the Lord built into the
Routine the annual routine and weekly routine of his people opportunities for rest refreshment break from the the rigors of Life and the rigors of work giving opportunities to celebrate and get refreshment so this past Sunday my morning message focused on that very idea of The Lord calling us setting us calling us aside to rest a while and how he established that Even in these
Old Testament laws, so I may maybe you didn't get to hear that message I encourage you to go back you can review it on the church website and find the video but just to Just to be encouraged that the
Lord wants you to get rest So, all right Heavenly Father.
I thank you for your word and for this this challenged about our own sacrifices that we
We recognize that you're worthy of our best and then we're so thankful that you gave
The best sacrifice in our behalf the unblemished Spotless sinless lamb the
Lord Jesus Christ Thank you for your great gifts the gifts of the spotless lamb and even the gift of rest.
May we Appreciate and enjoy and praise you for these gifts and this we ask in Jesus name and for his sake
All right. We'll have a good rest of your Wednesday. And if you can join us for the midweek service tonight 7 o 'clock 645 for the kids 7 o 'clock for Bible study and prayer time