Christian Preacher CONFRONTS Drag Queen...

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a drag queen being confronted in public by a
Christian preacher. Now I don't know what the location was here specifically, and I don't know the names of the people involved, but essentially, here's what we're looking at.
It's a drag queen show for kids, and a Christian preacher showed up to confront the parents and the drag queen himself.
And buckle up, because it gets pretty heated. I have rarely seen anyone with enough bravery to speak this kind of truth at this kind of event.
But first, let's establish context. Here's a video of a man dressed as a woman who is dancing around with little children.
And not only is he dressed as a woman, but he's also wearing hardly any clothing. And these children range from being infants to toddlers to ten -year -olds.
This is clearly an all -ages drag show. In fact, some of these kids are so young that they still have to be carried around by their parents.
And we all know what an event like this is trying to do. They're trying to introduce children to bizarre and unnatural sexual behavior at a young age, so that when they're older, all of their natural instincts and frankly, common sense, will be removed from them.
Children intuitively know that boys and girls are different. Who doesn't? And so it requires a tremendous amount of work and exposure to weird drag queens to convince them otherwise.
And that, my friends, is why events like this exist. But of course, this Christian preacher is not going to let them have it all their own way.
It seems that he actually cares about these children and the eternal state of everyone involved. And unfortunately for this drag queen event, they started doing a sort of Q &A.
And he takes the opportunity to confront the drag queen directly. Watch this. Thank you very much.
So this is the end, like for us. We invite you to stay if you want and have some pictures taken with Adriana.
Or if you have any more questions. Yeah, that you were being too shy to ask. I'll tell.
I could ask him. I have a question. Yes. What are you going to do when you stand before God and he judges everyone in here for your sins?
Sorry? What are you going to do when you stand before God and you're judged for your sins? What are you going to do?
Because the Bible says this. But if anyone causes one of my little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better that a large millstone be hung around their neck and they be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Get out. So this is child abuse to God. And you're going to stand before God and he's going to tell you what are you going to do when you stand before God and poison these kids' minds?
The Bible says if God so loved the world that he gave us one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
So not only does he confront them, he goes straight for the jugular. In fact, the very first question this preacher asks is, what are you going to do when you stand before God and have to answer for the sins that you're committing right now?
Wow, that is absolutely the right question to ask. He's trying to wake them up. There are eternal consequences to the decisions we make right now.
Every single person will die and then they will face judgment. It's absolutely going to happen. Hebrews 9 .27.
But this starts to get the crowd riled up, as you can imagine. And he's severely outnumbered. It seems that the pro -LGBT crowd is not going to simply allow this kind of thing to be said without a response.
At first, they start booing. But then a couple of women confront the preacher and clutch their pearls, so to speak, as they say, stop saying these terrible things in front of our kids.
There are children present, don't you know that? But guys, imagine how morally backwards it is to say something like this.
Seriously, they are perfectly willing to expose their children to a grown man dressed in revealing women's clothing.
But when someone walks in and says, hey, this is weird and you should stop, all of a sudden they say, no, please, think about the children.
They're too innocent to hear things like common sense. Stop contaminating their brain with things like truth and ethics.
Again, this is perhaps the most ironic response I've ever seen. Imagine how utterly confused you have to be to react this way.
But of course, the situation continues, and it only gets more heated. But the preacher, well, he's not backing down at all.
Watch this. These little ones need to be raised up in the Lord. These little ones need to be raised up in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Because there's going to come a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of the Father. The Bible says that. The Bible says that men are men and women are women.
And men shouldn't dress like women and women shouldn't dress like men. This is sick.
This is incredible. And notice two things. First, there are at least two women who have picked up their children and have walked out.
You can kind of see it in the background of the video. And they do this so as to protect their children from this gospel preacher.
The irony here is insane. They'll let their children frolic about with a 40 -year -old man wearing women's underwear, but they won't let them hear the gospel preached?
That's a bridge too far. What on earth are they thinking? But then the drag queen confronts the preacher directly, and we see an actual one -on -one argument between the two of them.
And the drag queen says something along the lines of, You're entitled to your own lifestyle, and I'm entitled to mine.
Now, if you have a real grasp of Scripture, you know that this is a terrible argument. But trust me, millions and millions of professing
Christians believe precisely that. That everyone should be entitled to act in whatever way they want, as long as they're not physically hurting anyone at that moment.
But this is a terrible standard to live by. And frankly, it will destroy our society. It already is.
Clearly, this ambiguous, pluralist, hyper -libertarian society isn't working. How do
I know that? Well, because I just watched a scantily -clad, grown man dancing around with children, pretending that he's a woman.
And their parents took them to this event, and it's perfectly legal to do this in our country. Is there no problem with that?
No moral or godly society would ever tolerate anything that looks like this.
It's time to step away from this pluralism, and turn to the truth of God's Word for structuring society.
But the drag queen is not okay with being so publicly contradicted. And he comes back to argue his case with the preacher again.
And yes, it gets even more interesting. Watch this. They are coming here willingly.
Do you think this is an appropriate way to dress in front of a child? Do you think this is an appropriate way to dress? I'm covered. You are dressed like a whore in front of children.
Are you teaching children to be whores? Are you teaching children to be whores? Is that what you're teaching?
What are you trying to teach these kids? Now imagine the irony of being a man in women's clothing, dancing around with children, and then telling someone else that they're out of line because they're, quote, spreading hate in front of the kids.
Trust me. Hearing the Gospel isn't going to hurt them. It's the power of salvation to all who believe.
Romans 1 .16 On the other hand, seeing this dude jump around dressed like a Vegas showgirl, that might actually scar them for life.
We need to get our priorities straight here. But then the preacher says that the drag queen is, quote, dressed like a whore.
This is the point in the video where all of the modern, evangelical, nice -guy Christians say, too far.
I was with him up to this point, but then he used that word, and that's just rude and unnecessary and certainly not winsome or compassionate.
I don't believe in that kind of thing. But those people are wrong. It is perfectly loving, perfectly compassionate to say this kind of thing to a man who is manipulating and corrupting the minds of small children in such a blatant way.
Read Hosea 9 .1, for example. Quote, Rejoice not, O Israel, exult not like the peoples, for you have played the whore, forsaking your
God. End quote. There is absolutely nothing wrong or unbiblical in what this preacher said.
And if him using that word makes you more uncomfortable than you are when, for instance, you see a drag queen, then you need to check your moral compass because I think it's not functioning properly.
The Bible has a serrated edge that would make most Christians blush if they knew about it. But God didn't command us to be sugar and spice and everything nice.
No, He commanded us to be biblical. But in the next clip, the preacher goes even further, calling the parents in the room abusers.
Watch this. Once again,
I have to wonder how many Christians would object to this kind of language. Probably most professing
Christians in America, right? They would say that it's not being nice. But the inconvenient fact still remains. This man is 100 % right.
To willfully expose your children to this kind of debauchery, this kind of shockingly immoral behavior, can't be called anything other than what he said.
In fact, it is perhaps one of the most evil and vile things that you could do to your child. And hearing this probably won't make those parents feel good, but it's what they need to hear anyways.
And yes, it is perfectly loving to tell this drag queen what he's acting like. That's precisely what he's doing, and he needs a big dose of reality.
Clearly. That's what love actually looks like in this situation. Just like it was loving, for example, for Paul to tell the wicked false teachers to quote, emasculate themselves in Galatians 5 .12.
Again, the Bible has a serrated edge. But of course, most Christians have been told by their pastors that you can't directly call anyone out for anything because, well,
God says don't judge and don't be a Pharisee and don't be too mean. That's about as deep as most people's theology goes in situations like this.
And that is precisely why the modern evangelical church has lost so much ground to the
LGBT movement. As Christians, we need to remember that there is such a thing in Scripture as righteous outrage.
Don't believe me? Quote, God is a righteous judge, a God who feels indignation every day.
Psalm 7 .11. We need to stand up and say enough is enough. You don't get to expose children to this madness and you don't get to make up your own moral standard.
Christ is Lord over all the earth, including the United States of America. So let's pray that we American Christians would have the courage that the preacher in this video had to publicly stand up full of love and full of courage against the evils of our modern culture.
I pray this video has been a blessing to you. And please know this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
Pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video. And please check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
By God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching.
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