Encouragement and Certainty for 2021


Join us for the new episode of Apologia Radio! We have 3 of our 4 Elders on to provide some encouraging words for 2021. We realize there has been so much bad news. We want to give you all some hope. Help us meet our $500,000 match and let's work together to Redeem 2020. Donate now at http://Redeem2020.com These platforms won't help this information get out. You can help us by sharing. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiastudios?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


Non -rockabotas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it
Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite? We're being delusional Delusional?
Yeah, delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay. It doesn't really hurt Is he hung up on me?
YES! WHAT? What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage
Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives.
Right. Don't go into the world and make homies. Right. Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle neck
That's a joke pastor When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not
Give the king your justice O God and your righteousness to the royal son May he judge your people with righteousness and your poor with justice
Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people and the hills in righteousness May he defend the cause of the poor of the people give deliverance to the children of the needy and crush the oppressor
May they fear you while the Sun endures and as long as the moon throughout all generations
May he be like rain that falls on the mown grass like showers that water the earth in his days
May the righteous flourish and peace abound till the moon be no more
He shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth
May desert tribes bow down before him and his enemies Lick the dust and of course,
I don't leave this one out verse 11 psalm 72 May all kings fall down before him all nations serve him
Welcome back everybody to another episode of apology a radio. This is the gospel heard around the world I'm Jeff the
Coleman and injured us Luke the bear over there And this is pastor Zach Morgan right here.
Well, hello. Hello from provoked If you guys haven't listened to provoked yet, you should it's with pastor
Zach and Desi It's we'll get a bunch of those up here on YouTube. You can also go to apology of studios .com.
Check it out we have a whole there's a plethora of Shows and programs there is a whole manner of shows all kinds of them
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Academy and again you participate with us and everything in ministry and just an announcement
I know that everybody's waiting with bated breath constantly for like when's this gonna happen? Bonson you is under construction
We have word from our developers right now. Everything is underway we're just we're hesitating to give you guys a date because we want to make sure that if we say it is gonna happen so we'll get closer and We'll let you know an official date when that's all gonna drop
Bonson. You is gonna be available through apology of studios .com Bonson you over 1900 seminary lectures
Conference stuff Pastor Bonson when he was pastor of a church It's all of his teaching series through books of the
Bible like entire book of the Bible Luke verse by verse the entire book of Revelation by dr. Greg Bonson.
It's awesome. I mean, it's awesome beginner level apologetics mid -level apologetics advanced apologetics
And you're also gonna have stuff at apology of studios that no one's ever really gotten before that's because we're digitizing content
No one's ever seen before so there's also gonna be video content there So I mean it's we were calling it akin to like an online
Seminary education and we mean that when we say it, I mean you're gonna get hermeneutics church history
You're gonna get exegesis. You're gonna get apologetics philosophy. You're gonna get stuff on law worldview culture politics
I mean, it's all that in a bag of chips and it's all gonna be at Bonson you
Apology of studios comm it is underway. Just please forgive us guys. Give us give us some grace on the time
It's not an easy task to take an entire man's Well his entire history of teaching almost 2 ,000 pieces of content and to upload that and to make it accessible and beautiful Easy to access and available and all of that is gonna be available to you
Completely for free so you'll be able to do the stuff of Bible studies for church for your home personal enrichment to be honest,
I Look, I don't think it'd be wrong to say I think that if you digested this entire thing from Bonson you
You would probably get a better seminary education than you would today in most seminaries
Christian seminaries I don't have any question about that. And so for those you guys that are like thinking about ministry
God's calling you to ministry I don't think there'll be any better way to get trained online
Of course Whitfield edu dot edu is a phenomenal online seminary and you guys should go sign up for that But in terms of what you can get from Bonson you it's unparalleled
And so it's also gonna be completely for free. So praise God for that I can't believe I'm saying that it's an amazing thing
Thank you to the Bonson family for making all that possible for us. And so that's it. So that's the bear.
That's Zach I know things are tough right now By the way in the background right now right now we got we got
Wade in the background Keeping us he's just supervising us right now to make sure make sure all as well
Yes, and and recently recovered from kovat. Yeah, right on.
That's not a secret. Is it? Well not now Yeah, yeah, all right definitely not yeah, and so how was it how was it ten days of fever
Wow 15 pounds
It's a kovat diet, it's the kovat diet. Yeah, some people are on keto some people do kovat
That's just yeah, okay, but but you're better now good praise God praise the Lord Yeah, and so I think that there is good news
Regarding this whole situation with kovat if you read this stuff and the studies right now coming out It does show some positive stuff in terms of the trend that we're on that down slope now
And that's that's that's that's really good. Yeah, people still need to of course Self -governed and be cautious and don't don't be foolish and wash your hands and all that stuff you would normally do
But it's some good encouraging news We you know, we wanted to do a show today and honestly there were two things on my mind
I wanted to do that were like sort of like deeply Theological rigorous sort of like want to play through some stuff and sort of interact with we got to finish our discussion on Responding to the nine marks thing on theonomy.
Oh, yeah, we are gonna do that We are gonna go through all of that and make sure we don't leave any stone unturned in that discussion for everybody
It's a very important discussion, especially in light of current circumstances to talk about the law of God in modern society
God's standards of righteousness and justice. That's a very important discussion. We are going to do it of course
God willing but it is in our Plan and timeline, but we thought I don't know I came in today and I thought to myself
Just even from this morning Absolutely bombarded with just bad news. Oh, yeah,
I mean from from the guy who's the gender bender from Pennsylvania dude, yeah,
I mean the dude is the ugliest woman I've ever seen in my life and Not really a woman, you know what
I mean by that but Biden picks him as the vice Assistant health secretary
Not the healthiest looking dude, okay but So that's bad news
I mean obviously When you look at sort of like who's up top who's gonna be representing the people in terms of governments
You're like they're the perfect representation of us. Oh, yeah this culture perfect perfectly represent
They thrive on coveting I mean socialism communism It's amazing.
The heart of it is is addressed in the Ten Commandments God's law. It's enduring. You should not covet
I mean socialism communism. How do you get people to buy into something? So absolutely stupid
So ignorant so not workable so demonstrably not workable in history every single time
It collapses and destroys and it kills people and you'll say oh, it just wasn't done, right? No, here's the problem sin never truly gives you what it promises and the heartbeat of socialism and communism is
Covetousness, right? I want what they have. I they have stuff. They're successful They're too successful.
I want their stuff. It's just an amazing thing to me. I saw this just absolutely sad interviewed today with this young college girl and she's on this news interview and she's talking about like taking money from the the 1 % and these people and we should take more of their money and it's like taxing even up to 90 % or more and I'm thinking to myself how dark does your heart have to be to see somebody who's who's built something successfully and to say
I Should have that I want that So anyway, all that to say that when you have our government today represented by people who just love communism
I mean we Disney Disney used to make commercials Used to make commercials as propaganda against communism
Disney used to make cartoons to basically fight against the idea of communism and we're a generation later and now we're like there are leaders they'd like love communism and Socialism and they represent us perfectly because we are a society and culture that loves our sin
We love other people. We want people people have we don't have any problem with theft and all the rest and then you have also
The crazy gender bending stuff that's that's coming down the pike Obviously, it's been behind us, but we have so much these people represent us so perfectly
So anyway, I know that's bad news. Look it you can you can have a category of thought that says oh, this is bad
This is really wicked. It is so sinful however we were talking as pastors and we're like we need to do some encouraging content because though this is really bad and I've heard this quote and I think it's a good quote
It's true Christianity has died and risen again a lot in 2 ,000 years of history you can look at charts and maps of church history in terms of the church is exploding the gospel exploding and then like it's shrinking down back again and then
Exploding more and then shrinking back down again and exploding even more and what's that? What's he say?
I forget who it's from but I heard there's a that's a great quote. It's so true Christianity has died and risen again so many times and it does that because it has a
God who knows the way out of the grave I thought that's really really great and so we're in a time where the church really has an opportunity here to preach the pure 110 proof gospel to a culture that desperately needs it and and you know, what's amazing is
Actually in the moment like this, we're actually winning because being stupid doesn't actually work and and Loving your sin and living in your sin will never actually work
It's the kind of thing you and I used to say to the addicts all the time that we were always ministering to Like this has a certain promise for the night
Sure, you're gonna go out you're gonna use tonight or you know You use this past weekend and and and sure, you know for the moment it felt kind of good, right?
Seemed like it was delivering on its promise But you are going to die right or your life's gonna be destroyed and every single time
We're out on the street picking some up off the street at like 2 in the morning or 11 o 'clock at night or whatever
And someone is like in desperate circumstances Because oh, you know, maybe the binge on the drinking and the heroin didn't work out
So well seemed like it was a good idea Sin never delivers. It's not lasting or sustaining joy.
It's just Temporary that's right. You know, what's weird. Sorry. I don't want to derail the car.
No, no, no, you're on Yeah, we have like this a weird time for us. It's I'm looking I'm watching which I Benji whichever camera
Benji and James O 'Brien are watching Benji and I There's always people from the UK watching right now and it's like 1 in the morning there
You guys need you guys should be in bed. You can continue to watch but you should Benji Benji picked us up last time in in Dublin and he got to see a side
Of the leadership at apology at church that almost no no one ever has We land so that the deal is going to Ireland God's done some amazing things with apology at church and the churches in Ireland Helping to establish justice for the pre -born
So we're out there to try to help them to try to encourage them to help build some stuff God's been doing some amazing things there
But Benji picked us up from the airport and every time we fly to it's not really that bad to be honest
I I feel like that's one of my favorite trips because yeah You fly from Arizona to like DC or New York and that's only about four hours ish and then you know you have like a two -hour layover whatever
DC or New York and then you fly for about five and a half six hours to Dublin and Dublin trying to say it correctly.
So no makes fun of me and we usually we're always landing in Ireland Rounds like 7 7 or 8.
Yeah, so we usually there but here's the problem The way the time thing works when we're landing in Ireland, it's only about midnight our time
So nobody has slept and the best thing to do is not go to bed at least from my perspective.
Yeah, I agree Don't go to bed because you'll mess up. You've got to get You're gonna get caught up with the schedule
So what we usually do and we've done this numerous times is we land? We've got something to eat full
Irish breakfast with the Guinness all Irish breakfast And then all we do is we try to basically adjust to the schedule by not going to bed
So and it's always a funny thing to watch us fight till 5 I think we've the most gotta force ourselves to get to at least like 8 next time
I I have never made it past 6 p .m. No, I've never made it I got you I was sitting in bed staring at the wall just like crying
For eight hours. I could not sleep. Well by the time we got it got to about 3 p .m
In Ireland we are so punchy and out of it We're literally like giggling like schoolgirls over nothing.
We're just dying laughing We're just completely delirious and at a certain point we went to another restaurant just sort of like wait
Just wait just coffee. Just wait till 5 o 'clock Wait till 5 30 go back to the hotel now try to sleep the night through and my we always have a rule as pastors
As our family comes first, so we'll allow like one family member to come with us in these long missions trips so we're not, you know constantly away from our families and So I had my son with me on this time and he made it to about 4 30 and I look over in the restaurant and I honestly thought he he might have been dead
I was like, are you okay? He I had to like I had to like carry him Down the streets these cobblestone streets of Dublin to get him to the hotel because he was just completely out just done couldn't hang
I literally fell asleep at the restaurant. Remember? Yeah, I know sitting there and I just And and the funny thing is not give up is when you fall asleep at like 5 p .m.
Or 5 30 p .m Yeah, you're usually up at like 1 or 2 in the morning So I was up at like 2 3 in the morning or whatever and I was just being wide awake stellar
Okay, stellar still asleep. So I just went downstairs just to see like I may get some fresh air So I go outside come no one on the streets in Dublin Yeah, so I just start getting some fresh air and I walk around it's freezing and I run into this this
Irish Gypsy, and so I end up having a conversation with an Irish gypsy for about snatch.
No for you I was like that exactly. He's like he spoke. I don't know if this is a bad word So forgive me in the
UK but like in snatch that movie the pikey. Yeah, he but he was Irish So it was really thick had a hard time understand what he was saying
And I definitely was keeping my distance guarding my wallet making sure our wallet was still in my pocket sort of a thing
I was like, what are you doing out here? He's wearing shorts He was wearing shorts and it was freezing outside I was like, what do you where do you live?
He's a guy. Yeah, I'm just in a seat on the street. There's no to do I was like, no,
I do what you're saying. I think he said I sometimes sleep on the streets and Yeah.
Anyway, so Benji picks us up and he took us and yeah, so anyway good news
We want to share word from God that is good news About the future because there is so much to be hopeful for and this is not just us being the optimist saying the glasses
You know half full sort of thing. This is certainty You have certainty from God's Word as to what the future will hold
Certainty and I want to encourage you all to abandon your defeatist eschatologies and bring your hearts and minds back to the ancient eschatology of Athanasius Okay, bring yourselves back to the eschatology of the
Puritans the hopeful Eschatology based upon scripture and its promises about the future
And so I do hope that that that we would all abandon Our abandonment of the world because you get a culture like this because the church leaves the culture
Churches and salt and light and so what do you get you get decay you get darkness everything as soon as the church starts to hide its light darkness surrounds everything
So to get to that and then I want to hear from pastors act just your thoughts what are in your heart right now
I wanted to play I think a very good clip this from pastor Toby Toby Sumter our boy from Moscow, Idaho Toby had some encouraging words here.
It's about a two minute long clip. Maybe a little bit more. This is a real kick in the teeth Yeah, it's a good one And so I want to encourage you all don't don't leave this feed right now because this this is
I think something all of us Need to hear this kind of word about how to handle the days ahead. So here you go pastor
Toby It's no secret that we are a militant community as we continue to grow both from within and without Many are gathering with us because they see the necessity of taking strong biblical stands they see the weakness of the modern
Christian Church and they want to stand with other believers who are willing to stand and fight and This really is wonderful.
If you're relatively new to the community and you resonate with all of this welcome We are truly glad for the reinforcements
But we don't ever want to forget that the center of our militants is our war against sin
Both the darkness still in our own hearts as well as the sins in our land
And the reason we are at war with sin is because sin steals our joy
We hate sin because we love joy But we wouldn't hate sin at all if God hadn't opened our eyes and our mouths and our hearts to receive his joy
This means that the thing that drives our militants is joy. The joy of the
Lord is Literally our strength the cash value of all this is that we want to be a community known not merely for militants
But for militant joy We want our homes to be places of true Christian fellowship our tables places of laughter our community a place of forgiveness our social media posts to be
Overflowing with good humor and just to be completely clear. This means a jolly Resistance to the masking
Gestapo. This means cheerful opposition to the socialists This means a smiling challenge to all men to leave their sin behind and walk with us in the light and That means we must banish every shrill and angry response
Let every hint of screech Be put away from you They are panicked because Christ was born because he died and rose again and now it's getting lighter every minute
When the Sun is coming up the shadows can grow longer for a time
But the fact that you can see the shadows means the light has come We love because God loved us first while we were still enemies
Christ died for us if there's any kind of snarl in your chest or in your mouth
It would be better for all of us if you took a breather on the sidelines Before joining us in the fray we love our enemies by Jove God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay There you go Whoo, that's a kick in the teeth.
Yeah. Yeah, that's a kick in the teeth How's that? Man, there's just so much to talk about so much to think about so much
I've been thinking about just during these times and you know, like he said, you know being men of joy being men of laughter
And you go, you know I always think about the Covenanters because I think what we need to do instead of focusing and filling our minds with the negative news
Is like filling our minds with faithful the faithfulness of the church who went through crap, you know who went through persecution
And so that's what these guys were like, you know These were men full of joy and laughter in persecution that we couldn't even hold a candle to we're not even there
We're not even at the footstool of the persecution they went through but it was just it was just so important I mean, you know as crazy as before they'd go up to the gallows the
Covenanters, you know and be Hung or when then quartered they'd take their pulse and their pulse would be steady
You know because they had so much joy. They had so much focus on the Lord They were so stabilized in the things that were so certain and I just I think that's what we got to be right now for Our flock, you know sheep are skittish sheep are gonna be
I mean even through good times and bad times. It doesn't matter Sheep are prone to wander though.
We is as Jesus is under shepherds. We can't be skittish. We have to be focused and stabilized
We can't just be pushed over by every wind of wood You know, whatever the news brings up the next day because we're gonna be unfaithful to our people so I think and I know
I'm talking a lot, but I think what we saw when when the kovat hit is we saw
Pastors who were faced with a challenge and they were really pushed over by a situation and they were making really bad decisions
They were not standing on principle. They let the situation Sway them and what did their what did their sheep do?
They left understandably because they didn't know how those shepherds would care through them through another storm
So when we're talking about in being encouraging we're talking about being stable. We're talking about Doing all that we can to prepare the sheep.
We don't have a choice as God's men. We've got to do it We have to be stabilized in the certainty of his word because what if so, you know
Well, what if scenarios are all built on uncertainty, right? And that always leads to fear and anxiety and worry and all these diseases that come into the flock
So yeah, yeah, I was cuz Zach and I were talking about this yesterday actually and there's like there's two things
I kind of been Trying to formulate in my in my head But what you just kind of mentioned one of them was it's though the what -ifs versus the what is yeah and so I think if we get too caught up in the what -ifs all these videos in the
UK and China or you know, Facebook's doing this and YouTube's doing that and Twitter's, you know, like all this stuff
That's the what -ifs if we get caught up in that I'm Afraid it's going to steal our joy in Christ because and it's going to cause us to lose focus of the what -ifs
Yeah, so what's in front of us the rakes that we have to the rocks that we have there like what's in front of us?
What has God given us to do now in front of us? And if we get too caught up in the what -ifs we lose focus of the what?
What is and then the other thing to kind of go along along with that then I was like thinking like there's like There's those that plow those that put their hands to the plow those that get their hands dirty there and then there's those that sit around and Talk about plow theory, right, right, right
And it's like it's like quit sitting in the sidelines talking about you know, like well I don't know about that plows out there kind of plow is that the right kind of fertilizer that handle doesn't look you know, like No, like jump in get your hands dirty.
We got work to do We need to we need to be plowing like you said like the pastors need to be doing that they need to be leading the way because the sheep are looking to the pastors to lead by example and if we're on the sidelines or we're too caught up in the what -ifs then that's what's gonna happen with the sheep and When the sheep get scared they scatter.
Yeah, I think you know, we got to know what's in front of us So we got to read the news I mean, I think I've read more news in the past two weeks and I haven't like two months with everything that's going on So we have to be in the know with what's on the horizon and so we can lead lead the correct way
But like you said pastor Lou, we can't let it steal our joy You can't let it move us off the foundation of God's Word and principle like it wants to do because that is just it bleeds
Directly into the flock. Yeah, and we can't we got to stop that from happening, you know yeah, there's there's a ton of uncertainty right now and What we have that is distinct
Distinct it's a distinctive of the biblical worldview is the certainty That the revelation of God gives to us
God has spoken in history And so we don't have the kind of uncertainty that the unbelievers have right, you know, it makes sense to me.
I'm saddened by it It's awful that so many people this last year have taken their lives That's a very sad thing so many people have taken their lives and depression and all this
It's because if you don't have God's the certainty of God's revelation Then you have only
Uncertainty to deal with and if you're in a situation like we're at now With the kovat situation or with government and the way things are going that it can they can lead somebody to pure desperation
Right. There is no hope. There's no light at the end of the tunnel There's there's you know, everything everything is ultimately hopeless because there's so much uncertainty
Christians aren't supposed to live like that like that because we have the certainty of God's revelation We don't have a secular or humanist worldview or an atheistic perspective of reality where the universe is just chaos time and chance acting on matter and Everything's up for grabs.
I mean in that worldview everything is up for grabs. We don't know what tomorrow is gonna hold We don't know the universe is gonna be sustained in the next five seconds.
We have no basis for any of that stuff We have no justification. It's just all Might for right it's us against the world and you got certain powers rising and other powers fighting them and It's total uncertainty, but we have a certainty of God's revelation like and we could do this all day
Psalm 72 that's a promise about the Messiah's kingdom. He's going to establish justice
He look at this just the word here. Think about this for a second Now we look at like a regime like we're getting now with Biden and Harris and all that comes along With that like, you know gender bending men as health secretary sort of thing.
Okay, so that's an oppressor That's an oppressor of communities. It's an oppressor of God's people We of course know but all the stuff coming up with the
Equality Act and all that and this stuff people are fearful of that But here's what God says He's gonna do may he defend the cause of the poor of the people give deliverance to the children of the needy and crush the oppressor
These people are oppressors, so what's the Sun gonna do the Son of Righteousness? He's gonna crush the oppressors.
That's guaranteed That's certain. It's as certain as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. How do you and I know about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
I know Josephus and we can talk about that and Tacitus and all the other You know external biblical witnesses to the resurrection.
You could put all the proofs you want But let's let's talk about the fact that you're you have certainty of the resurrection is that it's promised in the
Old Testament It's is displayed in the New Testament, so there's your certainty the resurrection of the Son of God Well, you have certainty by the
Deity of Christ certainty about the gospel certainty about justification through faith in Christ alone You have certainty about all these things.
Well, here's certainty. He's gonna crush the oppressors He shall have dominion from sea to sea from the river to the ends of the earth
May desert tribes bow down before him that's been happening for 2 ,000 years and his enemies lick the dust
May all kings fall down before him all nations serve him now if you're like, I just don't know doesn't look like that's
That's where we're going right now in the United States of America. Okay, well United States of America is not the kingdom of God Stop conflating the two right they get the rule of Christ is it contains people people nations for you know in in that rule of Christ, but America as an experiment as a government system and and that sort of thing that that's not the kingdom of God I think people oftentimes
I was I've been thinking a lot about this like how come people conflate America and the
American system with Christianity and I think I have an answer I look I'm not all -knowing here but I think I have an answer in terms of like why the
Confusion and I think it's actually for a good reason in some sense at the start and that's an
America started because of the Christian Worldview the things that established justice and blessing in this country that bled out literally into the world
Literally into the world Liberty and all those different things That started because the Christian worldview and I think people know that Like this is where we this is from where we've come and it came because of a certain thing
Christian worldview We're not saying that all the founding fathers were perfect Christians with perfect in a theology.
Nobody's making that claim We're not saying it was a utopia But come on now if you want to talk about the blessings of this country and all that they got all that the gospel did
Through this nation in the world You got to come to grips with the fact that it's from the Christian worldview
And I think that's in some reason why some people conflate the two the problem is where America is now
It's not being fed by a Christian worldview Fundamentally, and that's why there's a problem. The kingdom of God is a whole different thing that contains
India It contains Russia. It contains America. It contains China. It contains
China. It contains Canada yes, even Canada And it's it's the rule of the
Messiah. So here's the point. Jesus said his departing words. This is where I'll shut up His departing words that we're not supposed to have any dispute amongst ourselves over.
Why do we is All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me past tense.
That's heaven and earth already been given to Jesus He's not waiting to get it. He's not coming back to get the authority
He has it now and he says go therefore because of that make disciples of all the nations baptize them and teach them to obey so apparently
Jesus Believes Psalm 72 he believes that that's that's in the background
And of course, we're gonna do some more today in the show to talk about more verses to give you hope and certainty But that's the point.
The certainty we have is that Christ is accomplishing his purpose. He's growing his kingdom, but there are historical judgments
Yeah, this is an historical judgment if a nation will not obey God if the king will not obey
God Psalm chapter 2 The father says to the son I'll give you the nation's for your inheritance the ends of the earth for your possession and then it says to the to the rulers
The kings of the earth obey the Sun or you will perish right? And so there are Moments in the kingdom of God's history throughout time as Christ is putting his enemies under his feet
Well, we're gonna have some dramatic consequences for disobedience to the king The King and And I think that's where we're at.
Now. We're like someone said this that they said Yesterday how they word it they said
Something let's see the effect of like If God is sovereign and he hates sin Then why do we have the government coming in that we have now and by the way, please understand
Trump was not the codification of a Christian president, but at least he was merciful to Christians He was friendly to Christians we had room
Okay, we're not Trumpers here. But in terms of like the wickedness of the Biden administration. Look, you can't deny it
Okay, you can't deny it. The man is wicked Kamala. Harris is wicked. The administration is wicked. They're promoting wickedness
They are parading their sin like Sodom, right? Okay, and And someone said like well if God hates sin, then why do we have these leaders and my answer was simple
He's judging us Not Christians my sins have been done with dealt with in Jesus that's done
It is finished for God's people But we're living in the sinful fallen world and I'll tell you what it is clear judgment.
God gave them over Romans 1 how can people do this? He gives them over he says, okay
I'll let you have your heart's desires. You can have what you want. You love other people's stuff I'll show you what happens when a society loves everyone's stuff and start stealing from each other you want it
I'll give you communism and then everyone eats each other alive and they come out of that and they go that was not such a Good idea, right because it's never a good idea.
So God says, all right, I'll let you I'll let you try You ever do have one of your kids there ought to do something stupid and you're like Well, they're not gonna die.
I'll let him experience that You know saying like kid doesn't know you're like, all right, give it a shot
You know, you're not listening to my instruction. You won't obey your parents in this moment There's just you know, some kid doing something you're like,
I'll let you give it a shot You know, you want to you stop climbing on that? Like, okay, like unlike August this little a train table he has
I mean, it's barely off the floor. He's decided he wants to instead of play with trains on it He wants to crawl up on it and stand on it and jump up and down But he doesn't have very good balance and he's got a big belly
So it's like how many times do I say to him? Don't do that You're gonna hurt yourself and finally just go.
You know what? It's probably a good idea He actually experiences a little fall because that little fall will be a memory pain, right
That is associated with pain and I think when we look at historical judgments like that in a sense
It's kind of the same situation here. You want this you can have it and here's some pain hmm,
I had a you know, I like as pastors you have you have moments where like You're you have something maybe that you are always telling people in counseling and then you have the moment you're like I need to tell
Myself that oh, yeah, so that was yesterday. I was like Talking about like certainty and stuff, you know
I literally felt like I was like swimming in like a sea of negativity Not that I was feeling that way
But I felt like I was just being bombarded where I was just like I was like, oh my goodness I can't even handle it right?
It was just like it was like exhausting like physically and mentally exhausting And so I went you know, the one first I always use is
Romans 8 28 with counseling I love that verse or you know, those that I love God and a call the coins purpose
He works everything to good and for his glory And so I'm reading through Romans 8 reminded myself and then it was it was chapter verse 15
I didn't remember before and basically Paul says that you weren't adopted to have a spirit of fear
Like that's not why Christ adopted you to be fearful and I was like, oh man that's so it was just a good reminder like You know
God God sovereign that that is a certainty that that is the solid rock that we can Build our foundation on that is our foundation, you know that Christ Saved us.
He adopted us not to be fearful and that he's working this all for good and glory Yeah, you know and so all right.
So where are those rocks? Let me rake those rocks, right? You know, I'm gonna be joyful in the process build.
Yeah. Yeah Yeah, see the good in it all like what you did when you first stepped up to the pulpit yesterday at church
You know But I loved it you just with a loud voice she said
I Just love what God is gonna do in the future to purify his church. Oh, yeah
So that's what we're doing. You just said as God is working all things for our good that even in the midst of the worst
Persecution, it's a purifying aspect. It's a refining aspect that he'll use the tools of Suffering and affliction which suck but are good
I mean, I think what he's been doing in my own life as I've been thinking about it is yeah There could be the reality that we do spend time in jail
We go out to this to the strip clubs and we preach the gospel. We got to sporting events We do talk about things like homosexuality being a sin
We call abortion murder and there might get a time to where you know, that's gonna be out loud That's gonna be seen as hate speech and we spend time in prison modern -day blasphemy laws, right?
Exactly so what that does though is it helps you to really throw off all of the just Nonsense that we have in our life, especially as our perspective.
It just I'm just looking at my kids now I'm not that I'm you know, I'm not preparing to get to go into some concentration camp
But what I'm doing is saying I'm gonna take every maybe I'm taking I take every moment that I have with my little baby
Phoebe and Macy and Titus and I'm just gonna enjoy it I'm really gonna focus on things that matter and not let these issues, you know
You know get me away from what I really need to be focused on in the moment I think that's just one of the refining aspects of persecution, you know, yeah.
Yeah and it Good a good purifying aspect of this kind of persecutions. Not only is it does it reveal the true church?
But it also just a reminder that God throughout history has shown us he likes to do this
He will bring about the greatest transformations and victories through the remnant that nobody really thought much of and that's
That's truly what he does and and it's also a purifying thing for us because what I've been thinking a lot about lately is in terms of the
The requirement that God gives to me to build to fight to not be fearful to continue to be faithful But also the fact that I have to be satisfied that I could lose everything
I had to be satisfied that I have God forever Like this this, you know, we talked about a lot as Christians, you know, the light and momentary affliction
I'm thinking a lot about that lately. I really have I was having a conversation with Candy the other day About that light momentary affliction thing
My wife just had her birthday, it's like a big birthday time for all of our families like it's it's it's my daughter's birthday
It's Candy's birthday. It's your wife's birthday. It's your birthday. It's my birthday. It's all February 2, right?
Yeah It's a year. Yes, right. It's yours. And so it's it's Isaac yours yours. No me is yours. Okay Yeah, okay 10th 13th 27th
Yeah, yeah, so I was talking to Candy and I was I was talking to her birthday and and I was like it's another year we're just you know talking about like, you know being healthy and being in shape and everything else and then
I was like I said, babe We have forever We're not getting old
We have forever like there's this moment we have in this world in this life where we get a little older we get tired
We get out of shape and all those other things but like we have we we're gonna live forever Like forever eternity is ahead of us.
We have ever ever forever ever forever ever for there's there's no end to this So like we are just in this the very beginning of our lives because Jesus promises everyone who lives and believes in me will never die and That's something to really consider and also it gives me a just a just a tremendous amount of peace
To know that whatever the circumstances ahead I know what this book Says about the future and I know it says about my future and I'm good.
I have an eternity This truly is a light momentary affliction and all these wicked rulers. They're going under the feet of Jesus Their sin and stupidity will not work
Of course suffering is never desirable. Nobody wants to suffer but at the same time when you think about your life and your history as A Christian aren't you glad that God brought you through those times of trial and suffering and taught you those things as much as at The moment it really really stunk and it was there was grief and there was pain and it was pleading and all the rest
Aren't you on the other side of that? Glad often like Oh praise God. You took me through that storm because and now
I know you deeply now I understand you you made me The way that I am now in you because of that trial you brought me through you had a purpose in it
Well at the same time I think in history in terms of the world it's the same situation you can look at the kind of purification that happened in the church and say praise
God for that suffering God had a purpose in it because it brought us to this place of Tremendous light with the gospel and understanding with God's Word.
And so if America Look, I don't think we cannot I this is look
I could be totally wrong here and I won't I'll say somebody might have a different perspective on this I think
America as it once was It is no more You know,
I was okay. I Confession this morning. Somebody shared Lee Greenwood The god bless the
USA Repeat at the rally
Not at our I cut it off this morning. Somebody shared that it was like, oh, it's soldiers singing the song
League Lee Greenwood song very inspirational. We were like it moved me to tears So I played it and I was just interesting here and like what is it sound good?
Like what what's different about it and it got to the point of the song? I'm proud to be an American where at least I know
I'm free and I turn it off Because it's not true. Yeah, you know people at these rallies and everything else singing the
Lee Greenwood song be honest I'm not trying to be the downer here. You already know how excited I am about the future But let's be honest about what we have to build
That's not true We're not free we're not we're not free Christianity is is a prime suspect in in our culture in terms of what's wrong and what needs to be taken down We're not free
This is not the country of Liberty based upon Christian principles that it once was or was intended to be we are not free
So to my mind people we need to stop talking about like recovering where we were even like a generation ago
We need to talk about building something entirely new as Christians in terms of our witness
Like we gotta go down to the very bottom of the foundations of what's wrong in this culture. We got to preach to it
We got to teach we got to build and so like I even saw some people talking about Christians saying like these are solid
Christians Saying things like, you know I'm not gonna have any kids right now because I'm fearful of bringing kids into this world and my answer to that is no
What are you doing? Stop? No, you need to be having more of the kids and adopting all the kids that the world doesn't want
The problem is is it's it's not the kids The problem is is we've been feeding our kids into this government system to be indoctrinated by the world for so long
So what's the error stop giving your kids to the world to be indoctrinated stop doing that raise your kids
Give them a Christian education build a better world and culture. We should be thinking about building
Building not Retreating and oh my goodness. We're destroyed. This is over.
No, look, I Would venture to say most of us understand that when the church exploded into Rome this pagan society
They were in a much worse position than we are now. We've got a lot of gospel influence in the world
We got Christians everywhere. They were way worse off than us. So stop complaining Stop complaining look
Biden is not going to capture me in the middle of the night and then tie me to a stake to eat my genitals
The man probably couldn't navigate his way out of it a visual thought. Yeah, that's Nero Nero did that Nero captured
Christians and he would tie them to stakes. I look it's an historical fact He would wear like the skins of an animal like a bear or a lion and he would like attack them and try to eat
Their genitals. Yeah, that's the kind of leader That Paul was killed under and the
Apostles are killed under and the early Christians are killed under like I Look Biden can't find his way, you know out of the bathroom, you know that this he is he's an oppressive ruler
He's a wicked man. I understand all that. Yes, but like they had way worse to deal with and you know what happened? Jesus Christ had victory over that kingdom and he's have been having victories over all kinds of kingdoms in history
I mean just take the story of like st. Patrick You really think that we have it worse off than him
I mean, I mean Seriously, or how about like the the Christians in history that have gone to any other place where you have like cannibals?
And I mean like, you know The fact that your grandfather just walks into the jungle in Africa, right and and just carries his family
That's insanity from a human perspective. It's absolute Insanity for a person to take his wife and small children and to just go walking off into the jungle
And just to go like what preach the gospel to tribes and then build a hospital It's like, you know, we've got we are such wimps.
We are such wimps We are not worthy of the people behind us if I could just say this last word and then and then give it to you
Guys, I think I said maybe did I say this last week? I'd said it to you. I think I Was watching the
John Adams thing because everyone says you gotta watch the John Adams thing on HBO and I was like, okay Finally, I'll watch it.
Okay, so I start to watch it I'm like two or three episodes in and I seriously I just I I ended it.
Yeah, and I just thought We are not worthy of these people You know
I'm saying people talk about like, you know 1776 and blah blah. It's like this.
This is not the country that Understands what any of those principles mean why they matter
No, no worldview that even matches and and so what do we have now?
They're faithful Christians all over the all over this world and in this country. We're in America right now We're talking about this right now in America. There is a faithful remnant in America and when
I say remnant, it's actually a pretty large body of believers. Okay, it's a big country There's a large body of faithful believers in this country
And the goal that we should all have is like Toby said joy joy and build
Build Happy build because we have Christ. We have everything to rejoice over It's talking about God's sovereignty.
I know we've talked about this before but him allowing us to go on the Covenant it to the
Covenant or to her for in English You know, right right before all this hit this last year, you know, like we did that we came home and then coveted and Remember, we were like at one point
We're like, I don't know if we're gonna get back because everybody was freaking out. We thought we might get stuck but my point is that I think that was obviously timely for us to see that because I'm like You know everything going on.
I'm like, okay, this might suck But I'm like after seeing what the Covenanters went through.
I'm just like I'm not even I don't even feel like I'm phased yet You know, you know, I'm like that that was awful.
Like will I get to that point maybe? Possibly but right now we're nowhere near that right now.
I you know right now we're trying to an abortion in Arizona We have a rally on Friday rally for life az .com
But you know, but like that's what's in front of us Like that's what we those are the rocks that we have the rake right now
And you know, and so like can you make can you talk about that for a second though? just Everyone's saying look at look how bad these things are
It's so that the sky is falling that sort of thing But you just mentioned that we're holding a rally in Arizona on Friday, right?
Please come drive out meet with us 11 a .m. Is the rally at the state capitol? Well, all this bad news is happening
Yes You've got 13 states right now and working on 13 more that are putting in legislation to criminalize abortion
Brothers and sisters that conversation wasn't happening 10 years ago. It wasn't happening 10 years ago And so while we're talking about how bad things are at a local level, we're working on a bill
There's a bill going in to criminalize abortion and so the church is still
Doing her job and the church is still active. The church is still light. Yeah. Yeah. I know exactly
And I mean we we talked about this a few months ago. I think You know, it's like when you have some people's the sky is falling and the
Constitution's done and all this and I'm going Okay Well, I know for the last three years
How God has completely sovereignly ordained this moment for us to be working with Walt Blackman and brought it all together and here we have
This amazing opportunity, you know, so on one hand, it's like the sky is falling on the other hand I'm like, well, but God's giving me this and I can see it
And I got to put my focus into this and I got to do what God's given me to do and you know, so a part of me for part of me, it's like hard to like it's hard to like believe all the
Scary stuff because I know what God's given us to do, right, you know, and so like you said we're still baptizing people
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah still having community. Yeah, you know just met with the lady who wants to get baptized. Yeah Yeah, yeah,
I was supposed to But Yeah, so anyways, that's all I was gonna say on that.
Yeah. No, I think you when you're talking about the Covenanters You're like man. We're not even close to where they are Yeah, 58 years of just horrendous persecution carving your heart out before they hung you then quartering you they did that But they didn't stop building.
They didn't stop section the gospel I mean the more the state would push back at him, you know The front or the
English Dragoons coming in and persecuting me. They didn't stop and what what was the result of that massive national?
Revival, right, so it's not like we're gonna get to a place where they say, okay, it's so bad. We're gonna stop building
We're gonna stop fulfilling the Great Commission and you know preaching the gospel and saving people out of Colts Whatever it may be we're never gonna do that, you know so as they would continue on in the mission even in light of horrendous persecution
God responded and just Just miraculous ways, you know,
I was just thinking a little Understand don't change what you're gonna say But yeah, the the history of the people that you're talking about that horrible persecution that went through it all those trials
Led them to even develop a very rigorous biblical Answer to fight against tyranny and injustice that led to the formation of this country
Yeah, right and that wouldn't been birthed if they hadn't gone through the persecution So that was the baby of persecution.
That was the result. That was the the fruit of it So there's in tremendous fruit in persecution that we have to you know
Focus on and think about remind ourselves of you know, like exposing false shepherds false prophets
Exposing people that are fakes in the church that we can evangelize So it has this huge, you know bringing the dross to the surface, which is just the purpose of refining
But I was thinking real quick and I won't get too off on this you know if we I think one of the great things that can happen through all this is not only like the discarding of Theological error, but one of the biggest errors is retreatism like you just said
I mean if we we got to this place because of retreatism We got to this place because of an eschatological system that would say, you know, what
Jesus is just around the corner let's read the news and Let's let's you know
Self -fulfilled prophecy and And let's just we're about to bounce out. Why would we have any footprint?
Yeah, like Toby says I mean we're the culture is downstream from the church. So We can't retreat because retreatism is got us where we are
I mean the only thing that we could do and if we're retreating we're not loving our posterity and we're retreating We're not loving
Jesus because he says if you love me, you will obey my commands and he says therefore go so we have to discard these things finally get him out of the
Mindset of the American Evangelical Church if this nation is gonna go into recovery mode But if we you know, we're gonna make two choices.
We're gonna look at hard times and you know get behind our four walls with our four kids and not have any impact and Self -justifying because of how bad the culture is we're gonna do that or we're gonna we're gonna move forward
And I love the you mentioned building Something that's been really
Impactful on me is the new st. Andrews their logo it's a it's a
Sword and shovel and that comes from Nehemiah when they were rebuilding the temple But the idea is one hand you got a shovel you're building the other hand.
You got a sword So you're building with one hand in Fighting you imagine that enemies with the other hand, you know and they and that's where we're at And I'm I'm in Let's do it.
Well, you know that it's it's for years Some of you guys have been listening to us since the very beginning you have heard that quote from an excellent sermon from Pastor Doug and it was
This is not a time for What's what okay, I've lost it at the beginning of the quote now
It's a time for Faithful men not careful men. Yes, the careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage
That's where we're at. Now. It's time for the faithful men. The careful men can come later So they'll write all the great biographies about how amazing these faithful men were it's time to be faithful men and women
It's time to build. I mean like, you know, I don't want to just seem like like I Don't want this to sound
Mostly irrelevant like well how like whatever everyone's talking about that but like it's true if like you have this this coordinated effort between like Google and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and everyone else to Like silence
Christian voices and and and quote -unquote conservative values and all the rest people say well, you know, like build another platform
Christians should build great platforms. Yes And it shouldn't be God to Stop with that We used to Christians used to lead the world
Christians used to lead the world in the arts and in science and in education We walk away from all of that because you have this defeatist view of the future and a retreatist view of culture, right?
And that wasn't of course what that's not what the early Puritans doesn't what the Puritans thought They weren't thinking like yeah, they were building a world
But we used to lead in all these ways and now like Christians just hand off all this great stuff We gave to the world to the to the world and we just go
Well, I guess they'll be the best at it like that shouldn't be that way We need to build the better stuff because we have the better worldview
They took it from us like take it back and stop making such garbage things Like let's admit it most
Christian movies are awful They're embarrassingly bad. I mean seriously like let's let's be honest the stuff that you'll find on on most
Christian streaming services It's embarrassingly bad. I saw this this this thing the other day.
I don't even know how I got on my TV I guess a smart TV situation. I hit the wrong button and it like jumped to some like streaming channel
I don't even know how that happened because I have all these apps on there and it was this Christian channel streaming content
I watched 10 or 15 minutes of a Horrifically bad Christian movie.
It was so bad. You know, why was bad because it wasn't honest It was fake like it was fake about human interaction.
It all it treats viewers. I know we're getting off here I think it's important in terms of correction It treats viewers like they're stupid like they can't understand nuance and read human emotion
And so they feel like they have to write into the script the human emotion and they have to like explain to you
What's going on in the scene and the story with the characters? Rather than having like a real -life story that tells a true story and you can put all the
Christian worldview underpinnings in it It's like I'll give you example of like I'd like what I was thinking about like that was horribly bad
Christians go Let's make Christian movies. No make great movies with a Christian worldview. How about that?
Because the whole Christian movie thing is awful I saw for my wife's birthday took her out to a movie and I got yelled at by a man named
Phoebe Because my my mask went under my nose and no I normally wouldn't even tolerate it
But it was my wife's birthday and they weren't letting us in the movies to go sit down until I put the thing on so I I put up with it long enough to go take my wife to a movie and Phoebe the guy told me to put it over my nose
Yeah, seriously So anyway, so I endured it for the sake of my wife for two
We can go sit down and watch the movie So the movie was news of the world and as Tom Hanks new movie and I was such a great movie
I don't want to spoil it for you. Yeah, let me just say right now You can get it on Amazon right now, and I know I'm destroying everything.
Okay until you build something else. We're kind of stuck But news of the world
Tom Hanks a Christian could have easily made that movie Easily Christian worldview stuff all the way through it doesn't glorify evil the evil person there are like all these marks in it of like the contact with the
Christian worldview to an ultimate end of the movie that I am not gonna ruin for you because you really need to See it and it brought candy and I both to tears
I don't cry a lot in movies But I was definitely crying at this point and I was like see that's the kind of movie a
Christian could easily Make that show your kids. There was not like gratuitous sex stuff. There was no glorification of evil
It was all like Christian worldview heralding ideas and done really well and a
Christian could have easily made that film So the question is why aren't Christians making movies like that? Why because we could be telling better stories a lot better stories and you know,
I think well like all these Platforms you don't like them build something better than them build something that even the unbelievers go
That's the best and they come on to your your business site to like participate in what you're doing because it's clearly the best
And so so build build and build your families and build your educational systems
You have in your local churches do co -ops like I don't know how we're gonna do this Well, yeah, you have like 10 families in your church
Okay, pull all your kids out of out of public school start homeschooling and do it as a co -op yep, and and sharing the cost sharing the materials it'll cost you almost nothing and You could share the whole situation amongst yourselves and start building in your communities
The it was it was in John Adams. So I loved it. It was in John Adams first episode
I think it is John Adams is like sitting He has like 20 minutes into the first episode John Adams is like sitting in a house and his wife is in the other room
And she's homeschooling the kids teaching them Latin and I thought and You wonder how you had this great
American experiment because it was like Classical Christian education and it was homeschooling and it wasn't the state controlling education all those different things
You and I used to be much Softer With our encouraging believers to just get your kids out of the school system
We were more like hey guys think about these principles and God's Word and there's no neutrality and you know, these are important get your kids out of public school system and And now
I think it we're probably crossed that line now where we're like This is total devastation. Yeah Moms and dads get your kids out of the government education system.
Get them out Immediately find a way to get your kids out. Stop giving your kids to be disciples by the state.
Okay That's I think one of the most the premier Obligations and important things for any parents do right now is get the kids out of the government education system
I think that's how drastically it bad. It's gotten in I'm out of time.
I know we were kind of coming out of the public school into homeschooling It was like, oh, it's not great.
You know, this is really important. No I'm not gonna cut anyone's heads off.
Now. It's like we got to take some heads guys Know it no neutrality. They're against Christ They're educating your kids in an unbelieving worldview and you we got to stop with the lie
We tell ourselves like I'm sending my kids in there as missionaries. No, you're not No, you're not your kids your kids aren't intended to be missionaries in that context
Yeah, exactly. Okay, you're sending your kids to be evangelized by the state and at the same time there's no way be honest dads that you can't disciple your kids for the
With equal hours or more that they're getting in the secular education system I mean how many days do you how many how many hours a day do you sit down with your kids to truly give them
A Christian education and discipleship when you've sent them off to the school for six or seven hours a day or whatever to be educated
How are you doing on your like? Okay, Monday through Friday Friday six hours say 30 class hours a week
You really doing 30 class hours a week to sort of combat that education Right stop pretending that we are that's something
I had to come grips with myself I'm telling you as somebody who had to repent of that I had to come clean and say I'm not and I can't compete with That and so it has to happen at home or within a
Christian Church context or with Christian education Yeah it's such a like you talk about a lot such a reductionistic kind of or a
Truncated view of our faith. Yeah, which is just go to church on Sunday And then the state kind of directs your steps all throughout the rest of the week
Yeah, right the state tells me I need to you know, send my kids to public school Well, I'll do it because you have to ask yourself.
Why do Christians embrace those types of things? Well, I don't think their pastors are really teaching and leading them
Into the scriptures, you know having their Christianity bear upon all of their life, you know, they they see the guy once You know, he preaches a sermon they throw money in a in a basket and they kind of go home and then they do their
Christian thing Next Sunday. I think that is kind of definitional of American Christianity when we have to we got to get away from that You know, it can't be just this religiosity that defines our
Christianity It's got to be you know I need to submit in totality to the Lordship of Jesus as it pertains to every aspect of my life
How can I send my kids to these? God hate people that hate God that are gonna indoctrinate them in lies and think that my
Kids are gonna have a robust faith. It's not gonna happen. That's right So let's start there right
Genesis 49 10 promise in the first book of the Bible Says that Shiloh is coming and to him shall be the obedience of the people's
Psalm chapter 2 God promises the world to Jesus and warns the Kings to obey him or they're gonna perish Psalm 110 1 says that the
Lord said unto my Lord said him a right hand so your enemies are footstool for your feet and Paul quotes in the first Corinthians 15 as a as a as a present reality
He's raining now and he must rain until all enemies are put under his feet as a footstool for his feet and the last enemy Is death so before death is defeated every other enemy is defeated according to Paul's timeline of history
Inspired timeline of history 1st Corinthians 15. You have all the promises in Scripture Daniel chapter 7 13 through 14 if he shall have dominion
And he's gonna bring all the nations to God and you have all the promises from Isaiah 9 6 through 7 of the increase of his government and a peace there will be no end on a throne of justice and righteousness forevermore
And it says that the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this you have promises galore through Scripture They talk about the families of the earth will all come and to worship
God and that the knowledge of God will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. That's the certainty that we have
For the future that's the certainty for the kingdom of God in the world. And so the question is how does that take place?
Well Wade was talking earlier about it the great encouragement for him the last couple of days has been reading through the book of Acts Why is it encouraging?
Because there's dramatic persecution Great deal of hardship for the people of God Very very small church just breaking into the world to proclaim the gospel
But what do you see that's having such a dramatic effect in the book of Acts? faithfulness that begets fruit
Faithfulness fruit faithfulness fruit and They were speaking the gospel boldly. They were going into the public square.
They were casting down idols They were refuting everything that exalted itself itself against the knowledge of God and they were being persecuted
I mean Paul has to like mentioned like he he's they're coming to arrest him and he's being lowered out of down a wall to Escape, you know being arrested you have you know, the instances of the
Apostles being beaten told to shut up and they didn't stop They just kept teaching from house to house you know and don't forget like the same
Apostles that God used to like establish a church and then bring the gospel into the world and To give us the scriptures they died
Gruesome deaths like gruesome deaths. There's no like victory march at the end of it all for them Like, you know, I'm gonna crawl into my deathbed now.
I did really wonderful, you know, it's great easy life They died gruesome deaths and praise God that did because they had a huge impact in the world
The only Apostle that didn't die like that was the Apostle John And I think there's reasons for that Jesus promises of what he was gonna do with him but I mean we need to consider like the church has always come out of Some very dramatic ugly persecution and difficulties.
Mm -hmm. And so I was just gonna say quickly. Yeah I know I think Zack's gotta get going here, but Something that's been a huge like Source of courage for me, you know, we you you've mentioned
Psalm 110 one You know as long as I've known you like We make sure everyone knows
Psalm 110 one, but we're doing with our catechism right now, but I love that we added verse 2
The Lord since forth from Zion your mighty scepter rule in the midst of your enemies And like man like that.
I'm like, all right, we got you get this up there like just back off I love that.
So that's just been just that little extra verse has been like man that makes that verse one even better Yeah, that's why it's always good to go back and check the check the verses that are being quoted
Yeah from in the New Testament to get a fuller understanding of like what was in the author of the New Testament's mind
He knew the text so he gives you the verse, but there's so much depth to it You got to kind of go back to what he was thinking.
There's a spring underneath it. So all right guys So hey, we are just a couple days away from our rally to criminalize abortion in the state of Arizona It is
Friday 11 a .m. For the rally 10 a .m. Is gonna be the press conference, but that's not open to the public 11 a .m.
At the state capitol and we're gonna be there. So come and join us and God's doing amazing things.
We feel humbled and honored to be part of something like this. So come and join us this Friday We should probably mention sorry that as of right now the capitol is fenced off.
Yeah, which is supposed to be through tomorrow So we will if you're if you're coming be watching we will make sure we put videos that we're updating everyone
There is a possibility. We might have to go across the street, which we've already rented the spot Yeah, right. So just be watching for that because as of right now the location we were supposed to have it at is not available
Yeah, but either way it's gonna be the state capitol area. You will see us. Trust me. Yeah, you won't miss.