How do you approach a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer person? Are homosexuals born gay? How do you quiet a restless conscience? How sinful are each one of us? What do we deserve? Can God forgive people living a lifestyle of sin?


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. It is, in fact, a
Tuesday in Christian America. Steve, welcome. Welcome, my friend.
We know it's Christian America because for the first time in 15 years, Billboard's top -ranked album is a
Tobey Mac album. I am all fired up about that Christian America. You know,
I probably have heard a Tobey Mac song. Maybe my daughters played it or something, but I couldn't tell you anything right now about a
Tobey Mac song. Neither could I. I thought it was Toby Keith. I had no idea who the guy was. I thought it was a country and Western guy.
Is this actually the same guy who is bald, Moby? Is that the same kind of guy, Moby Tack?
Moby Tack. All right. I don't know who these guys... I really don't have my finger on the pulse of the
Christian music thing, you know, because it all just kind of, for me, devolved into girlfriend songs, so I don't know who they are.
So... Well, that's true. Steve, I did see some Facebook comment at No Compromise Radio Facebook site.
Ask if they had, if we had any DVDs with us on them. Do we? DVDs? Do we?
You mean of the radio show? Well, I just, maybe you and I shoot in basketball. We shot in basketball hoops by your house in 1994 or something.
So DVDs of you and me. I thought, like, do we have any DVDs, like movies that people could borrow? I thought it was some kind of like, hey, can you guys be on free
Netflix? Hunt for Red October or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I think we're supposed to be in them.
Huh. I can't think of any. I've never been in a movie. How about you? No, I tried once and it didn't seem to go over too well.
I was security in a movie a couple of times. Really? Yeah. Okay, did you get double duty for that? Double pay?
Overtime, time and a half. One of the worst movies ever made, but. It just, it's so bombed.
I mean, it wasn't even in the theaters for an afternoon. I mean, that's how bad it was. It's called
Taking Care of Business with the unfunny Belushi. Which one is that? Jim Belushi. Oh, okay.
I didn't know that. I was just thinking of Bachman Turner Overdrive or something. Yeah, it was actually filmed at the jail where I was at.
All right, see? All these behind the scenes things. Before we had inmates. Well, I guess if you type in Google Steve Cooley, you're probably gonna get all kinds of sheriff stuff.
Oh yeah. Oh, sure. No. Well, Steve and I received an email this week and it was one of those pastoral things where there's a ministry going on locally and could we come and benefit from that or help and dialogue?
We like dialogue, don't we? Yeah, sure, because we wanna know how to best serve our community. Yes, and so it was one of those community things and it's sponsored by the
Conservative Baptist here locally. And when the Conservative Baptist sponsors something in New England, then other
Baptists get involved because there aren't hardly any Baptists in New England. So we've all gotta unite under the banner of John the
Baptist. So we've got Southern Baptist, we've got Conservative Baptist, and it's a community thing.
And it's actually, the email said the Conservative Baptist Cluster will be sponsoring this seminar.
All right, yeah. I feel like I'm in a cloister sometimes.
A cloister. And it said, a seminar on ministering to this community.
So I thought this community was the New England community, but I'm not quite gonna be. So with the focus on Catholics and Seventh -day
Adventists and just outright atheists. Oh yeah, that would have been the community. But there's actually a subset to the community.
And I don't know if Toby Max sung a song about this or not, but probably. Do we need to draw a Venn diagram at this point for the people who are watching on the
DVD? Well, if we had Phil Jackson here, he would draw, say, a
Zen diagram. Oh, nice. You see, very nice. Actually, for those that don't know, Steve Cooley's a very big
Los Angeles Lakers fan. All things Lakers, all things UCLA Bruins, even though they lost two players here recently.
We can learn more about that later. And USC football. Yes. Yeah, who else do you like? Almost no one.
I'll tell you who I really don't like is Notre Dame. That's what made the Notre Dame -USC game so bitter.
I root against Notre Dame. Somebody asked me if I would ever root for Notre Dame, and I'm going, well, maybe if Al -Qaeda had a university,
I might root for them. What if they played Boston College, would you root for a tie? No, I root for Boston College.
I know the roots are the same, but there are none like Notre Dame. Do you like Notre Dame's fight song?
I don't like anything about Notre Dame. Nothing about it. I actually drove through Notre Dame one time and drove the family through, and we saw
Touchdown Jesus. Did you repent for that? Well - For driving through. I mean,
Touchdown Jesus. Who cannot like Touchdown Jesus? Me. All right.
So on No Compromised Radio today, we're talking about LGBTs. And Notre Dame football.
Notre Dame football. Well, the email said most of us have thought about how to minister to the gay community.
Conservative Baptists are dealing with the issue, ministering to the gay and lesbian community without compromising our biblical convictions.
And so see, I was thinking about this show. No Compromise. NoCo Radio regarding the LGBT. Perfect. So the person sponsoring this seminar, his name is
Bill Henson. Really? Of the Muppets. I knew you were gonna say that. That's great.
That is gonna so cost us, they're gonna say we're just joking around about all these real deep issues.
Anyway, it's Bill Henson. I don't think it's the same Bill Henson. And he has a website called Lead Them Home.
Okay? So far, so good. Reflecting Christ's love for SSA. S -S -S -A,
I don't even know what S -S -A, same S -S -A. I don't, you know what?
It doesn't say what S -S -A is. S -S -A. Yeah, yeah. I know what S -A -S is. I know what the S -S is. Here's S -S -A and L -G -B -T -Q people.
Now, I've never heard of L -G -B -T -Q, but Q's gotta be queer. Yes. Right? Don't you think?
Yeah. I don't think it's quisp. So, Lead Them Home.
That was a serial. Yeah, I know. Lead Them Home, reflecting Christ's love for SSA and LGBTQ people.
Now, let's just talk in general, Steve, about, since some people don't probably know who we are, would we like to minister to sinners?
Is that a good thing to do? Yes. Maybe that's one of the S's in there. Maybe that's one of the
S's. We are gonna make some comments about this guy's platform here for the
LGBTQ issues. But what we're not trying to say is, we're not trying to say that we don't care about people who are enslaved to sin.
Certainly, Jesus would eat with tax gatherers and sinners. Yeah, I mean, look at Luke 15.
That's the whole preface of the three parables there, is that very idea.
The Pharisees were not happy when lost people were found. They should have been rejoicing. Remember the three parables that Steve just talked about?
Lost found rejoice, lost found rejoice, lost found should have been rejoicing, and the son was mad.
And Jesus basically said, you are the son. I don't wanna be the son who is mad that sinners hear the gospel.
I think of Jonah going to Nineveh. He didn't wanna go, why? Because he knew that God would save these nasty
Ninevites. Yeah, well, don't you think a little bit might have been fear, too? Well, I think so, but the text doesn't really say that.
It just says, I know these people. Yeah, but if you were Jonah, would you have wanted to go to Nineveh? I would have been thinking, hmm.
Well, we've probably turned in the fear of the Ninevites to a VeggieTales thing, right?
VeggieTales, and they're just these cucumber -headed people, and they're not really the real Ninevites who skin people alive and put it down at the post.
What are you doing, by the way? He's on his phone. I know, I'm trying to figure out what SSA is. So far, I've got Social Security Administration.
Oh, see, he's actually doing this that's related. I was gonna kind of whack him on the head like Jethro does
DiNozzo or something, going, stop that. So, lead them home. It's on the DVD.
Et cetera. So, we are very pro -give -the -gospel -to -everyone.
That is never the issue with No Compromise Radio. We would need to shut down when we didn't want to seek out those give -the -gospel -to -people.
We could tell you stories where the Lord has allowed us, in his good grace, to give the gospel to those who are both heterosexual and homosexual.
And so, we're not after that. But here's what I am after as we work through these issues. Steve, on the website,
LeadThemHome, there's a little sub -site there, and it talks about our five -point promise for the
LGBT. Oh, there it is. Go ahead and give me that. What's the SSA? Same -Sex Attraction.
Same -Sex Attraction. Okay, so, ministering to those with same -sex attraction and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and unsure community.
You know what, Steve? That list is only gonna, that acronym's gonna keep getting longer. It's gonna be. Longer and longer and longer.
Turn into supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, you know, all that stuff. How about the guy on the news that I read about the other day? He realized after 19 years of marriage that his wife was originally a man.
Now, is that made up? Well, that goes back to the old Al Mohler line, right? You know, a young man says, I wanna get married, and he goes, that's great, you know?
First thing you wanna do is make sure she's a woman. And then the second thing is, has she always been a woman, you know? And so, he didn't do his due diligence there,
I guess. So, here's the five -point promise that we wanna work through today, because here's,
I guess, the way I have to explain this, Steve. This is such a politicized issue, gay studies, lesbian issues, homosexual agenda, that I think too often
Christians, well, they go to two polls. The one poll is God hates fag signs picketing people who have died in Afghanistan, and we find that reprehensible, sinful, ungodly behavior.
And on the flip side, trying to carve off the sharp edges of the gospel so we can talk to these folks kind of on their terms.
Yeah, we don't wanna, the idea there would be, we don't wanna offend them. You know, we don't wanna turn away from Jesus.
Jesus didn't turn them away. How can you? So, how do we walk through this? So, let's put on our thinking caps.
By the way, it would have been sin if you'd taken off your thinking cap, right? Because you're supposed to examine everything carefully.
Really? Steve. LGBT friends, we welcome.
Lead them home, seeks to. So, if you're LGBT, they forgot to put the Q on this page, this is what we're after.
And so, Steve, before we look at the sheet, if you had a message for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer people, what would that message be?
If you could sit down by your fireplace and have a chat and talk about spiritual things, what would be at the top of your list?
Well, I'd tell them about God, that'd be my first step. And I'd tell them that God's the creator, that God owns everything, that God's the judge, that God sets the rules and the parameters.
And then I would go on and talk about sin, and including in those sins, any violation of God's law, including whether it's adultery or anything else, any kind of sex outside of marriage.
So, I'd talk about that. And then I'd talk about the repentance, or the forgiveness of sins that's available in Christ, and talk about who
Jesus is, what he did, and how he was raised from the dead on the third day.
And then I'd kind of challenge them to repent. Steve, I think the folks that are on TV with the pickets who are in the
LGBTQ associations, radically angry, we're for all these rights and stuff, it'd be hard to sit down with one of those folks during the march.
But if I could ever sit down with one outside of the marching, I would want to have the demeanor that MacArthur had on Larry King.
Remember, he had the man who played Jim Elliott in the movie. What was it? Touched by the
Spear or something. What was the name of that show? The Spear, The End of the Spear? Whatever the story was.
Shot by a Spear. I don't know. I don't know either. But the story of Jim Elliott and the other men who were killed by the
Aki Indians, the actor was played by a gay man who sat next to MacArthur at a Larry King interview, and John couldn't have been nicer to the guy.
He wasn't slinging, as Steve Furtick says, slinging shame. He was super kind, and he said something to the effect, that the guy, he didn't put his arm around him like a grandfather, but with this kind of tone, he said, now you don't want to go to hell, do you?
You want to be forgiven, don't you? Exactly. And so, see, God has given men and women consciences.
Now, you can harden your conscience. You can calcify your conscience. You can put calluses on your conscience through sinful behavior and try to immerse yourself into the wrong thinking of society.
But at the end of the day, people on their deathbeds, if we were to go to gay people, homosexual people, and say, wouldn't you like to be forgiven?
Are you afraid to die? I would love to sit in that kind of setting, just in my living room with folks, instead of this marching kind of mentality where they're caught up with the mob mentality.
We're not going to get anywhere there. Well, that's right. And I mean, if we understand, if we can put ourselves in the mindset of any sinful person, because we are sinful people.
I mean, before we got saved, we had no desire to please God or anything else. And if we can think, look, apart from the grace of God, I'm no different than this person
I'm sitting next to, then we can approach it in the same way John MacArthur did. And we want to offer what?
You know, forgiveness of sins, because we know that that's the number one need of every single person we meet, whether they're whatever alphabetical, you know, letter they fall under.
By the way, I have a lot more sins than just those five letters. I think, Steve, about my sin.
I think about my sexual sin. I have a lot of sin that I would have to pay for if I didn't have a savior.
Can you imagine? Just look back and this isn't, well, we divulge all our past and this is the way we psychologically get over it or try to say, you know, we're great because look at what we've been saved from.
But Steve, if we put together our collective sexual sins, there is hell to pay for those sins because they're sins against God.
Aren't you glad you don't have to pay for all those? Not just with our bodies, but with our minds? Well, it's true, as we've been saying, of every single sin under any category, sexual or not, and, you know, somehow, as many in the culture want to do now, somehow just kind of fence off sexual sin and say, you know what,
God isn't really that concerned about sexual sin. You know, it's other things, like are you nice to people?
And that's how, you know, it's back to let's earn our way to heaven. But when we think about grace and what makes it amazing is that God knows everything that we've ever done.
And in spite of that, sent his son to die in our place that we could be saved by believing in him.
And that's the gospel, that's what we want to preach to people, no matter what their sexual orientation or preference or however you want to describe it is, whatever their sexual activity is.
Steve, some people say they're born homosexual. If they want to argue that, I guess they can. I guess
I was born an adulterer. So I was born a fornicator. I had those propensities instead because of Adam's fall consequently by my own nature and then my own sins.
There's one thing about forgiveness though, regarding sexual sin and every other kind of sin. How great is it?
It feels great and it also is great to be washed. You ever gotten so dirty, so filthy, so externally dirty and you just take a shower and how good do you feel after a shower?
Usually pretty good. Usually, well, you got these guys on Survivor and other shows or they're out in the jungle, men and women who are fighting overseas.
I guess only the men are in the jungles there, but you get to take a shower and you feel so clean.
Well, how do you scrub your soul clean? How do you give your conscience a bath? 1 Corinthians 6 talks about those who were sexually immoral and who practice homosexuality.
And it says, and such were some of you, but you were washed. I just like to be washed.
That's what I would want to tell. Now, some people say, well, I don't think it's a sin and we'll have to talk about sin and God's holiness and how foolish it is to say whatever goes on in the bedroom between two consenting adults doesn't hurt anybody.
Yes, it does. It hurts you and it hurts them. And it hurts
God in the sense of this is a sin against a holy God. We might have to get to the law part before we get to the gospel, but we have good news for people who are enslaved to all kinds of sin.
And you hit the nail on the head there because what people don't like to talk about is the law of God. They don't like to talk about sin.
They don't like to talk about a thrice holy God in Isaiah six is not just somebody who's going to overlook sin.
He takes it very seriously, which is why the judgment comes about. It's why hell is as bad as it is because sin demands that justice demands it.
So. Well, here on No Compromise Radio, we're going to the website, lead them home.
And I'm sure the guy has good motives. I'm not trying to say anything about that, but I am saying this is a public website and it deserves public critique or it can accept public critique.
It says, welcome LGBT friends, lead them home, seeks to. And so this is what the five point promise is from Bill Henson to the
LGBT. Hard for me to say. Easy for me to say?
Yeah, it's very hard. One, eliminate violence against LGBT people. I was never in favor of it.
I mean, first of all, why would I put that number one? And that's just kind of the, maybe it's an icebreaker or something.
We don't want to have any violence against those folks. What about Matthew Shepard? See, for anyone who thinks that No Compromise Radio would advocate violence against homosexual people,
I've met Larry Bird. Larry Bird's not walking through that door anytime soon. I mean, we don't advocate violence against all kinds of people.
Let's see, burglars, we don't advocate violence against. I mean, just because someone is a sinner doesn't mean we want to, you know, we're not holier than thou.
If somebody's hurting your family member, then you pummel them until they no longer hurting your family. I would go for that kind of violence.
Men, you're given testosterone and muscles for lots of reasons. That's one of them. Yeah. Okay, number two, eliminate teen suicide among LGBT youth and young adults.
I don't want anybody to commit suicide. I don't care what their sexual orientation is. But see, the problem that I think this kind of website is revealing is we've got to kind of ease into this whole gospel business.
I think that the suicide rate is up in America, Steve, for lots of reasons. One, because society through marketing says this is the life that you should receive, an entitlement society, and then when you don't get it, there's a problem, and so how do you solve the problem?
But more than that, the conscience cannot be squashed very easily, and so you live a life of rebellion against God, homosexual or heterosexual, and your conscience is getting you, and how do you quiet the conscience?
Sadly, if people don't repent, it's through suicide all too often. Well, look at this. Lead them home, seeks to, and he lists those two things there and more, but to me, it's just kind of like we want to make sure that we say up front.
Politically correct statements. We're on your side. We're not against you, because you won't listen to us if we confront you.
We have to give you, as it were, a hug first, and then we can talk. That's right, so there's a lot more left, so let's quickly do them.
Eliminate judgmentalism towards LGBT people. I think 1 Corinthians 6 is pretty judgmental.
That is, this is a sin, that if you live in this sin, it's a state of unrighteousness. It shows, in fact, that you're not righteous and that you need
God's righteousness. That is very, very judgmental. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and lastly, extend the gospel of Jesus Christ to all
LGBT visitors. I prefer the word proclaim, but at least I agree on this one.
I just think it needs to be at the top. Well, maybe they just kind of reach out with, here, here's the gospel.
Okay, goes on to say, our five -point promise to the LGBT community. One, we will never come into your community without an invitation.
What does that say about Matthew 28? I don't know. I need an invitation. We will never come into your community.
What does that even mean, anyway? Into your community. Where's the community? Yeah, do they have a, welcome to gay -ville? I mean,
I don't know what that means. We will never discuss theology unless you seek such a discussion. So what are we gonna do?
Well, I talk about who God is, and then if they say no, I think I'm not gonna throw pearls before a swine, and there's a time to stop and not talk about it, but.
But this is like, we're not gonna bother you. We're not, you know, when you're ready to talk about God and such things, then that'll be fine, but otherwise we're gonna be proverbial pansies.
This is the reason why we're not going there to this function. We will never align our ministry events against your
LGBT events. So if you wanna have a gay pride parade, dude, we're not gonna say anything negative about that.
That would be just wrong and judgmental. Now, we wouldn't stand there and chant obscenities or imprecatory psalms at you, but what if we went there and we handed out tracts or something?
Well, probably we wouldn't wanna go there because of what we'd see, you know, but. Two more, we will never engage in political activities aligned against you.
Now see, what does this have to do with anything? What are the political activities?
This is group hug time. This is just, you know what? And then I have to go with the cloister of the conservative
Baptist to go listen to this? This is bad. And then lastly, we will honor those who are Christian as our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Now, here's what this means. And if the guy wants to email me and correct me, then I'll be glad to say it on the air.
This means if you're a gay slash homosexual slash lesbian Christian, gay
Christian, bisexual Christian, transgendered Christian, or queer Christian, we're not gonna tell you to stop doing that.
Yeah, we're gonna recognize you as Christians. And then I get an email saying, this is a good
Southern Baptist convention. Conservative Baptist thing to go do as we talk about community.
And how we're gonna reach out to the gay. I can't even get all the things right. See, Steve, what they need to do is they need to figure out a way to reach out to those of us who actually believe the
Bible and think that the number one need of everyone is that they would be right with God. And not only can they be washed and sanctified, but justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. I think that's the greatest need. When you section off the community and pretend that there are different ways to reach different people, and then you start off with the, well, the way to reach the gay and lesbian community is to pretend like you really like them first and then kind of sneak the gospel in.
That's a little switcheroo, sneakeroo, weasel words on No Compromise Radio. Steve, if they wanna write you a
Tuesday guy regarding this, they can feel free to do that, can't they? Oh, sure, and I'll forward all of those to Ray. NoCompromiseRadio .com.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.