Book of Hebrews - Ch. 8 & 9


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


Chapter 8 is where we are and we're right on schedule and what the writer of the
Hebrews be an apostle Paul or whoever We know that he's been talking about in chapter 1 He talked about how the
Messiah the Lord Jesus how Christ was greater than the prophets is greater than the angels
We saw I talked about it was greater than Moses We talked about how his priesthood was greater than the
Aaronic priesthood of the priesthood of Aaron Because his was after the order of Melchizedek. We talked about Melchizedek this man who was a
Gentile But he was a king of righteousness He was a prince of peace prince of the city of peace Salem And so you and I recognize that now we come to chapter 8 and there's gonna be a lot of meat put upon us
You remember we talked the last evening about Paul said I'd love to be able to teach you meat, but I can't you still on milk
Well, he's about to give us some meat in chapters 8 9 10 11 12 and 13 from now on We're gonna be in really in heavenly things
We're gonna be thinking in the heavenly realm as opposed to in the earthly realm and what he's gonna talk about in chapter 8 is
Still on the theme that Christ is greater than Aaron His priesthood is greater than the
Aaronic priesthood and he's going to talk now in relation to Aaron He's gonna deal with a covenant and he's going to prove in this passage of Scripture that the new covenant is
Better than the old covenant. So he's going to talk about a greater covenant And he's already proved that Christ priesthood is a better order because it's after the order of Melchizedek And we saw that in the previous chapter chapter 7.
He now goes about saying that that priesthood is Administered by a better priest and that's why it is greater
Now he's also going to show that that God evidently meant that the old covenant was passing out of the way and was going to be done away with because the scripture plainly talks about a new covenant and if you got a new covenant the word new means that something is old and so evidently
God is trying to say by introducing a new covenant that the old covenant was going to move away and that the
Levitical priesthood was going to be done away with now For any reader of the book of Hebrews to go back
Into Judaism or to go back into the teachings of Aaron and to start following the priesthood of Aaron It's sacrificing that which is better and that which will prove to be far better So the question is in what ways is the new covenant better than the old covenant in what ways is it better now?
This is what he's going to deal with in chapter 8 He's going to show us the exact ways that it is better.
First of all in verse 1 He's going to show us that it is administered by or the minister of the new covenant is a better priest
He is a greater high priest and that's in verse 1 notice what he says now of the watch the words you know, sometimes
I think what in the English language we look for thoughts and principles sometimes and we look for doctrinal teachings and things and We don't watch words
But notice what he's saying now all the things which we have spoken what seven chapters.
He's been talking He says now of all those things. I've been talking about. This is the sum so he's I'm gonna sum it up for you
This he's gonna sum everything up. We have such an high priest who is seated
Who has taken his place who is seated on the right hand of the throne of the
Majesty in heaven, so he sat down at the right hand of the majesty or who is seated at the right hand of the majesty
So he's just summing up all of his previous arguments that we have such a high priest
What's such a high priest the one that he just described over here in chapter 7 verses 26 and 28?
And he says we've got a high priest like that Well, what kind of a high priest was he talking about verse 26 of chapter 7 one who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners
Made higher than the heaven who doesn't have to go in every day Because he did it once and for all and so we've got a high priest like that It's what he's saying now.
He's saying Christ our high priest has sat down He is now seated and as I mentioned earlier in the week
Why is he seated because he went in once and for all the priest of the Old Testament could never sit down Because the
Levitical priests were constantly continually Perpetually always having to offer sacrifices because one was never sufficient
There's always had always had to be another but it says here Christ sat down why the work of redemption is through Everything that ever needs to be done for the redemption of any man woman born girl on this earth has already been
Accomplished nothing more needs to be done All they've got to do is to accept it believe it faith it commit their lives to it and the work is done
And this is what he's saying here Now he's going to say to us that our high priest is in glory
He is in the heavenly realm whereas this makes him a better priest because he minister us ministers to us a better covenant because he does it from the heavenly
Realm now, he wouldn't minister an old covenant from the heavenly realm It had to be a new covenant if he's gonna be in the heavenly realm because the old covenant was on the earth and so He moves right into that in verse 2.
He's going to show that not only is the new covenant Administered by a greater priest, but he's going to show that it comes from a better place
It comes from a better place a minister of the sanctuary and of the true
Tabernacle doesn't mean the other one wasn't true on the earth But it just means there's one that is truer which the Lord pitched and not man
There's a tabernacle that God made and not man Have you ever wondered about John chapter 14 where Jesus says let not your hearts be troubled
Memory says I go to prepare a place for you. Where's he going? He wasn't gonna prepare heaven for you at all That already was that's where he came from Heaven what was he going to prepare for?
Well, I believe and I'm committed to the position I believe he's getting the New Jerusalem ready for you. I believe he's getting the heavenly city
I believe that's why I went back to get that city ready for us And so the heavenly tabernacle
Wherever it is We're going to spend that eternity in verse 3 for every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices
Wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer
For if he were on earth He should not be a priest seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law
Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God?
When he was about to make the tabernacle for see saith he that thou make all things
According to the pattern shown to thee on the mount. He's saying now if Christ was on the earth
He would not be able to minister as a priest. Why why couldn't Christ be a priest while he was on the earth?
Because he was of the tribe of Judah and not Levi Levi is the tribe of the priest
Judah is the tribe of the Kings and the Bible very plainly says that a priest has to come from the tribe of Levi and Jesus fulfilled the law.
He would never violate the law. He never violated the law. He violated rabbinical law He violated the teachings of the
Pharisees and the Sadducees, but that wasn't the law of Moses. He never violated the law of Moses He never violated
Old Testament law. He kept it perfectly and completely did he not? Yes, and so this is why
I said you find Christ Well, where would you find him when Christ went into the temple you recall?
Where did he go? He never went into the holy place and he certainly never went into the Holy of Holies Anytime you read in the
New Testament about Jesus being in the temple area. He was always in the outer courts He always moved about in the outer courts
He never went into the veil when you go inside the temple There was a wall there was a veil and you move from the outer courts
You move through that wall or veil and you went inside the holy place and in there was another veil and that was the
Holy Of Holies and only the high priest could go in there and Jesus never went into either one of those Never in his life.
He always hung around out in the outer courts. Why he wasn't a priest. Oh He is prophet priest and King, but he was not functioning in his priestly office at that particular moment
And so this is what we see here now We said no priest of Aaron's line ever sat down But ours did and so he never went in the holy place and he never went into the
Holy of Holies and that just proves To us the superiority of the new covenant because it is not ministered on the earth
The reason he didn't go in he wasn't going to minister the new covenant brought while he was on earth It is ministered from heaven
Which is a better place and the new covenant did not actually explode into existence and being until Jesus went back to the right hand of the
Father and That's when it became a real reality in the world because he said if I don't go then he the
Holy Spirit won't come and it Is the Holy Spirit's office to build the body of Christ to build the framework of the church made up of all believers
Wherever they might be found and so this is what he's saying. Now. He adds another argument He says that the heavenly tabernacle is the original in verses 2 through 5
He says the earthly tabernacle and the temple they were only copies They were copies made according to the plan that God gave
Moses on Mount Sinai Now when we say what did God give Moses on Mount Sinai and 99 % of people usually say gave him the law
I said what else did he give him and There's silence Yes, he got the law
But he also got the dimensions for the tabernacle and the law condemns man The law says man is sinful and the law prevents any man from approaching the presence of God But the tabernacle was
God's way to allow man to come back to him through blood Through the redemption that would be found in the shedding of the blood and ladies and gentlemen and young people you'll find the
Bible spends more chapter space Discussing the tabernacle in the wilderness than it does any other single subject in the 66 books of the
Bible There is no subject in the Bible that has more chapters devoted to it than that tabernacle does why?
Because it talks about the person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ It speaks of him as we said every little hook every little thing in it
Talked about the Lord Jesus Christ. And so he says that goes from Exodus chapter 25 verse 9
All the way to Exodus chapter 40 Exodus chapter 25 verse 9 all the way to chapter 40 just talks about the tabernacle
Talks about the tabernacle. And so it's an important thing for us and God revealed that to them
Now the Jewish people the Israelites they revered it. They loved it. They adored it. They loved the ceremonies
They loved the rituals and all those things, but they were only shadows Why the reality was in heaven?
The reality what that tabernacle was pointing to him who would be the Messiah of Israel and the
Savior of the world It was just pointing to him It was trying to get their attention turned in the right direction And if they had but seen everything in there you and I know when we look at the tabernacle
For those of you that are enrolling our in our study league Why you might write and you'll see on there a thing on the tabernacle
We have a 19 page study of the tabernacle using Hebrew word and picture studies that when you look the tabernacle you and I know
That all the furniture's lying like a cross. We know that it has no covering on the floor which talks about the humanity
We know that the door the colors in the door of the tabernacle correspond with the four Gospels Matthew Martin Luke and John each one
Of those colors corresponds to the theme of each one of those and as I said earlier in the week We know that John's gospel follows everything that is in that tabernacle and it all ties in there together
But that tabernacle was only a picture. It was only a portrait. It was only a shadow
It was only a copy and only those who had eyes to see could see and only those who had ears to hear could hear
And yet it was available for everyone to see that and so it is a picture of a heavenly
Tabernacle that has a heavenly priest and so unfortunately I find today many
Christians are doing exactly what the writer of the Hebrew said Don't do they're still caught up in candles.
They're still caught up in incenses. They still have their altars. They still have their robes They still go on those things belong to the
Aaronic priesthood They belong to the Levitical law and priesthood and they have nothing to do with the
New Covenant whatsoever Those are the trappings of the old and we are in the joy and the grace of the new and yet they are constantly
Continually going back into those things and they do not belong to the heavenly ministry of Christ And so we have a better covenant from a better place
By a better person a better priest and it establishes for us a better promise and you'll find that in verses 6 to 13 a
Better promise it's superior but now Now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also he is the mediator
Of a better covenant which was established upon better promises better better better better all the way through we talked about the very start
For if that first covenant had been faultless Then should no place have been sought for the second if the first one done the job you wouldn't had to have a second one
For finding fault with him He saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. He didn't say the church He said with the house of Israel and the house of Judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when
I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, that's Israel and Because they continue not in my covenant and I regard them not saith the
Lord And so what he's gonna do to give us the key argument of this entire chapter is wrapped up in verses 6 to 13
Everything he wants us to really concentrate on and that is the promises of the new covenant are far greater than those of the old
Covenant and the priesthood of Christ is based upon a better Covenant and it has a better priesthood.
So the result is better promises Hold your place and let's go all the way back over if you will to Jeremiah 31
Hold your place and let's look at the new covenant and let's see what he promised in Jeremiah 31 in Jeremiah 31 we have the new covenant
It is a time when joy Replaced sorrow in the lives of the people but in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 31
Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out
Of the land of Egypt. Well, that's just what we just read in in Hebrews 8 Which my covenant they broke although I was a husband unto them saith the
Lord But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the
Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their
God and they shall be my people And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying no the
Lord for they shall all know me From the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin
No more now, that's what God promised the children of Israel He says this is what
I'm going to do and he doesn't say if they do this then I'll do that and if they do this I'll do that if they don't do this
God just says this is what I'm going to do I have a covenant. I'm going to make with them and I'm going to forgive their sins and iniquity and I will remember them
No more. So what are the promises of what you speaking? First of all in verses 6 to 9 of chapter 8 in Verses 6 to 9 of chapter 8 in the book of Hebrews, you'll find it is a promise relating to grace
Not law six times in verses 8 to 13. You find the grace of God in operation
Watch it. Look at verse 10 of chapter 8 Hebrews for this is the covenant that I will
I Will notice right down in the middle of the verse I will put my laws into their mind and on down to the next clause and I will be to them a
God verse 11 and And verse 12 for I will and then verse 11 12
I will then dances their sins and their iniquities. Will I remember no more? I will remember no more and so you find that six times he says
I will that's the grace of God He doesn't say if you do this, I'll do that. God says I will do this This is what
I'm going to do and that is grace The Old Covenant was a yoke of bondage and it demanded obedience from the people and if they didn't obey then
God killed them He wiped an entire generation out in the wilderness We know that when they rebelled and God's wrath fell upon him
You remembered Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus chapter 10 two teenagers. They were the sons of Aaron They knew what was right and wrong.
They went into the place of worship They play games in there and it says the fire of God fell on them and God killed both of them on the spot
God just did not tolerate it. He didn't play around and If they weren't obedient then
God dealt with them They were obedient and God blessed them and their obedience depended upon them offering Sacrifices as well as firing falling out all those commandments that God laid out for them and they were strenuous
Yes, they were strenuous and they were tedious to do but God said this is the way it was now
You must note and I must note that you never find God saying that he found any fault with the Old Covenant God never himself found any fault with that Old Covenant.
His problem was with the people not the Covenant It was with the Israelites not the law.
The law is spiritual The law is not carnal men are carnal in Romans 7 14
It says that they were sold through the flesh in Romans 7 14 They were sold under sin and Romans 8 3 comes right back again and talks about they were committed to in Bondage to the flesh and it was not the law that the problem resided in it was people
So what we're saying is that the failure was with the people of Israel Not because of any weakness in the law or the
Covenant, but the weakness was in their human nature It was within themselves their own character makeup
And that's where grace steps in because what the law could not do for man God turns around and does it for man himself and if the same
Obligations as I mentioned early in the week was placed upon you and me you and I would find ourselves in exactly the same position
That the Israelites were in Because God comes in and does for you and me what the law cannot do
God moves on the inside He comes and dwells within and he begins to work from within out where the law worked from without and The law dealt primarily with external things and the law had an inability to deal with the conscience and the heart of man
It dealt with the thinking of man and his his his activities
What he did what he didn't do but what he thought and what he didn't think Sometimes the law had difficulty bringing him to the point of realization and so through the cross he changed all of that So we find the promise of grace in verses 6 to 9 of chapter 8 and in verse 10
We'll find that there is a promise of an interchange For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the
Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a
God and they shall Be to me a people so we find this is exactly what he's gonna do
You might read 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 sometime at your leisure to get a little more light up on this particular passage of Scripture The old covenant was written by the finger of God wasn't it on some stone tablets you recall?
But how's the new covenant written? It is written by the Holy Spirit in the heart of man and the mind of man.
It is written within It is not written on something that is external and this is what he's saying here an external law never changes a man
But when the law of God becomes a part of the inner man and that inner man begins to grow
Then there's an interchange that will occur There was a presidential candidate that ran some years ago for the president of the
United States and I'll never forget He said we cannot change our nation by laws. You have to change the heart of man
Now wasn't any one of the last three or four it was on back yonder a time that a man said that but I believe that Is true and I believe that you believe that is true.
You cannot legislate goodness and godliness It has to come from within the heart of the person
And so this is what he's saying here and in Romans 8 4 He says that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us
The righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us how by the ministry of the Holy Spirit of God It is as the
Holy Spirit ministers in us that the righteousness of the law comes about in our lives
And so there's the promise of an interchange and then in verse 11. We have a promise of blessings beyond comprehension
No limit to them whatsoever And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the
Lord for all shall know me from the least To the greatest this world has never known what that is like now again
I make reference not in criticism, but as a statement of fact I make reference to a lot of what you hear on the television what you hear on the radio that this world is in the throes
Of a revival but dear people if you believe that you don't travel where I travel over three -fourths of this world belongs to communism
Most of the people on this earth are under the control of communism and communism as I mentioned earlier The week has conquered more people in two generations than the gospel has in 2 ,000 years and this world and this country is not in The throes of a revival we are in the realm of doing some moral thinking but my dear people
We are not we are baptizing fewer people every year every year We're baptizing fewer and fewer people and This world sits more lost right now than it ever has in this country
It's more lost than it ever has in your cities. It's more lost than it ever has been in its history obviously because you got more people and Most of the people are not
Christians. Not most people aren't Christians And yet that's just the opposite of what I hear.
Oh, we're in the revival. This world's in a revival where Where I Don't see it and I traveled all over I put a hundred nine thousand miles last year in the air and 27 ,000 on the car and I hadn't found it if I ever found one
I want to go there where it is I won't be around it. And if I found a city that's in a throes of a revival, I'm gonna move to that rascal.
I Love living where I am. And I wouldn't you want to be where God's working? I sure would be I Don't find that it's true
I find men trying to shoot each other because one's on a strike and doesn't doesn't want to strike and somebody doesn't want to Work another guy says man.
I'll work. I need a job. So I have to call National Guard and keep him from killing him At a sign if I kill the scabs, didn't you see it?
Yeah, brother against brother neighbor against neighbor Fort Worth, Texas my home just yesterday
Some man his wife driving down driving down the freeway I'll pick up trucks driving down the freeway with two guys in it
The guy passing pulls in front two guys the car got mad pulled a gun fired at him killed his wife Revival where Well, what's he saying to us here,
I believe he's saying there is coming a time when you will never read of that again There is coming a time when every man woman born girl is gonna know the
Lord You won't have to witness you won't have to preach you say thank God I won't have to sit through another week like this.
I mean you won't have to do any of that We don't have to come to church because everybody's gonna know the Lord and everybody's gonna serve the
Lord everybody that's there Everybody's they're gonna do it not everybody gonna be there but everybody that's there is going to do it
And that's what he's saying here whenever our Lord comes and establishes himself as the king of kings and the Lord of lords
He'll do away with all authority and power and principalities and diminished. He'll do away with all rebellion He'll do away with all of that He removes darkness and brings light himself being the light of God in the light of the world and everything will be peaceful Everything will be it'll just be fine.
What we're about evangelizing won't have to have that tracks won't do anything like that It's this is what he's talking about in verse 11 and all the prophets of Israel talked about a time like that Isaiah chapter 2
Isaiah chapter 11, you can go through them all all the prophets Micah Joel They talked about a time poets have dreamed about it songwriters have written about it
People have longed for a time of utopia Shangri -La all of it work Well, it's not gonna come until he comes to bring it for us, but we know that it is coming where Jew and Gentile alike
Shall be one in the Lord one in the Lord Then he moves on to verse 12 and he says and that will result and the promise of what sins forgiven
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities. Well, I remember no more
Look with me. We're going to cover it. But look at Hebrews 10 verse 3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year
See what he's saying? He's saying that under the old covenant. It didn't make any difference If you offered a sacrifice for sins, it was just a remembrance there all the time.
No erasure No possibility of having that sin just completely removed from your thinking
Not dealt with there was no remission of sins the blood of bulls and goats could only cover sin
It could never remove sin and it took the Messiah himself Jesus John 129 behold the
Lamb of God Which what taketh away the sins of the world not just covered them not just Passover them but to take them completely away now you and I have a problem with that and The problem is this you and I do not have the ability to psychologically forget
You cannot see it once your mind sees something once your eyes see something it is forever recorded in this magnificent computer
You call a brain Once you see it, it is forever locked there now You may not can call it out and use it you may not have that recall but it's there it's there
But what does it mean when the scripture says forgetting those things that are past and press on to the prize?
What you're talking about the word forget as I understand it for you and me as Christians in relation to our past life and relation
Our sins the word forget it's psychologically impossible that you can just forget it and erase it from your mind and never think about it ever again
But what it does mean is how you allow that to affect your daily life And if you don't allow it to affect your daily life positive images, it's neutral You just say well somehow my whereabout
I'm going on and you dismiss it and you just continue on then that is a biblical way
Forgetting that which is detrimental to your life God will never bring up anything in your life that is detrimental to your life
Everything he brings up in your life is to edify your life. The Holy Spirit never says I think you've seen
I Know people run around looking for it, you know, well, did I see in where is it? I know I must have seen somewhere something's going to listen.
I must have seen I mean, you know This day hadn't been a good one. Why you can have a bad day and still not saying You can live a perfect life and have a bad day.
Couldn't you? Jesus died on the cross Without a good day bad day. They beat him spit on him scourged him.
Well humanly speaking. It was a bad day Heavenly speaking. It was a glorious day. It was a day of victory humanly speaking was tragedy and you can have a perfect life and Still have bad days humanly speaking humanly speaking
We just don't let those things bother us in that way or at least I might say we're not supposed to let those things bother
Us in that way and this is what he's talking about an eternal blessing. That is going to be ours
He moves right on into verse 13 with it in that he saith a new covenant He hath made the first old now that which decayeth and waxes our growth old is ready to vanish away
Ready to vanish away. What he's saying is that this old covenant is obsolete. Now what was happening?
This book of Hebrews was being written at what time you recall? Just before the
Roman legions were about to come into Jerusalem in 70 AD to destroy the temple and to completely burn to the ground
The city of Jerusalem Jerusalem has been destroyed 16 times in history Jerusalem has been just crumbled to the ground 16 times and it still there's the eternal city
Rome is not the eternal city Jerusalem is the eternal city and the Roman legions are Preparing to come into this area and the writer is saying that now is getting close to the time for all these things that you
See are about to vanish away They're about to be taken care of and they're just going to move out of the way whenever the invasion of Palestine would occur
And we know that did happen in 70 AD and it just ready to vanish away Means just a brief time will pass and the temple will be no more and that's exactly what
Jesus said in Matthew 24 He said not one stone will be left unturned you recall he said that in Matthew 24 verses 1 through 3
And this is exactly what happened We know history tells us but the new covenant like the priesthood of Christ would endure forever and there would be no change
In God's dealings with his covenant people who come to him under the new covenant. It would never vanish away
Now, here's the question and then we'll begin moving towards our break. I see you're checking your watch I now know who brought that up.
All right, I have cameras in here I just snapped a picture of you looking at your watch, you know
Question is when did this new covenant come into place? When did the new covenant come into existence?
When did it start? When was the old covenant done away with is there a particular time?
I think you and I can look at two passages of Scripture, but we'll look at one of them We'll make note of Luke chapter 22 verse 20 and following Luke 22 verse 20 and following But I want us just a very quickly notice 1st
Corinthians chapter 11 and it's a familiar passage of Scripture to you 1st Corinthians Chapter 11.
It's one that you have read many many times. You may not know it by the chapter But when you see it, you will certainly know it 1st
Corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 For I have received of the Lord that which I also Delivered unto you that the
Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks He broke it and said take eat.
This is my body which is broken for you This do in remembrance of me after the same manner
Also, he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of Me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup.
You do show the Lord's death Until he comes not only his death burial resurrection
But his coming again is involved in the Lord's Supper And I believe that what he's saying is that the
New Covenant was established when Jesus Christ shed his blood on Calvary That brought about the foundational establishing of the
New Covenant and according to Hebrews 12 24 He is today the only mediator between God and man
Any other mediator is blasphemy There is one mediator between man and God God and man the man in Christ Jesus He is the only one and anyone else that puts anyone in between that no matter who it is be an angel or human
That is blasphemy to pray to someone else To get God to do something other than the
Lord Jesus He is the only one that you need to contact and you can do that at any time at any place
Well, there is another question and then we'll take our break. I The New Covenant in Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah didn't say anything about a church didn't know anything about a church He kept talking about the New Covenant being with Israel and the
New Covenant being with the Jewish people. There's rights What right do we have to apply it to the church then?
I believe we have this right because of the dispensational character of the book of Acts It is a dispensational character that we find in the book of Acts in Acts chapter 1 through 7
The gospel deals with the Jews and not the Gentiles now This is extremely important because this will help you with your television preachers this
I'm not criticizing all of don't misunderstand Don't worry. So man, I got all like television preachers. I got friends that preach on television, but some of them you got to watch
Okay, you remember when Jesus said this Jesus said the gospel would begin in what he said it'll begin in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world you recall he made that statement
Okay, if you'll think with me, then that exactly what happened it happened on the day of Pentecost, which is in Jerusalem in Judea now 3 ,000
Jewish men got saved at least 3 ,000. We know that Jewish men got saved wasn't Gentile They were
Jews from 16 geographical areas and it lists them There were only two Gentiles who were kind of saved for our distance because the gospel didn't go to the
Gentiles Now you come over all the way over to chapter 7 now from chapter 1 of the book of Acts all the way to chapter 7 the gospel is with the
Jewish people the kingdom is being offered to the Jews offered to the Jews what happened in Acts 7 a young man full of the
Holy Spirit Stood before the national Jewish leaders and he proclaimed unto them
Jesus and they stoned him and killed him. His name was Stephen What happened in the very next chapter?
God left the Jews as a pure ethnic group of people and in Acts chapter 8 there was a revival that occurred our movement of God in Samaria That's what
Jesus said Jerusalem in Judea Then it'll go to Samaria and then it'll go to the world and in Samaria. There was a movement of God Now what was a
Samaritan we say a Jew and a Gentile, but that's not technically correct It was a Jew and an Assyrian and They're only about 300
Samaritans today left in the world and all of them are mentally ill because they intermarry brothers and sisters What happened in Acts 9?
Saul of Tarsus Rabbi Saul became the Apostle Paul Saul got saved what happened in Acts 10
Cornelius the first Gentile family got saved and From that moment on the gospel began to explode out into the world
Especially under the ministry of Paul and Barnabas now that fits something else doesn't it that fits this thing that people call
The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. They say you better be careful. You'll blaspheme the Holy Spirit. You can't as a
Christian It is a spiritual impossibility for a Christian to blaspheme the Holy Spirit He'll take your life before you let you do it
It is impossible for you to do it And when you go to the gospel according to Matthew if it's right in with what
I've just said Because he said that if you curse the father, it'll be forgiven you
Jesus said it look at Matthew 12 He said if you curse the father, it'll be forgiven you you curse the son and it'll be forgiven you
But he that blasphemes the Holy Spirit It will not be forgiven him in this world or the world to come.
That means if you do it you are lost forever And that's impossible once you've experienced the grace of God, you can't get lost forever
Now if you want to go ahead and drive it you can Some people run around looking for and thinking they are but you can
What's he doing? When did the Jew he's talking to Jews dr M R D Hahn the great Bible teacher and the first man of any renown that I ever met us and I don't have been a
Christian a couple weeks when I sat in a Bible conference. I'll never forget what he said to me I wrote it down in my Bible. He said son
Before you ever try to use any verse of Scripture for yourself. Ask yourself two questions Who is God talking to and what is
God talking about? Solve those two questions before you ever try to apply that verse to yourself and that saved me a lot of trouble
Who is he talking to about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? He's talking to Jews. What's he talking about? He's talking about them taking the movement of God and the working of the
Spirit of God and the presence of the Son of God Before them and saying that is not of God It's all of the devil and they rejected the gospel.
They rejected the Holy Spirit The only thing will get you into hell is to reject the convicting power of the Holy Spirit Which brings about a rejection of Christ that and that alone brings around lostness and keeps a person lost
Now when did they blaspheme the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 7 because from Acts 1 to 7 the gospel stayed with the
Jews Peter preached it on the day of Pentecost you men of Israel men and brethren
Let me talk to you about the patriarch David whose sepulcher is with us to this day. He talked to them about David He preached to them
Old Testament truths But in Acts 7 the national Jewish leaders
It says they blaspheme the Holy Spirit and gnashed upon Stephen with their teeth and they killed him and God left them immediately as an ethnic group of people and moved to a mixture of a
Jew and someone else and then finally left him and went Out into the Gentile world so that now it doesn't make it if it's who you are.
The gospel is available The gospel is available. So what am I saying?
I'm saying the nation of Israel has not been forgotten. It has been set aside
God never says he's forgotten he says just the opposite there in Hebrews says they'll come a time whenever one of them will know and Their sins and nigger he'll remove them all but he set them aside and he began to build something new and wonderful the bride of Christ the body of the
Lord Jesus the church The church you me that man in India that woman in Mexico that young man and woman in Africa That person in China person in Canada wherever they may be
Christian brothers and sisters All a part of the body many members of one body and this is what he's saying to us today
And we share in this new covenant and at some future date according to Zechariah chapter 12 verse 10 the nation of Israel will look upon him whom they have pierced and they will mourn after him and be in bitterness as one who is in bitterness after their firstborn and they'll turn and Paul says in Romans chapter 11 and all
Israel shall be saved all that's left Two -thirds of all Jews will die according to Zechariah 13 8 and 9
Two -thirds will be killed During a period of time in the future and all that's left will turn to Jesus as their
Messiah But this new covenant is yours and it is mine because of our faith in Christ And he's a better minister of it and it comes from a better place and it has better promises who wants the old
When you've got the new well, we are now one minute past eight One minute past our 45 minutes.
So let's take our break pastor you share with us when you want us to come back in Hebrews chapter 9, we're still talking about the better things and We've seen of course as I said that Christ Priesthood is better than that of Aaron because he's in the order of Melchizedek.
That's chapter 7 He had a better covenant the new covenant, which is far better and greater and I was chapter 8 now in chapter 9
We're going to see that his priesthood is greater. It is better It is superior because it is administered from or sent out from a better sanctuary
He's gonna talk about the new sanctuary in the old sanctuary or the true sanctuary It'll be a better way of putting it and the old sanctuary and in chapter 9 the first 10 verses
He's going to deal very specifically in detail. He's very explicit here in detail about that old tabernacle in the wilderness
Which would basically refer the same thing to the temple that Solomon built now, so he's going to show why it's inferior
He's going to show why it is not as good as He's going to give us some reason some concrete reasons as to why the heavenly tabernacle is better than the old covenant
Tabernacle and he's going to give us five basic reasons as to why five is the number of grace
But he just mentions five I think here at least the first one is in verse 1 Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly Sanctuary and the word worldly here could translate out earthly of the earth
It was on the earth and that's the first thing that made it not as good as the other one are the one that we're talking
About it's just of this world. It is on the earth. God gave Moses explicit details and a perfect pattern and how he wanted that tabernacle built and Moses had to follow it.
There could be no variance whatsoever. There could be no deviation from the minutest Detail it had to be exactly and precisely meticulously exactly the way
God told him to do that and he did that and the pattern of it came from heaven and So Moses built that tabernacle and later on Solomon built the temple and they built it on earth of earthly materials
That's why it's of this world and it's earthly built it on the earth That was its location and also out of earthly materials
It was divinely appointed and the services were given and carried out according to God's instruction
But everything was still on the earth and in the latter part of this chapter We're going to see how he changes that and shows how the heavenly is far better and the tabernacle that is in the heavenly
So the first reason he says is why it's an inferior one It's not as good as and the other one is better is because it's of the earth
It's of the earth and then verses 2 to 5 He's going to tell us again that that's only pictures.
It's only shadows For there was a tabernacle made the first in which was the lampstand and the table and the showbread
Which is called the sanctuary now the word first you find it again in verse 6 Now when these things were thus prepared the priests were always into the first tabernacle accomplishing the service of God He's not nobody first and second tabernacle.
You're not taught two buildings. He's too much sections the first Section is what he's talking about here the first part of and in verse 7
He'll say but into the second went the high priest alone. You see what he's saying He's saying there was a first section that the priest could go to but in the second section
Which would be the Holy of Holies only the high priest could go in there So he's not talking to us about a first and second tabernacle one
Moses built and one someone else built It just talked about divisions of the tabernacle Which was the outer court area and then there was the holy place and never the
Holy of Holies There was the court of women the court of Gentiles on the outer skirts They couldn't come into the temple area proper then there was a court of women then it was the court of Israel where Jewish men went then there was the place where the priest ministered and then there was the
Holy of Holies where the high priest went so you can check out a good map of That and you can see what he's saying there and he says in verse 2 the table of showbread
Which is called the sanctuary and after the second veil the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all so he said there were two veils
First veil separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies and then the second veil of course was that big thick one whereby
That kept away people from the Holy of Holies which had the golden censer and the
Ark of the Covenant We know that's what was behind in the Holy of Holies overlaid roundabout with gold in which was the golden pot that had manna and Aaron's rod that budded and the tables of the covenant those three things were kept we know in the
Ark of the Covenant And so he's saying in verse 5 and over it the cherubim of glory
Shadowing the mercy seat of which we cannot now speak particularly They were shadows of things and so he's giving us all of these things and he's going to imply to us that these are pictures
Of Jesus Christ. These are types. These are portraits. These are shadows of him Now this is what he's saying there then he moves in to kind of tie together in verse 6 and 7 and he talks to us
About how it was inaccessible to people no matter what was in there The people didn't have access to it
No matter what was in there verse 6 again now when these things were thus prepared the priest went always in the first tabernacle
Accomplishing the service of God but into the second went the high priest alone once every year not without blood
Which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people And so we know that only the priest ministered in the court and only the high priest
To the exclusion even of the priest and Moses only the high priest Went in to the
Holy of Holies after he'd offered blood for himself and he went in there To minister on behalf of the people and of course you're not going to see momentarily that the heavenly sanctuary is open to everybody
Doesn't make any difference who you are So there's no caste system. There's no select group. There's no elitist attitude when we approach the
Lord And so we see in verse 8 That there is a temporariness about it
It's not permanent the Holy Spirit thus signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest
While the first tabernacle was yet standing So that's implying that the true way hadn't been made manifest yet The true way of getting to God hadn't really been revealed yet while that first one was still standing
Indicating that that first one wasn't going to stand forever Something else was coming in which makes it temporary and then verse 9 and 10
He talks about how ineffective this would be how incapable it was to change a human heart
Which was a figure there's the word picture shadow Which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices
That could not make him that did the service perfect complete
Have a right standing before God be in perfect righteousness before God as pertaining to the conscience which stood only in foods and drinks and various washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them on the till the time of Reformation until the times of setting things right that Reformation is not talking about when
Martin Luther came on the scene It's talking about when things were set right Things that are set right.
I'm talking about Martin Luther the Reformer back in the 80 I'm not talking about the the one that you just celebrated his holidays. I'm not making reference to that one
I'm talking about that's Martin Lee Martin Luther King jr. I'm not talking about him I'm talking about the Martin Luther the anti -semite the one who hated
Jews that Martin Luther. That's what I'm talking about He's the one that helped him starting the revolution of the
Reformation, but he was an anti -semite And so this is what he's saying here that it just could not be done.
So what is he saying to us? He's saying to us that it's a heavenly sanctuary that we're looking for We need to move towards a new one the blood covered the sins
Passover That's what it means Pesach to Passover to cover when I see the blood I will pass over you that blood covers what that blood just covers it for a while and when he put the blood in the
Holy of Holies and the mercy seat what was under the mercy seat the rod that Aaron had the pot of manna God's provision new
Life resurrection that but the rod that budded and also the law which condemns and so when the blood went in the mercy seat
God's always said when I see the blood I'll pass over you then as now Then it was the other blood and now it's the blood of Christ and we sees the blood he just passed it just covers
But the blood of Christ has a greater effect than the Old Testament It only allowed to be Passover now
He can completely remove sin away and all the ceremonies that dealt with the body the oblations the washings of the hand
And all those things dealt with outward things and they did not deal with that Which was inward and so they were only temporary awaiting
Christ's death on the cross and so he's going to change now and he's going to move into discussing with us and showing us this heavenly sanctuary and what
He's really been talking about and he begins with two amazing and startling but extremely critical and important words in verse 11 but Christ He said we've been talking about all these things now for nine and a half chapters but Christ But the
Lord Jesus Christ and here the picture is going to completely change and he's going to stop talking about the old and he's going
To show us why the heavenly tabernacle why the heavenly sanctuary is so far superior to the old one
And he's going to give us some reasons for it being so and why Christ Priesthood is superior to Aaron's priesthood
He's just going to kind of nail it down here for us and the first thing he says in verse 11 is because it is not earthly in Contradiction to the other one where it says it is earthly in verse 1 of chapter 9 verse 11
He says it is heavenly But Christ being come a high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building the word building can be translated
Creation not of this creation. It is not made of earthly materials whatsoever It is a heavenly creation and it is made for the heavenly things and it does not belong to the old creation at all
It belongs to the new creation. You might just glance over to verse 24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands
Which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us
So it wasn't made with human hands at all. Whatever God thinks comes into existence Is that not true if God thinks that if God wills it whatever words you want to use it happens
It's a fact with God God doesn't have to go build anything with his hands All God has to do is say it's there it's there He hurled this universe into existence easier than you can throw a feather into the air
It makes no difference God. So it's not built with hands what so none none at all He says it's a heavenly sanctuary verses 12 to 23.
He said it is effective in changing a life What a tremendous contrast and He says neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood
He entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us For if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of a heifer spring to someone asking me about this man
I happen to know him. He's always run around looking for the ashes of the red heifer. What in the world for? There are no value if you could even find them the winds blown them
Birds have probably fluttered around and stirred them all up taking a little dust bath and the winds blowing them around all that Well, look what he says for it's the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling young clean sanctifies of purifying the flesh
How much more shall the blood of Christ had a hunting for the ashes of the red heifer? Well, I'll be concentrating on the blood of Christ That's what we need to be preaching to my people the
Jews when he talked to them about the atonement made by the Messiah We don't need to be talking about some ashes some old red heifer back at two or three thousand years ago
You could you could get some ashes and put them in a vase and probably make a fortune You know that who could say they weren't
Your word against theirs just say man. These are the ashes red heifer. I found these things. Oh in Jordan, you know, then who knows?
Look what he says How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works?
To serve the Living God. So what he's saying is all the Old Testament site sacrifice. They brought about a ceremonial cleansing
Yes, they brought about that You see that in verse 13, he talks about the purifying of the flesh.
It's ceremonially it's outside It's outward, but it can never reach into the heart It can never change the conscience of a man or a woman more good
He couldn't get inside and do anything all these things here But he says the blood of Christ shed once and for all look what he says in verse 14
Purges the conscience and will turn a person from doing dead works to serve the
Living God That's what the blood of Christ can do and the blood of bulls and goats never did that never did that and Then he verses 15 to 23.
He kind of illustrates here He gives us an illustration using verse 15 to 23.
He uses a wheel. Tell my making out a wheel a Testament and he uses this as an illustration.
He does my man makes a wheel Well, why does the man make a wheel man makes a wheel out to determine how his estate's going to be used after he dies
That's essentially what we do with a wheel person You make out a wheel if you die that wheel dictates how whatever you have is going to be used
And so this is what he's talking about here Now when does that wheel take effect look at verse 15 and for this cause?
He is the mediator of the New Testament new covenant that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions
That were under the first covenant They who are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance for where a covenant is there must also
Necessity be the death of the testator You can say testament and testator for a testament is a force after men are dead
So you got to die in order for it to come into play you can have a wheel But if you die the wheel doesn't play doesn't that wheel doesn't make any difference now watch this
The amazing thing is Jesus Christ had to die in order to make that wheel effective
But what he did was he died to make it effective and then he rose from the dead to come back to personally administer that wheel
He didn't leave it in the hands of some judge He's not gonna let the state get hold of it. He's not gonna let the government get on He's not gonna let it he's gonna come back and personally administer that himself
That's what he's done for us. And so the first covenant under Moses was sealed with blood.
Yes Exodus 24 verses 4 to 8 Verses 6 to 8 it was sealed with blood and when that earthly sanctuary was erected it was purified by blood
Everything was with blood and all of that as we go back and we see those things we find that is true
But the blood of those animals only brought about that ceremonial cleansing and never the inward cleansing now look at verse 23
It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these now
I've thought much about that and This can refer to the heavenly people of God or it can suggest a purifying in heaven some of the great
Men of old the great Bible scholars of old have declared that they believe
That heaven had to be purged and purified by the blood of Christ because of the presence of Satan that had been there
Now I wouldn't have any problem with that personally because you recall when Jesus was raised from the dead and Mary came to me says don't
Touch me. I've not yet ascended No contamination yet, and there are those scholars who believe that Jesus appeared to the
Father to present that blood That's what it says. He entered in once and for all into the holy place with his own blood
To purge and purify forevermore That is one of the reasons that I believe because Jesus is in heaven
That's why I believe that Satan no longer has personal access to the presence of God He know he can't get there anymore.
The blood's been shed Now I like what Revelation 12 says would you inhabitants of the earth?
for the devil Satan's been cast down to you being very Frothful because he knows his days are short the closer we get to the coming
Lord the more he kicks up It's sort of like a skunk You know you put a skunk in a barrel
Put a top on him. He can't go anywhere candy. You'll know he's there won't you but he doesn't go anywhere Well, there's coming a time.
That's all the way Satan is now He raises a stake, but he can't do anything he wants But I believe there's coming a time period where God's gonna take the top off and gonna give him a seven -year period of time
Santa do whatever you want he's gonna show this world what it really be like when Satan just really establishes this program and Then he'll do away with him forevermore and he'll be thrown into the lake of fire
Revelation chapter 20 And so we know that so this is possible I wouldn't be dogmatic here about that But this is what
I do personally feel that there was a purging and a purifying not necessarily in the presence of God But in the heavenly realm wherever that might be and then verse 24
He is telling us that it is we've just read that he is telling us that it is the fulfillment and it's not the shadow
Because he did not enter into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself so the
Aaronic priests they ministered in a tabernacle that was temporary and Although it did point to Christ, but Christ is not ministering in a man -made tabernacle of earthly things
He is in the heavenly sanctuary and he's ministering to us as the high priest and as the high priest
Sprinkled blood on the mercy for the people Christ represents us personally in the very presence of God Personally he is there
Representing you and representing me and as long as Jesus Christ has access to the heavenly realm of God You have access to God because you're in Christ Christ in you
Wherever he is you are spiritually and wherever he is. He will bring you one day physically Physically he is going to do that for us and it's a tragedy to me to see people and yay
We Baptists haven't escaped it to go back to concentrating on and to putting all of their thinking into religious ceremonies
To make them such of them and I don't think that tradition is necessarily wrong And and I think that God's a
God of order I think that you know We need worshipful experiences and and the church is geared for it's made
It's designed so that we are thinking might be turned in the ways of the Lord but anytime a ceremony
Anytime a ritual becomes more important than the person that we have done wrong That's why
I love to see churches with an altar in front of them We don't do that much anymore. Oh We criticize the mourners bench.
We don't have any mourners anymore. We don't have many agonizers. We don't have any prayers We got partiers and socializers if you want to get a big crowd in the
Baptist Church All you got to do is one of two things have a banquet or have a quartet You get some big quartet in you'll pack it fill every seat in here.
I guarantee I name you two or three quartets We bring them in we'll fill this place Or if we give a free meal, we'll fill it
But when you announce a prayer meeting you forget it. You announce a Bible study you forget it You announce a revival effort you forget it
The people who love God will come and God will draw and revival efforts and evangelist to God reaches
He will by the faithful people reach out and touch those who don't know the Lord But you don't pack it by preaching the
Word of God most of the time that used to bother me tremendously and then I had another wise old man said son if the people come running running to you in droves and by the
Thousands when you preach you better look what you preaching because you're not preaching the Word of God He said they didn't come running to the
Lord himself by the thousands. They won't come running to you by the thou And anytime I see all these people flocking to him.
I wonder to what they're flocking What are they getting when they get their fodder? Are they really getting the meat?
Are they really in the Word of God? And so, you know If you don't think what I'm saying is true
You let the pastor come in bless his heart sometime and I haven't talked to him about these things But I just know you let him come in sometime on Sunday morning
And the first thing we do is have an invitation song and now it's the invitation and ask people to come Or you just let him take an offering the first thing
Sunday morning. Just let him change that bulletin anyway
In trouble In trouble it's not in the bulletin brother Can't do it that way.
We've got it printed once you print it. The Holy Spirit must move in that way You know,
I'm just right. I'm not rambling. I'm right here. We're all to be you know I was in a church in the state of Louisiana can never go back that church again.
Oh There are a lot of them that way But if the Lord wants me back, no man can keep me out
That's the way I look at it. I've been in churches. I left on Tuesday Supposed to be there from Sunday Sunday.
I just left why stay they don't want anything No, he's hanging around playing with it times too valuable and one night we were just sitting there and I'm not
Tommy I'm just talking about how ritualistic we get I've been members of churches this way Sitting there and I don't know what it was and I just leaned over and I'm not criticizing pastor.
I just said pastor Oh, yeah, listen, he was a learning doctor, too. I Said pastor,
I don't understand this but I don't believe God wants us to take an offering tonight now that like to cause them heart Attack because here I was sitting there and evangelist, you know,
I'm supposed to want an offering But I won't tell you if I came down here for your offering dear people you already got your money's worth
Offerings don't interest me They are necessary evil But I've come to your church where your church offered me an offering or not
If your dear pastor said my church wants you to come we can't pay you I come if God gives me a day
I don't know what your church will give me if your church gives me $1 a million dollars I do my best I go and God will make that one a million and he'll make that million one if I don't do it right,
I Learned a long time ago about money, especially dealing with Baptist. I I I learned that a long time ago
But you know He said what do you mean? No offering? He said man, the men are ready to come. I Said well, that's all
I just have the song leaders Tell them to sing another song and just say we're not gonna have enough He said the organist and the pianist they have an offer toy ready.
They have rehearsed it And I said I understand that but I don't know why but God I just don't believe
God wants us to have an offering tonight I think what we all do just go right into the message and not stay long in the message move right to the invitation
I believe God wants us to move as quickly as we can to the invitation He just looked at me like that and and I you know,
I'm a guest I can't change the program I can't change the order. It's not my responsibility that when I come to a church,
I'm accountable to you and the pastor I can't do as I please If I did it'd be different sometimes
But you know, they didn't and I'll promise you this was on I think it was on Thursday night It was as if you took a fire hydrant of ice -cold air and just blew it all over that auditorium that thing just froze up Nothing, you could sense people looking at each other trying to figure out what was going on And so I've tried to be gracious since then
I've tried to learn some things But at that particular point it didn't matter to me. And so I just told the people And I said here's what
I said And because we got another three by five card and the men are ready to come we had to have an offering And we've had an offering now
God's taking his hand off and we don't have nothing So you want an outline I give you an outline I'm read of my outline and I gave him the script to text closed my
Bible. I said, let's pray we prayed and that was it Came back next night. Nothing came back next night
Nothing and from that day to this day that church has done nothing but go down not because I was there
But dear people when God gives you light you must obey that light No matter what it is and that church has done nothing to this day
I could give you example after example after example, and that's what he's talking to us about here Don't get caught up in all those things.
He said that's the way they did it back then We want to be a decency in order and do everything rightly
But we have freedom and joy and liberty in the Lord not license, but liberty in the Lord All sorts of things go through my heart
I'm trying to spare you experiences not that you're that way, but I don't know you see Let me just give one illustration and get off of in this the man
I was saved under the church I was saved in Is a special place in my heart but you know my pastor at that time the man
I was saved on is my spiritual father in the Lord so to speak and He was a evangelistic and missionary minded man
He believed in establishing missions and that one church Established missions all over the city of Jacksonville and most of them out grew the mother church
There was a church sitting down there. That was a mission running three or four thousand They built another running a couple thousand another running 1 ,500 and they would sit around there running 1 ,500 to 1 ,800
But it didn't matter because that's what the people wanted to do. They wanted to extend themselves and So one day he felt like the
Lord laid on his heart to build another mission down around and of course You know Jacksonville Florida is a large military place And he want to build one down Mayport which is down near the beach and they had to carry a basin and destroyers and everything
Down there. So and the people, you know, he just brought it before them and he said y 'all pray about it We'll vote on it. And so the next
Wednesday night came and he brought it before him He said well, you both they voted. No, and he said you don't understand
The Lord has laid on my heart. This is what we need to do Now you go pray about it next Wednesday night.
He brought it up again. They voted no again. They did that three turns So the next
Sunday morning, I'll never forget as he stood in the pulpit and after he preached his sermon He closed it godly man loves the
Lord He closed his Bible. He said, you know, our church has been missionary minded evangelistically oriented we've studied doctrine and we stand on the
Word of God and follow the Lordship of Christ and we have built mission after mission after mission after mission and God's blessed us because of Southern Baptist Church and He says and God laid on my heart that we should build another one and you have voted no and you're the people and I'll Bow to your wishes
But as of this moment, I am no longer your pastor effective immediately He said all
I ask you to do is give me three days to get out of the parsonage and He left it and that church to this day
That church when I visit last was struggling to run a hundred and ten in Sunday school Oh, they built him a big sanctuary building buildings won't get people
That's what we think will God build a big new building to get it in don't even feel the one they got What am
I saying don't get hung up on all those things if you and I will follow the Lord He'll bless what we do
People and pastor together. Is that the way it is people and pastor together moving under the Lordship of Christ Sharing hearts together and that's what the writer of Hebrews is telling these people.
He said don't do he said That's what got the Israelites and all those problems Their rituals and ceremonies even to this day are more important to them than the teachings of Moses That's what's caused their blindness
They'd rather hang on to all those things he said that's not the way it is. Well, let me quickly close Verses 25 to 28.
He says it's not only a fulfillment of shadows. Don't get caught up in those Religious ceremonies that please the senses and fail by faith to lay hold of the greatly heavenly minister of Christ.
Nothing wrong Listen, don't don't misunderstand me There's nothing wrong with a lot of things we do in our churches But let's don't make the mistake that they become more important and don't mix faith in there and by faith
Look at the heavenly minister of Christ Religious activity is not the most important thing.
The most important thing is that we're doing what Jesus says do That's the most important thing and then he closes this chapter off in verses 25 and 28
He says the reasons all this is so it's because it is based upon the most perfect and complete sacrifice
You see I Believe Paul wrote it, of course, but any writing of Paul that you read you'll find he never goes beyond the radius of the cross
Every book of Paul. He will always direct you back to Calvary somehow or other. He'll get you back there somehow or other he'll always point to it and We're gonna look at chapter 10 tomorrow evening where we're gonna talk about this sacrifice and how it is far superior to anything but he does mention it here and The priest work we said in the
Old Testament was never done because You know their sacrifices were never final but his is final
Look what he says in verse 25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters in the holy place every year with a blood of others
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world But now once in the end of the world
Hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself and as is it appointed unto men once to die?
But after this the judgment so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him
Shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation and this is what he's saying to us and that word there into the world
Into the ages it can be translated the climax of the ages. The climax of all time is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ That's the climax of everything everything looked forward to it and everything goes back to it
It all hinges on call on Calvary it all hinges on the cross now You've already noticed it, but you'll notice the word appear appears three times, doesn't it?
You'll see the word appear there The word appear occurs in verse 26 talks about his past appearing when he appeared to put away sin
That's when he appeared to take away our sin and then verse 24, which is up there
It talks about our present that now he appears in the presence of the Lord for us So he's appearing now and then for us in the heavenly realm and in verse 28
It talks about that future appearing when he takes us on to glory So what about this new sanctuary verse 11?
It's a heavenly sanctuary verses 12 to 23 effective to change lives verse 24.
It's the fulfillment It is not a shadow and verses 25 to 28. It's all based upon that perfect complete sacrifice in the
Lord Jesus Christ The high priest went in had a cord tied around him
Tied around his ankle Why because it was possible even though he went in there with blood that God might not accept it
It was possible and they could hear those little bells tingling around as he moved around ministry and the people
We are told by the great writers of Judaism that the people would sit out and they would stand around and it was a holy hush always endeavor
You couldn't hear a sound While the high priest was in their midst all you could hear was him moving around the sound of a ministry and they did not know whether God was going to accept it or not accept it and Then all of a sudden he would appear and a great shout of joy would go up because they knew that God had honored the shedding of the blood the sprinkling of the blood and God had given them his
Passover. God had covered those sins at that time You and I never have to fear about that We do not have to worry or be concerned about that because we know that our
Lord our high priest has entered in once and For all he doesn't have to go every year.
He doesn't have to go every Sunday He doesn't have to go every day and you don't have to wait till Sunday to be right with the Lord He'd be right with the
Lord Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday You can be right with the Lord I trust that we are
I trust that we are you know, this is Wednesday we've got tomorrow and then we got
Friday and our time together Will have come to a close and I want you to know that it has been an extremely important time for me
Because of the awesome responsibility and I don't know what the Lord does in your heart. I only know what he does with me and I trust and I think about it all during the day and As I read over and over again in the afternoon and I get up in the morning
I go over the passages of Scripture and then I do it again in the afternoon several times that I'll go and I think
About these particular things and only thing that I know that I can do is just entrust That the
Lord will deal with your individual personality The way that will please him and that you and I that we will be available to him
To do with us whatever he wants to be pliable in his hand And to just be available to do go say participate in whatever.
He would dictate for us to do And so let me give you a closing word if this many people
Just this many people Went out in the next three hundred and sixty five days and then one person to Jesus What do you think would occur just as many people you would double yourself
Obviously you double yourself That isn't tragic That most
Christians don't and I'm not gonna ask you to raise your hands, but sometimes I do Sometimes I just ask people would you raise your hand?
Bow their head and close their eyes and I'll say would you raise your hand if you've led one single person to Jesus Christ in The last three years, which would be a little over a thousand days
And you'll see one here and one there and most people never never
Are able to raise their hand saying God used me To show someone how to come to know
Jesus they got saved Because of my influence in their life as God used them
And so the thing that scares me about meetings like this and I hold Bible conferences all the time
Not just January Bible conferences. We do them all we did one on the Christian and the cross or what first bad to sit
And we did one on prophecy at first bad to sit in we hold them Anyway, you know one thing is frightened that you and I will be spiritual sponges
That we'll always be learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth We'll just be gathering information like Sunday school every
Sunday go to church every Sunday, but never do anything with it And I believe that you and I ought to concentrate on growing in the
Lord But at the same time that you are growing we can be telling other people about Jesus We have all kinds of opportunities to do so And I think sometimes what
Peter says is true of us that we are pleasers of men rather than pleasers of God We'd rather please people and have them like us then we had the pleasure of our
Lord but when he comes what are we going to say and How many sweet people in this city?
Are not going to spend eternity in heaven. They're gonna be lost forever and as they stand before the heavenly
Stand and the heavenly choir goes out as their record is read you are guilty and the angels of heaven chained them and Dragged them away weeping and wailing
Maybe a last penetrating look comes your way of mine saying why didn't you tell me you knew? Why didn't you ever say anything to me you knew?
And what can I say well I Just you know if I did I thought you'd get mad at me and you wouldn't consider me a good guy
He might not like me anymore if I talked to you about Jesus Now they're lost forever and that is a long long time to burn in the lake of fire
May God help us to be faithful in sharing that which we learn and to go out and tell people about that Which we know is true father.
Thank you for your graciousness to us Thank you for the sweetness of Christ. Thank you for the preciousness of the
Spirit. Thank you for the wonder of thy word Thank you for the majesty that is wrapped up in the personality of the
Godhead the father the son and the spirit I thank you for the faithful people of this church.
I thank you for these who come night after night I thank you for a church that is willing to open up its doors and take a week out of its history its life
To dedicate it and commit it to just studying thy word about some particular area or a book or truth
Father, I just pray that you'd continue to bless pastor and people and father that you would use this church like a magnet
To draw the people in the community who don't know Jesus father. I pray that we'd move about the community
Like little stars at night being little lights in the darkness of the world just punching hole in the darkness
Wherever we might go that you might use us make us sensitive and then give us boldness
Enabled that we might be enabled to share that which is in our heart We want to we desire to and whatever stops us all the fears and obstacles
We just pray that you'd remove them and then that by your grace We might be faithful in that area of our life because we ask it in Jesus name.