Noah's Flood vs the Epic of Gilgamesh (Classroom Series)


The Biblical Flood versus the Epic of Gilgamesh: which account came first? Which one is based in real history? What about other Babylonian or Mesopotamian flood myths? The Epic of Gilgamesh is based on a series of 12 tablets dated to around 650 BC that archaeologists found in 1853 (although parts of the story existed in earlier, fragmentary versions). Because the story had many of the same elements as the Genesis account, skeptics believed that Gilgamesh preceded the Biblical account, negating the Genesis account as just a spin-off. Fortunately for Christians, however, there are major clues that point to the Biblical account as the accurate one, and Gilgamesh as a later work of fiction that incorporated legendary elements of a flood within a cultural fantasy. This video explains why. See our other Flood resources here: See more videos on this topic: See our entire Classroom Series here:


The Bible's flood account is only a myth, just like the epic of Gilgamesh. Well, first Gilgamesh had a 200 -square -foot boat that would have been tossed around at sea.
It took apparently seven days to build, and then it was a six -day flood. So that, in comparison with Noah's Ark, which is 500 feet long, 80 feet wide, and 50 feet high.
That's a 7 to 1 ratio, and much like the container ships that we know today. It took probably 55, 75 years to build, and it had a year -long flood.
God's judgment is just. He even allows 120 years, patiently giving people time to repent, saving the last righteous family.
These two stories, vastly different, but the Bible is rooted in truth and evidence to support it.
Gilgamesh is obviously a fantasy. However, wouldn't you expect that if there was a worldwide flood, that there'd be many flood legends and spinoffs and stories based on it?