F4F | March Prophecy Bingo

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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith from time to time here we do something called prophecy bingo
So guess what? It's time for And to help us out here today, let me turn my desktop on I have invited
Lindsay former the artist formerly known as Lindsay Davis. He's now Lindsay knots and her husband
Zack I've invited them to come on fighting for the faith and do prophecy bingo with us
And I think I've warned you guys I cheat so I Just I just want to let you know,
I totally cheat and And so the purpose of prophecy bingo we make this event
We try to have a little bit of fun always good to you know To point out a few things and that is no wagering is allowed.
So we don't allow any of that kind of stuff and and and so if you don't already have a prophecy bingo card, we'll put a link down below you just go to the link and What I usually do is
I click on the the link that takes me to the jet the card generator itself
And I hit new card until I find something that looks like I could win, you know
So because some things are a little Some cards are a little better than others and you know,
I have Lindsay and Zack in a floating window here today No clue how long this will will take today, but I will say we have got a star -studded prophetic
You know cast ready to help us with prophecy bingo And the idea here is is that when you listen to what the so -called prophets are saying?
They just keep saying the same things and so years ago. We noticed that they say the same words over and over again
It's some kind of weird blender word salad we put them all the words that keep coming up in these so -called prophecies together into our prophecy bingo cards try to have a little bit of fun and I'm gonna go ahead and do a free space and I I always like to make you know near the end of prophecy bingo
I give away two free words and Those two free words, you know, you can use on your card
But the the there's stipulations the stipulation is you have to subscribe and like the video, you know
So, all right, all of that being said, okay, I'm really excited about this and And so what we're going to do, let's take a look here.
That's that's our prophecy bingo Page there, let's see here word for March.
Okay. Here's a fellow We have not covered yet. And he is
His name is Ben Lim Ben Lim and he looks like he's Broadcasting his
March prophetic word for 2020 from a hotel room clearly this was before everybody got locked down and Let's take a listen into his prophetic word for 2020
March 2020 and let's play some prophecy bingo I've got my card up on my phone.
I'm gonna win today. And in fact, I'm feeling Really really? Hey, hey, you know, hey, you know, okay.
So here we go. All right Hey guys, well, I wouldn't go into the the prophetic word for the month of March if you don't know me
My name is Ben Lim and every single month I give these prophetic words for the month of March and some people they break it down or you know
They criticize and say, you know, you're giving like horoscope type of words Listen prophecy is not fortune -telling prophecy is not horoscope okay, but prophecy and and saying declaring and prophetically giving a
Structure an idea of what to expect and what's to come in a month and a day in a week that is prophesying timelines and that is prophesying
Expectations. Listen, you we need to expect something from the heart of God We need to expect from Jesus and prophets and prophetic people prophetic company.
We will prophesy Something into being so that you know what to expect just like a news channel
When a news channel you turn it on and you know, it says Oh expect rain expect Sun, you know us as prophets
We're given a spiritual forecast So I'm gonna say spiritual forecast and I prophesy right now that your spiritual forecast is no longer going to be doom and gloom
It's no longer be filled with darkness and sorrow But your spiritual forecast is going to be filled with fire power grace glory with the
Holy Ghost All right fire pipe power grace glory those all sound like prophecy buzzwords to me power
Grace, I have none of them either do I all right now? Okay, let's see here
Thank you. Good. I I know but this guy is like a machine gun of like, you know of Prophetic words here.
Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna note something here this this prophetic word for March 2020 went out on February 27th
All right, and so let's just say a lots happened in Since then right and so he's telling us he's giving us a prophetic forecast
Yeah, and so let's see how useful this prophetic forecast is Because I mean it would be really nice if he was telling us, you know stock up on toilet paper
Be sure to get hand sanitizer, you know things like that I mean that would would have been really a helpful forecast.
Don't you think? Well, yeah, and you said the exact opposite of what's happening right now, which is doom gloom and darkness
Yeah, I'll take it that you're not having the best pandemic ever so no, he's not a very good prophetic weatherman
Okay, all right good point good point let's keep going see what he what he says here hang on a second here
Virtual forecast is gonna be filled with Jubilee with blessings with riches your spiritual forecast is gonna be so well
Prosperity with power with promotion with new grace. Come on. Someone's a new grace in Jesus name.
Amen. All right power promotion And no promotion is one of those
Yeah, I got prosperity. All right way to go Zach. You're on the board first, which means
I need to get up here And okay, I already took care of my free space So, okay, that's taken care of let's come back to our prophetic word for March 2020.
Here we go again So us as prophetic people we prophesy things into being so, you know what to expect and every they prophesy things into being
Is that the law of attraction? Yeah. Wow. I mean talk about powerful people.
I mean But he was saying we weren't gonna get doom and gloom in March He obviously doesn't have enough power to prophesy things like happiness and prosperity and things into being in the month of March.
Okay Which means that you know
What we're doing is we're actually preparing ourselves because remember God does nothing on the earth
Unless he first speaks it to his prophetic people, right? That is the word. All right. Yeah, that's it
Taking of a biblical text out of context there. Yeah, so All right. So, um, so God doesn't do anything first without telling his people
It seems like none of the prophets warned us about what was coming, you know Yeah God will do nothing on the earth until he first shares it reveals it to his people and we pray it we see it
We pray it we see it and we seal it someone say seal it I tell you right now the
Lord is sealing your destiny in the name of the blood of destiny That's a prophecy bingo word.
Just saying He did say blessing yes,
I didn't hear him say blessing and that happens to be one of my words to hang on a second
Listen I told you guys I cheat, you know Did you say believing for I'm bad at this game
Chris. Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry, you know if you failed first -grade reading comprehension
You're not gonna be good at prophecy Okay, and I got to move you guys back up and so there we'll put you guys there let's keep going
It's sealing your destiny by the power of God. The Holy Ghost is sealing it shut.
It is confirmed It will not be extracted or not be removed. It will not be changed in Jesus name.
Someone's a man Someone say Jesus has sealed shut my destiny. Someone say
Jesus Why am I having to repeat what this guy? Could he hear me if I said it, you know, right, okay
Okay, yeah referring to our past prophecy bingo, okay Let's say Jesus has sealed on my fortunes and nobody and nothing can take it can steal it in Jesus name
Someone's a man bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. And listen before I give it to the word I don't welcome all of you do give some hearts likeness shares
I'm going into the prophetic word for the month of Mark Wow Bravo expect great things people of God.
It is early. He hasn't even given us the word yet, right? Hawaii is 7 11 a .m.
Right now 7 11 a .m. Hawaii time. All right, I'm gonna fast -forward a little bit on this guy
I mean if he's a little slow on giving us the prophetic word of the Lord Let's see. I'll just drop the playhead and see what he says.
Yeah, and Durr means dwells. So this is a month where God dwells
This is a month where God doesn't visit you But he dwells in this month and of course he dwells now if you have the word visitation
I will give that to you. If you have that on your card, let me back this up cuz yeah Like cuz
I this is interesting at this point. I'm gonna back this up just always do I'm going into the Hebrew and I'm gonna
Break it down I thought Loma Vena Vreet. You don't know Hebrew, dude
We are entering into the month of our dollar so much a dollar local cocktail No, you there
He doesn't Someone say a dollar a d a r.
All right in the key break We're going into the Hebraic month of a dollar a d a r and a dollar it actually
Means God dwells. All right, it actually means God dwells Okay, because in Hebrew a dollar is broken into two different Hebraic letters
Aleph and Durr Aleph and Durr and Aleph many times means
God because alpha Aleph bet alphabet alpha and Omega Aleph a dollar
All right, so this guy does not know Hebrew or Greek left or a dollar is a letter
So Aleph means God which he is the head. He is the out. Yeah, you guys understand.
Yeah Aleph means dar Yeah Okay, you follow me.
We're limited Hebrew And I were tapping. No, you know, no one's learning
Hebrew there. Sorry. He break roots So Aleph means God and Durr means dwells.
So this is a month where God dwells This is a month where God doesn't visit you, but he dwells in this month
And of course he dwells in every single month. Amen. He dwells in everything but this a dar He's really dwelling in this month, yeah
Right, yeah Yeah, this is this is very helpful
I'm so glad he told me this I mean it totally prepared me for the coronavirus pandemic It is a month where you're going to feel the
Habitation power of the glory of God where he's gonna inhabit you where he's going to fully possess you
I remember somebody said a few months ago. How can God possess me? Okay, he's not an evil spirit. He possesses you because you are his possession.
The Bible says that you are royal priesthood He has brought you out of exile out of Egypt.
So because you are his royal Possession, isn't that? Okay, this guy's boring me now, okay, let's let's move on to an okay.
Yeah. Yes You answered my prayer Oh Praise God, this is we lovingly refer to her as princess ebola
Atalante anyway princess ebola has her prophetic word for March 2020 and this was released on March 5th at this time
There was only a few coronavirus cases in the United States. So, let's see if she prepared us for what was coming here
Hello people of God March is here believe it or not. It is the month of renewal refreshing and limitless
Expansion get ready. No, I'm gonna gain weight in March. It's limitless limitless expansion
Yeah, I see that makes perfect sense with everybody like, you know being put into their homes they can't go anywhere
Limitless expansion is taking place. No one could go to the gym. No, she she called it
Okay to mount up with wings as eagles because the eagle
Anointing has been released Yeah, oh
Hey, I have anointing to hang on a second here. I gotta go there. Hang on. Let me just say
She seems like a very fun person to be around. Oh, yeah I would just like to be around her and just like share the word with her
Of course, but I mean, maybe she would just say ouch Ouch, praise
God say amen. Say ouch Okay Okay, let's put you guys over here and we'll keep going with princess ebola.
All right, it is the month of flight Mm -hmm and Sights and of course, you know,
I'm gonna be breaking it down But give me a second to introduce myself to those who don't know
My name is bola bola. I do me pastor prophet teacher Apostle kingdom pre no kingdom.
She's an apostle. Oh Well, did you say that? She's like everything.
She's a prophet. She's an apostle pastor. Yeah, they have pretty much everything Yeah, so Yep Yeah, I I wonder what the proper like way of addressing her is.
Is it your royal highness? You know, you know when somebody has all of those, you know, well, when was she commissioned by Jesus?
I Don't know. I Don't know couldn't tell you it does look like she upgraded a camera though.
So I'll say that so, okay The author of the master's mind on total success.
I know you have a copy. I know you do If you don't hey, what are you waiting for?
It will change your life. I really mean it Amazon .com is where you pick up a copy me you find at royal proclamations .com
Yes, the law said March is the month of renewal refreshing and limitless
Expansion and increase my god Wow it Yeah, it's like the exact opposite for the economy
Right, it's been limitless Decrease, you know, yeah significant decrease, but she said increase and that's another another word on my bingo card
Bummer I don't Okay. All right Well, we'll keep going here and see this is the thing
I always get distracted and so it's like I was it always cracks me up when people Chris you missed this word.
You missed this words like I miss a lot of them every time Yeah, my god, and of course, you know, he spoke to me from his word so he gave me
Isaiah chapter 40 Actually, he did God gave you Isaiah. He gave that to me too.
In fact the whole book of Isaiah And like the rest of the
Bible to There you go, yeah, and in fact the the ancient church called
Isaiah the fifth gospel writer So, you know, but you got to know what you're looking for But we continue the entire chapter of Isaiah chapter 40 the first verse of us talks about speaking
Comfortably to his people my god my god. It's a renewal month is a refreshing month
Particularly for those who have been waiting on him, you know, those of us who have been waiting on him
I know some of us just came out of 28 days shut down. I know some of us last year We waited we fasted and pray for for about I did 175 days and had all kinds of digestive issues when
I came off, you know too much information Yeah, just too much information.
Thanks. Yeah, just people ouch praise God Waiting on him, you know, this is the month where God is rewarding refreshing renewing
You know and and and it is he's doing it with the Eagle anointing, you know, we you're right
He's refreshing and renewing and renewing and you know with the Eagle anointing That's really helpful.
I think What can you do with an Eagle anointing exactly?
Okay, I would like to fly but I can't I'm stuck in my home Yeah If you have the
Eagle anointing you can sing that song I'm gonna fly like an eagle Okay, nevermind what
Isaiah 40 talks about he also spoke to me from Genesis chapter 13 verse 14 and 15
I don't have time right now to look at those those scriptures But I suggest that you do and so yes, so that is those are biblical authority
For this month and so I want to really begin to break it down in terms of what are the prophetic?
Manifestations that we're going to see in this mode. What are the prophetic? manifestation of this
Eagle anointing that God has released to release that is a that is a
Prophecy bingo word she's people as a reward for him to those people especially his remnant who've been waiting on him for a long long time and It is number one.
The number one manifestation is renewal Renewal, that's the buzzword.
That's the manifestation. I need the word reversal. I that then yeah I need reversal.
Yeah, you're going to see Praise God. I've been telling you that wilderness is over.
Praise God Wilderness the wilderness is over Praise God Ouch, yeah, that's great
Hashtag wilderness is over striving is over. And so God is renewing you
God is refreshing you God is Beautifying you praise God.
And so I see that renewal manifesting in like renewal of vows, you know renewal of you know vows marriage vows marriages
I see it's renewal as renewal of Relationships, you know
The Lord was telling me, you know about a dead Relationship. Okay. There's a dead marriage in particular that that people thought is just dead completely and he said expect
Supernatural Restoration and so we're gonna see Restoration is a prophecy buzzword.
He was a lot of that in Relationships of vows and marriages. All right.
I did hear say the word supernatural So I'm gonna take that one on my prophecy being hard. Yeah, uh -huh
Okay, I need a suddenly here though Reversal an open heaven.
I need a shaking or a breakthrough. Those are usually big ones that show
Well, I can't help you I Yeah, just keep mine
I cheat so all right, let's Keep going on here as she continues with this word salad
Then he talks about renewal of covenant, you know, some of us, you know, I'm gonna build on that later
I'm not gonna build on how do you build on this? She hasn't said anything yet, you know
Okay now but it was saying that some of us who who Renewed our covenant with the
Abrahamic Covenant last year, you know, it's You you renewed the
Abrahamic Covenant last year. That's what she just said. Yeah, I heard that I was like, wait, what is that like?
Getting your driver's license renewed. I got to get that done, you know in in May Have you have have you renewed your
Abrahamic Covenant yet this year she never heard anyone say that ever
Well That's crazy, I agree. I agree Let's talk about renewal of that covenant.
You know, then also I heard renewal of Contracts my god my god good word.
Holy Spirit. She just patted herself on the back renewal of what? Okay, is that like that those are the opening moves of the
Macarena, right Okay, all right and so that is for employment in business and Employment in the marketplace.
So, you know whether your contract was terminated or you're waiting for it to be renewed an
Employment contract or a business contract something like that. I see that manifestation this month
Okay, if you have the word manifest, I'll give it to you Manifestation renewal of contracts and then, you know last but not the least just renew one of your spiritual physical and emotional strength, you know when
I was Okay, so It would have been helpful like, you know something like, you know stock up on toilet paper be sure to pick up some
Purell Right. Yeah again. This was released on March 5th of this year
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take her out of the mix I don't think I'm gonna come back to Ben Lim and Let's go.
Okay next up Okay, I had to breathe here for a second
Okay, inhale I always get anxiety when this when
I do this lady. I she screams at me. It's like Yeah So she's gonna be talking about March prophetic word 2020 the power of humility here's
Kay Nash I Love how her videos now have like highlight reels in Hi, and welcome to prophetic success.
I'm Kay Nash and I'm going to talk to you about the monthly prophetic word for March I know normally are all right.
This was released on March 2nd again only a few corona virus cases up to this point
At least this a little before March gets started, but this month I kind of felt to release it now
So that's a little different than normal I also felt like the Lord only gave me little bits of information in this word
And so I'm gonna jump into this and I think it's just kind of kind of flow. Okay, so I Think flow is one of our prophecy bingo words
I have tightrope walking this word out because um, he didn't give me this giant thing
But I think we're gonna discover it as we go Holly Yeah, so I'm gonna start out with the phrase that I felt like the
Lord told me and this is what I heard Humility is a key to promotion
Jesus as you fear me and do what I say you See, she's yelling at me
Yelling at me I Don't know it's like from zero to like, you know
God's wrath in like, you know point two seconds Okay No, she's yelling at me
I mean, I don't want to make eye contact I'm afraid of her All right, let me hit the play button again here go rise but rising is not the key humility is
Humility before me and before man will always put you in the right places.
Mm -hmm Good well,
I I think sometimes you have to do the humble thing to get exalted You have to be humble to get exalted in God's eyes
That doesn't mean dressing or looking like junk, you know as some people might think
It's really a heart posture is what humility is the heart posture of humility is basically like I'm not better than anybody else and I'm gonna trust
God over what I think or wasn't Kay Nash and mean girls You know
Somebody else maybe that was somebody else I just okay Oh Holly. Yeah. Mm -hmm
Check out this verse in Proverbs 16 19 Better it is to be humble mind with the lowly than to divide the spoils with the proud
Praise God Yeah, I think she has like Holy Spirit Tourette's or something so, you know
You know, I think right now there's false opportunities for growth
You know growth is not always worth it Because it depends on who you're growing with, you know
You can have some I would feel the Holy Ghost so strongly right now. You can have some high up opportunity really strong Yeah, that's your why the
Holy Ghost would show up for this because none of it makes any sense to me And he's in high up connections
But that's not the people you want to divide the spoils worth Let's go into this verse a little more divide the spoils with the proud, you know
Sometimes you might look at certain people up here that are you would consider above you even though God might not consider them above you
You know they might have more followers than you more subscribers than you a bigger church and you a bigger business than you a big
Do you ever get the feeling that sometimes listening to these people we learn more about them than God, you know
How they think yeah, she's one of these people, you know I every time
I watch one of her prophecies after I'm done getting yelled at, you know I'm just feel like we're wandering through her her, you know mental chemistry and it's
Yeah, anyway house than you and you might put them up here but the thing is you might not want to do business or ministry with those people because if they are prideful
You're not going to divide the spoil with them And I just feel like a warning right now to watch who you connect to in this season
Season that by the way season is one of our prophecy buzzwords Feel like this has been a hard season for many of you and a lot of times when we're in a low season
Jesus the devil could come in with a false opportunity for growth wealth influence income whatever it is and That there have been a lot of opportunities for growth
Why did you say Jesus again? I think she has Holy Spirit Tourette's, you know
You guys remember like the Pillsbury Doughboy, you know, you know, the finger would come and press him and go hee hee
You know, I think what what she's doing here is Oh Jesus, you know, apparently she's yeah, you're being touched by the
Holy Spirit You know, it's kind of like that False opportunity comes in at the lowest moment.
And so you just grab on to you're like, oh something's here But don't make an Ishmael. Okay, wait for the real thing
Don't make an Ishmael Okay, you
Evaluate people's character. It's not anointing. It's not social status
It's people's character now oftentimes Anointing and character do go hand in hand, but that's not always true
You know, the Bible actually says Jesus they will cast devils out in my name, you know
And they won't even know him okay, and so just because somebody's cast out devils and saying they're a
Christian doesn't mean that they are and You got to look at the character How does she quote that part of Matthew 7 and not sit there and go
I wonder if that's talking about me Yeah Wow Okay Justin Peters and I were talking about this recently and you know that that exact passage and I noted to Justin Peters I said, well that's clearly that's not talking about like Martin Luther and you know confessional
Lutherans. We don't prophesy nothing, you know Yeah So it's like okay, there should be anointing there because the
Bible says in Mark that you would know Disciples by them walking in power
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. If there is no power on their life
Why are you following them? Jesus if they cannot cast out devils if they cannot heal the sick
Jesus if They cannot change your life and help you come out of poverty if they cannot help you heal your heart
Jesus if people aren't falling under the anointing in their meetings What in the world are you following them for because the
Bible says in Mark? What does it say? It says you will know my disciples because they will cast out demons.
It says they will heal this. Yeah long ending of Mark Yeah No, it's not so she's yelling at me about that no, like where is that yelling coming from and she's talking she's making a video about humility and She's putting other people down and acting like she's better than you
Yeah, you notice that too that's why I asked if she was in mean girls cuz you know I just stopped myself with a sharpie because she scared me
Should have warned you sorry, I tried to explain she does yell Alright, hang on. She's she's mid rant here
Let's see if we can get through this and they will recover if you are following a person with no power
You gotta wake up and see that's you've been deceived. Okay, because here's the thing. This is how you know
Why do these people have power, okay No, I'm pretty sure none of the charismatics have any power.
I mean For the prophetic word for March 2020. I mean, don't you think it should have been like toilet paper?
Yeah Yeah that power Can I can
I mark off powerful? Yes, I will give it to you. Okay, and also did she get a southern accent like mid video?
Yes, she did Yeah, you know that maybe that's her way of speaking in tongues
I mean Yeah, well, you know he's from Texas we'll forgive you yeah.
All right. Do you do you like sweet tea too? Oh, absolutely There's no such thing as unsweet tea. All right, good.
All right. Well bless your heart. So All right now this one has no we don't have anybody helping us out here this one's a little bit weird this is the prophetic word and Soaking thing and it came out on March 3rd.
Let's let's let's soak together. Shall we? Here we go This is a season
Break through break through this is a season Hey, I know
I have that word somewhere hang I just gotta find it imagination favor Acceleration breakthrough.
There we go. Oh, I just need a double portion and I've got a bingo. That's good. Yeah, fantastic Okay, so yeah, let me pull that up to you.
All right, so we're having this season of breakthrough. Oh, no Did I just close it?
Okay. Here we go. Okay, let's keep going here Season of breaking through I hear
Say this is a season of breakthrough
This is a season of breaking through This is a season of redundancy
Redundancy of redundancy It's coming right it's coming right now
It's coming it's coming right now It's coming right now
Let it settle let it settle right now You Yeah, every hindrance is falling.
Every hindrance is falling. It's breaking up for you There are words that are breaking off there were shackles that are breaking off They've been over you a long time
But the Lord is he's declaring a new thing is he's breaking those things because he's better It's lifting high.
He's better is being Listen to this is about the the audio equivalent of sucking on lemons that oh, man.
This is terrible It's better is being lifted high
The Lord say the Lord is saying This is the season of the justice of the
Lord This is the season of the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah It's breaking every shackle breaking every chain breaking every shackle and he's breaking every chain
You won't ever be the same again How is this better than exegetical preaching
I I don't understand that He's breaking off the shackles
Yeah, shackle. I mean he's repeated the same phrase for I mean like it's the same thing over and over again
There's no like edification here. This is just the same thing Yeah, and you know kind of sung in a mystic kind of way, all right, let's check in with Lana Vosser I'll come back to that video.
All right, so Lana Vosser. She's a superstar in the charismatic NAR and This is the don't look look
Prophecy from March 4th of this year at my desk Doing some work and I am just burdened and by this word and I thought well
I will do it as a recording for coffee with Jesus. Sorry my computers for yeah, she does this thing on YouTube It's called coffee with Jesus So every every time
I invite Jesus to Starbucks, he never shows up. I Don't feel as important as her
Then Coffee with Jesus and the Lord was like no you need to do it right now.
This is a word for somebody So this isn't going to be a long Facebook live This is going to be quite short and very simple, but I believe that this is a word for somebody right now
So you may be looking? Hey guys, good to see you all You may be looking at the title and thinking that is really contradictory.
Don't look look Well, let me explain this to you. So I had an encounter with the
Lord This morning and and the Lord showed me Encounter is a prophecy bingo word
That there were many people right now who are in the place where there is a temptation
To look at what's happening in the natural. I released a word This week on flare -up because the
Lord said to me that oh There was a word about flare -ups, you know preparada etche, you know, we'll take care of that Okay, there were things that were flaring up in the last couple of weeks for many of God's people that were in opposition to Their promise and you and that the faithfulness of God was about to be demonstrated in some spectacular ways but this morning when
I was Just sitting with the Lord. I heard the Lord say so clearly don't look and it wasn't hey
Oh, hey, don't look it was a strong like don't look now What was he saying not to look at don't look at the natural.
This is a word for somebody right now God has given you a word He has spoken to you specifically about something in your life but all of a sudden it has
Flared up and there has been the the temptation and the thought in your head of like, you know what?
I Just I'm tired. There's a temptation to lower your ex
You know, she didn't call anything about the corona virus globally flaring up, you know
Yeah, you know I keep pointing this out none of these so -called prophets saw this one coming, you know,
I Mean, maybe I should start yelling at Kay Nash. You have no power Why should I listen Tation and to actually look at the things going on in the natural.
Sorry guys, my comments are Frozen so if you're talking, I'm really sorry.
I can't see them, but it was a very strong Word from God now when he said it his tone was strong for this reason because you're about to see the
Manifestation of God's promise in that area where the temptation is strong to look in We're gonna see the manifestation of God's promise in that area
Hmm yeah, I don't know what any of that means.
This is utter word salad. Yeah Yeah natural so I believe right now that the
Lord is wanting to encourage somebody out there Don't look at the natural don't look like even if like for my own life
There's something that I'm contending for and the other day. I went to look Contend and contending those are prophecy buzzwords to look at it in the natural and straightaway the
Lord corrected me He said don't look Lana. Don't look and so I literally turned my eyes away
I'm like, isn't that like part of like, you know, the original Indiana Jones You know when they open up the the
Ark of the Covenant and Indy says don't look Yeah Lord I repent for looking in the natural and the
Lord said now look and when he said now look it was an invitation To keep my eyes firmly focused on the promise that is before me
I believe right now that there is somebody or many of you that are on a brink of actually stepping into stepping into is a prophecy buzzword
Significant breakthrough, but not only breakthrough I think we already had that one if you can't for the area that God has given you the promise, but actually a
Significant breakthrough that's going to catapult you and commission you into a new realm of ministering with the
Lord Realm I see that this thing that you're contending for that You've been believing for so long with the
Lord that the enemies really kept you in chains in this area because it's an area where God is going to move powerfully through your life and You are going to minister to others in probably
I would say this the greatest way that you've ever seen God move the reason that the this whole like raw flare -up thing is happening is because of the magnitude of the
Anointing that you are going to move in in your breakthrough to set other people free and to see the glory of the
Lord revealed And so I really feel right now. This is a word that God has given me For this new era out of Isaiah 50 verse 7, we know the scripture world
I'm gonna read it again. It says this out of the ESV, but the Lord God helps me.
Therefore. I have not been disgraced Therefore I've set my face like a flint and I shall not be put to shame
Yeah, that's a prophecy about Jesus In the Gospel of Luke Christ sets his face like flint to go to Jerusalem to bleed and die for our sins
Um, yeah, I She's not saying anything, you know, these are these are people who are like really gifted at saying nothing
Yeah, you know like Okay, let's take a look at another prophecy here.
Oh Nisi. This is somebody new we have not covered Nisi before So here's prophetic fire with Nisi Hi everyone, it's
Nisi and welcome to prophetic fire where we release very timely and accurate
Prophetic words for your week ahead. All right timely and accurate. This was released when?
February 28th, okay We release these words from the heart of God and we do it every
Friday right around noon Eastern Standard Time Well, I mean that's a great clockwork kind of stuff.
I wonder what the heart of God is saying Yeah, just set your clock to it, you know definitely hit that subscription button if you haven't already and subscribe to the channel
So you can stay connected with everything that we're doing here Well, I am joining you from Michigan where we are right in the middle of a major snowstorm
But I right and wait till the corona virus gets there I didn't tell you I am just as warm and toasty as can be
Because I have the fire of God burning on the inside of me and this word today is like fire shut up in my bones
So let's get right into it Today's word is for the week of March 1st
Beloved we are in a season of divine reversals and reversal reversal.
Haha. Hang on a second Yeah, I got excited Divine reversal.
Okay, so reversals one of my prophecy bingo words. Let's Okay, let's let's keep going
I am releasing this word for the first week of March you just watch and see This word will apply for all of March as well as April May and into June Well, there you go reversal.
I mean the whole economy's gotten reversed Yeah And she's like delivering it like this is great news a divine reversal.
Yeah, it's arrived and everybody's CEO portfolios have been Tanked. So yeah, it's a divine reversal.
All right. Thanks Nisi All right, you are going to begin to experience a series of divine
Reversals that can only be understood as the hand of God in your she's yelling to Upon your circumstances
Beloved a divine reversal is when the Lord shows up on the scene and he takes a series of events
That were meant for your demise and he shows up Sovereignly to cause them to go toward your good.
Oh, it's a season of divine reversals It's a season of turnarounds. It's a season of the
Lord doing heavenly interventions and sudden and Supernatural ways.
Oh Mm -hmm. I'm gonna take suddenly on that one because she said sudden Have you ever noticed that these people go into like a character when they're prophesying?
Yeah, it's it does seem like that like they're two different people Yeah, almost like They're demon -possessed or something
I Am sorry, I'm having a hard time putting the best construction on it because these people are saying nothing and they're deceiving others
Releasing divine reversals right now and these reversals are going to be so released by the way is a prophecy bingo word instrumental and so key in setting people into the positions that they are meant to be in as well as Transferring to them the possessions that they are meant to have
Alright now if you have a wealth transfer on your prophecy bingo card That's what she was invoking now back when
I was in the charismatic movement, which is the late 80s We were we were being told about the the upcoming
You know when people wouldn't you know, your pagans would give money to you, you know So the great wealth transfer of wealth that that's what she was referring to.
I'll back it up so I could prove it So if you have wealth transfer on your prophecy bingo card, that's what she was referring so key in setting people into the positions that they are meant to be in as well as Transferring to them the possessions that they are meant to have
There are some of you who have been in a pit for many many years Just like Joseph and you felt like you've been betrayed even by the people who are closest to you
Well beloved just like that wasn't the end of Joseph story It's not the end of yours
Your story does not end in the pit your story ends in the palace in Jesus name
And there are many Joseph's who are watching this There are many people who have been in the pit of poverty who have been in the pit of constraints
But the Lord is coming this week and he is beginning to reveal Reversals in Jesus name.
I am seeing a series of Supernatural interventions where you think that you're at the end of your rope where you think that your back is up against the wall
But you turn around and realize that God is the wall and that he has broken through your situation
And that he has caused a divine turnaround. Oh, it's the time for divine reversals in Jesus name
Oh, he is turning things around. Oh, I'm seeing divine interventions. I'm seeing divine
Reversals. Oh, I'm hearing the Lord say where they told you know, I say yes
He is saying yes over you in Jesus name. I'm hearing it thunder in the heavens
Oh There's a turnaround happening in the spirit realm the things that seem stuck the things that seem like they will never change
I hear the Lord saying I'm the change agent. I'm the x -factor Oh, the fragrance of turnaround is in the air and I am seeing divine
Reversals being released all around and I hear the Lord saying the things that are impossible with man are
Possible with God. Oh, he is turning it around. He is releasing reversal now
Just lift your hands and receive it in Jesus name and as Okay for the sake of my ears and my delicate psyche
I don't like being yelled at Let's move along Okay, this oh
I forget this lady's name she's from a night the fire ministries and she's another one of these ladies who is prophet pastor and all this kind of stuff and So let's
March 2020 entering the month of breakthrough This is the word that the
Lord was putting in my heart. This is what he said begin to prepare yourselves you all
Begin to prepare yourselves For For a change is coming.
Oh, yeah big change came in March big change Yeah, yeah change came.
All right. Yeah, it arrived change is coming you guys coming this month of March We are gonna begin we're gonna begin to see a whole new a whole new shift take place it's shift shift, okay shifting is a
No, do I have it on my card? Hang on a second. I need a miracle. I Have a shaking.
What do I have a shifting? Hang on a second victory No, that's
I need that yeah, I'm gonna All right, let's keep Starting in the first week.
So the first week of March some of you are gonna notice that Some things are happening and some of you it will be so so saddled that you oh, by the way
I found the word on my card shifting. There we go Okay. All right coming back here
Even know that something is taking place, but listen up listen up The Lord is going to it's gonna begin setting the stage on the first week on The first week of March he will begin setting the stage with the stage for what
I know right like you guys are one the Coronavirus pandemic we know that now. Yeah. Yeah, we do.
Yeah, so you working from home Zach right now I am I have been for two weeks now. Yeah, I Normally work from home anyway, and but because they're making me do it.
I feel claustrophobic so All right, let's keep going here a stage for what okay
He will begin to set up the stage for the things that are to come for your breakthrough you guys
Yes for your breakthrough because some of you have been praying some of you have been crying out Lord When is did the people's breakthrough arrived in?
March Yeah, maybe was a breakout, you know, yeah, you know
Breakthrough when when when are things gonna begin to happen? Well you guys
The time is here and is now it's happening this month.
So the first week. Oh, yeah, it happened But some of you won't even know it's happening because it's just gonna be so subtle Okay So what does that mean when the begin when the stage begins to be said is that the
Lord is doing something in the background? The Lord is gonna begin to do something in the background.
I'm be knowns to you. Yes. Thank you Lord. Oh Thank you
Lord. He's gonna begin to do things in the background. I'm be knowns to you.
Okay? Well, that's helpful yeah, yeah
God's doing stuff in the background Unbeknownst to me. Yeah That that consider my mind blown here, you know, yes
You know, you guys don't look very impressed with these prophecies I Feel like like it's the same thing over and over I mean, this is you know, you see the point of the bingo is like I mean
They're saying the same things over and over this so vague nothing specific I'm like, it would have been nice to know about the coronavirus
I mean my wife and I went to the store yesterday and I found toilet paper for the first time in about two weeks
And I was like, oh my gosh, I wish I would have known about this I will
Go ahead. You don't know go ahead. I was gonna say these prophetic words are so general that they can apply to anyone
Yeah, and anyone who's falling under this under the deception will take the word and apply it to whatever good situation
They might be in but what's unfortunate right now is that no one can really apply any of these words to their life or situation
Which could be good because the Lord can use that to expose, you know, the deception of this movement, but unfortunately, you know people still have a heart issue and the
Lord needs to regenerate hearts if there's hope of People coming out of this nonsense.
Yeah. Yeah These people who say nothing are basically telling people what they want to hear what they're not hearing from prophets like this is like You know repent, you know, and it's it's the same group of people who are coming out saying well
The Lord would never send an illness. This has to be from the devil This can't be God's judgment against the world or sin or something like that.
Yeah, whatever I will note this that thanks to the corona pandemic that people aren't praying for parking spaces anymore.
They're praying for toilet paper. So Well, the prophets of the Old Testament would always say peace peace where there's no peace
But all of these prophets are saying breakthrough breakthrough or victory or Shabbat or power
Impartation Miracles or whatever. Yeah, and there's none of that right now.
They're promising what isn't reality Yep And I think that's good.
This is a good time to point that out You know to say this this whole movement is completely bankrupt of truth and the actual
Holy Spirit I pointed out to somebody recently that in the charismatic movement for all their talk of the
Holy Spirit The one thing that they don't seem to focus in on at all is holiness, you know
That's the thing that seems to be missing, you know All right.
Let's keep going here on the second week. Yes, Lord. Yes on the second week
What is gonna happen the second week the second week is when things begin to fall into place when divine?
Appointments begin to happen Divine appointment is a prophecy bingo word Divine setups begin to happen.
You are going to begin to see that the Lord is gonna be bringing people into your life
You're gonna be meeting key people at this time. How's that possible while everyone's locked up?
Well tough to bit like meet key people right now, you know I was supposed to meet you guys in Reading and yeah, that didn't work out, you know
I do think it was hilarious that that that Bethel had to close they closed their healing rooms due to the corona virus
You know They shut down this supernatural ministry school too.
I mean they should be deploying them to all the hotspots right now I mean every one of those Bethel students should be being flown to you know
To the state of New York and like thrown out the back of a cargo airplane with a parachute, you know in full -on
Bethel military Garb, we're gonna and and their wands from Hogwarts, you know, and they can go out there and take on the corona virus
So, I mean they spend $5 ,000 to go there. They should be able to give them an opportunity to practice what they're taught, right?
I mean, what's the point of being taught how to heal people if you don't heal people? right
So just being logical, you know, so, all right, let's keep going here You're gonna be and maybe during the setup week, which is the first week of March Maybe you met some of those key people.
Maybe you ended up going to a place which it was part of the setup Maybe not not for sure.
Just maybe Maybe you ended up meeting someone. Maybe you ended up listening to someone having a conversation with someone and All of that was a part of God's setup for what's to come
So on the second week, they will be divine appointments and Divine appointments appointments is when you go to a place and you meet someone or someone comes to you
Just because it is and there you are. Oh, oh you met someone
Thank you Lord, so it could be because of business maybe it will be in the business world
It may I don't ever recall like any of the Old Testament prophets like Jeremiah Malachi Isaiah Zechariah any of them saying maybe
You know, yeah, you know, could it possibly be could it be that yeah, you get the idea
No, they always said they always spoke with the authority of God, you know, right?
Okay, so these prophetic onesies it's one size fits all so, all right, let's keep going here gonna be for ministry
Thank you Lord Maybe it's gonna be your future wife Maybe maybe
I hope not. I'm married, you know This is weird, oh
I feel oh, thank you Lord. I feel the anointing on this word. Oh some of that Triggers me
Sorry, sorry Apologies. Yeah, you'll have to take that up with your therapist Lindsay Okay, so Shaba yeah, okay
I've been waiting for this time some of you have been crying and praying and saying Lord when is it gonna happen?
But you know what? Some of you have already walked into it But When's it gonna happen, but some of you have already walked into it walked into what?
You know, okay You still have the blinders on and the Lord is about to remove the veil of your eyes
For you to see and there it is. Voila your future wife your future husband.
Thank you Thank you Lord, thank you Lord man
I was so excited when I heard this word like I was like, thank you Lord I want to be like like a good
Word giver And here it is the Lord is giving this amazing word
Okay, so on week three Week three I mean she's laid out the whole month of March and haven't seen anything even remotely describing the month of March I've had
Now this is what the Lord said to me so listen up, okay, I'm gonna read it because I want to say it just the way he said it because so we need to exegete this one
This is you know, she's got this word for word here. No one is keep anything. Let me have some water here
So this is what he said to me just as The signs of spring begins to appear in the winter.
So will your breakthrough? Will come forth in the third and fourth week of the month
Cry no more. Oh cry. No now, how are people supposed to meet their future husband and wife if they can't even go outside?
I mean We were introduced to each other on social media Yeah, I'm old school
I we didn't have the internet and social media and stuff We had to actually like talk to two girls, right? But like in the third and fourth week of the month
I mean now is like you're seeing more and more states in the United States say hey, you actually can't go outside anymore
Yeah, and this is until we say otherwise, right? Like oh, yeah So that doesn't really correspond to what she's saying there.
Well, and what weren't the first two weeks a week of breakthrough, too. I I guess
I Don't know So general Yeah, or for my presence is with you says the
Lord I give you the baton to carry my purpose through this
Purpose purpose is a prophecy bingo word. Listen. Hallelujah Thank you,
Jesus. Oh Thank you, Lord Wow Thank you,
Lord so you see The time is here and in the last week of the month
Yeah last week. Okay That that's that's the one we're in okay.
All right. What do we should what should we should we expect? Yeah, what did God tell you was happening this week?
I'm going to begin to enter your breakthrough. You are going to begin to feel that there is a shift that is taken shift
I'm gonna feel a shift. Okay. Yeah And maybe the person that you met was the person that was the key person
Maybe the person that you met the first week of the month was the person who's gonna lead you to meet that one person
That you're going to marry, you know, maybe I mean Maybe potentially this could happen it could happen you may not
I mean, you know, but it could but maybe hang on a second here. And all right This is a
Heather Curnow from mer ministries, and I'm gonna drop the play head just a little bit later here
And let's see what her prophetic word for March is. Here we go What the Lord shared with me is that he has really released a grace a special grace
So that we can really delve into his his presence and that Transformation that's taking place within us.
Okay, so are you ready? to discover that transformation Okay, sure.
Are you guys ready to discover that? Yeah, man,
I I Born ready for this man. Okay. Yes the scripture for the month pretty much
Indicates what we're supposed to be doing. How do you exactly divine what the scripture is for the month?
Right You use a dartboard do you use dice, you know, do you say, you know, do you talk to one of your devices?
Hey iPhone. Tell me what the What the the the verse for the month is, you know, you know in this randomly pick one, you know
Okay, and that comes from Deuteronomy 3016 so for I command you today to love the
Lord your God in the secret place Love him in the secret place.
Okay. Oh, okay. I thought that's what I heard. I was like, wait, did she say secret place? Yeah, she did. Yeah in the secret place.
You got to love him in the secret place Love the Lord your God to walk in obedience to him and keep his commands decrees and laws
This is the law by the way And this is the thing that condemns us because we don't who of us can say we love the
Lord our God with all of our heart soul mind and strength Even in the secret place, you know, then you will live and Increase and the
Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess
That would be the new earth. That's the one I'm gonna enter to possess when Jesus comes back.
There's some good news You're entering into the land you will possess all in the month of March Amen.
Hallelujah. So it's pretty clear what we're supposed to be doing and For good for great results this month, right?
So the natural part of the chaos the shaking
Oh Yeah, yeah, that's on my prophecy bingo card to hang on a second here shaking
I'm getting a lot of words, but that's like They're they're not they're not in the strategic places.
I need them to be I'm really bummed about that. Okay, hang on the Uncertainty the unknown all around you will continue but what all right?
So she back in the early part of March was talking about uncertainty
Okay Okay, so get ready to to discover
That new oasis within you get ready to enter into that secret place
Get ready to hear his voice greater than you ever have before Yeah, if we were hearing
God's voice, it would be repent is your destiny is Destiny that is a prophecy bingo word
Lee going to be found in that Time spent with him in those encounters.
Okay, they're not going to be dry encounters or dry and barren places
You know when you're running out of desperation But there's a grace there to step into the refreshment of the
Lord Step into is a prophecy bingo phrase. There's a grace there to step into the joy of the
Lord There's a grace there to step into the peace of God.
Okay, and to just sit back and Be in his presence
All right, just to rest there and I was really led by God to look up the word whisper
Okay, you were Okay Okay, and what does that mean according to the dictionary a whisper is to speak very softly using one's breath without one's vocal cords
So get ready folks for the deep unto deep
Deep into deep get ready for the deep unto deep Oh That's deep
Yeah, very deep The deep unto deep and it also adds in the dictionary.
It says especially for the sake of privacy I have no idea what she's talking about deep calls her to deep
Yeah for the sake of privacy This is becoming torture
Oh She'll never do this again
Okay, let's listen we'll just torch you just a little bit longer and we'll evaluate where to go from here
Hang on a second here. Okay there. You will hear your direction there. You will hear how and when
Okay Do this is harvest personal harvest It's personal harvest.
I you know, it's not harvest It's we still have snow in the grass and ground here in North Dakota Nobody harvested nothing unless you're like making snow cones, you know
So it's like all right, okay I want to read a very special little
Poem okay. No that I cut. I know I got to cut her off at poem. I Don't understand where she's going
She's going nowhere Slowly, you know and not even quickly. She's going very slowly.
At least she's not yelling at me All right. So, you know looking here at at my profit prophecy bingo card and Thinking that you know it for the sake of the fact that I've apparently triggered you
Lindsay I don't want you to send me a bill from your therapist and And you've accused me now of like torture.
Yes this She will no longer consider this prophecy bingo. It's now called prophetic waterboarding, you know, so So so in mercy to you and your husband
We're gonna we're gonna wrap this up. So what we're gonna do here is is that I always give two bonus
Prophecy bingo words and if they help you they help you if they don't they don't but they're definitely gonna help me.
So You need a miracle in a victory well, so so Extra extra words
And of course you have to be a subscriber to the YouTube channel and you have to like hit the like button for our prophecy bingo segment the the the words are lean in and vision if you have those then
Like you're gonna start yelling at me like Kay Nash, I don't want to make eye contact I Want to thank you guys
Yeah, you do that you do that I knew you needed a miracle and of course it was supposed to be your month of breakthrough and I guess it just you did
Not have a prophecy bingo breakthrough and this I'm sorry. I'm sorry but I want to thank you guys for coming on fighting for the faith and And being good sports and allowing me to torture you a little bit
So All right, well I peace to you brothers and sisters
I'm gonna sign off here and if you've got a bingo share that with me on social media if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook and So until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins