Missionary Gaming?


Many people make claims that they are playing hours and hours of video games, but they are really evangelizing. But are they? Most are just playing video games and using an excuse that makes it sound spiritual. Is it possible to truly use the video game world to evangelize? This will be the subject of discussion and joined by someone that claims it is possible.


Okay, so you're saying that because you read the Bible for 20 years and meditate upon it. No one has done that May be done that but Certainly, I am among the top 1 % who spend that much of meditation and reading scriptures
So that you are saying I I just came up with some Opinion and then
I try to find it on the scriptures. It's not like that. Okay. I have a question Does your arm hurt?
No, no because I mean you're patting yourself on the back so much I was afraid your arm might hurt
You know, I was just I mean leaning on the wall. Did you did you know that pride is a sin?
It's actually like the number one Okay, I know. I know all that shaming tactics.
It's not a shaming tactic. You just praise yourself Yeah, I'll say you're in You're in the top percent of all
Christians in the world It's not
You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself Welcome to apologetics live we're here to answer your questions and challenges about God and the
Bible meets your hosts from striving for Fraternity ministries Andrew Rappaport dr. Anthony Silvestro and pastor
Justin Pierce We are live apologetics live here to answer your biblical questions challenges anything you have for us
We are here to answer them. We can answer Your toughest questions if you doubt that go to apologetics live comm just scroll down till you see that little duck icon
That's the icon for stream yard and click the duck Our guest here was having trouble doing that.
He actually clicked the instructions instead of the duck. So click the duck Just saying just saying
I can see him backstage hanging his head in shame. And and so he should so oh I could see how this show is gonna go.
He just walked away all right, so So tonight we're gonna be talking about video games that is so if you know anyone who has plays video games
Probably way longer than they should this is an episode for them Before we get started though.
I want to give a quick shout out. I was at the James White debate got to go there this
Sunday or Saturday. I was Preaching at a men's conference. That was not too far as about two hours away and so we were able to get down to the debate got there at least for the second half of it and But soon as I walked in the building
I had a gentleman give me that look You know that look when you recognize somebody and you don't know where you know them, but you know that you've seen them somewhere
Well that that was the look I got I got he looked at me gave me the look Like he knew who
I was and then he said something really crazy. He's Are you are you famous?
To which I said no And Then he realized who I was
I guess my voice gave it away and he was like you're Andrew Rappaport I listen to your podcast. So So Chris, it was great to meet you at the at the event.
It was a great seeing you there getting a chance to meet you I should also mention
I don't know if he's he's in yet But I don't know if I mentioned this last week that I got to get together when
I was in Ohio with one of our Listeners a regular here commenter. His name is Ethan and what
I didn't know in the backdrop of the story I know Ethan's been here a long time Asking questions in chat and what
I didn't know Was as we sat we got together for breakfast and as we got together
Ethan told me that he actually got saved listening to this show Which was really quite neat.
So He started listening to show because his brother was in a cult and wanted to get his brother out of the cult
And so he started learning wanting to learn about apologetics and then he actually got saved. So That is kind of neat how
God works and so I'm gonna bring in our guest gamer
Hey Peter, how are you? Glad to be here really looking forward to seeing who this
Some one person you're gonna have on here as a guest. I'm excited to meet them. Well, he's up on your page
He's backstage. Okay. He's the guy backstage who? Backstage you already talked to him.
You already I mean, he's he's the cool guest. You're just the cool guest All right, so so well
I'm sure that if I played if I played games with the other person backstage He wouldn't he wouldn't leave me in a game with no one to talk to I'm just saying well
That hurt didn't it? Yeah, okay All right, so You you are as people can see by your handle right there missionary gamer so What I want to do because you and I had a chat long long long ago about the fact that most people
I know who Say well, I use video games to evangelize what they mean by that is I play video games and I make it myself feel better For the hours
I spend by claiming I'm doing evangelism Yeah, and you're a little bit different in that way so why don't you introduce yourself to our audience and explain
Your ministry and what it's about Certainly as you mentioned my name is Peter Hammond and I am a
Christian I am a evangelist and I am very blessed to be a missionary to the gaming community or the virtual worlds as We're liking to think about them now broader than just gaming
But this didn't come around because I liked gaming. In fact, I before I was saved
I used to be very strongly addicted to gaming I think one one week that was something
I used to brag about was I spent a hundred and ten hours in just one week Playing a specific game and I used to wear that like a badge of honor like that was cool or something
And then after 40 years of walking in the world the Lord saved me and over time he removed addictions of alcohol and gaming and Pornography and every vice that you can imagine affects us as we're walking in the world and I am a new creation in Christ and I'm very thankful for it he has done a great work and I am
I am very thankful for the fact that my Savior has Reached down into the cesspit that I was in and pulled me out and made made me that new creation in Christ and so from there went about learning his word and Realizing what a wonderful thing it is to be able to share with others
Who our Savior is what he has done to save wretched sinners like us from the wrath to come and yet I was in a very small location called
Trout Creek, Montana 256 people total and after Spending time in various areas.
They're trying to find a good place to share the gospel. I found a Good fishing hole at the local gas pump and was using that to share the gospel of people and after a while you know, you're handing out a million dollar bills as you're familiar with and Has a gospel track on the back and after a while people say you already gave me one and I would say
You know, here's here's another one And you're yeah, you talked to me a couple months ago and you talked to me last week
And so I was basically running out of people to share the gospel with so you need nice Yeah, I need a new fishing.
Oh, I started wondering jeep. Is it possible that I could use these
Online gaming technologies to actually share the gospel with somebody and Doing research going to other people who said they were doing it.
I could find very little You know actionable
Guidance on it and found a lot of people as you mentioned earlier just kind of claiming it they would have something like that Jesus loves you in the background or something and Say that they were sharing the gospel and I queried them and I'd say well
When do you actually share the gospel and they said well, you know, Jesus loves you. I just shared the gospel
And I was like, I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that So with that as the background
I started actually looking at well, we got way to the master training We have the the interaction of people where you walk them through the law and then the gospel
Is this something you can actually do in a game and have a conversation with somebody and complete from hey, how you doing all the way to repent and believe in the gospel and the answer in very short order was
I found out yes and In my basement in Trout Creek, Montana. I was going online
PS4 at the time and meeting people in online gaming and Being able to have a gospel encounter with them and that was started about five years ago
Since then I've moved to Sandpoint, Idaho now or two minutes for my church, which
I'm really excited about But this is a very viable Environment to be able to reach people all over the world now to be able to proclaim the good news of our of our
King of our Savior All right, and we're gonna there's some questions already coming up. I forgot to do this
I'm gonna I'm gonna we're gonna try something new here folks this this go -around There's an app called wisdom
I've mentioned this in the past and I Am gonna try to see if we can get people coming in on that app.
And so I Just forget it's been so long
I forgot how to start a show so I'm curious how audio will come over for that.
Do you have it? You have it all wired in? I have it in through Bluetooth into the Rodecaster.
Oh nice So we have we have I'm looking for questions
So I'm gonna put them up in a moment here. All right, so let's get this going and so through your comments here
So well, I'm gonna put so first what we have here is we got a question that came in for you Is do you have a twitch account?
So Peter do I do? We're on twitch .tv Missionary gamer and we usually stream about four hours during the week and Also have a youtube youtube .com
or youtube. Yeah comm missionary gamer as well. We also Facebook. We just added
Twitter We're simulcasting now across Twitch YouTube Facebook and Twitter.
Okay, and so we got here from John Brown saying Virtual evangelism
I'm listening So so let's let's talk about this as I'm gonna have to always keep my eye down to see if we have anyone in on Wisdom, we'll see how that works this this week.
And so that might be something new but as we talk about missionary gaming You know, one of the things is is you you know, you're going in and you're playing for as you just said a few hours that you're streaming and What might be good for us to do is to show folks what it actually looks like For you to do it.
So let's go. I have a couple clips. I have four clips of you in the game world and so It might just be good to share with folks
To let them see What what it's like for you? so this first one is called after we laughed about a
Fire bomb things got serious and I think this was from today. So let's Let's let's share this one and see how it goes up before I share it.
There's one thing. I must make sure to do I must make sure that the audio comes through that would be helpful.
Don't you think? That would be good. Right? All right. So now that we got that set, let's play
Hey, how's it going? Nice to meet you Did you just did you just throw a bomb at me
Nice to meet you I'm so sorry about that. I could not find the place to talk
Nice to meet you. Oh, you're on fire. Yeah, lovely Only fall out.
Well, my name is Peter. I'm the missionary gamer We live stream on twitch and I brought you this rifle.
It's a suppressed hunting rifle 308 it's very good in the game. It's in the bag right here
If you look down you can just take it and I'll drop some ammo for it after you grab it Okay, I'm gonna stop it right there
Peter because this is something that you do that when we talk about The fact of People that we play games and all this is on you do different.
Most people are playing the game they want to improve in their game and And You know,
I do I mean first off I do think it's hysterical that the guy threw a bomb at you trying to turn His my god
That was good Yeah, and he had of course he hadn't said anything yet So when you meet a player and the first thing they do is firebomb you your immediate thought is oh
This is this guy's gonna want to try to kill my character, which is called PvP or player versus player and so that's it's very common in that environment and When you start out that way you're like, this is where is this going the fact that it turned so quickly
I was praising God for Yeah. No, why is it that you I mean most if you're gonna play these games people are going to want to improve they want to Get good weapons for themselves to protect them to improve the game.
Why did you give away the weapons? Well partly it's that initial opportunity to bless somebody
I mean what a great thing as a as a follower of Jesus Christ to realize we've been blessed with so much and God gives us the opportunity to bless others and with these environments.
There is a great opportunity for Using the mechanics in the game to be able to hand out all kinds of blessings to people and it's it's it's a great way
To start because as you mentioned, it's very countercultural to the environment. Normally, it's me me me me me I want this I want that and it's all about amassing your virtual stuff, which it's just that it's it's just virtual stuff
You because you and I played one game where you specifically didn't want to pick up a gun because Then you seem you you might be a violent individual where you you carrying a stick was less intimidating
Yes, and so part of this is because you have a different focus on why you're coming in here, don't you?
Exactly. We want to get to where we're actually we're actually talking to the person and in interacting with them as close to Being in the real world as possible and that's that's that part of my name is
Peter You know I actually that's that's unheard of to actually introduce yourself and to deal with somebody as you would in the real world to set up that initial report with them so that you have
The opportunity to speak of things that as great comfort says you talk about the physical and then you swing to the spiritual
Yeah, because one of the things is that you you have a common thing You always do in your game you introduce yourself as Peter your missionary gamer
You you stream on twitch? So there's a couple things you say there and that that middle one becomes important one of these other videos
But let's see how this conversation went because after he tried to blow you up and set you on fire
I I think things got turned around a little bit. Let's listen And actually don't you just give a shout out to the audience see someone said that they were hearing me double when
I played They were hearing it's coming through twice Is it I wonder why because I've never had that problem before so I thought it might have been from the the wisdom app
But I will try to mute my mic and see I mentioned we live stream on Twitch, and I'm curious would it be okay if I asked you some questions on stream would that be?
All right What do you think happens when we die not not in the game, but actually in the real world?
Like a groundhog day kind of thing okay, so where do you get the understanding for that?
How does what how do you think that's that's what happens? What's your what's your basis for understanding that that's true?
Interesting interesting okay, well, I got a different question for you. Would you consider yourself to be a good person?
I think I'm pretty all right all right cool. Can I ask you some questions to qualify that? All right in your lifetime, how many lies do you think you've told a good number so Adam What would that make you that I guess?
Exactly next question and I appreciate your honesty in your lifetime. Have you ever stolen something
I am so Adam What would that make you then a liar? Dude, you got it.
You know most people they don't put those two together and and that shows you're pretty sharp at him
I'm impressed all right next question you may have heard of somebody before called Jesus Christ And he said that if you ever looked at a woman with lust you've committed adultery with her in your heart
So have you ever looked at another person with lust yes? Okay, and then last question for you.
Have you ever used God's name as a blasphemy just a simple yes Or no would be fine all right, so I do
I want to do a little summary for you Adam And I want to be clear. This is not me judging you, but you
Yeah, you've admitted that you're just like the rest of us you're actually not a good person that you're a lying thieving blasphemous adulterate heart
So let's say that today was the day that you died okay, and it's not a it's not a deja vu all over again instead
You actually end up standing before the creator of the universe and he opens up the books on your whole life
Everything you've ever said Everything you've ever done and everything you thought the desires of your heart
Do you think he's gonna find you innocent or guilty of breaking his laws?
Should he as a good and righteous judge Reward you with eternity and what's called paradise or heaven or should he punish you a
Terrible place called hell for breaking his laws Well he's actually told us
He said all liars will have their place in the lake of fire
And so he's made it clear that if we have broken his law And he's a good and righteous judge
He has to find us guilty and he has to punish us for that does that make sense hey nice to meet you
My name is Peter. I'm the missionary gamer. We're live -streaming on Twitch right now, and so Understanding that Adam Does that concern you at all hearing the reality of your stance?
Before a good and righteous God does that reality concern you?
I've done some good in the world as well I wouldn't say all states are meant to be right or anything, but I do think that I'm not
The most sinful person in the world Oh, yeah, I agree with you, and that's that's the thing is when we look at it from our perspective.
We're like hey compared to Hitler Great, but that's the problem is
God's not gonna compare us to him. He's gonna compare us to his perfect law Does that make sense?
And The reality is when we stand before God He's the perfect judge so everybody has to be held accountable for what they've done if he doesn't do that Then he would be a corrupt judge
Now here's a question Adam. Do you know what this good? Judge who's also full of grace and mercy
Did for guilty sinners like you and I so that we wouldn't have to go to hell
Do you understand the legal implications of that Remember that legal statement right you and I have broken
God's law we deserve the penalty But Jesus Christ he paid the penalty for our sins on the cross he didn't just die
God the Father shows up and pours out his wrath on Jesus Christ for every sin we've ever done and Every sin we ever will do right before Jesus died.
He said three very important words. He said it is finished
What he was saying was a legal declaration the debt is paid and Then he died and he was buried in a tomb, but something miraculous happened three days later.
Do you know what it is? Yeah, I came back from the dead He proved that he was who he said he was
God himself and that he could do What he said he did when he said it is finished
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life No one comes to the
Father except through me. The time is fulfilled The kingdom of God is at hand repent and Believe in the gospel and then he ascended into heaven and right now he is seated at the father's right hand
And we're gonna stand before him and we're either gonna stand before him in our guilt and our sin and deserve his wrath or We're gonna stand before him as our as his forgiven children wrapped in the very righteousness of Jesus Christ himself
Now here's the question Adam is what I've shared with you the gospel. Is this the truth or do you think this is a lie?
Do you know what the word repentant means I Am very glad to tell you that's not what repentance means
I'm gonna give you a visual demonstration You're going this way and you're thinking.
Oh There's reincarnation. We just live the same life over and over again. That's why I have deja vu
There is no God. It's just gonna be I die and I do it all over again. Wait a minute. That's wrong
There is a God I am gonna be held accountable to repent is to turn from that idea and Go the other way.
It's to change your mind. You forsake your sins Whatever you're holding on to that's such a great sin
Pornography or sexual morality or whatever it is. You go. You know what? That's not worth going to hell for I don't want it anymore
You turn from it Adam. Do you have a Bible? Do you have access to a Bible? I would encourage you to go and read the book of John for yourself
Adam I really appreciate You being so honest and ready to talk about this.
Would it be? Okay Adam if I prayed with you, would that be? All right Heavenly Father I'm just gonna stop it there for this one, but there's a lot there that we could we could talk about here
This Particular one, you know what what folks may may not realize if they're just listening to us is you had another guy come in That came in halfway through and listen to that whole conversation, even though he didn't say anything
Anymore, actually you I'm actually cutting him into different videos and there was a third guy who came up just and this is this
Is what's so important? This is just like the real world. This is open -air preaching. This is sharing the gospel
You're sharing it with person a person You know BCD and he come and they hear it and many times you're talking to that person
You're sharing the gospel with them But but God's having these other people through his Providence come up and they're hearing the gospel as well and that's that's the power of being on a street corner and it's the power of these multiplayer games in Just the same way and I I was very encouraged by that comment you had from deep dive discipleship
He said This is this is our friend Kofi his podcast is deep dive discipleship
Kofi I'll probably come in later after he puts his his little one to bed But he but you know
He knew you were coming in because he and I had a conversation earlier today And I told him what the show was on and and he so he was not expecting what he heard
He so his comment is this is actually a lot different than what I anticipated kind of dope
No, I don't know when I grew up dope was a bad thing It's you know, you smoked marijuana you called it dope because that's what it made people made them like dopes
But now dope is a good thing. So just goes to show how words change But yeah, no, I mean this isn't this is why
I wanted to play some of these clips. So people see what you're actually doing Because if you don't if you don't have that visual
People they they're they have the perspective that that you brought up in your in your initial write -up is
I'm Playing video games. I'm addicted to video games and I'm gonna say Oh I'm doing this for a ministry and I'm gonna say
Jesus loves you every once in a while and all of a sudden that somehow transforms my addiction Into something that is going to be redeemable
For the kingdom and no, that's not it. What what I'm doing is Evangelism this is the evangelism that you teach
Andrew It's evangelism taught by way of the master living waters way the master training Ray comfort.
This is the same the same exact Conversation you're gonna have with somebody face to face on the street
You're gonna have here and and the gospel has to be the focus
That has to be the reason why you're there if and I get this a lot people come up and saying
Oh, I love playing video games. Can I help with your ministry and my immediate response is
Well, actually I'm looking for people who love the gospel that you're looking for people who love their
King and they don't care What the environment is that they're giving an opportunity to proclaim this good news in be it
You brought up the wisdom app on the phone, which we're on right now.
Yep You got stream yard one right now in a game be it in the upcoming metaverse
I'm I'm not really concerned. I just want to capitalize on the opportunity. Okay, look at this comment from Jody She says love seeing this bringing the gospel in such an unreached
Avenue and I think that's important to realize because You're dealing with people who don't go to church.
They're typically they're not they've been in the gaming world They're the gaming world is very
Anti -christian a Lot of it a lot of the games and and I say that because I have a friend of mine and his son does a ministry
Called it's not just a game where he shows that these games are are designed to influence people.
Yes Storytelling. Yeah, it's to teach a narrative which is usually anti -christian
But but even that with look what Cole had said he said in all caps. They all kneeled Even the guy who just walked up so It's interesting to see that in this video game.
It takes an extra step to like kneel down But they they they recognize when you went to pray
They needed to have their character in the imaginary world kneel down No, it is interesting because sometimes what happens in the imaginary world
We we see what people wish they could do in the real world. We're gonna see some clips But but this is this is something different Than we usually see now.
Here's here's Melissa saying what a cool approach in reaching the younger generation. Well, Melissa I in all the videos that I've seen they're usually not the younger generation
Well, I mean the ones the ones that you've seen There's a lot of had a lot but but there's a lot of adults that are playing games, too
Yeah, it's it's it's really a very broad spectrum everything. I think the youngest kid was six
Yeah, we're gonna get to one worlds. We're gonna get to one later. I think here's a 78
I think was really Wow Kathy said husband and wife team that were that Kathy says take the gospel where they are and that's really what you do so What is the game that you were playing here?
That's Fallout 76, that's It's really the game is behind you is a logo you're mentioning something you actually painted that in a game
Yes, correct. So so you go into the games and you you put gospel messages on on the the
Walls and things like that for people to see Yeah, as the games have mechanics to be able to use for communicating, you know messages be able to this one has their stencil letters and then they're neon signs and they're also
You know various arrows and things like that. You can't really see it. I don't think but that's driving for it
That's me god calm there and that's driving for eternity Dot org dot there and you use the mechanics of the game for storytelling
I call it visual storytelling and some of them. I don't know if you have the picture I sent Some of the times
I can build crosses out like it's and things like that as well Well, the one you sent me has this the same as your background.
Is that the one you want it? Yeah, I can I can switch out later, but so I have one where I built out some crosses as well
All right. And so let me just put up Kofi's comment here and then it he says
That's Kohl's Kofi said I just bought F I F a 23 last night and play for an hour a day just to relax.
I'd have no idea what that is It's a soccer game and it's and it's a really good example where not every game is suitable for Evangelism and I've spent time to sort of establish a set of criteria that helps to say, okay
Evaluating this environment is this gonna be good? it's the same way like when and I use this as an example when you go out into the real world you evaluate the
Environment you're in and Todd Friel talks about this Ray Comfort talks about this You've talked about this you want us choose a fishing hole that's suitable for sharing the gospel.
You don't want to be By a very loud water fountain by example, you don't want to be in an extremely busy
Intersection where it's just non -stop people going by you need to have an environment that's suitable for a conversation same thing happens with gaming and so The soccer game another one's
Rocket League. These are fun games. They're great for people to play as he said just for an hour to relax It's entertainment totally understand and and we're given some of that Freedom of time to be able to to enjoy whatever watching movie entertainment
TV show, whatever And that's fine. There are games like those. They're just they wouldn't be appropriate for trying for evangelism.
They're so fast -paced There's so much happening you can't stop and have a conversation what you don't see in that conversation
I edit that a lot to get it below 10 minutes. So people can have you know a short
Experience with it. People don't want to see the full versions Your conversations usually go on average doubt that one right there because it ended up being three people back -to -back
I finished talking with Adam and then it was the gentleman Being being dip and then another gentleman come up after that in it.
I end up being there for over two hours So, I mean this is this is like a basically
It's a virtual street where you can sit and talk to folks where I mean you live in this really cold area of the
United States Just just a short distance from the Canadian border Where it's cold just make sure you let your pastor know that I said that He keeps trying to get me to move there it tells me the weather is here in Jersey, you know,
I would say that He and Justin Peters both try to tell me the weather's the same. Yeah. No, it isn't but but you're
Where this is a thing where in winter months a lot of people go indoors They don't have as many opportunities to evangelize and this is something where this is a fishing hole
I mean no different than I'm on the wisdom app right now People can can join in a conversation there can join the conversation
That's it's another way of not having to leave your house and be able to share the gospel and that's really what you're doing
They just give a shout out to folks remind you if you have any questions and doesn't even have to be on this topic
Apologetics live is to answer any questions. So any question you have about God in the Bible just Go to apologetics live comm scroll down till you see the duck icon.
Click on the duck if you're in the wisdom app just Asked to join To join as a guest and I can add you in ask answer any questions that you have now
Cole is saying this Cole is saying that this game that you put up there. There's Mormon characters and fallout games
Why not Christians with the gospel now? He's saying it as a question, but it's kind of a kind of self answering question
But then here's a good comment from Andrew Andrew says I really I'm really loving this fantastic work
And and so let's see I haven't read his comment here, but he just saw it come in So I'll just read his next comment. So Andrew said to be quite frank
I'm really amazed and blessed to know that there is someone reaching the gaming community with the gospel.
This is crucial So before we play the next clip what I what I'd like you to do
Peter is describe the average gamer I mean the people who are coming in here
Yeah, it's it's not there's no average gamer that's that those days are rapidly disappearing the the broad impact we're talking billions of gamers now worldwide and so with the
Code was a big when you say that let me just answer with one thing because um,
I remember when you know, we're sitting and at a conference and I had my friend's son who's doing a
Seminar on video games and he says how many of you play video games and Maybe like a third to a quarter of the hands went up and He says well, how many of you play video games on your phone and maybe like one or two hands more went up And they said how many of you play chess?
solitaire you know and also every hand went up and so People are playing more video games than they think of but these are different games right these you're not gonna go into Yeah, I mean
I play chess and I do try to evangelize in chess, but it's it's you know I'm playing a couple moves a day.
So they're reading the chat. It's it kind of loses. It's the the sense But here like you said you can spend two hours talking to three men
Yeah, and I think there's some qualification to that one is You asked earlier what's the normal amount of time usually takes upwards of anywhere from you know 15 minutes to an hour and I have full versions of Interactions on our
YouTube channel and then just recently when the last few months I've been clipping them down to 10 minutes
That seems to be something people really appreciate about The videos now they can watch them and as you just you just played when it was a 10 minute clip
These interactions though are the same way you'd have a conversation with somebody on the street So that's that's the first thing to sort of keep in mind
The second is as far as the the gaming community goes it is it is kind of a misnomer to say these are games anymore
They you can label them that but they're not these are virtual realities and they're designed to be connecting people together
So they're they're multi -user Virtual environments that are
Accessible from all over the world and that is much the same as we are in right now in this
Streamyard chat. You've got your phone up with the The wisdom app people are connecting in the only difference right now is
I'm not holding a controller The conversation we're having right now. This could be a conversation just like in a video game so this idea of gaming as being some sort of subset of The populace is really eroding and we have this these virtual environments now are
You know populated by everybody from the youngest to the oldest every demographic and and I think that's a good thing
It gives much more of an opportunity to redeem these technologies as something that can be helpful
They can be as Cole said relaxing, but they can also be educational.
They can be good for Some All right, so let's deal with some comments that we got here
Jody a regular here says about 15 years ago My oldest son created a gaming group specifically to give
Christians an environment to play online games Without all the world's traps ie foul language
Chris Han holds a regular here who I'm sure if he was playing the game since you can put different characters
Chris would come in as Captain America. Actually. No, sorry. He plays that in real life.
I'm sorry He doesn't go in a virtual world and play Captain America. He does it in real life you
I could show you videos later Peter of that but He even plays kickball as Captain America with kids just saying
But Chris Chris says amazing way to reach a generation that lives almost exclusively online great idea here
So how From a lot of the gamers how many hours do you think they play online?
Yeah, again, that's really one of those things where it can be anywhere just from a few minutes Throughout the day to people who
I've met people who basically live there Yeah and they're they're they're spending the equivalent time that you would spend in in work and Life and education and they're just sinking it all into these virtual worlds
The the other part to note about this is it's not just about reaching people who are in the gaming world who are lost there
It's also about reaching people all over the world This this technology has the ability to reach people in countries that you're forbidden to talk about It's not just in the game because you're streaming on Twitch as well.
And so yes, so someone's putting this question out So, please say the guests name again and YouTube channel so he is as Andrew said the missionary gamer and What you know this missionary gamer?
So if you go to twitch .tv slash missionary gamer or youtube .com slash missionary gamer you can find me but my name is
Peter and The it would have been it, you know in this, you know description for the show
But I guess you know If you'd if you'd send me it text me the what you want and I'll have it as I cuz
I could change the banners Down here like that. And so nice nice, you know
So we have a Facebook user to put it up there Missionary gamers, yes, it should be a slash rather than a period but that's the right address
Okay So one thing with this Facebook user if you go to apologize live comm there's instructions on how we can see what your name is, so I guess he found it again there.
He found that from the search. Okay Okay, so as you're doing that we got a couple other questions
I have a couple more videos and I know Cole is in the back. But Andrew says I'm a chess player not brilliant, but enjoy it.
So Andrew You you if you play on chess .com if you use that my handle is r a p p
D r e w rap drew And then this is what
I was gonna get to later and I'm gonna ask you to drop a link for this as well Peter But here's a question. I came in for you from Melissa.
How does he make money? Does he have a ministry so could you describe to folks?
You know what you do for a living This is my full -time ministry
And it's been something that we have been in very thoughtful about Approaching as a ministry when
I started out basically five years ago This was a maybe a hobby.
It was proving it out. See if it was even viable Now, however this year there was this past year.
We started a board. So we have a board of elders and we are now Sent by Kootenai Community Church We're on their missionaries page and we are supported 100 % by donations from faithful brothers and sisters in Christ who want this world evangelized to and I am blown away by the reality of God's hand in Promoting and making this happen.
It's it's it's a blessing It's very humbling as well to be in these environments and knowing hey this is
Nathel from the church who's Providing this opportunity to be here and witness to people, you know, let's make this count and with our ministry now you know proven through Years of this environment and faithfully sharing the gospel it is it's now starting to say, okay
Well, how can we teach others to do this? What guidance can we give and I again like that in your description talking about, you know
People wanting to validate their addiction No But there are people who earnestly want to proclaim the gospel to different environments
And if they have the desire, this is very viable in fact, you saw the video with Jess who was in bed with back surgery and was able to be part of this ministry and the opportunity to use just a cell phone to be able to Support sharing the gospel to these online communities is very viable and very doable today with with almost
No, no cost. So how can people support you? I Dropped in our link tree.
We're on patreon and as well. There's a link to that for partnering with us so For the audio podcaster that was kind of a hint for me to let him give you that but he didn't instead
I will have to Okay, his link tree is link TR dot ee so lint linked tr dot ee slash
Missionary gamer and that has all of our links as our YouTube Facebook Twitch The support channel all that is on that link tree.
So it's kind of a consolidated place to find out all the information about us So that'd be the one link to go to to get everything you're saying
Easy idea crazy idea having one link, so let's let's uh, I want to I want to play another clip because I have four of these clips and that I want to go to and so This next one is called atheist admits
There could be a god But then he dot dot dot so We're just gonna have to find out what is going on here
Let's let's give a listen Gets to where we've got our signs.
Let's say I started doing on right here And I think I'm not too unhappy with that.
I'm is I can't remember what verse I was doing. Oh Way the truth in life
Hello Going Oh 265 or 4 that is quite the quite the rank you get there, dude
My name is Peter. I'm the missionary gamer live stream on Twitch We like to ask people questions in the game, you know for some some questions on stream
First one is what do you think happens when we die? Not not in the game, but in the real world
Nothing that's pretty bleak. What do you base that off? Where do you get that that idea from there's just nothing
Okay, so it's interesting so do you believe in science yes, how can nothing have created everything
Like I always struggle with that too like I don't necessarily believe the
Big Bang Theory because there had to be something to create the bang, right? We have the evidence of a creator because we have the creation.
That makes sense We can look around us and see things that are real and touch them and feel them and something had to create them
So sure The conundrum really is that there are things around us and what was it that created them?
It doesn't mean that you know a god entity created it Is it possible you're wrong about that Sure.
All right. What is what is the consequences of being wrong about that?
Hey, man, I could be wrong about lots of things. I've been right about some things in my lifetime I've been wrong about some things in my lifetime
It could be that there's a god and that he did he or she has created all of this.
Absolutely I'm not kidding that that's possibility, but okay, so you're open to the idea. Excellent So the next yeah, cool.
Well, the next question is My name is Peter by the way, would it be okay if I ask your first name Jason Jason?
All right, pleasure to meet you Jason. So Jason, would you consider yourself to be a good person?
This is the most I've talked to anyone in fallout and I've been playing it now for I don't even know how many years But yeah
Okay. Well, I'll take that as a compliment out of powerful statement Would it be okay if I asked you some questions to see if we can qualify that?
I'll hang out for another two minutes, man. Two minutes. All right, we'll make a pass So Jason in your life, how many lies do you think you've told why you gave me two minutes?
You gotta answer fast. It's gonna rock out this two minutes a few a few. Okay So what do you call somebody who's told a few lies?
human being starts with the word L Wouldn't call myself a liar
Well, why not if you told lies And you Of course,
I'm a terrible liar, you're exactly right So second question, and I appreciate your honesty in your lifetime.
Have you ever stolen anything ever taken something without permission? Yes, so what do you call somebody who steals things?
Yeah Exactly. So Jason, what would that make you that? Yeah Oh, you got it, you got it you act most people don't start putting them together like that that shows you're sharp
Jason I can see that. So next question is have you ever used the God who you don't believe exists?
Have you ever used his name as a cuss word ever blaspheme? No examples necessary.
No examples We try to keep it family -friendly. So I appreciate that Appreciate that.
Okay last question. I appreciate your honesty So Jesus Christ said, you know, it's said of old that you shouldn't commit adultery
But I tell you even if you've looked at a woman with lust you've committed adultery with your in your heart
Have you ever looked at another person with lust? Yeah Honest let's be honest.
Okay, so I want to be clear Jason I'm not judging you, but you've admitted that you're actually not a good person
You're just like the rest of us. You've admitted to being a lying thieving blasphemous adulterer at heart
So let's say let's say that you're wrong and that the God of the
Bible is real It is it's a perspective. I agree But let's say today was the day that you died and you ended up standing before the
God who you don't believe in and he opens Up the books in your whole life everything you've ever said
Everything you've ever done everything you've ever even thought desires of your heart. Would he find you innocent or guilty of breaking his laws?
If the laws are black and white then I would say you would probably find me guilty of breaking his laws and Yeah Now the question is if he is a good and righteous judge and he finds you guilty if you already admitted it
Should he then send you to heaven or should he send you to hell for breaking his laws? Did he just did he exit?
Jason oh That's too bad
That was thoughtfully left us a bunch of plans Well, we're gonna take a minute. We're gonna pray for Jason Almighty God.
Okay, so There's another clip. I mean that that's that was a few a few minutes of it and You know, the thing is as some of the comments that I want to go through because You know, it's kind of thing now, by the way, you've changed your background to one what you set up Yeah, this is the crosses
I was telling you about So you can do visual storytelling in these games and these are environments that are up, you know
I may or may not be there There's scripture there and it just took a little of creative use of some of the tools that they give you to be able to bring attention to the things that are important and then drop references to like need god .com
or striving for eternity org or Places they can go to find out more about who this
God is what he has done how we can be saved and God uses These things just like uses million -dollar bills dropped on bulletin boards and into shopping baskets at the
Store or into magazines or whatever. These are things that God uses to save people and it's amazing
Watching him do that. So let's look at some of the comments. We got just right from that clip and the first one comes from KT she says
You don't have to be an official missionary gamer to have a little bit of opportunity and I think that that's the thing that you're saying and I'm gonna
I definitely want to get into that because One of the things that people may not realize is you're doing more than just playing the games and evangelizing
Yeah, that's one of those things a ministry that is training people to go in and evangelize
So you're trying to disciple people to do this as well Yeah, that was actually something I hadn't counted on when
I started this number years ago after a while proclaiming the gospel I started having people come back and It I'm like I've already shared the gospel with you
You know go and read the Bible and find a good church and they would still come back and after a while it got to be where it was
I wasn't running into anybody new to share the gospel with and that's when that light bulb goes off of Oh discipleship and With that understanding then looking at I got some some people have done some instructions on how to do that That looks familiar now, you know, you're you're really good for the audio people of explaining things you like to use pictures
So you are holding up some of our striving fraternity cards quick reference cards and using those to teach
Biblical truths we go through fundamentals of the face faith from grace to you and it is an opportunity to then transition from evangelism into actually teaching
Doctrine and theory and and helping people grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Lord with all of that said
This is this is a ministry There's a lot here and one of the problems that know what happens people see that and they're like I can't do all that You don't need to and I want to encourage you that just having a cell phone and going on twitch creating an account
Dropping in a channel just just like you guys are right here and chatting with people
That is an amazing opportunity to minister to a lost and dying world simply saying because you're gonna hear it when you go into these channels somebody's gonna say
I'm sick or I had a Somebody die related to me or I had something bad happen if you just stop in the chat and say
I'm praying for you Whoa, what I mean it blows their mind because they are so used to the transient nature of these environments that to have somebody say
I care about you enough to go to the creator of the universe on your behalf and And put these petitions before him it floors them.
You can do that right now today In chat, just like you're dropping comments here and be used for the glory of God That's that's sort of the basic starting point and very straightforward to do
Well, that's that's one of the reasons that Living Orders created the need god .com So you could just drop it in very exactly where so see we got a bunch of comments that came in here
Andrew is saying I am so glad I caught this live. I am really excited to hear this
Melissa is saying it says a lot that Kootenai Community Church backs your ministry.
Jim Osmond is a wonderful pastor But Melissa the thing is is that I invited
Jim on here and you know, he didn't want to come so I don't know
Maybe maybe there's something else behind it I Actually, I sometimes some of you guys may hear me refer to someone who was traveling in an hour and a half one way
With his family three times a week to go to church This is that fella He would take his family because he lived in Montana would drive to Jim Osmond's church to Kootenai Community Church every week three times a week
So yeah, it does it does Kept that up for years, but now what a good and awesome
God we have I am two minutes from the church We walk to church now that's how
Closer to church than Jim is He has to drive by where we live to get to church.
Yeah, and it's it's such a blessing. It's such a testimony how God Loves his children and he is he is lavish.
Well, I got I got news for you if you had to drive three hours To church every one way and God still loves his children
So Jody says oh man. I have never heard an atheist respond this way by saying something had to create or make the world and That that was kind of honest if they're honest they and he admitted, you know
He's learning these things like he's got questions about these things. Chris Honnold says Dude is literally stunned
He's having a conversation with someone and and I think he even said like this is the longest I've ever had a conversation in this game in years
Yeah His rank was very high Yeah, those are that's
Thousands of hours. Yeah in that environment to get a rank like that and there are people who I've met who have been in the thousands
In levels and so they're they're going into these worlds and thinking they can hide
From the Lord and what he's making very clear is no, there's nowhere you can go that he is The Lord's gonna send you so so Jody's asking.
So are you streaming these encounters for others to watch? Yes, and I think that's an important aspect to communicate the very first video
And I don't know if you can just bring that up real quick and pause on the screen I can explain some elements here, but there is there's three different levels of That environment that are happening simultaneously
One is I'm in game as an avatar Talking with another person.
So when they're in the game, they're not seeing that character Oh, wow, really bald guy right there.
They're not seeing him They're seeing the 3d avatar in the game who's kneeling down right now
So they're talking to me in the exact same way I'm talking to them that that interaction is the base level of just one -on -one
Evangelism and the benefit of that environment as you can see is other people come in The second level of this is the fact that I'm live streaming it
So we're on twitch and we're live streaming and while we're live streaming there are people in the chat and you can see on the side there a chat log just like we have a chat log here in Streamyard and these are people who are commenting and now you can see they're on YouTube.
They're on Twitch Facebook So they're commenting as well. And one of the things you'll notice is that there's an entry in there it says explanation point gospel and that's popping up a
Specially formatted version of the gospel that pastor Osmond and I worked on that's designed for twitch chat
It's a digital gospel track and it's designed to be dropped in a chat and and we use that and now that's used across Chat channels on twitch.
It's called chapter verse. Yes Comments that it says good evening may make grace and peace be multiplied to you
To sorry multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ Peter is a faithful brother on the twitch platform
He created an awesome tool Called chapter verse so you're you're a developer by trade.
We should explain this Yeah, I have a development background and epitome is actually a pastor in Canada would be a great guy to have on by the way
And he is live -streaming his sermon prep. So he is
Oh, yeah, and there's a couple actually who are doing that And and doing it in a faithful God honoring way reading scripture and and he is one of this community of solid
Biblically sound Christians who are using twitch and some of these other live -streaming technologies to bring visibility to God's Word Through whatever their focus is.
He's a pastor. So he's doing a sermon prep and using chapter verse to be able to share Scripture and be able to share the gospel and being able to have conversations with people where it's just like hey
Let me show you in a in Hebrews where it says this and chapter verse does that for you? So that's that's the second level of this is
I'm live -streaming then the third level is I take it I cut that video and post it to YouTube.
So that single gospel encounter Might just be a one -on -one or one too many in there is then being simulcast on all these different platforms where people are participating real -time just like they are here and Then it's being consumed yet again as searchable content on YouTube the the power of this technology all these platforms being free is an amazing
Quantification of effort that you know as well from your ministry Andrew It's it's absolutely phenomenal that we have this ability now and the technical foundation of this is massively cool.
So here's a Jeremy pile says Chapter verse is amazing. I have a
Facebook user who is saying apparently I'm not smart enough to figure out live podcast on YouTube So Facebook user go to go to apologetics live comments scrolling at the bottom there
Go to apologetics live comm you could do two things one There's going to be instructions on how to get your name to show up in Facebook, but that is the
YouTube It's right there as soon as you get there There's you'll see there's a video you just hit play and that plays there and then if you click the little
YouTube on the corner Down at the bottom it'll it'll drop that in. So let's see if I can get we got a bunch of more questions we got some people in the backstage and we have two more videos that I'd like to get to so Which I get through this a little bit quicker.
So Melissa is saying I do second life and have a good person track easel
So second life is a game that I've heard about from my met slick plays that a lot and shares the gospel
Andrew said I'm saddened that he up and upped and left He was laughing.
So I doubt he was Taking you serious That said
I'm glad you prayed for him. That would Would not be how most of us would react and and that's one of the things
I watch your videos and you do that with Every person I'm cutting them off. I'm not playing the prayer here.
But you know, but then Go ahead. There's an interesting point about that comment about him leaving
I I was as you can imagine anytime you you're you're witnessing somebody we love
People we do this because we don't want to see them going to hell When as Charles Spurgeon said we would grasp at their ankles, you know, if they're gonna go to hell
They're gonna have to step over our bodies where we go, please. No Repent believe the gospel be saved from the wrath of God We love people and we don't want to see them go there
And so when they depart like that before they've heard the good news, it's it's heartbreaking. Yeah, it's just however
Here's what was amazing somebody in the chat said I'm still here and I said well,
I'm glad you're still a completely different person and Because they're now they're not in the game
But they're there because of the game and they were there you're watching on twitch They're watching me on twitch and they said
I'm here And so then I immediately pivoted and I shared the gospel with them.
Yeah, it was a great It's not like this, this is Open air because what you're dealing with is you?
You're doing open air and you think you're talking to your heckler, but you're actually talking to the whole crowd That's that's sitting there watching.
So Comment here And then you know, we're gonna
I'm gonna bring someone in backstage We'll bring someone some folks in from the backstage, but Jason who is a member on YouTube And on YouTube you guys can can help support us there
There's a way to become a member through the YouTube There's a way to give super chats super chats are where you pay for us to make sure we read your comment
But Jason said living out Matthew 28 everywhere. I love it Thank you
Peter for the work in the online gaming world Where there are many lost and so that's true.
So You know one of the things you know I want to do though is before we continue on is to let folks know
I want to just give a shout -out We are running a Christmas special. It's not too early to talk Christmas It is time to get your
Christmas gifts in but a lot of people enjoyed last year what we had done and we're gonna do it again, which is if you go to Striving for turned out or go to the store and get my book.
What do we believe? We're doing it again at 50 % off from now until the end of the year
So then that is on as many copies as you want to get so if you want to get that for Christmas gifts go for It just go to striving for turned out or go to the store get what do we believe and use the coupon code
Christmas? So Christmas is the code put that in and you can get 50 % off just on the book
What do we believe as many as you would like? So that might be something you want to do for Christmas All right, so let me bring
I know Cole you're backstage but some popped in and I I know you're kind of regular Don't know his first name, but ambassador for Christ Okay, I'm gonna
I'm gonna meet you for a second ambassador for Christ if you could mute your mic This guy he's a streamer and he understands the headset thing and he live streams and stuff and so You think you'd have this stuff down.
Yeah. I did like his hat. I did like his hat. His hat was a living water set Yes, and he is a faithful brother in Christ.
His name is Tim and he is ambassador for Christ on twitch and as It's a wonderful opportunity
To see Yeah, Tim we're getting an echo from you. Hey, I know you now muted yourself.
I don't know if you have headphones that you could use And that might help
I like your hat You muted yourself. So I'll let you I will let you unmute yourself when you're ready
I'll let him try to figure this out and So we got like almost three dozen people listening on wisdom
There's anyone in wisdom that wants to drop a question challenge this apologetics live is on every
Thursday night Thursday nights 8 to 10 Eastern Time and We are here.
We usually have a topic as we have tonight, which is a missionary gaming or evangelism gaming and What we are always looking to do is answer any questions anyone has about God and the
Bible So that's what we're here to do. If you have any questions any challenges, we're up for the challenge
And so we could do that. So, let's see Jody posts asks this says hey
Andrew I've been meeting with one of our deaf members and went through the way of the master evangelism plus Romans Road She knows the gospel now, but is hesitant to surrender
What book would the book what we believe? Be a good option for someone not yet a believer or who is
Or is there another book you can recommend? Well, there might be two So, I mean I would say what we believe would be good for teaching.
You have the Bible Peter's holding up a Bible That's the best. I was gonna say what what do we believe will help to give an understanding of who
God is and something about Christian doctrines Anything that's on God's attributes is gonna be good because the more we know
God the more we're gonna realize Why We uh, we need to to repent
We also have a book on our website called growing in grace And that may be a good book to go through with her because growing in grace is actually a discipleship book to disciple someone
So it's designed for the very first lesson on explaining what the gospel is So that might be something good to to get if you if you go out to the striving fraternity website and get the book growing in grace
So Tim, it looks like you got you got your headset on how are you joyous and yourself better than I deserve
Are you the Tim that I've been interacting with on Facebook? You might be absolutely
Well, the fact that there's only one Tim that I know that knew who
Peter was or at least admitted to that Yeah So, um, oh and there there was we did, you know, dr.
Special is not here tonight but I did see he did have some some comment here earlier and And and since I wasn't gonna put it up because I don't want
Chris Han holds to see it, but he already saw it So Anthony special said hey, what about we give away a free
Chris Han holds elf with every order? So we can't we could talk about doing no, we're not gonna do that Now Tim Tim is a really interesting
Person to boy to sort of hold up from the standpoint of an example of somebody who came to this not from the standpoint of oh,
I love video games and And I want to try to rubber stamp it. He came in saying
I love the gospel. He's Sharing the gospel every chance he gets him and another faithful brother
Bob Set up outside of Walmart with a booth handing out gospel tracks. He is a Christian.
He is an evangelist He is sharing the gospel as we are commanded to do in Mark 16 15 So when he came into this it was just hey
Here's another place that we have an opportunity to share the gospel and notice that in the same way
He's got he's got the hat on he's using visual storytelling He's got his name on Twitch ambassador for Christ we can use all of these different pieces of labels and visuals and for storytelling and for communicating things that are important and I and I've talked to some
Christians like well, maybe I need to Sort of hide my Christianity under the hat so I can get that initial conversation with somebody and the answer is no no
Christians There's there's nothing about hiding we are to be out there in the world making it very clear that hey
We're not of the world and and there's a great job with doing that And so there there is a thing with open air some guys don't they'll tell you not to have a
Bible Not to have a Christian t -shirt so you can you know when you're walking around and and I I'll break those rules because I I'll Have a gospel tract, which is my t -shirt
I will read I mean I get up and read Scripture. That's how I get a crowd But so so Tim any any questions you have tonight or challenges for us.
Um, not really I wanted to make a couple of comments earlier Peter was talking about rocket League. Probably not the area.
It's going kind of fast I have had a handful of opportunities But it also ties back to what he was just talking about that label
Ambassador for Christ and the text that comes through that game God's not real Jesus isn't really real
Well, it's just the opportunities to get to respond to those people and and just say well,
I mean you could believe that But I'd love to have that opportunity to talk to you if you want to meet me in the lobby, you know
And and you get to sit in there and share the gospel Yeah, if the game has a lobby that there's nothing happening in that you can't actually have a conversation
And yes, I will I will agree with that, but I've seen people playing the game. You can't stop
You gotta stay focused on otherwise, you can't play the game. Yeah, so let you know, actually you're you're mentioning that and the importance of Mentioning your ambassador for Christ or missionary gamer this next video clip that we have
I think that actually play plays into it because I think you even had to Explain that you know, hey,
I I said who I am In this this is a things are going well until I mentioned the gospel
This was this video clip. I I enjoyed it. It was it this I'll just put it this way
This is what people wished they could do in the real world Okay, I'll leave it
Let's play this It's kind of funny
Oh, no That was quite the fall, did you break it do we need a splint?
So he's resuscitating is him the other person right now
Give some audio explanation So what what Peter's doing the game is he's building a splint and helping the other guy out
Although some bad guy came running in No, Peter doesn't have any real weapons so he can't do anything
He's got a sledgehammer and since some zombie just killed the other guy Peter is trying to kill him
Peter's being attacked by two zombies and he has nothing but a sledgehammer So this part of the this parts you actually have the video to see but he's trying to help the other guy
Yeah The game actually shows that you're bleeding and he's bleeding
That was one of my last ones Starting to go great
We're good. All right. I got the splint for you. It says fix the person's Looks like you're gonna be so this is a part where what
Peter's doing is actually he's actually helping a different player
In the game See now he's giving him food to help out the other character
Now I'm gonna pause it right here just to say if you know for folks to note that here you're you know
You helped him out. You you put a splint on him. You gave him you gave him food and he's like, okay Hey, thanks.
I'm gonna go run off and you're like, hey, wait, you got a minute Now the probably the reason he stayed to you know for that extra minute when you asked it
My guess is you just resuscitated him twice you You patched him up.
You gave him food even though it's in a video game world The video games are designed to have to like really live
I mean you you brought me into a video game for I don't know two hours where we talked to nobody
Because all we had to do Was try to stay alive This is the same game by the way, this is this is the game with the zombies and we we were just running around trying
To find food because we had to be able to stay alive in the game And so these are things that in this game.
It's important to be able to You know To be able to have some of the faith these things giving them this food and patching them up lets him continue playing
Yeah, and just for the record they don't do this in this game Every other player you meet is gonna try to kill you immediately
So the fact that I didn't do that established a really good rapport with him. I thought
Going in and it's also raining outside. And so when it rains in the game, that's that's very detrimental
So he really didn't have anywhere to go because we have to wait out the rain. Otherwise, it'll And you said that why don't we get it?
Why don't we go inside? It's raining and that's so Some of this is knowing the game, but let's let's it's at this point that we find out some strange things that happen.
Let's watch One of the things I actually Like I said, my name is
Mishka Gamer. We live stream on Twitch What do you think happens when we die?
Not not in a game, but in the real world? When you die, you're dead. That's it
Gotcha, okay. Well almost dying as you might remember is not the same as actually dying.
So right. Yeah Yeah, so we really can't go off a lot on that well, let me ask you a different question
Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Okay in your lifetime how many lies do you think you told
You're almost 40 I just turned 50 I feel it So what do you call somebody who's told a lot of lies?
a Okay, well, yeah, we're all humans, but if you tell a lie that would make you a liar, right
So I appreciate your honesty in your lifetime have you ever stolen anything even if it was small regardless of the value
So, what do you call somebody who steals things? You'd be called a thief right so seeing you've lied and you've stolen stuff
What would that make you that Okay, would you agree it would make you a lying thief that sound reasonable
Okay, I paused it there because I that was a funny part
I enjoyed it It's like he starts giving you a hard time. You're like I said, I'm missionary keeper.
I put it right at the beginning He's like, oh you did He wasn't listening. Yeah By the way,
Chris on holds put this up. It would be great parentheses hysterical Watching Andrew actually try to play a video game.
Well, actually I didn't play the video game Peter did I just You know, I tried he wouldn't take the controller
Yeah, I wouldn't know it's embarrassing I didn't want to push him on it, but he was like It's got a high voice and thing.
It was very odd You know, the interesting thing is, you know Going into this and watching this video when you're out sharing the gospel, you know
A lot of people go back to Romans 3 23 and say yeah all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God but when you pull that whole file out of the cabinet and start pulling one piece of paper out at a time and Asking have you ever told a lie?
Well, what's that make you I? Mean, I'm not gonna call myself a liar because now everybody's gonna know what
I truly am You know, especially when you're when you're you know, it's streaming live on Twitch.
All right All right. Let's look at the rest of this because something very interesting is about to happen That I think this guy would love to do in the real world, but can only do in the video
Okay, and it's just like Jesus said, you know, it's said of all that you shouldn't commit adultery
But I tell you even if you look at a woman with less you've committed adultery with her in your heart
So have you ever looked at another person at last? Well, that's a good question, but I was kind of curious have you ever had that sort of experience
Yes, you can go into Well, actually there's there's just one
God and he wrote the whole thing. All right, so we'll look at the chase here I want to be clear
Brandon to stop me judging. This is you have been admitted to being a lying Yeah, you're a lying thieving
And I'm assuming the last question was probably yes 40 years old, right? So that's adultery at heart
So, let's say just for argument's sake that the God of the Bible is real just for arguments and Today was that day?
Yeah, today was that day that you died and you see it stood before him and he judged you by his law
Would he find you innocent or guilty of breaking his law? My Well, that's that's the reality is there's a heaven and there's a hell now
It's interesting you said you were 40 and what's interesting is for me I live the first 40 years of my life kind of the same boat you are right?
I was I was a prior military did what I wanted to do I knew there might be something next really didn't know what it was, but somebody shared the gospel with me and After that happened,
I Repented of my sins. I turned to Jesus Christ and I put my faith and trust in him and I was actually saved
To come well, I Guess Brandon does not want to hear the gospel.
The gospel means good news The bad news is so what he did there for folks listening on the audio
Is that the guy was listening up until that last part when? You mentioned
Christ and he shot you and I'll put the links in the podcast. So you guys can all watch
Watch all the full lengths of these these videos And I'm not even playing all of them, but they're you know
This is it's just this is what we end up seeing And that's and that's the that's the edited version.
Yeah interaction was about 40 minutes long And we we were striving to stay alive
We were talking a lot. There's a lot of other things that were going up into that point but it's when I mentioned the gospel of Jesus Christ, that's when everything stopped and You're right.
I mean, that's that's the reality of the rebellious heart They do not like to hear about the gospel and and if they could they would and they do
I'm gonna bring mr. Cole in here. He's becoming a regular on -screen
Cole welcome. He's also a gamer. I'm outnumbered here three to one
I read my Sonic shirt the night Well these video gamers
Pretty sure Tim's a Christian well Yeah, no, no,
I think I think that I think we get established at Tim Cole and I are Christians you on the other hand
I Mean you you know You put me in a video world with no no one to talk to for two hours
My wife is sitting on the couch going this is really boring I mean,
I think I saw a few smiles that day And there are people in the twitch chat who are talking to us we were interacting with people just for the record so So let me just quickly see a call
I don't know if you you want to add anything in and just I'll give a shout out to folks anyone wants to join you can join two different ways those that are
Watching live you can go to apologize live comm scroll down to the duck icon.
That's the the icon for Stream yard just click on the duck and that will join you in and then you got to just give it a permission for your mic and camera, but if you are on the wisdom app and want to join in just Asked to be a guest and I'll wreck.
I'll see that and add you in here as well So two different ways you can ask any question about God in the
Bible whether you agree with us or not We're up for the challenge of a debate slash disagreement
As Peter was doing in the game world there, so Cold any any questions or comments that you'd like to make here first tonight?
Yeah The games the lobbies work out really well Especially in games like fallout where you have mechanics to build your own little base and whatnot
And I think arc is another one that does similar stuff But um, how much time do you spend in discord because that's a place where I find with those other games
We're like Rocket League There are dedicated servers for those things and you can go into discord
You can just sit in lobbies and there's just general chat in those how much time have you?
Spend yeah Yeah, we use we use discord a lot as well. I've actually been kicked out of discord channels for Proselytizing and I was like,
I'm not prostituting. What what did he mean by that? I'd look it up. I'm like, wait a minute Proselytizing that's a good thing and that was a
Christian discord. So I was kind of surprised about that yeah, so The thing that I guess it really wasn't a
Christian discord This is so funny you get proselytizing here the thing about discord that you kind of brought up is it's dedicated and What I enjoy
The opportunity for is what you get close to the real world where you don't know who's gonna be coming in There's no there's no wall up you're just gonna have people either dropping into the twitch channel or they're gonna drop into the game and And you get those organic
Interactions where somebody just happens to be walking by they're playing the game and they just start talking What is that guy saying about Jesus and eternity and wait a minute and that's what you see happen in the real world
Discord tends to be you have to you're only there if you're invited and so that's one of the struggles
I have with using it in the same way. However, that said totally viable. Yes use discord
And wisdom that wisdom we're on wisdom and anyone just pops in and can listen
We you know, we got like four dozen people listening on wisdom they can come in ask questions and the nice thing about that is you're having you're always having a one -on -one conversation and So that's the thing
I do like about it because you have a guest comes in and you can set a time limit I don't remember what my time limit is.
I think 15 minutes. I have set for guests and but but they come in and can ask any question and you know and And you you're able to do that.
So That's another tool. I think the the part about the question about what about discourse really?
What about any of these yeah mine technologies I say Everything should be evaluated.
However There are some caveats to be applied number one is you don't do anything or go anywhere that is biblically advised against and I'll use as an example.
That is just very straightforward for people to understand. I Want to share the gospel?
Everywhere I can I am NOT going to a strip club to do it and That's an important thing to understand.
I want to go everywhere to share the gospel, but there are certain places I am not to go and and that would be an example.
So are the equivalent of that video games? Oh, yeah, I mean you're talking grand theft auto It's in the name grand theft auto
What do they have in their strip clubs? What do they have in their grotesque? Displays of just the most horrible of human interactions and I've had people try to hold that up and say oh no, no
No, it's no it is. It is the equivalent of a virtual strip club You have no business being there.
And so we need to apply discernment to these technologies. Some of them get a little bit more
There's a line you say so let's let's get you know, you make a comment About things in the virtual world versus the real world with sin
Why don't you explain that and that yeah, we did a we did a teaching called God's law for gamers and It was it was the idea that God's law
Given to us in in his Bible That has been written on our hearts in our conscience that law applies everywhere.
You are even in the virtual world and Understanding that and applying it is something that people have just been ignoring.
They think oh, well, it's it's virtual It's just a game No, it's still you there and you're still talking to other very real people and the way you're behaving if you lie to somebody in a game you're lying and God makes it clear all liars will have their place in the lake of fire and So that lie that you're telling in the game is just because it's in a virtual world doesn't exclude you from God's oversight from God's omniscience.
He is he is present everywhere So Cole anything else that you have
Yeah, um when you were talking about how you started having regulars come back to you and you're in the game
The first thing that come to mind was you know forsaken out the gathering right? Yeah So and so then we blend into this idea of you know, you have this virtual world
But now you're actually you've got to get a small gathering of the church Do you have regular meetups or do are you because I know
I noticed you said I'm you're recommending people go find local churches But is there like so how do you know?
It's I'm glad you brought that up because there's some real important caveats to this You can you can have fellowship you can pray for you can evangelize you can do
Bible studies We have done all these things in virtual environments. There is a line There is no such thing as virtual church.
There is no such thing as virtual baptism There is no such thing as virtual communion.
These are three things that are given By ordinance to the church that the gathering together of the
Saints that are unable to be virtualized and Pastor Osman and I had a great interview where we went over this.
We're actually going to do it again I'm hoping to pull Andrew in it as well and and anybody else who would like to join to really focus on okay
Where do these areas excel great? Let's use them Where is the lines drawn and one of them is really specific around the virtual church and virtual communion and Virtual baptism people who are not saved or people who are in other religions that are trying to promote things that are antithetical to God's Word are
Pushing that because it's just it's just another spin -off that they can distract people with and it's something that I've watched
Horrified with this one the pastor who was running a virtual church tried to have a virtual baptism of Some young lady in her bathtub and was live -streaming it
I'm like if you're virtual if you got a video camera on a young lady in a bathtub. This is not church
Come on guys Let's let's get real about this the next guy who went to get his virtual baptism Got up and smashed his head on the faucet cut himself open.
It's like please come on guys This is not right and yet they are pushing it with full abandon
And so as we look at the virtual world and see its benefits Yay, let's use it where it makes sense and it's beneficial where we see these other areas.
Let's let's be clear That is not church because they're pushing it hard Well, let's let's get we get another clip that I want to play.
This was this will be a last clip from from your some of your Streams that you've done it and this one is called he wasn't expecting this on his first day of Daisy so I guess
Daisy's a game just saying but But this one's kind of interesting let's let's watch this
Andrew Mr. Game our livestream on Twitch and we asked people some questions in game
Awesome Here's the first question for you
What do you think happens after we die? Not in the game, but in the real world.
I really like this question because I'm a little congested, but I think it's like how we were before we were born.
Do you remember being alive when you were born? It's just nothing. It's nothing.
I'm not an atheist, but I also don't believe in religion. I don't think there's anything. I think we just die.
That's it. The question is, let's say if there is a heaven, do you think you're good enough to go there?
Probably not. Oh, wow. Right off the bat. So you don't think you're a good person?
I think I have a good heart, but to get into heaven you have to be absolutely perfect.
Well, can I ask you a couple questions then? Let's make sure. In your lifetime, how many lives do you think you've told?
Probably like thousands. What would that make you then?
A pretty big fat liar. Have you ever stolen anything? Yeah. So what do you call somebody who steals things?
Thief. So then what would that make you? Thief. It would make you a lying thief.
See how these things start happening together? Have you ever blasphemed God's name?
Have you ever used his name in vain? Probably today alone, probably many times. I work in construction.
Last question. Jesus Christ said, you know what's said of old, that you shouldn't commit adultery. But I tell you, even if you've looked at a woman with lust, you've committed adultery with her in your heart.
Have you ever looked at another person with lust? Yeah. Now this isn't me judging you, but this is you've admitted that you're just like the rest of us.
You're a lying, thieving, blasphemous adulterer at heart. And that's not a good person, is it?
No. Let's say today was the day that you actually died in the room and you stand before God and he opens up the books of your whole life.
And he judges you by his perfect and righteous law. Is he going to find you innocent or guilty of breaking his law?
Probably guilty. Should he send you to heaven or should he send you to hell for breaking his laws? Hell.
Does that reality concern you at all? I wasn't expecting this conversation. I mean, it's not on the forefront of my mind at all times, but yeah, it would concern me.
Believe it or not, I actually love you. See, I'm a Christian and I don't want you to go to hell. And God has made a way for guilty sinners like you and I to be saved from that wrath.
Have you ever heard of what that way is? No. Two thousand years ago, God sent his son,
Jesus Christ, to be born of a virgin. He was born miraculous. He lived a perfect life.
He never sinned, not even once, in thought, word or deed. In fact, everything he did was pleasing to his father in heaven.
And then he went to the cross as an innocent man because he claimed to be
God, which, of course, is blasphemy. But there is an exception to that.
While he was on the cross, he didn't just die. God the Father shows up and pours out his wrath on Jesus for our sins, for every sin we've ever done and every sin we ever will do.
He paid for them all on the cross, and then right before he died, he said three very important words.
He said, it is finished. It was a legal declaration. It's actually an accounting term.
It means your debt is paid, Andrew. And then he died. And he was buried in a tomb, but something miraculous happened three days later.
Do you know what it is? He rose from the grave. See, Jesus said ahead of time, he said, nobody takes my life from me.
I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to pick it back up again.
That's because he's God. It proved that he was God when he came back from the dead. It also proved that what he said he did, it is finished.
He can actually do that because God can back that up. Does that make sense? He was seen by his disciples in over 500 eyewitnesses over the course of 40 days.
And then he ascended in heaven, and right now he is seated at the Father's right hand. Jesus said,
I am the way and the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through me.
The time is fulfilled. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.
Do you know what the word repent means? I don't know. It means to forsake your sins. You turn away from them.
And then you trust that the gospel is a real offer. That Jesus Christ did, in fact, pay for your sins on the cross.
You trust that what he said is true. Do you think what I've shared with you is the gospel truth, or is it a lie?
My honest answer, I don't know. I was raised Catholic, but that was 10 years ago.
And so here's what I would encourage you with. Do you have a Bible? I actually don't. You have a smartphone, right?
Yeah. If you search for apps and search Bible, there's a smartphone app called
YouVersion. And you can read the book of John for yourself. Thanks for bringing food. That was very thoughtful of you.
Andrew, if you need some food, it looks like this person is very thoughtful and dropped some food for you. Yeah.
And this person obviously wasn't here for the whole conversation. So I'm going to summarize for them as well.
The bad news is we've all sinned. We all deserve the wrath to come. It would be eternity in hell.
But God has made a way for guilty sinners like you and I to be forgiven through his son,
Jesus Christ. Hey, Dad, come on. Don't be like that. Come on.
That's so not cool. Why did you do that? That's not cool at all.
OK, I'm going to pause it here just to explain what for folks on audio or what's what was happening here.
And that is that a guy came in and gave food. And then when you started to summarize what was going on, the guy decided to start killing everyone off.
And he had been with us for a while, by the way, the full video. He was actually accompanying us.
He never said anything, but we had given him food. We had been trading back and forth. So he had been coming in and out that entire time, but hadn't heard what we were actually talking about.
OK, so he so yes, then this thing sometimes when it's clipped out, so now you're dead. And it seems like that conversation was over.
So it seems like it seems like it. Let's let's find out what actually continued to happen, because this was kind of neat.
Very cool person brought in food. They had been in there multiple times, but it's when we started talking about the gospel that they had that reaction.
And they they terminated my character and Andrew, who we were praying for as well. Hey, man,
I would. Oh, it's Andrew. Praise God. I'm so glad you're here, Andrew. I mean, he'd been in and out many times, but it was when we started talking about the gospel.
So at this point, Peter, you recognize where where was Andrew? He was in the Twitch chat, just like people here are in the
StreamYard chat. Andrew came and found the Twitch channel because I introduced myself every time.
My name is Peter. I'm from a live stream on chat missionary gamer. So they if they are they so inclined, they can very easily find our channel.
That's what he did. Joined in. And what a blessing that not only was he patient and listening and interested in the game, but even after his character was killed, he didn't go back to play the game.
He actually took the time to come and find me so we could finish the conversation about the gospel.
What a praise God. Yeah. And so there's three minutes left of this show.
You may keep you may hit play and we hear the rest of it. I mean, it's it's it's the same interactions that you've heard thus far.
It's the proclaiming the gospel and it was just. Yeah, I mean, the primary thing I wanted folks to see with that one is,
I mean, again, we had someone doing in the game world what they wish they could do in the real world. Right. They when it got.
Oh, this is getting convicting. Kill the other guy off that had what what did he do wrong?
You know, to me, it kind of it kind of reminded me of Lazarus. Right. When when Jesus rose
Lazarus from the dead, the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Lazarus again because because the word was spreading about Jesus.
So, yeah, it really does. It shows the amazing opportunity with with all these different technologies working together.
I mean, here we are in game and then there is Twitch chat and then there is the opportunity to have the video.
You can see now my you couldn't see my face in the game. So when we're playing the game, they're not seeing me. Only the people in the
Twitch chat are. So now you're able to see, you know, the concern in my eyes and the reality of the fact
I love him. I love Andrew and I'm I am looking forward to seeing him in eternity. And the opportunity for these technologies to work together for the proclamation of the gospel is amazing.
I just realized you're wearing the same shirt as you are today. But anyway, some questions that we had come in here or comments on YouTube and Facebook.
We have Andrew says, Andrew, you're sorry. Andrew says to you,
Peter, you're doing an excellent job, Peter. I am blessed to be hearing all of this on the show.
We there's still some more things I wanted to try to get to, but we're going to see if we can get through this call. Well, you can thank this guy right here as well, because he came out to Kootenai Community Church.
You're pointing that doesn't do well for people that are listening on podcast. This guy, this guy right here.
Well, I don't actually want to have to say your name. Do I have to say your name? Andrew was nice enough to come to our church and and do his evangelist class, which was phenomenal.
And this proclamation of the gospel is not my doing. This is
Ray Comfort, Living Waters. This somebody brought it up earlier, Todd Friel. This is
Andrew Rappaport. This is this is a biblically solid, repeatable, thorough and concise way to reach the lost with the good news about how they can be saved from the wrath to come.
And the reality is you have a world that is dying. They are they are running around, chasing all of these distractions.
And when you come in speaking truth, never before has it sounded so loudly because the majority of people
I run into, they're like, I don't know. I've never heard of the gospel. I meet people who don't know the name of Jesus Christ.
Mind blowing. And yet that's the reality for a lot of these people. Yeah. So we got
Chris Hanholds says, great stuff. Well done. Epic Woody, Woody 27 said, what about the people that don't have a local church to go to?
Find one. If not, move. If not, find someone biblically qualified to start one.
I mean, there's there's not an option in the New Testament to not go to church.
That's just not an option. You you don't see that. And so, as we we said earlier,
I mean, Peter was driving one and a half hours one way with his family, young kids three times a week.
So it's three hours, three times a week, nine hours of car time just so that they can go to church.
So what do you do? You find a local church. You do what you have to.
You know, it was really interesting when I was in the Philippines to hear people that would there's someone that came to a conference in the
Philippines. He had taken a bus. A boat. A car and walked to get there.
And when he goes to church, his church is on a different island because they're all little islands there.
And so to get to church every week, he's got to get he's got to walk to where he could get a boat ride to get to the other island to get on a bus to get to church and then reverse that all the way back.
That's what you do as a Christian to get to church. Another cold.
Were you going to say something? Well, if you were going to say it, you have to unmute yourself.
I know I'm such a noob, right? Well, OK.
So so the one thing I noticed with when a couple of years ago, that was false convert fell into the
American gospel film. And then, you know, I traveled to go to a church because it was a church.
It was all it was all hype, basically. And then I started feeling like I need somewhere in my neighborhood. You just you want to be somewhere close to where you live, you know, because that's your neighborhood.
And there's people in my neighborhood and kids around here that I know that my son's making friends with. And it's like you want to start to impact right where you're at.
And in America, there's there's not one direction I can't turn and throw a stone and there's a church wall.
So find one. OK, so Chris Han holds is saying that I don't know the lingo call.
He says Andrew doesn't know that lingo call. He used the word noob, which means you're a newbie.
So sorry, Chris. I want to I want to stand up for some people who
I know, for example, Tim's one of them. And I know Nathaniel, who's epic, what he was in the chat.
These are people who actually are in areas where there are no viable options for them for church.
And I actually meet people regularly who their statement is,
I've gone to the local churches and they're not biblically sound. Should I go to a biblically unsound church?
No, they're not. It's not church. The question is, to what extent should you go to to find a local church?
And I just I wanted to add Justin Peters. He sat me down one day when we were when we were driving back and forth and we actually started going to a church again in Trout Creek.
And he said, the most important job you have as a father is to make sure that your wife and children are in a biblically sound church.
And that was the the moment when we started, you know, faithfully coming to the church here in Kootenai community.
And it has been the most important decision. I could have made and now we moved here. And so you've got to make an effort.
It is not easy. Yeah. I mean, Chris, Chris Hanholz is saying we drive 45 minutes one way to our church.
That's what you do. I mean, Jeremiah says, if you live in America, you're probably within 30 minutes of a good church.
And the rest in an hour. The thing is, is that I see guys that they go to a church.
I checked it out. OK, no, can't find a good church. And they're done with it when the reality is keep looking because you haven't visited every church until you visited every church.
You know, I mean, just keep go to every church that's in your area. Just keep going out. You're eventually going to find a church.
It may not be everything you like, but they're going to at least have a biblical gospel presentation. They they they may not.
Look, I was struggling, couldn't find a decent church as a fundamentalist dispensational
Baptist. It was hard for me to find a church that was like me. But I ended up going to a reformed
Baptist church. And look, it helped me, you know, helped in my theology, helped me to meet new people that challenged me in some areas and helped change some of my views.
So the reality is that it's it's a thing where, I mean, you need to be in a good church.
And so you can't not go to church and say, well, you know, but I'm OK with that.
No, you got to find a church and forsake the assembling together. The one thing
I noticed about the reformed community of people, they all most people know each other.
You're like about three steps away. If you're if you're in here listening to this, you're probably about three people connections away from some good church, someone somewhere that knows somebody.
That's one thing I've noticed is there's so many people and they're just little buildings here, there, everywhere.
And it's it's tight knit and people keep track of each other. That's the one thing that's good about it.
Yeah, I mean, ask around. I mean, there's websites you can go to to find a good church.
You can you can reach out to us if you want and we can see if we can help you. I mean, things like that. But it is important to to go to to find a good church.
So there was a comment earlier. What were you going to say, Peter? Oh, I was just going to sort of bring it around to some some positives and then actually some negatives first and then some positives.
So with the power of this technology and you've highlighted it,
Andrew, there's there's a real potential for its abuse. And as a follower of Jesus Christ, reaching out into these communities and being very clear on the word of God, being very clear on the gospel, being very clear on what being a
Christian is, can help set the bar so that these charlatans don't have the opportunity to be walking around claiming that they're evangelizing, that they're a virtual church, that they're they're a virtual pastor.
Even the best thing to do to thwart the fakes is to be very clear about what the genuine deal is.
The example I bring up is the Secret Service is responsible for ensuring that our money supply is authentic.
And so they go after counterfeiters all the time. And the way that they train the Secret Service to spot counterfeit money is not by training them on all the counterfeits, is by training them on how real money is designed, how it's printed, what the genuine article is.
Once you know what that is, then the false ones are so very clear. And this is where we need to be entering into these environments, into the technologies,
Twitch, the StreamYard, the Wisdom app, the gaming world, upcoming metaverse, right?
That buzzword being thrown around. We need to be in these communities proactively using these technologies for the gospel, so that when people go out and try to use this inappropriately, it's very clear.
It's like, that's not the genuine article. Wow. What was why?
It was very profound. Somebody in YouTube just dropped, you are also fake. Interesting.
Yeah, this is a person unknown. I don't know who, I'm trying to pick up what they're saying. They've been making some comments about Rahab and said, you know,
Jason, what happened if the Israel spy, if the Israel spies, if Rahab, the prostitute had your mindset.
So I'm not sure what Jason's mindset was. Maybe a wonderful opportunity.
He said, we speak the truth everywhere, all times. And so, you know, not sure, unknown, if you want to come in, you're welcome to.
But the reality is, I would say Rahab lied, and that was a sin. So earlier,
Cole had said, I hardly ever miss wretched radio witnessing
Wednesdays. This is awesome. So he enjoyed that. Andrew had said, in fact,
I dare say, this was something I desperately needed to hear to remind me.
Thank you, Peter. And so, you know, it's good for believers to hear the gospel. Andrew just highlighted it right there, his last comment.
That is exactly what we need to be. Well, the listening audience can't read the comment.
And actually, neither can the rest of the audience unless I put it up. So we have to actually put it up. Do you do this in your
Twitch channel? Do you just refer to things that people don't know? I'm just checking. Anyway, what
Andrew said, this is why it's so important to be rooted and grounded in the truth of Scripture.
So that we can spot lies, deceptions, and false teachings. And Chris on holds referring to unknown, said probably a bot or troll.
You know, with a name like unknown, it's kind of... That's an interesting statement. Because one of the things that does end up happening, especially in the
Twitch community, is you start getting a punch shot. You know, you've been hit so many times, just instantly.
And the reality is, I have had some amazing conversations with people who came in very hot and heavy at first.
And treated them with respect, with dignity. I didn't necessarily put up with foul -mouthing and derogatory statements and stuff like that.
But I did treat, I treat everybody I meet with the same level of decorum and respect. And what
I found is, more often than not... Wait, wait, wait, wait, what? I don't know.
You know, you blew me off to do open air that one time I was in your neighborhood. I was so looking forward to going out to open air preach with Andrew.
And he stands me up. And I go down there and he's like, oh, I thought it was the next week.
And I'm down there and I told everybody, I'm going to be open air preaching with Andrew Rappaport.
It's going to be amazing. We live streamed it and everything. And the guy doesn't even show.
It's his fault for trying to kill me. Blame Thomas. Blame nice guy. Nice guy. Throwing a brother, throwing a faithful brother under the bus.
Like he plays video games. Nice guy. I will leave it to your own pastor who introduced me by saying that Thomas, the head of security, tried to kill the guest speaker before he spoke.
So, yeah, even your pastor agreed he tried to kill me. Apparently discretion being the better part of valor was lost on that sermon.
Anyways, coming back to the point of when people come in and maybe they're dropping things. And the problem with the
Twitch chat or with any chat for that matter is you don't see the person's face. You can't see their eyes.
You can't hear the earnestness in their voice. All you're getting is text.
Give people the benefit of the doubt. Try to establish a level of rapport with everybody you speak to.
I've been very surprised with some people that end up having great opportunities to share the gospel.
One person in specific, their name was Future Queen of Hell. That person came in,
Future Queen of Hell, what are you going to do? Oh, troll, bot, get out of here. No, speak to them with respect.
Give them dignity. She ended up changing her name and has, even though she's an atheist, faithfully comes to my channel regularly.
And I'm able to repeat, proclaim the gospel to her, pray for her. And she has been established.
Why? Because I treat her with dignity. I treat her with respect. And that opportunity with this technology, have a bit of a skin to be able to use this well.
Unknown is saying, if she spoke the truth and made Israelites caught, then she hasn't done sin.
Are you so dumb and blind, Preacher Andrew? Actually, no,
Unknown. I believe God is so great that had she told the truth instead of sinning,
God could have protected the spies because that's what he wanted to do. He didn't need her to sin to do so.
And if you think that, as some will say, that, you know, it's not a sin because she was protecting life.
Well, David chose to lie to a priest when Saul was chasing him.
And he lied to the priest to save his own skin. And that lie cost the priest his life when
Saul struck him down. So when you sit here and say, am I so dumb? No, I have a high view of God, and I believe he's capable of doing what he wants to do.
The question then becomes unknown. Do you have a high view of God? Do you think God is capable of using having people tell the truth and still accomplish what he wants?
Very good point. Can Chris's comment there too, where he says, Let me put it up there and read it.
Go ahead, you read it. I was going to try to read it because this guy has been hitting me over and over again about the people can't read on screen.
Well, I got it up on screen so people can see it that are watching. But if you would like to read it, go ahead.
It says, I give Peter credit. He's far more patient than I would probably be.
Again, grateful for his faithfulness. Before you answer that, let me just say this,
Chris. I was really hoping that that Indian guy, John, would come in, and then we could have tested
Peter's patience. Peter probably didn't watch that episode. I don't watch any of your stuff.
Yeah, I know. But you should go back and watch that one with the guy, that first clip at the very beginning.
I've suffered through that. Yeah, I've suffered through that one. That's pretty rough.
Here's the thing I would encourage all Christians on. Whenever you are interacting with somebody who is not saved, just take a moment and think about their eternal destiny.
Think about them in that horrible lake of fire. No food. No water.
Being burned over their entire body. Having no hope of ever leaving.
And you have the truth to be able to set them free, not by any work you do, but by the work that Jesus Christ has finished on the cross.
If that doesn't give you an extra pound of patience with that person, that is where our hearts should be.
People are perishing, and they will never get out of that terrible place called hell. Be patient with people.
Love them. Yeah. Well, and I think too, just if I could add something real fast to that.
One of my favorite verses was 1 Thessalonians 2, and Peter, you've heard me before that. But just as we've been approved by God to be entrusted with sharing the gospel, so we speak not as pleasing men, but God who knows our hearts.
And again, you know, one of the fruits of the Spirit is peace and patience and whatnot. And we think about that when we go out to share the gospel.
What are all those fruits there, Tim? What are all of them? You want a line of peace? Yeah, let's put more of them today.
Love. Whatnot. Love. There's only one fruit, my friends. Not the fruits of the
Spirit. It's the fruit. No unknown. Singular. This is the closest that you'll ever be to heaven.
If you're able to type right now, you're not in hell. There's no keyboards in hell. Yeah. There's no ability to communicate with anybody.
Unknown is saying I'm already in hell. Let me deal with something he says here. He says, God told
Israelites, and I'm not sure if he's an
English speaker, just with the typing and language. So I want to give grace and assume that this may not be his mother tongue.
God told Israelites to rob Egyptians, and Moses told lie they will come back after sacrifice.
So the issue there is the assumption that God told the
Israelites to rob the Egyptians. Was that what he did? Or is it that he told them, based on the fact that they enslaved these people, and this was the retribution?
This was them getting, you know, God basically saying that this is what he declared because he's
God. Okay? He didn't tell them to rob them. He doesn't tell them to lie.
He didn't tell Moses to lie. And so, you know, this is, you know, what a lot of times we'll have is people will take things that they try to make the
Bible say something that it doesn't actually say. And sometimes to justify your own sin or different things.
But unknown thing for you is, you know, because we're at the end of the show.
And I would love for you to come in so we can have a full conversation. Yeah, this is this is what
I was concerned about. I've had conversations with people where they are coming off very, you know, you know, troll -like.
But the reality is they're hurting. Yeah. They've had bad things happen. They're suffering.
And they're looking at it going, what is the point? How could I trust in a good God when
I'm suffering? And we have an answer for that. Yeah.
This is this is not always the way it's going to be. We have hope. Yeah. So let me just I know that Melissa wanted to make sure one thing that she didn't want to have missed.
And that is don't forget my pillow. So this would be a good time as we get to the end of the show to remind you folks that we are sponsored by my pillow.
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Whatever you might want to get. Go to my pillow dot com. Use promo code SFE. It stands for striving for eternity.
And that is that way they know you. You were sent to them by us. Then they'll keep supporting the show.
So go to my pillow dot com. And the promo code is SFE. Also go to striving for eternity and pick up a copy of my book.
What do we believe? It's right there in the cameras right now. What do we believe? It is 50 percent off till the end of the year for a
Christmas sale. And use the code Christmas. You can get as many as you want. You'll be able to get them and give them as great
Christmas gifts, especially for those people. You just don't know what to get them. But and to check out the rest of what we have at striving for eternity.
We also have our podcast that this gets turned into a podcast. Apologize. Live is a podcast and it is can be found at the
Christian podcast community dot org. Another place you can go. You can check out all of the great podcasts of which
Mr. Han holds here, who's been commenting is one. He's got a podcast called the voice or sorry, a voice of reason radio.
And he's saying here is he has a comment here that says great stuff tonight.
Very encouraging by the faithful work of missionary gamer praying. He he has fruitful ministry.
So that's something we have. Andrew has a comment here. Says thank you, Andrew, Peter and everyone else.
It's just it's just gone five past three in the morning here in the
UK. After this show, I'm off to bed. And so we we appreciate you coming in,
Andrew, especially when you can catch this live and stay up for it. I know it's late your time, but we appreciate it.
So, folks, I appreciate everyone coming in. Peter, I appreciate you, the ministry that you have.
We didn't get into all of the depth of what you do because we talked specifically about what you're doing in the gaming world.
But you're writing your own game, a Christian game where people can be discipled within the game to hear the gospel, be discipled.
So you're as a developer doing that as well. So that's something you're working on and a game that's worth playing.
I mean, most most people that say, oh, I'm going to create a Christian game, make these cheesy games. You and I talked about that and you showed me your game.
It's it's fun. And that's sort of the thing is that. But that takes a lot of time and effort.
So I want to just remind folks to go and check out and get a hold of Peter at link tree.
That's link TR dot e slash missionary gamer. I'll have it in the show notes.
It's there on the screen. But check out what what he's doing there and things like that so that you could you could know how you might be able to come alongside help.
Maybe maybe you could spend an hour or two in a game world being trained how to evangelize.
You know, you he mentioned earlier an older gentleman who had surgery and was was basically bedridden for a long time.
And even though he is bedridden, he was able to get into the game world and with his phone and share the gospel.
And so you anyone can do that. So if you're interested in doing that, saying, you know,
I need to learn how to do that, Peter can help you. And so contact him through his the website there and find out how you can get trained up to do what you saw, because the reality is, and this is something that Ray Comfort had talked about with YouTube channels and you're doing with your
Twitch channel and your YouTube channel is we don't know who's watching or who's listening. Exactly.
We had the gospel go out at least four times tonight. We have dozens and dozens of people watching.
We have five, six dozen people on wisdom, even though no one came in. We have way more than that who are watching live on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube.
And then we have this go out as a podcast where by next week we'll have about seven or eight hundred people that will have listened.
And so look at all the different technologies that are being used to get the gospel out.
This is what it's about, being creative, trying to find different ways that we can share the gospel. So let me close out this way.
Let me end with a gospel message. Now, Peter kind of presented it several times, but let me give it one last time for you.
So, you know, when we talk about the gospel, what do we mean by that? Here's the gospel. Though you and I, each one of us, every single one of us, we've broken
God's law. Because of that, we are accountable to an infinitely holy, infinitely just God.
That God who's infinitely holy and infinitely just has an infinite consequence that comes along with that.
And because of an infinite consequence, you need one of two things.
An infinite being paying that fine once in time, or we have to pay it for all eternity.
And that's exactly what happened. God himself, an infinite being, an eternal being came to earth as a man.
And being an eternal God, he can pay an eternal fine, becoming a man who never broke
God's law. He can be a perfect substitute for you and I. Jesus Christ, almighty
God who became man, came to earth to die on a cross so that we could be set free from our sin.
We could be forgiven. We deserved that eternal death. And yet Jesus paid that so that if we would turn and stop trusting ourself as a good person, stop trusting our good nature, and trust
Jesus Christ, we can have eternal life. That's the gospel message. I hope that if you've never heard that message before, that you'd contact us and get more information.
Info at strivingforeternity .org is how you can contact us. That's info at strivingforeternity .org.
Let us know. If maybe you've heard this for the first time and you're just believing the gospel, let us help you find a good church and get discipled.
But the reality is that we want every one of you to know that you can have the forgiveness of sin, but you have to stop trusting yourself or your good works.
Trust Jesus Christ and have eternal life. That's the message we want to proclaim here.
And so until next week, next week we're going to have a very exciting show. Next week
I will have my friend Dr. Jason Lyle coming in, and we're going to talk about the fact that there's been some new pictures from satellites that are out there in space taking pictures, and they have seemingly, even from secular scientists, are claiming that these pictures reveal that the
Big Bang is impossible. Wow, there was no Big Bang? Hmm, and the science is supporting it.
So that's what we're going to talk about next week. The week after that, I'm going to have Pastor Casey Butner coming in.
We're going to talk about First Baptist Church of Orlando and other church abuses.
First Baptist Church of Orlando decided to replace the preaching of the
Word of God with a comedian. Yeah, we're going to talk about that and some other abuses that we see going on.
So make sure you stay tuned. Every Thursday night, ApologeticsLive .com is the place you can always go to watch, to join, to get any questions you want answered.
ApologeticsLive .com is a ministry of striving for eternity, and a podcast on the