Is Steve Lawson Saved?


Ever since the scandal broke there have been discussions online about whether or not Pastor Steve Lawson is a true Christian. There is a Biblical way to answer this that few are talking about. What is it? Watch and find out! Please pray not only for him, but for his family and his church! Tags Matthew 18 John MacArthur Trinity Bible Church One Passion Ministries Discipline Excommunication Salvation Gospel


Hello, in this video I'm going to be responding to a question somebody asked. They left this comment on my recent video about Steve Lawson and John MacArthur.
Somebody asked the question, is Steve Lawson a true believer? Is Steve Lawson saved?
Now that we know that he's been in this adulterous relationship for upwards of five years, how can a true
Christian do something like that? So there are a lot of people out there speculating or just coming right out and saying that, oh
I guess Steve Lawson isn't a true Christian. So I want to address this, is Steve Lawson saved?
Now normally I don't do that type of a thing because God is the judge,
God has the final say. Someone's going to say, well you can never say, you can never really know.
Actually there is a process for us to determine these types of things. And this is where we have to sort it out.
We have to do what the Bible says. And Jesus teaches us how to do that in Matthew 18.
So this is the church discipline passage. So Steve Lawson, well known pastor,
I think everybody knows the story by now. He affirms the true gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith apart from works.
So based on his testimony, I would say yes, Steve Lawson is a Christian.
You have a look at what he's been doing. Okay, well let's look at that. As of now, I regard him as a believer.
What would make me change that? Well, if he gets excommunicated from his church, that would change my mind.
So you're following along, we have to follow the process. Now you can go on YouTube and, well
I think he's unsaved, or Steve Lawson is this or that. You can say that, but it doesn't make it.
So we want to be biblical. So if we follow the biblical instructions,
I think we can provide an answer. So this is what Jesus says in Matthew 18, starting in verse 15.
This is the passage again on church discipline or sometimes as it's called excommunication, which means that if a person is disciplined, they are to be excommunicated, that is put out of communication.
So you really have no dealings with that person anymore. Shunning would be another word, but the word shunning, you know, brings to mind what the
Amish do and the Amish will just not even look at a person and they shun people for things that aren't even sinful.
So we're not really talking about that type of shunning, but in a sense, yeah, but let's read the passage,
Matthew 18, starting in verse 15. Moreover, Jesus says, if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.
If he hears you, you have gained your brother. So if somebody is, it's discovered that they're in sin or they've done something sinful towards somebody else, you go to that person and you, you know,
I would say lovingly confront them, but you confront them nonetheless and you want to see them apologize and repent and change.
And this, this video and this passage, obviously this applies to everyone.
This isn't really about Steve Lawson. This is about learning and being biblical. So this would apply to anybody, but it certainly applies to the
Steve Lawson situation. I would say that when you're dealing with false teachers, okay, if a pastor is teaching heresy, that's a different process.
Okay. But here, if your brother sins against you, someone's doing something wrong, you go to that person.
Verse 16, but if he will not hear you take with you one or two more that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established.
And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.
So you go to the person, if they won't repent, if they won't listen, take two or three, you know, you try to work it out.
If they won't, still won't listen, you bring it before the entire church. And you know, there is a question, is this the entire membership congregation, they vote on it.
Do the leaders handle it? That's a different, different subject for a different day. But if they won't listen to the church, okay, they just won't repent.
You go through the process. If they won't repent, Jesus is very clear.
That person is to be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. So in other words, they are to be regarded as though they're not saved.
So if Steve Lawson is kicked out of his church, if he is regarded as a heathen and a tax collector, then if you ask me, do you think
Steve Lawson is a Christian? Well, based on his church, no, I don't think he's a Christian. So as of this moment,
Steve Lawson has not been excommunicated. He has a testimony. He affirms the true gospel.
I believe he's a Christian. I want to be hopeful and we should all be praying for him. But because he's in the process of church discipline,
I don't know where he stands, but it hasn't been finalized. But if he does get excommunicated, then
I would change my mind and say, well, I guess he's not a Christian. But at the end of the day, I don't,
I can't really say that 100 % because number one, God is the judge and he has the final say.
And number two, you have to acknowledge that there are some churches that, you know, they have an abuse of leadership or corruption.
There are some people in this world who have been excommunicated where actually they are in the right and their church was in the wrong.
So that's an exception that does exist. But assuming Steve Lawson is handled, his case is handled in a proper biblical manner, if he gets excommunicated, then yes, we would say, well,
I guess he's not a true Christian. That would be our, we are going along with what his church says, and they're going along with the process given to them by Christ himself.
And notice verse 18, Jesus says, Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.
So this decision from the church, according to Christ, that's the decision of heaven.
So is Steve Lawson saved as of this moment? I think we need to regard him as a brother.
He's a sinning brother and he needs to repent and he's in the process of discipline.
I haven't heard any updates on that. So as of now, I consider him a sinning brother.
But if he doesn't repent and his church excommunicates him, then we would regard him as a, as an unbeliever based on the words of Christ.
Okay. So I hope that's helpful. If you have any comments, leave them below. But until next time, may the