Young LDS Man is Left Speechless by Scripture

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Deacon Dusty Marshall of Apologia Church Utah challenges this Mormon Man with Scripture. Watch how this Young LDS Man is left Speechless by Scripture. This is why the LDS community desperately needs the gospel, they have been deceived by a false prophet and have been fed a gospel that cannot save them.


You got a minute, can I ask you a question? Oh, sure. Sure, are you LDS? I am. Awesome, man, well
I have a question for you. The Bible says that there is only one true and living
God, that there is none formed before me, none is formed after me. That's Isaiah 43 .10.
The LDS Church doesn't teach that. It teaches that there are actually many gods and that you can become a god one day.
So how would you reconcile that? I don't want to eat my hat, man. But how would you overcome that contradiction?
So the Bible says this, that there is only one God, there shall be none formed before me, none shall there be after me,
Isaiah 44 .6, Isaiah 43 .10. There is no other God, I know not one.
God says all of these things about himself. However, the LDS Church teaches that there are many gods and that in fact that you can become
God one day. So how would you reconcile that? That's obviously a contradiction. So how do you test that?
Would you take what the Bible has to say? Would you take what the prophets have to say?
I mean, for me, it's something I personally don't believe. With our doctrine that we believe of exaltation, it doesn't diminish the value of God.
God will always be the God. It doesn't matter what our state will be or what will be.
We will always respect that God the Father is the one and true looking
God. So God testifies about himself in the
Bible saying, I know not one other God. There is no other.
None formed before me. So before him, none. None after him. And God is eternal so he's always been
God. He's always existed and he's a spirit. He has not a body like a man. So wouldn't you see that as a contradiction?
Saying that while I respect and say that he is the only God, but at the same time that our church is teaching us that we can become a
God one day. In fact, we will be like God and be exalted to Godhood.
How would you reconcile that? I'm not sure.
Would you say that you would test it with the Bible? Like you would go to the
Bible and look at what the Scripture is saying? Or would you say that if the Bible says one thing, my church leadership and prophets say another thing, who would you go with?
What word would you stay rooted in? I definitely believe that what we do teach is found in the
Bible. I just can't tell you at the moment. And I actually do have to get going.
But this has to go with the common ground, right?
We believe that God does have a body. We are created after his image. And I think that kind of concept of that is a foundation principle.
I think maybe that's kind of where it was deviated. I would love to chat more, but I do have to go.
Before you leave, let me just leave you with this. So tonight, you have a Bible yourself, right? Check out
Isaiah 40 through 48. Eight short chapters. Go to it.
Just read what the Scripture says. And ask God how you would reconcile that.
Because God testifies about himself a lot in those chapters. He's saying that he's going to reconcile.
And you know about that. Appreciate it. What was your name? Kaden. Kaden Dusty. Nice to meet you.