AD's Thoughts on the Southern Seminary Propaganda Videos

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So I've been thinking a little bit about these These Southern Seminary video responses to dr.
Fuller When he made some accusations about the seminary and about how things are run and about social justice and about you know
Liberalism in the seminary and stuff like that. And so what Southern Seminary did was they put out these videos?
And each with each of the professors that were that was specifically named in the dr.
Fuller Revelations and they put out these videos where they were interviewed and each video was exactly the same, you know
You have this interview it starts off. Well, tell me about your testimony, you know that kind of thing and some people like that stuff
I don't really find it helpful because you know, the reality is that every heretic has a testimony as well. I mean
That's just a fact every heretic also has a testimony. So I know what you're trying to do You're trying to make it seem.
Well, he's a Christian just like you. I mean, it's fine, but it's really not helpful so usually like five to seven minutes of the interview is just wasted on on that kind of thing and then the interviewer will ask questions that are
Sort of related to the accusations that were made but actually don't address the key issues
It would be like I've been trying to think of what this would be like It would be like if somebody was saying a whole bunch of communist stuff like they were saying
Oh, you know from each according to their According to their means and to each according to their needs or something like that.
Is that is that the quote? I miss I'm probably messing that up. It's early But anyway, if they were saying a bunch of communists communist stuff like, you know, we need to have equal you know salaries for all and all kinds of stuff that's just typically associated with socialism and communism and Then you and then and then in response to the people making the accusations there and it's not just Accusations that come out of nowhere in these cases
We have videos that say have you saying things that sound communist and we have your your writing that sounds pretty
Communist and it's like well, I mean if it looks like a duck it quacks like a duck It's probably a duck and then in response to that because you're the seminary that's trusted for truth what you do is you say to the person that was accused using their own words of Spreading communism you say something like this
Let me ask you a question dr. Communist is communism compatible with Christianity and then they say no
Oh, no, communism is not compatible with Christianity And then you ask them why and they say well because communists in the communist manifesto
It says that God doesn't exist. So therefore it's not, you know compatible with Christianity and it's like, you know, that's that's that's the most weaselly
Dishonest It's a snake move. It's a snake move Because nobody was claiming that you were a communist because you agreed that God didn't exist
We were saying you're a communist because you're saying communist stuff. And here's the examples We have a list of all this communist stuff that you're saying
So this has nothing to do with it So why are you asking questions that are irrelevant to the issue?
Like the Matt Hall one is the one that I'm most interested in because I just recently watched it just just a few a few days ago as you can see and It's like they they were just beating around the bush not asking the direct questions
He said well, it's critical theory compatible with Christianity Nobody was saying that Matt Hall was saying critical theory was compatible with Christianity in its entirety
What we were saying was that he used terms and ideas That are directly from critical theory and those specific ideas and terms are
Incompatible with Christianity. So you need to ask them about that specific statement those specific documents that specific dissertation stuff like that and that's and they failed to do that they failed to do that and I think that people started to notice this if you
Look at the videos that they put out The very first one is here the one with Dominic Hernandez that one got 14 ,000 views
The next one was with Chad Pennington over here got 9 ,000 views and then the other two got 7 ,000 views roughly
So people were less interested as they went on and I think that the reason why is because it's like well
Obviously, we're not gonna get any answers here. This is just obfuscation. This is just muddying the waters further
Muddying the waters further. I just don't get why you would do this this actually I do get why you would do this because you are looking to confuse people
I know you say you're trusted for truth Southern Seminary but but these videos that you produced these four videos right here and these are just The opposite of helpful like if you want to further confuse people do stuff like this ask irrelevant questions
Not direct questions don't actually respond to the exact quotations that we pulled from your stuff and things like that Yeah, they did a little bit of that.
But again softball questions all day long It's like it's like okay. So you said this now you believe this
Okay What what changed see that would be actually helpful to the body of Christ because nobody cares if you change your mind on something like like Christians are very forgiving
It's not like we once you believe something you have to always believe for the for the rest of your life until you die No, if you changed, that's fine.
I've changed on things. I used to be a Credo Baptist, I'm no longer a credo Baptist and I can explain to you why
I change I can explain to you How that progression happened for me why I see certain passages in Bible differently
Like like that would be super helpful to the body of Christ. This is not helpful This is propaganda when you interviewed
Jarvis Williams, that's propaganda It doesn't serve to clear up anything all it does is confuse people further that are honestly asking questions and It serves to really protect the guild is really all it tries to do.
I don't think it's gonna work I mean you can keep making these videos if you want I think it actually helps my cause more than yours
But I I actually do care about the truth here and you claim to so so, you know
As far as strategically keep making this kind of content. It helps me it helps me and it helps my buddies But I care about the truth more than I care about my content
You know what? I mean more than I care about my YouTube career So I would prefer if these questions or these interviews actually answer the direct questions
That would be helpful until you do something like that. I don't understand why anyone would trust you for truth
Seriously, I you say you're trusted for truth. Okay, great That's a nice slogan But you actually have to do the work in order for us to believe you on that like this is it's sad it's sad because you know so many good people do come from Southern Seminary and I and I so much about what
Al Mohler does and Says I I really appreciate but this kind of stuff man. This makes you look shady.
It makes you look weak It makes you look like you have something to hide And I and I know enough to know that you do have something to hide
I know what goes on with this social justice stuff. Absolutely Maybe we'll go into this content more and I'll tell you what
I mean, but but I don't know that I don't know if that that's helpful. That's that's how many of us are thinking about it like a little example