TGC Purity Tested - #WokeChurch's Racism

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Well, probably a short video today because I'm feeling a little bit under the weather Um, but yesterday morning my brother, uh sent me this
Meme here is this count as a meme? Is this a meme? Or like is this an info? What is this?
Anyway, I don't I don't like these things where they put a quote and then they've got like a inspirational picture I guess you could call this an inspirational picture
But anyway, he sent me this and it's a jackie hill perry quote choose to love even when you don't feel like it
Obedience often precedes affection. That's a good quote. I kind of like that quote. I think it's kind of true too
You know loving someone is a choice and you know, sometimes you don't feel like you love someone but when you do it anyway
You know, you'll grow to to have the emotion as well I think that's a pretty good quote
My brother sent it to me though. Not because he thought it was inspirational but because he saw that There's a white lady in this picture
Yet the the quote is from jackie hill perry who is black and he said that this is going to be trouble
This is gonna be trouble. That's what he said And lo and behold, so, you know, so I went to it and I commented
How dare you appropriate jackie's quote? What a bunch of racists and this is a man is a joke Obviously I even
I even ha ha to my own comment there anyway then if you look
If you look at this, of course People are why didn't you use a picture of jackie hill perry? It's rather confusing and jarring to have a picture of some random person
And then you know some people are defending it here Oh, I don't think jackie's concerned with it. And then this person.
Why did you choose a white woman? Why not at least a woman of color? Oh my goodness gracious.
There's one that I really wanted to find out. Hold on Look, and this is an example of according to this lady of of ignoring
Marginalizing women of color by using a white woman in this quote Uh, let's see. What else we got here.
There was a good one that I I really wanted to Where was it? Oh, I don't know.
I I don't want to spend too much time looking for this, but this is so funny But this is but this is what's hilarious about this is that gospel coalition does this every single day literally every day
They'll put a quote and then they'll have a picture of someone in it. That's not the person who said the quote
This is something that they do all the time. But now all of a sudden it's a it's a marginalization So if they if they if they had a picture of a black guy and a white person, that wouldn't be marginalization
I'm sorry If they had a quote from a black guy or a picture of a black guy and a quote from a white person that wouldn't Be a marginalization, but when you reverse it, it's an example of racism and it's just too funny
The one comment I wanted to oh, where is it? It was just somebody who said this is just a average white girl or something like that It was just so racist.
But anyway, I thought this was really funny And this is a good example of the fact that you'll never be pure enough for these people
You'll never ever be pure enough for these people. Don't try to placate the woke Seriously, don't try
Don't try to please the woke social justice warrior type of a person because they will find fault in literally anything
That's what microaggressions is all about. It's all about finding fault where there is no fault So if you say to like this, this is a literal example of a microaggression if you say to a black woman
Hey, I really like your hair That's it's it's a compliment obviously, but uh, they're gonna take some some crazies the woke
I'm talking about the woke not not every black lady's woke, you know what I mean? Some black ladies will just take that as a compliment and say thank you very much
But then there's a small segment that'll be like, oh, that's a what are you trying to say? My hair's not supposed to be nice.
What are you trying to say by that? Like that that's a literal example that i've heard of a microaggression telling a black person that their hair is nice Um, that's a that's a microaggression for some people
Again, don't look don't hold all us minorities accountable for that kind of stuff If you say that I have a nice accent or if you say that I have nice hair
Or if you say that I you know, i'm really smart i'm gonna take that as a compliment most normals
Normies will take that as a compliment. If you tell a black person a normal black person. I like your hair
They're gonna take that as a compliment Just it's just it's just the crazies that that decide that they're gonna make an insult out of everything
So don't hold us all accountable for that. We all aren't as crazy as that. But anyway, so this is the this is the uh,
Funny thing I wanted to talk about today. The sad thing I wanted to talk about today is this This is a facebook post from dr.
Eric mason from december 22nd and I retweeted this yesterday and I said that dr
Eric mason's a racist and that he I I think that he fights against his racism
So I give him a lot of credit for that because you know Sometimes it's very hard to acknowledge the fact that you're racist and fight against it
But dr. Eric mason is a racist and he's and it comes out All not all the time but but regularly it comes out his racism
I did the video about his uh, Erlc mlk 50 speech where he says racist things on the stage openly and nobody rebukes him for it because I don't know.
I mean i'm not sure why they don't but here's a here's something from eric mason that I wanted to just read to you and um here
Let's just take a look at this He says believers aren't truly awakened if we are held hostage by evangelical captivity to western culture
Being woke is rooted for me in ephesians 5 14 and understanding the history of christianity in north america
Ephesians 5 14 if you don't know is the passage that says awake. Oh sleeper
That's where he gets woke church from That is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. But hey, you know i've heard a lot of dumb things this week
Uh, so he says so if evangelicalism is held captivity into western culture, but he understands christianity in north america
So therefore that's what being woke is all about. It's also about being a waco sleeper that passage which is ridiculous isa jesus, whatever um
So that's fine. He says if you critique woke ideology without engaging black dignity you are cooning
So he's talking about black people and other minorities who he would say they criticize woke ideology
And but at the same time they don't engage black dignity whatever that means because i'm not sure I know a single black person
Or minority of any kind that doesn't acknowledge black dignity But he says if you don't you're cooning now,
I don't know what he defines as not engaging with black dignity I would imagine that means not being woke yourself.
So in other words if you're not woke and you're black you're coon That's what dr. Eric mason said and that's actually what he said in his mlk 50 speech as well
He didn't use the word coon, but he described what a coon is He said it's someone that's white on the inside black on the outside That's a racist thing to believe that that there's this white idea white mentality in this black mentality and if you
Don't act black then you're actually white on the inside and as if that's an insult first of all So this it insults white people as if being an anglo isn't is is something to to not want to be so that's insults
It insults white people, but it also insults black people who they're supposed to act a certain way Otherwise, they're not really black or minority like me a latino like me if I don't act a certain way.
I'm not really latino Eric, mason's a racist and it came out here. He's racist against white people and also
Certain segments of black and latinos and things like that as well um but again, here's the thing this is this is another just sort of If you don't agree with me, you're ignorant kind of thing.
Like look you don't understand the history of christianity in north. Are you serious? I mean, are you really are you serious?
You know The history of christianity in north africa is one of the first things that I knew about church history
When I came to christ one of the first things I knew about augustine and and and and and early christianity in north africa before I knew about the reformation in a lot of ways
All right, here's where it gets real stupid If you're critiquing woke ideology, but you aren't serving the black and african diaspora needs based on titus 3.
I can't hear you He can't hear you if you're not if you're not serving the needs and i'm assuming this means according to the how the way he
Serves it because uh, we've uh, the church has been serving the needs of people in africa and the african diaspora
For years decades decades, but but apparently I guess probably if you don't vote democrat, you're not really serving their needs.
I can't hear you If you critique this from a white space, I can't hear you at all What in the world is that supposed to mean?
If I if you critique woke ideology from a white space, let me take a drink because that's my drinking game
I can't hear you at all What's a white space? Dr. Eric mason Is a white skin.
I don't think that's what he means. I think what he means is churches with predominantly white people So you can't criticize woke ideology from a church with a predominantly white people.
This is a racist statement Dr. Eric mason is a racist now again, I think he fights against it
In fact, if you want to see why I think that watch his speech at the mlk 50 thing He talks about his prejudice
He talks about his racism and says that he can't let bitterness towards white people take over I commend him for that not not being willing to let his bitterness take over But I think you need to maybe think about what you tweet and think about what you put on facebook before you do it
Because your racism and your prejudice does take over sometimes This is the last sentence
He says even caiaphas prophesied without knowing it and this woke culture is doing the same
Better than the church on race and injustice. We gotta out prophesy the lost What eric mason is saying here is that the woke culture not the woke church talk?
He's talking about regular folks like like pagan woke people They're actually doing they're prophesying the words of god better than the church on race and injustice
So what we need to do is copy the world. That's what he's saying here Caiaphas prophesied without knowing it and he's saying the woke culture uh
Hip -hop culture money cash hoes big pimpin. They're they're prophesying better than the church on race and injustice.
We got to follow them This is literally Dr. Eric mason superstar of the evangelical intelligentsia woke church author
This is him saying you need to follow the world on race and injustice. You need to follow the world
They've got it. Right the church got it wrong So Dr. Eric mason is not only a racist, but he's also a scripture twister and he's dangerous to the church
I urge you brothers if you're watching this video and you know You see this you see it you see these things the way
I do and you see this kind of stuff And you haven't spoken out on this stuff yet. I urge you to do it man.
I know it might cost you They they're they're fine. Dr. Eric mason and matt chandler. They're they're fond of saying how much this is gonna cost them
This isn't gonna cost eric anything eric will get more speaking opportunities. He'll get more book deals for saying nonsense like this
It will cost you to speak out against this It will cost you to speak out against this and I urge you you see if you see this racism for what it is
If you see this scripture twisting this ridiculous use of scripture passages a wake -o sleeper.
Oh, yeah, that's woke church If you see this for what it is follow the world they're doing a better job than the church here
I urge you to speak out about it. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. God bless you know somebody on twitter saw my uh
Retweet of this eric mason thing and he and he agreed that what eric mason was saying was was
Ridiculous and stupid and awful and racist, but he didn't agree with me calling him a racist
He said that it would be more honoring to god or more loving Uh to eric mason to say well
This was a racist statement and I know he fights against it But this was off the pail and I don't agree with that.
I think that um, I mean here's here's the thing Here's the thing it all depends on the context, right? Like if you're talking with a brother that you know
Uh, and uh, or even someone you don't know and you just met them and you hear them say a racist statement
Yeah, I think it might be wise to soften your Your rebuke a little bit say hey, man, that's kind of racist dude like or hey, that's that's not quite right
That sounds very prejudiced or very bitter towards white people Like I think that when you first meet someone like and you don't know them very well
You don't know their history. You don't know what they all what they say all the time It's okay to soften things like that But for a guy like eric mason, this is a guy with a big platform
This is a guy who speaks all the time who said this kind of thing often And he gets a big platform and he has book deals and he has conference speaking
You know what? Sometimes you just need to call it what it is And I don't think it's loving to the church of jesus christ and I don't think it's loving to dr
Eric, mason to soften what it is that he's doing he's promoting racist doctrines dangerous bitter prejudice
Unchristian doctrines and so I don't think it's necessarily loving to just try to soften that I think that the church is
Is expert at softening things that they shouldn't soften and again I'm not saying that you have to if somebody says something
Crazy that you know that you have to call them a racist like the first thing in the no You don't if it's it depends on the context.
Dr Eric, mason's different than you know, someone else that you see online that's saying similar things
You don't have to just call, you know, if you don't know someone's a racist don't call someone a racist But dr. Eric mason, I think he kind of admits it in his speech
But also he says this kind of stuff all the time. This is racist and dr. Eric mason is a racist
Now, I think he's a repentant racist I think and i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because I didn't i've heard him speak about his prejudice.
So That's the reality. So so in any case in any case, that's what I think about that I I don't think it's loving sometimes it depends on the context but to soften things
I don't think is very loving to the body of christ or even the person that's here's the other thing, too I wanted to say before we finish
These are the people dr. Eric mason's one of the people out there that's saying that he knows about racial reconciliation
You should follow him and he's telling you to follow the pagans, right? He's telling you to follow the pagans because they're prophesying better than the churches.
They don't have the scripture They don't have the word of god, but yet somehow they're prophesying better than the church the church
This is a man who's criticized people who say you know When when you're at the table the lord's supper your ethnicity doesn't have anything to do with it
Your unity is in christ and he's criticizing that said well, that's wrong. That's racist theology. That's what dr
Eric mason this guy's saying that stuff what you know, your unity is in christ not in your ethnicity That's wrong, but know that the hip -hop culture money cash flows.
They got it, right? This is the man who wants you to follow him into racial reconciliation to racial unity
I say that if you follow this man, you're crazy You're crazy The other thing is there's a lot of people out there that would say that you should follow them, you know matt chandler's another one of these guys who thinks he's got this right white privilege and all this stuff and all you got to do is is is look at these people's churches and then you'll find that the
They preach racial diversity and things like that, but they don't have it They don't they don't practice what they preach and here's the thing i'm over here saying look
We gotta we gotta put this stuff aside. This stuff is not the right focus There's no such thing as racial reconciliation because race isn't a thing
We've got the race of adam the race of christ. I'm preaching this stuff from the bible I'm talking what the scriptures say
And if you look at my church, we are ethnically diverse and it's not because I have this great plan You shouldn't follow my plan for racial diversity because that's
I didn't set out to get racial diversity All I set out to do is to preach the bible and you know what the holy spirit did
The holy spirit brought racial diversity to our church On his own accord.
I didn't go for I wasn't doing anything intentional I was just preaching the bible my co -elder who's a white man was just preaching the bible and all of a sudden
We've got racial diversity at our church. You see what i'm saying? We have a small church So it's not a big deal like five six families, you know what
I mean? Um, but the holy spirit brings the diversity that he wants into your church so If anyone tells you they've got this super secret plan for racial diversity and then they're saying well, you follow the world
They've got it. Right kyphus preached prophesied without knowing it Hip -hop jay -z's doing it, too
I urge you man. That is as crazy as it sounds. There's no secret sauce here. You preach the bible you preach
Discipleship you preach to people to obey everything christ commands and the holy spirit will bring together who he wants to bring together in The church whatever happened to trusting the holy spirit