Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on the General Morality

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Bradley Campbell from the #GodLovesMormons channel joined us for the final episode in our mini-series on questioning the LDS Articles of Faith. Pastor Bradley gives a powerful explanation and refutation by Questioning Latter-Day Saints Article of Faith on General Morality We pray that this series will be a blessing to you.


The 13th article of faith, kind of summarized, says that we believe in being virtuous, chaste, benevolent, doing good to all men.
It says that they agree with the statements of Paul, that they believe all things, they hope all things, they have endured all things, and they hope to endure all things.
And that whatever is virtuous and true and noble and praiseworthy, that we should seek after these things.
This is the last article of faith. And on the surface it seems like, good, right? Morality is a good thing.
But you need to understand that this underlies one of the most critical problems in the
LDS church. You know, on the surface this looks like just general morality. And a lot of people would say, well,
Christians and Mormons look very similar in their ethics. But here's the problem. In the
LDS faith, in order to enter God's eternal kingdom, in order to have all that Heavenly Father has for us, these are not just things that honor
God. These are prerequisites for eternal life. That is a wicked teaching.
What that says is that in order for us to enter God's eternal kingdom, we have to be worthy to do so.
Do you know what the Bible says? It says that whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. It says that if we try and keep just one part of the law, we are obligated to keep the whole law.
And do you know what God's standards are? They are perfection. No one is righteous.
No not one. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So these good moral ethical things will result in condemnation because people try to be perfect and righteous and worthy, but we can't be because we're all sinners.
But the gospel of Jesus Christ says that if we cast ourselves on Him, if we cast ourselves on the mercies of God, if we give up trying to earn our worthiness, then
God is merciful. He will forgive us not because we deserve forgiveness, not because we're worthy, but because He is merciful and gracious and kind.
And so turn to Christ, repent of the false teachings of the LDS church, and you will be saved.