Heaven (part 3)

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Heaven, Hell and Everything In Between (part 4)

Our Father in heaven, we thank you this morning for all that you give us for all that you graciously provide and for your word most of all for your son
Jesus Christ father we Praise you that he has secured for those who believe in him the promises of heaven
Lord as we look into what your word says about heaven and what it doesn't say about heaven,
I just pray that you'd bless this time and give us a clearer view Not only of heaven, but of the gospel and of what it means to belong to you in Christ's name we pray.
Amen You know, there are I think fewer subjects few subjects
That people talk about at all that are more confused than heaven
I've told the story before but a friend of mine was murdered Years ago
Rather unusual circumstance because you know, you expect police officers sometimes to die in the line of duty
This wasn't in the line of duty. This is what we would call in worldly circle circles a love triangle
The estranged husband shows up the boyfriend girlfriend are moving into a home together and the estranged husband shoots my friend the boyfriend
Who dies and John was a very popular guy and big funeral and afterwards
His girlfriend Told everybody well, it's okay because John is now an angel
Even a couple weeks ago. I was talking after the funeral of Steve Nelson's father was talking to a nominal
Catholic and Was relating about how Steve's father had died and Yet Steve was expecting his second grandchild and This nominal
Catholic said well when God takes one angel he sends another What does that mean?
People are confused why because I think it's because they want to be confused they want to I We all deal with death in one way or another and what we want to believe is that everyone
Goes to a better place you hear that at some funerals. Well, we know one thing He or she's in a better place.
How do we know that? We need to go to the scripture We need to go to the scripture we're looking at various aspects of heaven and really kind of giving a preamble to heaven before we get into Walking the pathways of heaven as it were and I wanted to spend a little time this morning talking about a few
More false views in depth one is universalism. The other one is annihilation ism And then we're going to look at purgatory because I think it's only fitting that we get to purgatory before we get to heaven
I just want to see if you're awake. Thank you. All right So we're on page 10 of What promises to be hundreds of pages?
I don't know how long it's gonna be but how is heaven and misrepresented or false ways of arriving in heaven as reward for all
This idea that you know, John is now an angel when God takes one angel. He sends another
It's just like we're all on our path to heaven and nothing Struck me as more kind of missing the entire point than universalism
In fact pastor Mike and I've kind of expanded on his Thesis he said years ago the more use in the title of a church the worse it is and the example he used to give
Was the United Unitarians for unity? So I thought well, how many how many more could I put in there United Unitarity?
Unitarians for unity in union with universalists. I think that's probably a little bit worse
The more use you have the worse things get This is a quote from a
Unitarian Universalist Forest Church, you're missing a comma, which I added with my trusty pen
His name is Forest Church. Some people have trouble believing in a God who looks into any eye but theirs
First of all, what in the world does that mean? Others have trouble believing in a
God they cannot see So they create them with their own hands Or their own hearts or their own minds
But that none of us can look directly into God's eyes certainly doesn't mean God isn't there mysterious unknowable gazing into perhaps even out from ours
Gazing through the windows of the Cathedral of the world People go to this
I'm just I Where do you you know what was interesting to me before I leave the
Unitarian Universalists? I was on their web page and looking what they believe, you know looking for some really great quote about what happens after death well, the problem is you can be a
Unitarian Universalist and believe that you're a Christian or a Buddhist or a
Hindu or an Atheist you can describe yourself as a pagan. You can describe yourself as someone who believes in the
Holiness of the planet Earth. I mean they're just anything But they're all united And The key to Unitarian Universalism is everybody's on their own path
Which just made me think you know, there is a way that seems right to a man and its end is
Heaven its end is death. If you look down at Roman numeral three there.
It says true universalism. What do I mean by true? Universalism, that's a good question.
What do you mean by true universalism? Just the within the Christian Worldview let's just say
This is from Wikipedia Christian Universalists Claim their beliefs were the most common interpretation of Christianity in early
Christianity And by the way, I always kind of whenever I read that I always take a pause
And the reason I always take a pause is because a lot of people claim that people claim that Gnosticism was the most common version of Interpretation of Christianity and early
Christianity. I don't really care what anybody says the most common interpretation of Christianity was an early
Christianity I care what the Bible says a substantial minority of Christians from a diversity of Denominations and traditions appear to believe the tenets of this belief system such as the reality of an afterlife listen without the existence of an eternal hell
So then I asked the question how can a Christian be a universalist how can a
Christian be a universalist what's that?
Well one way would be if they're not actually Christians would be correct if you don't actually believe the Bible Let me just say and I'm going to couch this very carefully.
I believe that Arminians are Christians But there is a Desire among Arminians to protect
God to protect his reputation from being unjust Because if God doesn't give us a free will then how can he hold us accountable?
And in that same way, I think some people who Probably are not Christians, but the whole idea of universalism is to protect
God from this idea of being what? What mean vindictive
How can God? Punish somebody forever What kind of a loving
God would do that? Well a holy God would be right
Wouldn't it be better if he just beat us with a few stripes, and then let us into heaven forever. It's kind of the idea
Christian universalism experienced a revival in the Protestant Reformation Due to the end of the hegemony.
There's a big word your 25 cent word for the day What does that mean influence the overwhelming influence of the
Roman Catholic Church over Western Christianity the Anabaptists and the Moravians were too early
Protestant groups in which the teaching of universal reconciliation was common
Universal reconciliation Common theme and we're going to look at that first.
They note in John 12 32. Let's look at John 12 32 And really what
I think we're going to see this morning We talk all the time about All the time pastor
Mike is teaching a class about it now called hermeneutics hermeneutics the art and science the principles of the art and science of interpreting the
Bible We're going to see how if you don't have proper hermeneutics it matters.
This isn't some you know Theological studious
Serious, you know academic only issue What you believe about the
Bible how you study the Bible the principles you use to interpret the Bible Impacts how you view everything and if your goal when you read the
Bible is to see God is love and that's all God is Then you're going to take things differently you're going to interpret the
Bible incorrectly Who has John 12 32? Go ahead
Chris Okay, so Jesus talking says he will draw all men to himself
If he's lifted up Well, there you go. That's done done deal.
He's gonna draw all men to himself. All men are going to become followers of Christ See what
Kistemacher says Jesus promises to draw all men to himself this all men emphasis on all men that little phrase there is in the given context which places
Greeks next to Jews and Must mean men from every nation that idea is found in the fourth gospel
John again and again Salvation is not dependent upon blood or race in John 1 13
Jesus is the Savior not only of Jews, but also for Samaritans Hence, he is the
Savior of the world when he talks to the woman at the well and that goes on He has other sheep which are not of this fold
Which always makes me smile at least a little bit because that's how the
Mormons justify The idea that Jesus came to North America, but I digress
Those Those others being from the Gentile world in John 10 16
Moving on to page 11. He will not die for the Jewish nation only But that he may also gather into one
The children of God who are scattered abroad in John 11 51 in brief
He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world John 129
Jesus will draw all men to himself when he is lifted from the earth This being lifted up is explained in connection with John 3 14 meaning or by means of his crucifixion resurrection ascension and coronation
Jesus attracts to himself ie to abiding faith in himself all of God's elect from every age climb
Which is interesting climate and nation and from every every part of the world in other words what he's saying
He draws them by means of his word and spirit This activity of the
Spirit is the reward for the sons being lifted up when
Jesus says all men Will be attracted to him One of two things has to be true either
All men meaning universally are going to come to him and believe or Well, I guess there are many possibilities all men could come to him and reject him
All sorts of men could come to him and believe all sorts of men could come to him and reject him
Or you know, he was wrong altogether. So out of those five, you know, you have to sort of sort through the
Context which is what we want to do and the idea that all
Men are going to be drawn to him. Does that hold up? Yeah, you would have to ignore everything else to really draw that kind of conclusion
Charlie, you know those poor women
Yeah, I mean you could do that the Ultimately the the issue is, you know,
I mean think about all the things that Jesus said if his entire ministry I mean just to paint a broad brush as we go through these individual supports alleged supports for universalism if the goal and The sure goal because in universalism everybody's going to heaven
So if the sure goal the end of it is for all people to go to heaven then my question would be
Why would Jesus ever say repent? Why would he ever say that what's the point
He could he could say a lot of things but you know, basically his message should be don't sweat it
I've done everything don't worry about a thing. Don't worry about your soul, you know live
I mean, it's the exact opposite of when he talked about the man who filled up he gave the parable of the man who filled up all his barns and then tore him down so he could build bigger ones and He said you fool, you know this very night your soul will be demanded of you
It's the very opposite of that. Why talk about the soul? What's the point if everyone is going to heaven then?
There is no concern. But as Pam was saying this Contradicts everything else that he taught
Another Point that will come up later in an article by J. I Packer is ultimately if you look at one particular verse and you think you understand it and Then the weight of all other scripture seems to contradict that Then there are two possibilities.
One is that your original Understanding was wrong. And the other one is that scripture contradicts itself
So if you rule out the idea that scripture contradicts itself, you're left with I haven't figured this thing out yet And I need to go back and study more
So if you look at John 12 32 and you say well that all men are gonna go to heaven because Jesus said
Then you don't you haven't understood correctly in the first place. I mean think about some of the things he said even in John When he when he was talking to the
Jews and he said what that you are of your father He didn't say great things about them.
You know before Abraham was I I am and if you guys Love me, you know like Abraham did you'd be okay?
And that's it. He constantly confronted them and called them to repentance not to You know a life of don't worry about things.
I've got everything under control Completely wrong just It really is
I said Jesus which is if X is Jesus is to draw out of the text Which is what we try to do when we preach when you study
And you're trying to get principles out of the text. You want to understand the text rightly? I said Jesus is placing something into the text.
So when I said, you know Basically what these people do Universalist do is they kind of put on their
God is too nice to send anybody to hell Glasses and then they start looking for verses to support that second one
In Christ notice the language again in Christ all will be made alive Let's look at first Corinthians 15 22 and what's the theme of first Corinthians 15 by the way while we're turning there?
resurrection Over and over again Paul talks about the centrality of the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ Basic theme being without the resurrection no hope it is the most important event in History not the birth of Jesus the resurrection of Jesus First Corinthians 15 22
Go ahead and read that for as in Adam all die So also in Christ all will be made alive
Now is it true is part a true that all men Suffer the death brought on by Adam.
What is the death brought on by Adam? spiritual spiritual death separation from God, but also what physical death
So also in Christ all will be made alive Does that mean that we're all going to heaven look at verse 20?
Okay, let's look at verse 20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead the firstfruits of those who are asleep
For since by a man came death by a man also came the resurrection of the dead He goes on to say but each in his own order in verse 23
Christ the firstfruits after those who are Christ's at his coming then the end He's a polish.
He must reign the last enemy will be abolished at his death Hmm when all things are subjected to himself to to do otherwise, well,
I think it is interesting though when you get to 29 otherwise What will those do who are baptized for the dead on and on it goes?
I mean, what what is the significance of? the resurrection and All that Paul is teaching
Invert or in chapter 15 about the resurrection the centrality of it without which we would have no
Hope is he talking to believers or unbelievers? He's writing to the
Church of Corinth one would presume that most of them were believers Look what prior says here
Paul's language in verses 21 and 22 Suggests at first reading that in the same way all men will be made alive with Christ and through Christ But even in these few verses the all at the end of verse 22 is qualified by the two phrases
Those who have fallen asleep in Christ in verse 18 and those who belong to Christ in verse 23
So there there are clearly exceptions to the second pattern Ie those who do not belong to Christ and those who have fallen asleep without being in Christ What is falling asleep by the way?
died Moreover in several parts of 1st Corinthians Paul has referred to those who are perishing
Be difficult for anybody to perish under a universal scheme we conclude therefore that the main point of Paul's parallelism between Adam and Christ as in Romans 5 is that like Adam Christ is the progenitor or the forefather the forerunner the first of A new race of a race of a new humanity
The resurrection marks the beginning of this new creation Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren if anyone is in Christ He is a new creation
So this idea that all will be made alive.
Well, there is a truth to that, right? All men are going to die physically and then they all will be made alive
Does that mean that they're going to get to heaven? life for all men
Let's look at Romans 5 18 and 19 and who has that Romans Bruce?
okay, so how do we like that as a Suggestion for universalism cut and pasted some of MacArthur's comments from his commentary and then
I come out Guido Right it
Guido points out the phrase in Christ and says, you know all these phrases And all these contexts suggest that the necessity of being in Christ However as a universalist if I were one
I would say something like well all men are in Christ That's the point Jesus is the only way
But he opened the way for all and all will tread the pathway to heaven
Bruce Yeah, I haven't read the universalist interpretation.
It would be quite interesting. I Mean, how do you do that? Many are on the road to destruction.
Well, you know But Jesus takes them off that road. I don't know what they'd say.
I Don't really know but you know as Guido was even saying if we think about the whole arguments of Romans leading up to that He's talked about the universal
Condemnation do everyone? Daniel good
Romans Daniel points out in Romans 5 1 it says having been justified by faith Therefore if there is no faith there can be no justification and without justification
Without that is being declared righteous by God there can be no heaven
So I yeah, I think Romans 5 would be a very problematic passage again many passages in number four
That Jesus is the Savior of all men or variations on that theme. That's why
I lumped them all together I saw them all listed separately, but I mean basically these are all the problem passages and it's interesting because those who want to say that the
Death of Christ is applied Universally really have similar arguments to those who want to say that it's available
Universally, it's you know, the only difference is Whether it is actually applicable to everyone or not.
Let's look at first Timothy 4 10 Yes, Becky.
Yeah. Well Well, except well Becky asked a good question and so I'll ask you
If they're going to say that all men are going to go to heaven Then why would
Jesus have to die at all from a universalist standpoint?
To keep justice intact because there's still this sin problem and they would acknowledge that The sin has to be paid for so they would say well
Yes, it has to be paid for and Jesus paid for all of it for everyone for all time with his death
No, no further requirements Pam I have to take a breath because that's pretty that's pretty good because what what is it?
What Pam just said is in essence this that if Christ died For all sin for all time so that everyone gets to heaven then by our continued existence on this planet
God is actually kind of the agent of sin He's allowing it to continue when he doesn't need to You just go
That's pretty harsh Yeah, I mean that That's a bit of a problem for a universalist.
I would think First Timothy 4 10 who has that go ahead
Casey anybody want to tackle that?
Let me just read from the authorized version Paul is obviously not teaching
Universalism well, obviously, okay that all people will be saved in the spiritual and eternal sense
Since the rest of Scripture clearly teaches that God will not save everyone Most will reject him and spend eternity in hell as we've spent a little time talking about yet the
Greek word Translated especially must mean that all gods or all people enjoy
God's salvation in some way like those who believe enjoy his salvation and MacArthur goes on to explain that it is in a in a temporal sense that unbelievers get some spillover benefits as it were from The the death of Christ He's a savior of all men there is a some kind of a benefit to all men via the death of Christ and you can even look at it in this way that Christianity Broadly speaking has had a positive impact in the world.
Certainly if we looked at our Constitution some of the common laws some of the things that we
Benefit from that are direct results of Christianity so we could say that Daniel God certainly is gracious and that he doesn't wipe out men
Women children as soon as they sin Very true and I think
Even here if we think about it just in in the terms of universalist terms here who is the
Savior of all men? If he really is the Savior of all men. Well, then the second
Phrase here, especially of believers. It has what meaning exactly if we're all going to heaven every single one of us
Even those who don't believe It has no meaning Zero has zero impact
Pam. Mm -hmm.
Yeah common grace certainly is is true kind of I mean,
I think I think the bottom line here is I mean we could just pick this apart for it is for this we labor and strive because we have fixed our hope on The Living God.
Well, who is that? Who is the we? Well, he's writing to Timothy. So he's talking about Paul and Timothy Who are believers?
We have fixed our hope on the Living God who is the Savior of all men. And so I I think it's
I mean, that's a difficult passage, but they're there I And I think
Daniel is really down the right road because he certainly is Capable of wiping us all out and could but he there's a particular grace to believers and that is a that is a difficult passage
But if we take it again to mean universal Universalism then the second part as I said is rendered absolutely meaningless.
It means nothing First Peter 318 That's the flood.
Yes, Bruce Mm -hmm, right.
Yeah, and Peggy says but they're dead and they can't walk to the physician yeah, I mean there has to be think it
I mean if we get nothing else out of this there has to be a a I'll use this word a quantitative difference
Between the all men that he's the Savior of all men and especially those who believe well in what sense?
If it really means that Jesus Christ has saved all men then there is no especially if it is as Bruce said that he has died and that he is
In some sense available to all men then it would be of particular benefit to the
Christians Guido. Did you have some? Okay No No, and I think that goes along with what
I'm saying that there has to be a quantity, you know If we said particularly the believers well in what sense, you know if it's in other words if universalism is the correct interpretation of that then there is no particular sense in which
Believers would be a beneficiary of the death of Christ Charlie right.
No, I think that's good, too Charlie says, you know, we may like everybody at BBC and If we have a special affection for our spouses or our children
Is that wrong, you know, so I mean if but again just looking at it from a universalist perspective
I don't think this solves any problems for them If you say that he's a savior of all men.
Well if Paul just stopped right there You'd have an argument, but he doesn't he continues on Charlie a lot of teaching on hell
And we're gonna talk about that if we get done talking about heaven, but the whole idea that there is
No hell again. I just say it is an unbiblical concept and what they're really trying to do is protect
God's image You know, this is his kind of that they're acting as if they are his advertising company and they're going to spare him, you know
Let's just let God spoke for himself he knows what he is Doing let's just turn the page and look at first Peter 4 6 for me.
It's turning the page for you. It might not be For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead
That though they are judged in the flesh as men they will they may live in the spirit
According to the will of God so they they say that this is a universalist passage to that it indicates that there's some kind of a
Hope even to those maybe who are Dead That though they are judged in the flesh as men they will live they may live in the spirit according to the will of God Again there's no warrant for that.
This is tied to a completely separate historical event and And I would
I would say that there are a number of There are a number of interpretations on this as difficult passage did a paper in seminary on this
I mean, it does it reflect does it go back to the flood and the pre all these other things, but here's the key again
Does it really teach? That Jesus died for all that all
Will go to heaven and there is nothing in this passage that would suggest that let's just kind of move on here
If we're going to have hell then the idea of Jesus as the
Savior of all men is problematic number five
God no longer counts men's sins against them. Look at 2nd Corinthians 5 19 and who has that?
Casey Okay, he's reconciling the world to himself everyone in the world and he's not counting their trespasses against them
I think this is the easiest one so far.
Why is that because of the context?
Just flip back a little bit look at verse 14
For the love of Christ controls us
Believers this church at Corinth and Paul having concluded this That one died for all therefore all died really
One died for all Jesus died for all people everywhere for all times therefore all died in what sense not in the spiritual sense
Not in the physical sense right As a result of Jesus's death all men experience physical death false all men experience
Spiritual death false. So when in what sense let's keep reading verse 15, and he died for all so that They who live might no longer live for themselves
But for him who died and rose again on their behalf Listen the ones he died there is a difference in their life
Paul describes it right here and he died for all so that all who live
Spiritually might no longer live for themselves But for him who died and rose again on their behalf
This isn't universalism. There's no universalism in this passage This is very specific language
Jesus Christ died for those who then live a life as a
Christian He was resurrected for those who are new look at verse 17.
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature Just as Guido was saying earlier it's that in Christ language
You are not the same person anymore the old things passed away or why? Behold new things have come if you're a universalist you have to look at this and just go well that must talk about heaven
Even though there's no heavenly language here now all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation and again, if you look at verse 20 and 21
Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were making an appeal through us We beg you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God Why beg people if they've already been reconciled if everyone's already reconciled and Then the great accounting verse he made him
God the Father made Jesus Christ the Son Who knew no sin who never sinned to be sin on our behalf?
So that we might become the righteousness of God in him not so that we could just continue on in our same life
Paul's very explicit those who are Christians have been transformed into new creatures
Those who are in Christ do not have the same life Look at what
MacArthur says God no longer counts men's sins against them He says just as the many died in verse 15 refers inclusively to all men so life to all men here reveres refers
Exclusively to those who trust in Christ this verse does not teach universalism as some have contended through the centuries
It is abundantly clear from other parts of this epistle Including the two verses of this chapter
The first two verses of this chapter the salvation comes only to those who have faith in Jesus Christ And he goes on Adams Adams disobedience caused him and his descendants to be made sinner by nature and Constitution in the same way
But with the exact opposite effect Christ's obedience Causes those who believe in him to be made
Righteous by nature and Constitution. All right, one last one
Psalm 30 verse 5 Again, I thought this
I'll go ahead and read this. I Thought this was pretty weak when you just look at the context just base of principles
For his anger talking about God's anger is but for a moment His favor is for a lifetime
Weeping may last for the night, but a shot of joy comes in the morning And they say well, you know,
God's only gonna be angry for a short period of time and then he's going to love everybody forever Listen, what
Boyce said? I mean this it this is an expositional common commentary. So he's not right on This particular verse dissecting it but listen what he says
I must add a warning before I go on it is true that for the people of God the sufferings of this life are
Minimized even if their misery should be great here for reasons known only to God They will be more than compensated for hereafter
This is not true for unbelievers for them It is exactly the opposite for those who go on their own way now
There may be times many times of temporary rejoicing the world has its pleasures Even the very wicked may have an occasional moment of heaven here on earth
But their portion hereafter will be hell In fact, even if they go through hell now as they sometimes say they do that hell will be heaven
Compared with the judgment yet to come think about that. You know people complain about how difficult this life can be apart from Christ eternity will be far worse infinitely worse and again, if we look at the context here of Psalm 30
Just look at verse 4 sing praise to the Lord you his godly ones and give thanks to his holy name
For his anger is but for a moment How do you get universalism out of that sing praise to the
Lord you his godly ones? You can't get universalism out of that It's just taking a line completely out of its context
Look at verse 7. Oh Lord by your favor. You have made my mountain to stand strong. You hid your face
I was dismayed. He's talking about a momentary chastisement Then verse 8 to you.
Oh Lord. I called unto the Lord. I made supplication What profit there is there in my blood if I go down to the pits?
what profit is there in my suffering if I then go to Some place other than heaven will the dust praise you will it declare your faithfulness?
No No, no, no That's just again bad hermeneutics
None of these verses support Universalism and that is the key the idea and we know this
I mean there What would be the point of the Great Commission? There's I mean most of Scripture could be thrown away with thrown away done away with you know
I just merged him away thrown away with Most of Scripture could be done away with if all there was was heaven if everyone was going to heaven.
What would be the point? God could just say well Adam and Eve made a mistake
I'm gonna forgive their mistake Everybody's gonna go to heaven Why didn't he do that even if he had to send his son then what would be the point of the rest of it?
This really ultimately makes no sense and really undermines not only
Scripture, but if I believe Think about this Christian as you're here this morning if you think that everyone is going to heaven
What's the urgency of evangelism if you have loved ones?
They're on and and of course anyone could die at any moment So we never know but if you have loved ones that are on the precipice of going to hell you have an urgency to share the gospel
If you know that there are Christ haters, and you think well everybody's going to have in any way Then why would you carry out the
Great Commission? Why would Jesus spend his time doing that? Why would he say preach the gospel?
Why would anyone do that and Yet that is our very purpose for being here.
We glorify God by preaching the gospel this idea of Universalism while it seems to be an attempt to sort of you know
Present God in a nice loving fatherly way What it really does is take the heart out of The gospel it's been said many times.
You can't give somebody the good news without giving them the bad news if they have no no sense of Judgment with regard to their sin, then why would they ever turn from their sin?
Why would they ever repent and flee? To Christ well
Let's go ahead and pray father this idea of Universalism Universalism Lord it is not only unbiblical, but it is an assault on your holiness and assault on your justice and assault on your righteousness and Ultimately an assault on the work that you set your son here to do father
I don't I don't labor under the delusion and I certainly hope that no one here believes that here today but father
I pray that you would make us bold in confronting this error this horrific error this misapplication of Scripture and this misleading way of viewing you and man
Lord. I would pray that we would have Within us not only the hope of heaven but for those around us a
Compassion and a fear for hell we we don't want anyone to go to hell Lord, but we know that you are
The only one who saves Lord make us effective evangelists those who would witness to those that we interact with father implant in us an
Urgency befitting The faith that awaits all those who will not
Repent from their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray in Christ's name.