Revival & Christian Nationalism

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Okay, so turn if you would to the book of Ezra book of Ezra chapter 9 and this morning we're going to be looking at the subjects of revival and Christian Nationalism now who has heard that term
Christian nationalism just raise your hand if you have heard it Okay, so you got two
Two people if you haven't heard it yet. I suspect you'll hear it in the future
Revival and Christian nationalism most of you know what revival is you have at least an idea of what revival would?
look like Christian nationalism basically just to give a very short definition
It's the idea that Christianity is part of our national identity that from the founding of the
United States of America we were a Christian nation and that Maybe we're not right now, but we should be and Christian nationalists if they even exist
This term is really debatable But the Christians want to see the
United States as a Christian nation Do you want to see the United States as a Christian nation?
I think we would all say amen But how do you go about that? What would that look like? That's that's kind of up for up for grabs a little bit.
So we're gonna be looking at these subjects Let me just throw out a few questions
Do you think our nation has Christian roots? Christian roots, okay the
Lord is referenced in the Declaration of Independence and almost all of the founding fathers at least claimed to be
Christians and Many if not Most are on record making statements about the importance of Christianity in the
Bible and how they were related to this newly founded nation So I'm gonna read some of the quotes in a few minutes, but when you hear the word revival
What do you think of when you hear that term? Moody okay renewal
Revival yeah people have this idea of All sorts of new converts coming to Christ people getting fired up from for God so Let's begin by talking about the subject of revival and hopefully you'll see by the end how these two terms may be
Connected but depending on the Bible translation you use the word revive or Revival is mentioned twice
Okay, just that specific word in English revive or revival is only mentioned twice in the
Bible and both times It is a prayer or an expression of thanks to God for his blessing in restoring the nation of Israel back to faith in the
Lord So in other words when the scripture speaks of revival in the only two occasions where it's mentioned it's speaking of national
Revival not just that a church doubled in size that is talking about revival all throughout
The nation and obviously it's speaking of the nation of Israel in in scripture
We all know that Israel had its highs and lows right anyone who's ever read the Old Testament knows that the northern kingdom of Israel Because they forsook the ways of the
Lord they were Destroyed conquered and basically the ten tribes are called
They're referred to now as the the lost tribes of Israel the southern kingdom of Judah was taken into captivity to Babylon and both of these references that we are going to look at seem to be speaking of revival in the southern kingdom of Judah, so let's look at Ezra chapter 9 verse 8
Ezra chapter 9 verse 8 says and now For a little while while grace has been shown from the
Lord our God To leave us a remnant to escape and to give us a peg speaking of security
To give us a peg in this holy place that our God may enlighten our eyes and give us a measure of revival in our
Bondage so you see that word? Revival okay now flip ahead to Psalm chapter 85
They sign about the nation they were taken captivity into captivity into Babylon God restored them
They turned to the Lord When they came back into the land That was national revival now this passage it appears to be speaking about the same thing
Psalm 85 We'll read verses 1 through 7 Lord you have been favorable to your land you have brought back
The captivity of Jacob you have forgiven the iniquity of your people and you have covered all their sin
You have taken away all your wrath You have turned from the fierceness of your anger
Restore us Oh God of our salvation and cause your anger toward us to cease
Will you be angry with us forever? Will you prolong your anger to all generations?
Will you not revive us again? So you see the word will you not revive us again?
Will you? Excuse me that your people may rejoice in you show us your mercy
Lord and grant us your salvation So will you not revive us again? So these are the two passages they use the term revive or revival and the word itself in Hebrew means to give life or to sustain
Life, so that's that's what we're looking about looking at and it's talking about giving life breathing life into The nation of Israel.
Okay. Yes For Restore us
Oh God of our salvation and cause your anger toward us to cease King James's turn
Right and I think you know, this is generally true This is the prayer for Christians in the
United States that we're praying, you know, Oh Lord give us revival And if I've heard that once I've heard it a thousand times
Christians praying for revival they desire Revival, I think if there's a Christian who doesn't want revival.
I mean, what would you even say about that? Yeah Yeah, so So God's people understand.
I hope the way things are right now in this country things are going downhill and Downhill fast in the primary reason is because this country has turned its back on God We did it a long time ago and it's just getting worse and worse
And there's really only one way out of it the next election is not going to fix it if the
Lord Terry's National revival is the only thing that can save this
Republic from destruction Founding father John Adams our nation's second president.
He said our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people
It is wholly inadequate to the government Or to the yeah to the governing of any other and other what does that mean?
Yeah, if the people are not Christian This experiment isn't going to work the
Constitution. What is it? It's a piece of paper The Constitution is just a piece of paper without honest men to uphold it really it becomes meaningless
Now to those who want to see Christianity stamped out and those who do want to see this
Republic Broken down and obviously those people are out there Their only argument that has gained any traction is that this country is inherently?
Racist now we were bad from the start So if this country crumbles if our system
Crumbles and we have to build back with something better Then that's a good thing because we were bad from the start because of slavery
We've we've all heard this argument and that's really the only argument that they have
Jim The Lord sent them by his messengers you
Rising up beat me time sending because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place but they mocked the messengers of God and despised his words and misused the prophets until you
Until the wrath of the Lord arose against them They were there was no remedy.
Okay reach the point where God said I'm done, right? Then I said therefore he brought upon them the king of the
Chaldeans who slew their young men With the sword of the heart of the house of the sanctuary and had no compassion on the young men and women old men
To him or him that stooped of her age. He gave them to it into his hand
He everybody there was a remnant that came out of that because this was a precursor to them going into bondage
Okay But the point is is that you? Preach the
Word of God and Believers are non -believers because if you read this passage
It didn't matter whether people were believers or not believers. He took everyone, right? Except that moment.
Yeah, and that's what we're facing today. And I think we're not Babylon The country's in Babylon, but God is
I think what you just said he's turned his back on The whole situation. Yeah. Well we turned our back on him and he's right.
Okay, I'm turning my back on you Larry How does Christian nationalism come about?
Well, yeah Individually and do we
Not have to become the people we want to see
Right. Yeah, and just the term Christian nationalism. I'm not even here saying hey, this is good
This is what we need or this is but if you read certain some Christian content like the gospel coalition and Christianity today who you've heard of that founded by Billy Graham back in the 1950s.
I think a lot of people In those groups would say Christian nationalism is actually a very bad thing
So there's actually a lot of evangelicals who are speaking against Christian nationalism.
So It requires a proper Definition of the term which is sort of the problem.
I'll get into that in a moment But clearly there are people who want to see this country going in a different direction a more secular
Direction and kind of erase our Christian history or they'll say well We were never
Christian to begin with and that's simply false and they want to replace it with socialism and The problem with socialism, of course is not only do you eventually run out of other people's money?
And then you have to print more money as they spend and then through inflation everybody becomes poor.
It's not just that Socialism is an inherently anti -christian ideology
Okay, socialism and communism Come from it's under the banner of Marxism, you know who
Karl Marx is I he hated Christianity So I know there's Christians you say hey, you know, just just preach the
Bible don't talk about any of this stuff well, we ought to care because It's all tied in together
If we buy in and a lot of churchgoers are starting to buy into this stuff if we go in that direction
Churches are gonna be in a rough shape and we already are because we're we're going down that road all right, so Revival and Christian nationalism.
I'm addressing these two terms and then if we have time we're going to look at Genesis chapter 35 which has been described as the first revival
Recorded in Scripture. So hopefully we'll have time for that. Just one more comment about this term revival when people hear that term they think of Just people getting fired up for God We're praying for churches to be full or maybe churches have a revival meeting
You've heard of that churches have a revival meeting in the past They'd have tent meetings where an evangelist comes into town
He stirs the people up and then they have an invitation at the end and all these people Come forward to accept
Christ or at least that's That's the idea so that's often what people think of as Revival does anyone have any?
You know when you hear revival, do you think of anything else? That's kind of what I thought of but again in the
Bible take it for what it's worth The only two occasions where that word is actually there
Yeah, it was talking about national revival Okay more on that when we get to Genesis 35 so Christian nationalism if you haven't heard the term yet,
I think eventually you will Now as far as the United States Becoming or moving in a direction where we are more of a
Christian nation. Why do people oppose that? Why do people see it as a terrible thing?
Brad She is being non -inclusive Right, right.
Yeah It's not tolerant towards the way the things they want Of course the things they want are not inclusive or tolerant of the things we want.
So I mean that works both ways I think there are some well -meaning people who are afraid that United States is going to become like the
Roman Catholic Church and a Theocracy and we're going to be you know, go back to the Salem witch trials or something like that I think that's a concern that some genuine people have that's not really what what we're talking about But we do believe
I believe that you really can't separate Our nation's history with biblical
Christianity whether you like it or not. The two are connected
Larry Whatever group or party
People belong to you have people that are extremists and you have people that aren't and everywhere in between and the downside with Christians is
They're fallen Humans. Yeah, and they said and But a lot of them portray
You know a different Lifestyle but they
Don't live it. Sure. And so it comes it reflects poorly.
Yeah, just like We've all heard soul fest is coming to Northfield Well, I asked the town clerk about it.
He said well, there's been no request for permitting but there's been plenty of committees that have been established for large groups of which they
Would prefer not to see any as he turned a hardcore evangelist
Who who have no regard for private property and Picking up after themselves leaving trash
Just camping wherever they want because there's a piece of land, right? And that's what they're seeing and that's what they have shown and At Gunstock Mountain, that is why they are no longer allowed to be there is because they have not had a good testimony
Yeah Well, listen people are people if you get a whole bunch of Christians together
You have a country with a Christian government quote -unquote, whatever that that country is gonna have problems
Okay, but then you have a secular Government they're gonna have problems too. You're gonna have problems either way.
And yeah, you touched on something they want to keep Evangelicals out they want to push
Evangelicals out. Well, I want to push communists out, you know, so I it's okay.
We understand each other But the problem is when it resorts to violence all
Good people ought to Agree with that. I think We don't want it to come to violence and the way
I see it One side is trying to paint the other as extremists that if you don't agree with us
You are a violent threat and that's where I fear This is a made -up term.
This is how this is how I understand that. This is a made -up term to smear
Evangelicals who are patriotic and want to see this country Restored back to some semblance of a one nation under God So I think they're making up this term to smear believers to try to paint
Committed Christians as people who we think they just want to overthrow the government like a violent open
That's what I think that's where I think this is coming from. I could be totally wrong, but that's my perception of it
Is it we're entering into dangerous territory going forward? Yes, Stacy Actually, what
Brad said as far as the threat of a Christian or Christianity in general,
I guess is that It points people to their sinful nature.
So not only is it not inclusive, but it's Not inclusive to the sinful nature.
Yeah, and so speaking against the sinful nature Especially in light of the direction that this country is headed so severely it
Convicts right everybody's behavior, right? And so we can't have that because Right.
Everybody has their own Will yeah their own View of what their life should be
Sure, so yeah, it's very much convicting absolutely
Absolutely. So this is a a battle over ideas. This is a battle over world view
Which side is going to win? but again, once one side becomes aggressive or violent they become the tyrants and I don't think that's the way
Christians are I know it's not the way Christians are but that's the way they're trying to paint Christians with this term in my in my opinion
Yeah Satan will always try to cause divisions
And I'm thankful for the fact that and you mentioned violence and wars and so forth.
I mean, obviously the United States What came about and what it required the
Revolutionary War, right? You mentioned racism in the United States and slavery and so forth.
Well that caused a civil war I'm glad I mean and of course we used to be able to vote for Leaders, I'm not sure anymore
Christians and Godly people for the most part throughout all of human history have been in a minority, right?
But there again, I'm glad for these battles, you know, we read of all kinds of battles in the
Old Testament These battles where numbers did not did not matter
And as I always say on Wednesday nights
Israel was fighting physical battles because they were a physical nation The church is a spiritual nation and we fight spiritual battles not physical.
Okay, you add something. Yeah The other side of your world They're poking right they want us they want a response they want us to get violent, right?
Yeah Yeah, there's no doubt in my mind they're doing things intentionally to provoke a response
They want the response because when there is a response then they have the pretext is already there to crack down into it
Yeah, there's no question in my mind. That's what's happening But let's let's just stick yes one more and then try to keep it questions
I'm looking at my material I'll never get through it all so Questions from here on out. Yes Yeah isms are bad right we all know isms are bad
Good good insight So the response to believers wanting the
United States To be one nation under God people say don't impose your morality you
Christians don't Impose your morality. Well, they want to impose their morality.
I mean somebody somebody's morality is going to be imposed That's unavoidable or they will say
Separation of church and state that's that's a big one But is that really what the founders of this country believed just a few quotes
George Washington once said it is impossible to rightly govern the world without the
Bible I Already mentioned John Adams how our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people
Thomas Jefferson the man who coined that term separation of church and state He said that the
Bible makes the best people in the world Now these are politicians, you know, they say things like this.
They really believe it I mean who knows but this is what they said and by the way that concept of separation meant that the state
This is what separation of church and state means that the state stays out of the affairs of the church
And to that we say amen, right? So I believe in the separation but now they want a separation between the state and God They want this country to be completely secular.
That means you need to shut up You know, you can believe what you want in your house and maybe on church maybe in church on Sunday morning
But beyond that they want you to keep quiet So just considering some of these statements
Clearly there is a connection between the founding fathers and Christianity Andrew Jackson once said that Referring to the
Bible. He said that book is the rock on which our Republic rests
Abraham Lincoln said He said but for that book we could not know right from wrong
He said I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given
To man, so there goes the idea that you know The fathers of our country didn't want our nation to have anything to do with Christianity I want just one more quote
Ulysses S. Grant said the Bible is the anchor of our liberties and that of course stands in stark contrast to Socialism and communism where they believe your rights in your civil liberties come from who from God No, they don't believe that they believe your rights come from the government and guess what if the government can give you your rights
What else can the government do? They can take them away Now the common rebuttal will be that those men
Washington Jefferson Jackson They were all a bunch of racists. They were terrible people.
So who cares what they say? I mean, that's really the only response that they have that these men were deeply flawed
Yeah, our our leaders today deeply flawed Everybody is flawed.
Okay Let's turn to let's see, what's the next passage we're gonna look at Does anyone have any biblical passages that kind of come to mind about?
Okay, no Well Romans 3 23 says all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God so it doesn't matter leaders back then or leaders today everybody is flawed so if someone makes up a term
Christian nationalism to make you feel ashamed that You think your nation should be abiding by to some degree the the word of God don't let them make you feel ashamed
The Apostle Paul was not ashamed of the gospel The early Christians were not ashamed of their beliefs
The Bible is true. Jesus is still Lord and God is to be obeyed
No matter what the heathen think no matter what they say so there's this spiritual battle going on in our nation and I think just a
Class like this is helpful to at least make you aware of it Some of you are aware of a lot of these things but just the term
Just watch out for it. If somebody brings this up the term They're usually coming from a place like well, you're not one of those people.
Are you? That you're gonna try to impose your morality, all right, so what about this term
Christian nationalism Christianity today I want to read their statement on Christian nationalism
This is a publication founded in 1956 by Billy Graham who's read
Christian Christianity today over the years. Okay, two people
You've probably noticed their leftward drift. I'm assuming right
Christianity today is not a conservative publication by any means. They're not flying the rainbow flag either.
So I mean they're not a Lot of people consider them pretty middle -of -the -road. Here's what they said about Christian nationalism said
Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way
Popularly Christian nationalists assert that America is in must remain a
Christian nation Not merely as an observation About American history, but as a prescriptive program for what
America must continue to be in the future Scholars like Samuel Huntington.
I don't know who that is Have made a similar argument that America is defined by its
Anglo Protestant past the thing I don't like about this is they're trying to bring skin color into it
You know, you just you know, you Anglos, you know, you white people basically I don't like it when they try to bring skin color into the argument
But he said America is defined by its Anglo Protestant past and that we will lose our
Identity and our freedom if we do not preserve our cultural inheritance
He continues Christian nationalists. Do not reject the First Amendment nor do they advocate for theocracy?
But they do believe that Christianity should enjoy a privileged position in the public square
The term Christian nationalism is relatively new and its advocates generally do not use it of themselves but it accurately describes
American nationalists who believe American identity is inseparable from Christianity here's why
I'm not going to Embrace or reject the term number one.
It's brand new So I don't totally know where it's coming from number two People have different definitions for terms so I could think one thing and embrace it and they could say well you just want to keep
The United States white that has nothing to do with it. That has nothing to do with it.
And Again I'm concerned about where this term came from and what the
Motivation is, okay a Few things did Israel did the
Nation of Israel have laws that enforced their religion?
Yeah that enforced that to be a member of the Nation of Israel you had to observe these religious holidays
Yeah, they did didn't they? But the United States is not Israel and I don't know any
Christian who's trying to make the United States Israel Do they exist are these people out there?
Maybe but I think they would be the small minority so again Christian nationalism honestly from what
I can tell it's a made -up term in order to Attempt to slander
Christians who are also patriotic Another question.
Do you think our laws? Should be influenced by what the Bible teaches
Yeah, I mean how could a Christian not believe that Well, I'm a
Christian, but I don't think we should actually Do anything about I don't think we should actually have our laws
To me that makes no sense Obviously if you're not a Christian and you have a completely different worldview, you're not you're not gonna want that you're gonna want something else so All right.
Let's turn to Genesis chapter 35 So, what's the solution?
I'm saying going back to the term revival Since in the
Bible again the two times that English word is found It's always speaking about a national revival in order for us to have true
Revival I believe it does have to be a national revival a church
Could go through a miniature revival in their own church or something like that's fine
But when people talk about revival, they're talking about something bigger. They're talking about a movement of God That isn't just going to affect one local assembly
You know and this isn't meant as an insult because we're all sheep Right. We're all sheep in the
Lord's pasture sheep tend to follow a Shepherd right in order to see things change
I believe the Lord is going to have to raise up a leader
Maybe not just one man, but men to lead the
Flock in the United States and worldwide. I don't see that happening at the moment
But the climate needs to change I think one of the reasons why it's so hard to live the
Christian life in the year 2022 is because you feel like you're alone And it's difficult and maybe you want to do the right thing but then when you try to do the right thing you get you know, you get slapped down by The unbelievers around you it even sometimes within the church you can you can get that So things need to change and it has to be
I Believe a national revival. Okay Now speaking about a nation in the
Old Testament you talk about the nation of Israel, right? How did the nation of Israel begin? Well, they started off as a
Family right the nation of Israel originally was one family of I think what 70 people that went down Went down to Egypt who is the the patriarch that's a that's another bad word that some of those people don't live the patriarchy
Well, who is the patriarch? Yeah, okay Abraham then his son
Isaac and then Jacob Jacob had his name changed to Israel Jacob now is the patriarch of the family
So you're in Genesis 35 This has been described as the first revival in Scripture Let's read it says then
God said to Jacob arise and go up to Bethel and there dwell and make an altar there to God who appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother and Jacob said to his household into all who were with him
Put away the foreign gods that are among you purify yourselves and change your garments, you know, one thing
I find interesting is that Within Jacob's family and within that company.
They had foreign gods They had idols usually these little Figures that represented other deities.
Why was that permitted in the first place? But it was so he said put away
Your foreign gods purify yourselves change your garments Then let us arise and go up to Bethel.
Some people say Bethel. I say Bethel. What does Bethel mean? the house of God And I will make an altar there to God who answered me in the day of my distress
And has been with me in the way, which I have gone So they gave
Jacob all the foreign gods which were in their hands And the earrings which were in their ears and Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree, which was by Shechem So I don't think they're getting them back and they journeyed and the terror of God was upon the cities
That were all around them and they did not pursue the sons of Jacob so Jacob came to Luz that is
Bethel Which is in the land of Canaan he and all the people who were with him and he built an altar there and called the place
El Bethel because their God appeared to him when he had fled from the face of his
Brother, so I would say it starts out revival starts out when
Individuals get right with the Lord We need to purify ourselves then verse 9 then
God appeared to Jacob when he came from Pat and Aram and blessed him and God said your name is
Jacob Your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name
So he called his name Israel Also God said to him.
I am God Almighty be fruitful and multiply a nation and a company of nations
Shall proceed from you and kings shall come from your body the land which
I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you and to your descendants after you
I give this land so you can see the connection between a revival being a national revival and I will give you this land if you do this so in conclusion just as Israel was to be a nation under God.
That's the prayer for Bible -believing Christians today that our nation would be a nation
Under God if we are really going to be blessed as a nation. We need to obey
God and obey God's Commandments Anytime you've heard of Ten Commandments monuments in any time that's in the news.
What are they doing? They're trying to remove them. They're trying to take them out The laws being passed are really about breaking the
Ten Commandments one political party somebody once said that their platform is basically the Ten Commandments in reverse and The other party really ain't a whole lot better.
At least maybe they say the right things, but they don't do the right things So I'll say this that an election isn't going to change anything
May make things a little better a little worse the only hope for this Republic is if there is a national revival and it starts with God's people, so Whatever foreign gods
God's people might have we need to put those away Whatever things that are hindering our walk
We need to purify ourselves change our clothes seek the Lord and as a people
Again, starting with the church. We need to seek to obey God Without it.
The the judgment of God is already. It's already here and I fear
What's coming for our? Children and grandchildren if if things don't change but God can still bless and protect his people in the midst of calamity so All right,
Marcus Okay, now we got two or three minutes for whatever
The only thing that's going to work democracies have never worked in all of human history for very long
Because the majority of people will be ungodly That's why
I'm afraid The only thing that's going to work is a kingdom where Christ is king
Yeah, yeah, that's the only time you're really gonna have righteousness established when Christ is here ruling
In person that that's that's true But we we don't even have a democracy
We have a constitutional Republic like people can't just vote whatever they want Like it has to be within the framework of the
Constitution. That's the way it's supposed to be but the Constitution is again It's a piece of paper if people aren't upholding it then it's not gonna really matter
My favorite sports team more Yeah, God has to take the place of preeminence you can't put sports ahead of him