This Present Deception - [1 Corinthians 6:9-11]

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Would you take your Bibles please and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 as we work through the book of 1st
Corinthians today We're going to continue this theme It's basically talking about righteous living how to live righteously, especially when somebody has done something
Something against you as you're turning there. I'd like to say that we live in a nation full of rights know your rights
And we're going to learn today in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 That you as a Christian never have a right to act unrighteously
You never have the right to act in an ungodly fashion You've been bought with a price a very high price
You've been purchased by the blood of Christ and in light of that you already respond Biblically and correctly and you never ever have the right to act unrighteously
You may have other inalienable rights in America You may have the right for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
But you never have the right to act unrighteously And we're going to learn today that if you do you should probably ask yourself the question am
I really a Christian? Can I really do this and? Be so focused on myself
What I get what I want How can I be saved I? Did a little research
This society that we live in today is so self -centered, and we've even got a new vocabulary for it
Self -seeking self -love self -importance self -satisfaction self -esteem self -help self -conscious self -assured
Self -realization self -reliant self -expression. We've got a whole culture of self self self and of course the
Bible says we have to deny self Be selfless die to self
And so we're gonna look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 today, and I'm gonna ask you the question. Do you ever have the right?
to act unrighteously Paul has dealt with a lot of subjects and now he comes to suing other people so we know the
Christians And he says with lots of questions in chapter 6 When one of you has a grievance against one another chapter 6 verse 1 does he dare go to law before the
Unrighteous instead of the Saints he said would you dare? Do that the answer should be we shouldn't do it, but it was going on a quorum
And he says in the next two verses basically you're competent to judge Aren't you or do you not know that the
Saints will judge the world? It goes from the greater argument to the lesser if the world is to be judged by you are you incompetent to try?
Trivial cases Lots of questions lots of doing you're not knows because he knows they know he was there for 18 months
Do you not know that we are to judge angels how much more than matters pertaining to?
This life, and he keeps the pressure on and he asks this next set of questions Would you settle for second best when it comes to life?
physicians lawyers No, he says verse 4 so if you have such cases
Why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church no real wisdom? And he keeps going he says it's shameful to air dirty laundry verse 5.
I say this to your shame Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers?
But brother goes law against brother and that before unbelievers. I thought you
Corinthians were super wise chapter 1 and Then he says in chapter 6 verse 7 and 8 are you gonna sue your own family once you just rather be?
preferring Something bad once you rather be wrong to have lawsuits at all with one another the second you go to court against an unbeliever
You've already lost It's already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong why not rather be defrauded?
But you yourselves emphatically wrong into fraud even your own brothers
So you can imagine what's happening. We looked at this two weeks ago. You've got a situation that's going on there at Corinth and probably if you take it to The elder board of the church you're gonna lose
So you say well, you know what if I take it to the elder board? I'll lose so I'll go to the unbelieving people and the lawyers there and I've got extra money and back in those days
Grease the palm you get what you want. And if you've got power you're going to win and Paul says don't do that Paul says this is not acting
Christian Lee What's going to happen in the lawsuit?
You can see how it happened ad hominem attacks slander How many chapters were written on?
unity to start with Chapter 1 2 3 & 4 this is going to bring the church together
Can you imagine if we had Eric Johanson was suing Bruce Bolivar?
And all the stuff and you can imagine what would go on. This is why I'm right. This is why you know
Prayer emails, excuse me gossip emails. I got things going on and you know, we're working through this.
It would create a problem Although I know those two men well, and I don't think they would ever do it
Paul says it's the body. We're one body. It's like the foot suing the arm just be treated unjustly
It's not that big a deal. Is there more to life than this earth? Everything you've been given has been given to you by God So just just be cheated.
It's not that big a deal Turn with me if you would to 1st Peter 2 just for a moment.
Keep your finger in 1st Corinthians 1st Peter chapter 2 Let's look at our Lord's response to injustice if Jesus the suffering servant suffered
Shouldn't he have servants like you who also suffer? This is not some kind of new concept when you learn about Christ.
You learn about the suffering servant and 1st Peter chapter 2 verses 21 and following give us a little snapshot of the attitude
Paul wants for everyone And even though we don't have lawsuits going on under church today.
It's just good biblical thinking 1st Peter 2 21 For to this you have been called because Christ also suffered for you leaving you an example
So that you might follow in his steps He committed no sin neither was deceit found in his mouth when he was reviled
He did not revile in return when he suffered he did not threaten but continued entrusting himself to him who judges
Justly he himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness
By his wounds you have been healed for you were strained like sheep But have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls
Jesus is the one who says I will entrust myself to the Father even though I'm being treated
Wrongly, and how much more are we to do the same thing Jesus the sinless one we are sinners yet We still say
I'm just gonna trust God in the midst of this it is never right to sue another Christian Turn with me if you would to Matthew chapter 5 for harmony in the body for witness before the world and for following the words of Jesus Matthew chapter 5
It's just so weird now to turn to Matthew chapter 5 because eight days ago I stood on the Mount of Beatitudes and preached the
Beatitudes Someday you've got to go by the way to Israel if this is
Israel And you have this Jerusalem is right here And you're up here in Nazareth and the text says that Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
How often do you go up to Connecticut? You just go I don't get it but if you take
Israel the map and turn it like this and realize That Jerusalem's on a mountain you realize how you can be in the north and go up to Jerusalem because you go up to the mountain
It's great And here in this sermon the
Sermon on the Mount Listen to what Jesus says is there a teacher like this when
Pradeep was reading math mark mark seven I just thought there's nobody like Jesus And to think that he's our
Shepherd the Lord is my Shepherd Matthew 5 38 gives us some insight into the way we should think when people
Have disagreements when somebody's after you. I'm not saying you never can sue someone
But I'm saying you can never sue a Christian I'm not saying you can't Have criminal charges against a
Christian. This is civil here But look at Matthew 5 38 you have heard that it was said and I for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
But I say to you Jesus says how about this? Do not resist an evil person, but whoever slaps you on the right cheek turn the other to him also
My favorite things of all time is to teach Bible verses the right way Especially when they've been taken out of context for so long.
This is one of the most misinterpreted passages in all the Bible Now if somebody's going to come to you with their fist and they hit you
Do you let them hit you again? Well, that's the question
Nikita Khrushchev said we communists have many things in common with the teachings of Jesus My sole difference with Christ is that when someone hits me on the right cheek
I hit him so hard on the left that his head falls off So if somebody's going to punch you do you duck do you let them hit you what do you do
I? Mean everybody throws this verse out of context in the world. They just throw it out You know turn the other cheek just turn the other cheek kind of like this this kind of weak
Sissified kind of Christianity, but look at the text closer When someone slaps you on your right cheek the word is strike a sharp slap
Turn the other also now how many people here are right -handed raise your hand
Okay, the rest of you are left Most people in the world are right hand you have to work with me.
I don't get much sleep these days I'm upside down on the sleep Right cheek right fist open fist right hand right cheek
All right, I'm going to be the one receiving the blow now. I'm gonna be the one giving the blow
This is his this is the right cheek right here. Here's my right hand. How do you take your right hand and hit somebody's right cheek?
With a powerful kung -fu foot punch like that Of course not
You think about culture, and you say what's the most? Heinous thing to do and embarrassing thing to do to someone
Well, you could pick up a sandal throw it at them You could spit on their face or you could say you know what your face doesn't even deserve my fist
I'm going to take the back of my hand and insult you by hitting you on your face.
This is an insult You don't even deserve my fist Jesus is not saying if somebody punches you
With force to try to give you a bloody nose and knock you out that you just keep letting them do it
Like I tell Luke all the time. It's sometimes right to hit people If somebody's hitting you or your mom your mom you hit them until they stop hitting back
And pummel them until they're on the ground Luke's smiling But if someone insults you not even with words, but even with the back of a hand
I don't even you don't even deserve my fist and they hit you. What is Jesus saying? Then here's my other cheek
This is not some kind of assault. This is an insult Verse 40 you can see the same kind of it's just antithetical
Thinking it's just anti world thinking rather if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt hire
Alan Dershowitz What's he say? Let him have your coat also
That doesn't mean you could never file a lawsuit but Jesus's whole concept here is
Suffering a loss because you're a kingdom of you're in the kingdom of God. It's okay.
You should have a willingness to do that If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt you sue him first you counter sue doesn't say any of that I'll just part with these things gladly
Verse 41 same thing here have no rights Whoever forces you to go one mile
By the way, the Roman soldiers could say could you please carry my luggage one mile? And they can just walk up to you in the
Middle East and commandeer you especially if you're a Jew you go one mile and Carry my suitcase Okay, I'll go farther go with him to Verse 42 give to him who asked of you do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you
The mind of a Christian who says somebody's trying to take something of mine or someone has taken something and I need to get it back
It's completely different than those who are in the world Let me give you some valuable life lessons for conflict resolution
In the next 10 or 15 minutes before we progress into chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 some life lessons for conflict
Resolution because here's where the issue is There's a conflict in the church. How do you resolve the conflict?
So let me give you some conflict resolution Helpers, I have 11 of them.
So, you know, it'll be four parts series I'm gonna go pretty fast. If you've got problems with somebody else in the church or at home.
What do you do? Let me just give you these life lessons because that's really a problem Excuse me, the real problem is something's going on in the church.
There's a rub And so why take it to court when you can just solve the problem?
True or false. We have everything we need in the Bible to teach us how to live a godly life You think there's conflict resolution in the
Bible of what to do how to think about it? We don't have to go outside. We can solve conflicts.
And so these will be good For the church. These will be good for your marriage at work
Just helpful lessons about trouble and conflict number one Assume That you and everybody else
Are in good standing until you hear differently Assume that you're in good standing with everyone here that nobody's got a problem with you
Until you hear from them So what's this do this means if you've got a problem with somebody else
They can't read your mind and you need to go what Option one
Cover love covers. How many sins first peter chapter 4 verse 8 Multitude of sins so you either cover their sins unless you have the spiritual gift of confrontation
What some people do? You cover the sins But if you can't cover the sins then you need to go to that person and say you said this you did that I took it such in such a way.
Could we please solve this? We're in one body together christ has redeemed us. We're going to spend all eternity together. Let's work on this
This helps the local body because if you're bugged at someone they don't know you're bugged.
It's your responsibility to go to them That's just matthew 18. That's just common sense
Well pastor walked by the other day in the hallway didn't even look at me and you know He's just you know, and then your mind just goes and goes and goes you need well
If that's you you need to grow up and we have a nursery bottle for you over there but in general I always wanted to have a bottle just sitting on my desk
Kind of with some formula if somebody came in i'm not the center of the church So, you know what what does love do love believes all things love hopes all things love bears all things
You know people are sick and people are tired and I am not the center of the universe in the church And they looked at me or they didn't say something or they didn't comment or they didn't act a certain way
I did But you know what i'm a worse sinner than they are and i'm just going to cover it and we're good
But if you can't get over it, then you need to go to the person You need to say, you know, you did something. I just can't get over it.
My mind i'm weak I know probably but my mind just runs over and over and over And you said this and it hurt and you did this and it was sin and could we please reconcile?
And then you reconcile, right? So if you've got problems with anybody here at this church today after the service forget the greeting time
Forget the socializing you need to go right to them because today is the day that you go tell someone else
This is the problem. Could we resolve it? Why? For the glory of christ jesus because it's the right thing same thing in a marriage
Somebody's super mad at their spouse and I can't believe they did this that or the other but the spouse They don't even know they did it.
They're just oblivious. You need to cover or you need to go. That's number one We'll look at some verses here soon number two
Don't be surprised that there are conflicts in the church and marriage
Don't be surprised Some people I think want every conflict solved and every conflict done and no conflicts going on Guess what?
We're fallen people and they're going to be conflicts and now that the lord is bringing new people to the church We're just having more conflict makers
And so you think you know what conflicts will cease in heaven Conflict is always going to be around but number three
Be joyful because conflicts Can help Conflicts can cause maturity
Conflicts can cause you to read your bible more Conflicts can cause iron to sharpen iron.
So one man sharpens another Conflicts cause communication to increase
Conflicts make you depend on the lord in prayer conflicts make you say i've got to seek out scripture to make sure
I know what i'm doing So be joyful There's a conflict you should say this is going to be a time where jesus christ and his greatness
Can shine because when I was an unbeliever there was conflicts chaos now, it's going to be the lord in his greatness
Number four trust that god has sovereignly ordained the conflict
Trust in the lord that he's sovereignly ordained the conflict. It's the most wise thing that could ever happen God is sovereign and he uses trials
To shape us number five
Never drudge up conflicts that have already been dealt with biblically If we did these things by the grace of god, they're going to be no lawsuits
That's for sure never drudge up conflicts that have been dealt with biblically Proverbs 17 9 he who covers a transgression seeks love, but he repeats a matter separates intimate friends
Ephesians chapter 4 first corinthians, excuse me, uh, psalm chapter 103 So far as the east of the is from the west so far
He has removed our transgressions from us if there's been a conflict and you resolved it and you've said these words
Honey, could you please forgive me i'm sinful and I said the wrong things I did the wrong thing And then you say
I forgive you you may never ever ever bring those things up again ever
Because you're to forgive ephesians 4 like god forgives and once god forgives you aren't you glad it's just gone forever
I've done so many things with my mind and in my heart That I am so thankful that god will never see those because the blood of christ has cleansed me from those sins
We saw lots of replicas of the ark of the covenant And the men with the poles who were carrying the ark and you can see there's the box the ark of the covenant
And then inside the ark we had the ten commandments Aaron's rod right and a piece of manna and then you had the slab on the top with the seraphim coming up and over They would put the blood all over the top of what we call the mercy seat with a place of propitiation
There would be blood all over there signifying what? Signifying that when god the omniscient god with his holy all -seeing eyes
Looks down upon the law that you have surely broken. He can't see it because the blood covers it
There's already been death no more death And if god has forgiven us our sins We're going to somehow hold on to that to manipulate people and to use it later and to say see what you did back then
Never dredge up conflicts that have already been dealt with biblically Number six Don't solve conflicts sinfully don't use sinful behavior or speech to fan the fan the flames of conflict like name calling
I don't know if you're having a conflict in the church, but you should not call the other person an idiot slob dumb
None of those things you should also not Exaggerate you always do that.
You never do that Unless it's true Which I doubt it would be
Sarcasm ridicule insults No, he who returns evil for good evil will not depart from his house
Seven we've got to move seven regularly act like jesus and think of calvary Regularly act like jesus and think of calvary true or false.
It's a glory to cover a transgression It's a glory If you could sum up the mission of christ you think about forgiveness of sins and you say well, you know what?
I can either forgive you when someone says can you please forgive me for what you've done? Let's see. I'm going to think exactly the way not to act like jesus.
I'm going to use this. I'll leverage it I don't want to say yes, if I say yes, i'll get taken advantage of i'll just do it again
They didn't really mean it. I'm not sure what they're thinking. Why don't you just say do you know? I used to exact act exactly the opposite of jesus and now i'll say do you know what?
The epitome of christ's work on calvary as he's pleased the father and he's forgiven me of sins. I'll gladly forgive you
I sin more than you Eight initiate reconciliation you be the peacemaker
Romans 12 if possible so far as it depends on you be at peace with all men If there's conflict in the church if eric and bruce are going to make up after the service
We're going to see them meet right here in the middle Because eric's going to take initiative bruce is going to take initiative and there you meet
You should be the one you should say, you know when i've got conflicts I want to be the first one who goes
I want to be the one that says we're going to we're going to set this right for the glory of christ For the good of our marriage for the greatness of of his church his local body.
Let's go ahead and take care of this now Rt. Archibald said peacemakers carry about with them an atmosphere in which quarrels die a natural death
Number nine keep your emotions subservient to the word of god Keep your emotions subservient to the word of god when you are solving conflicts
And I know you can do it Because I know if you get in a big fight with somebody in your family and the phone rings
You said this you did that you're doing to do that. How can we do that ring ring? Hi my cave in drop
Not that i've ever done it, but I know you could do it Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit
Number 10 remember sooner or later the conflict must be dealt with So revolve resolve it to the glory of god
If you've got the power to resolve it Proverbs 3 says do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do so And then number 11 finally before we get back into the text worship instead of worry
Before during and after the conflict Worship instead of worry remember sanctification you say no to the wrong thing and then you put on the right thing
So no to worry. Yes to worship I'm going to worship god in the midst of this conflict and I know one day something's going to be happening
And that is all the conflicts will be taken care of this person Eventually in heaven this person is going to be glorified one day and why worry about something that's sure to happen
That is the glorification of a person in church are my spouse Philippians 4 rejoicing lord always again.
I say rejoice even in conflicts All right, let's go back to first corinthians chapter 6 that was my little
My little conflict resolution and if you've got a problem with it, we'll talk to you after the service All right, first corinthians chapter 6 9 to 11 back up again taking a big picture 6 1 to 8 is talking about having no rights to act unjustly and now 6 9 to 11.
I've got a question for you Is it the next section or does it go with the first section? 1 to 8
Well, the best way to find out is to see if there's a connecting word in verse 9, so here's the question again
Most people when they preach 6 9 to 11 consider it its own unit
But that's not right because there's an initial word there that connects it to 6 1 to 8 6 1 to 8 and 6 9 to 11.
It's the third time i've said it because it's very very important It's connected by the word or this is one unit
The thought passage The pericope should be 6 9 To 11 as the new one.
No 6 chapter 6 1 to 11 Let me read it to you and tell me how this fits in.
How does this go with the lawsuit issue of chapter? 6 verse 1 to 8 First corinthians 6 9 into 10 and 11 or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god
Do not be deceived Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexual homosexuality nor thieves nor the greedy or drunkards nor revilers swindlers
Will inherit the kingdom of god And such were some of you but you
Were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the lord.
Jesus christ and by the spirit of our What is the connection?
We've got 6 1 to 8 and now we've got 9 to 11. They all go together Here's the connection 6 1 to 8 don't act
Unrighteously by suing another christian And here's a warning to make sure you realize just how important it is
Did you know that people who are characterized by unrighteousness don't go to heaven? Say well, you know, it's just a lawsuit.
It's just this it's just that It is unrighteous behavior to sue another christian when god says don't sue another christian
So paul says just as a warning just for emphasis just for a for a very emphatic statement unrighteous people
Like those who sue don't inherit the kingdom of god Righteous people positively
Suffer now and inherit later unrighteous Get now and suffer later righteous
Suffer now and get later you say mike you keep repeating yourself. I think i'm doing it for my sake and you're sick today
Suffer now and inherit later Now that helps unity that's wise and so paul gives this motivation here to be godly
The unrighteous don't go to heaven. So act righteously And then he also says in verse 11, we're going to see and jesus has changed you you're going to be different So let's take a look at this and see it in context
Main question again, if you've been a christian If you are a christian rather you are different.
So don't act like you used to do Like you used to act Now we ask the question again.
Take a look at it in verse nine Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god?
Do they know that? Do you know that? of course Do not be deceived
Here's my question. Is it easy to be deceived with this? It's easy to be deceived because why would he say do not be deceived?
Oh, we would never be deceived the world It's pressure. It's thinking it's selling it's media
Unrighteous go to heaven our hearts Well, you know what there really can't be a hell
So bad just temporary sins on earth and god punishes people forever. What kind of loving god would that be?
Paul says don't be deceived because it's easy to be deceived the word deceived by the way is where we get the word planet
P -l -a -n -e -t planeo and if you sit and watch a planet, what does it seem like it's doing over time?
It seems like it kind of goes astray It seems like it doesn't have the same pattern all the time. And so this is the word don't be deceived
Paul says you know better you should know Don't be deceived your hearts might trick you.
What's the most? Deadly thing for deception in the life of a christian It's not the world.
It's our own hearts You know what I like about paul he's basically saying this there is not one
Reason you should be deceived with this issue. There's no necessity. I'm just going to tell you the truth
Nobody should be deceived when we go to this list this parade of sinful people and when the parade goes by of people who are characterized by fornication idolatry adultery passive and active homosexual sexuality
And greed and all the way down the line when that parade goes by you on jerry springer show or on oprah
You should never say to yourself, but you know They're nice They love each other
They're committed What goes on with two consenting adults? It's not that big a deal
Paul says don't be deceived It's going to be easy to be deceived be careful
And so paul gives a list here of 10 things. It's not an exhaustive list but 10
Characteristic words That should remind you that when you meet a person like this you should evangelize them
That when you say this is what I used to be. Thank god that i'm not this anymore A .t.
robertson calls this the solemn roll call of the damned Doesn't mean that christians can't commit these sins, but they're not dominated by these sins.
This is not lifestyle sins catalogs of sinners that are typical of the unsaved
There are 10 in the greek Nine sadly in the esv But we'll tell you why in a second number one fornicators, let me give you the greek word pornoi
P -o -r -n is the root word This is all sexual sin outside of marriage
So people that are dominated by that that's their lifestyle. That's just what they do. It's not they sin one time repented and And reestablished uh reestablished fellowship with the lord.
This is people who fornicate The bible says they will not inherit the kingdom of god
It's like years ago when I met someone here and I said, uh, are you a christian? Yes Uh, does your girlfriend live in your house with you?
Yes, how long has she lived there six years? I said do you sleep upstairs and she sleeps downstairs?
Of course not we sleep together So you're telling me for six years you've slept together and now you think when you die today, you're going to go straight to heaven
Yes, I believe that jesus is my savior Do not be deceived I said based on your own profession if you die tonight you're going straight to hell forever
The man admitted himself into the hospital because he had an anxiety attack And he's okay now physically
But I was glad it happened because it showed his head of conscience Do not be deceived. We're going to say.
Oh, you're good to go. You love each other You got baptized you read your bible you want to you know, bring your kids up in the local church
Everything's fine. You went to awana. Your dad's a pastor. You're good to go Do not be deceived
Unrighteous people don't go to heaven number two idolaters
Not just greedy for sexual lust but greedy to serve other gods Idolaters is the next word i'll give you the greek word.
You may recognize it Idol a lot tray Idolaters here we have god the one god
He's made everything and he wants us to worship him. We've been made for his good pleasure We're loving with all our heart soul mind strength.
As a matter of fact, he's a jealous god No other gods before me god told the jews
And for people that put other gods before jesus as a lifestyle as a habit as a characteristic Then you ought not to say to yourself, yeah, but you know what they're really nice they pay their taxes on time
They're good friends. I think they're in Number three adulterers sexual relationships
Outside the marriage philo said the second half of the decalogue begins with the command against adultery because it is the greatest of crimes
Why is adultery so bad? Well, it's breaking promises It's defiling.
It was worthy of a death sentence back in the old testament But for the christian we look at it because we say christ loves the church
Is christ faithful to the church? And so when something goes on with marriage
Then it hurts the picture of jesus and his church. And by the way marriage wasn't designed and then god said that's a great picture for marriage
Marriage was designed After this great design of god the son going to rescue the bride and ransom her
And then a good picture was going to be marriage number four and number five
Here's what's happening again big picture We don't have the right to act unjustly Therefore paul shows a lot of people who act unrighteously or unjustly and he says these people don't inherit
You want to inherit don't you so don't act the way you used to do? Don't act the way you used to act
Now the esv you can read the little footnote if you'd like in your esv down below the esv only gives one word
It doesn't give two I love the esv but they it's just it's just this is probably the biggest mistake.
I think they made here but Other translations have made worse mistakes and so Just to let you know if you look at verse nine
Nor men who practice homosexuality footnote and then read the footnote below the two greek words
Translated by this phrase referred to the passive and active partners in consensual homosexual acts
So if the esv puts them together i'm just going to break them apart because there's two separate greek words So esv says two
Two words one translation. Let me give the nas effeminate Effeminate means basically soft someone who is going to be the passive one in a homosexual relationship our act
Men are boys who want themselves used by Another person this is passivity.
This is submission. That's what the word effeminate means Then the active word is
The next word in the nas is homosexual Or maybe you could translate it sodomite that is
A different greek word arsenokoite This word is used in the old testament leviticus 18 you should not sleep with a male as a woman for that is an abomination leviticus 20
Septuagint uses it there as well. Whoever sleeps with a male as with a woman both of them have committed an abomination They're liable to be put to death
Okay These words should not be translated male prostitutes
Somehow making you think that it's not homosexuality is the problem but paid sex is a problem
And I don't think this week but maybe in the next couple weeks we'll do a special series on how to think about homosexuality
Properly, but for now, let's just continue in this list of sins number six thieves
This is a sin of greed. Here's where we get the word kleptomaniac because the greek word is klepti people that steal people that want
People that are greedy both rich people and poor people can be greedy number seven Covetous desiring to have something that belongs to another person
Eight a drunkard somebody whose life is characterized by getting drunk Number nine reviler
Somebody who to assassinate somebody with their words? And number ten a swindler those who steal indirectly now
If you've committed one of those as a christian, it doesn't mean you're not going to heaven It means that if your life is characterized by those things you aren't going to have
It means that when you say to yourself, do you know what this whole lawsuit thing's not that big a deal i'll sue anyway
Another christian that's unrighteous behavior. Just like these things are and paul says i'm warning you
Suffer now and inherit later Don't inherit now and suffer later
These verses also very helpful because friends if you see someone who lives this kind of lifestyle
What's the most hateful thing that you could ever do? Is to not say anything and treat them just like a christian what's the most loving thing you could do
Tell them the truth It doesn't have to be a harangue. You tell them the gospel
By the way, the gospel of christ jesus and his perfect atonement and resurrection
Can save every one of these kinds of people? And everyone here that's been saved including me
Has been one of these kinds of people it might have been a different parade of sin But god has saved us
If you meet one of these people who is a slave to these sins And who are captured by these sins and who can't extricate themselves from these sins.
We know someone who can And how about verse 11 never read 9 and 10 without 11
I've been trying to make my sermons cut down to about 45 minutes or so But it's not going to happen today.
So you drove all this way snowing outside Middle east is in crisis
Gas is eight dollars. It's nine dollars a gallon in london And since I just was in jerusalem, you know paul one time preached so long there's a man that fell asleep up in the window
But I have to give you 11 Because here's the hope If you know someone who is a fornicator an idolater an adulterer passive or active in homosexuality
Who's greedy who's lustful There's hope for them god's grace is so great he can deal with the worst sinners
And such were some of you Such were some of you
You know at bethlehem bible church we have ex -fornicators We have ex -idolaters
We have ex -adulterers We have ex -affeminates We have ex -homosexuals
We all used to be that way didn't we Maybe not with our bodies but with our minds We used to be greedy.
We used to run after the world But we're not that way anymore because god has done something to us and look how paul talks about that He gives three transactions that occurred when jesus saved them and this has happened to you if you're a christian
I call them three grace passives why because there's three of them Step one step two.
It's all by grace Culminated in christ perfect atonement and it's all passive. It means it's been done to you
You didn't do any of these these were done to you by the grace and free will of god And if you're a christian these three things have been done to you
You're able to obey and if you know unbelievers Jesus christ can do these things for them as well number one washed
Do you see that in verse 11, but you were washed I've seen some pretty horrible sins in my life
And now with tv we've seen a lot of sins across the world And doesn't have you ever sinned so badly you just felt dirty
Ever just want to take a shower, but you think I can't clean my soul. I'm just so dirty.
I just want to be clean And then to think the washing of regeneration or because of god the father the son and the spirit together in one great council says
I'm going to wash you I'm going to cleanse you That's that word here washed
You used to be a degenerate person and now i'm going to regenerate you I'm going to wash you this has nothing to do with baptism
This has everything to do with god making you born again and washing you clean
And you know what? every sin washed God forgave you and washed you how many sins did he wash?
Just the bad bad ones just the not so bad ones I like to think of those stars that are down about 50 feet at the carnival and you get one of those guns those compression guns with bbs
Pay five bucks or whatever and to win the cupid doll you have to shoot out what? All of it and if you have one little tiny trace or smidgen left you get what
Heckle that that's what you get Everything cleaned And god's death is so great that it cleans everything and it's going to need to be that way because we can't take one sin to heaven
Look at the next word You should be asking yourself the question. It should be justified then sanctified.
Why is sanctified before justified? Because first you're declared righteous then by the grace of god through your hard work you become more and more sanctified
Philippians 2 work out your salvation with fear and trembling This is different He says sanctified first.
He has not gone to systematic theology class at ibs. What is wrong with paul? What do you mean sanctified first?
chapter one verse two To the church of god that is in corinth to those sanctified in christ
Jesus called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of the lord.
Jesus christ Sanctified just means set apart You have your plastic dishes
And then you have your china And by the grace of god, we've been set apart. We're not in the world anymore.
We've been set apart. That's all that means Sanctified in christ jesus and lastly justified justified
Accepted as righteous based on the righteous work of christ. Jesus Treated as if i've never sinned by the merits of christ
Christ living a full life. Why because he needed to be our representative as a human being
Although god yet a human he was our representative and god declares us righteous
By the son's righteous acts. It is a declaration. It is a pronouncement. It is a one -time thing pronounced righteous
Obeying the law perfectly in christ. Jesus clothed of the righteousness of christ And on the flip side jesus is then clothed with our sin.
He is imputed with our sin How could god take such gross vile people and make them new
Well, it's by washing sanctifying and justifying And if you were a king and you had people who are rebels in your kingdom and they were
Transgressors and they tried to kill you and they try to take what was yours. What would you do as the king?
You would take all your troops and infantry and chariots and you would crush them And then to thank god the father with these three great divine passives.
He crushes his son instead And when his son is crushed on behalf of sinners, they don't act the way they did
Friends if you act the same way you did before you call yourself a christian, you're not a christian Do you mean to tell me that the god of the universe?
Washed you sanctified you and justify you and you just live the merry way you used to live then you're deluding yourself
And look at what the justification is. We're almost done. Hang in there in the name of the lord Jesus you were justified in the name of his holiness and his righteousness in his grace and his compassion in his long suffering in his mercy his holiness
And by the spirit of our god the great triune action. You better believe in the trinity because god has tried you
Such were some of you And if you used to be that way and now you're washed sanctified and justified ought you not to be humble
Ought you not to say i'm not going to sue other people if i'm not supposed to sue other people because that's what god says
God in light of everything you've done. I'll gladly obey by the grace that you've given me through the spirit of god.
I'll do it Aren't you not to have compassion on people who are slaves to sin?
Aren't you not to say to yourself? You know what? I ought not to look down on those people We're going to talk about that the next two weeks
Sinners aren't our enemies Homosexuals aren't our enemies Adulterers are not our enemies.
They're people made in the likeness and image of god and they have fallen and they need what? grace
And paul parades all these wicked people in front of your very eyes to see You almost think should my kids hear these words the parade of the dam comes right before you so you just take stock and say
I'm not going to be unrighteous Because then it's going to show i'm not a christian And i'm going to be thankful and i'm going to be humble and i'm going to be joyful And i'm going to be on the lookout because I would say friends.
We just got back from israel. Here's a fascinating thing My world is evangelicalism
I think that's pretty much my world But do you know most christians are people who call themselves christians in america?
Aren't evangelical Mainstream liberal Mainline churches if they represent 100 of the people who call themselves christians
Evangelicalism is this much it's an inch out of the three feet And we live everywhere with people who say they're christians and they're not washed.
They're not sanctified and they're not justified And it's easy for us to see Matter of fact, it's so easy that first john 3 10 says it's obvious to see
It's obvious to tell an unbeliever And I personally
Don't want one person to go to hell But I know
Like in john 12 the text says many believed on him, but because of the pharisees they did not confess him big picture first corinthians 6 1 to 11
Suffer now inherit later you like that deal suffer temporally inherit eternally
Because you are different you're washed sanctified justified and if you're not washed justified
Sanctified and the other order then you are unrighteous and you're going to be in that same list
Let's pray Father in heaven, we look to you today As people bought with the price
Would you protect us from being slaves of men slaves to men? Would you help us to glorify god with our bodies with our minds?
Father if there's someone here today That is not born again, and they are deluded They are deceived.
I pray that you would quicken them. You'd you'd give them eyes to see That you'd give them that panic attack because hell is one day closer eternity is looming
Father I pray that you just shake them. Maybe some kids here. Maybe some teenagers of bethlehem bible church Playing the game all these years
Father wash them Sanctify them justify them And father for those of us who are saved
Help us not to look poorly upon sinners Help us to have humility you have graced us.
We are no different. We're probably worse But the grace of god appeared bringing salvation to us and you father instructed us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires