Shocking: Publicly Rebuking a False Prophet

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Pastor Wade Orsini of Apologia Utah, Deacon Andrew Soncrant, and Eric Collins of the LDS Evangelism team get into a spirited conversation with a False Prophet. This is not how typical LDS Evangelism occurs, this man said that he receives direct revelation from God that could be called Scripture, therefore Pastor Wade was rebuking the man.


So are you a Latter -day Saint? Okay, do you go to do you go to ward sacrament meetings on Sundays?
Okay No, I know he's a person from the
Book of Mormon, but he's a true prophet for many no, he's not
No I don't know. How do you know?
There's nothing so if I was a Muslim baby, I said the exact same thing to you. I'm not right
So I told you Paula is God the creator of all living
It's an interpretation of me What about Buddha that God? I'm gonna share something with you.
You guys have never heard and no man has ever discussed Buddha is Job Job said
I came into this world naked and I'll leave naked About 3 ,000 years before Christ the
Tower of Babel existed It collapsed all the languages were confused
Buddhism started by a man that lived in India because they were taught about a
Messiah who would come into this world and he was the only person that they had affiliation with that could
Make it understandable to who this Messiah would be. Where is that written? Then it's not true
Yeah It's all wrapped up in the Word of God But you claim to so how do you know that's true
So you received direct revelation Really?
So you're on par with With all the New Testament writers with all
Yeah No, no, no, no not in your faith are the
Apostle Peter said The writers of the Bible were carried along by the
Holy Spirit to write as they did God says What's that You're a false prophet
You're a false prophet you do not have the words of God you don't receive revelation from God You are a liar.
You are a liar. I rebuke that That is false.
You are a false prophet and you need to leave here You are a false teacher false word false scripture.
You do not receive the words from the Living God You do not have his words
You Just said you did you said you received direct inspiration and direct revelation We won't receive that here
Then you can leave you're taking away from what we're doing. Yes No, you're not
You're spent you're sent by your father the devil. You're sent by your father the devil. I'm not your brother
I'm not your brother No No, we are kind to everyone out here, but if you're gonna talk the way you are then
I'm gonna give it back to you You're saying that you have the words of the Living God inside of you.
That is false Yes, it is. I Don't pray about things to receive truth.
Truth is in the Word of God, sir What's that?
Of course I pray Is it not written in the scriptures my should pray to know all things no, it's not
Joseph Smith's a false prophet He wrongly used
James chapter 1 So you just basically said James chapter 1 5 is irrelevant
No, I didn't you misused it sir. You misused James chapter 1
He's talking about wisdom in the midst of persecution Perseverance trials and suffering you're not going to pray to find out if what
I shared with you is true. Of course not I know immediately. It's True Even if an angel or anyone comes from heaven and preaches a gospel or brings a word
Contrary to the one that's already been given. He is to be accursed You just said Job is
Buddha Where is that in the Word of God You are a false teacher, isn't it brother?
Sure. I'm not your brother. I'm not your brother Unfortunate No, no, we aren't
John chapter all things know John chapter 1 says that through Christ He gave the right to to have some the adoption of sons and daughters to be called the sons of the
Living God We're all sons and daughters of Adam. We are not all sons and daughters of God That's what the word says
No, it isn't. That's exactly what it says plainly It plainly says through Christ he gave us the right to become children of God Only through Christ.
Can you receive adoption as sons and daughters? Of course not Isaiah the prophet says that all men began on earth
There's so much opposition to good Can you name one thing?
Because there's sin in the world. Can you name the fall of man within the kingdom of God on earth?
That's bad for mankind kingdom of God There's nothing unrighteous in the kingdom of God But you are outside of it sir the wrath of God abides on you
No, sir You plainly show that you know not the scriptures nor the power of it
No, because you're telling us that you you receive revelation that is equal of that of the scriptures
You don't you don't know you don't You need to test the spirit sir.
You need to test the spirits Because something is giving you something false if something is telling you that Buddha is
Job you are receiving a false spirit There's something that is attached to you even to this moment.
There's something that is false that is attached to you He's he's a he's an idol he's a false
God Yes, of course He's an
Indian deity Where did he come from Why does he exist in the manner that he exists?
He doesn't he's dead, but Christ is alive Yes Before the tower
The tower was destroyed Languages were confused In their new language they remembered that there would become a
Messiah And they started to Just like those of Moses Trying to remember on the side
Trying to remember the teachings of a Messiah The Buddha is not bad has allowed a civilization
To reflect on goodness as opposed to being captured by Satan No That's nowhere recording the scriptures that the civilization in China and the
Buddhists are going to hold on to the teachings of Jesus Christ because of the
Familiarities their Savior No, no, the Chinese church is growing because of the gospel not because of Buddha.
They've rejected all that No, I know but you said there people in China are believing because of Buddha They aren't those who are actually believing in Christ in China are believing because they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ They're parallel.
No, no Goodness no, sir Kindness Jesus came and suffered
We're talking about a way of life The Savior I know my
Savior very well What I'm not comparing him to Buddha. I'm talking about a civilization
Like the the Jews who were led by Moses who put together
Idols because Moses was on the mount and because their prophet was gone All they knew was what they should do with the idols and that is what happened with so that they made
Buddha was their idol of a replica of the
Savior, which they didn't understand. It's all that they have no There's a there's only one name in heaven on earth
They thought he was the Messiah what they thought he was everything that they were taught
What happened Your revelation is in direct conflict with the words of a living
God. Yeah. Yes it is Because you're putting
Jesus in parallel form to Buddha you said they are parallels those were your words exactly
Which no man has ever considered is basically an idol of Jesus Christ and No man on earth has ever said that He I am
NOT claiming to be I don't think I'm not claiming to share to the world anything more than something that I received by an
Inspirational thought that perhaps could be greater wisdom from God to help those who are
Buddhists convert To follow Jesus Christ like that Buddha Buddha is the symbol of who they should be worshiping now
This is new to you. This is new to any scholar Because I've been talking on social media for the last year about and no man has ever thought about this
Why do I bring it up because we're getting prepared to see a massive conversion of followers to Jesus Christ Those it won't be through Buddha You Just said
Buddha would be the the gateway That that people who are
Buddhists will come to faith in Jesus through Buddha that because of what I just shared with you
They will recognize the truth that I'm speaking about their Buddha in Relationship to the
Savior and they will convert their hearts like that and praise Jesus If they turn to Jesus, you know
If they turn to Jesus, it'll be because of Jesus. It won't be because of Buddha Buddha can save just as much as the
Mormon God can save which he can't He can't No, sir, we stand upon the words of a living
God you don't you don't you are presumptuous and prideful You stand on nothing.
You have no platform. You have no solid ground You have sinking sand
Course that if they should praise together and see how when they do it'll be through the gospel of Jesus Christ They do you'll remember this conversation
And you'll say my god Okay, what
I'm asking you though is do you believe that Jesus has eternally existed uncreated
Because that's what John chapter 1 verse 1 says Okay, do you believe he created all things in heaven and on earth?
Okay. So when you say elder brother, can you explain to me? What you mean? Was he created at one point?
Just I don't understand what you're saying. I know you would not the father and Jesus Christ are two separate things
No, that's actually not true That would make multiple gods
I It's already been real revealed to me in Scripture that there's one God. There's one true and living
God The Holy Spirit can't contradict his word the word came by the
Holy Spirit They are separate persons but one being
Yeah, there's distinctions in personhood, but there's one being of God there's only one God It's by it's by the scriptures
Exercise my faith that that is true and when I exercise my faith and time and time again
I feel the spirit testifies sir. My faith becomes perfected. Okay. Let me ask you a question.
Okay, so Well, this is why is that not powerful? That's not This is why the logic and it doesn't sell out
God's love. I feel God's let me explain real quick So if I were to pray about something and say hey, you know what?
I really want to actually exercise my I've prayed about it and God revealed to me and I know it to be true
And I feel the love of God because I'm going to go murder this Share with me who that person is and don't come up with a fabricated man.
No, I mean there's there's Murderers, please serial killers that have done that very thing with them.
I'd like to but how would you tell them they're wrong? It's a hypothetical I want reality serial killers have said the very things
Can you foretell who they are people know is he sincere with his mission Did he say it was divine intervention and by the way of the spirit?
So does the jihadist so does the jihadist Who commits suicide bombing?
Okay, so you're the standard of truth now so you can judge other people's feelings but you
But you are you're making a judgment It's called emotional quality
I have the ability to read people's emotions by way of body language You can argue syntax, but that's still judgment
We're not talking about eternal judgments you make a judgment to judge you make a decision all the time
I would say you it's called love. I would say you don't know I would say you can't be certain.
No, I'll tell you why as a model of Jesus Christ for the last 12 years I think he's made himself known unto me sir, so that I don't need to see them.
It's a in the saver Sir here's the thing the
Bible doesn't tell me though But I need to feel something whether or not to determine whether it's true in Acts 17 11
Paul goes and he preaches the gospel to the Bereans And he says that these people were more noble than those in Thessalonica that they received the gospel with all readiness in mind
And that they he commended them for that But then he said but guess what they searched the scriptures to see whether the things that he was saying were so So they actually cross -checked
Paul Who was giving them the gospel? To the scriptures that they had which were the Old Testament to see whether or not he said was true
They opened it up. Is that true is what Paul's saying true? Emotions different than the spirit
Have you ever felt emotional of course by way of the spirit sir, what
I'm trying to what I'm trying to get a point I'd be stupid to say you didn't
Okay, let me ask you this when you see the Savior You love
I Would run up to him and give him a great hug and I'd say
Lord, thank you for all that that was done Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for saving my family.
Thank you for saving my children Thank you for being the Savior of the world. What do you mean by that Savior of the world?
Atone for all man's sins every person everyone. So everyone who has lived after the death
Of Christ is going to heaven Well, you said that eternal life home, what does that mean?
Okay, so you synchronize Mormon doctrine with biblical teaching I don't know anything about you said free agency.
That's not that's not a biblical concept. That's a Mormon He he believes in the latter -day saint version of Jesus.
It's clear. I'm just trying to go to ward sacrament meetings Who is the created being
Did Jesus come about through the Father and Heavenly Mother did did he come from People interpret did he come from differently?
Sure. Yeah, I believe there's only one Jesus Oh, no, my friend my friend listen to this
Jesus himself will condemn people who say that let him do that Because I promise you
Jesus does not conduct himself Oh He's the way the truth in life, oh he took corded whips he flipped over the money to change his tables
Say in your words, not mine. It's irrelevant. Jesus. No, it is very well literature was much different than tracks.
They didn't have Truth truth literature, he would invite them.
They're not another believer Are you inviting or are you condemning?
No, we when we hand these out we want them to know the truth No, they are they will kneel at his feet and worship him with you every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
That Jesus is the Christ and for you to say that these people Will not do that When the
Savior already said they will That's Absolute truth,
I don't think you actually can't know absolute truth of your feelings. I think you've already denied Socrates how did they say we'll take this and run with it will take this as it felt, right?
It felt like what they wanted to live their principles Anyways Okay, so you know that you believe what he said is true
Okay, absolutely. I agree what Jesus said is true in Matthew chapter 7 He says there will be people that come to him and say
Lord. Didn't we prophesy in your name? Didn't we do here in your name?
Just listen to his point But Jesus says there will be people who come and say are we not followers of you?
Did we not do these things in your name? What's he gonna say? Apart from me workers of lawlessness, but I never need right and why would he say that?
In the true Jesus. Okay, so I'm telling you I have faith Because if you have a if you have a price that is
So I agree that I'm here I agree it's not really trying to help you guys understand something really important Okay, but we need to unite in Christ and stop dividing
Between Baptists born -again Christians and Whoever else non -denominational
Christians need to stop attacking the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints It's irrelevant. Okay, it's not It does nothing good
Joseph Smith was the first one to attack you. Yeah, he did. He said all their confessors are corrupt
Their creeds are an abomination. He said we're the whore of Babylon Protestants He said that Why was he anti towards me then?
He wasn't anti. Oh, wasn't he? No, he wasn't at all Yes, he was wasn't at all
He was inviting all the world to come unto the restored gospel of Jesus Christ If it wasn't
Joseph Smith, it would have been Billy Bob. It would have been Joe smoke The gospel didn't need to be restored
Follow of Jesus Christ. I am part of the kingdom of God on earth. He's a Latter -day Saint There is no such thing as LDS, there's no such thing as Mormonism There's no
I am a member of the Church of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints of Latter -day
Saints Okay, they're not okay. All right. All right. So you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints I'm just trying to understand He will declare to the world
Except for the ones in Matthew 7, right? Really Children and creature is an opportunity like no man or scripture can dispute
Because it's not written anywhere that otherwise that that if you like God the
Savior Who's to say the Savior could not become like our Father in heaven?
Hebrews Hebrews chapter 7 says that he's the same yesterday today So he doesn't change
He's a God he's not changing he's just creating you just said it can be calm that They're in the sense of creating
I'm not changing if I go over here and make that scooter. Okay, but here's what I'm saying
Can you become an exalted person have spiritual? There is nothing possible scripture that disputes that I can't
Wow, there's no God formed before me presumptuous We're becoming
God in replacing God You are you going to accept worship from your spirit?
There's got to be some point that you brother and understand Deny that there'll be a day where I'm standing next to the
Savior and he will say That's my fear for you if you don't turn
You you believe that you are going to become a god you believe that you must do
Because God says there is no God before me and there's no God after me I know not one said there's gonna be a
God before and after if you become a God you'll be God after him Then you will be God after him
You've you've supposed and dreamed that God has been God from all eternity But I will refute that idea and teach you that you must be become
God's yourselves That's less to me. Why is that? Because God says
Because he says there's only No, it's not But how many other religions say something different?
But what religion so you are one religion the only religion is holding tight on the fact that you can never become like God But yet then
God says become like my Savior my son that doesn't mean in Deity That doesn't mean anything about in nature
You're actually interpreting that into the text, but I want to say something to you. You lied to me earlier, sir I actually never
I didn't lie in John 1 verse 1. I asked you which is up to interpretation No, I can
I'll quote you the Greek right and it which is up to interpretation. No, the words have me John wrote with meaning and one of the people that he was writing to to understand which is up to interpretation of man
So if all men Interpret something differently. How do we know what is true? Is your revelation up to interpretation?
Absolutely. Okay, then I interpret it to be false You're a false prophet you're a false teacher it doesn't matter you're making
Earlier you said I earlier you said I foretell Earlier you said
I foretell this to happen. What does a prophet do then? If not forth tell and foretell what does a prophet do you say
I foretell this will happen in the future You're a false prophet You're dead in your sin, sir.
You need to turn to the true Christ of Scripture You need the gospel you're grabbing from all these different things that are untrue
Don't I don't what are you doing to us right now?
You're trying to conform us to your teaching When we live in a nation where we can't even speak of God We need to unite with Christ There's only one
Christ your crisis false your crisis false The Christ is right here the guy that I'm a model for my
Savior is what I'm doing here is to ask you to stop with the
Traditions of the born -again Christian anti literature Condemning the
Mormon faith saying they have horns in their head a real LDS person. Yeah Did that not start with it's all the
Apostle going to the Stand above you and say keep it going.
You're doing a great job. Yes. Yes We're bringing truth to come on to him.
Why do you think no Mormons want to contend with you? Why do you think I pulled over to talk with you because I've been doing this my whole life.
You're contending. I'm not contending I'm asking you to wake up and realize that's contending one
God one Jesus Christ. You said there's multiple gods One God, okay one
Jesus Christ You can be careful you want God that we can monitor my words and I won't go back on my way
No, why Jesus is the only reason I'm here is to ask you but when did you unite in Jesus Christ and stop?
Persecuting those of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. Thank you. So he's Elohim. Thank you
Elohim is God I'm asking you to stop doing Why what is your is it money
Are you a pastor? I am Pastor. Yeah, you don't feed your family unless you have a congregation paying you
And that's scriptures and the Mormon Church is a multi -billion dollar Organization some old sign.
It's a multi -billion dollar organization, sir You think
Russell Nelson doesn't get paid Okay, but Russell Nelson all them well
City Creek Mall doesn't get built based off of the profits of the fast offerings All the stuff being all the stock thing to build up the key.
Yeah Temples, of course, you should be humanitarian efforts. What else would you envision the key?
So they're a multi -billion dollar organization. Yeah And you're you're going when you're gonna go against scripture and you're gonna muzzle the ox that treads the grain
Yeah We're casting pearls guys
You are taking us away. This is what he said He was here to do to take he said I'm here to take you away from what you're doing
From sir turn to the Living Christ turn to the true God. You are dead in your sins.
You are lost You can condemn me all I want I do this all day long. Okay, you should hear what the atheists have to say about Well, then stop throwing stones
Stop trying to put me down because guess what? No, I you know it this would be a must.
This would be a much different conversation If you if you weren't a false prophet prophet, this would be a totally different conversation, but you claim prophecy from God I will not have that I'm not a prophet of God.
You are a dictionary jester. You are a definitions jester You juggle you juggle everything around does that make your congregation feel better?
What are you talking about? I'm not talking about to put down to belittle to deceive. No, I am calling you to consistency
You keep changing definitions and labels. You are inconsistent, sir No You brother here's the thing the reason
I'm here is because I'm doing no you won't About to leave because I've already done my purpose you should leave because why should
I leave false Christ that doesn't exist? Yeah Person who can stand between you and the kingdom of God and it's me the brother what?
Okay, the brother Wow The bishops won't waste their time. No one coming out of that temple will sir, but I've been doing last for me last for me
I have one mediator between me and God the father We have why don't you represent him died on the cross for my then?
Why don't you represent him? You are not our mediator Jesus Christ Representative listen to tell you guys to stand down Jesus and stop attacking those of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints Jesus Christ is not the offspring of Elohim and one of his goddess wives Jesus Christ I'm asking you to stand down.
I'm asking you to leave. I'm telling you you believe in a different Jesus Last week as well
Wow Tell you to stop doing what you're doing, okay
Well, I would know according to Scripture and I know according to Scripture you contradict what the word of Scripture I don't even know who
I am. Well, you've already told me different things that can't that are contrary I'm not saying I've said is contradict so so lost in the deception my friends
You have been deceived by I speak the everlasting truth that you are lost in deception. No, what power you have?
No authority. No authority. You have no power of truth. No authority on heaven and earth has been given to Christ I think the
Holy Spirit would not contradict his word man. He would not contradict his word I don't
I don't get any joy of with talking with you. There are tons of there are tons of people
That people would know Jesus Christ Conversations with my friends who are pastors and priests they listen
Because they know I care about them and I love them and I want the best for them and then they read the Book of Mormon and they go this is the word of God.
So you leave them after other gods Joseph Smith really in 180 days.
Yes, really. Well, what about the one that with the second degree? What about the first recently the
Jews a couple years ago the Jews came out and declared yes Right in the very time
You have to record what we're saying to remember what you're saying
Joseph Smith didn't have a recorder. He had God, right? Right. So why couldn't
God just tell him again? Why did he? Why didn't God tell me again, what did we learn from it right again because he couldn't write it again?
What did we learn from this he just wrote it down and what did we learn just as the false prophet
He'll beat it to God. He's the false. But God tells you not to take the manuscripts and share them
So you repeat the indoctrination because here's the indoctrination. Oh, wait, wait, guess what I lost them
I can't rewrite it and oh, guess what the reason why is because God actually told me not to do that and I disobeyed
Once again the truth you're indoctrinated Please tell me who is educated me, please
I'm not being disrespectful Jesus Christ That Jesus Christ is the eternal
God that I am being disrespectful to God you are I Discerned by way of the spirit if I watch you guys talk
I say I Say there are no gods before me and none shall there be after me your prophet.
So I follow I shall refute that Christian come on.
Come on. We're done. Come on. Come on I Want people to know the one true and living
God rent my coat and come to your side and pay you money You're the one who came up to us as a false prophet with false revelation
So we have to handle it we have to handle it accordingly never said I was a prophet And you go all
I said was that those who created Buddha. We're trying to emulate Jesus Christ Now you said you received direct revelation and inspiration from God that's false
How can you deny a thought it's a theory it's an idea I Could write a book on it again, how are you telling me that my ideas are my inspirational thought is false
Who comes up with your mental? Where do they come from? My suki in the
Greek psyche my mind Where does your
Please tell me you know Tell me
You've come to condemn us you're anti to us. Yes You're infringing upon my right to do this
Yeah, you want me to stop You're talking to a guy who stood up in front of a nation and taken the
American flag away from people who wanted to burn It okay, if there's a freedom of expression freedom of one one religion
Well, you've come here to tell me to cease I'm asking you to unite
With the followers of Jesus Christ and to stop right the division we have
Who's a puppet China is being led by the adversary
What half -light with darkness what half -price what half -price with the
Lyle Mormonism is of the devil