Drama Mamas

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I want to invite you to take out your Bibles and turn to Genesis 29 And we're going to begin in verse 31 Right where we left off last week and the title of the sermon.
I mentioned last week.
I Didn't lie title of the sermon today is drama mama's But just to be fair Mama's are not the only ones who experience drama drama is Is Universal to men and women but it just so happens this text is going to is going to talk about four women two in particular who have a dramatic relationship and We're gonna what we're going to do is we're going to begin reading in verse 31 of chapter 29 and Then we're going to read through verse 24 of chapter 30 I think the chapter break where it does is not the best and I think we'll do better To break the chapter this way.
So let's let's do this Let's stand give honor and reverence to the Word of God and I will read through this through the end of chapter 29 and end of chapter 30 and we'll we will Begin at verse 31 when the Lord saw that Leah was hated he opened her womb But Rachel was barren and Leah conceived and bore a son and she called his name Reuben for she said Because the Lord has looked upon my affliction for now.
My husband will love me She conceived again and bore a son and because the Lord has heard that I am hated He has given me a son also and she called his name Simeon Again she conceived and bore a son and said now this time my husband will be attached to me because I have born him three sons Therefore his name will be called Levi And she conceived again and bore a son and said this time.
I will praise the Lord.
She called his name Judah Then she ceased bearing When Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children.
She envied her sister.
She said to Jacob give me children or I shall die Jacob was angry Against Jacob and he said am I in the place of God who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb? Then she said here is my servant Bilhah go into her so she may give birth on my behalf That even I may have children through her.
So he gave her So she gave him her servant Bilhah as a wife and Jacob went into her and Bilhah conceived and bore Jacob a son Then Rachel said God has judged me and has heard my voice and given me a son.
She called his name Dan Rachel servant Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son.
Then Rachel said with mighty wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister and prevailed so she called his name Naphtali Then Leah saw that she had ceased bearing children She took her servant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife Then Leah's servant Zilpah bore Jacob a son and Leah said good fortune has come so she called his name Gad Leah's servant Zilpah bore Jacob a second son and Leah said happy am I for women have called me happy So she called his name Asher In the days of the wheat harvest Ruben went and found mandrakes in the field and brought them to his mother Leah Then Rachel said to Leah, please give me some of your son's mandrakes But she said to her is it a small matter that you've taken my husband.
Would you now take away my son's mandrakes also? Rachel said then he may lie with you tonight in exchange for your son's mandrakes When Jacob came from the field an evening Leah went out to meet him and said you must come in to me For I have hired you with my son's mandrakes So he lay with her that night and God listened to Leah and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son Leah said God has given me my wages because my servant because I gave my servant to my husband So she called his name Issachar verse 19 and Leah conceived again, and she bore Jacob a sixth son Then Leah said God has endowed me with a good endowment.
My husband will honor me because I have born him six sons So she called his name Zebulun Afterwards she bore a daughter and called her name Dinah Then God remembered Rachel and God listened to her and opened her womb She conceived and bore a son and said God has taken away my reproach and she called his name Joseph Saying may the Lord add to me another son Father in heaven, may you bless the preaching of your word? May you keep me from error? May you fill me with your spirit and may your people be moved toward a closer confirmation to the Lord Jesus Christ and those who do Not believe Lord that they might be Dropped to their knees before you today that they may call out in repentance and faith in Jesus name Amen, it's a wild story in it.
I've never met somebody that just seems to attract drama all the time well Jacob seems to be that person his life at Every point so far has been a life of absolute conflict He came out of the womb Grasping his brother's heel He has been a flashpoint of controversy in his home first Causing his brother to sell him his birthright for a pot of stew later Tricking his father into believing that he was his brother by by dressing up like his brother and pretending that he was him Leading to his brother's murderous rage which caused him to have to flee to his uncle's house Only to arrive at his uncle's house to find that there was a man who was twice the trickster that he was Willing to make him work what we will find is 20 years seven for the first wife seven for the second wife and six more years before he will Finally be able to escape his heavy hand Jacob is a man whose life is filled with drama.
And now we find him in a house of four women Imagine the Bible tells us that it is better to live Now y'all know where I'm going better to live in the corner of an attic than to live in a house with a contentious woman and All God's people said Amen.
Okay Imagine four Now I'm bringing Zilpah and Bilhah into this and they're really not mentioned as being contentious, but I'm only again extrapolating a little bit of sanctified Imagination because one was attached to Rachel.
The other was attached to Leah and the whole thing turns out to be like a big Match as to who can do more Who can produce the most? And here's the thing to remember I want you to keep this in mind Jacob from from everything that I can tell from the text Never intended to be a polygamist Abraham had Sarah Then there was Hagar But other than Sarah we only know of Keturah and and there's a good chance Keturah came after Sarah died so so Abraham wasn't really in the sense a Polygamist and in the traditional sense of having many wives like David and Solomon right this idea of many wives is really a later thing So Abraham not so much and then Isaac all we know about is Rebecca, right? So so here Jacob comes and he's in a tradition where men had many wives But I think his intention was only to have Rachel because the Bible tells us in last week's passage That he truly did love her.
It was love at first sight and Yet his father-in-law Tricked him as he had tricked his own father the night of his wedding Somehow veiling Leah to where she wouldn't be seen Sent her into the darkened tent with Jacob and he knew not that it was her Until morning when he awoke and it was Leah and not Rachel and he cried out What have you done to his father-in-law? But here's the thing Jacob as we will see in the weeks ahead Jacob is the one who will become Israel You've heard the name Israel obviously Well, this is him he's going to wrestle a man and At the end of that wrestling match he's going to be given a new name Israel which literally means wrestles with God and you've all heard of the 12 tribes of Israel, well that is referring to Jacob's children so what we read and Genesis 29 31 through Genesis 30 and verse 24 is the fountain of that 12 tribes It's the birth of those 12 tribes.
In fact, let me let me just give you a quick breakdown because The 12 tribes actually references Jacob's children and two of his grandchildren Because the 12 tribes of Jacob's line he in this story there are 11 sons mentioned in one daughter and the only reason the daughter is mentioned is because she's going to play a very Important role in a few chapters.
She's going to come up.
There's going to be a scene which is very Dramatic and actually very sad the story of Dinah is going to come up later But we have 11 brothers who are born here and then later Rachel's going to have Benjamin another and that will make up the 12 tribes.
However later Joseph one of the 12 brothers will give birth to two children Ephraim and Manasseh and those two will receive a portion of Jacob's property and how it ends up being 12 You say well now we're at 14.
Well Joseph his two sons become the two half tribes as it were and When the tribe of Levi becomes the priesthood They don't get a portion of the land and therefore the land is still divided by 12 and you still end up with 12 tribes With the two half tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh So that's how you end up with 12 out of this but there are specifically 12 sons if you count them out what's interesting very interesting is when you go to Revelation the 12 tribes are mentioned, but one's left out and Ephraim's included Dan is left out which is really odd But there's this there's this whole thing about well who really recognizes and who is the 12 tribe? Well, this is the birth of the 12.
Well the 11 and then Benjamin comes in chapter 35.
I think yeah chapter 35 so this is where we get that phrase the 12 tribes of Israel the 12 sons and This text can be broken down into four sections Wow, Matt outlined it for me on the screen today and when we begin to go through I'm gonna give them to you But the first is the first four sons come through Leah The second four sons through the servants Bilhah and Zilpah the third Thing we're going to look at today is the mandrake transaction, which is really kind of an interesting side note And then we're going to look at the fourth set of births, which is through Leah and Rachel So let's look at the first set.
Let's look at the first set of children.
This is verses 31 to 35 in chapter 29 Says when Lord when the Lord saw that Leah was hated he opened her womb But Rachel was barren.
I want you to know what the text says Keep in mind Nothing in the Bible is irrelevant.
That's why we read verse by verse That's why we study verse by verse and everything the Bible says is important and notice what it says here It says the Lord and this is the capital L capital O capital or capital D Which is the sacred name Yahweh? Speaking of the covenant relationship that he has with Jacob.
It says when when Yahweh saw that Leah was hated He opened her womb For a moment think about what that is saying It's saying that God is given a special grace to the one Who was hated? Now I want to talk for a minute about that word hated Because if you go up just a few verses it says that Rachel was loved more than Leah and so if you think about that you might think well, he loved Rachel.
That's verse 30, by the way It says so Jacob went into Rachel also and he loved Rachel more than Leah.
Some people believe Jacob truly did hate Leah in the sense of absolute hatred But others take this in the Hebrew idiomatic sense of loving less and There is a sense in which the term hate can mean to love less and we know this because Jesus used that phrase He says he whoever comes after me and hates not his father mother sister brother or even his own life cannot be my disciple Right.
Jesus is not telling us to have a vengeful hatred toward our mother father sister brother But what he is saying is that you're to love me more than them that I must have priority Right, so there is a sense where the term hate can be Hebraic idiomatic to mean love less So when it says that Jacob hated Leah, it may not be a vengeful hatred It might have been because she did trick him But it could also be that he simply did not have the affection for her that he had for Rachel So God gives Leah a gift he gives her the gift of Fertility and by the way holds back that gift from Rachel I Want to show you something very quickly just for a moment I want to show you a text that I think connects to this text in a very serious and important way turning your Bibles to Deuteronomy.
Oh Yeah, we're going to Deuteronomy.
It's serious.
It's serious business when you go to Deuteronomy you in serious land Deuteronomy 21 And And verse 15 and give you a second some of your pages sticking together because you don't read that much.
I'm I'm sorry.
That was me All right, so Deuteronomy 21 verse 15 and I want you to think as Moses was writing this perhaps as God is inspiring this text.
Maybe he has this story in mind because listen to what it says Deuteronomy 21 verse 15 if a man has two wives the one loved and the other unloved and that the scene we're looking at man has two wives one loved one's not and Both the loved and the unloved have borne him children.
And if the firstborn son belongs to the unloved Then on the day that he assigns his possession as an inheritance to his sons He may not treat the son of the loved as the firstborn in preference to the son of the unloved who is the firstborn but he shall acknowledge the firstborn the son of the unloved by giving him a double portion of all that he has for he is the firstfruits of His strength the right of the firstborn is his basically this is a way saying just because you have a favored wife doesn't mean you have a favored son The firstborn of the son the firstborn of the wife even if she is not your loved wife Will still receive the same as a portion Now I connect that to this passage because here's the thing we're going to learn about Leah today Even though she was Jacob's unloved wife She was the chosen vessel to bring about the priesthood because she gives birth to Levi which is where Moses and Aaron and all the priests come from and She's the chosen vessel to bring the Messiah because she gives birth to Judah and The Bible says Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah So God and his in his law assures that even the unloved wife's children Will not be treated as second-class All right back to the Genesis 29 So she gives birth to four sons she gives birth to four sons Reuben Literally means see a son because she's like now he's gonna love me I've given him a son Rachel can't do that, but I can see a son is born Verse 32 she conceived and bore a second son and she called his name Reuben I'm sorry.
We just did that one verse 33.
There's a lot of these She conceived and bore a second son.
She says because the Lord has heard that I am hated He has given me this also and she called his name Simeon Simeon means to hear or it comes from the word which means to hear 34 again She conceived and she says now my husband will be attached to me and she named him Levi the word Levi comes from the word Which means to be joined together or attached? then verse 35 She bore a fourth son.
His name will be called Judah Judah means praise the Lord for sons I am killing it You get what I'm saying, right? She's like I score is for Leah Rachel Goose egg.
She ain't I am killing it Now he has to love me that's the thing you by the way the theme of today's sermon is being satisfied in Christ She is so desperate To have her husband's affection that she cannot see the blessing That God has given to her She's got one two, three four sons two of which will have a major impact in redemptive history Of course, she doesn't know that but she has four blessed sons But all she wants is the love of her husband so she's not happy she's not satisfied she's desperate Rachel has what she wants Rachel has the love of Jacob but she has Jacob's children She's not happy.
She's not satisfied But neither is Rachel Rachel's not happy either Look at now beginning in verse 1 of chapter 30 we see the second four sons and the second four sons come about because Rachel is dissatisfied Rachel has the Unquestioned love of her husband and we're gonna find out later.
He spent most of his nights in her tent Because later Leah is actually gonna Demand that she gets some of that time But who does she go to she goes to Rachel because Rachel is the one who apparently decides the bedding schedule So Rachel has her husband's affection.
She has her husband's love, but she's not satisfied so When Rachel saw that she bore no children, she envied her sister and she said to Jacob.
Oh, I this is Give me children or I'll die I'm sorry to be so dramatic, but I can't imagine she said it in a very non-dramatic way I can't imagine they were just sitting around a bottle of wine and she said, you know You need to give me children or I'm gonna die No She probably grabbed him by his outer coat pulled him in tight and says why won't you give me a baby? And he says to her I'm doing the best I can What do you expect am I God Brothers you ever have a situation And I'll say sisters as well ladies You ever have a situation where your partner expects something out of you that is not yours to give That's real, isn't it? There's something something's hitting It's not oh my goodness it is I'm a little excited Is that really my heartbeat? No, it's not Something clicking you hear it.
I can't I'm just gonna keep going y'all.
This would be like a metronome They got a lot to say and time is fleeting so we have And now it's gonna kill me.
What is that noise? Yeah, do me a favor mute all the mics except for the pulpit in my pack maybe outside Well that did it whatever he just did muted everything.
So it's good.
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you Sorry, it would have killed me.
I'd have been I'd have just been distracted the whole time So he says to her am I in the place of God? But notice what else he says in verse 2 am I in the place of God who has withheld? From you the fruit of the womb notice that he's saying it is God who's doing this and he's not wrong Understand this God is the one who opens the womb and God is the one who closes the womb Now obviously I've told this story many times I won't spend a lot of time on it But Jennifer and I were married for 12 years before we ever had a baby and we just felt like God had closed her womb And that was okay We were going to have two adopted children and it was going to be the Foskey for and it was for many years But then God chose to open her womb and then it was gangbusters and every two years it was kids But but it was his choice Nothing we could have done Could have made her pregnant Now I want to get into the physics of that.
But what I mean is there's there's We can't force pregnancy and we can't forbid it God is the one who opens the womb God is the one who closes the womb and that's all he's saying to her here.
I don't think he's necessarily in anger I don't think he's lashing out to at her.
I think he said he's saying something true.
It's God who has withheld this from you It's it's his decision.
I am NOT God So, what does she do verse 3 she takes that she takes the Hagar approach you remember Hagar Sarah couldn't have a baby So here take my maidservant Hagar have children with her Well, apparently this family just this was that what they did because now Rachel is going to do the same take bilha and have A child with bilha Jacob doesn't argue just like his granddad Abraham.
Okay, so he goes in to bilha and they have a baby I want you to get this the baby's name from bilha was Dan.
You know what the name Dan means comes from the Hebrew word which means judgment or vindication So that's why she says she says God has heard my voice He has vindicated me.
So I'm gonna call my son Vindic imagine that was your name Hey, baby, what's your name little boy? My name is vindication My mother was vindicated and the next one is even worse And all I'm pointing out is Rachel really did have a grudge against her sister.
There's a next name.
It says Rachel says Verse 7 says Rachel servant bilha conceived again bore a second son and Rachel said with mighty wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister and have prevailed Therefore I shall call his name nap delay which means wrestling wrestled with my sister and I have won You gotta just imagine a little vindication and wrestling running around wondering What? What did I do? Nothing.
This was your mama's Little little angry with her sister Well, then Leah saw that she had cease bearing this is verse 9 and she took her servant Zilpah and to Jacob It says here have Zilpah and have children through her She Gives him a son she names his name dad and dad comes from the Hebrew word Which means good fortune and literally, I think I think I think it was Brian Borgman who said he said it's kind of like Naming him lucky Like dad would be like saying this is my lucky child.
This is I couldn't have any more babies So God gave me another child.
We'll call him lucky and then finally She gives him another child they call him Asher Asher means happy happy am I So now We have eight sons Leah gave him four Bilhah gave him two Zilpah gave him two Joel Beakey said this Leah's naming of her children revolved around longing for her husband's love But Rachel's naming of Bilhah's children smacks of self-righteousness and pride All of these names mean something names are very important in the Bible and all these names point to the attitude That accompanied the birth of the child Then we get to verse 14 and we have this really weird section Says in verse 14 says the days of the wheat harvest Reuben That is remember the oldest the first child.
This is the child of Leah He's probably at this point, you know old enough to be out on his own not not out of the house But old enough to be out playing and going about doing what he you know, kind of being a being a boy In the days of the wheat harvest Reuben went out and found Mandrakes in the field and brought them to his mother Leah Then Rachel said to Leah, please give me some of your son's mandrakes But she said to her is it a small matter that you've taken away my husband Would you also take away my son's mandrakes as well? Rachel said then he may lie with you tonight in exchange for your son's mandrakes.
All right, just for a moment What is this even about? Okay Mandrakes I'm just going to read this to you.
This is the definition From the Bible one of my Bible dictionary said this the mandrake is an herb of the nightshade family It had a rosette of large leaves and moth flowers during the winter and a fragrant and round yellow fruit during the spring the mandrake grew in fields of rough ground and it was considered to give sexual powers and Probably can be identified as the atropa mandrake aura often used for medicine in the ancient times It possesses stimulating and narcotic properties and the fruit of this plant Resembles the potato apple in size.
It's pale and orange in color and it's been called the love Apple the Arabs call it Satan's Apple.
It's mentioned in the Song of Solomon, which we know is about Amorous you love and by the way And if you've ever seen a Harry Potter film, I don't I've never seen them But I know this it was featured in that in one of those films because it was believed in the ancient world to have magic properties the mandrake was considered to be a magical fruit that gave sexual power so Knowing that which I know is weird.
Sorry parents Knowing that Ruben goes out He finds these mandrakes he plucks them up brings them back to the house and Rachel is Desperate.
What is she desperate for? fertility She wants to have a baby and here she sees Ruben with an armload of love apples So she goes to Leah and says please give me some of your sons Mandrakes and Leah responds with one of the most ironic statements in the Bible She says is it a small matter that you've taken away my husband Would you take away my son's mandrakes as well? First of all, you can you can just hear it.
Can't you how she said it? very very upset But I say it's ironic because isn't she the one who first stole Rachel? or first stole Jacob from Rachel But she's accusing her of stealing her husband.
There is an absolute feud between these women over Jacob and so Rachel says this knowing Knowing that Leah was desperate for Jacob's affection.
She said you may lie with him tonight in exchange for the mandrakes You may lie with him tonight, which basically like I said means that Rachel was in charge of the bed schedule He can be yours tonight If you give me those love apples so the the transaction took place she purchased the love apples with the flesh of her husband and Then we get to verse 16 and I just got to imagine Jacob's face That's verse 16 It says when Jacob came from the field in the evening Leah went out to meet him because she knew he was headed to Rachel's tent because that's where he went normally It says when he came in from the field in the evening.
Leah went out to meet him and said you must Come in to me For I have a hired you With my son's mandrakes Now just for a moment Remember that Jacob has not been privy to the previous conversation All he knows is he's coming in from the field and out comes the wife and She says you got to come to my bed tonight because I bought your time This tells us something about Jacob's relationship with her That it had to be purchased But it also tells us something about how at this point Rachel and Leah saw Jacob Bruce Waltke and his commentary said this He said he's been reduced to a stud They didn't even really it wasn't about him anymore.
It was about who was going to have the bed that evening Who's going to give the babies? So out of this More children are born verse 17 and God listened to Leah.
Apparently she had been praying for another child God Listened to Leah and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son.
She called his name Issachar Issachar means to hire now imagine having to explain that I mean I Hired your dad for the night with a pot of love apples By the way, if anybody ever tells you the Bible is boring.
They don't they never read it This is more dramatic and more intriguing Than anything this is just powerfully thoughtful if you think through the story what's happening here and Leah said God has endowed me with a good endowment.
My husband will honor me she conceives again And bears Zebulon Then she conceives and bears a daughter named Dinah Now there may have been other daughters.
I want to make a point There's a very important in the ancient world and still in many many many cultures today Only the sons are counted only the sons are Really considered to be important because they take over the land and the property take care of the parents when they die and things like that There may have been other daughters But Dinah is mentioned specifically because Dinah is going to become a very important part of the story in just a few chapters later though it talks about brothers and sisters, which makes me think there may have been other daughters, but Dinah is Mentioned here for a reason but then we get to verse 22 and something miraculous happened something changes the story Changes and in verse 22, it says this then God remembered Rachel and God listened to her and he opened her womb she conceived and bore a son and She called his name Joseph Saying may the Lord add to me another son Now I want to say something I don't think That we should for a moment give any credence to the love apple theory Rachel did not become pregnant because of some magic screaming fruit by the way if you don't know what that means there was an ancient belief that when you pull the mandrake out of the ground that it screamed and That was the death of the fruit as you pulled it out of the ground and I have no idea why they made noise But it's a weird sort of tradition that went along with that particular fruit It was the magic screaming love apple but God is the one who opens the womb not some magic piece of fruit and God chose after 11 children Making Rachel wait which had to have been many years To finally give her her heart's desire open her womb and give her a son and As we will see this son Will become an important part of the last several chapters of Genesis because Joseph is the one who will be sold into slavery and eventually save His people he will even though he is not in the line of Christ He will in many ways be a type of Christ one who goes and saves his brothers So, how do we how do we apply this? Very intriguing story.
Well Let me just say this there's not a lot of behavior here to admire Sometimes the Bible simply gives us things that we ought to avoid But the Bible does tell us this it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for teaching for rebuke for correction and for training in righteousness That we may equip maybe that the man of God may be equipped for every good work We know that so this text has something to equip us And this is what I don't want us to miss from this text.
I think it's very important both of these sisters hate one another because both of these sisters have What the other one wants? Leah has children But she's desperate for love Rachel has love But she's desperate for children Therefore they live in a perpetual state of envy strife and Division and as I thought about that this week and as I was preparing for the sermon, it just dawned on me that often our Unhappiness Stems from our discontent instead of being thankful for the blessings that God has given All we can see is what others have that we do not and Therefore we cannot be satisfied Because we are Desperate to have what others have Maybe if Leah knew That one day her son Levi Would be the ancestor of Moses and would give birth to the priests Maybe she would have been more satisfied.
Maybe if she knew that Judah would one day give birth to King David and Through that line bring the Messiah Maybe she could have been satisfied Understand this people who live in a constant state of drama Are likely living a life of discontent wanting to find something to bring them happiness because they refuse to be Satisfied where God has them in their Life now now that's easy to say But it's hard to live.
It is hard to be satisfied, but I want to quote I Want to quote John Piper and I want you to hear me well when I say this I Think John Piper was on to something many many years ago When he said this God is most glorified in us When we are most satisfied in him this world will never satisfy you This world will never fill your needs You can have all the money in the world and you know what people with all the money in the world want more money You can have all of the attention You know what people with all the attention want more attention You can have all of the celebrity You know what celebrities often do They fall into drugs and alcohol because they can't Satisfy their real need with this world God does love us and God does meet our needs and God does hear us when we cry out to him.
The Bible tells us he cared about Leah in her distress He cared about Rachel and he heard her I'm not telling you to go from this place today and never ever again want anything or desire anything But I am telling you this if your wants and desires are more than your want and desire for Christ Then you will be everlastingly disappointed But if Christ is your portion if Christ is your desire if Christ is your Satisfaction then you will never lack the Lord is my shepherd I Shall not Want are you satisfied in Christ today? Can we be? Satisfied in Christ may he give us that satisfaction Let's pray father.
I thank you for your word.
I Thank you for this opportunity to preach and to be reminded of the danger of discontent the danger of envy and strife the danger of Hatred Which comes from being desperate to have what others have Lord help us to be satisfied in Christ And I know that sometimes that is hard because this world does hit us from every side and it hurts The Lord help us to find our joy in you Help us to find our satisfaction in you Help us to know the Lord is my shepherd.