F4F | Flame of Hope Promo


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Welcome to the Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel, and today we're going to do something we've never done before.
We're going to ask you for help. Not for us, but for a worthy cause.
In fact, let me whirl up the desktop and show you what it is that we are asking you to help with.
If you were to travel to the website flameofhopebenefit .com, there is an event coming up on May 3rd, which will be live -streamed on the
Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel. That benefit is for the Life Care Center of Thief River Falls, Minnesota, which is a crisis pregnancy center.
They have had their funding cut off by the state of Minnesota, and they have relied on that during the entire time of their existence, and now they are in a situation where they need your help.
We have partnered, Fighting for the Faith has also partnered with Kongsvinger Lutheran Church in Oslo, Minnesota, as well as our guest speaker,
Emmy -nominated Christian rap artist, hip -hop artist, Flame. He's going to be speaking on Friday night,
May 3rd. We're actually flying him up to Minnesota, which will be a lot of fun to spend some time with him.
He's going to be talking about his path along which God has granted him the gift of faith and the avenues that have opened up for hip -hop music with deep theological content within an entertainment format.
So, lots of things that we can talk about regarding Flame, but he will be the primary guest speaker during our benefit on Friday night, and you can watch the livestream, absolutely watch the livestream.
It'll be here on the Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel, I think starting maybe like 645 p .m.
Central Time, and of course you can always catch it afterwards, after the livestream. But if you want to participate and ask questions of Flame, you will have that opportunity during the benefit.
And again, all of this is to support the Life Care Center of Thief River Falls, Minnesota, and what we are asking is not only that you watch
Flame, but that you financially assist this worthy beneficiary of your contributions and donations.
And so, at the flameofhopebenefit .com website, you will find a button that says Donate Any Amount.
Your money will go to help women and families, protect innocent life, and your contributions are tax -deductible.
And so, if you click on the Donate Now button there, you'll be able to contribute, and we are hoping that through promoting this on the
Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel, having Flame participate as our main speaker for the benefit, that we will get enough attention that we will raise enough funds to give them a significant gift and boost in their budget for the coming year.
So, I think I should let the Managing Director of the Life Care Center there in Thief River Falls explain their need and why it is that they would be a worthy beneficiary of your financial contributions.
Here's Tessa Viker. So, my name is
Tessa Viker. I am the current Executive Director of the
Life Care Center of Thief River Falls. I am a previous client of the centers as just someone looking for education and material assistance with a first -time child.
We are funded by donations, so monetary or gifts in kind, in addition to fundraising.
Are we funded by the state of Minnesota? No. We used to be from 2006 to July 2023, in which the state of Minnesota decided they no longer support pregnancy centers.
They completely diminished the Positive Alternatives grant that was funding our center.
They got rid of the grant, renamed it, and it's now being used to fund pro -choice centers such as Planned Parenthood.
How much money we lost by losing the grant was $140 ,000 a year.
Our center is now having to learn, adapt, and rework getting funding elsewhere as far as connecting with donors, closely finding community grants.
The funding was our main source of running, and with that being taken from us, we're starting from ground zero.
Our center serves six counties in northwest Minnesota. Those counties include
Pennington, Red Lake, Kitson, Polk, Marshall, and Roseau.
We serve men, women, children, and upcoming families growing through education, material assistance, support, group classes, options counseling.
The state of Minnesota and pro -choice centers don't educate on other two options.
They're primarily focused on the one. So pro -life is, in addition to saving the baby, but also protecting and supporting the woman and emphasizing the importance of family.
In our previous facility, we encountered not only the loss of our grant, the
Positive Alternatives grant, four days in between, we got hit with a flood that damaged all material items, including our ultrasound machine, all baby items, in addition to the structure itself.
As far as helping people in the community, we stress that we're going to help and support anyone and everyone.
Regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Our goal is to look at the root causes as to why they are where they are and help them through that for a better future for either themselves or their upcoming children.
In 2023, our center has served 38 families, whether it's a single mother and an upcoming baby or a family of four.
If our communities lost our center, we would not only be losing the support our center provides upcoming parents, families, first -time mothers, young mothers.
They would be losing growth of those individuals and lose the support, education, and material assistance our center allows the six counties we serve.
Our center is more than just a pregnancy center. We're a resource center, we're a community center.
We emphasize community and we emphasize support and we emphasize education.
Anybody new to the area or who has never been to our center, stop in, see what we're about, learn, educate yourself, and make it even more aware that we're here.
Like I said, we serve six counties. We're in Thief River. So even if you are not pregnant, come to us.
And if I can't help you, I know who can and can get you there. So hopefully you found that video to be helpful and informative.
And again, if you would like to financially contribute to help the Life Care Center of Thief River Falls, Minnesota, head to flameofhopebenefit .com,
scroll all the way down, and click on the donate button. There's a donate any amount, again, these are tax -deductible donations that will help support and protect innocent human life.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you on the live stream on Friday.