Matt Slick Live - Discussion with a Jehovah's Witness



Matt Slick discusses multiple areas of Christian Theology with a Jehovah's Witness, originally airing on April 22, 2014. For more information on the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses visit: For more information on Matt Slick Live visit:


Call me. I'm telling you. Call me. Call me. Let's get to Justin from Nampa. Hey Justin. How are you doing? I'm doing good.
Good. I Look like you're Vlog actually about the cross versus the state the cross versus the state
Steak steak. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Uh -huh. And I I'm in disagreement with that actually, okay
Because in the Greek it's a styros, right? Styros can mean a steak or tree.
It's a vertical piece of wood of some sort But I've done research and the
Romans didn't care. They would Tell you on a minivan if that's what they found. I mean, yeah, they could
But the issue By it like tree.
I mean, yeah, so No, but the question on this is that in Exodus it says that you're not supposed to generate like stuff like that heaven and earth
Why isn't the Christian culture have like crosses and that kind of like worship and almost you agree? I mean the Roman Catholics have are you a
Jehovah's Witness? Are you a Jehovah's Witness? Yes.
Okay Okay We're not venerating nor worshipping nor bowing down Before anything at all and I know the
Watchtower will tell you that that's what we're doing. That's not what we're doing I don't even have a cross Yeah, and she's wrong for doing that Absolutely, the
Roman Catholic Church is apostates a false church Well Let's get back to the first issue though.
It really doesn't matter if he was Crucified on a tree literally a tree that grew or a single beam or a cross beam
The issue the issue here at the point of the article is that gee
Thomas said in John 20 25 unless I see in his hands the imprint of the nails and put my finger to place of the nails so hands and nails the implication is that his hands were out wide and not over his head
Which is what a single stake would imply and the early church fathers not that we make doctrine out of them
But they universally said but as far as I understand that it was a cross So, you know, it's cross is the best the best thing
Yes, they could have but The implication is that it was a cross don't let me ask you why are the
Jehovah's Witnesses so to speak against the cross I mean, that doesn't make sense that you have all these things they come into there and yes
For the articles of the Jehovah's Witnesses actually had it but when they found it to be untrue, they removed it from the article
Yeah, yeah, cuz like it's brighter. Yeah You know, I've noticed that the
Mormons also don't have the cross I've noticed other groups will not
Allow the cross It's hard to understand you
I'm sorry, maybe there's a muffle or something in the phone, but it is a little difficult But maybe mouth is too close to the phone,
I don't know well if you don't want a cross in your home or a stake That's okay, but it doesn't mean
As a watchtower implies it does not mean that we are bowing down the floor to worshipping it now
No offense meant but the watchtower and I've read a lot of them Very often misrepresents the
Christian Protestant position and it does Which you know is tantamount to bearing false witness.
And so I'd be concerned that it Okay, you're not listening
I said it very often the watchtower will misrepresent Christian theology I'm an expert in Christian theology.
Okay, I've been studying it for a very long time And I know what the Bible says and I know certain things I've been to Kingdom Halls and I've read watchtower magazines and gone through a lot of it and a lot of times it just misrepresents and You know,
I try never to misrepresent an opposing view Sure Now when you say
Christian theology Is that the Pentecostals? Is that the Baptists? Is that the
Nazarenes? Biblical. Yes. No, no, that's why I'm saying that is because I've seen a lot of things that I Don't see in the
Bible, but they so the people do like faith healing. Yeah. Well, hold on. Hold on You're jumping all over the place
I'm trying to stay with the Philippines because you look at some person They say they're a Christian, they say that They say that this is
Christian theology, this is what this is from the Bible. That's what you're saying. That's I Don't think that faith healing is from the
Bible. Let me ask you a question Do you think that every single detail about all kinds of churches has to all be in order and in agreement in order for them?
to be unified Do you understand? There's gotta be differences.
Yes Okay, so then citing these differences is meaningless The issue is what does the scripture teach are the main doctrines of Christianity and those main doctrines are the issue
And without those main doctrines, we cannot call ourselves Christian So if someone said for example that God didn't exist
Well, you and I both would both agree. We could not call that person a Christian, right? I agree with that.
Okay, so if you went to a Baptist Church or where they baptize adults And then they baptize them forward and another church baptizes them backwards
Does that mean that they're in contradiction and no longer Christian? No Those things are what we call adiaphora, the non -essentials.
It's the essentials of the Christian faith that make us Christian So what about sprinkling versus immersion?
Well, let me ask you some questions, let me ask you do you know why I'll answer that you know why
Jesus was baptized He tells us It was to fulfill all righteousness
Which means he had to go into the old We have to look at the Old Testament in order to understand what he meant to fulfill righteousness.
That's to fulfill the Old Testament, right? Right, okay If you go to Leviticus chapter 8
Exodus 29 and numbers 4 you will see in those chapters That Jesus in the
New Testament was a priest after the order of Melchizedek Okay so and he entered into the priesthood at some point we find in those
Old Testament chapters that in order for a man to be a priest he had to be a man and He had to be 30 years of age and he had to have oil applied to him which is symbolized of the
Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at his baptism and a Verbal blessing had to be given and the father said my beloved son whom
I'm well -pleased and Water was applied to it to the person the water that was applied was by sprinkling
That's the Old Testament law if Jesus was fulfilling Old Testament law, then
Jesus had to be sprinkled Now this is something the watchtower is never gonna teach you
But you can go to my website and you can look up Why was Jesus baptized go look at the references and you can see so is sprinkling biblical?
Absolutely especially when we see the prophecy of Joel talking about the pouring forth of the
Holy Spirit that comes out in Acts 1 and 2 and the pouring forth of the Holy Spirit comes upon people and then they want to get baptized and The word
Greek word baptizo. He has cognates baptizing Baptized things like that One of the cognates in Greek is
Baptiste Moïse Which is trend translated as sprinkling in Hebrews 9 because it's talking about Old Testament sprinklings
They can do immersion Romans 6 4 through 6 implies immersion Okay, but I'm just telling you you mentioned a sprinkling and one more thing
Could a man be a priest or could a person be a priest if he was not a man? The answer is no
Okay, and if and the Bible says in Hebrews 620 and 745
It says that Jesus 625 is 740 It says that Jesus is our high priest and he lives forever to make intercession for us
So he's our high priest according to Hebrews and he intercedes for us. You with me? Okay, now if Jesus is if he's not a man right now, he can't be our high priest and in In Jehovah's Witness theology.
He's not a man right now. So you cannot biblically have a high priest interceding for you
That means you'd be in trouble. I Understand Christian theology.
Well, I would love to have a Jehovah's Witness in here I know that but I don't under I don't I disagree with a lot of the
Christian theology about the holidays Wait, wait, wait,
I bring up a point that is critical that is crucial and you ignore it
You just jump to holidays. I'm look it says in Hebrews 620 that he's a high priest
Forever after the order of Melchizedek. That's what the Bible says and it also says
That Jesus Makes intercession for us. That's Hebrews 725 Now if he's not a man according to Scripture, he can't be a high priest
Your theology teaches he's not a man right now So the question is how can you have a high priest interceding for you?
If he's not a man according to Witness theology This would mean that you're still dead in your sins because you don't have an intercessor.
Do you see the significance of this? And then you say, oh we can talk about holidays
That's true there are I just explained to you from Scripture I gave you the references You need to go check this out
Really then how come you didn't know about what I just told you You think and all the other people think that since I'm a
Jehovah's Witness that I'm brainwashed. That's not correct How do you know you're not brainwashed? Because I've studied the anti -literature and I studied and watched our literature
So John 14 28 Jesus is not God because he says the Father's greater than I right? Yes.
Does that mean that he's not God? Jesus is not
God. Well, wait a minute. Does it mean he's not God when he says What wait a second?
Wait a second. Does it mean he's not God when he says the Father's greater than I? Is that what that means?
Are you married? No, I'm not married, okay, I am I am in greater spiritual authority than my wife does it mean she's not a human being
You're believing what they're telling you to believe You're believing what they tell you
Sure You were a pastor at one time. Yes You taught people
You learn from seminary. They get a chance to check it out. I thought well, no,
I know it's the same It's the same thing. They they were they were Believe what you taught them right to a degree see
I Mean it's the same principle. No, it's not the person goes and prays and it goes on research because actually in John 1 1 in the
Greek there's a part that can't be translated. It's to be correct Tove which is the definite article to be teal on no, it can
I know John 1 1 I've had three year four and a half years of Greek college and seminary and John 1 1 is not that big a deal
All right. I don't go to that with Jehovah's Witnesses Okay, there's different ways. I could show you something that that you won't be able to answer as a
Jehovah's Witness if you want I can show you something about Christ. You cannot respond to Let me tell you what it is.
What's that? Okay? There's an Old Testament phrase Call upon the name of Jehovah and it has different forms calling upon the name of Jehovah called
Upon Jehovah things like that and it's always and only used in a prayer adoration and worship of Jehovah Are you with me so far?
Okay, okay, you do you know if the Septuagint is I'm what the
Septuagint it's the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament done by Jews around 250
BC so the Jews took the Old Testament translated it into Greek When they got to the phrases in the
Old Testament Call upon the name of Jehovah. They translated it as Calling or call upon the name of the
Lord Ha kurios the ha and kurios is Lord. That's what they did
This is before this is two centuries before Jesus was born. Okay? You with me? Okay, the
Greek New Testament Greek It actually says in first Corinthians 1 to talking about the church and all who are everywhere
Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Jesus Call upon the name of the
Lord Jesus why is that phrase which is used in the
Bible only of Almighty God? applied to Jesus Can you answer?
I don't know, but you know, that's an honest answer You know, I do study what
I believe I'm not sure if you really Respect that as well. I believe that you study what the watchtower tells you to believe because it controls your thinking.
No This is not a thing that you could say that about the people in your church I was raised in the
Methodist Church. I went to a Baptist Church United Methodist And I'm gonna say that they're the same way they didn't they didn't say the
Bible minister would talk about need more funds for the Sunday school program or the men's camp and Everybody just went cruise the
Bible be open and sometimes they won't be over and they would just hear the sermons and they'd be gone well, the watchtower says 1981
February 15th We all need help to understand the Bible. We cannot find the scriptural guidance.
We need outside the faithful and discreet slave organization And get this now is it not true that the
Trinity? The Trinity is a false doctrine and it's from the devil right apostate doctrine Okay.
Well, this is what the watchtower says in 1908 1981 August 15th From time to time there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's People those who like the original
Satan Have adopted an independent fault -finding attitude. They say that it's sufficient to read the
Bible Exclusively that means no watchtower. No awake. Just read the Bible okay, it is sufficient to read the
Bible exclusively either alone or in small groups at home, but Strangely through such reading such
Bible reading they've reverted back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy
We're teaching 100 years ago So the watchtower is telling us that if you read the Bible by itself
You'll end up believing the apostate doctrines including the Trinity Why is it that if you just read the
Bible without the watchtower telling you what to think and believe you end up leaving up? the Trinity I Wouldn't how do you know?
Because I was raised in a Baptist Church, and I still don't believe in that time. Well, maybe it's because you're not saved
Because I think that their saved doctrine is baloney Well, you would what you have to do works right to keep yourself saved right?
Oh, no Oh, you don't in watchtower stuff? No, they don't. You've got that totally wrong.
Really? You don't have to keep commandments and stuff to be saved In the watchtower teaching.
You're thinking that people go to apostate and adopt an independent fault. I'm sorry I can understand you say that again
You think that the witnesses go and apostolate a false doctrine to be saved and that's totally false.
No, no, I didn't say that. I said that the watchtower organization teaches you that you must keep God's Commandments in order to be saved
Well, if you love me keep my commandments. Yeah. Yeah, I understand that But it says there's four requirements for salvation.
This is February 15th 1983 page 12 Many have found the second requirement more difficult. It is to obey
God's laws. Yes to conform one's life to the moral requirements So let me ask you are you obeying God's laws?
Well, it gives us references at 1 Corinthians 6 9 so neither fornicators adulterers adulterers effeminate homosexuals things like that And also first Peter 4 3 & 4
Sensuality lust drunkenness carousing drinking parties and things like that don't live like that So you have to in other words honor
God love God and love your neighbor You have to do all the things that are right to keep God's Commandments because that's what that's just talking about The Bible says if you try and be saved by keeping his
Commandments that you're damned I didn't say it wasn't important Okay, you don't listen exactly what
I say You and I mean this, you know, you know just an observant way what you do is you take my words and you misrepresent what
I say See the Bible tells us for example in Romans 3 28
We maintain that a man is justified apart from the works of the law
Apart from the works of the law. Did you know that the works of the law? include loving God and Your neighbor
You're made right before God justified without loving God and without living your neighbor as a
Paul the Apostle taught in Romans 3 28 and also in Galatians 3 10 and James 2 10 if you try and keep yourself right by keeping the law you're under a curse
You're under a curse because you have to keep all of it And if you fail in one point, you're guilty of everything
James 2 10 says True salvation is this we we believe in God in flesh
Jesus Christ Who did everything we need on the cross and we trust in what he did not what we did
Because Justin and I'm not insulting you when I say you're just not good enough. I'm not good enough
We're both Sure Because I've asked you
I think I asked before so I Love Jesus and I go to stop the church hypothetically, but I'm out selling drugs and The law and Christian No, I said justification before God is without the law
Being declared legally righteous and saved from his damn damning work Then we're supposed to do that once you're saved this this is how it works
This is what the Watchtower fails to understand and fails to provide in a proper representation of Christian theology of biblical theology
Well, let me let me tell you Well, okay all false groups teach you have to keep the law to some degree in order to be right with God and keep yourself saved
Yes Yes, but what we're saying is let me explain this they back up a little bit, okay
What we're saying is this you're a sinner. All right, I'm not pointing accusing you.
I mean, you're just a sinner I mean we all are and You've broken the law of God the law of God when it's broken is sin.
That's first John 3 4. That's what it says now Jesus therefore became one of us and fulfilled the law perfectly 1st
Peter 2 22 and Hold on one sec.
Okay, and because he did that When he offered a sacrifice to the father, it was perfect and acceptable
He fulfilled the law. He fulfilled everything that was necessary. And so therefore our justification our
Reckoning of righteousness are righteous because if you've broken the law, then you're not righteous
By the law and sin is breaking the law of God first John 3 4 so we need to be made righteous
We need to be justified before God according to the law so what happens is
Jesus fulfilled the law and when we trust in what Christ did we receive the righteousness?
That's not our own That's Philippians 3 9 says that we have a righteousness. That's not our own
So, how is this righteousness received by faith alone? That's why
Romans 3 28 says we maintain that a man is justified by faith Apart from the works of the law if it's apart from the works of the law
Which means including God loving God loving your neighbor doing good doing this not lying not fornicating not committing adultery
Because these are all works of the law What he's saying is that our righteousness before God is not by anything we do or don't do but by faith alone in Christ alone
Who then grants to us his righteousness and because of that and our salvation him living in us then?
We manifest our salvation and our justification by going out and living according to what the
Word of God says Now what always happens in I'm gonna use this word, please don't be offended but in cults what always happens is
Okay, what always happens in them though is that a person is told by the organization that what they have to do is believe in God and Perform good works in order to demonstrate to God and to others that they're
Savable and they have to maintain their position with God by keeping commandments
That's a false gospel This is why Paul says in Romans 4 or 5 but to the one who does not work, but believes
His faith is reckoned as righteousness He says when it does not work But believes get the watchtower says the four requirements of salvation and the second one is more difficult is to obey
God's laws So it's saying you got to obey God's laws in order to be saved But Paul the Apostle says the one who does not work but believes his faith is reckoned as righteousness
Romans 4 5 now is The watchtower right when it says you have to obey God's laws in order to obtain salvation or as Paul the
Apostle right when he says That the one who does not work But believes his faith is reckoned as righteousness does not work versus the watchtower saying you must keep the commandments which is work
So which is correct? I'm not You can't you can't without either contradicting scripture or contradicting the watchtower you see the problem
See the watchtower. I Think that a person needs to if they have this relationship that they're going to look into their life
Yeah, but that's unbiblical that's not scriptural
The Bible says that our believing is the work of God Of course you should but they by the way out of course he's talking to believers
Of course but that's that's not justification that's sanctification justification is how do we get right with God and Once we're right with them.
Well, we're supposed to not sin But you don't understand and I don't mean to be offensive but you don't understand what the biblical doctrine of salvation is so you just Look, I just made a sin
Right away. It make any sense today or do you just try to really look at what you do? Because of course I look at this and go bookstore.
Are you gonna go in there? Hey, there's a new store You're not getting it you're not getting it look so we have a sinner
Who's a bad guy and he does bad stuff and he receives Christ by faith
Trusts in what God and flesh has done on the cross for the forgiveness of his sins The Holy Spirit then moves in him and he lives in him
He's regenerated now. He walks across the street at that same bad bookstore
But now he doesn't want to go because of the change in him But what if that change in him made him want to make a conscious decision when they feel like I don't want to go there
I don't want to do that anymore I mean, of course he says he should make a choice like that Of course, he should but that's not what saves him and it's not what keeps him saved
But since it's like what I'm trying to say Since you're missing my point, since you're married, you're not gonna call up your old girlfriend and go on that date because Of course
Of course, you're right Not your old girlfriend If you made that commitment, you're mentally gonna want to do what?
Exactly, that's what we say as Christians But what the Watchtower is teaching that in order to obtain that salvation you have to obey
God's laws The Bible clearly teaches to the contrary Come on, do you think you can keep the laws of God in order to keep your salvation?
Do you really believe that's possible? I think you should at least try to live according to God's laws
I didn't ask that. I said do you believe that you can keep salvation
By obeying God's laws. That's the question Okay, that's a third question you're not gonna answer
Well, you know, I don't have any problem with you not answering it, you know Like you said before you don't know how to answer a question.
That's okay That's honest and I have no problem with that But what I'm able to do because I understand biblical theology and Jehovah's Witness theology
I'm able to ask you questions. You can't answer because I understand them both and I see what the problem is
Please try No, no, no don't say that it's not what
I want to hear that's another misrepresentation I've quoted you scripture It's not an issue of what
I want to hear The Bible tells us we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
Romans 3 28 you should read Romans 3 4 & 5 You should study
Romans 3 4 & not in the Jehovah's Witness Bible No, they're not
Want me to prove it to you? How much of a difference?
Go to Colossians chapter 1 you got your New World Translation in front of you Okay, let me do this for you
Colossians 1 starting at verse 16 talking about Jesus. This is what it says in the
New I mean in the excuse me the New World Translation the Jehovah's Witness translation
For by him Jesus all other Things were created both in heavens and on earth visible and invisible what are thrones of dominions or rulers or authorities all other things have
Been created and through him and for him before he's before all other things and in him all other things hold together
The word other is added four times In Greek, there's two words for the word other alas and heteros
Alas is another of the same kind heteros is another of a different kind I can read the
Greek and believe it or not neither one of those words occurs there in the Greek Now Paul the
Apostle chose not to put those words in there even though and I've taken Greek is very specific and very precise a very powerful language
It says actually by him all things were created both in the heavens and the earth visible and invisible the watchtower altered the text in order to make it fit their theology and To prove it.
All I got to do is go to Isaiah 44 24 Where it says this thus says
Jehovah your Redeemer and the one who formed you from the womb I Jehovah and the maker of all things
Stretching out the heavens by myself and spreading out the earth all alone
So Jehovah says he did it by himself all alone How is it then if Jesus is not
God in flesh according to the watchtower that he's the one who did the creating? When God Jehovah says from your perspective he did it alone
How's that gonna work are you there
I'm there That's just another Big funny scenario, but I mean,
I don't know the answer. Okay, that's four. Can I try for a fifth? Sure Okay, let's try for a fifth one.
Okay, what I'm gonna do is go to Exodus 6 And I'll just read I'm reading a new
American Standard. I'll just put the word Jehovah I wish we did this like actually like the new world translation that I wish you put the word
Yahweh actually not Jehovah because it's not really that it's but Yahweh, but nevertheless, this is what God says
This is Exodus chapter 6 verses 2 and 3 The text says this is what the verses says.
God spoke further to Moses and said to him. I am Jehovah and I appeared to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty But by my name
Jehovah, I did not make myself known to them Now the Bible says God spoke to further to Moses.
It's not an angel because it calls him God It says God spoke God is one doing the speaking not an angel.
It's God God spoke to Moses said to him I am Jehovah. That's what it says. You can check it out later
So God is saying he's he's Jehovah and he says I appeared to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty So God says he appeared as God Almighty you with me
That's what it says So God Almighty is the father, right? You got a problem now
Because in Jehovah's Witness theology in John 1 18 no man has seen God at any time They'll only be gotten one in the bosom of the father.
He's explained him, which is fine When Jesus says in John 6 46, not that any man has seen the father
Except the one who's from God. He's seen the father I agree The father's never been seen Paul even says in 1st
Timothy 6 16 that the father dwells an unapproachable light whom no man has seen Nor can see we know there's no contradictions in the
Bible But we know was not the father who was seen
But but we know the Bible says that what was happening is It says that God appeared to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty.
So here's the question Who is God Almighty in the Old Testament? Who's not
God the father? Who are they saying? Who's God Almighty, but Jesus says was not the father
Who are they saying God spoke further to Moses and said to him.
I am Jehovah and I appeared to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty But Jesus says not that any man's ever seen the father
So who were they seeing in the Old Testament? Who's God Almighty, but not the father Okay, and you're gonna find that you might try to do some research you have to give me that credit for that absolutely
They don't even do anything Supposedly saved Well, we're not talking about all those churches and I tend to agree with you
There's a lot of them don't do much research a lot of people don't but this is we're talking about you All right, but if I do try to I try to work on my relationship with Jehovah on a regular basis
Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Not the one that you think of but I believe
I do. Okay, it's a good one I've seen some Christians say that I can go out and sin.
That's not what we teach. No way. That's not what we teach No way. No way. That's not what
Christianity teaches. I would I went to the United Church of Christ or whatever and they not only allow to have
Female pastors, but if she can be gay it's okay as well. That would have been the United Church of Christ, which is apostate
Okay within Christian denominations, there are some good ones and there's a lot of bad ones don't judge the whole by the one
They've I speak against the United Church of Christ I was just in a chat room with a member of the United Church of Christ just a week ago
I didn't believe in the Trinity didn't believe in the deity of Christ a resurrection. Come on He's a
Church of Christ person a United Church of Christ person But let me ask you you see
There's this interesting word in Greek koinonia, it means common it means fellowship it means intimacy, okay 1st
Corinthians 1 9 God is faithful through whom you're called into fellowship Communion intimacy with Jesus So let me ask you do you have a fellowship an intimate communion in relationship with Jesus?
You were commanded to do that 1st Corinthians 1 9. Do you have that with Jesus? I'm not sure how you want me to answer that.
Well truthfully, that's how I want you to answer it as best you can Okay, but this is the point here.
I believe that I do but for what you're saying ask that I don't because I don't go to a... No, no, no, no, no, no.
It's the church isn't it? Not a church Don't care what church you go to. No, no, no, no
Unless you're saying that I Because there's there's like three different There's the
Christian Church, and there's a Bible -believing Church, and there's me that's supposedly
Cult in quotations because I don't associate or believe in the other two
Okay, I'm asking you about this If you have a relationship with the
Son Jesus but the question is if you don't pray to him How do you have a relationship with him?
How do you have a relationship with someone you don't talk to? Well, then you're praying to him
But you're not supposed to pray to him according to the Watchtower only God is to be But I didn't ask that I said do you talk to Jesus How do you have fellowship with someone you don't talk to Do you get in your knees how to speak and talk to Jesus and say
Jesus? I have a problem today. Could you help me? You don't do that.
You can't and I know you can't But yet as I brought up in first Corinthians 1 5
The church that called upon the name of the Lord Jesus and call upon the name of the Lord is used in In Psalms 116 for and he says
I called upon the name of the Lord. Oh Lord. I beseech you save my life. It's a prayer Okay, because well,
I wouldn't I went to a Methodist camp and often times This is what this is what why am
I expanded? I'm not trying to get lost. He'll just hear me out Okay It's a please bless
Amber for farting during prayer, please make sure that the beans don't make us fart as much Pastor said
Who gives a flying Rick what he says, you know, why do you keep bringing up all other churches when I keep bringing up Scripture?
Oh, no, because this is the thing is is that you've always wanted me to consider these other things and my concern
You're not hearing me out is It's gotta have a sense of humor or support of the Internet's where you're supposed to express
Your concerns and your joys not about a person who has flatulence. Yeah, I totally agree with you
I think it's it's a disrespectful and ungodly way to To refer and there's such a youth pastor needs to be sat down and just talked to and told look you need to be more respectful talking about God Okay, but that has no bearing on whether or not
Christianity is true or false What the Watchtower will tell you to do and will try and do is get
Examples of things like this within Christendom and say see this is how Christendom is. That's not it doesn't represent
Christianity Right, I just spent three and a half weeks in in the Philippines and you know
My back is still hurting because of it and that was a month and a half two months ago Well, what about that?
Does that mean Christianity is true now because of what I did? Anymore than this this guy says God farts, whatever it is, and that's how that means it can't be trusted.
You're not No offense meant but the Watchtower does not teach you how to think critically It teaches you how not how not to think critically so that it can get its teachings in your head
I know how to ask you the questions you can't answer But if you just adopt scriptural teaching without relying on the
Watchtower, you'll be better off Even though the
Watchtower has made false prophecies You know, it's made false prophecies And it claims to be the prophet of God It claims to be the prophet of God The Watchtower claims to be the prophet of God.
It's made false prophecies The Bible says if a prophet makes false prophecies is not of God Why do you not believe
Scripture? Why do you believe the Watchtower over the Word of God? I'll tell you why
Because it controls your thinking February 1952 page 79 and 80
We should This is a Watchtower. We should meekly go along with the
Lord's theocratic organization and wait for further clarification Rather than balk at the first mention of a thought unpalatable us to us
Theocratic ones will appreciate the Lord's visible organization not be so foolish as to put against Jehovah's Channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings
And Theology they do have that choice. It's not like it's brainwashed where they go in the room
If a group an organization that you're submitting to says you're not allowed to teach anything contrary to what it tells you
What do you call that? What do you call it when a group?
Christian church if you went against the doctrine, it was still so yeah, what they not
Particular experience you're talking about. I'm talking about the Watchtower organization and what it says When you
We're going to give $1 ,500 Or whatever you not pray and say hey,
I think that's a good thing on this or the minority just Let your idea fill up.
That must be right. I go check. I check the scriptures new a new idea to turn up I pray and I think about it.
Okay, I agree with that's good But as far as doctrine goes you're not allowed to think in a manner contrary to what the faithful discreet slave tells you to believe
No you but do you pray to Jesus But Jesus says ask me anything in my name and I will do it
John 14 14 and in first Corinthians 1 2 They prayed to Jesus because they called him their
Lord and their God Well, excuse me Thomas did that I'm just my brain just hiccuped as John 20 20 28 but the
Christian Church Paul the Apostle tells them that all and everyone who calls upon the name of the
Lord Jesus to call upon the name of the Lord is a phrase used in the Old Testament dealing with prayer worship and adoration of God only yet.
It's applied to Jesus Oh Because you're a
Jehovah's Witness Because you've not got the true God because you cannot got the true Christ and you don't have the true gospel
Your prayers will not be answered You're in a non -christian Oh, so sincerity is what makes us right with God Are you appealing to a good quality in yourself?
I'm sincere Lord. So therefore I get to be with you. You get to hear me because of my sincerity Look at how good
I am inside Yes, you are Look Mormons Mormons are sincere
No Mormons are sincere but they teach that God came from the other planet he has a goddess wife they're sincere doesn't mean
Yes, and you and Jehovah's Witnesses teach that there is no Trinity that Jesus is Michael the Archangel who became a man died on torture stake died for Adam's sins only and that you have to keep the commandments in order to be saved and that Jesus did not rise from the dead physically, which he prophesied he would and that he's just an angel again
And so he's not a man so you don't have a high priest in heaven who intercedes for you You're in a state of damnation as a watchtower believer
And I'm not trying to be mean But I'm laying things out left and right and I've kept count.
There's six things you have there are critical things You've not been able to answer Really?
No, you believe Michael the Archangel no in watchtower theology he died for Adam's sins
Let me find it I don't have everything memorized Okay Let's see if I did have one more question.
No, sure Well, you know what? I I just found a quote
Jesus ransom sacrifice did not include Adam So, you know, it's been a while my apologies. I always try and do things accurately, but go ahead
When it comes to divorce I was just curious I was divorced Is there any biblical reasons
Is there any biblical reason what I'm sorry say again Is there any other biblical grounds for divorces?
Adultery and abandonment and I would say that abandonment can include
Physical assault and beating if a man is doing that to his wife She has the right to divorce him
Because it's a form of abandonment Like emotional So what so what
I was emotionally abandoning my wife back early on in marriage and the counselor said Matt What do you think loves got to do with being married?
I thought he was an idiot He said if you're gonna love her as God loves you then you should do it Whether you feel like it or not because love is sacrificial
Once he corrected me, I learned how to love my wife biblically and the feelings followed When I counsel people and I say look if you don't love each other
So what you're married now act like you're married and trust God and you both become what you're supposed to be and your love will grow
Okay, I have one more question My parents got divorced. They told me they couldn't get along It wasn't an adultery or anything or assault or abandonment.
Mm -hmm Does that mean that your thoughts does that mean that they're gonna have to face hell for God?
If they have been divorced unbiblically, which would it sounds like then they have sinned against God It doesn't mean they can't go to heaven
It means that they need to trust in Christ and repent of that to the best of their ability and each Circumstance like that needs to be discussed
Because they're using particulars Well, I would have to discuss that with them
You know that If you're in Christ all your sins are taken care of and wiped away
He removed the certificate of debt to sin debt at the cross. That's Colossians 2 14
It's not removed when you believe it's removed by Jesus on the cross That's what the
Bible says Okay Hey, man, we're out of time. You're just gonna start here any second
Why don't you do some research call me back Okay, sounds good, all right, thanks a lot