Evangelicalism is at a Crossroads - #BigEva Has Lost Its Mind

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know, when I was a kid, I used to always think about, when I was on a long trip with my parents and stuff like that,
I would think about the cars that were kind of oncoming. By the way, that's a scary thing. Like, this car's coming at you at 60 miles an hour, you're going at it at 60 miles an hour, and there's a very little space between you.
I mean, that takes a tremendous amount of faith to do that every day. Anyway, so I used to always think, like, who's in the car passing me going the other direction, right?
Like, what if it was like a celebrity or something, like a sports star or something like that? Like, I used to always think about that.
Like, who are these people? And then even if they weren't like sports stars or celebrities, like, wonder about their lives.
Like, for a split second, we're like a few feet apart from each other, but then we're going in completely opposite directions, and who knows if we're ever near those people ever again for the rest of our lives?
Nobody really knows. It's just like you're kind of passing each other in the night, even though you can see each other.
It's just very weird. I used to always get tripped out by that. Maybe I'm just a weirdo, I don't know. But I was thinking about that today because yesterday, someone gave me an idea for a video that I thought was very, very interesting because evangelicalism, the last few years,
I would say, at least as far as I've been commenting on it, is kind of like in that moment where they're like just passing each other, and some of us are going one way, some of us are going the other way, and right now, we're still kind of like in the same space, but very soon, we're gonna be heading in completely different directions.
And to illustrate that, I'm gonna use these ridiculous vaccine tweets. And again, like,
I have to say this at the outset, I'm not against vaccines in general. In fact,
I'm not against experimental treatments in general, but to combine the both of these things, an experimental vaccine for a disease that for the majority of us probably won't kill you, and probably won't even probably feel any symptoms, which is amazing to me.
But to put that into the place of not only a moral obligation for Christians to get it if you're gonna love your neighbor,
I mean, God forbid that I should ever add to the law of God in that way. That's just so ridiculous.
It's a rejection of God's law. It's lawless to do what Andrew Walker and the rest of those guys did in that article.
You can't add to the law of God in that way. It's just disgusting, and it's unbiblical. But even worse is these tweets that are coming out, and yesterday,
I said it was the worst tweet of 2020, and it was instantly overshadowed by another tweet very similar.
These are idolatrous, at the best case scenario, they're idolatrous jokes, but I don't even think that they're jokes anymore.
Herschel York, he's the one who said that Moses dealt with the anti -brassers who wouldn't look at the serpent so that when they were sick, that they were healed.
He said that that was the same, and Jesus uses that story to talk about himself. He's gonna be lifted up, and you look upon Christ and stuff like that.
Herschel Walker thinks that the vaccine is like that, and he's not the only one. He's not alone.
People were pushing back on me on that one and saying that they thought Herschel York's tweet was very astute and all of this kind of stuff, and I just can't fathom that a professor of theology would be so horrible at interpreting and applying the scriptures, something that's about the
Lord trying to apply it to an experimental vaccine. It's just obviously idolatrous, and then
Duke Quan here, Duke Quan, if you ever heard him, he preaches like, like what's -his -face
Jones, Jonestown guy. Anyway, here's what Duke Quan says.
He says, the introduction of the COVID vaccine is a vivid metaphor of life between the two advents.
We celebrate its arrival as decisive for our future, even as disease and death rage on.
But the end of the beginning, it's not the end, but it's the beginning of the end, once and future, already and not yet.
So we hope, grieve, and watch. The vaccine is like the advent and the coming of Christ, according to Duke Quan.
There's another woke church advocate who's completely lost his mind, but not to be outdone.
So Duke Quan, the next day, after Herschel York's ridiculous tweet, he overshadows it the very next day, but not to be outdone, we've got, of course, a
PhD, Joshua Wu, who says this. And like with the first advent, too many will reject the vaccine as they reject the good news and Jesus at the first Christmas.
Like guys, these are the people that tell us that if you voted for Trump, even if you voted for Trump holding your nose saying, yeah, you know,
I'm not the greatest candidate, but I'm gonna vote for him. You're an idolater, you're a pagan, you're wicked, you must repent.
These are the people that said that, but yet when they put a freaking vaccine, a freaking experimental vaccine, a freaking experimental vaccine for a disease that probably won't kill you at all in the place of Christ, that's a tremendous insight.
And so we've got an entire section of evangelicalism whose brains have fallen out.
They're just, they're heading in a different direction. And so we're kind of in this situation where we're like the two cars passing in the night.
We're kind of sharing the same space right now, but you know, in a split second, we're gonna be veering off in completely different directions.
And Tom Askell is an example of those who head in the right direction. Here's an announcement.
He says, I'm announcing the Institute of Public Theology with the founding faculty of Tom Nettles, Votie Bauckham, Jared Longshore, and Tom Askell.
Sign up for more information here. So they're starting an institute where they're gonna train pastors and I think lay people as well about public theology.
And this is a very good idea. This is a very good idea. And I think that this will be attacked by all of the usual suspects.
All of the official kind of guild, you know, card -carrying guild members of Big Eva are gonna attack this as probably racist and probably not a real school and stuff like that.
And guys, don't be tricked by that kind of thing, by the way, guys. Like education is something that you do, right?
Like scholarship is something that you do. It's not something that someone bestows upon you.
Like accreditation, nobody, like if you're doing school in order to get the
PhD after your name, if you're doing education or academics in order to get the accolades of men, my opinion on that is that you're doing it for the wrong reasons because being a scholar is not, again, it's not something that someone bestows on you.
It's something that you are. It's something that you do. It's something that you have to work at.
And so this kind of a thing, they're gonna say, well, it's not accredited. It's not accredited.
Okay, so what does that mean about the actual scholarship, the actual study that you're doing?
I mean, this is the thing, like this is a really good idea. This is a really good idea. Public theology is something that is extremely important these days.
And so I'm very glad that these guys are doing this. This is a step in the right direction.
And so while we have people like Joshua Wu, PhD, while we have
Duke Quan, while we have Herschel York, while we have Dan Darling, who apparently, I can't find it right here, but he responded to this saying,
Dan, I was thinking about this very thing, brother, how vaccines are, this is the advent of Jesus Christ, the vaccine coming.
It's already and not yet. The vaccine's already and not yet. Just like the kingdom of God. Like while we're having people say profoundly idiotic things like that, we also have people that are starting, essentially institutions that are heading in the right direction that will be, hopefully,
God willing, will be firm in the truth, right? So let Southern Baptist Theological Seminary go into liberal la -la land.
Herschel York can take whatever he wants with them. Let the, this is my thing, right? I always say this. Let the pagans do what pagans are gonna do.
You do what you're gonna do. This is the essence of no despair, right? And so if most of your big evil leaders are gonna go into liberal progressive la -la land, you can argue with them if you'd like.
You can plead with them if you'd like. Some of these guys are your friends. I get it, right? Like that's okay. But regardless of what they do, you obey the
Lord. Let them go headlong into progressivism. If they have to go over your dead body, fine.
If you wanna try to stop them, fine. But whatever they end up doing, they can compare the
COVID vaccine to Jesus Christ all day long if it makes them feel good. I don't think that's a very good idea.
I don't think Christ is very pleased with that kind of a thing. But let them do it. You follow
God. You build. You establish institutions. I asked yesterday on Twitter, how many people started a business in 2020?
How many people started a business? Businesses are closing left and right. And yes, the pagans are on the move.
No question. They're doing their pagan stuff. But I wanted to know how many people started a business in 2020.
And there were dozens of people that said, I started a business in 2020. I started this institution.
I started, someone said, I started a school in 2020. Amen. The time to build is right now.
Look, it'd be great if we all started businesses 10 years ago. But the second best time to do something like this is now.
Let the pagans peg all day long. Let the liberals go as far as they want.
If they're gonna start affirming LGBT in their churches, they're gonna say, well, you know, they're historically marginalized.
I'm gonna use the preferred gender pronouns. Let them do all that stuff. You obey
Christ. And so, like two cars passing each other on the freeway, we've got
Big Eva over here worshiping vaccines. And then we've got people like Tom Askel.
God bless you. Godspeed. I hope God blesses this project that are doing the hard work and starting to build.
We don't need the guild. We don't need their approval. We don't need their endorsements. You can obey
Christ right now. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. God bless.