Christian Worship Band Rend Collective Is Pro-LGBT?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. Well, the secret's out.
Many of your favorite Christian worship artists do not have sound doctrine at all. And in other news, the sky is blue, grass is green, and I'm wearing a black t -shirt again.
In all seriousness, it's painfully obvious that so many Christian musicians are just compromised.
They've lost virtually all ability to contradict the culture in any meaningful way. Why? Well, I would submit to you it's because they've practically become the culture.
They've gotten their taste of fame, they've entered into the ranks of these celebrities, and now to come out and say something really risky may damage their career.
Unfortunately, the following statement is true. Most Christian musicians, especially the most popular ones, are more likely to say something unbiblical than they are to say something unpopular.
In fact, this statement is manifestly true. All you've got to do is pay attention. When's the last time your favorite worship band said something politically incorrect?
I would assume the answer is something like, never. One example of this would be the recent statements made by Chris Llewellyn of the immensely popular
Christian worship band, Rend Collective. This band has put out songs that you may know, like, My Lighthouse, Build Your Kingdom Here, and Counting Every Blessing.
Many Christians have listened to their music, and over 20 ,000 people, most of whom you'd have to assume are
Christian fans, follow Chris Llewellyn, the lead singer of Rend Collective, on Instagram. Rend Collective has a whopping 266 ,000 followers on Instagram.
That's over half a million people, again, the majority of whom are probably Christians. Long story short, this is not some small rinky -dink organization of irrelevant artists.
This is an incredibly popular worship band, and a force within Christianity. So now that you know the context, let me show you what
Chris Llewellyn, lead singer and frontman of Rend Collective, said about the issue of transgenderism.
Here's a screenshot of an Instagram post that he made. The story he's responding to was one in which a ministry leader said the following, quote, a man won the women's swimming championship, end quote.
This was with reference to the fact that a biological man had won a swimming championship competing against biological women.
Go figure. Most Christians with an ounce of common sense called this what it is, an appalling load of nonsense that contradicts
God's word. But Chris of Rend Collective, well, he didn't see it that way at all. He said the following in response to that post, quote, however you feel about the implications for sports, a wider conversation for sure, calling a trans woman a man is hateful, unkind.
Don't participate in this kind of speech. History won't be kind to you, end quote. It is interesting that Chris seems to be so much more worried about how history will view his position than how
God views his position. That's what you call compromise. Now, to many emotionally driven
Christians, this statement may seem like a very kind and charitable one that all Christians should get behind while the post he's responding to, well, it seems to have been written by a mean conservative
Christian troll that lives under a bridge somewhere in Mississippi. But I assure you, it's quite the opposite.
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there are only two sexes and that in a normative biological sense, you fit neatly into one or the other, depending on your
DNA. This is both a biblical and a scientific fact. In Genesis 5, 2, it is written, quote, male and female, he created them and he blessed them and named them man when they were created, end quote.
All of mankind is called male or female. And this is under God's creative decree, not man's.
In other words, if God made you to fit into one particular category, it's not your place at all to change that category or the title attached to it.
The Bible is crystal clear on this issue. But contrast that with what Chris Llewellyn said in his post.
He called this biological man a trans woman. So the first point to be made is that right out of the gate,
Chris is lying. He's intentionally deceiving people. He's calling someone by a title that he knows does not correspond to them accurately.
He's doing so intentionally, knowing full well that it's not true. This only serves to reinforce the unbiblical deception of the culture.
The next claim Chris makes is that calling people by the title that God gave them, well, that's hateful. That's mean.
Says who, Chris? Says who? What's your standard of hate? And why should I care about it? Why should
I care whether or not I violated your subjective standard? You see, as a Christian, my standard of unbiblical hate is the
Bible, that which is described in the Scriptures by the living God. In the Scriptures, God calls people man and woman, without reservation.
God also affirms what you might call the stereotypes of the sexes, indicating that there are immutable and unchangeable characteristics that come with being a man or a woman.
Well, where do you find that in Scripture? I'll tell you. In 1 Peter 3, 7, Peter writes, quote, Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel.
Since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, end quote. Therefore, it is abundantly clear that there are unexchangeable, unchangeable, immutable biological categories for men and women in Scripture.
And there are characteristics that come with those categories, and there is no way that you can change the fact that you fit into one of them.
And this in no way violates that you are made in the image of God and can accept His grace. The Bible does not indicate that calling a man a man or a woman a woman is hateful at all.
In fact, God Himself, He does it many times in His Holy Scriptures. I just gave you one example of thousands.
So calling a biological man a man, regardless of how they want you to identify them, that does not violate the
Bible's standard of love at all. And more than this, Chris seems to have missed the command in Scripture that we are told to tell the truth to one another.
Colossians 3, 9 says, quote, Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices, end quote.
When you call someone who is a man a woman, you are lying to them. And that's something the
Bible actually does call sinful. But according to Chris Llewellyn, lead singer of Wren Collective, telling the truth is what's actually full of hate.
But it doesn't violate the Bible's standard of hate, which is the actual objective ethical standard that Christians are bound to follow.
So to Chris, I would simply say that because your standard of hate is unbiblical and deceitful, no
Christian has to follow it or even respect it. In fact, I, for one, have absolutely no respect for it.
It's completely unbiblical. You're lying to the person you claim to be protecting, you're opposing
God's Word directly, and you're telling Christians who actually follow God's Word that they need to stop immediately and instead follow your subjective emotional standard.
Christians, stop thinking like this, and stop letting your favorite Christian musicians manipulate you into violating
God's Word under the guise of being compassionate. Use the Bible to find your moral standards of hate, kindness, and every other ethical category of speech.
And if anyone comes to you with a different standard in the name of being a good Christian, feel free to reject that standard entirely and outright.
To encourage Christians to lie to other people actively about the sex that God created them with, is shameful.
It's wrong. One of my greatest missions, guys, is to encourage you, my fellow Christians, to ask this question.
By what standard? By what standard are things called hateful? By what standard are things called unkind?
According to Chris Llewellyn of Wren Collective, calling someone by their proper title is hateful. What a load of garbage.
Why do I use such strong language here? Because by Chris' own standard, the Bible is hateful.
He is indirectly accusing God Himself of hate speech. Because the Bible uses two exclusive biological categories to refer to all human beings.
And it attaches unchangeable natures to these categories. So please, Christians, stay away from this kind of compromised popular
Christianity that wants you to indiscriminately chug the world's Kool -Aid without thinking critically and without thinking biblically.
And be aware that many of the people who will encourage you to do this will definitely tell you to do it in the name of Christian love and godly compassion.
But always measure their standard of love, their standard of compassion, against the Bible standard.
And you will find that they are actually peddling deceitful lies and fleshly ignorance that Christians should reject outright.
In other words, to put it simply, don't violate God's word in the name of God's love.
That is foolish, unbiblical, and self -contradictory. And please pray for Chris of Wren Collective that he would repent of this falsehood and return to the truth of God's word.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.