Did Jesus Have to Be Born Again in Hell? (MacArthur & Sproul vs Copeland, Meyer & Hinn)

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In this video I confront the false teaching that Jesus died, went to hell, ceased to be God and then had to be born again. This is what the Charismatic / Pentecostal Televangelists on TBN teach, as well as INSP & Daystar. After you hear them in their own words, I play two clips of Pastor John MacArthur and Theologian RC Sproul explaining passages that seem to teach Jesus descended into Hades (Acts 2:25-28, Ephesians 4:9, Colossians 2:15) along with the Apostles Creed. What does that mean? Watch and find out!


Hello, I was reading the Dissenter this morning, they had a good article about the charismatic
Pentecostal preachers on TV, Kenneth Copeland in particular, and how he teaches that Jesus, when he died,
Jesus went to hell to suffer, and that Jesus ceased to be
God, and that Jesus had to be born again in hell. So I'm going to show you three clips of this heretical teaching where Kenneth Copeland, he teaches it,
Joyce Meyer, and Benny Hinn, they all say that Jesus died and he went to hell.
That's not true. Okay? There are verses that seem to indicate Jesus went to the underworld.
There is the Apostles' Creed, and I'm going to show you two clips after that of John MacArthur and R .C.
Sproul where they explain what that means. But Jesus did not die and go to hell, right?
That's the first thing. The second thing, he did not have to be born again because Jesus was without sin.
He didn't need to be born again. And then this third idea that part of that Jesus ceased from being
God, well, that does violence to the person and work of Christ and the nature of God.
You can't be God and then not be God and go back to being God. I mean, this is the worst type of heresy being taught on Christian television, and these are like the most popular
Christian authors at, you know, Barnes & Noble when you go into the religion section.
These are the faces that greet you, Joyce Meyer. So it's really sad that this is taught on Christian television.
It is heresy. So I'm going to show you those three clips of what's wrong and then show you two clips of John MacArthur and R .C.
Sproul teaching you what is right. So here it is. We know that Jesus went to hell.
A lot of people have trouble with that. I got in a lot of trouble for preaching it. It was an evening service.
And I, you know, I just preached Mark 11, 23, 24, and 25. And I got over into that Jesus went to hell and he suffered there.
And then he was born again in hell and rose from the dead, the firstborn from the dead.
Jesus went to hell and he suffered there. And then he was born again in hell and rose from the dead, the firstborn from the dead.
And I've been on this for a while. You know something? The minute that blood sacrifice was accepted,
Jesus was the first human being that was ever born again. It was sealed. I mean, it happened when he was in hell.
Oh, they were having the biggest party that had ever been had. They had my Jesus in the floor and they were standing on his back, jumping up and down laughing.
And he had become sin. Don't you think that God was pacing, wanting to put a stop to what was going on?
All the hosts of hell were up on him. Up on him.
Up on him. The angels are in agony. All the creation is groaning.
All the hosts of hell was upon him. Up on him.
They got on him. They got him down in the floor and got on him.
And they were laughing and knocking. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha.
You trusted God and look where you ended up. You thought he'd save you and get you off that cross.
He didn't. Ha, ha, ha. Sunday morning. Sunday morning.
Here comes the sun. Sunday morning. God gets himself together.
Ha, ha. Justice has been met. Somehow the thing's been taken care of.
And oh, God gets his voice together. And he hollers out three words.
And they go roaring through the universe and entering the gates of hell. He said it is enough.
It is enough. The Father had left him.
The Holy Ghost had left him. Angels did not go with him. He went by himself. He destroyed the works of Satan by the power of the
Holy Ghost as the Son of God. But he destroyed Satan by the power of the second
Adam as the Son of Man. He did not face
Satan in hell as God. For had he faced him as God, the devil would have said, not fair.
In other words, separation from God. He's in the underworld now.
God isn't there. The Holy Ghost isn't there. And the Bible says he was begotten. You know what the word begotten means?
It means reborn. Do you want another shocker?
Have you been begotten? So was he. Don't let anyone deceive you.
Jesus was reborn. You say, what are you talking about?
Sir, please hear me. Did the Father leave him? Come on, did the
Father leave him? That's death. Did the Holy Ghost leave him? That's death.
Did the Holy Ghost come back on resurrection morning? That's rebirth. He was reborn.
He had to be reborn. Have you ever read the words begotten from the dead?
Reborn from the dead. As an example to me. If he was not reborn,
I could not be reborn. Jesus was born again. You say, really?
Let me prove it to you. He was dead spiritually.
He died spiritually. Sir, when the Father leaves, you die. The Father left him, yes or no?
The Holy Ghost left him, yes or no? That's spiritual death. But when the
Holy Ghost came back, he was begotten from the dead. He was born again. When Jesus was buried, he was three days, nights in the heart of the earth.
Hades, the region of the dead before Christ's ascension, right? So there's two parts to Hades. There's paradise where the
Old Testament saints are or Abraham's bosom. And then there's a section for non -believers on torment.
My question is, did he visit both sections of Hades while he was there?
Yeah, that's what we were saying earlier. Hades is just a term for the grave. So you have to define what you mean.
So we said earlier that when Jesus died, he met the thief in paradise.
That's the place where the righteous go. We also know in Colossians that he showed up at the celebration in hell and triumphed over demons in that very moment.
They were celebrating his death and he showed up alive and pronounced judgment on them.
So yes, I think when he was dead, he was with the thief in heaven and declared his triumph over the demons in hell.
That's not a problem for him. He is omnipresent. Right? Correct.
Yes. Thank you. Is that what is meant in the
Apostles' Creed when it said he descended into hell? No. In so many cases where you see that statement, the descensus ad infernos is in the original, there's an asterisk next to it.
That's because in the earliest copies of the Creed, that statement is absent.
And so presumably, we don't know this for sure, but presumably, that phrase that descended to hell came in later on.
Now again, there's all different kinds of views of that and what that meant. Some say he went to hell on a rescue mission to save the fathers who were in the limbo of the fathers or so on.
And others say no, he went to hell to suffer the fullness of the punishment of sin. And most people see that as happening between his death and resurrection.
The Reformed view of this matter is that the full measure of hell that Jesus suffered he suffered on the cross.
He didn't need to go to hell somewhere underneath the earth to suffer that because when he was exposed fully to the wrath of God on the cross as Paul labors the point that Jesus became a curse for us.
He took the full punishment of hell during the atonement and when he was about to die he declared it is finished meaning the payment has been made finally and then he commended his spirit into the father's hand.
So historic Reformed theology would just change the order. They would say crucified descended into hell dead and buried.