Matt Slick Bible Study, Parables


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Matt Slick Bible Study, Parables


Every day is like one of those days. All right, we're live So we'll see how many people start coming into the room
Charlie should be there Laura's there and we've got others in there So I'll be able to with this phone set up be able to do some
Q &A later All right What we're gonna do tonight is start on parables and we're gonna go to Luke 15 and do the prodigal son but before we do all of that, we're gonna pray and What I'm gonna do for for all of you guys is put this into cultural context
When you cultural context things open up I've got a lot of notes and we'll go through stuff.
It's been a while since I've taught it So I'm a little bit rusty, but we'll get through it. Sound good Sound good
Better. All right, let's pray Lord Jesus. Thank you for your word your truth that you've given us
Thank you for the kindness of your salvation and asked Lord that you would show us mercy and grace
And that you would open up your word to us as you open up our hearts to it Lord Jesus.
We thank you We ask you bless everyone here and the listeners. We ask this Jesus your precious name. Amen Alright, okay so All right, so you guys are very familiar with the prodigal son and Instead of going through Read the whole thing and then go back to it.
I'm just going to go through a couple verses at a time and We'll go through and and study
So it says now all the tax gatherers and sinners were coming near to him to listen to him
I remember how I said before it was last week. There were two categories of sinners in biblical theology in the
New Testament tax gatherers and Sinners, so tax gatherers were the Jews who were working for the
Roman State Collecting taxes and if you owed a hundred dollars and they they just said give me 150 or I'm gonna write down that you didn't pay
That's what they would do. They'd make money and they were hated Hated so much that there were two categories of sinners tax gatherers and sinners they had their own
Tax, okay so though these are the people in need and verse 2 and both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying this man receives sinners and eats with them now
In that culture eating was an important issue of fellowship It's like I might say to somebody.
Hey, man, let's go and get a cup of coffee Let's just go sit down and talk or have a beer together smoke a cigar together, whatever it might be together
We have these these means of fellowship and a little bit of intimacy like that But back then it was even more so you joined with each other you
Ate because generally speaking to eat was a table and there would be a dish of stew or something like that and read bread you tear the bread off and you dip it in and He would tear the bread off and dip it into the same thing
He'd take the same piece of bread tear something off dip it in So the bread was somewhat used like a knife and a spoon or more like a spoon
It would dip stuff up and you'd eat so it was the same food the same bread that we're taking now when we eat
What we do here is if we were to all dish something up here There'd be a big pot and we would separate each thing
Individually have our own utensils our own this own that what if we were to literally Get a bigger table like this this load of the ground and then we were to put food in there and do it the biblical
Way where they did it back then and have a big piece of bread Hawaiian sweet bread to this so good and you rip off some chunks and then you dip it into Probably be something like a burrito
I think I scoop it that way and then we would all eat together by leaning on our left elbow
Which is gonna become important later when we get to something else And then your feet would be away from the table and then you would lean on your left elbow when you would eat with your
Right hand and that's how it was done. That's the most common way So for example the
Last Supper we're all sitting up in chairs. That's not how it was done. Okay? So Jesus is accused of eating with sinners
Boy that's a bad thing, isn't it? To eat with a sinner, you know on a radio today Who heard the radio show today the guy who called up about the bar?
He goes to bars and he witnesses in bars. I Have no problem with that Go witness in a bar
You know and I knew a guy once years ago. It's gonna sound a little bit odd I don't get to talk about this very often, but he would go to topless bars
And I said really and he said look when I was young the way it was where he was
His dad would bring him into these places and the women there would just take care of him when he was just a little boy
He grew up with it to that to him It was that's what you did and then he became a
Christian. Wait a minute. Well, he so he stopped that and Then later started realizing there are people there who need the gospel
So he would start going into those places and he he says it doesn't bother me doesn't I don't care
He says I've just seen so much there's nothing and he said he could not believe how many times he would find churchgoers
In there and he would just witness to him and I said, okay, I couldn't do it, you know, not me but You know,
I'd be yeah like he's over here. Yeah, I'm witnessing to you It's not gonna happen, but he could do it and that was something he
I believe is called to do He said he couldn't tell too many people that because they wouldn't understand but I said no,
I get I get it I get it. So it's like some people who are Catholics state when they become saved they stay in the
Catholic Church Some people who are Mormon stayed in the Mormon Church to witness You had to be special called for that.
Anyway, all right So Jesus is willing to eat with the undesirables
With those people who are outcasts and he's willing to go be with them verse 11
Look 15 And he said a certain man had two sons and The younger of them said was father father
Give me the share of the estate that falls to me and he divided his wealth between them Now what the prodigal here is doing in this culture at this time is wishing for his father's death
You did not get your inheritance till after your father died Father, I want my inheritance now
He's saying I don't care about you. I don't care about you in that culture the expected reaction is for the father to strike the son and For the oldest son to step in if he's a younger son the older son to step in and they have a discussion
About it and one of them usually gets knocked down in the process because you disrespected the father and that was one of the
Ten Commandments don't dishonor your mother and father and he is absolutely Breaking the
Ten Commandments want to think of a huge one father Give me my share.
Give me the share of the estate that falls to me And the father should kick him out of the house.
You get out of here you ungrateful little blah blah blah and The father divided the wealth among them
Now to the ear who's hearing this in that culture First of all that son needs to be stoned according to the law and The father needs to either beat him up, but he probably wouldn't because he's his father
But had the sons or the close relatives take over the job and this what's expected not and the father gave him his money
What are you stupid? You don't do that kind of a thing. You take care of that son You slap him around the butter comes in slaps around you don't give him the money.
He's just insulted you He wants you dead Disrespecting everything and you give him the money. What's wrong with you?
That's the attitude that they're gonna have and I imagine this Jesus saying this in this crowd He's saying this in this crowd and people are hearing this good this, you know,
Jesus. I've nobody's talking about Oh, I love Jesus parables because they're like little time bombs or little traps, you know, okay
I'll just walk right into this room. Was that a trap? Let me just walk Both my feet not one both feet go ahead good, you know
And this is what would happen with Jesus because he could he was good at this Verse 13 and not many days later the younger son gathered everything together and went on a journey to a distant country
That's important. And there he squandered his estate with loose living a distant country that meant he was abandoning the
Jewish heritage the Jewish land and what God had promised the people of God and The Covenant people and so he was rejecting that he's going out to a foreign land saying
I don't need this anymore I don't need you with my father. I don't need to be with my my culture. I'm rejecting
God This is serious This boy deserves to be stoned to death in that culture at that time now imagine what the hearers are doing the hearers
Excuse me. The hearers are gonna be saying the same thing Where's where's he going with this?
Why doesn't he talk about what ought to be done? He's not so.
Oh That's right one other thing So there was called the right of redemption of the land so in the
Jewish culture the land would revert back to the owner every I think it's 49 years and if you
Took what your estate was and you went to another land and you gate got rid of all of it
Squandering it what you and leaving what you're essentially doing is is saying I don't want and don't need the right of redemption this is humongously significant
It's you know, I can't think of anything off the top my head that might be equivalent but could you imagine the Christian going into a church and Going to the communion table and overturning it and kicking all the elements over the floor and then flipping everybody off I mean the rage the anger the what are you doing?
That kind of a thing is what's going on here and their attitudes and are these people listening to this?
All right Verse 14 now when he when he had spent everything a severe famine occurred in that country.
He began to be in need So everything is lost 15 and he went and attached himself to one of the citizens of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine unclean animals
So now he's under the subjection of a foreigner taking care of unclean animals
It's like saying here Jew feed pigs so now
This guy is In the story he's in another land.
He's got nothing and The Whoever was the boss in charge is equivalently saying
Jew feed the pigs Now they're dirty. They're sloppy a
Stink go take care of them. That's how bad off this guy was in verse 16 and he was longing to fill his stomach with the pods that the swine were eating and no one was giving him anything
So he was totally rejected by the people around him Now, let me ask you some questions here the
Pharisees the Jews the righteous Jews Had they thoroughly and completely rejected the tax gatherers?
And the sinners Because these Pharisees were self -righteous
He eats with sinners and tax gatherers. They're mocking they're condemning
Verse 17 But when he came to his senses, he said how many of my father's hired men have more than enough bread
But I am here dying with hunger so his motivation at this point is poverty not righteousness and He says
I will get up and go to my father and will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and in your sight I'm no longer worthy to be called your son make me as one of your hired men.
Now. Here's a question. Is he repentant? No, no doesn't seem like he is He's hungry and at least he could be a servant
And listen to have some enough to food to eat now think about that go back into your country into your home
And be a servant That's how bad off this guy was it was bad
At least he wouldn't need to live under the same roof as his eldest son. He'd be out there Living someplace, you know on the property and he beats the scorn of the community
Rejected and scorned but okay That's what he's willing to do. Maybe there's a possibility that you know
We could extrapolate a little bit that there was something that he wanted to pay back to his father Maybe as poverty and pain and suffering does it humbles us?
Maybe he was saying something to the effect of you know, I can pay a little bit back Maybe we don't know first 20 and he got up and came to his father but while he was still a long way off his father saw him and Felt compassion for him and ran and embraced him and kissed him
The father totally accepted the son Men of stature in that culture did not run.
That's what the immature did. That's what the young did they would run You moseyed you're wise you do how to manage your time in your life
So that means in public He ran to his son Felt compassion for him embraced him and kissed him
Kissing on the cheeks repeatedly embracing him The father is obviously a jerk because he first of all he doesn't beat the kid up and kick his rear out
And now he publicly is humiliating himself In front of everybody to love this obvious filthy vile sinner
What is wrong with him? He would have also Raised his tunic to run right? He what he would have grabbed his tunics to run
Yeah, which would have shown his knees which would have been also disgraceful. Yeah Well, maybe because they could run without showing them but as a possibility.
Yeah, that's right. We're gonna say that. Yeah, I just wanted understand um, so in this concept
For some reason, I don't know why I feel like they're secluded in the farm but that wouldn't be the case with getting a cultural context where They have housing and stuff like the community knows
Who they are and they know who they what how the father is. Yes And how he should be.
Yeah, he's not and then so they also would know the son and The context of Why aren't you disciplining him right and he's not right even when he's seeing the son
And he goes ahead and I guess in a sense to them further humiliate yes
In the sense of where we would view that as an embarrassment The father views that in the sense of humiliation
On his own self. Yeah, right Just go to bring except right Son in that right.
So I actually going previous to that his son um, it it proves to me that you're saying that he
Assumes that this would be the best way to get back to the fathers Maybe because this is just a parable right but uh, we could assume that what we know from the text is he's hungry
Yeah, right and that's his main reason. He's not trying to get back into death. No, he's not
No, according to the story. He's not right, right He's a survivalist at this point the other question
I have is he's deciding to go back to his father's house Wouldn't have been stoned on some light
If he walked back it's a it's a risk, but that has to be Kind of brought together and a mob would go they would kind of gather
But as he's coming the father runs to him and that would have negated any judgment of the culture Coming out now one thing that a lot of people miss in that culture is that they were very tight uh
So, you know the story of the guy knocking the door man's Door at midnight and the guy will get him up and I don't have the information here with me
But maybe we could do another set of these, uh next week if you want But the thing is that one of the greek translations and there's a word variant because of his shame
Well when I said because of his of the honor, there's a play on words in the greek Uh, you've heard you know about that right then remember that no, okay.
She had a lot of greek too Because A person in a village.
Let's just say there was a village of 100 people And a traveler was going through Well, there's no internet.
There's no pony express. There's there's nothing it's word of mouth by foot mainly
Or by horseback, you know if you're rich, but it was slow going So if a person went to that community and the community was very rude to them when he leaves
He's going to tell everybody that community was very rude because you had to be hospitable And so that might take a week or two weeks to get to some place or a few days
Well, it's going to spread how much longer do you think it's going to take for the reputation to be? restored
Well now if they're going to do commerce, are they going to want to deal with that group? No, so this is very very serious
So the community is very tight -knit there very tight -knit just something to think about. All right
And the son said to him Father I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son
Now this is what's interesting here Look at verse 21. I'm going to ask you does the son bargain with his father?
Father I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Does he bargain?
No, he doesn't bargain All he does is admit his guilt I'm just guilty.
I love the story of of the taxman the pharisee the tax gatherer
The tax gatherer says, you know, look 18 9 through 14 The tax gatherer says, you know, I'm not I didn't do this.
I didn't do that. I'm not like this You know look at me. I pay tithes I do all this stuff But the tax gatherer said be merciful to me the sinner not a sinner the sinner
And that man was justified jesus says Just admitting guilt But the father said to his slaves quickly
Bring out your best robe Yeah, your best robe. That's a sign of dignity and honor
Bring out and put it on him put a ring on his hand the ring a signet ring was a symbol of authority
You had a ring you could put seals in wax and various things And sandals on his feet
Servants were barefoot And people who were upper in class had better shoes better sandals, whatever they didn't have socks
So the feet were dirty we'll get to this later. The feet were dirty They were dirty.
They're filthy didn't have pavement. They have sidewalks a nice cut grass They had the same roads through the rocks and the deserts that the animals would use
Who domesticated being led here and there and you can imagine how dirty those roads would get
So Bring a fatted calf here kill it and let us eat and be merry So a calf is a lot to eat
It'd be more than we could all eat a calf. There's a lot there So why a calf because there's going to be a big celebration
Big celebration now think about this who's he going to invite? Well his servants and his household and others most probably the implication is going to be a large kind of a gathering
Which in that culture would be very surprising because he's having the people rejoice with him
The people see people who have been talking bad about him. That's the kind of implication and He says bring the fatted calf here kill it.
Let us eat and be merry Notice the bloodshed It's buried there but to kill it means to shed his blood
For this son of mine was dead and has come to life again. He was lost and has been found and they began to be merry
So the lost son is found Now his older son was in the field verse 25
And when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing Excuse me
You know on the phone a lot today talking and doing a lot today. So anyway, so another son is lost now now the older son
Heard music and dancing Why isn't the older son there with them? Because it's a bit of a big news he's back
The word's going to spread now. Maybe he's you know, five acres out. He couldn't hear anything He's in a well, you know, who knows we could get all those possibilities, but he's supposed to kind of be there
That's the implication All right, and a host, you know a feast is is a lot and the older son is supposed to be the host in a feast
So now this obligates the the ho the older son to be the host in this feast for the pagan
Son who rejected insulted his community god and his father So how do you think the older son's gonna feel let me talk to him for just a few minutes behind the house
Right the public disgrace of the father And he suddenly one of the servants and began inquiring
What these things might be and he said to him your brother has come And your father has killed a fattened calf because you received him back safe and sound
But he became angry and was not willing to go in and his father came out and began entreating him
So the father again goes out And meets the father goes out to me.
It should be that they come to the father But no, he goes to them he goes just like god the father comes to us through person of christ
He's seeking us just as it says in exodus 25 8 build a tabernacle among my people so I can dwell among them
And and when adam and eve sinned it was the pre -incarnate christ who said Adam, where are you?
You've been looking for him. It's what god does He finds the lost and these parables are in the midst of the lost sheep the lost coin the lost son
And being found and rejoicing at what's being found Now get this he says, uh
Verse 29, but he answered and said to his father look Now I when
I think I say that I think of my six foot four father Uh, I wouldn't speak to him like that because he had these long arms.
They were stretchy and he could reach across a room And whap you beside the head and even if you know, you're 30 feet away, you know, like I had look
How'd you do that and that's what my dad could do and um, I wouldn't say that to him i'd say well dad
Yeah, blah blah blah, you know and take a few steps back and then get ready to run, you know No, he's a nice guy. I'm just but you know, i'm exaggerating but you know how dads are, you know
So he says to his father look You know do that that's disrespectful, uh, very disrespectful
Uh for many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours And yet you have never given me a kid that I may be married with my friends.
Who does he represent? the israel the jews I've always kept your commandments.
I've always done everything and what have you given me? Nothing and the pagans the gentiles
These unbelievers Are you saying you're gonna take care of them? That's what's going on here, right? I've never neglected a command of yours and yet you have never given me a kid that I might be married with my friends
So now the eldest son gives two complaints One about his father and one about his brother
Look how bad they are I've done look how good I am and he look at you your father.
You haven't even done this for me And my brother he's done the game But the son is arrogant, isn't he?
He doesn't even recognize his own arrogance Now here's something i've always said for years Pride and humility are very similar in that They both hide themselves in your heart
And you can't recognize them, but others can You can't recognize your own pride very easily, but others can and you can't recognize your own humility very well, but others can
Now that's not exactly true, but you get the point. There's similars there All right, that's my wife says you prideful arrogant jerk almost every day five or six times
Yeah, that's isn't that right, hon? Everything I said, that's right good smart woman.
That's right to greet the husband, especially when i'm insulting myself. Yeah Sure understand this the son is which son?
the younger part of the son is considered compared to the sinners and tax collectors
Yeah, who do they represent basically the idea is the people of israel versus everybody else the people of israel keep all of the law
They've done everything god wants and yet they don't know this. This is a prophetic parable
The gentiles the unbelievers are going to be rejoiced over when they're found Now this is they should already know this because in genesis 12 3
God says to moses in you all the nations shall be blessed and paul quotes that in galatians 3 8 and calls it the gospel
So they already should have known that the gentiles are going to be grafted in But as is often the case when we keep laws
We have we develop our own standard of righteousness based on what we're able to do. Then we judge others based on our standard
That pride is there and We all fall in this area. We all right, especially some people
I know Yeah, i'm trying to point fingers. What's that? I'm pointing over there. Yeah Abram oh,
I pointed to you. What? Um, what was that said? I said moses what
I said I said thank you for catching that it's abram which abraham but abram you are awesome.
Thanks You're listening to people that's good. Yeah, that's right. So you you just had your one -year anniversary on saturday, right?
uh Saturday or sunday Yeah What's that We're gonna have to go.
Okay. Yeah. All right. Sorry. I missed it Are you good? I'm good. No man's good
They're so sick of me, you know the scripture responses All right Um, yeah,
I know I would love to have been there. It'd been fun all right, um verse 31
Oh, wait a minute verse 30, sorry, but when this son of yours come came Who has devoured your wealth with harlots you killed a fatted calf for him now
Actually the word, uh Devoured your life tan beyond in the greek means the life you killed the calf
To him and not me. He's really saying a lot more. Um Your wealth their harlots kill the fatted calf for him.
He's saying more than what the text really is saying He's he's saying This he what he's done
Is so bad And he's right He is right It is so bad
And one of the reasons he knows it is because there is a standard that he's been keeping righteous standard
And he has become unfortunately prideful in that And we fall in our strengths as well as our weaknesses.
It's always something to remember We fall in our strengths, you know, I know a lot of stuff. It's always been been a problem for me not to get prideful
First corinthians 8 1 says, you know pride, uh puffs up Right, but love edifies and we have to be careful.
We don't fall in our strengths as well as our weaknesses And that's just what it is, you know, whatever strength you have can become a weakness
You know become prideful about it or whatever it might be The father said in verse 31 my child which is uh
Uh A term of endearment you have always been with me and all that is mine is yours
But we had to be merry and rejoice for this brother of yours
What's interesting? Was dead and has begun to live and was lost and has been found so what's interesting is
Uh, he says my child technon, which is a word of endearment And it's like saying, you know little child a little one a cutie pie, you know
Technon is a is a is kind of a term of endearment. He says all that I have is yours
He wasn't mad at him either That's really interesting because that shouldn't the father be mad at all of them
Of course, he should be And yet he's very humble very giving What I like is that this parable sets itself against the culture of the time
God is not culturally based He's independent of culture and he sets cultures straight
That's important here to understand now There are two types of sinners
The honest manifested one the younger son and the hypocritical elder son There's two types of repentance sincere and pharisaical the younger son initial repentance doesn't seem to be sincere because it's motivated from hunger and Later, he had openly admits his sin.
The brother Is anchored in self -righteousness his repentance is not here because really there isn't any real repentance
He doesn't have to repent because he's been so good This is humanism Humanism is in the church alive and well that the man is the standard of righteousness and truth
But here what we're learning in this parable is that god's great love extends to all people all kinds of people all the sinners
The hypocrites jews and gentiles and it's found in the love of jesus christ so It's a really good parable it has a lot of insights and I'm gonna teach you a little bit of a concept.
You know what chiasm is right chiastic structure Okay So a chiastic structures is a mnemonic device from remembering
And I can pass this around so you guys can see it The prodigal son How it works
Okay, let me give you an example Matthew 7 he who asks he who seeks he who knocks so it goes like this look in this way
Ask seek knock it just happens to be ask ask seek knock All right
So it goes ask who he who asks he who seeks he who knocks for he who asks If you ask this net if you seek if you knock for he who asked for he who seeks were you knocked it goes
Ask ask That's a type of a of a chiastic structure
And sometimes you have what? Structures that are this way For example, the son is lost the son is found
Goods waste on an extravagant living goods used in joyful celebration Everything is lost.
Everything is gained. You'll see what i'm saying here in a sec the great sin the great repentance Total rejection total acceptance a change of mind and initial repentance
And so we see the structure Here and this is a one of the types of chiastic structure that occur in the bible
And sometimes what i'll do If I want to interpret something and i'm having trouble with something.
I will look for chiastic structures I'll look for to see something because you can have a structure.
That's a step They have different kinds there are people who study this stuff And then there's that kind of a structure and it's a center point is the main point
So it'll enter in and leave the same way it came in except in reverse order You know,
I got food. I went to the store I I won a million dollars and I was happy and then
I lost a million dollars I went to the store and I didn't have any food You know, it comes and goes in the same way.
It's that kind of a thing And so this was it's called chiasm ch i a s m
And it's a chiastic structure Now just so you guys know if anybody wants to know this I highly recommend that you get the book through poet
I'll be through peasant eyes or poet and peasant and through peasant eyes. It's a two volume set and uh
I can't remember the name of the guy. Oh Kenneth bailey I got this information from him
And what he did was he went over he's a scholar and went over to the culture of the time and asked questions
What would you do with this? What would you do with that? Because the culture hasn't changed They still use mules.
They still are agrarian. They still this and still that And plus some ancient writings some other stuff and uh, it just taught me a great deal
And so that's the prodigal son. All right Interesting Cool Now we're going to save the my opinion the best for the last
Which is the woman who let her hair down in the pharisee's house. Oh Wow it's my
Except for the stuff that christ does it's my favorite story in the entire bible And i'll explain why later we get to it now what we can do
I'll let you guys Choose which we do next the unjust steward or the good samaritan
Good samaritan Okay the good samaritan samaritans were half -breeds between the jews and the samaritans who had been uh,
Captured or in samaritan babylonian the captivity they were half -breeds and they were keeping the law
But they were not full -fledged jews. The jews wouldn't allow them to be considered full -fledged jews so They were looked down upon they were uh ridiculed now if you go to luke 10 25
The question That is asked that begins this What must I do to get eternal life and jesus likes to speak in parables?
Now just so you guys know Jesus tells us why he speaks in parables in mark 10 or excuse me mark 4 10 through 12
He speaks in parables so people will not be saved That's mark 4 10 through 12
That's another topic Behold a certain lawyer stood up and put him to the test saying teacher.
What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Now a lawyer is an expert in the law of moses
Now think about that he's an expert And he's saying to jesus what I do to inherit eternal life.
Do you think it was an honest inquiry? No Probably not But let's think a little bit because it might have been because maybe he was hearing jesus
Do stuff and maybe seeing a few miracles. He's going. Okay. What do I do to earn eternal life? It's a possibility
But I would assume for the most part Okay So The lawyer was often called upon to settle legal disputes because he knew the law now it says uh
That he stood up and standing up is a social Courtesy and a greeting of respect
Yet in his heart he probably was thinking to uh to test jesus And jesus said to him what is written in the law?
How does it read to you? Now, how would he know this man was a lawyer because of their dress? Well, they would dress pharisees had a certain way of dressing lawyers had a certain way of dressing and uh
Plus jesus being in being god in flesh, you know No, so the the the uh, the lawyer asks what he knows about best the law
He knows that keeping the law is uh an appropriate answer right And notice what this man says.
This is a witnessing technique kind of a thing I do with cults sometimes And people who say like for example today after after show to the radio, uh, you can lose your salvation
Well, what do you gotta do to keep it then? Because that means you're keeping it by what you do if I ask according to what they hold um
But jesus says what is written in your law or excuse me? What is written in the law? How does it not read to you?
And he answered verse 27 You shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind
And your neighbors yourself now he's quoting um deuteronomy 6 5 and uh so What's interesting is that the lawyer is quoting issue of love not necessary legality
And jesus said to him Uh, you've answered correctly do this and you'll live but wishing to justify himself.
He said to jesus and who is my neighbor You know some people just don't know when to shut up, you know
And uh I think I would have been a lawyer. I think i'd have been there.
I think you know my pride selfishness arrogance stupidity I would have been happy to go test jesus
I'm, so glad jesus is merciful. I am so glad You know, he put me here now.
I don't know what i've been back there. But um And jesus replied a certain man was going down from jerusalem to jericho
And he fell among robbers and they stripped him and beat him and went off leaving him half dead Now there's a road that goes down from jerusalem to jericho.
It's 17 miles long. So it's a real road And it's a hazardous road because thieves and robbers would often wait and people would go there and they'd get in trouble and you know
And so this man In the story is stripped and unconscious
Why is that important? Because then you don't know where he's from You can't tell by his accent and you can't tell by his clothing
So you don't know who this guy is he could be anybody Right. He could be a pharisee.
He could be a samaritan. He could be a A lowly servant slave escaped.
You don't know right What's that No, no, no, um, there were there are variations just like there are variations today
And you know, we this race crap that's going on now That wasn't an issue there you never uh find that as an issue in the bible
Okay, so um So the audience is probably going to assume
That he's jewish Because we tend to kind of you know, jesus is a blonde haired black caucasian surfer dude
That's what we white people think right and i've seen black jesus as i've seen brown jesus I've seen asian jesus.
We tend to think of people in our own terms Right or wrong whatever just what it is.
That's okay. They're probably thinking that this guy is a jew and uh So in his half dead state, of course, he's going to be unconscious.
Okay So he can't be identified All right, and by chance a certain priest was going down on that road and when he saw him he passed on the other side
Wait a minute. This priest is supposed to be a a good guy. Why is he passing on the other side? Because If the man's dead and the priest is coming down from doing his his duty at the temple
That's what a priest did he's coming down the road Doing his duty having done it if he passes within so many feet of a corpse
He's got to return and go back up and go through a cleansing ritual And that would be humiliating he couldn't even that so he's too you know, you know, sorry
I can't come next to this person. He might be dead. I can't get involved Yeah now
Most probably the priest did not see what happened because this route this road, you know winds and 17 miles is a long place
But he could probably tell the man's wounded and maybe the man was still breathing Maybe he knew we don't know but these kind of things are always you wonder what's he done?
You know, what does he know? so they're supposed to be ritually clean and uh And he wouldn't want to go back and do all the sacrifices and stuff like that and be embarrassed
Okay 32 and likewise a levite also when he came to the place and saw him pass by the other side
So, uh Then the levi was a lower, uh social class than the priest but he also uh
He might have seen the priest possibly pass the other side. Well, if he's gonna pass the other side i'm gonna pass on the other side
That's a possibility Uh, we don't know but if that is something that was would be in the mind of this fictitious
Person the lesson one of the lessons here to learn is just because someone else does something doesn't mean you should or shouldn't
They'll be careful here but a certain samaritan, oh scumbag samaritan
Can you imagine when he said this the jews there be going? samaritans A samaritan who was on a journey came upon him and when he saw him he felt compassion
Wait a minute the jews and the priest the levite supposed to be feeling compassion Not this dirty scummy samaritan so they were the
Mixed race between the jews of the captivity and the samaritan people long ago
There was a great deal of um Of animosity between them
According to the mishnah. It's a writing of ancient jewish stuff He that eats the bread of the samaritans is like one that eats the flesh of swine mishnah sheba 8 10
So it's the oral traditions that developed about the law All right. So, uh
The samaritan would not be from that area So this is what's interesting because he wouldn't be in that area
The man there Wouldn't really qualify as his neighbor And he came to him and bandaged up his wounds pouring oil and wine on them
And he put them put him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him The samaritan risks defilement where the priest and the levite would not
He approaches an unidentifiable man and helps him. He pours oil on him
Which on the high altar was offered before god The priest and the levite had failed to do their their duty now we got to talk about something called blood revenge
You've heard this thing called eye for an eye tooth for tooth It's because that's called the apoditic law
Now the reason eye for an eye tooth for tooth was given was declared was because of blood revenge so Matt and I i'm gonna use you because you're a newbie here
Matt and I get an argument, right? And matt breaks my arm Okay, and i'm out of commission.
So my brothers go they break his legs His brothers come and kill one of my brothers
Now the rest of the family comes over and we got a full blood full -blown war, right? So, uh, the law was an eye for an eye tooth for tooth just keep it simple and you stop called blood revenge
All right. Now what really happened matt and I would go get coffee together and we talked a witness to somebody because Obviously anybody with that name is good guy
It's obvious just Yes, so If this now the samaritan is already hated by the jews and he's in the jewish area
Because of the road from jericho down i've been to jericho and jerusalem and I don't know what road they're talking about but uh
There we go and so he's in the jewish area so he's Taking a bit of a risk anyway
Now what would happen if The this man was a jew this unconscious guy was a jew
Who died in the hands? of a samaritan They would probably kill him go after him
Well, no i've taken care of him. Sure. You were right this kind of attitude is the samaritan risking his life
Yeah, he is more so All right. This is what's interesting. He's risking his life
For somebody else. He doesn't even know Doesn't even know him and he's risking his life
Wow and he says in verse 35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said take care of him
And whatever more you spend when I return I will repay you Okay, so let's say this he goes away
And he's gonna come back in two weeks. Let's say Okay And the man
Is unconscious and his brothers are looking family's looking for him and they find him and he's dead
And that that again those wounds are too big and they said who did this? I don't know but a samaritan brought him in And he's coming back
They're gonna lie in wait right and If you get enough people together to act stupid
And they're gonna listen not with a dirty filthy samaritan No And The samaritan had no way of knowing if he's gonna get any of his money back from this guy
So he's risking his own life. He's taking care of him doesn't know if he's gonna be returned in the value Now who's the good person here the samaritan?
Who are the bad people the levites and the Yeah, the priest now in the pair of the prodigal son the jews are again the bad guys
Jesus is a jew So the bad guys rob him leave him dying and abandon him the samaritan pays for him leaves him cared for and promises to return
Rob they rob him leave him Leave him dying Abandon him but the samaritan pays for him instead of robbing him
Leaves him cared for to just leave him alone and promises to return instead of abandoning him the opposite So the the robbers hurt the man by violence the priest and the levite by neglect
All three are guilty This is important at james 4 7 To the one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it to him.
It is sin Now, I don't like that verse There's lots of verses in the bible. I'm not fond of there's several
You know love your wife as christ. Love the church You know things like that, you know behind the scenes
Humble There's some things i'm not really, you know fond of like colossians chapter 3 1 through 17 is not my favorite chapter in the bible part of the chapter because when
I read it I see how much I fail in so many areas. So I said to people whatever you do do not read colossian 3 1 through 17
Don't read that do not read colossian 3 1 through 17 and um
I don't like james 4 7 Because there's plenty of times in my life when I know the right thing to do it.
I'm not doing it And it's just a fact doesn't mean it's okay. I'm not excusing it.
But you know, it's just You know, all of us are guilty except for jake. He's pretty good.
He's humble guy. Is that right? He's a pretty good guy most of the time You get a lot of work to do
I'm only good about 25 percent. He's only good 25 percent of the time. Oh you are that's what he was saying
Okay I'm, oh man. Oh I married them just so you guys know.
Okay So, uh, all right I take shots at everybody except I very rarely take a shot at a girl very rarely, but I know she's a good girl.
Yeah What's that No one's good, what does it say that Oh, she is awesome
I forgot where 14 combined 14 and 53 53.
I can get it. Oh look at you guys. All right Good good my grasshoppers
Older people will know what that means. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah from kung fu to okay Um The old series kung fu 60 verse 63, which of these do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who felled the robbers?
Now jesus refused to define what a neighbor was instead. He asks a question uh
And expects an answer. He's showing the love of god. He's showing all this stuff and the man said The guy goes well the one who showed mercy towards him and jesus said well go on do the same thing
That would hurt you mean I Help people risk my life for them.
You mean love them. Are you kidding? I mean, that's a scummy person over there.
I can't be loving to that person That's not what i'm i'm gonna do That's what jesus does to us
You know, he's so perfect. He's so good He has this way of exposing ourselves to ourselves, which is why
I don't like colossus 3 1 through 17 Because when I read through those verses I go, you know, ouch ouch ouch and Because truth has that that habit that ability to pierce us
And to teach us and expose ourselves to ourselves But that can only be done in the light of christ grace and his truth and what he has done
And i'm grateful So grateful for his salvation for his kindness
So this lawyer it begins with a question. What must I do to inherit eternal life?
The conclusion is answered in what must be done then now remember though there's more to this
We haven't gotten into this week, but in deuteronomy 27 26, it says that you got to keep all of the law
And paul references that in galatians 3 10 you're to keep all the law Don't stumble in one point james 2 10 if you do you're guilty
So if you're going to love your neighbor Then you better do it perfectly Now in romans 3 28, it says we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
Now jesus says the greatest Commandment is love god. And the second is love your neighbor.
Matthew 22 37 39 So the two greatest commandments love god and love your neighbor and paul just as inspired as jesus
Says that we're justified without the works of the law that were justified before god without loving god and without loving our neighbor
Right, that's right Because loving god and loving your neighbor is the law
Wait a minute matter you said we shouldn't love god. I didn't say that I'm saying that it's not our love of god and our love of our neighbor that gets us saved
Or keeps us saved It's not those laws that Make us, right
But We're not saved with that we're saved in spite of our failure to love god and love our neighbor
Because that's a standard And so it's not by the works of the law that we're justified but by grace
That's how it has to be understood And it's an important lesson for under a lesson for us to understand about god's great grace to us
That even the faith that we have is granted to us philippians 1 29 And our believing is the work of god.
John 6 28 29. Our repentance is granted by god second. Timothy 2 25 We're caused to be born again.
First peter 1 3 born again. Not of our own will. John 1 13 This is the work of god
And this is why we're saved because he appointed us to eternal life acts 13 48 And he uh in the sun chose us for salvation that's
Ephesians 1 4 in cross reference. It was second thesalonius 2 13 There's verses that talk about god's work and he loved us even though He knows us
You know, I look at my own heart and I see my wickedness I recognize my impurity my failures
And I can't help but wonder sometimes why would god save someone like me? Well, it's because of nothing in me
And everything in him And that's it God didn't look into the future to recognize
I can do something with this guy or her or her It's not like that. That's favoritism. It's rejected by james 2 2 through 4
No god loves us From forever ago because of what's in him
And that's just to me that is so comforting it's You know, i've said this before I remember hearing a preacher once say i'm glad god
Predestined me from the foundation of the world because if you look at me now, he wouldn't pick me And I just love that statement, you know, it's an admission of our failure our depravity
In fact on monday night i'm debating total depravity with a church of christ guy Is that what the truth of gospel?
What's that? Marlon no, I don't oh, you know, uh, i'm actually a
To that so I saw you on there already. Okay. Yeah aka richardson.
Yeah When is that monday's? 7 p .m.
This local time so i'll be debating and I guess i'll do the opening Uh is total depravity biblical and i'm going to say yes i'm gonna define what it is and then use the scriptures to show it and then you know, but He's gonna just have to go full pelagian
You know how the saying goes whatever you do. Don't go full pelagian That's from a movie Yeah, you remember right there.
Don't go full pelagian. Okay Sure We understand it
That it's through christ and all these things and you still need to do these things I'm always kind of wanting to know what's the effect
How people play out when they don't Really understand that concept Have you seen that play out in various ways?
Like let's say they are believers. They just haven't really oh, absolutely That concept absolutely Absolutely people are saving different levels of awareness and understanding in fact yours truly here
Got saved and did not know for two years that jesus rose from the dead in the same body he died in It was never taught to me
And I was in class with jerry and marion bodine who worked with walter martin in the christian research institute
Across the street from disneyland at merrill, uh melody land in anaheim Anaheim california going through classes on mormonism and jehovah's witnesses.
I remember I remember this And I said jesus rose from the dead the same body. He died in and she looked
At me and said how could you be a christian and not know that I said, I don't know No one taught me that She paused she stared she goes.
Okay. She went to the scriptures and showed me and I said, okay so people can be uh saved in different levels of ignorance, right and that's it and And uh god doesn't uh save us.
Uh, it's not doctrinal regeneration you know, but uh, certainly yeah, so it's more of a question that's like Is there any indication when you see that actually play out where they don't even know that or the level of ignorance in which they have and you see it play out it's like I think that's why you're kind of doing or trying to lift your
Faith that way And it's actually showing your contradiction Yes, armenians do it.
I don't know what you guys are but armenians do it all the time Right. Okay all the time and there are churches, uh that will teach
Things of self -righteousness that you've got to do in order to kind of keep yourself right with god And they have a profound lack of understanding of biblical theology in that respect
And so absolutely it does work in different degrees and different levels in different areas. Absolutely Yeah, that's right
Okay. Now we're gonna do the unjust steward Whether you like it or not You know, sorry the unjust steward
Right He gets That clear and then
He basically tells them what you owe Yeah, he lies about how much is owed and he's praised
Why would he be praised? Yeah, why would he be praised i'm gonna go to and after we're done you're gonna go now
I understand the parable what's going on Right Yes.
Yeah, the unjust steward. This is in luke 16 1 through 8 Last one there is a semi -pelagian arminian with a pre -millennial bent of dispensationalism
I'll leave now What if you should have said good everyone will be like me then or that person or whatever theological humor
Well, you're smiling at me like oh What's that You're on a luke
Yeah, because the parables are at more out of luke Yeah I love luke.
Do you know he wrote most of the the bible? Of the new testament. Did you know that luke wrote most of the new testament?
He has more words written by luke than any other author in the entire new testament He wrote luke and acts
And that's more volume, you know, okay That covers more than all the epistles no, no, no, there's more numbers of words just the number count
A proportion like paul. I think a second or maybe matthew is or something like that as far as who wrote the most that's all
Physical words Now he was also saying to the disciples. There was a certain rich man who had a steward
And and the steward was reported to him as squandering his possessions All right
Now, um Let's see, let's get ahead of myself here.
Let's see Yeah, i'll do it this way, all right Now, uh, so someone apparently cared enough to let the the landowner
Know what was going on? Hey, I think you got to check this guy right and uh
Verse two and he called him the landowner called him and said to him. What is this I hear about you?
Give an account of your stewardship for you can no longer be steward I want to hear I want to see the facts.
Let's bring the paperwork bring the numbers Let's see what's going on. I've been hearing some bad stuff now In a good culture and a good thing.
He's not going to do this off Just one person's word. There's going to be more other witnesses by two witnesses of the thing established
So he's probably hearing you know hearing this but at any rate doesn't matter. What does I hear about you now? He's going to check it out
I want to hear let's give a count. Okay And uh, so he doesn't frighten to I mean doesn't excuse me say too much
Uh, the servant doesn't say too much Uh landlord doesn't say too much. It's kind of let's just check it out verse three
The steward said to himself. What shall I do since my master is taking the stewardship away from me? I'm not strong enough to dig.
I'm not i'm ashamed to beg Now the steward's got to remain silent Because he can't fess up Because he'll get kicked out right there
So he's he's biding his time. He's got I got a little bit of time left Because I got to get the paperwork, you know
And maybe it'll take me a day or two or three or four fine and bring it back. I got some time. All right
He's a smart man Okay, he doesn't say too much And he doesn't defend himself
Okay, he's just He's a he's a conniver. Okay Um So by not defending himself in that culture, basically what he's doing is admitting his is his guilt
Because you're supposed to defend you. I never would do that. He's just silent But then what am
I going to do? Okay, that's like, you know, you say your kid did you do such a touch? So He's going to cover himself.
Okay Now don't think that the steward's fired now or it might be later, but that's okay
Verse four. I know what i'll do So that when i'm removed from the stewardship he knows because he is unrighteous he's gonna be removed
That they will receive me into their homes uh And he summoned each one of his master's debtors and he began saying to them the first how much do you owe
He doesn't say in the story. Hello, my friend How are you doing the proper greetings and everything else sit down?
Let's talk about your family Oh, by the way, we've got a little business to talk about he goes He goes how much do you owe? The guy's in a hurry he's getting it done and the land the steward, uh
The debtor Said well 100 measures of oil and he said take your bill sit down and quickly write 50
Now let's stop for a minute and talk about this Who does the steward represent? I mean, I don't mean represent as in the devil or whatever.
I mean who in the story who's he representing? the landowner So the steward is the one who represents the will of the landowner
Do the debtors the workers of the land know? That the steward's a bad guy, but I don't know.
So what are they going to think? When he says how much do you owe 100 right 50?
What are they going to think? Generosity of who? the landowner
Now remember how we talked earlier about the reputation of a people the reputation of of individuals
The reputation of a town Very serious. We don't really have that here But you gotta just just trust me on this.
It was very very important back then very important This is going to play into effect with the land owner
Because what this man is doing is saying i'm going to get ingratiated with these guys
So that if something bad happens I can Go into their houses. Maybe be taken care of.
Maybe they'll give me a break on something. Who knows? and uh If they knew however that the steward had been in had been fired or was about to be fired.
They wouldn't agree to this So they're ignorant Okay, they don't know what's going on. They think it's great and so, uh
He does, you know, hurry up do it before the basically it's hurry up go to matter to find out about this He said to another and how much do you owe and he said a hundred measures of wheat and he said take your bill
And write 80 Now again, what's What's this guy thinking the wheat
Owing dude, he's gonna be going this guy's great. The landowner's great. This is great. I wasn't thinking this
I didn't expect this He's coming over. This is great Now What's going to happen to the people what are they going to do to people whose bills are cut down drastically out of nowhere
What are they going to do? What would you do Talking about how great the master is
How great the master is you're gonna talk great things about him, right? You're gonna say man. This guy's great.
You hear what I did if someone came to you and said, uh How much you owe your car? Well, I owe 12 000
I'll tell you what you write a check for a thousand right now and it's paid off You know, what are you gonna do keep it to yourself?
No, man, did you hear what? Yeah, yeah and here's his phone number call him up see what happens um
So Reductions of rent were generally due or reductions of payment requirements were usually due during famines and difficult times when the master knew
Look, they can't do it. Let's be fair. They were pretty generous But there's nothing like that mentioned here. This is just out of the blue kindness now that means that the renters
Are going to be praising the landowners and most probably Probably would have a celebration of some sort
To have a celebration, uh You may or may not have a celebration doesn't say but let's assume that at least one of them did
He's going to have his friends over they're going to cook they're going to you know, do everything because the word's going to get around And so the community now is going to hear about this
Thinking the landowner is a totally cool guy Now the landowner finds out about this
What's he going to do If he backs out He's going to look bad and maybe they might say well he decided to do this
And then reneged and he's blaming the steward So the landowner's kind of stuck So the master praised the unrighteous steward because he had acted shrewdly for the sons of this age are more shrewd
In relation to their own kind than the sons of light. Now, wait a minute. It's verse eight
He's praised Think about this This man knows that He's going to be in trouble
So let's Look at eschatology here a little bit. This is eschatological end times ish
Because jesus says sons of this age Of these are like two ages this age and age to come
The master praised the unrighteous steward because he had acted shrewdly in what sense? To make sure that where he was going to end up was going to be okay
And who was he counting on for big good The landowner the master he's counting on the goodness of the of the master because the master could have said no
He did this he lied pay me everything you owe That's going to really cause downplay if he's stubborn and didn't care about anybody
But he does care does care about his reputation does care about everything And so he goes along with it and that's how it works
And he's praised It's not praised that the steward was evil but his shrewdness to keep him out of the judgment to come
That's really what this is about He says the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own than the sons of light
He's talking about the jews And he's talking about others but the sons of light supposed to know
The light of god the word because your words a lamp to my feet the psalmist says The sons of light these jewish people you're supposed to know
And you're not being as shrewd as this wicked person was to be um saved and what this is
Is he's jesus is not praising the the dishonesty But the ability of the steward to recognize the generosity of his of his master to see what's coming
And use what he had to have to get something greater self -preservation Damnation is so severe.
You better do whatever you can right now to make sure you're saved That's how severe it is
That even this unrighteous steward is praised because what he's doing is guarding himself for the future
Smart men and that's what's being praised about the future's coming Are you gonna be smart about it?
You're gonna be weak about it. You're gonna trust in christ or not. That's the whole idea That's what's going on So god is representative of the master the master represents god
And he's a god of judgment and mercy because of his evil. The steward is caught in the coming crisis and the excuses will
Will uh Won't do anything. Yes, but yes, but there's no nothing to be said He's guilty
His only option is to entrust everything to the unfailing mercy of his generous master And that's the shrewdness
Have confidence in the master that the master will accept the price
That has been levied for his own deliverance That's why the parable the unrighteous steward is a great parable
It's actually eschatological and and satirological salvation and end time stuff and so The steward was vindicated because he trusted in the generosity of the master not because of his dishonesty
Okay interesting Sure Him knowing who the master is
Yep, and how good he was Yeah from that he's he's more dependent on him regardless of his mistake
From that he was kept in them. Yep It's cool, isn't it?
All right. Now what we're going to do is go to I think it's uh, luke seven Sorry By means of unrighteous
Yeah Uh, that's part of what jesus says He says use even what you have now, even if it's not that great to get yourself right and make it unrighteous ma 'am
And he's not saying you buy your way into heaven, but he's showing the severity of the necessity if you barely make it in You know, you've connived and you got in somehow
Good for you That's how serious judgment is It's coming That's the idea
All right. Now, I believe it is, uh Luke seven 36 this is
What am I this is one of my favorite areas of scripture It is and I have preached this several times
And when I have preached it i've actually, uh Held back tears a couple times i've lost it in the pulpit
Because you understand what's going on here. It is powerful. It really is but um all right, so this is uh 7 36
Now one of the pharisees Requesting was requesting him to dine with him and he entered the pharisee's house and reclined at the table.
Okay now a pharisee Was a religious leader one of the individuals that jesus himself had been speaking against on various occasions
The people were following jesus and they knew him to be a teacher Now they remember that there's the woman who was caught.
I mean who uh had an issue of blood Those those years and she reached through the crowd risking herself because she was defiled
Issue of blood and she touched the hem of jesus garment And she's she's healed the hem was where the tallit and the tzitzit would have been which is the cordage
Tied in a symbol symbolic representation of the law 613 knots. I think it was It was
I don't remember exactly but it's that's what it was And she touched that hem from that we can conclude that he was wearing the proper attire of a teacher
But he knew he was a teacher And others knew he was a teacher and here come the pharisees who are teachers
This town isn't big enough for the both of us. You know to do the whistle You guys with the you know, old testament new testament, you know, it's just the kind of thing going on here
All right, and he says The pharisee says to jesus come eat Now let's put a little bit more on this
Think about this is jesus alone walking alone Or people following him Okay, they're following him.
Do people follow the pharisees? Yeah, they did And the pharisees would often pray out loud They would stop in public and pray so that people would learn how to pray properly.
They were so helpful Come follow me. I'll tell you what to do. Let's come this way Okay, ready watch this
And so jesus would pray too And he would heal people and just so we got these groups of people they're following the pharisee and jesus and They're meeting.
Oh, what's gonna gonna who's gonna, you know swing first and the pharisee says You want to come eat at my house?
Remember this is a severe point of fellowship. This is important. We're going to share food together
Okay, what's going to happen to the people around them they're going to go Oh, that's gonna be good.
Hey, bob frank, did you hear about this? Why didn't bob frank would tell so hey They're gonna meet over at pharisee's house simon's house.
What's gonna happen at simon's house a bunch of people are gonna show up It's gonna happen right now.
Remember there weren't any screen doors and sliding patio doors like we have here It was open, you know, they had these windows here like this and it'd be a a crinky old, you know
Shutter thing that bugs could still get through and you'd open it up and um and to imagine this room here and in the middle is a rug and uh
Raised kind of a rug kind of a thing with maybe a really low table, maybe not but low table and there were servants of the pharisee's house and uh
The pharisees would often let people follow them And have meetings when the pharisees would come into people's houses or each other's houses they would let people come in and stand on the side of the of the walls
And outside men would be on the inside generally women would be on the outside women.
Sorry outside For one reason was propriety. You don't want to mingle and be rubbing up against women
Okay, but you don't do that kind of a thing because it'll be kind of crowded women were on the outside and some men would be too
You know, there was some propriety there But for the most part men would be lined up on the inside because jesus and the pharisee are going to have dinner
Oh, it's going to be good. We know they're going to go at it. It's going to happen, you know All right.
All right with me And uh And he entered the pharisee's house and declined at the table
Now, okay, let's do this stuff getting misty. I There was a woman in the city who was a sinner
A woman A woman Now women women
Could be making sandwiches being at home woman Not being a prostitute You're not really regarded that well, he's a sinner
We know that she probably was a prostitute. I'll get to that later And when she had learned that he was reclining at the table in the pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster violet perfume
Some commentators think that this was what she did for her business Because they didn't have running water baths and stuff.
They would anoint themselves with something smell good for their prostitution That's conjecture, but it makes sense
Oh man what she did And standing behind him at his feet weeping
She began to wet his feet with her tears And kept wiping them with the hair of her head And kissing his feet and anointing them with the perfume that to me is tremendous
To be honest, you don't see any man do that This is an incredible act of worship an adoration
She really understood who jesus was She's risking everything Now, let's get the scene the scene, right?
Most probably the place is packed with people within a certain distance. There's gonna be clear a clearance
Jesus is on his left arm Feet away from the table because his feet are dirty the pharisee will be on his left arm feet away from the table
His feet will be clean Because his servant has already cleaned his feet The people will be around the room and It you know, there's probably going to be some bo and stuff like that.
And that's just what it was back then And this woman comes into this house the house of a pharisee a woman
You don't do that She's risking herself And she's an unclean woman
And she comes into this this house that means she had to kind of enter and what
I mean by that is If you hear a sound behind you tend to you know, you look you see this there she comes this unclean woman
What are you going to do as a jewish man? You don't want to touch her. You'd be defiled you could step away and she keeps coming in It could be that someone could strike her
Because she should not go into a holy man's house But she comes in and wiping
His feet with her hair In the culture a wife could be divorced for letting her hair down in public
Because it was a sensuous thing there and you you kept your your hair up and covered and You only let your hair exposed let it down To your husband and maybe your family and your children in the house
So imagine the people on the side of the walls watching the people in the windows This filthy vile sinning woman comes in and she sees
That his feet have not been cleansed that he's not been anointed with oil because he talked about this later
He sees the offense to jesus Undoubtedly, she's heard him Undoubtedly, she's already knows who he is
And she comes in and lets her hair down in public You know fred sanford i'm coming home, honey
Grabbed his his uh his heart, you know, i'm coming home girls. Come you have a heart attack um
They would have been appalled by her presence and her actions and now of all things she's
Kissing jesus feet and the feet were filthy And in that culture, there's uh a story
Even I think the past within the past 50 years or something like that 60 70 years. There's an account of uh of a westerner
Who was over in the area one of these towns whatever? And he had a friend who's a native of the area not a native but a native, you know, and you know and uh
They were a bunch of men were sleeping in a common room, which is not uncommon And he wanted to get his attention
Because they were separated a little bit So he took his shoe off and just tossed it at him wake him up They almost killed him for that in that culture though his friend
Had to intervene to prevent them from beating the crap out of him because it was such an insult to take your shoe off and Throw it at somebody a profound insult
And he didn't know and so the guy had to come in and he basically saved his life Now, what does john the baptist say about jesus?
I'm not even worthy to untie his sandal The feet were dirty. The feet were filthy And she's kissing them
Yeah, she's kissing his feet she knows more than Anybody else does about him?
Now sure the fair the the disciples knew things about jesus, but she knew something different She knew more about him than they did
Why aren't they defending jesus? Why aren't they? Saying hey, why don't you anoint his you know, give him a kiss and and we'll get to this and and his feet still dirty
Why are you why are you so disrespectful? The men aren't doing things It's often the case that men don't do anything and the women are the ones who get to it
After the resurrection of christ the men are hiding and the women are out there They're gonna anoint the body and they're they come and say hey, he's risen and they don't believe him
The women often got it right about christ before the men did Why because well, you know, they're more sensitive in some other areas
And men are a little hard -headed And that's a disadvantage but on the other hand is it comes of great advantage when it comes down to Getting getting on shipwrecks and going to get beaten and you're standing for the lord, you know, that's that's more the man's job
So there's not one's better than another. It's just that you know, sometimes women in the bible just are not really considered that Monumentous This is incredible in my as far as i'm concerned her insight her her risk her the beauty
Of her worship and adoration of jesus It's just incredible It is
She is wetting his feet with her tears and kept wiping them with the hair of her head and kissing his feet
And anointing them with perfume. Could you imagine her? You imagine this is on film they get the great actress and she's weeping and snot's dripping and she's crying and she's kissing
Filthy feet taking her hair and wiping them taking oil and doing all this to jesus What does she know about him?
What's in her heart that she would do this? She's already broken
And she most probably is already quite saved at this point Wow, this is such a and it is
In my mind is such an incredibly beautiful act It it humbles me
Would I do that? I don't know But she did It is tremendous.
It really seriously is All right now in verse 39
Now when the pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself To himself that means he's thinking it
If this man as jesus were a prophet he would know who and what A sort of person this woman is who was touching him
That she is a sinner If he was really a prophet now, he's judging jesus
And he's judging her This woman's touching you if you're really a prophet, you know, you don't have anything to do with it.
Get away Which one would you be well us men?
Me i'm a pharisee I'm, sorry. I know what I am without christ. I'm a pharisee.
That's it All right, there's nothing good in me period except jesus period
If this man were a prophet he would know what kind of person she was she was a sinner verse 40 And jesus answered him. Wait a minute.
He's thinking this now. Jesus answers him Okay Simon This is a parable coming up.
I have something to say to you and he replied Say it teacher. Wait a minute
He's thinking to himself. He's mocking them in christ, but publicly says say it teacher He's a hypocrite
Okay A money lender had two debtors One owed 500 denarii and the other 50
When they were unable to repay he graciously forgave them both So which of them will love them love him more simon answered and said
I suppose the one whom he forgave more And he said to him You've judged correctly
Okay, so pretty simple You owe a million dollars or you owe 20 bucks and both are forgiven
Who's going to be more grateful? Right. Yeah That's that's her
She's obviously a greater sinner than the pharisee And she's showing greater
Repentance and greater honor in the forgiveness that she's receiving in christ It's simon the pharisee, okay.
Yep And so she is showing The true depth of of adoration and dedication this is how we should be with jesus
You know, I don't know how you guys would be and i'm not saying i'll be mr Humble look at me, but if if you were to suddenly be here i'm on my face
You know, that's it and uh That's jesus
He says well you've answered correctly now Turning to the woman. He said to simon I think you have the room
Tables in the middle low table six inches high That means the woman's at jesus feet
The pharisee's across the table And he turns to the woman and says to the pharisee
Simon, he turns his back on the pharisee He's addressing the woman
Customarily you kind of you wouldn't talk to a woman and You can get in trouble particularly a prostitute
You know, he turns his back on the pharisee to speak to the woman You imagine all the people around the room they're going
And then another minute later and then a minute later And then you know, it's gonna be happening constantly, you know
Turning to you know, he turns to the woman address it, you know looking at her. Simon. I got something to tell you Okay, it's like that.
All right Do you see this woman? Oh Now in polite society you didn't you don't rebuke your host, right even now you'd be careful
You see this woman? I entered your house and you gave me no water for my feet
But she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair
You gave me no kiss But she since the time I came in has not ceased to kiss my feet
You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with perfume For this reason
I say to you her sins which are many have been forgiven For she loved much, but he was forgiven little loves little
But he said to her your sins had been forgiven Now we keep going here So he's disrespecting the pharisee and using
His failure to do what's right He's using his failure to do what's right Exposed by this filthy sinful woman
Doing what's right? No judgment from him to her but forgiveness
Now I relate to that woman not a transgender way with their woke kick, you know crap
In the fact of just being a sinner Who needs to kiss jesus feet? Well, he's to be at his feet
Just praise him weep before him. Thank you. My lord. Thank you my lord And she was doing that I can do this now because I can look back and when
I was saved it's very dramatic salvation Anyway, there's a lot of weeping the presence of lord
I can look back and see this but look at her In the midst of this situation in the midst of this culture in the midst of all of this.
What does she do? She breaks protocol risks herself Goes in and does what she had already seen the pharisee failed to do with her lord
And she took care of it and that man had failed to do what was right She took care of it
Humiliated herself in front of people, but she didn't care Because her one concern was jesus He's the one who mattered and she did what was right before him
Now kissing his feet wiping his hair with her hair His feet with her hair and anointing with oil the feet did not save her
Because these are the actions of someone who's broken her faith and trust is in jesus for what she knew there had been no atonement yet but yet Her sins have been forgiven
That's a perfect tense. It's a past action with the effects continuing in the present
Because she's justified by her faith and trust in christ I love this story.
So I love this It sounds like there's a unique parallel Where you have christ
He's calling this story and then she's wiping her feet where everyone is looking at her
Thing is though almost like the utmost of sins and filth, right? But he parallels that to say that's actually what you are.
She's being forgiven. Yeah, because you're not actually Yeah, you're more like her than you realize
Yeah, and you're you're self -righteous She is unrighteous But she's confessing it and not confessing it.
She it's a public confession, right? Okay willing to Acknowledge Her sin.
Yeah That's right now here's a question what does that woman say find those words what she says
That's right. She doesn't say a thing does she? No, that's interesting.
She doesn't say a thing No A man might have i'm not saying a man would have done the wrong thing in this situation men are different and things like that It's not that women are better than men in this or men are better than women other things did do it wrong
None of the men None of the men didn't do what's right. That's right Right, none of them.
That's right. That's right. So they were all in the wrong. They were all in the wrong. Yeah He didn't say anything to christ
And he he didn't also say Right. Well the uh, the i think this is assumed is
He knew the heart Yes Yeah that he knew his heart right, you know, so in that sense like she said nothing but what she was wanting
Versus what he was wanting, right? Yeah, see there's a lot here, isn't there?
The perfect that you pointed out your Your sins have been forgiven I think it's perfect tense might be a heiress passive or whatever, but either way as long as it's heiress or Perfect.
It would have been in the past passed with action continuing particularly heiress participle. But yeah so it's evidence of Salvation already having taken place.
Yeah That's right And there's an example of someone I believe she saved
Saved without knowing even the crucifixion So people can be saved in different levels of knowledge
But the ultimate issue is who's she trusting? She's trusting jesus So I believe people can be saved and have varying degrees of knowledge of christ and be saved.
I really do Because the only way they could have that faith to begin with is god grants it to them all right, so Put that real quick.
It wouldn't have been lost on them views Proclaimed his authority and divinity by saying her sins were forgiven
Well, she says She says now we can talk about that. Your sins have been forgiven.
He it's not and i'd like to check my greek I think it's passive Okay Well the nesb which is one paul used says have been forgiven
What he used Yeah, that's what paul paul used the nsp and uh, you want to go with a more contemporary version?
You're going to check the greek So it's uh, luke 7 20 or 40 48
So it's got to be uh, i'm thinking the perfect passive Or the air is passive participle.
I mean, yeah, here's passive participle And she's you know, she's had greek i've had greek
So what this means i'm talking about is The tense is important because if it says your sins are forgiven which is flat present tense
It doesn't carry the same meaning as they have been so Present tense.
I am or I eat a present participle. I am eating past tense
I ate a perfect tense Is I have eaten
Which means it's it's occurring then and it's still occurring the the pluperfect is I had eaten
Which means the action was performed and completed in the past. I had i'm not
Okay, perfect passive Indicative good More statement.
Yeah statement of reality and condition of actuality so your sins So he's saying your sins have been oh and passive voice one more thing it's it's uh, so I hit the ball.
I am active in performing the action The ball hits me i'm passive in receiving the action so your sins have been forgiven they
They have already been forgiven and they're still in forgiveness and it happened to you. You didn't do it yourself
It was a it happened to you. That's what's going on Okay Those who are reclining at the table with him began to say to themselves
Who is this man who even forgives sins? That doesn't say he forgave sins technically but the implication is
He says your sins have been forgiven Oh, wait a minute. How can you say that? You don't who are you to say that that's the question that comes up because you know after the fact when it's all
They dispersed They're going to be talking about this for weeks Who is this guy who pronounces salvation or forgiveness of sins who is this who does this?
Very important very important um And he said to the woman Your faith has saved you
Go in peace. There's justification by faith. It's not by works. She does stuff
But it's the faith that justified her and as james 2 14 through 26 talks about Real faith has real works, but it's not the faith and the works that save its faith alone
Won't get into all that difference right now and this is awesome This seriously, it's just it's an awesome
Place of scripture Well this woman who doesn't say anything. She just does
Risks a lot goes into a pharisee's house who's supposed to religious leaders supposed to know her Not everything but know everything
And he disrespects jesus The other people there don't do anything about it and she does
And she really humbles herself in the process and I mean really humbles herself
Kissing dirty feet wiping them with her hair, which means
He probably probably had defecation of animal stuff on his feet Dirt mud
Kissing them Would you say she's a broken woman? Oh, yeah
He says your faith has saved you and notice the faith is in him
It's in him She recognized to be able to interview her in heaven.
How much did you know about him beforehands? Well, I you know, it'd be neat if I could get that high in heaven, you know
Give me a day pass, you know go up Because i'm gonna be down low, you know, my wife's gonna be way up there.
She's gonna say yeah I used to know him You know, maybe go visit but uh
How much did she really know she had to know what she did as far as who he was that's right
Yeah, she seemed to be that's the right way to say it she seemed to be we don't know Because there could have been men there A lot of people don't realize that women could do things in the culture men could not do
You could a woman could get in your face And say things and do things where if you did it with a man man to man
They'd already been on the ground rolling Uh women could get away with a lot of stuff they could um, and so maybe she knew that and that's just how it was and she went in and And did what she had to do but the fact is
She acted And her faith was in christ and him alone And she acted according to her faith
And that's what we need to do as well Her her actions are a great example of actions that we're supposed to have and there are other great examples of actions that men have done as well and But this is a particularly to me a particularly powerful uh place because for me mostly
That adoration and worship kissing the hair is such a visible real thing that I just think it's beautiful And I think it's wonderful And it touches my heart a lot
Every time I teach on it. It just it's tough Because that's my jesus
That she is loving And would I have done that? What were the disciples
I guess not with it right good question They were learning maybe they were maybe going uh
Maybe they're you know, if you haven't you've watched the chosen it's pretty good It's pretty good
I mean the first episode was the one uh married I don't remember i've seen all of them.
So yeah, but it was it's made very well. Yeah, it's good Yeah Well, there's a little bit of liberty taken but you know what
I like whether this the apostles Disciples follow them. They don't have him figured out yet.
They don't know what's going on And uh, that's good because That's the case, you know men are a little
Maybe some of you ladies have noticed. I don't know Little hard -headed sometimes just a little women are not hard -headed
But that's right Oh, you think so I can be careful because i'm up against the wall here
You what? You hide it better. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we'll make you guys believe that you did wrong
Also, that's a manipulation that's that's an obvious great sin Yeah I could talk about that.
I could do marriage theology of marriage sometime Turn the head the other neck
Yeah, that's actually a very sinful. Uh thing if I taught I could teach sometime on the theology of marriage it gets into headship and and what what is all
Oh, it's quite a bit of a change. You've been there when i've taught it, right and it's different, isn't it?
Right out of scripture make people nervous um women too But at any rate so these parables and there's more but we're you know, we've been at uh for almost two hours
These are wonderful These are just wonderful Amen, they are wonderful.
Yeah First 50 of Luke 7. Yeah The what your faith has saved you is perfect as well perfect Faith is what saved and Constance right
This is one of the advantages of studying greek you learn this kind of stuff and you know You learn uh with that to decline you learn to parse you learn constructions you learn
I think some of the important stuff is passive active middle participle a or These things are really really help you understand what's going on a lot
All right, so to what we'll do so we've got some people in the chat room here If you got questions, maybe with charlie's still there what he could do is either type a question out
Or find one and then highlight it and see um And our nick are you out there?
She's not out there I guess because my wife has medical Physical problems so she has to go recline a lot
Where could I go but to the lord? That's why I love hymns matt. Oh I'm not a hymn person.
That's why the person said that you know, I don't like him. I don't Yeah, I won't say anything to brother. Matt is so powerful story.
Yes me too. Brother. Matt Barely diaz, okay
Ray lagrange senior. No ray Matt the name I go so fast the author of the book you recommended tonight is um
Uh Kenneth bailey Yeah, kenneth bailey.
It takes a while matt the name of the author of the book you there is bailey some Not yeah, kenneth bailey uh, and that is um
Poet and peasant and through peasant eyes. It's technical But it's worth going through.
Yeah, I have it still and I I read it 25 30 years ago And uh, maybe longer 35 years ago, it's one of the few books
I will not loan out to anybody because i've gone through it underlying stuff and I don't want it lost
Yeah, it's it's what Poet and peasant and through peasant eyes is a two volume set
All right. So is there any comments or any questions? Anybody wants to ask? Let's see guests, what does it say here guests?
Oh charlie's in there. All right, let me turn that off. There we go. This phone thing works pretty well
Uh, it makes it we had a camera set up over there and all this stuff. I had a wireless mic and a whole bit
Um, but I think this works out just as well All right, so no no comments, okay, that's all right.
No one has to Comment that's all right. Do you guys enjoy the parables?
Yeah Yeah, well the one with the uh, the steward answered the question with that because I always struggled with that you struggled
He now, you know So that that solved that with that because he says it solved it Yeah Yeah, I learned it out of that book.
It's like Oh, of course Makes perfect sense um all right, so Any comments or questions you're you're a newbie
And uh, so you've heard stuff like this before Oh good
Yeah, hopefully I gave you some more details you probably heard this main stuff but my favorite though is the woman who comes in the pharisee's house,
I just That to me is just too good Yeah It was good to actually have more of the historical thing to it and that was actually something
He gave us some meat to think about right And you know and you always need to hear a little bit more and sometimes people have insights
Uh that others don't have and and it's just good to hear it and the parables are nice and a lot of people have never Heard this stuff before Yeah, he asked if he could comment on youtube or just facebook
Yes Comment it where you want and uh Let's see
Uh, I love your explanation of the prodigal son really good. John macarthur explained it the same way years ago good
Uh, love you, matt He loves you the guy says he loves you already You're mad.
That's the mat over there. So that's good. I think what about me? I mean Sure, let me
Oddly enough of all the characteristics of god that I struggle to really grasp Keep in mind at all times is actually
Like I understand But when it comes to maybe living and acting out in that reality, that doesn't always fall suit i'm very much like Despite all feelings just do what needs to be done even if you know, it's very cut cold and dry
That's my tendency, right? so with that being said, uh maybe
I can share a little bit of my background later, but A lot of people who present the gospel will start out with oh god loves you so much and they emphasize in the love without sharing like You know the other half of the gospel, which is why we need god's love and and that all comes into play.
But what? With those two things i'm battling in my head like yes
God absolutely loves me but also this incorrect incomplete presentation of the gospel and presenting god's love as this fluffy warm thing like What what
What is god's love if how should I think of it All right
So what is god's love? That's a very uh It's an interesting question um
There's a doctrine called uh divine simplicity And it means that god exists as a single thing
One stuff substance. He's not part this part that so his love is part of what? He just simply is
And uh perichoresis is the teaching the name of the teaching that each member of the godhead interdwells the others there's a uh, permeation because they're one thing and so in that there can be love and fellowship and so the trinity becomes the the most minimalistic efficient necessity of the nature of god
In the fullness of expression of love and fellowship and things like that. I can get into that later All right so to ask what is god's love that's a tough one to answer because We can only know what love is by the standard of god and we can only know that by his self -revelation
And so jesus is the express image of god. We know that And he was one talks about and to see him as to see the father.
John 16 talks about that. And so Jesus says god to love the world that he gave
So the nature of love is giving is other centered he said in john 15 13 he says greater love has no man than this but he lay his life down for his friend
So since first john 4 8 says god is love and the greatest act of love is self -sacrifice
Then what we can say, what is god's love? We would say it's an other centeredness Of concern for the betterment and the welfare of others in a deep deep deep way
And that's how i've understood god's love and it's not just that but because there's a permeation an awareness and Not to get narcissistic here.
But when I got saved there was an actual the very very Real presence of the holy spirit and then the lord jesus.
I was very much aware of their presence and and it's profound and it changed me but uh,
I remember Experiencing the profound presence of holiness And it was so profound
That I was reduced to just nothing but tears And I mean wailing tears and I buried a child
I carried his body to the grave and And the weeping of that day was worse than the day.
I buried my son. I mean the intensity of god's majesty
Is incomprehensible and that love also Must have an incomprehensibility
To it that is an actual existence presence that we can understand and feel
And I believe that that will be something we will enjoy forever and it'll be so majestically wonderful that It will be unfathomable
We won't be able to lower the cord with a rock on the belt to hit the bottom and see how deep it is
The fathoms it's unfathomable and It's an other centeredness that he's going to I believe envelop us in heaven in his presence with an immeasurable but restrained measurement of love and Devotion to us which is eternally old because he elected us for salvation for the foundation of the world that we're going to enjoy forever and so When you say, you know, what is his love it's just Part of his own essence that is so other centered and giving and sacrificial
That that is what we're going to be inside forever And when we get there, we'll probably say that description remember that description matt gave you up boy was that insufficient?
And uh, that's right because that's how great I think it's going to be with him and on the alternate side
I think that's how bad it's going to be for those who have rejected him in eternity
And because jesus says You know You watch out better that you go in blind and deaf or without arms and legs
You enter into heaven then hold you go into hell It's going to be bad So, I don't know if I answered the question very well, but thank you.
I tried. Okay good Better keep my my percentages up I wish
I could have wrote it Yeah, how can you experience god's love there's an article let's see if there's anybody else got anything
I wanted to offer an alternate interpretation of the steward parable wanted to offer an alternate interpretation I don't know how he's going to do that.
He's going to write it out uh Divine simplicity. So charlie spine the guy who introduced me to apologetics read me a quote from joseph smith 1980 or 79 or 80.
We don't know we just say 80 Uh, he what he does is he follows me around in the chat rooms and he does a great job
He puts in uh links to the articles on karma and things like that Yeah, and so today
After the show we are talking about this and you know these links he's missing links and I said well
You could have a t -shirt missing You know the link man and then I thought wait a minute. He's the missing link man and so we're thinking about getting a shirt just the missing link man and uh, only a few people would get it but uh,
He was laughing. So he's the one that they got you He's the one I was at a bible study had never seen him before he comes up I think it might have seen the week before.
I don't know but you know He said can I read you something? Yeah, sure And he says uh here and you read me this quote in all these affidavits and all these indictments
That is all the devil all corruption you false swears all hell boil over you burning mountains roll down your lava for I will
Come out on the top at last. I have boat. I have more to boast than ever any man has Either john paul peter nor jesus ever did such a work as I I boast because I boast no one's ever done such work as I the followers of jesus ran away from me
But the latter -day saints have never run away from me yet Wow, joseph smith history the church volume six page 408 409 and I I can still remember this
I still remember the paper he was reading was right here About where I was standing lex name and listen to this
And I actually did this I ripped out of his hand and I crumpled it. I said who said this?
Because it was so blasphemous and he said joseph smith did and I said, well, who's that?
And he said he's the founder of mormonism and I said in my incredible ignorance. I said Well mormons are christian, but he's not
And um, is it is the door latched? Okay, and then he said no mormonism is not christian.
I said yes it is He says no, it's not and I said why not and he started explaining it to me. I went What? They teach what?
And he said there's a bible study on tuesday coming up, you know, this is a friday night and I said, okay Tuesday i'm going i'm going you know when they teach on this stuff and then
I remember Saturday the next morning. I didn't want to go. I don't want to go sunday I don't feel like going
I already give him my phone number, you know, and I said, I don't want to go monday I don't want to go tuesday. I don't want to go.
He calls me up. Are you going? Yes I still don't know why he said yes I still remember this
And there's only one other thing like i'll just tell you the story this also happened George mathers and he was he worked for a christian research institute and I was working at kimberly clark in fullerton, california orange county, california
And I was doing apologetics for years And I had not been to college or seven. I did a little bit of college but none of and I hadn't been to college or seminary and uh,
I was like 27 or 26 or something like that and I was working as a part -time
But it was actually full -time and just have things develop And I was a temporary full -time temporary guy at a at a corporation doing mechanical drafting
And so george would call me up every now and then and he would say hey matt Could you go to uh this such and such house and answer questions about mormons or jdubs or whatever it is?
I said sure And he would work with cri they get too many calls and they would sometimes have me go substitute for him and each time
George would call me up. He'd say are you gonna go to seminary? I go i'm not going to seminary. I can't afford it
I'm not gonna go i'm too old already. I'm not gonna do this and he would okay, you know So, you know three weeks later call up Oh george,
I know right away. He's gonna ask me when you go to seminary and can you go to this house? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, blah blah blah and he goes no i'm not i'm not i'm not and this went on for Oh, I don't know better part of a year
Then one day I still remember this he calls me up And I was george and I already know i'm gonna say i'm not going to seminary it's it's all he always asked
And this is the truth and he said well, can you go to this house? And here's an address and you know, they could expect you tonight and I said sure sure no problem and uh wasn't married at the time
I could do that kind of stuff and uh And I go he's gonna he's gonna say it and i'm not kidding
He says so when you go to seminary and I went I don't know but i'm going Just like that And I just knew
I was going I just knew it I swear, I still remember going
I'm going I'm going I don't know how I know but i'm just going And he goes you are
I said Yeah I'll look into it. It's all good It was predestined to happen.
Oh, it was i'll get this. So this is the truth. Okay. Oh, let me tell you I'll just tell you the whole story.
This is fun stuff. This is all real. All right So I go, okay Uh, i'm a temp i'm a a temporary worker at a place
And temporary workers don't have rights. Okay And i've been there like two and a half years
And uh, I went to my boss who's a christian. I said, uh, Seminary, I want to go to college. I do college first to go to seminary.
I gotta finish my college I did like one semester in college and I gotta go to seminary and he goes
And I said, can I work part -time here? and uh, I go to College he goes
We don't let anybody go to it. Nobody gets part -time here Well, can you ask he goes back two days later?
He goes. I don't believe it. They said yes And I could pick which hours
I came in on i'm like That's good. So, okay All right. Well, that's good.
So um because of the schedule I didn't have a college to go to because Where I started like a month late into the semester
Except for this one college that had a building program going on and they were starting a month later So I called up on wednesday
Basically what it was moved in on a friday on campus started classes on monday All right
So i'm going to school and i'm still working as a draftsman i'm doing all this stuff and uh,
It's pretty hard having a job and doing you know college was it wasn't seminary it was college and um
Long story short i'm skipping details. I met a guy one summer Who had a business?
developing sorting machinery For different parts screws nuts bolts and it's a big deal.
It's a big big big and automation machines And um, so I went in and I I moved
I quit where I was working kimberly clark It worked for him got a little bit better money and better hours And you know not knocking kimberly or the company was great, but I found a better deal and within two weeks the guy wanted me to uh start becoming a salesman
I said I can't be a salesman because My last name is slick for one thing who's going to trust me
And uh, I don't know anything about selling robotics assembly machinery sorting machinery I don't and he says I want you to just do this.
Anyway go out there So I remember going into a company handing him my business card Matt slick
Selling robotics machinery and I swear this is what happened. I went to this one company like in el segundo and uh
I go in there and the guy looks at my card. He goes are you for real? And I said, yeah, my last name's slick and he said slick your last name slick in your salesman.
I said, yep And uh, I said, uh, and he goes hold on and I was gonna explain, you know, i'm i'm
I'm trustworthy. I'm gonna be a minister. I want to be a minister going to seminary, but not yet, you know And he says give me some more cards
He takes him. He goes. Hey bob frank george. Come here and he could walk over this guy's named slick And look what he you know, he's selling robotics machinery and i'm like what and this guy goes you sell sorters.
Yeah Okay, I need sorters. Come here with me Like you're kidding me And so I go back in the factory.
This is all true He's back in the factory and he and I get seven percent commission on anything I do right? so anything
I found and so I go, okay, and we're walking along this hallway and he says
He shows me this room. I still see it and he goes we have sorting machines for blah blah. Can you do that?
I go. Yeah, he goes six hundred thousand dollar job. It's yours Just like that. I'm like what?
It doesn't make any sense. You have to do all kinds of business. He goes i'll give it to you And he walked into his office i'm not lying
I could not believe it's just unheard of and he's talking to me He says, you know about such and such and such and such and that's when
I said Uh to be honest with you. I have no idea what you just talked about I'm gonna be a minister.
It's why i'm going to school. I'm doing all this stuff. I can't lie to you I just don't know what you just said and i'm sorry, but I can find out i'm just being the truthful and he looked at me and he said
Are you serious? I said Yeah, oh I got it wrong that's right
I got it wrong That's when he said it's yours Okay. Now remember so been a long time.
I've told the story so He said he looks at me and he stares at me and he goes Do you want to know about it?
I said, yeah, he goes. Okay, come with me He starts teaching me about the stuff that I need to sell him on And that's when he walked by a room and said you have such he goes
Yes, and he said you can have that i'll give that to you And he's teaching me how to do my job to sell to him
In two weeks, I found two million dollars in business That's a hundred and forty thousand dollars in commission
For two weeks work now i'm going out doing window shopping for bmws because that was the car and uh
So I I actually actually this is during the summer and I said, oh, I don't need to uh
Oh, that's when well i'm remembering all this stuff been a long time That's when it was
That the school started late because of what happened. I'm sorry. I'm trying to remember this accurately And so I decided not to go to seminary
And not to finish college because god's obviously blessing me here and I can use this money to do other things with the kingdom
That was my decision turned out. It was not a good decision Uh, my dad went in the hospital he was in icu
And my roommate and I dave, uh, we got an eviction notice and uh
For some unknown reason I get a warrant in the in the mail for my arrest For some traffic parking thing.
I had no awareness of and Scared the crud out of me, you know, they're gonna come and get me, you know
I I ended up taking care of it. You just write up a check, you know Okay, but warrant getting eviction notice all within 10 days.
Oh and one more thing happened Within the 10 days, so i'm driving out to the company.
Yeah I'll go do some more making money and the guy goes Uh, we got a problem.
We're gonna talk. Oh You said uh, the supplier we have for all our parts is being sued and uh, he's basically going out of business
We're basically out of business He says I gotta let you go I lost my job
I got an eviction notice warrant for my arrest. My dad's in icu So i'm literally this is the true this happened i'm driving home down the 15 freeway
From ontario, I think it was ontario I'm driving, you know
I just can't believe it, you know Everything was so good And now it's all crap, of course
God knows that he wanted me to go to sim I didn't what do I know and i'm just driving i'm just it's shock, you know
How am I gonna live and I hadn't gotten to the college yet that I've got my my dates mixed up.
Okay So i'm driving along and I see I used to have eagle vision just incredibly good vision not so much anymore
And so I could see way down the road. There was a car That was a slight angle on the road on the side of the road with a woman standing next to it
I mean she was just that high and I could see it go. Okay. She's got a flat i'll stop and help her
Might as well. I got nothing else to do now So I pull up behind her car and she's got this nice flowing like dress on it
It was just nice to see it was nice and uh The wind's kind of flapping it a little bit and and her hair's a little messed up and and uh, she got this flat you know, and I you know, and I got a nice shirt on I took my tie off and had slacks on and You got a flat tire.
She says yeah, I said here. Let me change it for you She goes you can't you get your clothes dirty? And I said don't worry about that.
Don't worry about that Now i'm always looking for opportunities to witness right? so, uh She hands me the keys and we get the car get the the thing and i'm starting jacking this thing up and i'm fixing her
Her tire and and I said, yeah, you know. Oh, she goes. Well, what do you do for a living? Well, I just lost my job
And I said, um, I lost my job I this happened this happened this I tell the whole story might as well
I got time, you know And she's listening she can't go anywhere and so maybe
I could turn into a witnessing, uh encounter I said I wanted to go to seminary, but I have to go finish college first and uh, you know
Maybe we could talk about the lord And she says to me My husband is a seminary professor
And god is calling you to go to seminary And you need to repent and you need to do what he said to do
This is why you've lost all this stuff because you said you weren't going to go So you repent and you need to go to school.
I'm like yes, ma 'am Yes, ma 'am. Yes, ma 'am. Yes, ma 'am And she told me politely in a way that woman a woman can do that, you know
And she's getting on me but in a loving way i'm like yes, ma 'am. Yes, ma 'am. Yes, ma 'am And I fixed her car she drove off and i'm going
I guess i'm gonna be going back to school And that's when I was a month late I remember it was a month late and I went in the school and uh started a seminary
Or I started college And so I mean the true story It's all true So and then later
I graduated from college And um, I was gonna go my wife and we got married by then I was going to go to ted's trinity evangelical divinity school just north of chicago
And and I applied it was in orange county southern california. I applied at san diego at westminster theological seminary
You cover your bases and I got accepted at both. Well both we're going to go to to ted's because i'm not going to be a slimy calvinist
So this guy don't know anything predestined I believe the predestination but limited atonement
And so, um now I love but at any rate so I said no we're gonna go to ted she goes Okay, let's go to ted's we started selling everything.
My mom gets uh, breast cancer breast cancer Right, and so I go.
Oh, yeah. Yeah So she I think they discovered it on like monday and like tuesday or wednesday or thursday.
She had a mastectomy I mean it was aggressive and uh Then nine years later she had another mistake
But she survived that one and gradually she ended up passing away not from that I think it was something else but whatever
So they were aggressive. They took care of it and um I can still remember her in recovery looking at me saying matthew
Don't go Don't go to chicago. It's so far away and I knew at that moment.
I was going to go to westminster So that's how I went to westminster in san diego and stuff
I get all kinds of stories like this, but uh They're just things regardless. But anyway, just to tell people like stories, but it's weird, huh?
It's real It's real how it works so Have you go where you need to go or where he wants you to be
Yeah years down the road and you don't even know it at the time, right? That's how come nick didn't realize how wonderful I am until recently
It's just the same kind of a thing Yeah, we tried to move out of here. My wife has some serious medical issues. She's had open heart surgery.
She's had some other issues And that's why she's not here because she has to go take care of herself, but that's fine
But we tried to move to go to arizona And that's kittler incidentally or we call them obi
I was just gonna say your cat looks like hitler That's right. It's like hitler And we call him kittler.
Okay So hitler pigster, um fat boy obi, he's very loving he's he's so great
So we tried to sell our house, right? What? He does head don't touch his ears.
He's not his ears touched everything else except his ears Yeah, yes. Yeah ear problems, but you know, but he's just sitting there loving it
And so i was going to say is that god has a way of keeping us in places and things like that And we were going to sell this house in a market when houses are being sold in two days
And we couldn't sell it after a month No one would we got one offer and it was a crap offer
And we could what is going on And dave brock who often comes here for the study. He's our realtor.
He was saying praise god. You're not going anywhere. Yay He's praying against you moving You know, so we're ending up here and now we realize it's a good thing for us to have stayed here
Yeah Yeah So anyway, those those are kind of stories that are very encouraging here
Yeah, because one of the things is like I grew up once you grew up in a charismatic background. Oh, and so it's always that level of prosperity
And it's just like you don't realize
How much that becomes an effect of you and later on I became Actually introduced reform
To a presbyterian church. Oh so from that I was like I I agreed so much more with calvinism
So you're presbyterian reformed Yeah, I was turning arp.
So I have more what's my confession? We're going to talk because i'm thinking you're going to be really a great person
I have a feeling your theology is almost probably perfect like mine.
I'm i'm I'm looking forward to having some being humble and i'm of course i'm being humble.
I'm proud of my humility I've just copied it. So there you go. Well the london london
Confession, I think 1689. Oh, so you're not a pedo -baptist Oh, you are that's like the london that's no, that's what i'm saying.
I was just saying okay. He's a pedo -baptist. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes Are you all male pre -male?
So I think i'm more historical Uh historical what so there's variation
Okay, so I do lean because I like historical honestly, that's a definite personal Thing that and then so I I kind of more lean towards the semi -preterist
Semi -what preterist so am I i'm a semi -preterist. It's called partial preterism, right? I'm all millennial but how about this
I can show you guys just what you want The wicked are taken before christ before the rapture occurs See they're all nodding
I have to see it because i'm still actually learning Okay, i've been doing it for years. Yeah, i've been doing it
I can still teach on this if you guys want I can do a little study on that right now But uh something the guys in the room has already been over two hours
But tell you what, we'll do Just to do it. I'll shut this down. Oh, what are we going to talk about next week?
What you guys want to what? Yeah If they if they could ask questions, okay ask questions
Well, maybe I should do this do this, okay uh No, I can do questions
Who's taking first when jesus returns the wicked matthew 13 30 specifically says so so go ahead and pipe your questions and i'm going to uh
My face is my password Now what happens if you lose your password you got to change your face
You know that no logic was it Yeah, okay
All right, uh, oh I keep forgetting to call back somebody no matt. I want to stay and watch
What You want to hear what oh, no, uh here's something
That's what it says a lot both to go together till the end of the age i'll say the reapers first till the time of the harvest first gather the tears
Gather the wheat into the barn. So the first one's gathered to the tears Right. That's what it says So what i'm gonna do now is go in here if you got questions
Uh, I can go in here. I should have done this earlier Okay and enter studio
And then I can see questions that you guys type in okay and matt slick other
That i'm already in there Come on There we go, all right now
I see everybody all this stuff Boy, that's a good looking guy in the middle there. That's that's charlie, obviously um
See I feel it works see how so got on the phone and I can see the
People All right, um, no man, I want to stay and watch okay I'll do a little bit eschatology and do that and stay on okay
Look at the screen matt kernel posted question Oops, uh, oh wanted to offer an alternative
Interpretation of the steward parable tell you what write it out Okay, write it out and send it to me
All right, it's almost midnight. My mad is snoring. Okay, matt. Is there another scripture that relates to the one with the tears?
Yes, go to matthew 2437 and following and luke 17 26 and following And it says two men in the field one is taken one is left
That's the context the ones who are contextually ones are taken are the wicked All right Matt does your wife think you're more beautiful than charlie?
No, john wilkinson matt does your wife think you're more beautiful than charlie well, what's the answer?
Wow, i'm partial to santa claus She's partial to santa claus so I lose out
All right, oh john is clapping Hey debbie, hey, see you debbie she's in the specter love your face um, okay
Okay. So, uh, you got any questions or comments now's the time right now Just go ahead and go for it. And then after we're done
I'll do a little eschatology study if you guys want just a little thing for fun And then we'll keep it online if you guys want
Sound good my audio matt Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah, you're well free to leave, you know
I could start talking like this and make it go but um, maybe I won't You gotta go
About 10 30 Yeah, we do. This is what we did in escondido. We had bible studies.
They were two three four hours Not because that I made everybody stay Um, they just stayed we just talked it was fun.
I checked on the boy up in the window. So What Hey, I think he was falling asleep
Oh, that wasn't me. That was somebody else. But yeah, that was six hours that paul had talking chicken, man
Thank you. Chark link master um Come on, i'm waiting I want to have all these questions and comments in here.
So i'll wait for it Thanks for the tears with the woman wiping the feet of. Isn't that good laura?
That was great I finally got to meet laura over the weekend laura anderson Okay, I guess no one's going to say anything
Yeah What's that Okay When matt comes out of the bathroom everybody do this normal thing.
We do that was great. That was awesome So that he missed it. Okay, okay You with me on this?
No, sorry, you weren't listening When he comes out of the bathroom everybody go that was awesome
Oh, there you go Once we did it at one bible study. I was teaching at a church guy goes what I miss
Very nice It's happened But it's fun You have fun at matt's bible studies you learn you get challenged you hate and you also love at the same time
Oh, hey, my matt was snoring too. I was startled to not earn a nod. All right
Uh, I guess nobody's got any comments. Okay, matt help progressing pilgrim. Can I take your notes?
Sure. Yeah, come on I never went to the alien convention trip.
I never made it Otherwise i'd be there kind of now utah was great. I had a good time
That was good you missed it that was awesome that was the best thing ever I think
I think he's on to me. It was yeah, you're never gonna say that again All right, uh baptist regeneration in particular i'm getting blown up on twitter for coming against sacramentalism
Sacramentalism is different than sacerdotalism. So i'm not sure what you mean But you're probably talking to catholics and eastern orthodox who believe that there's grace
Embedded inside the sacraments if you're talking to catholics, you need to look at uh, catholic catechism paragraph 1999
Where it's infused grace is infused into the soul and you can read about some stuff like that on uh, karm, okay
The communion, you know, all right Getting low on disk space so i'm gonna have to delete some stuff.
I need a yeah my other laptop. Oh my goodness It's gonna do a bunch of stuff, all right
Um matt you had a caller today that said he knew a ton of theology Is that hidden pride it sounded well, you know if you know a lot of stuff
It's one thing to say it but if you say it over and over and over again, you know, when's it become prideful? And that's why
I said to him, uh about the humility issue Um, because it seemed as though he was a little bit prideful, but I don't know if he was or not
Maybe you've had a caller today. I said that. Okay. All right. You want a little bit eschatology? Yeah, you ready? All right Okay, let's go to I'll just quote it to you
Okay when he comes out So matt we do that To different people
I've done it over the years and one time this guy comes out of the bathroom We all did that and he goes no what
I miss He was so serious. It was great Oh, man
I'm one person like What's i'll figure it out. You'll figure it out later. All right Let's see.
Come on So what we're gonna do what I will do Yeah Yeah Well, I can do deprescotology
I can do that I can do that. Oh, I'm just gonna ask you so the thing about adam and he mom and dad
About them not necessarily being Not necessarily being naked.
One of the theories is That they they were clothed in the glory of god in the light of god
The clue we have is when moses comes down from the mount his face was shining And the bible says clothed in righteousness clothed in light so one of the conjectures is that they were in the very presence of god and that uh, they were
Shining. Okay, because of his glory. We can't prove this. It's just a just a conjecture and when they sinned it was gone
We're naked and that's one of the theories. I like it. Would I die in that hill?
No, I wouldn't die in that hill, but Yeah That was so good wasn't everybody yeah, that's right.
Oh man, that was good Yeah, you should have been here. Yeah, that's right Okay, what
I got a question about lutheranism. I'm going to get to that and we'll do some eschatology After I go to the bathroom, oh boy when you come out.
Yeah when I come out Yeah We're gonna go to his course, that's right.
I mentioned that to uh to my folks, you know with that Now that you know just to bring up some of the things that we discussed makes us ask questions
You know that and that was it that they were completely Turned off from um
Turned off from from the study, uh altogether And I just probably said the one of the things that you know
And I said maverick thing is like it's designed for us to ask questions to go with our bibles and just kind of you know People are so Entrenched in their traditions that they're not open to study the baptism thing too with that where they went, uh, uh
I just like to talk about the stuff that you know that we learn with that, you know different things that I never saw before and They're on their baptism has to be by It says here, you know that you know, jesus was immersed it doesn't never says that And uh, you know, it's like we came up all the water and I said daddy you're standing in the puddle of water
Right now it says right here Look then take them to uh acts chapter eight Both the euthiopian eunuch and philip came up out of the water.
So were they birth both immersed? Right, okay Yeah, it's people who just don't uh, you know, yeah, okay lutheranism, uh, is lutheranism a valid expression of christianity
I'd say it's within orthodoxy. I went to a lutheran college uh But they're teaching infant baptism regeneration.
They are otherwise fairly solid but that yeah, that's right They teach what's called ex opera operata, but the doing it is done and I don't like the idea of their infant
But they teach you can lose your salvation. So they believe in a covenantal baptism that actually saves the child
He's considered to be saved And I don't agree with that at all Uh, okay, so you ready?
Yeah, okay Matthew 24 starting at verse 37 Luke 17 starting at verse 26
And i'll quote them like this i'll go because they're both equal until the one part All right, as it was the days of noah
So shall it be the days of the coming of son of man for they were eating they were drinking They were giving in marriage till the day that noah entered the ark and the flood came in Took them all away
Destroyed them all So matthew 24 says the flood came and took them all away and luke 17 says the flood came and destroyed them all
So we know from both that the ones who were giving in marriage were the wicked Give it in marriage doing the bad stuff
Giving a marriage what I could quote it now It was the days of noah social becoming something they were giving in marriage
They were drinking drinking marriage and giving in marriage So they were the wicked ones And then it goes to method 24 and says tootle tootle be in the field when it's taken when it's left
The context is the wicked are the ones who are taken. This is not a rapture verse the rapture occurs.
That's first thessalonians 4 Verse 16 through chapter 5 verse 2, which we'll get to later So that's the rapture it does occur and um
But betty 24 luke 17 are not about the rapture. It's about a judgment of the wicked And in luke 17
You know the flood came and took them all away or matthew 24 the flood came and destroyed them all luke 17
Later, they ask him where are they taken and he says where the body is the vultures gather Now one's taken one is left one's taken when it's left so one theory
I like to say Because it is not even provable But it's just flat out fun
Uh, matthew 16, I believe it is three unclean spirits like frogs go out to gather to get her for armageddon, right?
What do frogs do One taken one left one taken one left. I have no idea if that's legitimate, but it's fun to say
But they're gathered for armageddon So some people will say well, okay
Now i'm going to step aside a little bit and talk about amillennialism. I'm an amillennialist Which means
I believe that the millennial reign of christ is present That we're in it now and you're right
And I believe i'm right. Yeah But you're humble And pre -millennialism says there's a coming thousand year reign
Post -millennialism says that at the preaching of the gospel, etc. We're going to usher in the kingdom of god and So i'm all mill and the reason i'm all mill is because If you go to Uh first thessalonians 4 verse 16 and my bible program still opening my computer's low on, uh
Low on um Memory from the figure where I get my other laptop. Um, it's low on memory.
So it's just hanging there First thessalonian 4 what verse 16. Um For the coming of the law of the son of man will be well, how does it say was it well, well i'll just get here the
Angels will descend from heaven with a shout and the voice of the archangel the dead in christ shall rise first And we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet him in the air therefore my brethren, uh
As concerning the times and epics you have no need to be whatever For the coming of the day of the lord will come like a thief in the night right
So what what he's saying there? Forget the chapter break. Okay It says, uh
For the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel the trumpet of god and the dead in christ
Will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them In the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so we shall always be with the lord
Therefore come from one with these words Now as to the times and the epics brethren You have no need of anything to be written to you for you yourselves know full
Well that the day of the lord will come just like a thief in the night So that's what it is
The rapture is it that jesus comes back in the clouds the thief of the night, right?
Go back to acts chapter one Boy, I could teach you guys so much.
I could really mess you guys up Uh nine except for one turning at verse nine
Now remember the issue of the clouds And he said And after he said these things he jesus was lifted up while they were looking on and a cloud received him out of their sight
And they so they were gazing intently into the sky while he was going behold two men in white clothing stood by them
They also said men of galilee. Why do you stand looking up into the sky? This jesus who has been taken up from you
Into heaven will come in just the same way as you've watched him go into heaven. So how is he coming back?
the clouds right So what does 416 say? For the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel the trumpet of god the dead in christ
Will rise first then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds
To meet the lord. This is the return of christ when the rapture occurs simple
Versus Seven year tribulation beforehand the rapture occurs. They go up to meet them meet them
And then he comes back but they're going to say no Seven years he comes down partially in the clouds and he goes back up You never see that in scripture ever
Yeah, he comes back twice But he's really come back the first time he kind of kind of partial coming back.
He comes back a little bit What doesn't say he comes back twice? I agree with you that's why pre -tribulation doesn't work for that one of those reasons and So this is called the uh
The day the lord comes like a thief in the night, right? right second peter chapter three verse 10 last one there's a uh sacerdotalist 310
Says this but the day of the lord will come like a thief In which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat
Now, wait a minute If the day of the lord comes like a thief in the night
Or it comes like a thief If there is looking from this way left to right the crucifixion later
The rapture seven year tribulation jesus comes back thousand years. Then the new heavens and new earth
But the day of the lord that comes like a thief is when the rapture happens and when the new heavens and new earth are made There can be no literal thousand years simple
These two verses or these two pericopes is what converted me to all mill revelation 20 verse 1
I'm gonna ask you guys questions literal or figurative Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven literal or figurative
I think he literally saw an angel but could he figure okay? Holding the key of the abyss literal or figurative
Figurative and a great chain in his hand Figurative and he laid hold of the dragon
The serpent of old Literal okay uh
Who is the devil and satan And bound him for a thousand years Or literal how do we know we don't we don't people who will go here they'll say well the thousand years means that the literal
Thousand year that's what it is because it says right there Well, then I guess the angel has a key and a chain and took hold of the serpent
Right The key and the chain are figurative. So that literal no, it's figurative. Well, then how do you know thousand is literal because it's literal
That's the answers that they give you Now i'll ask them i'll say well matthew 12 22
Matthew 12 We're starting at verse 22. So i'll say now satan's supposed to be bound
They're in a millennium, right That's when there's a semi -palatian
Well, the scene gets released again To gather up the army for armageddon, so how does that happen by him getting released and gathering the army together what
I was like wait There's a kind of answer to get my wife. Well, how do you walk over there by taking steps?
You know, I just We'll talk about that. Okay She's going
I thought I liked this guy, but you know, that's shifting um What's that?
That's that's true The verse 22 we're going to talk about what blasphemy the holy spirit is and satan being bound
Then a demon -possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to jesus and he healed him So that the mute man spoke and saw all the crowds were amazed and they were saying this man cannot be the son of david can he
But when the pharisees, uh heard this they said this man cast out demons only by beelzebul the ruler of the demons verse 25 and knowing their thoughts jesus said to them
Any kingdom divided against itself laid waste and any city or house divided against itself will not stand
If satan casts out satan, he is divided against himself. Whoa Now jesus is relating satan to beelzebul
Okay, how then will the kingdom stand if I by beelzebul cast out demons by whom do your sons cast them out?
For this reason they will be your judges But if I cast out dave by the spirit of god, then the kingdom of god has come upon you
Is he casting him out by the power of god by the spirit of god? Yes, then the kingdom of god has come upon them, right?
That requires that's what it is Or how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property unless he first binds a strong man?
In order to cast out demons the strong man's got to be bound, right? And then he will plunder his house.
He was not with me Is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters
Therefore I say to you any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people but blasphemy against the spirit shall not be forgiven
That's what it is saying that jesus did his miracles by the power of the evil one. Okay Whoever speaks a word against the son of man, it shall be forgiven him
But whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it shall not be forgiven him either in this age or the age to come
So what he's saying is he's casting out demons And the only way to do that if a strong man is bound and he relates satan to beelzebul
So is satan bound according to jesus right here? So is the kingdom now?
Yeah, go to matthew 13 30 wheat in the parable the wheat in the tares
All right, allow both to go together for the time of the harvest And I will say to the reapers first gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up But gather the wheat in my barn now the rapture occurs when they go up into the clouds first.
I saw audience four Right And jesus returns in the clouds acts 1 9 through 4 9 to 11
Okay The first ones gathered are the tares. That's what jesus says first gather the tares.
That's what he says first gather the tares if the rapture occurs when jesus returns
Then when jesus returns the wicked are taken to judgment That's what it says now 31 and he presented another parable the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed it goes on and on and go down to uh verse, uh 36
When he left the crowds and went to the house And his disciples came to him and said explain to us the parable the tares of the field
Now this is this is really good. Jesus can explain the parable Thank you
The one who sows the good seed is a son of man And the field is the world and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom
And the tares are the sons of the evil one notice sons of the kingdom and sons of the evil one And his enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is at the end of the age
There's only two ages this age the age to come and the reapers are angels. So Just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire.
So shall it be at the end of the age Check this out The son of man will send forth his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom
All stumbling blocks and those who contain who commit lawlessness The wicked are taken first The ones who are taken are taken out of his kingdom
They are the wicked who are taken before the rapture occurs It has to be we're in the kingdom of christ now therefore the millennium
Is not a literal five thousand years because god it's a figurative number god's on the cattle in a thousand hills a thousand days
But a year years, but a thousand days, you know thousand years, but a day and so that's what jesus is saying
The word thousand is like a word kabillion It doesn't have an exact value. It's a large number
So the evidence is here that the rapture occurs They'll go meet him in the clouds and they said that jesus will return in the clouds
There's only this age and the age to come at the end of this age is when the the wicked are taken to be judged before the rapture occurs
Which also is when the new heavens and new earth are made because both the rapture And the new heavens and new earth are said to be the day the door that comes like a thief in the night
And he says in matthew 13 That the wicked are the ones taken before the christians
At at the end of the age That's what it says in matthew 24 luke 17 the ones who are taken are the wicked
And are taken to judgment according to what jesus says in luke 17 so That's why i'm all millennial
That's why I believe in post -trib rapture That's why I believe the wicked are taken before the christians are and let me just tell you when
I started teaching this publicly I'm, the only one who knew that I knew who believed this
I'm, the only one I knew I heard of who believes that the wicked are taken first It took me two full years before I started to just say, you know what that's what
I believe That's what i'm gonna start saying and teaching and you know because It's a serious and it is it's a serious concern
If you're the only one who says what you're saying and all of christianity so to speak isn't agreeing with you
It's a serious concern and it really is I took it very seriously. So I kept going over the scriptures
I kept saying is this what it says? Yeah first gather the tares Was I believing the first ones gathered the tares?
Well mostly yes, but it's got to be something to it And finally on the radio one day about two years ago.
I just said, you know what? He just says the first ones gathered the tares I got to teach what it says it's what it says what jesus said
I can't argue with it And I don't care if everybody else disagrees. Let him disagree. That's what he said
Now if someone's got a better way to put it together i'm totally open But I don't see it doesn't mean there isn't wasn't there but i'm totally open to being you know modified and corrected
And I am okay but this is why i'm on mill and If you want
I can get into depressed catology and tell you why it's going to get worse and worse and worse because It's going to get worse and worse and worse
Because we are undergoing In our culture today a soft totalitarianism
Totalitarianism is where one person or a small group of people have absolute control
That's not the case in america But in totalitarianism the state is the final authority
Totalitarianism is atheistic when there are no universals resting in the heart and the mind of the universal being who's god
Then the secular state will become totalitarian As far as we let it And what will happen most probably is the soft
Totalitarianism, which I got out of the book live not by lies bringing this up and you read it. It's incredible It is scary incredible i'm only 30 -ish pages in one of the best books i've ever read so far
I'm i'm, really impressed by the research he did and incredible between our culture and what was the russian
Well, i'm at the place where he's reading talking about russian and how it's going So he he moves on to survivors that are from uh, one of the chats
Yep, he just mentioned it. Oh, it is phenomenal Live not by lies and it's got a it's a red covered book
And there's a man pushing a carrying a cross walking up kind of hill and I absolutely recommend everybody get it
Bill mckeever recommended it to me over the weekend. I got it that night started reading and I was like bill next day, dude
He's brilliant. It's one of those brilliant things. He's insightful. He was on Cross examine with frank turek.
Okay frank turek, but yeah, yes and um Uh after I listened to that podcast
I was like I have to get this book and yeah live not by lies roger air He did he he's like an american historian.
Yeah Yeah, it's also greek orthodox, which I didn't know that's a problem because greek orthodox is really bad but It's what he's saying is just phenomenal
And i'm outlining taking outline taking notes out and it's going to formulate some other ideas and some other things i'm going to be teaching
On but his points are just phenomenal. I've been already doing stuff on social justice and researching government socialism and things like that So it's fitting in exactly
But what he's talking about and which is true we already know is that what happens is you start looking over your shoulder when you say certain things because the
The context of your society is that you're not safe to speak you're not safe to really uh say things and that It's already started well under play
Yeah Mothers and instead
Yes. Oh, thank you. That's another term Because i'm actually doing other research and combining it in there because one of the ways to control
Thinking is to control the vocabulary that's used And so birthing it takes reminding me one of them is partner instead of husband or wife
If they want you to start using these terms you start thinking in those terms they can control the conversation they control
Huh, you're already doing it. Yeah, I don't do it Society is
And what i'm going to do is also write an article on how to resist As christians what to do is resist take a lot of what he's said a lot of other things i've said and i'm going to do that They're actually changing
From being considered mothers I just said that yeah birthers birthing people
Yeah birthing people And so it's an affair instead of adultery and i've been on the radio people say well someone's had an affair
Don't say affair say adultery. It's what it is You know, and i've had people say partner go. Hey, what do you mean partner?
I'm on them. Excuse me. Don't don't talk like that You know as a christian use the biblical terminology and stick with truth because they're clouding the truth
And at any rate so what's going to happen is they're going to create more problem racism is a thing that they're using
You create the problem as jesus says the house divided against itself will cannot stand and this is what happened in early russia
They were the proletariat. It wasn't race that they used. It was the haves and the haves nots
It doesn't matter and they used it to drive wedges in society, which became then efficient inefficient
All kinds of shortages and all kinds of problems and then they they came in and solved it with their totalitarian crap
It's interesting because it was it was the liberal universities that pushed that information liberal universities, where are we seeing liberal universities?
That's most of them. That's most of them. They're sitting there. They're l socks L sock is an advanced theological term, which means lying sack of crap
Yeah, it comes from the greek leucecum or something like that Columbia It's ridiculous and critical race theory
Is is being taught there's lawsuits now going out parents are saying screw this stuff. We got to start fighting back
I recommend on the radio. Was it today or yesterday? Read the declaration of independence
People have it read it read it and don't let them take away our weapons
Yeah, I think part of the biggest issue I could say this like i'm not very much informed or educated in the constitution
Partly being that my parents are haitian. So like I haitian Haitian they're from haiti is what language they speak over there english or korea korea.
Yeah a little bit of french Yeah, my wife speaks french. You guys see in sweden it's a french Mixed of dialect with spanish, but it's more french canon.
Okay, it's like almost slain to english cool, you know, so but one of the things is like i've come more from a background where caribbean
Yeah, I think that's where but one of the interesting things up here is that The biggest thing and I think body bachem talked about it, but he is like great he has um
They start with the 16 19 right and written on that too actually can redefine anything but right people don't know is that the more it actually kind of Tries to reform in a sense
It eventually gets to christianity. It doesn't stop christianity has to be removed right or subjugated
But it's already occurring right because if you don't do that You're going to say it starts here, but who are the people that supposedly brought this right, you know, so it has to come back to that and where people are like Already in some ways doing it.
There's people that supposedly Calling them active vandalism meaning they no longer believe christian orthodoxy where deep optimism
Deconstructionist is actually part of it But they're trying to change it because part of it is they don't have a sufficient way to deal with the issues
So the compromise in some areas so foundationally they're trying to actually change from yeah
What christianity is or they can't accept it? or How it's weak treats people, you know, but there's people that misrepresent
Christianity and they're trying to use them as evidence to say this is why it doesn't work.
It's like no that's That doesn't define what biblical things are saying Well, that's why
I teach you know different levels of biblical theology and I really believe that christians need to know christian theology and I teach it and But a lot of people say that at first they thought you know
You're arrogant for saying all these things are true and not true scriptures Because they're not used to truth being taught and most christians just don't know very much
In fact, i've you know, i've been to seminars where i've taught And you know as an example, see there's 100 people in the room
And what i'll do is i'll say okay. Let me i'm going to ask you to show your hands And I said how many here have a bible, you know, most people have a bible and you can have your phone, okay
How many believe in the trinity How many believe jesus christ is god in flesh their hands go up How many if you raise your hand i'll call on you how many can defend that?
Jesus is god in flesh right now from memory from scripture. How many can do that? Maybe one hand maybe
And I call on them and they'll you know, john 1 1 I go, but there's more you try verse 14 or whatever
They don't know and i'll say okay. Let me ask you some other questions This has happened a lot. I say how many believe jesus is a man right now?
And their hands are like 40 50 there no I'll say how many why was jesus baptized?
Give me some give me some stuff, you know to identify with sinners You know, it's the most common thing. I said no, you know, i'll tell them later
No to fulfill all righteousness to fulfill a little bit of law And people don't know anything. They don't know
I said was it me to be justified? They're not sure to say What's the hypostatic union?
They don't know that term. They should know. Okay. I don't say communicate. We don't match them So few people know what that is.
That's okay But people just don't know and I have to go in and I have a thing I do called theology and sneakers
Where I just relate different theology together. I just start talking wherever it comes to mind I just put it all together doctrine of trinity hypostatic union incarnation
Imputation propitiation justification baptismal issues covenant just relate them all together and uh
And most people are really not impressed. They go they go man. I know this stuff.
How come no one teaches this? I go exactly. How come no one teaches this? How come no one knows that?
Two men in the field one has taken one is left. It's not the rapture They don't know What's happening in the world that they don't they don't know part of it has to do with the concept of most
I would assume that could be wrong. Hopefully I am but there's this concept of the secret friendly church.
Yeah. Yeah They define intellectualism in the context of What scripture calls is knowledge that's boastful and yeah the knowledge of actually changes, right?
So and they have what he said therapeutic christianity Moralistic therapeutic
I thought that's brilliant therapeutic christianity Sola feelings
In that almost as bad as solar humanola Now i'm stepping on toes
I've run into it where we started asking questions with that and we'll be told why are you guys getting so deep?
Yeah, you guys are getting way too deep. You're you're being way too serious about it with that. It's it's it's simple to be honest like covet itself brought the churches to their knees because There are many people that were not able to sufficiently
Show scripture being able to even address various issues my Situation was like I had a lot of issues.
I feel like god prepared me because I had a lot of issues already like at one point my mental issues
You know, but my dad died at one point and then Before 2020 hit my brother died, you know, so when that happened and he wasn't even a believer so like I had
It was issues so when covet hit i'm honestly Had a point where god was able to be sufficient
Structurally, it was things where it made me dive into I I in a sense in a sense i'm kind of glad that we did go through this because it made us actually have to find sufficiency in What god's word said to be obedient to right?
So like I I feel like there's a level of Dealing with our comfort. Well, I I actually agree more of like if the holy spirit is our comforter anything that comforts us now
Needs to be right you know Because philippians 129 says that god is granted that we believe but also that we'll suffer for his sake
And so the therapeutic christianity like joel ostein You know, he's he's just a jerk
Yeah Christ no
Yeah I went to his church and I have film i'm from my phone And I showed it to somebody recently and they go.
What is that a rock concert? I don't know joel ostein's church I was at joel ostein's church.
I went into the bookstore, which is literally bigger than most churches Okay the bookstore alone and I I was looking for systematic theology and I I got to the manager
The manager, uh, do you have any systematic theologies? What's that I said it's a book of theology that's arranged systematically
They call it systematic theology. Well, i'll go look Now 20 minutes later 20 minutes no, we don't have anything like that But I will say this when
I came out of joel ostein's church I felt good I felt I felt uplifted.
How was the coffee? I didn't have I didn't have any coffee But I felt good I like this.
I feel uplifted, you know I had a picture of me taking with my buddy who was there Had we took a picture of me standing next to the the great iam posters, you know,
I am you know Yeah, it was a poster and he read a book
I am something you know the Yeah, the iam And he's using that name
For a kind of a therapy kind of a thing Yep Yeah So I have a picture of me taken with that and um, let's just say whoa, you know
What's that? Yeah, oh, yeah Yeah, I can show it to you i've got it someplace but uh, let's see if I have no it's not there laredo
I got so many stuff going on Somebody posted a meme where it was uh, like a picture that it's supposed to be like sherman
But if they had like a joel scene on it goes charlatan Well, kevin ask are you all bored yet In the chat room if you have any questions, let me know was that little little eschatology thing fun.
Yeah I think i'm ready for like a little So depressed eschatology
I can talk about it. My wife has a question comment. No Um chuck says he's just wondering if you are contemplating closing down at the three hour mark
Okay Three hour mark i'll close down And uh, because I think uh, we need to anyway, and then i'll just stay we just say you guys want to stay we can talk
Okay All right. Sound good. Yep What do you want to do next week? depressed eschatology
Parables Some more parables, okay do some more parables. All right
How about do some more parables because there's not that many more to get into and um, then uh,
Depressed eschatology Well, that's easy
Yeah, that's easy to do yeah, no one knows the day of the hour it's a wedding feast relationship. Yeah Yeah, let's see.
Yeah culture again culture And you know the remember the uh thing where the blind man says
I see men walking about as trees That's because what they would do in that culture is go walk up into the hills and take twigs and branches
Put them into a big ball like six eight ten feet, uh thick wrap them up And they would crawl underneath and they would balance them and then they would walk them into town
And it looked like men walking like trees So things like that they did that why why big money oh, it's all wood
My greek professors at seminary told me that told my class that no one knows the day or the hour was
Because jesus did not possess the incommunicable attributes while in the flesh Heresy That's heresy to not have the incommunicable attributes means that because attributes emanate out of the essence
So because a property is there it's because the essence is there if the property is not there It means the essence is not there the communic incommunicable attributes are necessary properties of god's essence
So he was committing heresy and he's denying the true incarnation at this point So he needs to be rebuked severely
No, no, that is heresy No, that's heresy his ignorance in fact You need to find out about him and go back to the summit say he taught this because he can't teach that that is a
Serious heresy that could lead to be what's called a damnable heresy In fact, I just got asked uh, someone wants me to get into a do an interview thing about the two natures of christ as in annihilationism
Because if the human nature ceases to exist upon death As annihilation some annihilationists teach then that voids the hypostatic union which then avoids the person of christ
Which then voids the sufficiency of the toning work. So we're going to be talking about that. I'm going to be naming names Okay, let's pray.
I'll close this out. We'll pray and then This down shut it down. Shut it down. And um
It'll be that all right, and we'll just okay Lord jesus, thank you again for this day and thank you for the
The the wonder of your word and I asked lord that you would Cause what we have studied and heard to sink deeper into our souls
And that you lord would be glorified in our breath our thoughts and our deeds
And that you would use us in spite of our frailties Jesus, thank you. Please prepare people for next week and may you keep them safe and sound
We ask this jesus your precious name. Amen All right, i'm ending broadcast everybody god bless
We'll see, uh, it's two hours 59 minutes. No, i'm gonna wait 30 more seconds.
So it's an even three hours. All right, and uh, what i'm gonna do is this Show everybody in the room
Okay There we go, do you have any audio on me
Captain All right, we're almost there 48 seconds
Okay, there's charlie in the room That's right. My wife thinks you're better looking than I am. So, uh, we got some talking
We got some talking If I grow a beard and she says no more smooching All right, three hours even god bless everybody.