Tape 8 (Incomplete) - Counseling Seminar


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


That dad can look him in the eye, that dad can listen to the tone of his voice, that dad can observe him, he may ask him a question or two, but as they talk together, and that's amazing to me how trusting some fathers are.
It's amazing to me how trusting they are. And yet I can name you dads that those little girls, boy,
I mean, they bring their little boy home, and sometimes she comes on home and says, dad, Tommy's gonna be coming by and he wants to talk to you.
That's fine, sweetheart. She doesn't have to worry about that dad embarrassing her, she trusts him. They've built this trust up.
And that little boy comes and knocks on the door, she invites him in, he comes in, introduces him to her dad, said, dad, he would like to speak to you,
I'm going back with mom for a few minutes now, we're in the kitchen or wherever, fine. He says, yes, Tommy, what can
I do for you? Well, Mr. Doe, I'd like to take Shirley out Saturday night if it's all right with you.
Well, Tommy, why do you want to take Shirley out? Why did you choose her? Why did you pick her out?
Tell me something about yourself, Tommy. What goals do you have as a young man?
He said, what goals? You have a 14 -year -old? If a 14 -year -old kid isn't thinking about goals, dear people, we're about to lose him.
Their personality is set at five, and by the time they're 17, 18 years old, they're away from your influence, they're off in school somewhere, and you're not gonna be able to influence them.
We have a short period of time to influence them. And then that fellow comes under that father's counseling.
He puts himself under that father's attitude. He puts himself under that father's influence so that if marriage does come, you don't have to worry about that boy accepting counsel from that father.
He'll already have a relationship with that dad. He has a relationship. If marriage doesn't come, and maybe they decide to go steady thinking marriage will, whatever their relationship is, he has a relationship with that dad, and that puts a bumper out there, that puts a barrier out there, but it also gives them a freedom that dad is there, he's back there as a resource, but he also understands the situation.
There are no fears, no threats going on, and it clears that out for them, and it also proves to that young man that that dad loves that daughter.
He knows that this dad loves that daughter because there are many young men who date many young girls who learn very quickly that that dad doesn't love that daughter, and you know what that daughter's looking for?
She is looking for male approval, and she doesn't get it from her dad, and therefore, that's why she will go with someone else.
He may be younger, he may be older, but she's looking for male approval, and she can get that from her dad, and so one man devised the fact, will you purpose, sweetheart, will you purpose, he tells the daughter, that the fellow you date will have the following eight qualities.
Will you and I purpose together? These are the eight qualities we want him to have. First of all, that he is saved.
It is unbelievable to me, I do not understand the rationalization of Christian moms and dads who will let their sons and daughters date lost people when it violates the word of God.
I understand that that family is an exception. I understand that that mom and dad's an exception.
I understand, well, you don't understand the area of the world we live in. You don't understand the state we live in. You don't understand the city we live in.
You don't understand there are not many people here who are Christians. We don't have many, and so we put that son or daughter right out into the influence of someone who's controlled by Satan, whether they're eight years old or 80 years old, their spiritual father is
Satan. And yet, we let them do it.
We let them do it. It's wiser if we take up that time, make sure that young person has a genuine experience of salvation, and if we put this into the children, of course, they're not even going to want to deal with that.
Just tell them, you're not saved. You're not saved, and I'd like to have a relationship with you, but I can't.
I'd be friendly to you, but I can't have a relationship with you because you're not a Christian. And then, make sure that that young man, if it's a young man, that's what we're talking about, has accepted himself.
If that young man hasn't accepted himself for who he is, if that young man is unhappy with himself, if that young man is not accepting himself, then that young man is going to have difficulty accepting that girl.
He's going to have difficulty with authority. He's going to have difficulty with discipline. He's going to have a lot of difficulties, and he's going to transfer a lot of those to that girl's thinking, and they're going to have a problem in their relationship.
Make sure that he's accepted himself, and then also, he must be under somebody's authority. If that young man doesn't care about what his dad says, if he doesn't care about what his mom says, if he's living with his grandmother, and he doesn't care what she says, if he's not working under somebody's authority, then that young lady ought not to be put in his presence because we are all under authority.
God has put this world under authority. He's put our families under authority. The husband is the authority figure in the home, not a dictator, but he is the authority figure.
God has made him so. The scripture says that man is to the woman as Christ is to the church. It also says that the man is the head of the woman,
Christ is the head of the man. That's God's order, and he's to make those decisions. Also, God has put the church under authority.
There's one pastor in every church. The pastor is the authority in every church. Deacons are not authorities, they are servants.
There's only one that's the under -shepherd, that's the pastor. One pastor in every church. You can't bring the
Bill of Rights or the Constitution into the church, not at all. I don't know where we came up with all this voting things.
I never ever understood that. We vote on it, we gotta vote on this, gotta vote on it. You got carnal Christians, spiritual
Christians, young Christians, older Christians, married Christians, single Christians from every walk of life, and they all wanna vote.
You can't ever come to an agreement. That's why God gives us a pastor. That's why God gave me a parent. There are two principles in the universe.
Basic, God's authority and satanic rebellion, those two. God's authority and satanic rebellion. Everybody's under one of those two.
So if this young man's not under somebody's authority, then we ought not to put that daughter into his presence. Also, try to determine, this is where the dad comes in if he's dealing with this young man, try to determine if that kid has a clear conscience.
He has a clear conscience. I mean, what's he been doing? What does he do? Does he have a clear conscience?
You say, man, you're looking for the knight in shining armor or something here. It would do good to look for him.
It would save us a lot of heartache if we look for him. And then also, of course, he must yield his personal rights.
He must be willing to look out for that young lady. I mean, is he thinking about her? Thinking about himself.
Is he looking for himself? Thinking about his parents. I mean, does he respond to other people and recognize that he's willing to subjugate himself to them?
Is he willing to have, oh, he's not gonna have a servant's attitude, but is at least sensitive to something like that?
Or is he looking at what I want? These are the things I want. This is what I want to do. These are the places I want to go because that little girl's gonna come home broken hearted, broken hearted, broken hearted, and she's gonna just have her will just torn apart constantly about that.
And then, of course, he must have moral freedom. The young man must have moral freedom in his life.
Find out where he goes and what he does and who he does it with. What kind of reputation does he have? What kind of reputation has he earned?
Is it true or isn't it true? Find out about his morality, his ideas about morals. This is where the dad, when he talks to him, he'll find this out.
Well, son, what do you think about this? What do you think about premarital sex? What do you think about petting? Son, what do you think?
What are your ideas about? Of course, it horrifies him. He don't, you know? And he's gonna tell you the right answers. But if you watch those eyes and you talk to him in the right way, it's very easy to discover if he really believes what he's saying or not.
You say, son, just be honest with me. You don't have to agree with me, you know? You don't date my daughter, you're gonna agree with me, but you don't have to agree with me, you know?
And then try to determine if this young man has a purpose in his life. Is he seeking first the kingdom of God?
Does he want to serve the Lord? Does he want to live for the Lord? If he doesn't, he certainly wouldn't want her thinking about, because every date ought to be a good mate.
That's the basic saying. It usually isn't that way, but every date ought to be a good mate. Or at least we ought to think there might be a good mate.
And then, of course, financial freedom. Does this young man understand finances in some sense? Does he work, does he have a job, or does he not have a job, or does he just throw his money away if he hasn't allowed it?
How does he use it? Find out some of those things. All those things will help deal with that dad and that daughter, and it'll help that young lady set some priorities and goals in her life.
And then also, try to, those are the eight qualities. But another thing in this project is to purpose that anytime a boy talks to her about marriage, that she will not discuss it with him until she first sends him to the dad.
That will you just make a covenant with me that if any young man approaches you about marriage before you ever discuss it with him, that you will send him to me first as the dad.
Let me talk to him first, because she'll get all entangled in this, and this friend of ours, our 16 -year -old daughter, just went through this first love, and they weren't talking about marriage, but this little boy, when he was around the church, he was one way, and everybody thought,
I mean, oh boy, they thought this was the greatest catch, this little boy, he was a leader, had all this charisma about him, and everybody thought he was fantastic.
And this little sweet little girl just fell for him, hook, line, and sinker, 16 years old, her first love. And yet, they began to find out when he was away from the church, his life was just like it had been.
But yet, she really loved him in her heart. She really, and you talk about trauma, heartache and hurt, and I mentioned that to you the other day, but we can prevent a lot of that.
We can prevent a lot of that, as the dad speaks to that young boy. Now, why are there so many intense dating relationships today?
One of the reasons is that boys today are coming from insecure homes, and they are looking for something secure.
And so the first thing they want to do with that 15 -year -old girl is they want to start going steady, they want to lock her up. Let's go steady, and your daughter comes home, you know, she's nine years old, and says,
I'm going steady, you know. Horrors, who? Well, he's a senior at a high school. He's a what?
You're only nine years of age. Well, but it does happen. But a 14, 15 -year -old, they're doing it now, they go steady at 14, 15, when they're right in that developing part of their life.
And the reason is, there's so much insecurity in the homes today. And then, of course, that boy comes along and creates an intention, he says, well, we're going steady, which means we're probably going to get married.
So why not? Why not physical involvement? I mean, you love me, don't you? Yeah, well, yeah.
Well, I love you. And we're going to get married anyway. Why not? And it's amazing how the mind gets confused.
And the little girl can be overwhelmed, because these guys, they learn how to talk. I mean, you know how it is. Isn't it interesting? Think back to your own date life.
Now, not in that sense, but a guy comes along, and one day that boy, you know when we date several people, and that boy comes along and tells you all this stuff.
Well, you're the greatest person. Listen, I'd swim the sea to China for you. I'd fight lions. I'd go up and catch a star out of the skies and put it in your,
I love you so much. I mean, all these things. And all of a sudden, you saw him down there with another girl.
Saw her, there you saw her with another guy coming home from school. Oh, that guy, he lied to me.
Come home crying, broken hearted. Well, what's the matter? Oh, she told me this, Dad. She doesn't mean all that.
Two weeks later, meet another one. What'd he say? Well, I'd swim the sea to China for you.
Well, I'd fight lions for you. And believe that one. And the same thing happened. Now, I don't understand why all that happens, but the mind is an amazing thing.
And I find especially with young girls, 13, 14, 15, and 16 years old, they will do almost anything to please that boy because they want to be accepted.
They want to be liked. And I find in the schools today, probably a greater pressure is put upon the young girl than is put upon the young boy to be accepted in the schools today.
And she is under tremendous pressure, but one of the beautiful things is the mother and daughter relationship is wonderful, but that dad can be used as a buffer by God to give that girl that male security and that strong figure that my dad cares enough to work out something with me.
And it'll work. It'll work if we will apply that. Well, our time is going to get away, and I mentioned to you that I wanted to share a thought or two with you concerning spiritual warfare.
I don't want to start too much with it because obviously we're not going to be able to get into it because of time.
But I wanted to share and give you access to some information. One psychiatrist has made the following statement.
He said theologians ought to stop meddling in things that do not apply to them.
And he was talking about mental illness. And yet we find, as I had mentioned earlier in the week, that 97 % of all the people in mental hospitals, they can't find anything organically wrong with them.
Dr. William S. Reed, the famous surgeon, said, many mental and physical illnesses are a result, in fact, from demonic attacks upon the individual.
We could just give all kinds of instance and so forth, but it's interesting that magic, occultism, all these occult practices either destroy the
Christian faith or they prevent the Christian faith from developing. And yet it is interesting that Christianity, as best
I can research it, Christianity is the only, and I'll use the word religion generally. You and I know it's a person,
Jesus Christ, but to use it in the context of the world, Christianity is the only religion on the planet
Earth that is not in direct conflict with occultism and magic. All other religions accept different forms of magic, occultic practices, and so forth.
All other world, Christianity is the only one that's in direct opposition to it, that says, no, we contradict it.
And yet, in this subject, I find more people, as I travel about, I don't say this critically, but I find more people who are authorities on witchcraft, magic, and occultism, demonic problems, who have never dealt with one person who ever had a demonic problem, who have read little in the field, and whatever they've read has been third and fourth hand, who have done very little research in it, and yet they are authorities, and they will argue with you day by day and month by month about it and know nothing about it.
It is an area that there's so much controversy, there's so much misunderstanding, and so much misconception going around concerning it.
The Bible, from one end to the other, condemns it. In the Garden of Eden, if we had time to discover, we would see that witchcraft was involved in the
Garden of Eden, because basically, what witchcraft and occultism is, it is searching out the things of darkness, forbidden or hidden knowledge, knowledge that is forbidden, and God said, don't eat of that tree.
Why wouldn't he want us to know? God will not withhold any good thing from us. He didn't want them to know evil.
He didn't want them to know evil. And Satan says, you'll be like God, and you will know.
You will know. And from that day to this, he has been implanting in the heart and minds of man knowledge that God didn't want him to have.
God didn't want him to have. And it is showing up, since there was a man named Mesmer in the 1800s, and we have
Mesmerism, since that time, you can see how Satan has set forth the demons declare to capture the men of business, the men of science, and the men of religion.
And you can just go and find all the discoveries that have been occurring in psychic phenomena, and all these things, the natural sciences, where they're capturing the men of science.
Then they capture the businessmen, the corporations have now psychic researchers, and they have people who are doing all the palm reading and astrologers now with many major corporations.
They don't make decisions about consulting, and now even in the Christian realm. I'm amazed at how many
Christians go and get their palm read. Oh, it's a game, a carnival, it doesn't mean anything.
To you, it may not, but to Satan, it does. And to God, because God has condemned it.
It is never a game with God. God has condemned it in the word of God. Palm reading, astrology, horoscopes.
I've had Christian people say, well, I don't really believe in it, I just read it. God forbids it. God has forbidden that we go and involve ourselves.
And where did the horoscopes start? You know where the horoscopes started? It started way back down in the days of the
Sumerians and the Chaldeans. In the book of Isaiah, there's an interesting passage that I will read with you.
There are several of them. But in Isaiah 47, verse 13, it says, thou art ruled in the multitude of thy councils.
Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators, that's those who set those scales, that's those who draw those little things in the newspaper.
The monthly prognosticators stand up and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be like stubble, the fire shall burn them, they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame.
We can go back to Leviticus, of course. There are just hundreds of these passages throughout the word of God.
But in the book of Leviticus, there are many of them. But in Leviticus chapter 18, I'm sorry,
Leviticus 11 is where I wanna go. Read Leviticus chapter 11, and you find as you move through here, what you find is
God dealing with, listen, who was Abraham? Abraham was a star follower. The Chaldeans were those who followed everything by the stars, and they plotted all of these things.
Palm reading goes back to the Babylonian priests. Card laying, we know they go back to at least 800 years prior to Christ.
Spiritism, and all of these things. Well, if I were to share a passage with you, let me read you something.
Hadakah, oh, Leviticus 19, if you'll turn over there with me if you want to look at it.
It says, verse 31, regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them,
I am the Lord your God. In chapter 20, verse six, and the soul that turns after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards to play the harlot after them,
I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from among his people.
And there's just scripture after scripture after scripture. If you want to look at one in Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse nine, after they came to the land, verse 10, there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, of course, they were offering sacrifice, or who uses divination, divining, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter of mediums, or a wizard, or a necromancer, that's one who tries to communicate with the dead.
All those things are an abomination to God, he said. You go into scripture, it says, thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
And you know, I go from church to church to church, and I find churches have Halloween parties. Hallowed Eve, the night that celebrates witchcraft, that celebrates that which is totally alienated to God.
Now, you and I all know the history, but now, anyone who trespasses into Satan's domain, knowingly or unknowingly, is going to be harassed by the powers of darkness.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. We have the word of God, and it forbids us to move into these certain areas.
Where we take that step consciously or unconsciously is immaterial. Satan will usually never trouble a person as long as they are his servant.
But now, you let a person start resisting the things of evil, you let a person start trying to get away from the enemy, and that's when the war begins.
That's when the war begins to happen, resistance. What is witchcraft, and magic, and sorcery?
All of it is a contract, that that person who involves themselves in it, they sign a contract, spiritually speaking, with the powers of darkness.
Now, let me give you, if I might, some information whereby you might gain some information, lest our time run out, and I not do so.
The two men in this world that are considered the authorities on this subject, one is a
German Christian who has 30 ,000 personal case histories of investigation of psychic phenomena, ghost phenomena, poltergeist, whatever, he has them, investigating them as a
Christian. The man who works with him is a man named Dr. Lechler, L -E -C -H -L -E -R, who is he?
He was head of the largest mental hospital in Europe for over 20 years. He knows mental illness when he sees it, and yet they have concluded that these 30 ,000 cases are cases of actual demonic involvement.
To the best of my knowledge, and to the best research of which I personally am capable, I am convinced that the man in North America who is the authority as a
Christian on this subject, and this is the man that I shall give you his address, is Reverend Ernest Rockstad, R -O -C -K -S -T -A -D.
He is a wonderful Christian pastor. He has retired from the pastorate, but he has what he calls faith and life publications.
He has traveled around the country for many years doing seminars on demonic problems.
He has the most definitive set of tapes that I am aware of in the world today on this subject.
They're about $50 a set. There are about 16 of them, I think, in a set, and what he does on one half of the tape, he says,
I never want to be known as a man who talks about demons. He said,
I would never want to give more time to Satan and the forces of evil than I do my Lord. So he spends one half of that tape dealing with union with Christ, who you are in the
Lord, victory in the cross, and then he spends half that tape talking about how demonic powers are related in the world today.
They are a set of fantastic tapes. His address is 632, 632.
632, N for North, Prosperity Lane, Prosperity Lane, Andover, Kansas, that's
A -N -D -O -V -E -R, Andover, Kansas, 67002.
Now, why would I suggest, he also has a packet of material for about four and a half, 450, and that's
American funds. Now, why would I recommend this to you? For this reason, there are many things that are happening in the everyday life of every
Christian that you and I will attribute to natural causes that are demonic assaults.
Let me give you one to test it, prove me wrong. Put a little test, because when
I speak on this, I recognize that there are all sorts of tensions occurring in the minds of people and so forth and so on, and many times it's for many reasons.
As I mentioned the other day, it's not natural for you to go down the street and all of a sudden your arm hurt, and then you'd be sitting down, a pain shoots through your leg, and then your back will hurt a little bit, and then the stomach will hurt a little bit, and that pain will just dance around if you give it long enough.
The next time, have you ever been just walking, talking to someone, and you feel fine, and all of a sudden you get a splitting headache?
Now, there is no one that has ever been able to convince me that that's natural. Your body was not made that way.
So let me give you a little test to put it to. Now, if you hit your head on the door, you get a headache,
I mean, you just do. If your son comes in and said, I don't like that, and hit you with a hammer, it'll hurt, it just does.
But what I'm talking about, if you're just driving down the road, and you feel great, and everything is fine, and all of a sudden a splitting headache just comes, just pray this simple prayer, not as a mechanical prayer, but this truth.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as a child of God, I do not accept anything into my life that doesn't come from the cross of Christ.
If this headache that I have is an assault from the enemy to discourage me, I refuse it, I resist it, and I will not accept it into my life, and it has to leave.
You know what'll happen? I will guarantee you that 99 times out of 100, you hear my figures?
99 times out of 100, it's going on tape. That headache will immediately begin to ease off.
And you'll say, it's going. You know what'll happen? All of a sudden, it will hurt worse than it did before.
As a child of God, I have demanded and I command that this headache cannot stay in my life, it does not come from God, and I refuse to have it in my life.
It has to go, I will guarantee you that headache will go. 99 times out of 100, it will go.
See, you and I have been duped, ladies and gentlemen, into believing that when your head hurts, it just ought to hurt, but your head has not been made to hurt.
Have you ever done this? Have you ever read a book? Just read a book, read a newspaper, and no problem, sit down and read your
Bible, and you get sleepy. That is the most spiritual, natural thing that's happening to people.
That's not natural. God, why? We can sit down and read a newspaper, no problem. We can sit down and read a book, no problem.
Sit down and read the Bible, and all of a sudden, we start getting sleepy. Try it. In the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, I stand against the powers of darkness that are trying to cause me to become sleepy and drowsy. If I can't study
God's word, I stand against this, and your eyes will pop open as if somebody stuck you with a pin. I'll guarantee you they will.
I guarantee it will. It'll astound you. It'll frighten you the first time you do it. You say, man, was that real?
I mean, was it real? Why? The enemy is all around us, and because we sit here does not mean the demons are not around.
This place is not sanctified by God. Lost people can come in here.
We can dedicate it to God, and we can ask God to protect it, and we can ask God to put a wall around it to keep the demons of hell from abiding their place in here, but if we don't do it, it won't get done.
It isn't done automatically, but yet we assume it is because we're gonna sing a song about Jesus and preach the word of God.
Listen, the demons of hell approach Christ himself, and yet it's unbelievable how many things happen in our life day by day by day that we just assume.
When you read the book of Acts, you know what one of the first things those Christians did? They burned their magical books when they became
Christians, and if you go back and study the writings of the early church fathers, one of the things that all candidates of baptism were required to declare before the congregations were
I renounce all the hidden things of darkness. Now, the amazing thing is that it can not be anything in your life.
It can be something in the parent's life. It can be something in the grandparent's life that the enemy will use. I could stand and give you, dear people, illustration after illustration after illustration.
I shall give you two. There is a couple in our city that are sweet and loving
Christians. You have problems with it? I'll give you their address and you can write them. And she went to a doctor.
Well, she was sitting at home one day and she was praying. Now, she's a hugger. She likes to hug people.
Now, we're talking about Christian people. You see, there are those who say a Christian cannot be invaded by a demon personality, and the only reason they can give you for that is they say, well, you got the
Holy Spirit, but let me ask you a question. What did the Holy Spirit come to live in? You have an old nature that hates
God. You have a body that's contaminated by sin, and we are all at the heart deceitfully and desperately wicked, and we have a mind that's always turning against God, and the
Holy Spirit came to live right within that. May I share with you, in all of my ministry, I have never dealt with only two people who were not
Christians in demon problems, and both of those thought they was, and one was a pastor's wife and one was a young nurse, and I thought both of them were until it came down to the final problem that could not be erased, and we discovered there was lostness there.
There was lostness there, and these other men, all these men are dealing with Christian people, dealing with Christian people, because that's the only place that you have authority.
The book that's used in Dallas Theological Seminary as the textbook, there's a book on biblical demonology written by Dr.
Merrill Unger, who wrote Unger's Bible Dictionary, and Unger's Bible, he said a Christian cannot be invaded with a demon personality, but prior to his death, he went to visit
Dr. Kirk Cook, and he began to do some research, and he came out with a book called Demons in the World Today, and another one,
What Demons Can Do with Christians, and he said, I was wrong. I was wrong. See, people say, well,
I feel this, and I think that. It does not make any difference what we think or what we feel. It's what the facts really are, what they come out, and so this young lady, she hugged people, and she didn't want to be misunderstood.
She's afraid somebody in the church will misunderstand her. She used to go, God bless you, and she just hugged. So one day, she just sat there and said, Lord, I want to dedicate my arms to you, and she found, she said, a sweet warmth just came over her, and she said she had peace in her heart, and a warmth just came over her.
She felt, she said, so great. She called a pastor, who is my pastor. We've talked about it, and he doesn't mind me speaking about it, because he didn't have understanding, and so it's an area he just hadn't been out in.
I mean, you know, just an area he hadn't looked into, and so to make a long story short, he said, well, that was God confirming that to you.
She talked to a young man who teaches family seminars all over the world. He said, that's
God confirming that to you, and in three days, she could not lift her arms physically. They were down, and she could not lift them.
She went to a doctor. The doctor began to deal with her, and he was a member of our church, and he and I were good friends, and we were socializing together.
One day, I got a call from him. Very quickly, to make the story short, he said to me, he said, Rocky, he said, I have a young lady in my office here, young married lady, and he told me the problem.
He said, I can't find anything wrong with her. They had put her in the hospital for two weeks, had a neurosurgeon, an internist, and him.
They couldn't find anything. Milograms, no problem, nothing. Doctor says, not psychosomatic. It's not anything.
We just can't find anything. She can't lift her arms. He said, would you talk to her? I said, if the pastor will approve it, and her husband will approve it,
I shall talk to her. So the Lord worked it out, and her daughter brought her down to the office, and we talked to her for a couple of hours.
We got a lot of background information, and I said, may I come to your home on a certain date? He said, so. So another lady went with me on that home, and after three hours of confrontation, her life was loaded with demonic problems, and now she can do anything she wants.
Play tennis, interior decorating, anything. Go tell her demons can't come into a Christian life. Loaded.
Had a young lady in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that a young man called, and he said, have a lady out here.
Where is she? She's in the hospital. What's she doing in the hospital? She's in the Presbyterian hospital. Her husband had gone to the grocery store, gone one hour.
Here's a fine young Christian mother, no problems whatsoever, seemingly, and all of a sudden, she put her arms under scalding water, third degree burns all the way to her elbow.
She got down on her hands and knees, and chewed on the legs of chairs and the table, until she tore her teeth off to the gums, and almost destroyed her palate.
She ran through every glass door in the house, and began to run her arms through all the windows, and he found her naked, rolling around out in the rock garden, outside of her home.
I have a medical report, in the medical report, there are contusions, lacerations, et cetera. They brought a psychiatrist in, and he, strangely, said this woman is not in shock.
She's not in shock at all. And the psychiatric profile said, no psychosis, no neurosis, no reason for these problems in her life.
What do you want to do? Lock her up. It's the only thing you can do. Somebody like that, she's crazy. Lock her up, put her on drugs, give her shock treatment.
Shock treatment's the most horrible thing ever created by people, for a human being. What it does, they shoot that electricity in your body, it'll jerk you that far out of the bed, and it's the most excruciating pain, and they say that they hope the thoughts will be jumbled up, and they'll fall back down into the proper place.
No, no, no, no. And in a very short period of time, she is healthy, old, and happy in her life.
Successfully serving the Lord. Yes, she's had to have some surgery and so forth. Demonic problems in her life.
Demonic problems in her life. And so, I believe, as do many other people, it's not only my belief, it's many other people's belief, that the church has to equip itself to deal with the demonic powers.
I was asked by the man that I became a Christian under, one of the joys of my life, I've had several meetings with him,
I was asked to come to Hialeah, Florida, to hold a meeting in the church. And I went down, and he said,
I want you to come down and hold a conference on witchcraft, occultism, and demonology. He said, we are experiencing so much of it.
And so, I went down, and we began to have a meeting. And we did two hours in the morning, and two hours at night.
And of course, at the end of the week, we still weren't through, but we did what we could. And he said, Rocky, he said, there's a man
I want you to talk to in my church. He said, he's a deacon. He's my Sunday school superintendent, he's head of our bus ministry.
I said, what is his problem? He said, he can't pray. I said, what do you mean he can't pray? He said, he cannot repeat the name
Jesus Christ, he just can't say it. And so, we went to my pastor's home, and the gentleman came over.
He'll not mind me, Jim, he came, they call me all the time now, we still are friends. And he came to my home, and we began to talk.
And as a Christian, he was in the army. And overseas, he took a tour.
He went in, just on a sightseeing trip, in a Buddhist temple. And that's where he got demonic problems.
He could pray anything you wanted him to pray. And then I would say, now Jim, would you just say, and I thank you,
Father. And he'd say, I thank you, Father. I'd say, now in Jesus' name, and his jaws would lock. Perspiration would come out, and he would cry, and he would try to say the name
Jesus Christ, but he could not repeat it. We spent 10 hours a day, for three days, working with him concerning these problems.
And he had severe demonic problems. You say, well, he was oppressed. No, he was invaded with demon personalities.
I have, as do most people, been shared the wisdom of taping every session in which we deal with.
And these are on tape. They're not available, of course, but I have in my closet, in my study, a whole side there of tapes of people that we deal with, and I won't deal with anybody unless they let me tape it, for my own protection, and for my own study and investigation, and also to make sure that things go up, and then you have to follow up, and so forth.
Now, what I'm saying all that to say this to you is that I find an apathy and an indifference amongst the churches of today, and a reluctance or a fear of trying to understand.
We're not glorifying Satan. He is a defeated foe, but you see, he is not automatically defeated. He is only defeated de jure, in spiritual principle.
He has not been defeated de facto, in fact, until Jesus Christ comes back, and he's consigned to the lake of fire.
That's when he will be defeated in fact. But we can have spiritual victory today. But he is still around, and we have to apply spiritual principles.
Spiritual principles. And there are many people who have hurt hearts, and who are wanting,
Ephesians 4, 27 says, "'Neither give ground to the devil.'" And Paul says that Satan can get, let
Satan get an advantage of us. We're not ignorant of his devices. So I just wanted to say to you, you don't have to study it deeply to get involved in counseling sessions yourself, but I believe that every child of God ought to number one, be able to recognize a demonic problem.
Every child of God ought to be able to recognize what is of the enemy and what is not of the enemy, whether it's natural or not natural.
Every child of God ought to develop the discernment of spiritual warfare, because Paul said in Ephesians 6, and I'll close with this as my time is now up, right on the button.
Listen carefully. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. It is not you against the people.
It is not Christians against lost people. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers and the principalities and the rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in high places.
We are in a spiritual war against the demons of hell for the souls and the lives of people.
And the reason Christians aren't successful is we're fighting a spiritual war with carnal weapons, and we believe it's me against him or me against her, and I'm trying to battle them with scriptures when
I'm in a spiritual war. And Paul said we're in a spiritual war.
And if we're in a spiritual war, we better understand our enemy. We gotta know how he works and how he does it so that we can set the captives free as well as heal the brokenhearted and as well as win the lost.
There are people in bondage to Satan. Let's pray together. Father, you know my heart.
I hate with all of my soul him who is the arch enemy of mankind.
Father, you know it is not of our purpose to create doubts or fear.
And so I praise you and thank you that you will not allow the enemy to magnify anything that's ever said about him in this place.
I thank you for our pastor and people that love you and walk in your word. I thank you, Father, for the great ministry that this church provides not only to this community but to the surrounding communities.
So Father, I pray that as we try to understand the walk in which we move, I pray,
Father, that you would rebuke Satan and bind his hordes, keep a wall around us. And Father, help us to be sensitive that we're actually living in the enemy's territory.
He is the God of this world and the prince of the power of the air. He controls the hearts of all unregenerate people and he tries to assault us.
He tries to discourage and frustrate and there are many things that come out of the flesh. There are many things that we choose to do out of our souls.
There are some things that are natural occurrences and yet there are the wiles of the enemy and there are the dupes of the devil and we must understand how to discern so that we might help people, that we might not only win them to Jesus but help them conquer the problems and to apply the victory over the defeated one because it must be personally appropriated each day by each person if the victory is to come.
We praise you, we love you, we adore you and we thank you for the victory that is ours through him who loved us and gave himself for us and we look forward to the day when we shall spend an eternity in his presence together and we praise you for the privilege through Christ our