Actor / "Apostle" Kathryn Krick Playing the Role of "Female Jesus" (A Cult in the Making)


False "Apostle" Kathryn Krick is the "pastor" of 5F Church. She claims divine revelation and the power to cast out demons. Her followers bow in front of her & show her veneration calling her "Mama". Others have recognized the cult like nature of her ministry -    • F4F | Kathryn Krick Receiving Worship  


Hello, in this video I just wanted to cover what is a developing story. Basically we have within charismatic
Christianity, we have a cult in the making. The church is called 5F, which means five -fold church.
That term comes from what charismatics and Pentecostals call the five -fold ministry.
That idea is based on Ephesians chapter 4, 11 and 12, where Jesus gave first apostles, then prophets, then some evangelists, and then pastors and teachers.
So that's five offices, or what they would call five ministries that should be operational in the church today.
Of course, myself and many non -charismatics, we don't believe there are modern day prophets and apostles in the church, but they do.
And this 5F church believes they have a legitimate apostle leading their church.
So this apostle, quote unquote, is named Catherine Crick.
She claims to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, and based on some of the clips that I'm going to show you, it's questionable really whether or not the people in her church are worshiping the
Lord or are they worshiping Catherine Crick. Just watch this clip.
Happy birthday, Apostle Catherine. I love you so much. Thank you for laying down your life.
Now did you hear what that guy said? Not only can you find multiple videos on YouTube where people are bowing down in front of Catherine Crick, this guy says to her, thank you for laying down your life so that I may live or that we may live.
I mean, that's what the Bible says about Jesus, and he's giving that kind of veneration to Catherine Crick.
And speaking of Catherine, I mean, she's a woman obviously, and she is considered the pastor of the 5F church.
And this stands in open defiance to the apostle Paul's teaching in 1 Timothy 2 .12, where he said,
I do not permit a woman to teach nor to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. And all of that is within the context of the pastoral epistles.
So if you just go to the next chapter, 1 Timothy 3, Titus chapter 1, the qualifications for a pastor, yeah, you need to be a man.
Also 1 Corinthians 14 deals with that subject. And yet he or she is a woman and she's the pastor of the church, not only a pastor, but an apostle.
Of course, Jesus never chose any female apostles. He chose 12 men, Matthew and John and Peter.
But here, Catherine Crick claims to be an apostle. So there's multiple problems here.
Let's watch some more bizarre behavior from church members. Watch. I love you so much.
Happy birthday, mama. And so if everyone... Hilarious.
Okay, well, everyone's... You guys can come closer. You're really far away. I love you, mama.
I love you, mama. I bless you. Okay, so there you have a church member calling her mama.
Even though Crick is younger than many of them, she is called mama. It's sort of like, well, there have been cult leaders where they call the leader by a certain name or title.
This makes me think of the Pope, which, you know, the Roman Catholic church in some people's eyes, they're the biggest cult on the face of the earth because of how they venerate the
Pope and bow and kiss his feet and all the rest. And that's kind of what they're doing here. They come before her and they bow and they revere her.
They talk to her like that other guy. He's speaking to her as if she's Jesus, but they call her mama.
That's like the Pope. He's called Papa, right? So it's the same type of behavior.
By the way, in the book of Revelation, the apostle John, remember he bowed in front of the angel and the angel told him, get up, you know, don't bow to me.
Don't worship me. Worship God and him alone. And that's really what bowing in front of somebody signifies.
It's like you're worshiping them. In this title mama, right? This goes against what
Jesus said in Matthew 23, where our Lord forbade lofty titles such as called, you know, called no man father, or this would apply.
Don't call anyone mama. Crick is not their mother, but her claim to be an apostle in just the way she acts and the way that people venerate her, uh, and her claim that she receives divine revelation.
This is a cult in the making based on everything that we're seeing. And many people have recognized that.
Why does that matter? You say, well, okay. Yeah. But why should I care? She is very popular online.
She has a lot of followers, more with young people, but, uh, she is growing in popularity.
Now I went to her church's website and here's what her bio said. I really found this interesting.
The bio said apostle Catherine was always hungering for more of God in 2013.
She came to Los Angeles from her hometown of Andy's New York to pursue acting.
Okay. So, so she went to LA to pursue acting and it's like, yeah, exactly. That's what she's doing.
This is all an act. She is playing a role and the role she is playing is basically a female
Jesus, uh, watch her mannerisms and, uh, this clip here, just the way she acts and talks where she's supposedly doing what
Jesus did and casting out a demon. Watch. Hallelujah.
God is setting you free right now. Thank you, Lord. Is there anything you wanted to renounce?
I want to renounce generational curse. My child is autistic and he's, he's, he's not, he has no brains at all.
Like we've tried everything and, um, I've gone through deliverance before and it's just so hard to break this curse.
So I was hoping you can also pray for my child. He's in the crowd. Yes. God is breaking this generational curse right now.
Thank you, Jesus. His power is here right now. It is time now for your deliverance and your family's deliverance.
I break every generational curse off of you, off of this whole family, and I detach this family and you from what you spoke.
I declare every spirit attached, every spirit of witchcraft, every spirit of mental illness.
I declare on three, all must leave him in Jesus name, one, two, three, free.
Hallelujah. Praise God. Okay. So that was quite a performance.
Now, is she actually doing an exorcism? I don't think so. For some of these people, this is a learned behavior.
Some of them whip themselves up into a fit of emotion sometimes, and I can't prove that this is the case here, but sometimes they will hire actors to do this.
And that's actually a story that the website Protestia, they broke the story.
Let me just read the headline. You can check this out, search it for yourself, protestia .com. They write this, exposed apostle, you know, in scare quotes, because she's not an apostle.
According to first Corinthians 15, Paul was the last apostle. And once John, you know,
John was the last one living. Once the apostle John died, there were no more apostles. And that was pretty much understood in church history up until, you know, recently in the past hundred years or so.
But Protestia, they wrote an article saying, exposed apostle Catherine Crick and exorcist quote unquote,
Bob Larson used the same crisis actor to act demon possessed.
So they actually, you know, and you can't prove that Catherine Crick or said, maybe she has people who do this mate, you know, but there was actually an actor who was pretending to be demon possessed for Catherine Crick.
And she had already played that role for somebody else. And they, somebody spotted it on, on video, but let me just read the article to well -known charismatic exorcists have been exposed using the same woman to film multiple demon possession scenes.
According to some great investigative work by brother John Elving, Catherine Crick is fast becoming one of the most well -known and popular charismatic huckster apostles accumulating over 900 ,000 followers on TikTok and 8 .5
million views with her other social media accounts, which adds up to just tens of thousands of more followers and fans just outside of social media.
So again, a massive following. But the article says she is uncomfortably bold.
Yeah. Uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms.
I don't know if that's intentional or not, but maybe they misspelled that. She is bold. We'll just say that she's bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extensive shows of pomp and pageantry for those wanting a deep dive into her many errors.
Chris Roseborough, he did a long video on her. You can check that out. The link is in the article.
As for Bob Larson, he is the pastor of Spiritual Freedom Church in Phoenix, and he has been quote unquote, casting out demons for decades now.
And the videos never get any less bizarre or fantastical. If you have a demon inside of you,
Bob Larson, he'll get that demon out for only $295 and he does it through Skype.
Folks, this is a scam. It says in the short clips as well as the linked video below where some analysis is done by elving the same actress with the tattoo, same tattoo appears in multiple videos from both malcontents acting the same way with the same mannerisms and the demon then gets quote unquote cast out.
In some new acts of charismatic speak and charismatic concepts after Crick exercises the fake demon from the actress, they explained,
I cancel them. I break off the attachment now and declare every demonic spirit that was attached to those things that she just named must leave this body now.
She in turn says, I renounce all cursed food that I've eaten. Okay.
So this article, the video evidence, her false doctrine, and worst of all, the false claim that she receives direct revelation from God and she's some sort of modern day apostle.
This is a scam at best and a cult at worst. So if you know anyone who's mixed up in her church or following her ministry or maybe not even that, maybe they just dabble in charismatic theology and listen, there's a lot of charismatics who are reasonable.
They love Jesus. I would disagree with them because I'm not charismatic obviously. So we would have differences, but this is a hyper form of charismatic ism.
If you hear that term five fold ministry, that's dangerous because it means they're following these fake apostles instead of the real apostles.
Because the real apostle Paul said, I do not permit a woman to do this.
And Catherine Crick is just going out in defying the teachings of the new Testament. So in conclusion, the
Bible tells us in first John chapter four, verse one, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether or not they're of God.
Why? Because many false prophets and false apostles have gone out into the world.