Is the Solar Eclipse Fulfilling Bible Prophecy?

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Enjoy the eclipse! The Holy Nope Breakdown


Right in the center of the cross is a city called Rapture. This solar eclipse happening next month could fulfill a 2 ,000 -year -old
Bible prophecy. You know, in the Bible, God made the sun, the moon, and the stars for signs and seasons. The solar eclipse is this
Monday, April 8th, and today we're going to break down episode 304 of the Holy Nope, as well as some other clips who believe this eclipse is a sign of the end.
What I'm about to tell you about the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th is going to blow your mind.
Now, I know what you're thinking. There was an eclipse that crossed over the U .S. seven years ago when nothing happened. But you simply don't have the prophetic insight to understand the signs of the times.
You see, there was an eclipse that took place seven years ago, went right across America. There's another eclipse coming right across America. It'll make a perfect cross on the center of the nation.
God made the first sign go through seven cities named Salem on August 21st, 2017. The word Salem, according to the
Bible, is peace. So God is saying seven times he offered peace. The next eclipse is coming. It goes through several cities here, particularly
Nineveh, Nineveh, Nineveh, Nineveh, Nineveh, Nineveh. So first we have seven cities called Salem, and now seven cities called Nineveh. Seven and seven, seven cities called
Salem, seven cities called Nineveh, and seven years apart. Right in the center of the cross is a city called Rapture. What is God's message? It's coming very, very soon.
Seven cities called Salem, which was God saying he offered peace seven times. And of course, seven is the number of completion in the
Bible. So he's saying the time of offering peace is complete. Seven cities of Nineveh, seven years apart. So it's pretty clear
God is speaking through this solar eclipse. Before we get to the rest of episode 304, let's consider what the text means in Genesis 114, where God says, let the lights in the expanse be for signs and for seasons.
This is a verse often quoted in defense of these prophetic conspiracies, even in the comments of episode 304.
Let's finish the verse. Now, let's just ask a very simple question.
In describing the formation of the universe, does the biblical author throw in the middle of this passage that the sun, moon, and stars are for prophetic warnings to be communicated to the earth?
Is that the purpose of this text? Is that what he is meaning to communicate? If you've been watching this channel for a while,
I hope that the obvious answer is no. That thought is foreign to the context and is read back into the text by those who want to justify their speculations about the positions of the sun, moon, and stars.
David Brown and A .R. Fawcett agree that to consider this word as denoting ordinary and oft -recurring changes of the natural world.
In a popular sense, the heavenly bodies have been useful in performing all the offices of directing lights to man, affording signs to the mariner to aid his navigation of the ocean, to the husbandman to guide him with reference to the proper seasons of sowing and reaping, and to all they serve as the grand regulators, the standard measurers of our time, dividing it into days and months and years.
In Matthew chapter 12, Jesus said that an evil and adulterous generation will seek for a sign, but they will receive none except for the sign of Jonah.
In Matthew 12, Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees who ask him for a sign after they've already seen a bunch of signs, even blaspheming the
Holy Spirit earlier in the chapter by attributing the miracles of Jesus to the work of Satan. The sign of the prophet
Jonah is in reference to Jesus' dying and rising again from the grave. For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the
Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
The sign of which Jesus speaks will occur in this generation, that generation to whom he spoke. The resurrection of Christ is the climactic sign to the unbelieving
Jews who crucified him. In no way whatsoever does this passage in Matthew 12 have its fulfillment in a solar eclipse passing through the
United States in 2024. I mean, come on, people! Now, the claim is that this eclipse will pass through seven towns called
Nineveh. I'm positive that we could take a closer look at the map and find seven other cities that have the same name and we could come up with a completely different prophetic message.
But the claim itself is a lie. So get this, the path that the solar eclipse is taking will literally cross over the city of Jonah, Texas, several cities and towns named
Nineveh, and it will cross over Rapture, Indiana. This is the map these people keep showing, but this map is manipulated to stretch to make it appear as though totality will be passing over seven cities called
Nineveh. This is the unmanipulated map, and as you can see, this eclipse will pass directly over only two towns called
Nineveh. And in Luke 17, Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the coming of the
Son of Man. And not only that, it will cross over where the ark is in Williamston, Kentucky.
I think this was just thrown in there for more effect. That's not all. All of this will be taking place under the constellation of Cetus, the whale.
Jonah was swallowed by a big fish, not a whale. My friends, no one knows the day or hour of the Lord's return, and we have no expectation set in Scripture that we will be able to determine its nearness by the position of the planets and stars.
What is ironic about these videos that are circulating on social media, all pointing to the sign of Jonah in Matthew 12, is that Jesus says an evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, and then they proceed to seek for a bunch of signs.
In Deuteronomy 18 .10, the Lord lists interpreting omens as an abominable practice, and those who seek for and interpret them as abominations themselves.
And the Lord instructs Israel to drive these people out from before them, because this is a holy note.