Karen the Moonie

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Pastor Mike shares a recent encounter with a young lady who is a member of the Unification Church. Also, learn more about this religion and the founder (Sun Myung Moon) on today's show.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name's Mike Abendroth.
I am your host today. Steve Cooley's still on sabbatical, so I'm here by myself, my beautiful, selfish.
And I wanna tell you a little story. So today, it's a metanarrative.
People like to hear stories, don't they? Come here, kids, let me tell you a story. So here's the story.
I was going to Worcester yesterday to meet one of the elders at Bethlehem Bible Church for a dinner, a virtual, veritable working dinner.
And we were going to go through a few things. I got there a little bit early, was looking on my phone, checking out some apps or doing some emailing.
And a young lady came up to me. While I was in the car, I had my window down, and she had this oversized book.
It looked like a family Bible, but double the size. And she looked in her early 20s, and she said, hi, sir, how are you?
I said, fine. And she said, I'm a member of a youth group, and we're raising money to go to a youth camp for the week.
I said, oh, great. I said, I love youth groups. I love youth camps.
What church are you with? Because, of course, you just don't give money to people who are in a youth group.
I mean, Hitler's, you know, youth group, the,
I don't know, there's all kinds of weird youth groups, aren't there? I just want to know.
So I said, what youth group? And she said, without any hesitation or reservation, she said,
I'm with the Unification Church. I said, you're a Mooney? And she said, yes.
So we began a conversation, and I wanted to relate to her in an authentic, missional kind of way.
So, anyway, today we're going to talk about the Holy Spirit Association for the
Unification of World Christianity, also known as the Family Feud.
No, sorry, oh, by the way, side note, my wife and I, brother, sister, mother, we tried out for the
Family Feud in 1990, I believe, something like that, and it was post -Richard
Dawkins. It was that other guy. I think the other guy committed suicide, and you had to try out against the families, and I, of course, had to be like the number one guy in line.
Good answer. We beat two other couples in the practice rounds, you know, off air, off camera, and they said they'd call us.
Sounds like Hollywood, doesn't it? Don't call us, we'll call you. They said we made it to the next round, we should be on the show, and, you know, to this day, maybe they lost my phone number.
So, I don't know, but never made it. Big claim to fame,
Family Feud. All right, Unification Church, or it's also called
Unificationism. I never did the rest of the other one, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
And so, just to give you a little background of Moonification, now, some people don't like the word moony, although some of the people in their own organization,
I won't call it a church, they call themselves moony, and so I don't think it's, I think it's derogative, but I don't think it's unduly derogative, how about that?
Unduly. So, they have the Bible that they use, and they also have their textbook called
Divine Principle. And you will soon learn in the Divine Principle that God is creator, but he is a dual creator in the sense that he, or it, is both masculine and feminine.
The origin of this religion finds its roots in the same way, practically, that other religions have started.
Sun Yung Moon, he wasn't named that yet. He was 15 years old, on April 17th, 1935, and Jesus, allegedly, came to him and said that he,
Jesus, did not accomplish all the work he set out to do at Calvary. There was some stuff after his crucifixion that he did not get done, contrary to, it is finished, he tell us,
I pretty much know it's a false religion after that. When Jesus says it's finished, and then he appears later, supposedly, allegedly, contrarily, and then says
I didn't finish it all, and he shows up in 1935, of all times, and Moon prayed about it a little bit, thought about it, and changed his name later, and accepted the great mission.
Now, when it comes to Moonies, generally, they will teach that God is the heavenly parent of all humanity, they have eight textbooks that talk about holy blessing of marriage as a central sacrament, they talk about a special commitment to the building, excuse my,
I'm actually not trying to mispronounce these, I just don't know how to pronounce Korean words, Cheonilguk, the kingdom of God, where all humankind will come to live together as one family under God, I thought that was interesting.
What do they say about the Bible? Well, the Bible is to reveal
God's progressive revelation, that's interesting, it's unique, eternal, unchanging, but it is not sufficient, because in the last days, they've got to have extra truth, so we can get done what
Jesus didn't get done, see how that makes sense? Well, it makes perverted, horrible sense, but it's true.
In 1992, Sung Myung Moon, I always said
Sung Myung, maybe it is, but it looks like Myung, gave a wedding blessing for 30 ,000 couples at Seoul Olympic Stadium, 13 ,000 at Yankee Stadium, after the death of Sung Myung Moon in 2013, their church held a blessing ceremony for 3 ,500 couples in South Korea.
Now, I remember when I was a kid, that he would, if there's 25 people, 25 women, 25 men married, he would just match them up.
I don't know if that was true, that was just something I saw, it was in a movie, but I wouldn't doubt it.
What else can I tell you before I tell you the rest of my story with this young lady? This guy,
Moon, moved to America in 1959 and established his headquarters here, and some of the stuff that he did,
I can't even say, I guess if I was Mark Driscoll, I could say it, but I can't even say it on the radio, so you might want to look it up sometimes, a weird ritual called blood separation, they have intimate relations with people to cleanse themselves from Satan's influence.
Now, how does that sound for a cult? According to one report, in 1948,
Moon was arrested and jailed for bigotry, they had the accusation for bigotry and adultery.
Many of the Moon's sermons focus on sex and female submissiveness,
I cannot tell you what he said in his sermon called True Parents' Day, because I just don't go there.
1982, Moon convicted of federal income tax fraud, where he served 11 months out of the 18 -month sentence.
What else do you need to know? New York Times, 1976, quote, New York Times now, while church members accept
Moon's theology as revealed truth, non -members generally find it a mind -boggling mixture of, that's interesting, this is the
New York Times, mind -boggling mixture of Pentecostal Christianity, Eastern mysticism, anti -communism, pop psychology, and metaphysics.
Very, very interesting. The divine principle that I talked about earlier, it is a 536 -page spiritual compendium, and they call it the
Third Testament, hmm, isn't that special? Supposedly, it was a direct revelation of Jesus Christ to, from Jesus Christ to Moon.
They have some weird ways to interpret the Bible, and they have this way to interpret it, that resurrection doesn't mean raising from the dead, but it means to accept
God's word. Okay, if you just turned in, if you just tuned in, if you just tuned on, we are
No Compromise Radio, and we're talking about the Moon -ese. We're not talking about Nenar, the
Moon God that Abraham used to worship, but it's about the same ilk. The thieves on the cross, do you know what they were?
The one on the right, democracy, and the one on the left, left commies, communists.
See, they didn't, I've been to two theological seminaries and have studied the Bible for a long time.
I haven't, I didn't know that. The spokesperson for the
Moon -e Church, Dr. Kim, wrote, if Joseph was not the father of Jesus, who was? So we just get rid of the virgin conception there, the virgin birth, one fell swoop.
2004, dozen lawmakers in the US, congressional reception honoring him when
Moon then declared himself as Messiah. According to this account,
Moon told his bipartisan audience of Washington power plays that he would save everyone on earth as he had saved the souls of Hitler and Stalin.
In a vision, Moon said the reformed Hitler and Stalin vouched for him, calling him, quote, none other than humanity's savior,
Messiah, returning Lord and true parent, end quote. So when you really need to have yourself authenticated as a messenger and to have your message authenticated, then bring up a reincarnated spirit of Hitler or Stalin.
See how that works? See how that works. Moon, quote, therefore we can say that the life of Jesus was a failure.
Moon, quote, the principle clearly explains that our blessing has surpassed the standard of bride and bridegroom, which
Jesus could not accomplish. Moon, quote, Christianity is teaching that through belief alone you will be saved.
That is completely unreasonable. That does not amount to anything. Such nonsensical people are calling father a heretic.
Moon, quote, Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, and Muhammad can enter the kingdom of heaven only by receiving the true parent's blessing, if Moon marries you, in other words.
And the last little quote here, that is the true meaning of to be born again in true love and true father.
You know, if you believe that Moon was the true father. They teach that Jesus never went to heaven.
They teach that Moon gave Jesus Christ a physical moony wife.
I can't, I can't, I can't go on.
How can I go on? All right, let me quote a Bible verse. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be what, accursed.
As we have said before, so I now say again, if any man preach another gospel unto you than that yet, excuse me, than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
So the lady comes up to my car, this young lady, and she wants money for a youth group.
And I asked her, what's the youth group? She says, Unification Church. She didn't say Star Trek Enterprises, Galactic Mission, L.
Ron Hubbard. She said, no, the Unification Church. And I said, oh, you're a moony. She said, yes. And I said, now sometimes when false cult teachers come to my door, well, most of the time,
I'm not really that nice because I don't really like people who denigrate the
Lord Jesus Christ. But there are other times where I'm a little nicer and this time
I wanted to be nicer. By the grace of God, I just was nicer. So I said to her,
I looked at her like, in my mind, thinking she could be my daughter. And so I wanted to be kind.
And so I said, do you know, I need help. I'd love to go to heaven.
You're with the youth group and you talk about Bible and God and heaven and I'd really like to go to heaven.
How do I get to heaven? Help me. Heaven help. Touched by an angel and she said, well,
God is love and you have to be good. I guess she was doing the indicative imperative paradigm, allegedly, et cetera.
And I thought I'd just say for fun that I was being, this is for Ted's sake, I was being very winsome.
Winsome by being winsome. That's not what I mean by winsome. I know, Ted, it says something about win is spelled in a funny way in Beowulf.
So we'll just leave it at that. But I was trying to be nice to her. And so I said, well, then help me.
How do I get to heaven? You have to be good. Well, I said to her, but I'm not really good at all.
I said, I'm not good. I covet, I desire things
I shouldn't. I envy, I blaspheme God. I don't love him like I should. And I'm really bad.
I said, actually, I'm downright wicked. So how do I get to heaven? And she looked at me like, you really are wicked?
She didn't back up from the car or anything. She actually was closer than I think she should have been to a car for her own safety.
Not because of me. Well, I'm wicked, but I just don't think young ladies should get up to cars of strangers that close.
And I said, and you know what? I said, so are you. I said, you're wicked too. And she looked at me and I said, you're not good.
Actually, there's no one good. I said, the only good person who ever lived is named Jesus Christ, the
God man. And I said, you're not good either. You don't love your neighbor like you should. Tell me the truth now.
You've lied before and you've harbored bitter resentment in your heart.
You haven't been forgiving. You've coveted things. You haven't always honored your parents like you should have.
You have been selfish and self -righteous. I said, now
I need to know how to get to heaven. I'm 53, I'm gonna die sometime soon.
I could be your grandfather and I'm gonna die. And then what? I need help. And then it was very interesting what she said.
So they've been taught some. And so she said, yes, but this whole thing about accept
Jesus in your heart on your deathbed and then you go to heaven is nonsense. I said, well, if you are a thief on the cross in the gospel according to Luke, and you cry out,
Jesus, remember me in your kingdom. And Jesus on the cross then says to the thief, representing democracy.
See, I didn't know that part. I studied that after. You would have looked at the other thief, communism would have been fine.
He said, this day you'll be with me in paradise. Jesus forgave a scoundrel, sinful man on his deathbed.
And so I think I'm gonna go with what the Bible says. And the God who's created everything and created you is gonna judge you.
The standard is perfection. You need to be perfect to get to heaven and you're not.
You're just as wicked as I am. I said, here's the thing. I appreciate your zeal.
And I'm studying Romans. Tend to preach that this Sunday. But I said, it's not according to knowledge.
You try to come up with your own righteousness and you don't have any. You need to be forgiven, don't you?
And so we began to talk more and I began to tell her about who Jesus was and who
Jesus is. She pretty much was listening. I said, how old are you? She said, I said, you're about 25, right?
She said, I'm 18. I said, oh, you look older for your age. Behind me in the parking lot of Chipotle and Trader Joe's and Bollywood, what else is in that place?
Oh, Petco maybe. Behind me was a big black van with all the other students.
And so they just go to these parking lots and try to raise money. She still got this really funky big book. I needed to say something about the big book, but I just needed to talk to her about this other stuff.
So I said, you know, I don't know why I'm yawning right now. I'm trying to let you know that I'm not yawning, but I actually am.
I said, let me tell you about your culture from what
I know. You are to respect your culture, your elders, those in positions of authority, your grandparents.
And I said, I think American needs more of that and we are to respect them.
And what if your grandfather said something to you and you said, I don't believe you grandfather and I don't take you at your word.
And I don't, I don't believe it. I said, that would be, that would be bad.
It'd be bad move for anybody, let alone for you and your culture, culture.
I said, God has said specifically in his word that Jesus Christ was fully man.
He eternally existed, but he cloaked himself with humanity so he could be humankind's representative.
A man could actually die for men. And so he had to be fully man.
And he had also to be fully God because he was eternal God. And he also needed to be fully
God for the fact that the righteousness that he had could be of an infinite value and could be given to an infinite amount of people.
All those who would believe is actually who it's given to. And Jesus was raised from the dead. And the
Bible says you're supposed to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. What did they, what did
Paul say in Acts chapter 16? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And what you're trying to tell me is by being good and doing these other things that you do not take
God at his word. You do not believe God. Now, if it's a shame to dishonor someone in your culture who's older, who's a teacher, or like who's your grandfather how much more to dishonor
God? You've proven that you're sinful and wicked and you need to be forgiven.
And I'm telling you today that you just didn't stumble upon any car. You came to the perfect car.
I parked in this place because it was underneath a sycamore tree. I don't know what kind of tree it was, carob or something.
I parked underneath this tree randomly because it seemed like there wasn't some people, you know, gonna chip my doors or something by it.
And it was close to Chipotle. By the way, Chipotle, if you get a salad with everything on it, including dressing it's like 1300 calories.
So you gotta say no to the guacamole, no to the cheese no to the sour cream, no to all the good stuff. Just get lettuce.
I said, this was not random that you just showed up here. God wanted you to know about his son,
Jesus Christ the Lord who is a savior and is gonna be your judge. If you don't believe and repent stop thinking this way that you're thinking.
I said, you seem like a nice girl, a nice young lady but you are thinking wrongly and sinfully about Jesus.
And I want you to reconsider. She said, so you don't think I'm good? I said, no,
I don't think you're good. And I said, I think if you die today believing what you told me you believe in you're gonna go straight to hell.
She said, really? I said, yes, you're gonna go straight to hell because you've dishonored the father by dishonoring the son.
I said, but it's not too late. That's the good news. And the good news is you've come to the right place.
You didn't know it, but you have. And she said, well, I have to get going. And the van was over there waiting for her.
And so I carry in my car, I don't know about 10 or 12 ultimate questions by John Blanchard.
And I said, I have a gift for you. And I said, I dare you to read it. It's about the real
Jesus according to the Bible. And the only one who is the sin bearer of those who had believed.
The only one who's been raised from the dead and you need to believe in this Jesus. He's the only
God. You've got a zeal for spiritual things but you don't know what you're doing and you're just off worshiping something or someone else.
And so I said, what's your name? She said, my name's Karen. I said,
Karen, I'm gonna be praying for you. I'm gonna pray that God uses today and uses his word and uses this little booklet to save your soul.
Cause I want you to go to heaven. I said, Karen, I'm going to be praying for you.
So today on No Compromise Radio, I'd like you to pray for Karen the Moony. If you have unbelieving friends, of course
I want you to pray for them. But particularly, would you just take a minute out of your time when this show goes off the air and pray for Karen, the 18 year old young lady in Worcester, Massachusetts, who knows where she really is from, who needs to be born again.
Pray for her. Pray that God, like he did to Lydia, like he so often does at his good pleasure, great saving
God, opens people's hearts. He opens their minds so that they believe and that he grants them saving faith.
And think, if it wasn't for the Lord and his goodness, we too as Christians, we would have been worshiping
Nenar, the moon God, or we would be worshiping Sun Yung Moon, a person who so derogatorily speaks of Jesus in his finished work on Calvary.
Jesus said, Te telestai, I believe Jesus. And the Father then raised him from the dead for his veritable amen.
My name's Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio. You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth. Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.