TLP 404: Rebellion, Racism, Reason, and Rules
Who gets to decide what’s good and bad? What happens when we try to define it for ourselves? Can God’s definition of words really help us defeat racism and make the government work better? Take a step back to see the big ideas of the Season as AMBrewster reviews Season 16 and previews Season 17. Support TLP by becoming a TLP Friend! Discover the following episodes by clicking the titles or navigating to the episode in your app: “TLP 391: A Parent’s Final Words" “TLP 392: The Reality of Rebellion" “TLP 393: What Happens When Your Family Does What’s Right in Its Own Eyes?" “TLP 394: What Does It Mean to Teach Your Children to Think?" “TLP 395: God’s Truth, Satan’s Lies | and how to parent out of death into life" “TLP 396: Three Desires and Your Parenting | Dave Bender Interview" “TLP 397: How Children Understand Justice and Injustice | and how to teach them to think biblically about it" “TLP 398: What Makes Children Naturally Not Racist" “TLP 399: What Makes Children Naturally Racist" “TLP 400: Teach Your Children What the Bible Says about Racism" “TLP 401: Help Your Children Celebrate Biblical Diversity and Unity" “TLP 402: How Your Children Should Think about the Government” “TLP 403: Teach Your Children to Discern by Teaching Them to Divide” Click here for our free Parenting Course! Click here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram. Follow us on Twitter. Follow AMBrewster on Parler. Follow AMBrewster on Twitter. Pin us on Pinterest. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Need some help? Write to us at [email protected].
- 00:05
- So I produced enough notes to talk for about two hours uninterrupted, however on the day of the show
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- I ended up answering questions from listeners and I didn't get to any of my notes. Welcome to Truth.
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- Love. Parent. Where we use God's Word to become intentional, premeditated parents.
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- Here's your host, AM Brewster. Today's episode is the last of Season 16.
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- I hope you're looking forward to the Season of Grace and starting a new focus for both Truth. Love. Parent and the Celebration of God.
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- By the way, I know many of you are subscribed to the Celebration of God and all of you really should. The Celebration of God was created as a free resource for parents and all of the
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- COG episodes were part of the normal TLP podcast. But I realized the Celebration of God discipleship experience is valuable for all
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- Christians whether they have children or not, so the COG episodes were given their own podcast. I recommend that all
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- Truth. Love. Parent subscribers also listen to the Celebration of God for a well -rounded approach to biblical parenting.
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- Well, recently I made an admission on the COG that I wanted to share with you today. Recently I subscribed to DailyWire.
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- If you've ever heard of Ben Shapiro, then you know about what I'm talking. Anyway, I subscribed to DailyWire because I deeply respect what they're doing, but I also found that they have accepted a reality that I have up until today really struggled to get.
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- DailyWire produces amazing content, but they're supported solely by ads and subscriptions. That's it.
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- And they've done a really good job of balancing what they give away for free and what they charge for, and they communicate their needs well.
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- And this is what I've been struggling to really acknowledge. In our modern age of online everything, if a person really believes in the work someone is doing, that person is going to do four things.
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- First, they'll follow the organization on social media. Second, they'll subscribe to the organization's free resources, whether that be online articles, or podcasts.
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- Third, they will rate, review, and recommend the organization. And fourth, people who really believe in an organization are going to financially support the organization.
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- Now listen, I have never wanted Truth Love Parent to be about me. This has never been about self -promotion, getting famous, getting rich, or even getting vaguely popular.
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- Our mission is simply to take the majestic and glorious living word of our amazing God and get it into as many families as possible.
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- This is about being a city set on a digital hill. This is about helping parents become who God wants them to be.
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- But in today's technological age, a ministry needs two things to survive. First, they need their audience to follow, subscribe, like, share, review, discuss, rate, recommend, and promote.
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- They need audience interaction. Why is that? Well, there are so many talking heads out there. There are so many people claiming to speak truth, but there really are so few people actually dividing the word of God correctly.
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- People need their trusted friends to introduce them to the ministries that aren't going to lead them astray. And that's where passionate followers come in.
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- People like you who are fired up about a cause are going to talk about what's important to them. That's the first thing ministries need today.
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- Second, for a ministry like this to thrive, it needs financial resources. Whether it be for salaries, bills, or the ability to upgrade our tech to offer more resources or reach a bigger audience, it won't happen without money.
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- And I've always, always, always been hesitant to talk about those things because, well, I've been hesitant for lots of reasons that I'm realizing aren't important or even really
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- Christ -honoring. And anyone who's been with the show for a long time knows this. I've always hated asking for money.
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- But here's the thing. Evermind Ministries, the umbrella ministry of Truth Love Parent, AM Brewster, and The Celebration of God genuinely needs your help to reach people with the truth of God's Word.
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- We can't do it by ourselves, and God doesn't intend for us to do it by ourselves. So with all of that said, will you, yes, you, will you please subscribe to this show so you won't miss an episode?
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- But don't stop there. Will you not only follow us on social media, but will you also interact with our posts?
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- And will you seriously, prayerfully consider how you may bless this ministry by supporting us financially?
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- It's true that 99 % of our resources are completely free. Yes, you and anyone else can take advantage of them at no cost, but that doesn't mean we don't need support to continue producing all of this free content.
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- To be honest, that's why we embraced the 501c3 model. We didn't want to have to sell things to people.
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- We wanted to give God's Word away to whoever needs it, and we wanted to be able to rely on God to use
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- His people to support His ministry. So as we're coming to the end of the fiscal year and approaching Giving Tuesday, I'd like to ask you to consider becoming a
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- TLP friend. TLP friends are the individuals who give on a monthly basis so that we can continue creating these free biblical parenting resources.
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- Please click on the Become a TLP Friend link in the description of this episode. Even if you can only give $1 a month, that's $12 more a year that we can use to get
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- God's truth into the eyes, ears, and minds of families all over the globe. And of course, while you're there at that link, you can also access today's free episode notes and transcript.
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- Truth Love Parent is in an exciting time of growth. Come January, I will have been working on TLP full -time for a full year, and the board of directors, the advisory board, and I are working on some really cool ideas for the future.
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- Here's just one example. I'd love to raise funds so we can represent TLP at the March for Life in Washington this year.
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- Regardless of who ends up in office, supporting that movement will be extremely important. And there are so many other things in the pipeline.
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- But today's show is about stepping back and seeing the overarching themes we've been studying during the Season of Mercy.
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- By the way, if you don't know what the Season of Mercy is, you really do, again, need to subscribe to The Celebration of God. There's so much important stuff going on there.
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- Anyway, we try hard to schedule our seasons so that you don't have a bunch of random content being thrown your way.
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- We like for there to be a thematic flow so that not only does each episode strengthen and equip you in your daily parenting, but all the episodes work together to sharpen each other episode.
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- The title for this season is Rebellion, Racism, Reason, and Rules. Allow me to pick that apart so we can appreciate the bigger picture.
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- Let's start with the rules. One of the strongest points I tried to make this season, in nearly every episode, was the fact that someone has to decide what the rules are.
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- There is no reality in the universe that exists without rules. And mankind's propensity is to want to be the person who gets to decide what those rules are.
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- You do it. Your kids do it. Your government does it. And the rules don't just encompass what you're allowed to do, they also cover the meanings of words.
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- But my friends, God has the simpler and better way. Instead of mankind squabbling with each other over the definition of good and bad, truth and lies,
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- God, who created the world and knows best how to run it, has told us exactly what is good and what is bad, what is truth and what are lies.
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- He has perfectly communicated those realities in His Word, and that's why our first episode, A Parent's Final Words, showed us that the most important thing we can ever tell our kids is to ground their lives in the
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- Scriptures. Like Jesus' parable of the wise man and the fool, we must build our house on the rock that is
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- Jesus Christ and His truth. We also talked about what does it mean to teach your children to think, because it's not good enough to know the truth if we don't understand it and if we can't use it.
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- Episode 395 fit this line of thinking as we talked about God's truth, Satan's lies, and how to parent out of death into life.
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- Again, there is truth, and truth is the only thing that will lead to life. Our last episode built on this concept some more when we talked about how to teach our children to discern by teaching them to divide.
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- Once again, success is only going to be found in knowing the Bible, understanding it, and being able to apply it to our moment -by -moment experience.
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- But like I said before, mankind wants to make the rules for itself. They're not happy to let God do His job.
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- This is why our second episode of this season was about the reality of rebellion. We took a long, hard look at man's natural drive to reject all forms of authority.
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- Our next episode talked about what happens when our family does what's right in its own eyes. We looked at many of the consequences of sin.
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- God has warned us over and over and over again. It's all there in His Word. I think those two episodes also dovetailed well with the celebration of God focus on the
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- Day of Atonement and Halloween. We and our families need to dwell on the reality of our sin and the consequences it brings.
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- And then we took all these concepts and applied them to specific cultural realities. In each of those episodes, we opened the
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- Bible to discover God's definition and expectations concerning justice and injustice, racism, diversity, unity, and the government.
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- The world's thinking concerning those issues is so perverted, it's not based in reality at all. It's nonsensical and ridiculous.
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- But because we and our families are surrounded by that kind of thinking, it's extremely easy for us to be influenced by it.
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- We need a steady diet of Scripture in order to be able to identify and reject failure philosophies and lies.
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- I pray that each of those episodes deepened your knowledge and understanding and helps you teach your children to think God's thoughts after Him.
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- Now let's take a look at our plans for season 17. The first episode is a look into the season of grace, which starts on December 1st.
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- Then between the 8th and the 15th, we're going to release three special episodes. With all the talk about the incalculable downsides of 2020, we are going to revisit the best of 2020 and do a three -episode countdown of TLP's most popular episodes of the year.
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- I think they may surprise you. Maybe they won't, but they definitely will equip you to lead your family into 2021, whatever that may hold.
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- Then we'll be taking a two -week break for Christmas. Now if you're the kind of person who binges on podcasts even more over breaks and you're sad that we won't post a new episode for two weeks, take heart.
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- We have over 400 evergreen episodes packed with biblical, practical, and eternally relevant truth for your marriage and parenting.
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- Search by topic, listen to a series you haven't gotten to yet, revisit your favorite episodes, or just go back and finally listen to the shows you haven't heard yet.
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- There is plenty to study and you're welcome to it. By the way, TruthLoveParent .com has various ways for you to search our content.
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- You can use any of the search bars, but you can also search by guest, series, topic, and season.
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- Then, in January, we're going to open with our ever -popular Parenting Trends for the New Year, and after that,
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- I'm going to start a brand new series about the biggest parenting challenges you will ever face.
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- Let me give you a little sneak peek into how I came to this topic. A little while ago, I was asked to discuss the challenges of Christian parenting today on Iron Sharpen's Iron Radio with Chris Arnzem.
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- In preparation for that interview, I produced enough notes to talk for about two hours uninterrupted.
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- However, on the day of the show, I ended up answering questions from listeners and I didn't get to any of my notes. Of course, it wasn't a problem, it was a joy to answer those questions, but I realized
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- I had a lot of really great material already created. So we will be going through those notes, looking at each parenting challenge as a distinct unit but also studying how they interact with and affect each other.
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- I personally am really looking forward to that new series coming at us in January. Now if this season were a blessing to you, please rate and review the show.
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- Follow us on social media, but make sure you also interact with us there. Team TLP and I would love to talk to you on Facebook or wherever else you happen to be posting.
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- And most importantly, please consider giving a one -time gift or, better yet, becoming a TLP friend by giving on a monthly basis.
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- The Board of Directors and the Advisory Board just had a meeting and I'm so excited to see what the future of TLP will be, and I hope that you'll be there with us.
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- Remember, my friends, if we want our children to grow up into Christ, we must parent in truth and love—God's truth and God's love—according to His plan for His honor and His glory.
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- To that end, please join us next time as we look at the season of grace. Truth. Love. Parents.
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- is part of the Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional, premeditated parent.
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- Join us next time as we search God's Word for the truth your family needs today.