Episode 85: The Attributes of God
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“How vastly different is the God of Scripture from the god of the average pulpit.” A.W. Pink
Eddie and Allen take an Episode to discuss why our people need to know who God is and talk about some practical ways to teach on God's attributes in the local church.
- 00:00
- Welcome to the Ruled Church Podcast. This is my beloved son, with whom
- 00:05
- I am well pleased. He is honored, and I get the glory. And by the way, it's even better, because you see that building in Perryville, Arkansas?
- 00:13
- You see that one in Pechote, Mexico? Do you see that one in Tuxla, Guterres, down there in Chiapas? That building has my son's name on it.
- 00:21
- The church is not a democracy. It's a monarchy. Christ is king. You can't be
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- Christian without a local church. You can't do anything better than to bend your knee and bow your heart, turn from your sin and repentance, believe on the
- 00:37
- Lord Jesus Christ, and join up with a good Bible -believing church, and spend your life serving
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- Jesus in a local, visible congregation. I gotta say, it's nice to be seeing you again on a consistent basis.
- 00:52
- On a consistent basis, that's right. Two weeks in a row, is that consistent? Yeah, that's right.
- 00:57
- Yeah, we gotta keep it, even if you are late. Yeah, I was running a little bit late this week. But for you, late is on time.
- 01:05
- Yeah, I've been late a lot lately, more than... Like the last 40 years, or what?
- 01:11
- Yeah, something like that, 45, closer to 45. I was born early, though. I was a day early.
- 01:17
- That's the last time I was... That's classic. The last time you were early. Eddie is one of those guys that literally, he will be late to his funeral.
- 01:27
- Yeah, I hope so. No, hey, listen, on a serious note, I didn't talk to you about this before, but our friend, and you hear him at the beginning of the podcast,
- 01:39
- Brother David Miller is in ICU. I heard that last night.
- 01:44
- I haven't seen anything about it, but my wife sent that to me. She had heard that news as well.
- 01:51
- It's hard the way we record, so we're recording, what is today, Eddie? August 7th.
- 01:56
- August 7th, yeah. This should come out the first week of September, so we're about a month ahead.
- 02:02
- Not sure what all is going to happen, but I do express my deepest love and appreciation for Brother David Miller.
- 02:09
- He's been a dear brother. Yes, a godly brother, and really had an impact,
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- I know, on both of our lives and our ministry. I'm just thankful to the Lord for what He's done in his life.
- 02:21
- I just pray for that brother and the Lord's will to be done, of course. I'm thankful for Brother David.
- 02:27
- We prayed for him last night in family worship, and he's served the body well.
- 02:33
- He's been a bold brother. He's helped us both with the Expository Preaching Conference. I guess, do they even do that conference anymore?
- 02:41
- I'm not sure. No, I haven't heard in several years. Boy, I know. Man, that was great.
- 02:47
- It was one of the best things I've ever got to. That's right. Well, another thing that we did in family worship last night is a couple nights ago, we just finished through 2
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- Thessalonians. I was thinking, what are we going to tackle next or whatever?
- 03:08
- I decided, now we still recite Scripture and we look at verses and stuff, but I decided our main thing for just a little while is we're going to read through A .W.
- 03:18
- Pink's The Attributes of God. This is something the Lord has weighed heavy on my heart unexpectedly.
- 03:27
- Here's one thing. When you preach through books, do you outline your sermons before?
- 03:35
- Do you kind of like, okay, I'm going to preach X number of sermons before you start the series?
- 03:42
- No, I don't. Usually, I'll read the book, I don't know, a few times before I settle.
- 03:50
- For sure, I want to preach this book and then I kind of will basically say, okay, it looks to me like there are this many different units, if you want to think of it like that, but how many sermons each one of those units will take, that I work that out as I work my way.
- 04:10
- Because sometimes, I tend to take too much at one time and cover too much.
- 04:18
- As a matter of fact, this last week, I preached all of Judges 9 and I still feel like that's the only way
- 04:25
- I could have done it, but it was too much. Because it's 50 -something verses.
- 04:31
- I mean, it's the one story of Abimelech and Shekelman, all of that, but it was, man, it was such a large section of text, but it was one story.
- 04:42
- That's how I did it. But looking back on it, if I could have broke it down into two or three sermons, that probably, that maybe would have been better.
- 04:52
- The next thing, when I get into Jephthah, I know that's going to be at least three sermons.
- 05:00
- Yeah. Yeah, that's the way I do it. Well, a number of years ago, I say a number of years, it's a good number of years ago now,
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- I think it was in the fall of 2017, I preached through Jonah. And so I was thinking,
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- Nahum has been in the back of my mind as a book. It's kind of a follow -up, if you will, in a way, a hundred years later.
- 05:22
- I did the same thing. I preached through Jonah in the fall a couple of years ago, and then
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- I finished it up right before the Thanksgiving holiday.
- 05:35
- And so then I just basically preached a series around the kind of, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, through the first of the year,
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- I preached a series of messages, kind of dealing with Christmas. And then in January, I preached.
- 05:50
- Well, I've spread it out a little further than you, because I started seven years later.
- 05:56
- I started Nahum. They do go together. That's the point. Yeah. And so for me, so all this is getting to a point.
- 06:05
- So for me, I do try to kind of, I don't know why I do this because I never stick with it, but I kind of try to sketch out a little bit like, okay,
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- I think this is kind of what we're doing. So I read like you, I read Nahum, you know, several times, many times.
- 06:20
- Then I kind of charted through, okay, I'll probably preach about this many sermons. I don't know. It was like 12 sermons or something, you know, it's just three, three chapters, not, not a whole lot.
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- But what happened is, as I just began meditating on the, on the texts and starting off,
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- Nahum confronts us with who God is. That's how, that's how he starts out. You know, this is who
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- God is. The Lord, or the Lord is a jealous and avenging God.
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- And I just kind of overwhelmed with that. And so I've been preaching through the attributes of God from Nahum.
- 06:58
- So we've done the jealousy of God, the vengeance of God. This week we'll be doing, we took two weeks on jealousy of God, but this week we'll be doing the patience of God.
- 07:07
- He's slow to anger. We'll be doing the power of God and then the goodness of God. and he just confronts us before we talk about all that God's going to do in Nahum, it flows from who
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- God is reminding his people who God is. And so last night, back to the
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- AW Pink story last night, as we began looking at the attributes of God, here's a quote from AW Pink.
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- He said, how vastly different is the God of scripture from the God of the average pulpit?
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- And I just think brother, that all the problems, and we've talked about this before, all the problems in evangelicalism, all the problems in our nation, you know, all the problems in politics, it all really stems from one main route.
- 07:56
- There's a lots of things not trying to oversimplify, but here's the one main route.
- 08:01
- If you agree with this, we don't know God. That's right. Yeah. And I think because everybody claims that they, uh, everybody claims,
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- I'm not going to say everybody, of course, there are going to be atheists, but almost everyone claims some, some allegiance to the idea of whatever they consider to be deity.
- 08:21
- And they, and most around, at least around us are gonna give that the name
- 08:27
- Jesus or the name God, but it's not. Yeah, that's right. And so I will make an argument that it's our job as pastors or one of our job.
- 08:39
- Well, my main job as pastors is that our people would know God. And so I think that it's warranted periodically to have special focus on the attributes of God, whether that comes up in a text like Nahum, and you're just confronted with it in the text or whether, you know, you may plan a, a, a study or a, a teaching series or a preaching series.
- 09:05
- But, but, you know, in Colossians one, 10, one of the things that Paul prays for the church in Colossa is that they would be bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
- 09:20
- Now, now you think about that and you think about, you know, I'm not disparaging the church. I'm just talking about the average
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- Bible belt pew sitter, how little the thoughts of God occupy their mind.
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- And it, you know, I think MacArthur said it, Tozer said it, but basically, Hey, why don't you try to have a, why don't you try to have a service where the attraction is
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- God? You're not giving away anything. You're not, uh, you're not advertising how hip your music is or how lax your dress is or how relevant your sermons are, or, you know, summer movie series.
- 09:56
- You're just saying, Hey, we're going to preach God here. We think about programs.
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- We think about budgets. We think about getting the world to love us. We think about how far maybe we can go with this or that sin and not feel guilty, but we don't think about God.
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- And in for Nahum, as we began there, as we are still in this series, he, he just begins with this unavoidable reality confronting the people because, you know, because Nahum is not written to Nineveh.
- 10:28
- It's written to the people of God. It's about Nineveh, but he starts out. This is who
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- God is. You may like it. You may not like it, but there is no changing the reality.
- 10:41
- This is who God is. I've been talking for a while. So you, you bounce back here and well, just something that you, you said there kind of spurred something in my thinking, you know part of the reason why we see this in the modern church is probably because you think about that idea of what would happen if you're meeting your church meeting was the only draw was, was who is
- 11:11
- God and maybe a part of the reason why it's not that way is because so much of what the churches are trying to do is trying to draw unconverted people who don't have any affection for God, instead of going out to proclaim the gospel to unconverted people to proclaim who
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- God is to them and, and expecting them to draw near to the church after they've turned to that God.
- 11:44
- We, we tend to say, no, no, first, we're going to give you all kinds of reasons other than God to come to the meeting.
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- And then we'll tell you about who the God is. Maybe instead of saying, no, no, let's go out and tell you the God is, and when, when you want him, this is where you find it.
- 12:00
- Maybe that needs to be a whole nother episode because our meeting on Sunday, our main gathering is not an evangelistic meeting in the sense of we're trying to attract lost people to come to this meeting.
- 12:16
- You know, I preach the gospel every meeting and I think we should, but what, but what I'm saying is we've geared it up as we've made
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- Sunday morning, an evangelistic event where we are trying to get people and, and we'll even do lots of like, we'll think through, so this will tie into today's topic, but we'll think through like, okay, well we can't do that because that'll be boring to people.
- 12:39
- We can't do that because that'll make people uncomfortable. We don't want to, we don't want to sing these kinds of songs.
- 12:44
- We just want to sing, and I want to be careful, but you know, the seven 11 songs, they got seven words.
- 12:50
- We'll repeat them 11 times. You know, it's like what, and, and you read some of these old writers are so theologically rich in their songs.
- 12:59
- Now we're singing weird things. You know, I'm like sometimes when I hear certain songs, I'm like, okay, what does that mean?
- 13:06
- But, but all this ties into the reality that we think that God is boring. And the reality is, as you said, brother, the glorious reality is that God is all satisfying to the regenerate heart.
- 13:21
- Yeah, that's right. We don't learn more of God and find him boring for the
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- Christian. The more we learn of God, the more this world really becomes boring and God becomes more of a delight.
- 13:40
- It's like anytime like that's the wickedness of the prosperity gospel. I need to get more of God so I can get more stuff.
- 13:49
- And I would even add this and I'll toss it back to you. We got to be careful with the, you know, kind of the reform world.
- 13:56
- I'll get more of God and we'll have a Christian nation or whatever. But the, but, but I'm just saying, brother, the, the, the treasure of God is
- 14:05
- God. That's right. Yeah. I'm kicking it to you. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you, I'll tell you another thing
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- I would say to any, any pastor, uh, brothers that would be listening that might, might think, well, you know, you're coming into a church or you've been there for a while and, and you know that there's not a great appreciation for, for God, even among the congregation.
- 14:29
- You think, um, well, I'm going to start preaching. Well, you should, you should preach the scripture and you should preach the reality of who
- 14:36
- God is. That is what you should do. But you need to realize that what that's going to reveal is the distinction between the believers and believers.
- 14:45
- Yeah. When, when Paul writes to the Corinthians, he's dealing with the issue of their fellowship around the
- 14:51
- Lord's table. But he says, um, to them in first Corinthians 11, he says, for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be reckoned.
- 15:04
- And I think there are a lot of churches that if you go in and you begin to accurately and fully the scriptures and what the scriptures reveal about who
- 15:13
- God is, one thing that's going to be revealed is that not everybody there believes. We're not just talking about out.
- 15:20
- And we're not talking about the people walking around out in the street that never show up. I'm saying the people that do show up probably every
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- Sunday, they've got their spot marked off. Again, I WP out that they're not believers.
- 15:35
- I'll go back to that quote. How vastly different is the God of scripture from the God of the average pulpit? So let's blame for, you know,
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- I mean, there's lots of blame to go around, but we can, we can own that, that the, the, the
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- God in the pew starts with the God in the pulpit. Sure. So yes, uh, everybody shares some blame, but the reality is if, if God is not preached rightly from the pulpit, then we for sure can't imagine him being thought of and adored rightly in the pew.
- 16:09
- And I would also add here just to make sure it's clear, if you listen to our podcast enough, you already know this, but let's just state this up front.
- 16:15
- You have to know God from his word by the Holy spirit, opening up our minds and hearts, illuminating the word of God.
- 16:23
- God is a God who has revealed himself in the scriptures. That's where we understand who
- 16:29
- God is. And we have to, we have to take him for, for how he has revealed him. There's a lot of syncretism here in the sense of like, okay,
- 16:37
- I'm going to take some Bible verses. I'm going to take some stuff from modern culture, maybe some movies.
- 16:43
- I'm going to take some stuff that, you know, little sayings. My grandma has always said,
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- I'm going to mix all this together. And I'm going to come up with my concept of who
- 16:54
- God is. But what we're saying is that's not right. You have to let the scripture reveal
- 17:00
- God to you. You have to let the scripture shatter, even your view of God. So let's kind of move to this topic a little bit.
- 17:09
- So you've kind of broached it a little bit, but where would you encourage pastors?
- 17:15
- How practically would you encourage to, to preach or teach about the, so you already warned them,
- 17:21
- Hey, you start doing this, you may cause a little bit of division. So that's already scared some off, right?
- 17:26
- Some are like, yeah, I ain't doing it. It's not what I need right now, but I encourage you. If you keep going on,
- 17:32
- I don't care what success you have at your church, how many baptism, how much buildings you're building.
- 17:37
- You know, I don't care what it is you're doing. If you don't get God, right. What have you accomplished?
- 17:43
- Yeah. So I love that question, but I actually want to throw a question back to you that maybe would even be prior to that one.
- 17:50
- Okay. Okay. So, um, cause I think we are kind of imagining that our listeners are pretty informed, you know, uh, and so we're having this discussion, but I'm thinking back to where I was, you know, almost 30 years ago, but as a young man in the church, uh, growing up in a church that was not real theologically deep, you know, you know, we were singing all the songs that were popular back in the nineties and the sermons were, were pretty shallow.
- 18:26
- And I think I would not have even, if you just said, we're going to talk about the attributes of God, I would have been, well,
- 18:33
- I don't know what you're talking about. So I'm going to throw it back to you, brother, to say if, if, if somebody walked into your church and they're like,
- 18:40
- I don't even know what you're talking. Yeah. What, so what, what would your answer be to, to, to kind of get, first of all, let's just define what are we getting at when we say the attribute of God?
- 18:54
- Yeah, that's good, brother. I mean, simply when we talk about attributes, we're just talking about the character of God and we're talking about who
- 19:03
- God is. And I understand the big debates right now about, uh,
- 19:09
- God doesn't have any attributes. He's all one in the simplicity of God and amen. Okay.
- 19:15
- And I would say in this, in the sense that there is, you know, we affirm the simplicity of God. We also, though, affirm that the
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- Bible has got us in his wisdom, has seen fit to reveal himself to us in,
- 19:30
- I don't know, this isn't theologically technical bite size ways that we can process, you know, he doesn't say, um, uh, so three times in Nahum one, two, uh,
- 19:44
- Nakim, Nakim, Yahweh is the Hebrew. I think Yahweh is avenging. Yahweh is avenging.
- 19:51
- Yahweh is avenging three times. It's actually a verse. I mentioned to people like, we don't think about that. We, we know
- 19:56
- Isaiah six, three Yahweh is, or the Lord is, uh, Holy, Holy, Holy is the
- 20:01
- Lord of hosts. We know that, but we don't hear, but that's a threefold repetition in Nahum one, two as well, that Yahweh is avenging and the scriptures have seen fit to reveal himself to us in real
- 20:14
- God to us in these ways. So we see he's a jealous and avenging
- 20:20
- God. So in one sense, all that is in God is God. I'm getting a little more technical than you probably asked, but what we're trying to tell the average person is, look, the
- 20:31
- Bible has given us a picture of God. I'm going to use here.
- 20:36
- How about this? I'm going to use the analogy. AW Pink did in his chapter one. He said, um, not, he said, savage.
- 20:43
- Can you say savage? Is that okay? That's fine. Okay. So I'm just telling this, what pink says, we'll take it up with him.
- 20:50
- But he says, if a savage finds a watch, he can know that there, that watch had a creator.
- 20:56
- And that's true. So he's talking about, he didn't use these, this language. He was talking about general revelation.
- 21:02
- You have to be an absolute fool, a wicked, immoral person to look at creation and be like, nah,
- 21:08
- I don't know. This just came, this came like, no, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know,
- 21:42
- So a general revelation comes to God, so you have general revelation. Okay, obviously there's a God, but you have special revelation that specifically says, this is what kind of God he is.
- 21:52
- And all that long answer to say, that's what the attributes of God are saying. So someone is like, I have no, I have no idea what you're saying.
- 21:59
- Okay, what I'm saying here, dear brother or sister is the Bible has revealed to us what
- 22:05
- God is like, and we dare not think of God. And I think this is thing.
- 22:10
- Like, I think people actually think this they may not articulate it this way. I think it's okay Hey, look, it doesn't really matter what you think as long as you just have good thoughts of God It's okay.
- 22:20
- You can have your thoughts. I have my thoughts and we just go on saying no, that's not okay We have to think of God as he has shown himself to be in the scriptures
- 22:31
- Did that answer you? I don't know man Yes, it did now So now I think that makes us ready for the question that you were asking is so so how do we how do we teach that?
- 22:43
- How do we bring that? How do we actually bring that to God's people and of course we would say well
- 22:49
- It's got to come from all of Scripture and there and and that would that would include
- 22:55
- The epistles that would include the gospel, but I do want to say I think that one of the reasons why there is less right thinking in a lot of churches oftentimes about God is because Maybe the places in Scripture that would cause us to to really meditate on who
- 23:14
- God is Or where we don't preach. Mm -hmm, because we don't preach from Nathan, right?
- 23:21
- We don't preach from the Old Testament as much where Yahweh We don't what if people do go to Revelation where we see
- 23:31
- Yahweh and his attributes revealed. It's just to know about How's the end times gonna work out instead of what's this telling us about God?
- 23:41
- So one of the big issues is we've got to start reading our Bible to know who God is
- 23:46
- Not so that we can just know. Hey, what am I supposed to do? How can I make sure
- 23:52
- I go to heaven and not hell how can I I mean? I think so often so much of what people go to the
- 23:58
- Bible for is for themselves They're reading the Bible. I'm reading the Bible for me instead of to know who
- 24:05
- God is Bible Bible trivia What does John 17 3 say you remember
- 24:11
- I stumped him and you'll know You'll know when I say I put you on the spot.
- 24:16
- Jesus is prayed Now I think that might be verse 5 but he says and this is eternal life
- 24:24
- What is eternal life and this is eternal life that they know you right?
- 24:29
- The one true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent this everything hinges on this
- 24:34
- So you talk about we need practical sermons preach about marriages preach about families preach about, you know church membership
- 24:41
- Hey, look, man, I preach about all those things Absolutely, and we should preach about those things.
- 24:47
- Absolutely There's nothing wrong. In fact, I would argue this I'm big time into Joel Beakey's philosophy of not just expositional preaching but experiential preaching like If you're preaching verse by verse three books of the
- 25:02
- Bible and it's not applied in real time to people's lives today in 2024 then then then you're missing something in your preaching.
- 25:12
- So so Absolutely, but let me say this. There's nothing more practical than knowing
- 25:19
- God, right? Right? Yeah So so I have a few yeah, so that's one thing
- 25:25
- So one way to approach this how to introduce your people to God is just by preaching
- 25:31
- The the text so there's more there's some texts that lead this easily more easily than others and and so like you said in the
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- Old Testament name I was I would even say I Think the central text maybe of all the
- 25:50
- Bible is where God Himself reveals he says this is who I am so Moses on the mountain and he's so bold so audacious as To call upon God to show him his warrior and then in Exodus 34
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- God He comes to reveal him and honestly not just to Moses But it's in the scripture so that he to us and it says that Yahweh passed before him and proclaimed
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- Yahweh Yahweh a God merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faith
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- Keeping steadfast love for thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and but who will by no means clear the guilty
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- Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children the children's children the third and fourth generation and there we behold
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- God Merciful and gracious and yet a God who's just and holy We see
- 26:44
- God there in his attributes even as he reveals him and we see God say that he's merciful and gracious That he's slow to anger the patience you talked about earth.
- 26:54
- We talk we see his love and his faithful We see his forgiveness kindness and yet at the same time we see that he is one who's just and that he never
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- He never just puts things aside, but he deals with sin and sinners
- 27:08
- And so, you know, I think this is one of the key texts in all of the scripture to point out who
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- God is man even just that text focusing on that that text as a way of thinking about the
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- God that we're worship and that we're preaching from Every part of Scripture. This is the
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- God of them. Amen. So so One thing is and here's just another thought
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- I just had is also Singing right songs about God Yeah, we could do a whole nother episode on that but don't sing songs like reckless love, right
- 27:43
- Okay, but also let me say this and positively try to work in and I don't know where you're at on this
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- I don't know where you guys are at 80 and I don't know where any Church listeners may be at but I would encourage that Try to incorporate some psalms into your worship, you know get to that point
- 28:00
- I think it's important obviously some people but I can't believe you said like that You should stop everything you're doing and sing psalms this
- 28:06
- Sunday Well, okay But I mean like I understand the practical and introducing all that and think about when we sing the psalms we learn more about God Anyway, so I would say one is you can preach sermons
- 28:20
- Specifically about the character of God in what you're already doing in expositional preaching. Okay, but so that just kind of came up That's like just by God's grace that kind of came up in a home and I'm just like wow
- 28:32
- I mean, I'm just studying and God's confronting me with this and his word and I'm like, okay
- 28:37
- This is what we need to do, but I've done other things too I've preached a series from you know
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- Isaiah 6 3 on what does it mean that God is holy or first Timothy 6 there's a little doxologies, you know around There's that one in first Timothy 6 and it is
- 28:57
- I'm looking it up real quick. Yeah 6 16 Who who alone has immortality who dwells in unapproachable light whom no one has ever seen or can see?
- 29:09
- To him be honor and eternal dominion forever or you think about the one I won't I'll just mention this one the one in Romans 11 or like you said
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- Exodus 34 or how about this Exodus 3 when God reveals himself to Moses?
- 29:23
- He's like, well, who do I say suppose I go who do I say sent me tell him I am
- 29:28
- I am who I am What does that mean? but I'm just gonna say this and and hopefully doesn't come across as too harsh of a rebuke to some pastors because I know some of you listening you need to you need to be encouraged but listen some of you don't want to do this because you you don't
- 29:45
- Know God well enough yourself and and for you my encouragement would be like hey get serious in the scriptures thinking through Some recommended resources
- 29:56
- Tozer does good on the on the attributes of God. There's a two -volume
- 30:02
- He also has the one little book called the knowledge of the Holy AW pink does good on the attributes of God You want to get heavy you want to do some heavy lifting you can do
- 30:13
- Sharnock Stephen Sharnock existence and an attribute the existent existence, sorry the attributes of God and I'm just saying it's a good goal as we
- 30:25
- I don't we're not at the beginning of year but it's kind of a it's kind of a new time of year for us because we were so We're so revolve around kind of like the school system, you know, so we're going into the fall
- 30:39
- It's a good time of year to say hey I need to know God better and I need to make sure my people know
- 30:45
- God rightly So there's just some thoughts there Yeah and I would even say even if you're not gonna do for the
- 30:54
- Pastors you may not be gonna preach through a book or teach through a book but maybe you need to just take a book for your own personal study and say
- 31:05
- I'm about to Spend the next month and I'm just gonna work my way through Isaiah Just maybe several times
- 31:14
- Mm -hmm. You will have a deeper greater understanding of the attributes of God if you work your way through Isaiah, you know several or just read.
- 31:25
- Yes, and Whatever book it may be Isaiah is an absolutely excellent
- 31:30
- Jeremiah, but as well, but whatever book you're gonna read through you're just like okay,
- 31:37
- I'm gonna specifically pay attention here to what this book tells me about God and This is all over the scriptures come and know me or Oh taste and see that the
- 31:47
- Lord is good or draw near to God He'll draw near to you or seek the Lord while I may be found
- 31:53
- I like just understand that the Bible in one sense not to oversimplify it brother but in one sense is one big invitation to come know
- 31:59
- God and Read the Bible with that lens if you will read the Bible with that understanding like I'm reading this
- 32:07
- Because this is who God has revealed himself to be and so I must know him in in the in the scriptures again
- 32:15
- Theology resources I do think are helpful But we start with the scriptures
- 32:23
- Biography resources are helpful man You want to you for look at how these people in the past how they knew and sought
- 32:30
- God and how it? Changed you want to talk about again practical? yeah, but my people just need practical your people will have quite a practical response to Encountering God rightly now as you say there's a warning the warning label here
- 32:47
- Maybe some people leave, you know, I hope not maybe some people are like no
- 32:52
- It's I don't like to think of God that way, you know for for example, I preached on God's vengeance
- 32:59
- You know, I don't like to think of God that way This is who God is and in fact three times in the text
- 33:07
- He says he's avenging which you never have a text that says three times. God is love.
- 33:13
- God is love. God is love again I'm not weak. We cannot pit the attributes against one another but seems to me in God's wisdom he understood and understands that there will be a proclivity of the human heart to Rest upon his love and twist that to their own distortion and Reject his jealousy reject his vengeance reject his holiness reject his justice.
- 33:39
- We need it all we need his love We need his mercy. We need his grace. We need his vengeance. We need his jealousy.
- 33:45
- We need his justice We need his wrath We need to understand all of these things because they give us a more complete picture of the one triune simple
- 33:56
- God and And and who he has revealed himself to be well, you know
- 34:01
- We don't have time to launch out into a full -on discussion of of the metaphysics of divine
- 34:08
- Simplicity, of course, but one thing I would say I think we can we can speak the way the the
- 34:15
- Bible's Listen brothers. It's not wrong to speak the way the Bible's and the
- 34:20
- Bible the Bible says God merciful and gracious You can speak the way the
- 34:26
- Bible without fear that I'm gonna be attributing these things to God wrongly not if we speak the way the
- 34:34
- Bible Well, I would argue to practically and we want to talk about you know Tomism and all these things look some of these things are important for us to get right obviously in our foundation
- 34:45
- I'm not arguing that but if you want to stand in your pulpit and preach about Thomas Aquinas metaphysical, you know realities of God or whatever.
- 34:55
- I would argue that you're being dumb stand in the pulpit and Preach what the text says?
- 35:02
- Obviously you need to have these underpinnings of the triune Simple God and all yes.
- 35:09
- Amen. Of course, of course, we wouldn't no one's denying that to my knowledge No one's denying that but if you cannot say to your people
- 35:18
- God is merciful. God is just God is Gracious, you know like don't is love.
- 35:26
- God is love. God is Avenging God is
- 35:31
- Jealous, why has the wise and holy and wonderful God?
- 35:37
- Revealed himself to us in this way because our brains Cannot comprehend his fullness, you know, so we take these again not theologically technical language
- 35:48
- We take these bite -sized view of pictures of God if you will understanding that it makes up one simple undivided essence of Of the triune
- 36:00
- God, but this is the way God is revealed because this is the way that we learn This is the way that we come to know and the more that we truly know of God the more we are in all of him
- 36:10
- Yeah, that's right. Well, I think we've pretty much taken up a whole episode there brother.
- 36:15
- I think so man This has been good discussion. I hope it's been helpful to my soul. Oh me too, brother.
- 36:22
- It's always good talking to you I hope it's been helpful to others, uh, you know, my great encouragement and it may not be next month
- 36:28
- It may not even be this fall. Maybe you're preaching you're thinking through, you know, 2025
- 36:34
- But I would really encourage our our brothers listening to this if you have opportunity in the near future
- 36:42
- Take an opportunity whether it's in maybe you teach Sunday school or when you could do it on Wednesday night or maybe
- 36:48
- Sunday morning Sunday Night, but but have a focused time. We say hey guys
- 36:53
- Let's be reminded for a few weeks six weeks six months. Whatever the case. This is who?
- 37:00
- God is and this is why it's important that we know him as he has revealed himself to be we don't understand
- 37:06
- God, right? We don't understand the gospel. The gospel doesn't make sense. What is this?
- 37:12
- What's happening here? Jesus taking on divine justice Why it all comes into who
- 37:20
- God is what he didn't earn and here's a wonderful thing God doesn't need us. We don't add to his glory by knowing him more
- 37:28
- God delights in revealing himself to us Isn't that a beautiful thing that God wants us to know him out of pure delight in his own glory not out of need for Adoration or whatever the case man and since since we are made in the image of God Unless we really know who
- 37:49
- God is. We really don't know who in kind Oh good. We are even as as people made in his image.
- 37:55
- We don't know what we were intended to be And we don't know the full depth because we don't see how far it is
- 38:03
- That's all of that is bound up who is God? Yeah, amen. Well, ah Always good to talk to you brother.
- 38:10
- Hope this is helpful to some I look forward to To getting on next week.
- 38:16
- We will get on next week You have at some point we'll have to skip a week because you'll have I'll be it's wagon race and I can't wait
- 38:24
- I can't wait to hear about that. That'll be good. Well, you got anything else in no,
- 38:29
- I'm good, man Hey, give us that classic sign off If you really believe the church is the building of churches the house the church is what
- 38:40
- God's doing this this is his work if we really believe what Ephesians says we are the poem off the masterpiece of God How you gonna respond?